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Didnt do anything wrong. Just to set the scene here, hallie. This has to do with a meeting that took place two weeks after then candidate trump clinched the nomination. And it was his son, don jr. , Jared Kushner, his soninlaw, Paul Manafort Campaign Manager at the time who met with the russian lawyer with suspected links to the kremlin. Now, as you point out what has become so notable is the fact that don jr. s reasons for having this meeting have shifted over time. First, he said that he met with her to discuss adoptions. Of course, that came after putin controversially suspended adoptions to the u. S. And then, of course, late yesterday changed his story dramatically. Saying that, in fact, he was promised some dirt on Hillary Clinton. As you have underscored, hes tweeting this morning saying, look, no inconsistencies. Ive merely added to the narrative. In a statement over the weekend, he also said that the lawyer was vague and ambiguous and that she had no meaningful information about Hillary Clinton. Thats a point that was underscored by top adviser Kellyanne Conway earlier today. Take a listen. Peoples disclosure statements have been amended to reflect meetings such as this. And don jr. Came forth this weekend and gave more information about the meeting. He also made very clear after denying it. That no information that was meaningful and helpful was gained from this. And an attorney representing Jared Kushner has underscored that this is a meeting that he previously disclosed. This, of course, all comes, hallie, mounting questions and a special counsel looking into the russian investigation, russias meddling in the u. S. Election and any potential ties between the Trump Campaign and russia at the time. Something that President Trump has firmly denied. Now, we are also having more fallout from the president s meeting with president putin during the g20 summit. In particular, the fact that he announced there was going to be a Cybersecurity Working Group. That is something that has been mocked by some of his fellow republicans. Some who say that is akin to trying to set up a joint summit with syrias president to combat chemical weapons. President trump changing his tune on that today tweeting earlier today that the fact that putin and i discussed a cybersecurity unit doesnt mean i think it can happen. It cant. So, a lot of different headlines were tracking here at the white house today, hallie. Another one of those off camera briefings. Kristen welker holding it down in washington. Thank you very much. For now, i want to bring in former Justice Department spokesman and now security analyst Matthew Miller and chief White House Correspondent for New York Times and msnbc political analyst peter baker. Thank you for being here, guys. Matt, let me start with you. If a russianlinked lawyer with ties to the kremlin comes to the u. S. To meet with the president ial campaign. Would our intel communities have known about that . Yeah, probably so. This would have been someone who because she was known to be working closely on behalf of the kremlin with people who are close to the kremlin to lobby against these u. S. Sanctions, this law that imposed u. S. Sanctions. Someone tracked by u. S. Intelligence agencies and they probably would have noticed when she booked a flight to come to the country and certainly when she landed in the country. I think they would have been tracking that. What we know now is this meeting probably came to light possibly because they knew she was coming to the United States but also because Jared Kushner after initially leaving his office, the form you submit to apply for security clearance came back and admitted later that he did have this meeting just as he first did not disclose his meeting with the Russian Ambassador and came back and admitted it after the fact. Do you read anything into that or is that perhaps kushners team trying to do their Due Diligence . What is your sense . When you look at the first application, the one he submitted the first time. Hard to understand how they forget all of these meetings. Given the benefit of the doubt that maybe he forgot this one meeting that he had 20 minutes, a half hour who knows how long over the summer. Give him the benefit of the doubt on that. He also forgot the meeting he had with the Russian Ambassador two weeks before he submitted the form setting opsecure communications channel. Its very hard to believe he forgot that one. When you look at the pattern here from across the administration, the president s son, the president s soninlaw, the president S National Security adviser, mike flynn. The attorney general. All forgetting conveniently to disclose meetings with russians or not telling the truth in donald trump jr. s case in the content of that meeting with russians. There starts to be a credibility problem when they talk about who they met and what they discussed. We are hearing from donald trump jr. This morning saying, essentially, nuthing to see here. That he met, there was no incriminating on Hillary Clinton and that is that. That puts it to rest. Saturday he said something different. This was a meeting totally about adoptions and now saying i am adding to that original story. Is that a done deal now . Well, of course, not going to put it to rest. Lots of questions asked. I think what we were just saying is correct. Any one meeting you might not make very much of certainly was the russians made very clear that they were very upset about these socalled sanctions. Not surprising, perhaps, that they would try to see anybody they could to undo them