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Charlottesville now charged with Second Degree murder. The president still not calling out the hate groups w s behind the violence even though some of his top advisors are. That includes his attorney general who in the next 90 minutes will be arriving at the white house along with the fbi director to talk about that new investigation into what hes describing as potentially domestic terror. And now the mother of the woman killed in that attack talking exclusively with nbc news. Telling us shes upset, but not angry. Hoping her daughters death serves some greater purpose. We have our team set up and ready to go with all the details and i want to start with tom costello on the ground in charlottesville. Walk us through the hearing here for the suspect today. What do we expect to see out of this and how long might it take and what is it like on the ground . Hallie, good morning to you. 0yearold alex fields will be appearing before a judge now any second. He is charged with Second Degree murder. In addition, facing a new other charges here. Three counts of Malicious Wounding and one count of hit and run. All connected to that incident on saturday in which police say he aimed his car, his 2010 Dodge Challenger at a group of antihate protesters and mowed them down. Killing, as you know, a 32yearold woman by the name of Heather Heyer. She was a paralegal here from charlottesville and she was an ideal employee and a wonderful person. A couple of other notes out of this. The question right now is whether the feds might at some point come in and take the authority on this case because the feds, the fbi doj are conducting this parallel investigation into whether a civil rights violation occurred. A hate crimes violation and the real issue there if fields is found guilty did he, in fact, use this vehicle and plan this attack in advance and was hatred. A part of that goal . Nunl nonetheless at this moment the locals and the state of virginia the have the lead on this investigation. Virginia does have a death penalty. We should also make note of the fact that alex fields, according to the army, joined the army in august of 2015, but he was released from the army by december of 2015 because he did not meet their standards. His former high schoolteacher says he had White Supremacy leanings that he had thought adolf hitler had been somebody that he looked up to and he agreed with adolf hitler. Again, i do think its important that we remember the victim in this case, 32yearold Heather Heyer from charlottesville. And there is still a memorial. Makeshift memorial to her just about two blocks from the mall here on charlottesville. Well hear from Heather Heyers mom. Do we have any idea timeline wise regarding this court appearance. Is this going to be fairly brief . What is the expectation . We have our team in the room reporting back minutebyminute details. We do expect it to be brief. He does not yet have a public defender. We expect a public defender will be named. Tom costello live for us in charlottesville as he has been all weekend. Tom, thank you very much. Want to go now to Pete Williams in our washington bureau. Pete, a couple questions now this morning. You heard tom reference one and i want to also ask about the attorney generals civil rights investigation into this. Can you walk us through the doj role and just defining this as an act of domestic terrorism. What do we know . Yes, the Justice Department will conduct a civil rights investigation. It seems that the focus of the investigation, at least the way they described it on sunday, was that they would look specifically at the act that resulted in the death on saturday. The vehicular death and also the subject of the charges in virginia. This morning the attorney general also said the Justice Department will be looking at whether things could have been done better there and suggest they would look at the overall situation the way the police responded. So, were waiting to get a little better definition from the Justice Department on exactly what theyll do. As tom pointed out, these will work in parallel. The way this normally works when the Justice Department does a civil rights investigation is, the two investigations Going Forward. And then it just determines what ultimately the trial, whether it will be state charges or federal charges and thats yet to be determined. But in the meantime the state goes ahead with the normal legal process. Pete williams there in our washington bureau. Thank you. We do expect to hear from the president potentially later today. We know were going to hear him talk. Hes rolling out this new china trade announcement this afternoon and may talk about charlottesvil charlottesville publicly. Talk about it privately in 90 minutes with his attorney general, who has been condemned by the president himself and now his chief advocate on the air waves. Listen. Heres a president , as you know, general sessions, hes not afraid to take to twitter to chastise a number of folks. Yourself included. Not afraid to call out terrorism overseas. But heres a president that didnt do that. Why . The president did do that yesterday. His spokesman said that. Thats not the same as the president of the United States. Youre interrupting me. You asked me and i was giving you an answer. Go ahead. A white house spokesman who made that statement explicitly condemning these groups by name and im sure hell talk again about it soon. That is the prediction from the attorney general there traveling