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Explosive story from steve bannon in alabama. Well talk more about the mitt romney tirade. And new details on the president s overnight call with romney. Talk about timing as we wait for the president s sign to show up on capitol hill. He left the trump hotel minutes ago. Hes talking with the House Intelligence Committee there as part of the russia investigation. So youre going to want to hear about the exclusive nbc news reporting on his trump tower meeting with the russian lawyer. Went to start here in washington with our team of reporters spread out. Kristen welker is over at the white house. When we talk about the jerusalem argument, this boils down to the president saying the status quo has not worked so far. This was a key campaign promise. I just spoke with a senior official who underscored that point, but also those who made the point that you just raised which is what we have been doing has not worked. So why not take this step, which by the way past president s said they were going to take only to abandon it once they got into the white house, including former president s like george w. Bush, but also they think this could actually, and they are arguing, that taking this step could help to spark new negotiations by taking this very contentious issue off the table. And then, haley, this is a very important point for you to hear the president touch on this point in his remarks later today, which is that the administration is not weighing in on the sovereignty of all of jerusalem. That that still needs to be negotiated under the peace talks. Kellyanne conway defending the move earlier today. Shes a senior adviser. Take a listen to what she has to say. This president needs it. Hes promising to deliver on it but he didnt deliver in day one as he is consulting with the leaders around the world. Most importantly, hes consulting with the own National Security and Foreign Policy team. All right. Reporter secretary of state Rex Tillerson also weighing in on this during his diplomatic trip. Hes in brussels today saying that he is still very much believing that there is a Good Opportunity for peace to be achieved in the region. Of course, one of the key concerns is what will this mean for the United States relationship with its allies in the region. We have been reporting on the fact that President Trump has been talking to them. A senior official telling me, look, they have expressed concern including manuel macron of france, for example, other allies in the region. However, this official insists that it will not harm the United States relationship to work with these allies on other Critical Issues like north korea and, of course, hallie, continues efforts in middle east peace. I want to go to jerusalem where Ayman Mohyeldin is with us. Kristen talks about how the white house and our reporting here, white house Officials Say we think this will jumpstart the Peace Process. There are real questions about what this means for peace talks and for violence, chaos, where you are right now. Reporter yeah, i know. If you were to look at it and kind of expect President Trump to finesse the language about this, the former ambassador to israel said theres a way to use this announcement to advance peace. He could say, yes, the u. S. Is moving the embassy but moving it to west jerusalem. Thats certainly not something a lot of palestinians would care about. They care about East Jerusalem as the future capital of the state. Its the part of East Jerusalem considered occupied under International Law and multiple Security Council resolutions. From their perspective, theres a way for the president to come out to say we will move the embassy and recognize this as the capital of his preaisrael. Thats not likely going to happen. Nobody here i have spoken to is expecting that kind of diplomatic maneuvering to take place. That is why youre seeing a little bit of anxiety and tension among the Palestinian Authority and ordinary palestinians. Will this change the reality for most palestinians living in East Jerusalem in probably not. But the longterm symbolism could be catastrophic for the palestinian leadership and the stability and security across the region. Thats the concern that leaders here both in the arab world, muslim world, Palestinian Authority are expressing to the white house privately. And ayman, quickly, you talk about and hear about this socalled three days of rage that is set to start today following the president s announcement. What are you seeing on that . What does that mean . Reporter so were expecting official protests to take place in the west bank city of romala. Thats what the Palestinian Authority says they will let happen. They usually clamp down on these protests against the u. S. And what have you. Those are scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. The real concern is going to be following friday prayers here in the old city behind me and well get a sense of how heightened security measures will be if they decide to close access. The young palestinians who want to come to worship on friday. Usually after friday prayers, thats the clash point, and you have the volatile situation where the military infractions there and the possibility to react be firing rockets or engage in the potential attacks against advertise really Security Forces along the border of gaza. Live for us in