or at least make friends with people who might position at some point undo them. But what i think as matt mentioned is making a bigger story is the fact that its one of a piece of many. How many meetings does one campaign have when one foreign countrys representatives or agents or and there seem to be an awful lot with russia over the course of 2016, which raises a lot of questions. Let me bring up, peter, as youre talking about this teeing us up for a timeline. June 7th is basically when the primary season ended. We know that. Donald trump jr. Met with the lawyer on june 9th. The same day the president tweeted about Hillary Clintons missing emails. A week and a half week later they change the platform on ukraine and then july 22nd. About 12 days, 13 days after that kremlinlinked meeting. Obviously, much more to that timeline and when you look at it circumstancially and peter , to you, i want to get your reaction, as well. Does it raise some eyebrows here . I think so. Putin praised donald trump and the reaction he got, if Vladimir Putin says nice things about me, i will say nice things about him. Someone that they could influence and they embarked on a Long Campaign through lobbying. This meeting that the lawyer had to talk about and hack the dnc and hack John Podestas emails and do whatever they could to help donald trump get elected president and he, in return, helped them by changing the platform as their timeline lays out and once he got into office trying to roll back sanctions. Something that ultimately fell apart when mike flynn had to leave the administration. Peter . The sequence that makes things more interesting. You know, did donald trump jr. And Jared Kushner in the summer of 2016 really understand what they were doing with this one particular meeting . And thats the question, peter. Right. I think what you hear from the white house and from folks inside the administration right now, hey, why wouldnt they meet with someone to get that . Walk us through that and the context. You covered a lot of campaigns. I mean, you know, obviously, campaigns deal with research on their opponents all the time. You dont usually get them from foreign sources and people with a little bit of Due Diligence you can understand is actually tied to the kremlin and tied to people around the kremlin. Thats what makes it odd. One thing that im going to sit there and meet with chairman from Hillary Clintons stage and tell me about her time as a secretary or senator or Something Like that. Thats a different thing. That makes it unusual. Now, donald trump jr. And Jared Kushner are not naive but not particularly schooled in this particular area and it is certainly conceivable that they didnt fully understand what they were doing. But, again, as you show with that sequence, its the timing of that that makes it it odd and the continuation of meetings with the russians over the course of the months to come all the way through the transition that, you know, raises questions that havent been answered. Peter baker, Matthew Miller, thank you for joining us here. Were talking about members of the administration, right, coming out to defend don jr. But not seeing much of the president today. No Public Events on his schedule. But he is, perhaps, unsurprisingly saying plenty of twitter. Hitting on health care which is the other big headline on capitol hill. Firing this warning shot. Tweeting, i cannot imagine that congress would dare to leave without a new Health Care Bill ready to go. Lawmakers back today after the break are looking at the chances for a bill passing soon getting worse and not better. Nbc capitol hill correspondent kasie hunt joining us now. More republicans jumping ship. What are the chances theyll blow off august recess and stay in town to get health care done . I would just say, hallie, in the time ive been here never seen them cancel an august recess in many years. A little bit unprecedent. They have sometimes worked on christmas eve. But it is a big ask. And there are a group of republican senators that have made this ask of Republican Leaders as they try to sort through this. They frankly have quite a pile of work in front of them that doesnt relate to health care and they cant seem to get off of this health care argument and fight. And Mitch Mcconnell the republican leader knows that this isnt necessarily the best place for them to be and set deadlines and move things forward. The last week, i dont think, was one that was positive. Youre seeing Mitch Mcconnell there. The pictures of him are from the recess when he was back home in kentucky and he made some comments in kind of slightly different tone saying, look, if we cant get where i need to go and cant solve this rubics cube of 50 votes in the senate well have to work with democrats to fix the insurance markets. You heard john mccain assess it bluntly over the weekend. Look, i think this thing is dead and well have to turn around and work with democrats. There seems to be more momentum behind that right now than there is behind this idea that they can actually get to 50. Now, new cbo scores, we think, this week, on some of the changes that they made to the legislation to try to get some of these members on board. Some other things a package from the conservatives ted cruz, mike lee and maybe potentially to get them onboard. Although there is a sense of that cbo score may come back and show them why it may be impossible for that to happen. So, a lot of twists and turns still to come here. Hallie . Hope you had a restful july 4th break, kasie. Ill see you back in d. C. Bring in our panel here for the next 60 minutes. And Senior