with the president in new jersey is my colleague kristen welker. The president is on the way to the white house for his stop today but now his lack of explicit condemnation and walk us through what is going on with the head merk. He says hes leaving the president S Manufacturing counsel. Why he says hes leaving. This is from ken frasier who writes as ceo of merck. I feel to take a stand against intolerance and extremism. That prompting the president to tweet a response. Let me read you the response. Now that ken frazier of merck pharma he will have more time tr drug prices. This is going to be significant in terms of the optics for the president and underscores there is just mounting pressure on President Trump to call out explicitly and forcefully White Supremacists. Were hearing that from democrats and also from republicans, hallie, over the weekend who chimed in. Marco rubio, Corey Gardner who said they need to hear those words coming out from the president s mouth. Not from a spokesperson. The move by the ceo of merck only adding to that backlash. Look, the president did consult with some advisors before making that initial statement over the weekend, but really those words just spread the blame all around. Or the president s ultimately. We are expecting to hear from him again today on virginia. The question is when and where and what will the tone be . I will be surprised if he didnt go even further and echo what we heard from his Vice President who, of course, told our own Peter Alexander that he does condemn these actions by White Supremacists, hallie. Well listen to that exclusive interview coming up in a couple seconds. Ill join you in new jersey in about 24 hours from now. Former aide and now gop strategist and senior washington correspondent anna palmer and politics reporter for daily beast betsy woodruff. Let me pick up where kristen left off talking about this merck statement. This is somebody who has been to the white house and in meetings with President Trump around the table with him talking about one of his Economic Policy pushes and now pulling out because of what the president did not say. It was a near instant reaction to the merck pull out although it took him hours to respond to charlottesville. I want to get your reaction to this. Cant you do the same thing . Lower rip off drug prices. Cant you lower drug prices and condemn neonazis . If the president had been as swift in his response to what happened in charlottesville and as decisive and as harsh, we wouldnt be here this morning discussing this. The lack of response. The president should have done what other president s, including other republican president s have done which is to come out swiftly and in the strongest possible terms condemn this kind of action. To condemn racism that caught the hate groups and the white nation nationalists and others responsible for this. Call it by its name and domestic terrorism and had he done that, there wouldnt be the fallout that were having right now. So, if hes smart, what hell do is hell make a comment today. Certainly in the strongest possible terms condemning what happened on saturday and that, perhaps, will stem the tide of other ceos who support him pulling out, as well. If the president does talk about charlottesville today, anna and betsy, what do you expect him to say and why would it be any different than what we heard over the weekend . Expects the president to make more comments on charlottesville. Its unclear because they have been very wear of Going Forward with him and putting a name to a spokesman. Stuff like this, ken frazier pulling out has world implications for him. It was also interesting this morning when the attorney general made the rounds of the morning shows and said he expected the president to speak, but wasnt actually sure what he would say. The ag was really insistent that trump is against the kkk, against neonazis and White Supremacists and when he was pressed on whether trump himself would condemn these groups, he wasnt sure. Just highlights the dissonance and the enormous communication problem, to say the least, that this white house and the whole administration faces. Joe, you mentioned other president s coming out and speaking against this kind of thing. White nationalism a isis isism former boss, president bush 41 when someone asserts the holocaust never took place that person ever deserves one iota of public trust. What do you think it would take for President Trump to Say Something like that . I hope that all of this will spur him to make comment to Say Something to make a strong statement. I mean, other president s, republican president s like my former boss george h. W. Bush came out strongly. About these kinds of issues. They talked against them and used the power, the moral power of their office to show the direction in which america needed to be headed. And i remember the head of the Republican National committee when david duke was running for office in the, maybe 1989 1990 saying vote for the democrat. Dont vote for david duke if hes a republican fwhanominee. Dont vote for him. Thats not what the Republican Party stands for. Donald trump needs to make the same kind of strong statement. He needs to make a comment to respond to david dukes remarks from last saturday. And to say that what david duke says in no way is what he supports. That hes that the kind of america that david duke sees is a very different america from the america that hes going to oversea as president of the United States. Hes got to put his foot down and say, you know, the buck stops with me and on my watch, im not going to stand for it. So, a reminder right now that james alex fields jr. , the suspect here, is currently facing a judge. He is in court for his first appearance since saturdays incident. Saturdays attack. Lets also not forget the young woman who was killed. 