jerusalem, well come back to you as the story develops. And i want to get more on the reaction from some of the allies in the middle east from the Foreign Correspondent matt bradley in cairo. Matt, the president reached out to egypts president who warned against making the change and he was not the only one. Theres almost nobody, allies in the region, who believe that this is a move that is going to be helpful to the peace talks here. Reporter thats right, hallie. In egypt alone, it wasnt just the president assisi who warned President Trump not to move the embassy. And one of the oldest seat of Sunni Islamic learning is also based in cairo and right down the street from me. The arab league issued a stern warning to meet with diplomats on saturday to discuss the situation. Its a consensus among the diplomats and higher politicians in the region. Everybody is saying, dont do it. But on the arab street, and that is what were seeing here in cairo, it really is kind of a different story as ayman was mentioning. This is not something that is necessarily going to resonate here. And that is what why we are seeing a lot of people who are are not really paying attention. Were seeing there hasnt been any plans for any major protests either tonight or even on friday. Now, hallie, that doesnt necessarily mean that there arent going to be protests. Indeed, in jordan where the population is about 60 palestinian, we could see something, if anything, its going to be on friday. But it really just goes to show that here in the arab world, we have seen six years of the arab spring, horrific violence throughout the region, terrorist attacks and so many of these countries have now voted in or allowed autocratic leaders like the president assisi who have been running and really governing on a platform of law and order. They are forbidden any more protests. And thats kind of popular. A lot of people here are just tired of protesting. They are tired of the political volatility that is defined in the region for the past six to seven years. And people here are not going to be interested in seeing more protests over something that is in a foreign country. Hallie . Matt bradley in cairo, thank you. As matt was popping, a note popped into my email here, information from the White House Senior Administration official saying it is time to move past the political fiction they say of the u. S. Not knowing where the capital is in israel. I want to get reaction from the former ambassador to israel and egypt, daniel kertzer, thank you for being with us here. And let me ask you about this, the white house seems to believe and is saying it believes that this will Spark Movement on the Peace Process, pointing out just moments ago there are allies who are still talking with the president. Nobody has said according to this official, hey, were not going to talk to you anymore. So you know this, you served under president s george w. Bush and president bill clinton, can this move the Peace Process forward . Look, if there were a nuanced statement as Ayman Mohyeldin stated that recognized the capital of jerusalem in israel and held out the promise of the recognition of the palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, that would be a creative diplomatic move and may jumpstart things. But i dont believe that anybody seriously thinks that a unilateral action to support only israels position is going to help the Peace Process. The president says he wants to make the ultimate deal and hes just really shot himself in the foot on this question. But so what is the impact of this then . Shortterm, longterm, you see the president has shot himself in the foot. Do you see that position continuing to hold for the next three to four years . Well, it really depends on what happens next. If, in fact, the administration recovers from this by reaching out to palestinians and trying to meet some of their concerns and reasserts itself as an honest broker, then this doesnt have to be fatal. But at the moment, this is supportive only of one side on a very sensitive and emotional issue. It does recognize a reality that we have dealt with as ambassador. In diplomacy, sometimes you maintain a fiction in order to preserve a role as an honest broker. That is critical to watch in the period ahead. In your view, is President Trump unable to be perceived as an honest broker by the arab world because of this move . As of this afternoon, once he makes his statement, if it is what the reports indicate it will be, yes, he will be seen as having taken the United States out of that role. It will mean that his team, jared kushner, jason greenblat, have hard work to do just to get back to a point where we can call ourself a mediator. Does the white house at all have a point here that so far the status quo has not worked, that nothing has changed for decades, past president s said they also want to make this move, havent, ultimately, why not try Something Different is the white house argument. Does that hold water in any way . No, not really. Hallie, if trump had said when he entered office that the Peace Process was more abun up dant and would focus elsewhere, everyone would have understood it. But he raised expectations to say he would make the ultimate deal, which suggests that his team would learn from experience, know how to do this, be nuanced and careful, and this move suggests they have not learned anything. The