Reporter for politico, ozzie. Guys, thanks for joining us. I want to pull up this graphic of no votes on health care right now as it stands. Some might argue it is still early in the process, but what do you see as the way forward now for Mitch Mcconnell to get these people onboard . Its very difficult for me to see someone like Susan Collins who just got back from recess saying her constituents were praising her for opposing the senate bill. Getting on the same page as someone like ted cruz who is arguing for the most conservative version of this plan. Arguing for full repeal. So, its hard to see those two getting on the same page on this. And i think Mitch Mcconnell knows this. There is a reason he didnt want to have this bill lingering during this recess because as it is out there kind mareinating it gets less and less popular. And not just the moderates speaking up. Jerry moran talking to his constituents with this. Using repair instead of repeal. That gets to the point, ozzie, is it still repeal and replace or fix what is in existence. They might be going to fix what is already in existence. One thing they did in new york for the house version was create an amendment to the bill that lets the state or requires the state to pick up some of the expenses from local counties. That was sort of a shout out to andrew cuomo and some of the republicans here who were happy about that. A potential chance that in the last minute we saw things that apply to specific states. Carve outs. Carve outs against specific people onboard. If you cant get the grand deal and afraid of going across the aisle you pick and choose where you want to do certain things. That is not a political slam dunk either in a lot of cases. Well talk about this more later in the hour. Ill keep you two around and want to talk about next bringing on the back pedal. Out with a caveat on cyberhacking. So, what happens now . Were talking about it after the break. More kinds of crab than ever, new dishes, and all your favorites. Only while crabfest lasts. Red lobster. Now this is seafood. Theso when i need to book tant to mea hotel room,tion. I want someone that makes it easy. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. Visit booking. Com. Booking. Yeah we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Thithis is the new new york. E . With think again. Ntage. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov so, lets talk about that cybersecurity trial balloon that went over like a lead balloon on capitol hill. President trump hoping to work with russia to stop election interference. Its not the dumb idea that i ever heard but its pretty close. Im sure Vladimir Putin could be of enormous assistance since hes doing the hacking. We might as well as just mail our ballot boxes to moscow. So, President Trump tweeting about this overnight as im joined by naveed and a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute and stewart holiday, former ambassador to the u. N. For special political affairs. Back with me caitlin and ozzie. Let me show you this tweet now. It is about 12 hours old at this moint. Doesnt mean i think it can happen. It cant. But a ceasefire can and did. Obviously, naveed, this is different from what he tweeted 12 hours earlier from when we were overseas in germany working on this unit. You say a couple things needed when it comes to working with another country on international cybersecurity, right . Absolutely. I mean, ill leave the puns to the republicans and the twittersphere. Look, the reality is when it comes to cybersecurity, take the elections out of and just traditional, you know, people who steal credit cards and commit crimes. One of the biggest things is actually taking possession of that person and when you work with a foreign nation, that, perhaps, is one of the key cornerstones. When it comes to russia, my goodness, the biggest cybersecurity criminal resides. Edward snowden. They could easily give him back to us. We can talk about strengthening our infrastructure but when it comes to the geopolitical discussion, a lot of it rests on two things. One, being able to extradite people back to the United States to face charges and, two, being able to seize assets. So, i dont imagine that russia is going to be interested in doing either any time soon. So, it kind of begs the question. What is the point of even going down this road. So, what was the point, ambassador. Ash carter says sort of memorably that russia pulled out an old playbook here. When confronted with something done wrong, ask for u. S. Intelligence. Is that what was at play some. I think that and the fact that everyone is looking for deliveerables out of these meetings. And it sounded good. It looked like perhaps that this could be some sort of cooperation. Weve got the syrias ceasefire. Part of a package. But it was really ill conceived. A reason the russians would want this more than us. Its basically a head fake and, obviously, the response from members of congress and others sort of, you know, evidence of what the, where the chips really are on this one. Ambassaddouser do you think this point when we hear from pat toomey i want you to listen. Vladimir putin needed to come away with that meeting from that meeting understanding that hes going to have to pay a price for his aggression in crimia and ukraine and american elections and a president who let him know squarely. Youll pay a price. Do you think hes right, ambassador . A missed opportunity here. What message was there about talking about this Cybersecurity Working Group . I think there was in a sense that we have been attacked, our election system, you