32yearold Heather Heyer. Her mom spoke exclusively with nbc in the last 24 hours or so. I want to play for you what she had to say. Listen. Im very sad. Im very, very sad. But i cant be angry because angry will make me hate. And hate only leads to more hate. And theres just no point to that. Heather wouldnt have wanted that either. She would is said, well why hate . What does that accomplish . What does that do for anybody . Powerful and emotional words from the mom of Heather Heyer there as the person suspected of mowing her down with a car appears in court. I want to go back to tom costello live in charlottesville. I understand this proceeding has already wrapped up. What can you tell us . Yeah, ive got a little bit of an audio problem, hallie. Just moments ago we had, in fact, mr. Fields appearing before the court. Before the judge here. He said that he did not have money to afford an attorney and one would be appointed to him by the state. He was wearing a black and white jump suit. But the hearing lasted all of about three minutes. As we said before, that includes Second Degree murder. His next hearing here will be on august 25th at 11 00 a. M. And we expect that at that point he will enter a plea and they will decide at that point whether bond will be set and, if so, at how much. This was a very quick hearing here in which the suspect, alex fields, james alex fields was advised of the charges ger s ag him. He was asked, do you understand the charges against you and he said, yes, he did. He did not have money to afford an attorney to represent him. So, one is going to be appointed. One has rather already been appointed to represent him. Hallie. Tom costello there live for us in charlottesville. I want to bring back in joe, anna, betsy. Very quick. Obviously, we expected this Court Hearing for this individual is going to be fast. He will get a public defender. And well see him in court and repeatedly down the road. Betsy, before we talk with tom we saw Heather Heyers mother speaking with us. She wants to make sure her daughters death is not in vain. I talked to her old boss at her old law firm yesterday. And he said her main role was helping people going through bankruptcy and facing these enormous financial crises would go to heather and heather would hold their hands and tell them they are going to be okay and walk them through the process and her death is an unthinkable travesty. Vital to remember her as so much of the focus today is on the man who allegedly killed her. Joe watkins. Her mother was such a sweetheart to say what she said on National Television and to have that sense to love and forgive. But just tragic. Tragic. Tragic loss of life. Joe watkins joining us live from philadelphia. Thank you. Anna and betsy, ill ask you to stick around for a couple minutes. An exclusive interview with the Vice President talking with the president saying what the president did not. Condemning White Supremacy. Part of that conversation with another talk with the vp just minutes away. Thats after the break. Wheres gary . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico. Goin up the country. Later, gary i have a motorcycle wonderful. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Gotcha mom. But now that youre listening. Did you know capri sun doesnt have all that artificial stuff you think it has . Well, you do now. Get those kids some capri sun we are back now with a live look at air force one that has just landed at joint base andrews. The president coming down to d. C. For the day from his gulf club, his home in bedminister, new jersey. We expect to see the president step off air force one momentarily. Get on marine one and then fly into the white house where he is set to meet with the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, along with his new fbi director chris ray to talk about what has unfolded over the past 48 hours in the charlottesville, virginia. Vice president mike pence is talking about it, too. He spoke with Peter Alexander and the president s controversial response. Here it is. You said on many sides. Name those sides. What are the sides . As i said today, we condemn in the strongest terms. The hate and violence advocated by White Supremacists and neonazis what is the other side . He said on many sides. As you look throughout the course of many years. Weve seen Fringe Groups use peaceful protests environment to bring violence, in some cases, against police officers. With respect with one group yesterday, mr. Vice president , killed an american. And were bringing the full weight of the federal government to bear on investigating and prosecuting that individual for that heinous act that took the life of that innocent woman. Peter is traveling with the Vice President in colombia. Well have more from him later on. Peter sykes and also joining us here, again, anna and betsy, as we keep an eye on air force one pulling into joint base andrews as the president gets ready to head over to the white house. Charl charlie, its not clear if we are going to see the president meeting with Jeff Sessions. Right now that is what they call closed press, which means it is not something that we will get a look at necessarily. That said, we do expect to see the president publicly. Not surprising if he talks about charlottesville. If he does, charlie. 