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Have to talk about what is happening in syria. With a major milestone this morning. The de facto isis capital liberated by u. S. Backed forces. We are live from overseas. We have to lot to get to in the next 60 minutes. Lets start with Kristen Welker at the white house. Kristen, just down, i think, away from where you are over at the executive office building, the president is on the budget blitz doing a series of interviews about tax reform, about his Budget Priorities and this deadline coming up. And unavoidably, or inavoidably being asked about his pick for drug czar, tom marino, after this bombshell 60 minutes report. Reporter thats right. And the president saying he respects tom marino, that this was the right decision. Let me read you the tweet from marino earlier today. This is from President Trump announcing this move from marino. He say, representative tom marino has informed me that he is withdrawing his name from consideration as drug czar. Tom is a fine man and a great congressman. So the backdrop to all of this, hallie, the explosive 60 minutes Washington Post report that found marino sponsored legislative that effectively made it virtually impossible for the d,ea to crackdown on suspicious shipments of drugs in the height of the Opioid Crisis. There were a number of calls for him to withdraw yesterday, so i asked the president about marino during that impromptu rose garden News Conference. And he said he was concerned, hes taking a hard look at it. Ultimately this seemed untenable, but now theres more fallout. You have a number of democrats saying they want to repeal that controversial legislation, not only see marino go, take a listen to what senator manchin had to say. Everyone should be outraged. That bill needs to be repealed and we will go back to where they have the ability to oversight, and not on the oversight, but to investigate and litigate against these people from doing it and hold them responsible. Reporter well have to see if that actually happens. Were also tracking something el else. Next week hes going to declare the Opioid Crisis a national emergency. That will allow more resources to go to combatting the issue. This is something President Trump said he would do over the summer and it hasnt happened yet. So well see if it does happen next. Kristen welker at the white house. Thank you. We are looking ahead to a News Conference with President Trump later on today at the white house. Were going to be there for that. Lets go to lenny bernstein, and Washington Post political reporter eugene scott and Katherine Lucy for the associated press. A big thanks to all of you for being here on what turned out to be really busy. Lenny, i have to go to you here first, because it was your investigation in part that triggered the series of events that we have seen over the last 48 hours that culminated with the president talking about tom marino withdrawing his nomination to be the drug czar. Were getting reaction in from capitol hill already, for example, with Chuck Schumer saying that the decision to withdraw was the right decision, but he says the fact he was nominated at all is that when it comes to the Opioid Crisis, Chuck Schumer says the Trump Administration talks the talk but refuses to walk the walk. I want to play you a little bit of what the president had to say, just in the last eight to nine minutes here about all this. Listen. He told me, look, if theres even a perception that he has a conflict of interest with Insurance Companies, essentially, but if theres even a perception that he has a conflict of interest, he doesnt want anything to do with it. So whether we have Insurance Companies or drug companies, and there was a couple of articles having to do with him and drug companies. And i will tell you, he felt compelled, he feels very strong about the opioid problem and the drug problem, which is a worldwide problem, its a problem that we have. And tom marino said, look, ill take a pass, i have no choice, i really will take a pass, i want to do it. Lenny, i want to get your reaction to all of this. 24 hours ago on this show, i asked if you thought we would see something from capitol hill, and we obviously have. Yeah. I think that this was probably inevitable. Im a little surprised by the speed at which it happened, but just imagine if tom marino as drug czar, if nominated and confirmed, heads out to a town hall meeting in southern ohio or West Virginia or new mexico, you know, and 500 people show up. And half of them have lost a Family Member to an overdose, an opioid overdose, a prescription opioid overdose. And he talks national policy, they would tear him apart. After what he did, after he after what he tried to do in terms of undermining the dea, i think it was untenable to send him out as the face of American Drug control policy. So joe manchin this morning was on the network and suggested that perhaps the whistleblower featured in your piece and on 60 minutes to shed light on all this should be nominated instead as drug czar. Do you think that is realistic . Im not sure. Ill tell you, if President Trump nominated joe for that post, he would get the Straight Talk that i think this country needs on overdose and on drugs. I dont know if that is something that joe wants to do. I havent asked him. But it wouldnt be a bad choice if he wanted honest opinion. Where do you think this goes here, eugene and katherine . I certainly think voters in his district are going to want more questions. I dont think him removing himself from tom marino, you mean. Yes. I dont think removing himself is going to completely remove his name from the process. Absolutely. Youre looking to a week where he says hell make a big announcement about how to move forward with the crisis