know, was compromised by the russians. And i think making a strong statement to that effect is critical. I understand that the president wants to move forward. And he does see cooperation with issues like north korea, syria and others as essential. But its important that we recognize that this is going to continue and we have to, you know, develop a posture where we can walk and chew gum at the same time. We need to hold them accountable if theyre infiltrating or taking measures against our infrastructure or our political system. Naveed, do you think russia would have gone along with this . Was this something that Vladimir Putin was talking about to try to elicit this kind of reaction from the president . Absolutely i agree with the president. Short answer is, no. I dont think there is anything to be gained by the russians actually cooperating in strengthening cybersecurity in the United States and russia. No, the short of it. At the end of the day, hallie, we have to start thinking about rush as russia of as it is. Theyre not interested in suing for peace any time soon. They are our adversary and we are their main enemy and theyre not going to change any time soon. Cooperating with them on oan internal threat that is an attack on our National Security and looking to an adversary to help us with that doesnt make sense. My colleague Peter Alexander memorably phrased it this way earlier today. This is the shortest lived initiative in modern history given how quickly it existed and then apparently kubocaboched. It is amazing from obama to trump. We went to cut it out to can you help out . It also underscores how much credibility or skiepticism ther is for russians helping out with cybersecurity. Donald trump had meetings with ceos and tech and meets with putin and then has the idea of helping out. This would have been much more better received if he replaced putin with american ceos and te tech. On the political side, too, caitlin, you just had Steven Mnuchin out touting this thing yesterday before he canceled it all. On the sunday shows touting this, of course, the president then undermines that shortly after. Thats not the first time weve seen them kind of on different pages here. What im watching are the consequence. 98 senators supported this. Goi going to the house. That is important to consider when you are assessing the news of the meetings between Trump Officials and the russian lawyer. By the way, that subject on adoption has to do with sanctions that came out of that. So, that is kind of what im keeping an eye on. What kind of Pressure Congress can create, if any, on this white house on this idea. Stick around a little longer. Thank you, both, for joining us here. Much anticipated. Next up, getting out of washington and getting out of new york and were heading to pennsylvania because as we speak, 18 former penn state frat brul brothers accused of hazing a pledge to death are facing a judge with a lot of the line. Well explain why. Noo introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades text blades to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand. And get 3 off your first order parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. And like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. These types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Rates are competitive, and theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Remember these plans let you apply all year round. So call today. Because nows the perfect time to learn more. Go long. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® we are back now with a look at the headlines. New comments this morning from donald trump jr. Under fire after a campaign meeting. But trump jr. Tweeting this morning, he didnt learn anything damaging and other Administration Officials are pushing back saying he was asked to attend the meetings and didnt request it himself. Overseas, a British High Court is hearing new evidence in the case of charlie guard that little boy terminally hil hoping to get experimental treatment here in the u. S. Before all this courts have ruled that he could not travel for his treatment for his rare genetic disease. Nearly 2 million has been raised online for charlie. And, remember, the president tweeted about his case last week. In south carolina, flying the Confederate Flag at the state house. The group is against the state removing that flag, taken down two years ago today after nine black worshippers were killed in a charleston church. At the time then governor nikki haley saying it should have never been there. These grounds are a place everyone should be a part of and no one should feel pain. This hour we are watching a preliminary hearing happening for 18 penn state frat members charged in connection with the death of timothy piazza. He was pledging the fraternity when he died. Reporter this forning former Penn State Fraternity brothers are heading back to court to determine if theyre going back to trial. 18 are charged in connection with alleged brutal hazing death of 19yearold tim piazza. His devastated parents plan to be in the courtroom, again. They hope the death of their son is not in vain and that the death of their son will encourage change. Reporter during the first part of the hearing last month, prosecutors played gut wrenching Surveillance Video of piazza drunk for hours inside the Fraternity House for hours in fbi. It took nearly 12 hours for someone to call 911. That is what made the difference. Yes. They killed him. Reporter now his parents furious at what they called the inappropriate behavior of the defendants in court in june likening it to a fraternity get together. Slapping each others back, laughing, kidding and joking. That was distressing to the piazzas. Reporter the charges range from manslaughter. Reckless endangerment. Participate in some sort of jovial back slapping. Quite the contrary. Reporter accused of aggravated assault. With regard to the charges against my client, they are both factually and legally unfounded, unjustified and unwarranted. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez reporting. He is in the courtroom and will give us updates throughout the day. The fight for mosul is coming to a close but slow fight to the finish. Why that is and what the Prime Minister plans to do the second that happens. Thats next. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® its just a burst pipe, i co laugh it. 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Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can be more active. Ask your doctor about lyrica. We are back and looking at a crucial moment in the final fight for mosul. U. S. Led Coalition Forces are targeting the last few pockets of resistance there from isis fighters. A day after the iraqi Prime Minister arrived. Ready to declare victory over isis. Nbc chief news correspondent Richard Engel filed this report from on the ground in mosul. We are in the old city of mosul and this is the front line in the fight against isis. Isis has chosen this place to make its last stand in the city. Were not just anywhere in the old city, just beyond these buildings tamy left is the tigress river and for the iraqi troops have been doing the Ground Fighting for their american advisors who have been carrying out the air strikes in support of the iraqi Ground Troops has always been the objective because the old city ends at the tigress river. So, the fact that the iraqis are here. The fact that were able to come here shows that the main thrust of this operation to push isis out has more or less come to its end. There are still some pockets of fighting. We have been hearing gunfire and strikes coming in. You can hear one right now. It will take more time for these last pockets to be cleared out. But the main offensive, nine months of work since this offensive to drive isis from mosul since it began, that main offensive has now more or less reached its conclusion. Richard engel, nbc news, mosul. We are joined now by douglas, former director of iraq at the National Security counsel and back with me caitlin from real clear politics. Doug, ill start with you here. The Iraqi Government. You heard what richard said. The Iraqi Government put out this statement saying the Prime Minister is here to congratulate the troops for a great victory. But is this a premature celebration . Is it too soon . Its not too soon for mosul. Yes, certainly a few pockets here and there and the reports are mostly foreign fighters. People who cant melt away into the populations. So, they really have no where to go. So, theyre going to stay and fight to the end. This is not in doubt any more. These are small, little pockets. The bulk of the city is cleared. And its, well, regrettably, a few people may still get killed in the final big picture. What does this then mean in the overall fight against isis. The fact that iraqi forces have retaken mosul . On the iraqi side of the border in terms of the big fight, the mass armies moving against each other. Its all down hill from here. There are a few cities left to clear. Most notably telafar but that is a much smaller city. The forces are there. Theyll overwhelm that city in a short period of time. Really all down hill from here. This is the iraqi equivalent of their ve day. This is a big day for the iraqis. And, yes, there is a lot still to go. There will be other cities to clear. Theres going to be a longterm counterterrorism problem. Lots of reconstruction needs to be done. Lots of problems with the Iraqi Government. But, still, lets let them have their day and celebrate three years ago a lot of people predicted this would never happen. What about isis in syria. You alluded to that. Not just the same parallels when it comes to these two countries. Very different. The line in the sand between iraq and syria may be arbitrary but what happens on the two sides of the border is very different. In iraq we have a very real partner. And, again, i could talk all day about what is wrong with the Iraqi Government but it functions very well. It is a partner we can work through. Schools are already open on the east side of mosul. Probably on the west side, too. Certainly on the east side. An iraqi ministof education andl money and books and so on to them. But what are we going to do in raqqa make sure the schools are reopen. The regime, i dont think so. Which of these groups. The problem is on the syrian side of the border. Not a functioning border. How do you see the Trump Administration reacting to this. This apparent victory in mosul . It seems like they want to declare victory and thump their chest and talk about how great and strong the military is. Increased funding for the military. But what the guest said is really important. A longterm and also rebuilding. You saw the reporter out there walking through rubble but a tremendous need to rebuild that city. What the president s plan was on isis. What we were talking about during the break. Give an update on this and hasnt. What richard haas alluded to this is month and months in the making and this is an extension of what the Obama Administration did. Between what their strategy is compared to what happened seven months ago. How does the Iraqi Government make sure there is not