2 1 2 days after this happened, is it too little too late . Yes, it is. And, in fact, you had a defining moment of the presidency over the weekend. You know, particularly when hes walking off after making a statement and a reporter says, you know, are you going to condemn white nationalism. He hears that and continues to walk. This was the easiest thing in the world for him to answer. Of course we condemn neonazis and the kkk. He chose not to do it. Moral imperative for the president to do it. This is part of a pattern. We saw this over and over and over again during the campaign. That when he does condemn the altright or the White Nationalist supporters he does so only grungly. Calls out people who he disagrees with and attack them by name. Yet for whatever reason, he has been reluctant. He needs to be dragged kicking and screaming to say the obvious. Look, so, yeah. Weve seen this pattern. We should not be surprised by it. New York Magazine put together a list that the president has criticized by name as you take a look and we see air force one on the other side of the screen. People from republicans and former fbi director he has called out. You say too little, too late for the president. Is there a flip side to this that is better now than never if he does . Yes, better now than never. On the other hand, look, this is a moral test for the president and for the Republican Party and the conservative movement. This is something we talked about during the campaign. You have a lot of conservatives who, i think, have had a wink, wink approach to the. Took this party and this president to turn things around. A lot of looking in the mirror and saying, how did we enable . How did we empower these people and what is the reaction to our nonreaction . Because, you know, im sorry i spent some time looking at some of the altright racist websites this morning and they are feeling quite emboldened by the president s nonstatement. Thats something that the attorney general Jeff Sessions talked about this morning when he was on today show as we keep an eye out for the president emerging from air force one. The point that charlie is making here that the president s nonresponse when he walked out of the room and whether he announces their support. To some of these groups spoke volumes. Almost an endorsement. You saw some of these altright websites saying, were going to do more of this. This is going to be, this is just the first. These protests will continue for a long time forward. The Common Thread when it comes to who the president attacks is he goes after people who criticize him first. Thats why he ripped into mcconnell and the new york times. He might not criticize neonazis until they turn on him. Thats plausible at this point. Watching President Trump walk off air force one returning back to d. C. For the day after he is spending a working vacation in bedminister, new jersey. Well see him get on marine one. The attorney general, as we have been talking about, has hinted the president will Say Something about the attack in charlottesville. Of course, what will he say is the big question. Charlie, your response to what anna and betsy have had to say. Well, you know, going back, you know, for a long period of time, there has been this strange relationship that donald trump has with the altright. Betsy documented when Rush Limbaugh actually spoke positively about the altright. So, again, this is something that one statement isnt going to be sufficient. Its not going to be sufficient to do it. And, you know, the contrast between his quick trigger finger on tweeting out and comments and other context. Look, this is a president who made a big theme of the fact that barack obama would not use islamic terrorism. If you cannot say it, you are not showing leadership. This standard needs to be applied to him over the next 24 hours. Thank you for joining us. Anna and betsy will stick around as we watch the top advisors get into marine one. Well follow more on this story plus another big story that is making headlines overseas. President trump who says the military is locked and loaded with the top u. S. General in south korea today saying, diplomacy is actually preferred. All of it as Administration Officials are trying to tap down fears of war. Whuuuuuat . Rtgage offer from the bank today. You never just get one offer. Go to lendingtree. Com and shop multiple loan offers for free free . Yeah. Could save thousands. You should probably buy me dinner. No. Go to lendingtree. Com for a new home loan or refinance. Receive up to five free offers and choose the loan thats right for you. Our average customer could lower their monthly bills by over three hundred dollars. Go to lendingtree. Com right now. 