and theres no face now to head this effort. You also dont have hes looking for uhhs secretaries and key jobs he has to fill to deal with this. When it comes to dealing specifically with the Opioid Crisis, we are seeing action on that front over at the department of justice today. Check it out, the Deputy Attorney rotd rosenstein currently talking about fentanyl and the crisis at the doj. We think he may take questions from our reporters in the room. Well bring them to you as soon as we start to hear them and bring you any news. In the meantime, lenny, listening to this, i would ask you, what would your first question be to Rod Rosenstein when it comes to the Opioid Epidemic . My first question to Rod Rosenstein since hes the Deputy Attorney general would be, where was the Justice Department on this law in 2016 insuring Patient Access act, obviously he wasnt there, it was a different administration, but why did the Justice Department and the dea not raise more of a fuss about this bill and say, no, we cant live with this. Were not willing to compromise. We have to stop this. Well, heres what orin hatch had to say in response to that after your piece came out on the senate floor. Listen. Lets not set up a onesided narrative based on this from the statements of the former Agency Officials that disaagree with the change in leadership. No matter how you try to spin it, this is not the latest episode of the house of cards. So lenny, senator hatch says the post piece you were a part of was clever framing. Your reaction . It wasnt. The dea has told us very clearly that they saw what was going to happen. They did offer that language and we put it in our story. Because they saw that they were going to get steamrolled. And agencies make choices every day in washington about where to spend their political capital. And the dea said we knew this was a fight we couldnt win. Nevertheless, i would like to hear from the Justice Department about how they felt about that. You know, where was attorney general Loretta Lynch on this . What did they about this . We still dont have that question. We are watching Rod Rosenstein talk about the fentanyl traffickers. We want to talk about where this goes. To eugene and katherine here, youve heard some members of congress say that the bill that lenny has been reporting on was kind of camouflaged, senator manchin said that this morning. It passed with a unanimous consent vote, meaning, for example, senator manchin voted for it. How does that happen . And what does Congress Need to do to make sure it doesnt happen again . Well, obviously, what lawmakers are saying now is they didnt fully recognize the impact of this bill. And i think now they arinin are answering pretty serious questions about what to do next, is there new legislation . Are they going to try to do something about this . And how do you make sure you dont take up Something Like this and not really realize it . I think this is the latest example of an issue existing for a while in terms of lawmakers voting on bills they dont completely understand and know that much about. How is that possible . It shouldnt be possible when you have entire staffs and when your job is to know what youre voting on, especially because there are real ramifications for the american people. And so saying i dont know is not going to work. Lenny, from your reporting, was the Obama White House aware of the impact of this . Not that we could tell, no. The omb said nobody flagged it for them. The agency that marino was going to be nominated to head, told us they referred to dea. I want to echo what eugene said, sometimes when you dont raise a ruccous in washington, things sail through on unanimous consent and they get signed because nobody flags them. When you look at where this goes from here when it comes to who might end up, the president s next pick for drug czar, lenny, i hate to make you pull out the crystal ball and do a connection, but are there any names that you have heard when talking about tom marino and his involvement with the bill . Any other name that is have bubbled up . No, because marinos withdrawal is so recent, just in the past hour or so, we have not even had time to start looking for names and listening to that. None of them came up earlier over the weekend, the last few months as you have been reporting this out, you have not heard anybody say, if tom were to withdraw, x, y and z . No, because it was totally unclear until our story ran, not even until yesterday, that the reaction was going to be so loud to what he did. But i just want to add more vacancy, folks may not realize this, but theres no permanent head of the dea and hasnt been for two years. Chuck rosenberg was the active dea administrator and now theres an acting person in there. In addition to hhs, theres no one in charge of dea. I want to have eugene and katherine stick around. Lenny bern stestein, thank you joining us. Now we are listening to them talk about drug traffickers when it comes to the fight against Opioid Crisis. President trump hinting a major announcement on this next week. We think the Deputy Attorney may take questions. Well bring them to you when they happen, but we want to talk about the rest of the world in politics. The ceasefire that seems to be holding in that civil war between President Trump and republican lawmakers. The challenge now, making lemonade with what would have been legislative lemons. Voters want action, the president wants a win, its all up to congress. So what can go wrong . Ll he the lobster ravioli. For you, sir . The original call was for langoustine ravioli. A langoustine is a tiny kind of lobster. A slight shellfish allergy rules that out, plus my wife ordered the langoustine. I will have chicken tenders and tater tots. If youre a ref, you way overexplain things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Sir, we dont have tater tots. Its what you do. I will have nachos . Has grown into an enterprise. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. Now, im earning unlimited 2 cash back on every purchase i make. Everything. Whats in your wallet . When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . 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To refuse the obligations of International Leadership and our duty to remain the last best hope of earth, for the sake of some halfbaked spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems. [ cheers and applause ] did you catch those comments from senator john mccain overnight in philly in that was him accepting the Liberty Medal in a thinly vailed dig at the president. In what he calls the nationalist foreign policy. A real review of donald trump when the gop needs every l lawmaker it can get to get something done. Leadership is showing they can do something. Just hours before that, a sidebyside shot of the president and Senate Majority leader. My relationship with this gentleman is outstanding, has been outstanding. We are together totally on this agenda to move america forward. But this was a tale of two photo ops. Outside the white house, making nice with Mitch Mcconnell, optimistic about what is next. But inside the president taking no blame, instead, blaming lawmakers for not getting the job done. Kasie hunt is on the hill for us. All this comes with the backdrop of the president out on this budget blitz right now talking tax reform, really doing the fullcourt press with his administration, doing these interviews to try to move the ball forward. Will it happen . Reporter hallie, i think the president is essentially trying to set congress up for the fall here. He is essentially sending them issue after issue after issue and saying, hey, you take care of this, you do this while essentially not taking any of the blame himself. And you know, congress isnt making it any easier on themselves necessarily. The strategy we have seen from Mitch Mcconnell is to do being things with republican votes and losing just one too many of those votes. And its causing basically a war inside the Republican Party. You have steve bannon out there trying to primary a lot of the republican incumbents. And here in washington, you have the president s cabinet very frustrated with the pace of the senate. Now, i will say, this is not a new thing for president s to be frustrated with the pace of the senate, but heres Nick Mulvaney talking about it earlier. Im frustrated and the president is frustrated and most people back home are frustrated. They ran promising to repeal and replace obamacare, they have not done that. And hitting a hurdle on tax reform. Sooner or later, we want folks in the senate to deliver their promises. Reporter and the pressure is really building, i have to say, ahead of the midterms. Theres an increasing sense here on capitol hill from leaders that if they dont get tax reform done, they are essentially going to have nothing to go to their voters with in the fall come 2018. We dont have that much time left in 2017. And its going to be an Election Year pretty quickly as opposed to a policymaking year next year. If they have nothing to show for it, i think theres a feeling there could be a lot of trouble for the republican majorities. And that would be a problem for President Trump if he doesnt realize it now. When you talk about 2018, you have steve bannon heading to arizona tonight to compete with the challenger for senator jeff flake. What is your concern on the hill for this move with bannon and the breitbart wing of the party targeting the primaries . Reporter so im interested to see what role bannon plays at this event for kelly ward who is running against jeff flake in the Arizona Senate race. There have been conversations in the race about potential candidates, jay hyler, a wealthy lawyer in the area close to jan brewer, the former governor. This would potentially send a signal bannon decided hes going to go in for kelly ward. Im interested to see what impact that has on that race, but that particular strategy, you heard Mitch Mcconnell talk about it yesterday. Winners make policy losers go home. Reporter yes, losers go home. Thats a common Mitch Mcconnell saying. In a state like arizona, that could damage the republican majority. So i think that theres some confusion on the part of people close to mcconnell about exactly why jeff flake, or steve bannon would do that. Its different than in mississippi, for example, where they are potentially going to primary roger winger, but the chances that the senate seat in mississippi were to fall in democratic hands are very slim. So this is potentially selfinflicted harm here. Kasie hunt on the hill, thank you very much. Joining me is dave hop by, former chief of staff to paul ryan. Eugene and katherine are back with us as well. Lets pick up where kasie left off and what the president had to say about his former chief strategist. Well, steve is very committed. Hes a friend of mine and hes very committed to getting things passed. I have great relationships with, actually, many senators, but in particular, with most republican senators. But were not getting the job done. Steves been a friend of mine for a long time. I like steve a lot. Steve is doing what steve thinks is the right thing. Some of the people that he may be looking at, im going the see, if we talk him out of that, because franklythe they are great people. So our nbc news headline on this from our fantastic colleague Jonathan Allen is, quote, caught in a gop war. Trump picks both sides. How much longer can he do that, dave . Well, i think hell do it as long as it serves his own personal needs and desires. But what