a vacuum there where you can see another radicalized group or whoever start this fight again . I think the Iraqi Government has a honeymoon right now. Emotions in iraq are very, very high. Celebrate as the iraqi army comes in. This is not something that happened three years ago. You did not see the largely sunni residents welcoming the mostly shia ir ll lly iraqi gov. I hope they are on the ball and willing to grab this. Willing to find the money to start the reconstruction to have a more inclusive politics. They have a moment they can grab, lets hope they do it. What role do you see the u. S. Playing in that reconstruction . Well, it depends on what, you know, well presumably hear from members of congress who have been more involved in this over the past several years. But it would be interesting to hear from the president on what the plan is for this kind of thing. He doesnt seem to be very interested in bringing america any further into the world stage. He is pulling out of any number of International Accords and internati america first. Spending money overseas to rebuild another country rather than rebuilding another country he would like to talk about chicago and it is hard to see him using his Political Capital to do that. Made such a big deal about his opposition to the war in iraq and made that argument over and over again during the campaign. Bottom line, doug, big moment here for the iraqi people today. Yeah, absolutely. And just to follow on i think the Trump Administration may be in a position to really help the iraqis. Youre right. Not going to be u. S. Money to spend. But the Trump Administration does have very good relations with the saudis and the amaradi and have deep pockets. And if the coalition is willing to go to those states and ask them to make significant contributions to help with the rebuilding of iraq, thats something the Trump Administration could do and those are countries that do have some diplomatic capital with. Doug, thank you very much for that perspective. Much appreciated. Stay with us, because up next were talk about members of Congress Getting more president ial pressure this morning. Where else but on twitter. Donald trump saying he cannot imagine a Health Care Bill getting approved before the august recess. Were back to talk about where things stand on the hill and getting beyond the beltway to see what real people think. Coming up. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. And like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. These types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Rates are competitive, and theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Remember these plans let you apply all year round. So call today. Because nows the perfect time to learn more. Go long. [car tires screech] [bell rings] do you know what state in america has done the best . West virginia has done pretty well. The state who has done the best is kentucky. Their uninsured rate has plummeted. 4 of their kids are uninsured. If you want to look at a Success Story for the Affordable Care act is the state of kentucky. Senator Bernie Sanders with an interesting message for his colleague. Democrats are keeping up the pressure on their friends across the aisle as they try to kill the senate Health Care Bill garret is out beyond the beltway for us in springfield, virginia. Tim kaine is hosting a round table on health care later today. Michael steele former spokesperson for john boehner. Walk us through. What message do people want to send to washington right now . Well, hallie, democrats can smell blood in the water on this Health Care Bill and they very much want takeep to keep the fo this bill. The more it has been talked about, the more unpopular it becomes. Senator tim kaine of virginia will have a roundtable with doctors and with families who are beneficiaries of medicaid. The local press coverage in places like virginia and other states is uniformally negative. More than 1. 4 billion worth of medicaid money that essentially would not make its way to virginia under this bill. Things like that give democrats hope. Also giving democrats hope is the poll numbers are also almost uniformally terrible and rarely breaks 20 in favorability polls. Youre seeing this even in deep red states. One of the few republican senators who held any kind of open town halls over the break were jerry moran in kansas. A very, very ruby red state. This is some of the reaction he got. Why not Work Together to take what was a start and, in my view, an improvement, but continue and make it better . So, youre hearing his constituents there in kansas urging him to work with democrats on a bill solution to this. That effort will continue even as senators return to washington. There are outside groups now up running ads targeting some of the senators who said they were noes on the original bill trying to make sure they keep their promise and stay no vote. Votes. So those air wars will continue to keep pressure on the home front even as senators return to washington. Garrett, thank you very much. Michael, we may see action on the hill. Senator pat toomey was out this morning. Here is what he had to say about where this all goes from here. There are people who arent quite there yet. But weve got a new version coming out today or tomorrow. Okay. That is meant to bring on board people who still have their reservations. Today or tomorrow a new version, michael. Do you think thats going to get some republicans behind this thing . Yeah. I think they are inching toward the finish line. They know the consequences of not getting this done are unacceptable. Youll