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And right now the notorious drug lord el chapo is in a court in brooklyn today. Guzman wants to hire a highprofile to represent him. Extradited to the u. S. To face Drug Trafficking charges, as you may remember. Over to south korea now. Saying the United States is prepared to use the full range of military capabilities to defend u. S. Allies against north korea. Heres what National Security adviser h. R. Mcmaster had to say kind of echoing that on meet the press. The most effective way to prevent war is to be prepared for it. And to make sure that there is a viable military option that, if necessary, you could execute to protect the american people. Matt bradley from nbc is live in seoul for us right now. Matt, thank you for being with us here. Talk to us about how south korean and u. S. Officials are coordinating today and some of these diplomatic moves we are now seeing in the region. What do we know . Thanks, hallie. Were starting tasee soo see so the cooler heads maneuver around this region. Were seeing shuttle diplomacy h. R. Mcmaster the National Security adviser, the secretary of Defense James Mattis and then Joseph Dunford the joint chiefs of staff had. Now, theyre all moving around this region and trying to bring everybody together and trying to tamp down some of these tensions. But the other way in which theyre coordinating is doing quite the opposite. Theyre getting ready for the Freedom Guardian war games. Thats going to be happening one week from today and its going to last for ten days. Now, thats what north korea has said will actually cause them to launch this missile or these foreign missiles towards guam. Its no exaggeration to say that these war games are some of the Largest Military exercise that the world has ever seen. This is a constant thing. So, it can be very threatening for north korea and its no doubt that kim jongun will take exception to seeing them happening, even when hes asked that they be delayed or canceled. Lets put this into perspective here, hallie. These exercises have happen every year for the last 40 years and every year north korea has condemned them and sometimes use them as a pretext to launch missiles. Theyre not going to be surprised by these exercises but might use them as a pretext to launch these missiles towards guam as kim jongun has already threatened he would be doing. The temperature is really raising up right now. But a lot of people hear cooler heads who are trying to tamp down the tensions and were seeing that from american diplomats and from the south korean presiden korean president. And a lot of these people, including china, theyre all moving together and trying to take the language and the rhetoric away from the fiery brimstone dooms day scenario that the president has been describing. Fire and fury, if you will. Matt, thank you. Joining the conversation now with us is deborah lee james, former secretary of the air force under president obama. Anna and betsy are back with us, as well. Secretary, really a pleasure to have you here. Thank you. Thank you. Want you to listen to what mike palm ompeo. It wouldnt surprise me if there was another missile test. If North Koreans test another missile, does anything on the u. S. Strategy change . First of all, hallie, the u. S. Strategy for many years is a blend of military strentgth ad exercising and preparing for the possibility of a war but always, always, always focusing on diplomacy and trying to bring this to peaceful ends. Strategic patience. Strategic patience. I would assert not a whole lot different other than the tone at the top. Thats interesting secretaries madison and tillerson saying replacing strategic patience with strategic accountability. You think these are the same things . I think it is very, very similar and i would note that over the weekend the south korean ambassador, south korea being our key ally in this case called it more of a strategic confusion. Type of an approach. We have mixed up our allies. We have confused the situation with his language coming directly from the top. Are you concerned then about the strategy that youre seeing from this administration from secretary mattis, tillerson . Im not concerned. The reason for that is because theres more than one war in our history. If you look back in the history of the world where there has been a trigger because of a miscalculation by one side or another. And we have a lot of bluster going on right now from the top of the two governments involved. And that could be dangerous for a miscalculation. Is the rhetoric that youre talking about from President Trump, which you point out, diffrenshiates from what youre hearing from the next level down from his cabinet. Could that be part of the strategy from the United States . The mad man theory, et cetera. Is it intentional . It could be. Our president is one that tends to lead from the gut. He says what he thinks. He has kind of a strong authoritarian approach, as does kim jongun. You have two leaders here who are going at each other in ways that could be dangerous because it could cause one to miscalcula miscalculate. What do you say to the critics who say, kim jongun north korea increased its capabilities when it comes to its weaponry even in the time of strategic patience. I think we have just had some very recent successes in the u. N. 150 voting to impose very, very tough, tougher sanctions. Under the trump administration. Under the trump administration, thats right. And just today, or tomorrow china will be imposing those sanctions. I think we need to make sure those are enforced in an air tight way and double down on diplomacy. Now is the time to go more quiet. Intelligence community and chinas role in enforcing these sanks is really key here. Thats why the fact is being very bellicose towards china on trade this week is so important. China might feel they need to enforce those sanctions they think it is in their best interest. For them sanctions enforcement can become a bit of a carrot. So that context is really vital. To a significant extent, china pressuring north korea is the key piece here. And, secretary, you agree with that assessment . I do. China can do a lot more and we will see now whether