Peace Process is not going anywhere. This only makes matters worse for u. S. Diplomacy and u. S. Standing with its friends in the world. Before i let you go, clearly this is a gamechanger, is this the end of the game . The final nail in the coffin . No, not at all. The reason being that there is still a conflict between israel and the palestinians and much of the arab world. And we know that the answer is going to be a twostate solution. We know there has to be a sharing of jerusalem as the capital. So it may not be a setback, but it is not the end of the big game. Ambassador daniel kurtzer, thank you for joining us on a critical day for President Trump and Foreign Policy. And we want to talk about the big news in alabama. The democrat is shifting to go after the republican accused of sexually accusing a teen girl as steve bannon campaigning for roy moore goes after everybody. So is that going to be enough red meat to convince voters to show up on tuesday . Well hear from the voters after the break. [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. 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Never have i voted for a democrat before, but i think theres enough evidence out there, even if you want to vote for roy moore, you cant ignore it. Its pretty bad. What would be the difference in voting for donald trump as opposed to not voting for roy moore . 16yearold and 18yearold girls as opposed to grown women. Roy moores economic message appeals to me but i cant get over his history. Im 31 years old. One year younger than he was when he propositions a 14yearold. This is the deep south. This is south alabama. Were deep in the bible belt. People care about ethics. Those are just some of the voters we have been talking to down south as this morning sweet home alabama is looking downright nasty. Its partly because of Steve Bennett campaigning for roy moore but focusing on mitt romney accusing him of using his religion to avoid vietnam. Steve bannon receiverd five pats for going to vietnam. You went to france while people were dying in vietnam. Do not talk to me about honor and integrity. Jeff flake has done nothing but run the president of the United States down since the president won. A vote for doug jones is a vote for the clinton agenda. By the way, mitch, the tax cut is not going to save you, right . The tax cuts, okay, but its not going to save you. Are we going to let a bunch of elites that have pillared this country over the last 30 to 40 years, are we going to allow them to win . Friend of the show, jeremy peters, was at the rally last night and will be our panel for the next 40 minutes. Jeremy, a note by the way, as steve bannon went after mitt romney last night, President Trump was on the phone with mitt romney in what is described as a courtesy call. Mitch mcconnell in the last few minutes said hes a great man, but this is really a moment, right . You have the rnc run by mitt romneys niece, deciding to now revoke the earlier decision to pump a bunch of cash into the race. Then 24 hours later, the man after the republican senator candidate goes on stage and in personal terms attacks the romney family. Jeremy, what is happening . Reporter i think, hallie, the Republican Party is now publicly acknowledging what they have been saying privately for week weeks, which is as odious as many of them find roy moore to be, it is better to have a republican in the seat than a democrat. You have one on the right side of the Republican Party with the rested angry conservative grassroots saying, yeah, im going to vote for roy moore because he is a finger in the eye of Mitch Mcconnell and the republican establishment. And you have republicans kind of, who i would describe as more indifferent about the allegations. They may not like them. They may make them uncomfortable as one man i interviewed last night told me, but hes not going to vote for real live democrat as he put it. So republicans need that indifference to these very, very serious allegations in order to thrive politically right now. Is that what bannon is trying to do, jeremy . This was going down throwing a ton of red meat to try to stir up turnout versus aiming at undecided voters to wake up to say, ill vote for roy moore because of what i just heard from steve bannon. What bannon is trying to do is something much larger than alabama. He believes that he can create a republican insurrection against the leadership in washington against Mitch Mcconnell, maybe against paul ryan, although paul ryan is kind of as the back of his mind right now because Mitch Mcconnell is the focus of all the anger. So this is this was never really about roy moore. This was about trying to convince voters in alabama and much farther beyond that republicans in washington want to take away your voice, they want to take your vote, disenfranchise you. Thats why, if roy moore wins, bannon needs mcconnell to act swiftly to either try to expel roy moore or to drag him through a messy ethics process so the civil war continues. Let me bring in anna and eugene here because one of the things jeremy is talking about is the broader picture. You heard steve bannon say doug jones is a vote for what he called the clinton agenda. Theres not a clinton in office right now. And there hasnt been one for years here. So what is the point of having that conversation . Well, it is twofold. One, hes really trying to ferment the