has to be straightened out for the republicans in the senate seats is, they have to be able to go forward and know that they can hopefully keep a majority. But a key to that is, as you were saying, theyve got to pass tax reform. They are also going to come back as the president said, they will come back to health care next year. And that is going to be another issue, which is once again, going to be whether they can accomplish what they want to in health care. Getting these things done, policy done, is critical. Talking about tax reform, your boss knows a thing or two about this, this is something he wants to do for. Nick mulvaney says if congress doesnt get the budget done, they will be off schedule for tax reform. When you survey the scene as somebody on the inside, do you think that is realistic . If you are looking for a schedule to get it done this year, and they are, they will be off schedule. But if they have to delay it until a tuesday vote next year, thats not seriously off schedule. If you look at the schedule, there are a couple things that have to happen. They have to get the budget done and the conference report. The chairwoman of the house committee, congresswoman black, said they hope by november 3rd to have a budget report. That will kick in to the ways and Means Committee. Thats a critical report. Watch that, because we have not had markup on significant tax reform in 30 years. And its going to be a really, really tough fight in the ways and Means Committee. And im watching that and it will be critical to whether they are able to successfully move taxes this year. And the timeline for that is looking like early november. It was striking to me, we were onset listening to the president s interviews before the show as we were getting ready for this, and he was talking about acknowledging they do need every single republican vote. He understands that democrats are not looking likely to get on board with him here. He was talking about senator john mccain, maybe being a maybe when it comes to some of the policy issues. And i wonder how you see the landscape shaking out here over the next three to four weeks or so. Yeah, i definitely think one of the big focuses of the Republican Party will be having to respond to so many of the studies and reports saying the tax reform plan so far will not be in the best interest of many of the people who actually voted for trump. There are ideas and reports on studies saying the majority could go to the top 1 . Katherine, talking about headlines, trump getting more open to chatting in public. The president taking the reigns on the narrative for trying to is nothing new. We have seen that, but what are you hearing about what spurred this . It seems like it is coming after the highprofile members of congress, bob corker, john mccain, are coming out to be vocal about their criticisms. Certainly, the president likes to control his up message. And what he saw yesterday was a strategy we have seen a lot recently that is very large. Which is, increasingly, he doesnt want to do sort of staged formal planned press conferences with a lot of time. He wants to spring things on journalists. He wants to speak when he wants to speak. And you have seen it. Departures on the south lawn, coming out to do News Conferences. Every time he goes to marine one, theres a gaggle of reporters because he may come over to start chatting for a half hour. Fine by us. I dont think anyone is criticizing. And it is certain lly different from his predecessor more planned, but yesterday he wanted to send a message. Quick final thoughts. One thing you have to be careful on watching the tax reports, theres a lot of people making assumptions. The some of the details have to be filled in. You are looking at lowering the 15 down to 12, lowering the others, the break points will be critical. And people are making assumptions about the now. Lets wait to see what they are doing in the ways and Means Committee once they move forward. Some of the assertions are off Broad Strokes of the president that he wants it to be nonnegotiable. Hang out, we have much more show ahead, including two big headlines and two big global hot spots. You have north korea with the stark warning about allout nuclear warfare. And number two, what is being called a gamechanging development in the selfproclaimed capital of isis. Were headed live to the pentagon after the break. At Stanford Health care, we can now repair complex aortic aneurysms without invasive surgery. If we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. And if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. If we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. Imagine what we can do for you. So right now were keeping a close eye on wall street. Check out that number there, the dow jones closing in on another milestone, 23,000. Less than 20 points away. Stephanie ruhle is here. Pretty significant. 23,000 is a big number, but it is not like it is one single story here. This is a slow grind higher. The rally didnt start when President Trump was elected. We have seen this rally, this Market Recovery since the financial crisis. Now, President Trump after he won, there was some level of a super charge. But something that is important to point out, President Trump is taking credit for this market rally. Yet all the legislative bosses from the Republican Party, he says, thats their fault, not mine. And you also need to remember whos benefiting from this rally. In 2016, ill never forget this, and you will probably remember it given what you cover, president obama stood at the podium and was touting the Market Recovery since the crisis and said, anyone who says we have not had an extraordinary recovery is peddling lies. Do you know what that statement did . It fueled the forgotten