see more insurers pulling out of the individual market. Youll see higher premiums, lower coverage numbers and ultimately a democratic push for singer payer medicine. What is the bill going to look like. Right now it seems to have gone, some of the people like the woman you heard in the town hall, not repeal and replace but fix whats there. Fix what exists essentially. Is that feasible . Is that the right path . I think its going to be some combination of repealing the parts of obamacare that dont work and fixing some of the problems the system is facing. Some renewed efforts on existing conditions, some renewed efforts on improving coverage number. The original score was pretty bad on that front. I think thats the sort of thing that republicans in the not are working towards to get to a product of 51. Ceo of heritage saying republicans banning the repeal pledge. Quote, if this switches from repeal of obamacare to a bailout of obamacare, that is catastrophic. If Mitch Mcconnell moves to work with democrats here, is that catastrophic . I dont think democrats have much interest working with Mitch Mcconnell on this. I think they are invested in the system. If they want anything its a single payer system. I dont think its a realistic option in some ways. I think continued focus on getting enough republicans to support this bill to get it out of the senate and move on to things like tax reform and infrastructure. Is that true . Do democrats not want to work with republicans here . Republicans do have an opportunity to call the democrats bluff and say, okay, well work with you on this. Mike brings up an interesting point, the idea what democrats want, what fixes they want. You have the base of the Democratic Party clamoring for single pay. Bernie sanders, elizabeth ryan. Lawmakers by and large dont necessarily want to go down that route. So opening this up to democrats could expose some divisions within the Democratic Party about how to proceed. I take Mitch Mcconnells word as more of a threat saying, look, if we cant get the votes on this, youre going to have to go down that road. Youre hearing it from the white house, too. Democrats have no interest giving republicans a victory, even if bruised and damaged one. If they can hold the line, even if additions exposed from the party it forces republicans to live up to what they expected. Not many expected donald trump to win. Now that he did, having to implement something they never thought would come to pass, change the law. Garrett is still with us in virginia. Garrett, i have a question for you hoch you. Who else is leading the charge here. Played that from Bernie Sanders. Why dont we see more democratic pushing on this during the recess. I think democrats are pretty happy to let republicans get in their own way on this. Sort of the art of war theory of dont disrupt your enemy when hes making a mistake. You have seen some democrats vote in safer place, ron wide wyden in town halls, Claire Mccaskill in missouri. She was out trying to rally, take advantage of the energy that surrounds the effort to fight back against this. In the same way there was no real upside for republicans to have a specific repeal plan, back before when they knew president obama would veto anything they wanted to do, you could argue its in democrats best interest not to show their cards what specific changes they would make. As long as they can be seen fighting something unpopular, theres less pressure for them to provide a workable alternative. What is Mitch Mcconnells plan b . I think the threat of having to do a bipartisan action is just that. His goal remains getting enough republican senators to support this to move forward. Washington democrats dont actually have any real plan to improve obamacare. Michael steele, msnbcs garrett hague, thank you both. A thank you to you all for sticking around as well. Appreciate to have you on set. Thanks for coming to new york. Were back with todays big picture after another quick break. But to help others, they first had to protect themselves. I have afib. Even for a nurse, its complicated. And it puts me at higher risk of stroke. That would be devastating. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. Once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. Xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner. 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More news with my colleagues here in new york ali velshi and stephanie ruhle. Good morning, everybody. Im stephanie ruhle. Im ali velshi. The president s son met with a russian who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton. On saturday told donald trump jr. We primarily discussed the adoption of russian children. 24 hours later this latest claim he had been prompted dirt on Hillary Clinton. I dont know much about it. It was a nothing meeting. No information was received that was meaningful or helpful and no action taken. Certainly shows a willingness to collude. Here were talking about a foreign adversary government working with a president ial campaign. Unacceptable. This borders on treason, if not self treason. We discussed impenetrable Cyber Security so Election Hacking and many other things will be guarded. Having capabilities to make sure we both fight cyber together, which i think is a very significant accomplishment. Its not the dumbest idea ive ever heard but its close. That might be putin making vicious fun for him knowing hed fall for it. Im sure Vladimir Putin could be of enormous assistance in that effort since hes doing the hacking. The meeting with putin was a big

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