fight hes had with Mitch Mcconnell for years. And this is about his donors, trying to give them the red meat to what has been happening. This is a point i raised to Sarah Huckabee sanders in the press briefing yesterday who said essentially having someone who supports the president s agenda is the most important thing here. Which raises the question, is it the white houses position to have a democrat in the senate seat than someone accused of sexually abusing a teenager girl . Her point was, well, it is two Different Things. Doug jones doesnt seem to think that. In fact, in the last 24 hours, hes shifted his strategy to go after roy moore on this and is talking about this. Heres what doug jones has to say. This is about decency. And not a political party. And anyone who thinks otherwise should be ashamed. I damn sure believe i have done my part to ensure that many who hurt little girls should go to jail and not the United States senate. That was quite the response, but i think the question many people have, was the move too late . Should doug jones have come out quicker to make it clear that the type of person roy moore is is a person that does not have the best interest in my four young girls and women in alabama . Hang out onset. Jeremy, nice to have you from alabama today. Youll be there through the election, appreciate it. Well have you back im sure. Donald trump jr. At this moment behind closed doors is on the hill behind us. Hes talking with the House Intelligence Committee. And we have some excuse ifz nlu details he had with the russian lawyer last week. What shes saying about the june 26 conversation in just minutes. Your brain is an amazing thing. But as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. avo but you also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke. Noninsulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. 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Gallbladder problems have happened in some people. Tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Why did you take Credit Card Debt on . Second kid. Private school. Medical bills. Moving costs. Solid ground. A personal loan from sofi is a smart way to consolidate Credit Card Debt. Certain borrowers cut their credit card Interest Rates 42 and increased Credit Scores 17 points on average. Borrow up to 100,000 with low rates and no hidden fees. Find your rate in just two minutes, and take on your debt at sofi. Com. Ahead of this afternoons announcement, President Trump will recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. It is drawing real warnings from leaders in the middle east, plus all our nato allies. The white house argues this change and the plan to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem wont have an impact on Israeli Palestinian peace talks. And we have new info on the bizarre acoustic attack we have been covering on the show. In brussels this morning, Rex Tillerson says he thinks that mysterious attacks on officials in cuba last year are actually targeted. The u. S. Says 24 u. S. Government officials and spouses got sick starting last year at some hotels. This comes from a new report from the ap today that doctors discovered brain abnormalities in those victims. This is serious stuff. Cuban officials have denied responsibility for these attacks. And more serious news coming from out west, the wildfires in Southern California means tens of thousands of people have had to evacuate. Firefighters are trying to get ahold on the fastmoving flames that have torched some 65,000 acres. There have been big winds, very dry conditions, that is helping fuel some of this stuff. Governor jerry brown declared a state of emergency, but this is just the beginning. More powerful winds are expected later on today. Its a story we are watching very closely. We are also watching closely the president s son, donald trump jr. On capitol hill who is meeting privately with the House Intelligence Committee. Youre looking at him leaving the Trump International hotel earlier on. Hes now on the hill. This comes as we have new reporting, exclusive details about the june 26 meeting between Top Trump Campaign Officials including trump jr. And a russian lawyer. Heres the deal, we got our hands on the written testimony to the Senate Judiciary committee. The lawyer says don jr. Asked during that meeting if she had evidence of legal donations to the clinton foundation. The lawyer for trump jr. Declined to comment. And hey, if this is not enough for you, the president s personal lawyer is now disputing reports, the special counsels team subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for the president s records. We have a lot to get to with kasie hunt following developments on the hill. Ken delanian is also with us on the hill. Kasie, first to you, this is appearance number two for don jr. On the hill. Hell probably be asked about the june meeting, right . Reporter this is his first appearance before the House Intelligence Committee and that investigation has spent a lot of time and democrats, in particular, have spent a lot of time trying to reconstruct the trump tower meeting with the russian lawyer. And so they at this point feel they have talked to basically everybody in the room who is able to talk, Paul Manafort, now ensnare in the special counsels investigation, but this is an indication, the fact they are talking to don jr. That they