they really enforce these sanctions in as close to an air tight fashion as possible. How important is, anna, that secretaries are on the same page here . A lot of different arguments and what is the president saying and what does he actually mean. I think this is a definite strategic show of force saying we are together on this and this is where the United States policy really is. If you had the president right now, what would you tell him to do . I would tell him to tone down the bluster and the rhetoric from the top. Work with the new sanctions that we have china and russia on board to enforce and make sure the enforcement happens in an air tight fashion and double down on diplomacy. Former secretary of the air force, deborah lee james. Thank you for being here. We have more to come up today in the show. In addition to all of this happening overseas, another Foreign Policy crisis. President trump threatening possible military action in venezuela. Now, the Vice President says the u. S. Would much prefer socalled peaceable solution. So, what do either of those options look like . Thats next. Incredible iphone 7 from at t you can get unlimited data and live tv. The channels you love. Your favorite shows and movies. Making your iphone into more of a. Oh my tv is ringing. Hey. Im in the middle of a. A second iphone from at t . 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Every country in latin america would not favor any form of military intervention. I have told Vice President pence that the possibility of a military intervention shouldnt even be considered. That is the president of colombia alongside mike pence over the weekend making his feelings pretty clear on u. S. Military action against its neighbor venezuela. That, of course, was the reaction to the president s remarks late friday that he would not rule out a military option, he says, to combat the chaos in venezuela. Came ahead of the vp six nation trip. We expect to see the Vice President being interviewed by peter alaxeneder about how the trip is going. I want to bring in policy analyst at the Center Global liberty at the Kato Institute and our panel is back with us. Anna palmer and betsy woodruff. You have top officials dealing with damage control on a lot of different fronts. The damage mr. Trump did is mostly entangable, but intangibles matter. Mr. Maduros regime must not be given any you said president maduro could use this to his advantage now. For over a decade the Venezuelan Regime has been playing the card. Has even conducted military operations in the past claiming that washington is prepared to come after the oil. And now we have the president of the United States on record saying that a military option is on the table. And for the weekend, we didnt hear anything about the destruction of the democracy in venezuela. Condemnation regarding what maduro is doing we heard President Trumps remarks and a thing that was totally counterproductive. Is the Vice President s tour enough to bring down the heat . Well, hopefully. Hopefully. I mean, he emphasized more peaceful solution yesterday when they talk about the outcome that the u. S. Government is expecting from the venezuelan crisis. However, this is going to play into the hands of maduro. They are talking about preparing for an invasion and the opposition is in a binder. The president is kind of on an island with this. No support for this kind of move when you look at whats happening on capitol hill. Senator Lindsey Graham responded to all of this. Here is what the senator had to say. I know that if we dont send more troops to afghanistan, its going to fail. I know why we have troops in iraq and syria to train people to destroy isol we have troops in south korea and europe to protect us against threats like north korea and russia expansion. I have no idea why we would use military force in venezuela . You say words matter. But is it possible that the president s word might not carry quite as much weight given the reaction that youre hearing from other republicans . I havent seen a war that senator graham doesnt like. If he doesnt like the idea of sending troops to venezuela, theres no support for this within the republican ranks or any other branch of the u. S. Government, i might add. But, indeed, this is not, i mean, this is not about the reality of what u. S. Intervention. I think many people and almost everybody regard as a bluff. This is about how the venezuelan government is going to play out this. When you talk about people who have spoken out strongly and marco rubio is one of them. One of venezuelan leaders has put out a death threat. What do we know . We actually noticed a couple weeks ago that he had extra secret Service Going around with him which was uncharacteristic. He is not in leadership and he would not always have that. A lot of poking around of what this was. I will say this, this was several weeks ago and he continued to speak out just as aggressively. This has not tamed or made him nervous enough that he backed down on any of those statements. The possibility of more economic sanctions against venezuela now when you look at the political response, betsy. Make more sense. The notion that we would send the military into venezuela. That said, i think, speaking to the question of the president s credibility, its important to remember that President Trump, his gut reaction is always to talk about sending in the military. Whether its sending the feds to chicago or sending troops to the border or what have you. Any time theres a crisis, trump