american. Because there is a small percentage of americans that actually owned stocks and bonds. And a huge swath of this country not seeing wage increase. And we still have not seen significant wage increase left out of this. So when the president talks about a huge win this is for the economy, 23,000 is a huge win for the market. It is not a huge win for the economy. And we have yet to see, even though theres positive numbers out of the bureau of labor and statistics and were seeing more jobs being filled, we still dont know, those might be parttime jobs. Those could be seasonal jobs. And wages remain relatively stagnant. Stephanie ruhle, appreciate that perspective. Youll be standing by if we hit the milestone. Youll be standing by in case we do. Thank you. Big developments overseas, u. S. Backed Syrian Forces have officially liberated raqqah. Essentially moved isis out of the selfproclaimed capital in syria. You see them here raising the symbolic white flag. Bill keneely is in london and hans nichols here in washington. First, bill, to you. The forces are combing through raqqah block by block for hidden isis fighters and bombs, et cetera. What you hearing . Reporter yeah, good morning. Raqqah is essentially fallen is isis. The last two strongholds, the stadium and hospital, are now under the control of the u. S. Backed Syrian Forces. And they are now clearing things like bobby traps and mines, maybe sleeper cells, prisoners of war taken, most of them foreign fighters. But as youll see from the aerial drone shots we are about to show you, the spoils of that victory are, well, a heap of rubble. Its a defeat for isis, but, of course, it is not a surprise. It was only a matter of not if but when, a matter of time. But look, its a huge symbolic victory. The city itself as you can see, it means nothing, it is just rubble, but this was the isis capital in syria. The joint center along with mosul and iraq of the caliphate held by isis for three years. Remember, they took control in june 2014. Thousands of u. S. Air strikes in the year since, but it wasnt until this year that the offensive to retake the city began. And it was this place of horror where foreign hostages were brutally beheaded. And now its gone. And mosul has fallen. And also today, isis suffered setbacks in the east of syria. That was russianbacked Regime Forces retaking territory. So isis is losing all the territorial gains, but that does not mean isis is defeated. And that is a critical point. Bill neely in london. And now to hans nichols, pick up where bill left off, isis is not defeated but this is a significant moment. A significant step forward in the fight against isis. It is significant and symbolic. Now, what officials are telling us, it is not entirely clear, the city of raqqah is about 90 clear. They have to do back filling, but when the sdf said they have cleared and taken a city, thats an indication that the local forces believe that it is safe. Heres the issue in raqqah, you have the sdf u. S. Forces coming in from the east and the north. And then you have russian Regime Forces coming up at the same time. They are converging there and it will soon be a crowded battle space. Once isis is defeated, theres no blueprint on how you deconflict and how you have russian regime and sdf forces all playing in a very complicated and crowded theater. And just to give you a sense of how complicated it is, you have a similar play taking place in iraq, but there you have two u. S. Allies. You have the iraqi government, the Iraqi Security forces as well as the peshmerga and the fighting of the kurds. We saw sporadic gunfire. It is a very complicated situation and a reminder that isis really filled a vacuum. And now that the vacuum is there being sucked out of the vacuum, youre going to have complicated political discussions. And hans, i want to hit another hot spot before i let you go, which is new sabre rattling out of north korea. What do we know . This is the deputy u. N. Ambassador to north korea threatening nuclear war. Theres a caveat saying that hes claiming they already have weapons that can reach the United States mainland. He is saying that it is contingent on the u. S. Doing some sort of military action against north korea. But yet again, more stable rattling from the north koreans. At the same time, the u. S. Is conducting exercises in the region. They have an Aircraft Carrier out there off the coast of korea, going to be doing some exercises, as well as planning this evacuation of u. S. Citizens. You look at any war plans for the u. S. , and one of the first things war plans do, they involve the evacuation of u. S. Citizens. And this is just planning, we want to be clear, its a third year in a row they have done this, they do the planning for Contingency Operations down the line. Hans nichols, another busy day at the pentagon. Theres been a bay buy boom in the Democratic Party since the election. A surge of new candidates putting themselves on the ballots virtually forgotten by National Democrats. And for the most part, they are flying solo. We have day two of the series democrats divided next. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. So far this year theres been this surge of new Democratic Candidates popping up in local and state elections all across the country. Even in some spots known to be more of republican strongholds. Were taking a look at this new wave, you can call it, in the latest installment of our series dems divided. One of my favorite people on the planet, chris jansing, and msnbc correspondent. You have been spending time speaking with the new candidates, what are they telling you . Reporter its hard to believe we are only three weeks away from the next election that will largely happen in new jersey and virginia. Both have governor races but they have the state Legislature Races as well. So i went to virginia to talk to some of the candidates there, and it really reflected on some of the people i talked to wisconsin who were voters who say they dont think the Democratic Party is hearing the message from the election of donald trump. So youve got this whole wave of new candidates, firsttime candidates going out there, putting themselves on the line, and they are running as the democrats. But in some cay ways, in some distances, distancing themselves from the Democratic Party. Take a look. Not far from Donald Trumps winery in virginia in a district where he crushed Hillary Clinton, Kellen Squire is the first democrat to run for the Legislature Since 2009. Motivated by trumps election. I just wasnt content to sit at home and belly ache about how bad things were on facebook. So i figured, stand up and do something and it was run for the house of dell gal gets. Reporter a father of three and emergency room nurse, it was trial by fighter when a voter said he couldnt back any democrat because of nancy pelosi. So to win, do you have to separate yourself from the big ddemocrats . Yes, but thats true of every place outside of new york and california. Im calling because i heard you were undecided. Reporter Jennifer Carol foyer was also new to politics and pregnant with twins when she decided to run for the virginia house, too. What was it that motivated you . I think i was pissed off. I think i was very pissed off. Last night i congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. Reporter angry that Hillary Clinton lost and a Democratic Party that is not run by the diverse mix of people is asking for votes. If our interests will be protected and the ideals will be promoted, then we have to be a part of that conversation. And that is not happening. Reporter this is where Amanda Litman comes in. Thats how parties in the past recruited candidates, they look for people who can raise money, which has meant older male, rich white dudes. Reporter so on the day donald trump became president , she decided it was time to stop being mad and get even. Cofounding a group called run for something to encourage diverse firsttime candidates under 35. We thought it would be small. We would get maybe 100 people who want to run in the firsteer. And the first nine months we have had more than 11,000 people sign up. Reporter it is one in the latest round of grassroots organizations backing an unprecedented surge of Democratic Candidates, and many running in places democratic leadership long ago abandoned as unwinnable. What does that say to them . I think it says dont get complacent and assume the only ones that will run are the ones you will choose. Reporter no one recruited Kellen Squire, but hes talking to any voter that will listen and says National Democrats would do well to listen, too. You cant focus group your way out of this one. People dont want someone to agree with them 100 . They want somebody to take their concerns to heart and listen and appreciate them. Reporter its a different kind of listening than we see on election day, because typically the party in power, in this case, the republicans, will lose legislative seats. This is the first big test of that. And for people like Kellen Squire, they are going out and knocking on doors and making phone calls. Even when somebody slams the door in your face, he just had that happen this weekend, when somebody said, i cant vote for you, youre a democrat, Hillary Clintons a crook. Brought up the whole email thing. He just keeps going. The way they put it in run for something is building a bench. You want a woman president . You got to start now. Chris jansing, thank you for that. Well be looking for more from your series later this week. Much appreciated. I want to bring in msnbc political reporter allen psychs joining the panel. Good to have you onset. Thank you for having me. You have the democrat saying essentially hes going to run away from nancy pelosi. Thats not new, but do you think well see more of that come 2018 . I do. This is what you always heard in private whispered behind the scenes from democratic law makers and candidates, the elephant in the room, since we are talking about democrats here, but more senior people are speaking out against it. They watched what happened in the Georgia Special earlier this year with the adds tagging nancy pelosi. And theres a generational change here. The entire house leadership on the democratic side is run by people in their 70s. And theres a younger crop of people coming in. The huge crop of kaencandidatest stepped up and are not super loyal to the leadership. How does the party nationally get involved in this . Do they, will they, how should they make that happen . I was speaking to folks at the dnc who said, even like tom perez, other leaders are going out to the red states and getting involved with millenials at the Grassroots Level is trying to build relationships with the people to get them involved in politics really early on with the goal, perhaps eventually of running opposed to just ranting on facebook. So its been Relationship Building and just getting out of the offices. This downplays one person. Hes not going to go and speak with every single candidate, so how about from the coordination aspect of it . Theres a lot of money. So they have to figure out how to target races and where to get money. And youre seeing young people, youre seeing a lot of women running in this coming cycle. We have heard a lot of reports that there is a lot of interest after 16. But i think also the other thing interesting is what lessons does the party take from the new message that the candidates are running on. One of the criticisms out of 16 was that the party struggled to find a coherent message. To define