are kind of closing the loop a little bit on that. But i will say, democrats are frustrated that the republicans have run these appearances on a voluntary basis, which means that the documents that democrats have wanted have not been subpoenaed, for example, in this instance. So to a certain extent, there is some concern from democrats that they are flying behind and trying to question don jr. The other thing of interest, i think, for some of the democrats on the committee is going to be the meeting that donald trump jr. Had on the sidelines of the convention, its unclear how that came to be, Donald Trumps representative donald trump jr. s representatives say it was innocuo innocuous. They said hello, but were clearly trying to reach out to him through another intermediary. Well see how much were able to get out of the other side of this meeting, but certainly a lot of questions for the president s son today on capitol hill. Hallie . Kasie hunt, thank you. Ken delanian, listen, youve got the meeting, we have done a lot of reporting on it what happened between the meeting on june 26 between don jr. And the russian leader, does this create new problems for don jr. . Reporter sure. We have obtained exclusively the 51page statement to the Senate Judiciary committee answering a series of written questions. And i could sum it up in a sentence to say this whole thing is a big misunderstanding. She denies ties to the russian government and denies conveying a message. It is sort of what you would expect her to say. What i find more interesting is that she clearly said donald trump jr. Came to ma meeting expecting to receive something from her because of the emails from Ron Goldstein looking at incriminating information from the russian government. She said he specifically asked her if he had information about illegal donations to the clinton foundation. When she applied she didnt, she seemed to lose interest. Thats her story. And it is a story that lines up with what we believe other participants in the meeting told special counsel and the grand jury. And well have to see now what Robert Mueller and the Congressional Investigation Committee makes of it. Ken delanian, thank you for that. I want to bring in anna and eugene who are with me here, they referred nbc news to the statement from back when this was unfolding. We first reported on this when don jr. Said he should hear them out if they had information concerning clintons fitness, character or qualifications. The question is still there of whether this is considered a campaign contribution, which is illegal. At the very least, continued questions about judgment now from the president s son. Absolutely. And i think theres concern if trump jr. Was so concerned about carrying people out who may have been affiliated with the russian government, were there other conversations with this individual and who else. It was a desire and desperation for so much news about hillary clinton. It was so strong that he made these decisions repeatedly. What is interesting now in this moment of time, here we are in the beginning of december, when we talk about the special counsel investigation, it appeared to be inching closer, not looking into just potential connections between the Trump Campaign and russia, but to the president s wallet. To his personal finances. Theres been some real pushback we got from the president s personal lawyer about the reports that there was a subpoena to Deutsche Bank, the german bank. They have confirmed the news reports that the special counsel subpoenaed financial records relating to the president and are false. No subpoena has been issued or received. We have confirmed this with the bank and other sources. Deutsche bank didnt confirm or deny anything to us, just saying they take legal obligations seriously and remain committed to cooperating with authorized investigations. But heres the thing, some subpoenas are supposed to be secret. So it is possible the bank could not be allowed to tell team trump whether it has received a subpoena or not. The Financial Times is standing by this reporting. All the outlets are standing by this reporting. What does this mean for donald trump moving forward . And how angry must he be getting if, in fact, this is true given that would cross a red line . Look, we should not be surprised that Robert Mueller is going after finances. This is what he got Michael Flynn on, Paul Manafort on, these are the kinds of things hes got a team of people who know this stuff and know how to come through this. They are going after this. So it seems credible to me they would be looking into this bank. And this is one of the only banks that lends to donald trump and his family. I just think its so telling, ex pea especially when donald trump said, this is an area i do not want you to cross. Thats like a red cape in front of a bull. Theres nothing in here. Obviously, mueller is not paying attention to that right now. Not just not paying attention to it but continuing to do the work day in and day out of putting together this investigation. Whatever, nobody is prejudging the outcome of it, but we talked about muellers team being put in place here. We are getting more and more information about what he seems to be looking into. This is likely not going to be wrapped up in the next two weeks, like ty cobb and the president s team hoped. Clearly, the president wants this to be over, they have been trying to play nice with them. Because maybe it will voluntary cooperation, time to get these things done. You will continue to see these kind of things get done. Every day its another story. You are not wrong about that. I want to talk more about Something Else coming up after the break. We dont have a countdown clock up on the screen leading up to a potential Government Shutdown, but we are still counting down to that deadline on friday. Republicans are down to the wire and some of them are up in arms. They are not unified which means some democrats may have to get on board. How dems could use that to their advantage, next. To most people, i look like most people. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Im glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. For some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. And improves function. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those whove had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can do more with my family. Talk to your doctor today. See if lyrica can help. How is this for a little drama . Republicans are running out of time to avoid a Government Shutdown. They have two days, two days, and leaders are pulling off the temporary funding bill from the floor. The gop is trying to squash the uprising inside their own party. So this morning it kind of looks like democrats are holding a lot of the cards. They know republicans need their support to get anything to the president s desk. They will get a chance to push their demands to the president personally at the white house meeting tomorrow. I want to bring in nbcs Garrett Haake on capitol hill for us where the clock is ticking. Garrett, republicans are saying this is not being held up but being negotiated. That sounds so optimistic. Reporter and two days is lots of time up here on the hill, hallie. But there are a couple of different sets of problems that have to get addressed here. On the house side, as you said, conservative lawmaker who is want Different Things out of this stopgap funding bill. And they are in the process of fighting over how to go about getting them. We talked to some of the folks this morning, i want to play a little bit of the sound and explain where were at on the other side. Take a listen. The general consensus of the members is we want to talk to leadership to make sure we have tax reform on the right track and that may allow for greater flexibility on some of the spending issues. I will vote for wherever you want to go, a week, two weeks, ill go for anything if you put the spending on the fence. I dont think well have a Government Shutdown. Reporter so on the house side you have conservatives who say, we want this stopgap bill to go a little longer. We want to make sure we get taxes done. They are not particularly interested in keeping any of the promises that Mitch Mcconnell made to his senators on the senate side. But hallie, they are actively negotiating literally as we speak. I just watched mark meadows walk into speaker ryans office just before we got on the air right now, so that is going on on the house side. On the senate side, democrats have some cards here, they are fighting amongst themselves over how hard they want to push on this daca issue. That white house meeting tomorrow is going to be a big deal. Absolutely critical. Well be there, garrett. I expect to get more from you on the mark meadows paul ryan meeting later in the morning. Thank you for joining us here. I want to bring in former republican congressman jim nance from iowa. Congress can say, we are not the ones to shut this down, but republicans control the white house. You have heard the sticking points that are not insignificant. No, no, no. How do they avoid a shutdown . First of all, see this wrinkle, thats from the last time i negotiated one of these. No, look, this is a freak show that happens, it seems now every single year end. And it makes no sense. They have known this is coming for a number of years or months. The republicans are in control of everything, so this is a thing that could have been negotiated between the house, senate and the administration a long time ago. But congressman, they are waiting until tomorrow to have this meeting at the white house. Literally hours before things start to go into effect related to a shutdown. It makes no sense to do it this way. Thats why all of the folks that have been promoting reforms to the process i think are right. Just about any of the reforms they are suggesting would be an improvement to them. So what are you saying to your former republican colleagues still in congress right now . What advice are you giving . What conversations are you having with them about how to get through this . Right now everybody believes they have some leverage. Thats the reason this is all happening. They are holding their vote because of taxes. Holding their vote because of defense spending. Holding their vote because of immigration reform. Holding their vote believing that they can basically hold the government hostage and the function of that issue. Because of this brinksman ship allowed to occur because of the budget process that makes this possible. If the government does shut down, if it feasibly stands up, they believe this is not their fault . They own the house and the senate and the administration. Its the reason the democrats by and large