talks about a military response. He rarely, if ever, i think never has followed through on those threats. But that has an effect and will have a cumulative effect on his credibility and the United States credibility when it comes to military threats. It also means its like everybody is shadow boxing and trying to figure out the president says this and what is this countrys Foreign Policy and you have allies and adversaries trying to figure out and piece together which is actually happening in his administration versus what hes saying. Wall street journal notes as we talk about the political response would be and up against an array of Democratic Forces and the ball is runned by cuba on the ground but backed strategically by iran, russia andsaryia. Indeed. The opposition came out with a statement this weekend. Rejecting President Trumps statement, but also emphasizing the foreign presence. Venezuela is occupied by cuban forces. Control key areas of the government, including the military. They try to play that into that hand. Yeah, we reject intervention into which is involved with the regime. Anna and betsy are sticking around as we wait later on this morning here on this network that live interview with Vice President mike pence and Nbc News National Correspondent peter alexeneder. In the meantime, talking about what else is happening at the white house. In 45 minutes youll see the president talking with his attorney general, Jeff Sessions. Later, we know were going tasee t the president demand china get more involved with north korea. Expected to call for an investigation into chinas trade practices. This morning their state media is already declaring this will poison relations. A closer look at that, next. U and lifes beautiful moments. Switch to flonase allergy relief. Flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Flonase helps block 6. Most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. 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They have been signaling for weeks this is coming. I dont know they wanted to go as far as they are going now. They wanted to put pressure on china with whats happening in north korea. If this goes forward and it looks like it, the wto, bigger implications than donald trump tweeting something. This was planned for a long time. This is not take new thing. It didnt come when tensions with north korea rose. This is bannon west wing. If anything this makes it much harder for china to be helpful to us when dealing with north korea. Now were trying to push them on two front. One thing the white house emphasized, just an investigation, not prejudge the results of it but thats dis disingenuous because one of the top traders is fighting china, try to get them to change trade and intellectual property. From chinas perspective the white house covering for itself saying were just investigating. I talked to several sources, even some not necessarily totally on team trump, this has been coming a while. Examination in particular ip theft, intellectual property them. Also critics say this could start a trade war. Chinese media, editorial, instead of advancing United States interest, politicizing trade will only accelerate economic woes and poison overall chinau. S. Relationship. Is that just talk or is the president rocking the boat too hard. I definitely think this is something they will examine very closely. Whether or not u. S. China relationship will go up in flames over this, doubtful. The hyperbole is strong. Something businesses in the u. S. Will cheer, businesses in the Silicon Valley excited that finally the government is taking this seriously. Congress, reaction . For congress this complicated. Remember, the president has been pushing congress to push more nationalist, populist perspective, the bannon project. Thats what trump ran on. For the most part republicans on capitol hill dont have a huge appetite for going after china. One exception was Jeff Sessions when he was in the senate. He lobbied hard to tlabl china a currency manipulator. One timeless trade hawk to work with. It is always such a pleasure to have you hanging out with me on set. I hope i will see you after the commercial break back with todays big picture. Thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . Ship the goods. Youre a go you got the green light. That means go oh, yeah. Start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Were gonna hit our launch date scream thank you goodbye let us help with money and knowhow, so you can get business done. American express open. [brother] any last words . Done. [boy] karma, danny. Karma [vo] progress is seizing the moment. Your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. Picture which comes to us from kenya. Kenya calling on people to strike in protest after last weeks election results. That leads to this, nairobi, a man through tear gas looking for safety from riot police. The response to the call for strike, everybody to stay home from work seems to be limited. A lot of businesses reopening after shutting down during the election period. The photographer here ben curtis for the ap. Id love to hear your thoughts on facebook, twitter, snapchat and, by the way, instagram which im taking over for nbc in a few minutes. Thank you for joining us on this busy hour of msnbc. More to come with ali velshi and stephanie ruhle. Good morning. Im stephanie ruhle. Im ali velshi. Nbcs Peter Alexander is with Vice President mike pence in colombia for an exclusive

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