their own message, right. Does the fresh blood help with that . You heard the races coming up, virginia, new jersey, out west, california has become one of the most interesting political landscapes in the country. You have the state senator kevin delion announcing hell run for senate, why should people Pay Attention to this . What the s the context of this . Dianne feinstein is a legend in the Democratic Party. It is a generational guide. Kevin de leon is not a bernie lefty guy. But theres a lot of pentup frustration that the guys have not moved up and been the same democratic leadership. Pay attention, because this is the aid of the Democratic Party in california. Youll have two democrats going up against each other in the general election. Is anything transferable out of that . Any lessons or things that we see in california applicable on a broader sense . I think it gives you a sense of where the party is going, especially if you look ahead to 2020 in the president ial election, these are the grassroots, the heart and soul of the party. Of course, in california. It is nice to have you on, alex sykes. Eugene scott, Katherine Lucy, thank you both for being here as well. Coming up, we are sticking with the white house theme with my colleague Peter Alexander over at the north lawn with new comments from President Trump just while we have been on the air. We talked about the radio blitz hes been doing. Some big headlines out after that related to comments on the families of the fallen. You do not want to miss it after the break. Dairy and apple producers in the eastern United States supported by innovative packaging that extends the shelf life of foods and infrastructure upgrades that help us share our produce with the world. All across new york state, were building the new new york. 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Peter, theres sort of a strange new statement. The president , of course, being pressed about his comments yesterday in the rose garden where in effect he said that past president s naming president obama by name didnt make calls to the families of Fallen Service members. He was asked about that during one of his conversations on fox news radio a short time ago where he began by saying theres nothing to clarify. But heres what else he added. Take a listen. Well, they asked me that question, and for the most part best of my knowledge, i think ive called every family of somebody thats died. And its the hardest call to make. And i said it very loud and clear yesterday. The hardest thing for me to do is do that. Now, as far as other representatives, i dont know. I mean, you could ask general kelly. Did he get a call from obama . You could ask other people. I dont know what obamas policy was . I write letters and i also call. s difficult to f you had a be able to do that. But i have called i believe everybody. Certainly ill use the word virtually everybody where during the last nine months somethings happened to a soldier. Ive called virtually everybody. Ive gone to dover. Ive seen what takes place at dover. Its an incredible scene and very, very sad. One of the saddest things youll ever see. Im not speaking for other people. I dont know what bush did. I dont know what obama did. Thats important there. He said i dont know what bush or obama did. Yesterday he said they did not make calls. That obviously isnt true. I talked to representatives for both the former president s late yesterday who clarified that specifically about his comments about general john kelly whose son died in afghanistan in 2010. Ive reached out to president obamas office to see whether or not president obama called general john kelly at the time. Obviously this is something that they dont want to politicize. Its not a fight they want to be in. They never introduced this topic. They didnt have a particular comment on that call as they dont detail every call thats made. But it does appear clear to me the president said all i can do is ask my generals. He may have had a conversation with one of those generals closest to him john kelly which may have led him to make that suggestion that past president s never made such calls. Peter alexander there on the white house lawn. Peter, were going to get a chance back in the rose garden day two with the president , right . Wait, theres more. See you in a little bit. All right. Sounds good. Thank you very much. As we continue to follow that story and the many others we have covered on this show including the one coming up as part of todays big picture. Thats next. For your heart. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. 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As always, would love to hear your thoughts on facebook, snapchat, twitter, and instagram. For now im headed over to the white house for day two of a trump News Conference in the rose garden. Well see you this afternoon. Hallie jackson, heres my thought on that big picture. Its awful. Yeah. Worth reporting on and worth remembering her life and her service to this industry, steph. Indeed. And im sure she would want us to continue to honor independent free press. And i know thats what youre going to be doing this afternoon at the white house. Thanks so many uch. Good afternomorning, everyo. Im stephanie rhule. Lets get started. The president picking both sides. Were not getting the job done. And im not going to blame myself, ill be honest. They are not getting the job done. My relationship with this gentleman is outstanding. Has been outstanding. Contrary to what some of you may have reported, we are together on this agenda to move america forward. The president s platform was make America Great again. Not make the gop great again. One of the president s frequent foes firi

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