arent worried too much about this because they cant possibly, in my judgment, be blamed for a Government Shutdown. Right now this is all on the republicans to decide this. So what you draw on your own experience and talked about noting your forehead wrinkles, which goes with your own experience dealing with this back in the mid90s. Yet, nothing seems to have changed. Part of it is because of the polarization in the parties. No question about that. And the tightness of the majorities, but the other part is that even within the party, they believe they have leverage, in this instance, the freedom caucus, but also the defense hawks, the deficit hawks, will all find a certain amount of leverage to hold their vote on the shutdown. If they dont act as a team, their majority is in peril. I want to talk on what garrett brought up relating to democrats in the relationship to daca. We expect to see demonstrations later in washington about the program that protects some 800,000 young undocumented immigrants brought here when they were young. Should democrats be fighting that fight . Do you see that as productive . Do you see movement on that moving forward . They are going to fight whatever fight they believe they should at this point in time. They have nothing to lose in my estimation for bringing up whatever issue they believe is important. So i, of course, are going to fight the fight because as long as theyre invited to the meeting and as long as their votes are part of the reason this passes, theyre going to have some leverage. Quick prediction, friday morning, 10 00 a. M. , this show, are we talking about a Government Shutdown . I think there may be it may linger but i dont think it will last through the weekend. Okay. So you think it will shut down but for a short time . I think it may be a brief one but somewhat insignificant. Is there such thing as an insignificant shutdown . Well, it may mean that a barricade may go up in front of a national park. But basically 40 of the Government Workforce would have to not show up without pay on monday morning if, in fact, there was a shutdown. I dont think they go that far. Congress jim nussle, thank you for joining us. I want to ask you to stick around. Coming up after the break, we want to talk about the me too movement. The person of the year, the socalled silence breakers. That making real societal changes across the country in just the last two months. Coming up, why the movements founder says this is just the beginning. But when your psoriasis is bad, does it ever get in the way . Embrace the chance of 100 clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to help people with moderate to severe psoriasis achieve completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Dont use if youre allergic to taltz. Before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms, or if youve received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Ready for a chance at 100 clear skin . Ask your doctor about taltz today. And go to taltz. Com to learn how to pay as little as 5 a month. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Fullbodied. I used to have more hair. I used to have more color. And. I used to have cancer. I beat it. I did. Not alone. I used to have no idea what the American Cancer Society did. Research . Yeah. But also free rides to chemo and free lodging near hospitals. I used to maybe give a little. Then i got so much back. I used to have cancer. Please give at cancer. Org. This morning Time Magazine named the silence breakers as their 2017 person of the year, the me too movement. On the today show this morning, the Campaign Leader said this is just the beginning. Ive been saying from the start, it is not just a moment, its a movement. Movements take time and build over time and are strategic. Now the work really begins. Hashtag is a declaration, but now we are really posed to really stand up and do the work of it. And remember what opened the floodgates for all of this exactly two months ago today, this front page. That New York Times bombshell about Harvey Weinstein and the women coming forward to accuse him of harassment. Now today another New York Times bombshell. Look at this. More details on what the paper calls weinsteins complicity machine that he used for decades to cover up his alleged actions. I want to bring in Sheinelle Jones from new york. Its a pleasure to have you on the show. Good morning. I know youve been combing through this report from the times. What have we learned . Well, the New York Times this morning looking at weinsteins powerful relationships and how he purportedly used them as cover providing possible answers to questions about how his alleged behavior could have been kept out of the spotlight for so long. Reporter this morning new details on how Harvey Weinstein apparently covered up years of reported sexual harassment. In a wide ranging report, the New York Times describes a complicity machine. Inside and outside his company. And says he used his friendships with major power players from the world of politics, business, and the media to his advantage. The times writing, according to interviewing many knew something or detected hints. Almost everyone had incentives to look the other way or reasons to stay silent. Weinstein faces more than 80 allegations of harassment. Some criminal in nature which he has denied. Those mentioned in the article include hillary clinton. The times reporting he had long raised Campaign Cash for her and her feminist credentials helped burnish his image. And jeff bezos who sought advice on how to combat bad press. He recommended a lawyer who, quote, makes sure sticks to the right narrative. With his own bad threats, it was with a mix of threats and enticements with lure of access to stars and parties. Adding he was so close to the chief executive of American Media inc. That he was known in the tabloid industry as an untouchable f. O. P. Or friend of pecker. Within his company, the times reports the Human Resource department was seen by many as protecting weinstein. One female employee complained she was threatened to travel with weinstein, they said let us know if he touches you physically. Weinstein denies all allegations of nonconsensual sex. The times also reporting that Actress Lena Dunham warned Hillary Clintons aides of his behavior. For her part clinton said she was shocked and appalled by the revelations adding wine ste ini alleged behavior cannot be tolerated. Thank you so much for that. Back with me now here on set anna palmer for politico and yew jane scott. I think one of the most chilling parts there is saying you know what i can do. This is someone who sent his assistant for erectile dysfunction medication. This went on for years. It has been eight weeks since that first came out. Look at this moment where we are right now. So much has changed. What has to be done to keep this momentum going for women to feel like they are in a safe space and can come forward to call out these men . I think were seeing this in so many different industries. Certainly out of capitol hill. Every week there seems to be another allegation. Today senator franken, another allegation coming forward. As this continues to be in the news, i think its something that were all talking about. Its this moment in our culture that everybodys kind of examining what is appropriate, what is you know, what is not going to be tolerated anymore. You mentioned the al franken allegations out this morning. This is from politico. Another woman saying the senator forcibly tried to kiss her after a radio show in 2006 and told her it was his right to do so as an entertainer. His office saying this allegation is cat gorly not true and the idea i would claim this as my right as an entertainer is preposterous. This means that people like paul ryan are being asked about this. Includie ining this morning. Heres what ryan had to say. Were in a water shed moment in this country. And this is a very serious issue. What were seeing not just with john conyers but all the hollywood people and media people, its pervasive. Sexual harassment in the workplace. I think we need to acknowledge that. And we need to come up with reforms which were working on here in congress. Eugene . Yeah. Its great to see paul ryan talking about conyers and the need to address this in conyers. But hes been getting criticism about not speaking out about donald trump. Ironically the person of the year runner up. The reality is when we can look at this beyond the partisan side of it and look at industries beyond capitol hill, maybe thats when we koultd see traction. Theres the peoples perspective too. When it comes to men like Harvey Weinstein to create this complicity machine, some of those complicit arguably are also victims in this power dynamic too. And that is complicated. That is nuance. I think this whole situation is very complicated. I mean, theres harassment. Theres assault. Theres something to make you feel uncomfortable. And whether or not you feel like you can be bold enough to step up and, you know, talk back. The conversation has to end here for the moment. Were going to continue this conversation obviously in the days and weeks to come. Thank you very much for being with us on the show. Well be right back with todays big picture. Thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . Ship the goods. Youre a go you got the green light. That means go oh, yeah. Start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Were gonna hit our launch date scream thank you goodbye let us help with money and knowhow, so you can get business done. American express open. Essential for vinyl, so you can get business done. But maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. 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One woman from ventura says this town will never be the same. Look at the wall of flames creeping up at that home. This is in a Huge Population center. Scary stuff. Thinking of my friends in l. A. Photographer here for the a. P. Would love to hear your thoughts on facebook, twitter, snapchat, and instagram. Heading over to the white house to catch the president s big announcement this afternoon. Ill see you on this network and nbc news. For now more news with ali velshi and Stephanie Ruhle in new york. Hello. Im Stephanie Ruhle. And im ali velshi. Lets get started. Palestinians took to the streets to oppose what they say is a needless and provocative move by President Trump. It is a very tense atmosphere right now. Later today hes expected to recognize jerusalem as israels capital. Palestinians calling for three days of rage if President Trump goes through with it. Both israelis and palestinians claim jerusalem to be their capitol. Talks now thrown into rr

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