Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 20170426

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Hours to avoid a shutdown this week. Where do things stand right now on the hill. Reporter hi, peter. Forgive me if i have to sit down abruptly. Weve expecting the speaker behind me any moment. Theres a long list of questions here theyre grappling with. The spending bill is one that has gotten a little bit basically worked out as republicans have essentially taken the wall off of the table, although they have added to the Border Security money. Democrats are not objecting to spending, extra spending on Border Security. They sort of drew the line in the sand with that wall on the mexican border. So at this point were hearing from republicans and democrats that things are on track for them to reach an agreement. They have handful of things to work out, health benefits. Were going to hear from the senators from West Virginia on that later today. But the question here today for a lot of House Republicans is going to be health care. As the Freedom Caucus, that conservative group of members say that they increasingly are supporting this compromise amendment but of course were waiting to hear from the moderates to see if theyre going to essentially lose too many votes on this that they wouldnt be able to go forward. And a critical piece of this, peter, is going to be what are those groups do, the cloub for clothe, heritage action, a lot of the outside third parties conservative groups that have been putting at lot of pressure on the Freedom Caucus members. If theyre willing to get on board, you could see a Little Movement here on health care. And then finally of course tax reform. The House Speaker was speaking to an audience earlier today in washington, d. C. He said that theyre 80 of where they need to be with what the president and his team are going to put on the table this morning. But that 20 of course as you know can be very problematic. So were waiting to hear, you know, more of the exact details, where some of the sticking points might be. As we wait to hear from paul ryan there behind you, im going to talk to kristen welker. Excuse me if i interpret. Walk us through the details of the tax plan, some of the early reviews its getting, the rollout expected about 1 30 eastern time today. The treasury secretary and gary cohn expected to break the news. Reporter based on my conversations with white house officials, todays announcement is going to be a blueprint of the president s tax priorities and principles. Steve mnuchin and the president s top economic adviser gary cohn are going to roll out the details this afternoon. The big headline here. The president is going to propose slashing the business tax rate from 35 to 15 thats going to apply to big corporations but also to Small Businesses as well. Even to real estate firms like President Trumps. Now aides say this plan is also going to increase deductions that americans can claim and these deductions are going to be higher than the 6300 that individuals can claim right now. And the 12,000 for couples. The challenge, though, a number of different challenges to this. First of all, the white house hasnt said how theyre going the pay for the plan. And a number of republicans expressing concerns that it could actually add to the deficit. This is what steve meneau chun had to say about all of this earlier today. Take a listen. The house, the senate, the administration are all on the same page, the that tax reform is a major priority to boost the economy. Were working hard to get it done quickly. In terms of economic growth, the president and i and others if in the administration fundamentally think we can get to 3 sustained economic growth. Thats very achievable. Tax reform is critical to it. Reporter look for a lot of questions about that 3 growth number, peter. Also critics are pouncing on the fact that the president has yet to release his own tax returns raising questions about how this plan would immarket hpact him a family. Again were waiting to hear from House Speaker paul ryan in a matter of moments from now. The opportunity to hear from him for the First Time Since a recess for members of the republican conference. Obviously notable as you see him take the podium, a lot of the questions not just about taxes. Well take a listen. Here he is. Morning. Since President Trump took office this congress has sent 29 bills to his desk. That is the most for a president s first 100 days in office since 1949. Nearly half of these measures are measure to take kpezive regulations off of the book so can can grow the economy. After years of workers and industries bracing for the regulatory onslaught, were providing relief for energy jobs, Small Businesses, for retirees. Its been an estimated that the steps weve taken with this administration will save families and businesses more than 67 billion. That is real relief and that promotes real economic growth. Weve been trying to cut red tape for years and now its finally happening at record levels. The president signed bills making it easier for women to pursue s. T. E. M. Careers and being entrepreneurs. To help the veterans, the president signed a bill to lower out of pocket costs and to stake steps toward fund mane tall va reform. Were going the build on this record. Right now were working on a government funding bill that addresses some of the countrys core priorities, including strengthening our national defense. Last week i was in europe visiting our key nato allies and across the board allies are ready to see america step up and lead again. A big part of that is rebuilding our military which is something were in the middle of doing right now. Were working to fix the tax code. Today the administration will outline its principles for tax reform, a critical step forward. Progrowth tax reform means well have lower rates, newer brackets and and irs that exists only to serve the taxpayer ap and well continue to work to keep our promise to repeal and replace obamacare to lower costs and create more choices for families. Weve undertaken reforms to tackle entrenched prons. Theres a lot of work to do. But under the president s leadership this unified government has made a solid start. Thank you. Good morning. Welcome back to many of you. Weve been listening to the House Speaker as you see kevin mccarthy, some of his deputies preparing to make their remarks as well. It seems as if the white house and some of the Republican Leadership right now on the same pauj as they page as theyre promoting the biggest best 100 days 37. I want to talk more about tax policy now with our team. Chris edwards is here, anna palmer and msnbc cricketer robert costa who you just have to turn on the tube and you see him everywhere these days. Chris, i want to start with you if i can on the idea of the tax reform plan. This overall well hear today. The head liner is the slashing of Corporate Taxes with not just big business but small mom and pop businesses that will benefit by this. They say its going to be paid by by economic growth. Treasury department saying 3 will be just fine. What is the risk here in that strategy . I think the Corporate Tax cut would be paid for by economic growth. We have the highest Corporate Tax rate in the world and were shooting ourselves in the foot. If you slash the rate, corporations would bill more factories in america and they would avoid and evade taxes a lot less and i think that would pay for itself. On the individual side to be clear, you say that would pay for itself. It has the potential to add trillions to the not the Corporate Tax. But the individual side ought to be offset with spending cuts or the correspondent loob loophole. But i think it will pay for itself and other countries that have slashed their corporate rates show that. Britain and canada slashed their Corporate Tax rates to 20 and 15 . Those tax cuts paid for ther themselves. You cut taxes, corporations build more factories, it pays for itself. To be clear, on capitol hill, even among republicans theres skepticism. Theres a bullish view of this. The republican from texas saying this is pretty aggressive, some of these numbers. This is a starting point. This is the opening on tax reform. I dont think anybody on capitol hill thinks this is where theyre going to end up. Even paul ryans own tax plan did not go this far. Heres something that candidate trump said about wall street and about taxes during the campaign. Take a listen to that. I know wall street. I know the people on wall street. Were going to have the greatest negotiators in the world but at the same time im not going to pet let wall street get away with murder. Wall street has caused tremendous problems for us. Were going to tax wall street. Wall stret is getting away with murder and were going to tax them. How did candidate trump being this power broke, as it was back there to take on wall street and now hes embracing wall street right now. Among the items that would be affected by this overall is what they call pass throughs, hedge funds, real estate conglomerates like trumps own real estate empire. Has he changed his tune on this . This is the paradox. On trade hes a populous. But when it comes to financial regulations and taxes, hes not a pop use loulous. Hes supply side conservative, talking about a 15 rate for corporations. So theres a different theres a difference in policy and in tone in terms of how he talks about trade and how he talks about finance and taxes. I want to get your take on this right now in terms of the impact on individuals. White house aides telling me this that will, as chris was reporting earlier, include standard deductions going way up, basically 6300 for individuals right now, 12,600 for couples. Those will go up dramatically. This is not about the rich, this is about middle and low income americans. Is that the way its going the play at home . One of the big issues they have is in terms of elg this to the middle income. I think youre going to say democrats hammer trump on this, theyre taking care of the wealthy, corporations, giving the folks on the Corporate Tax rate and theyre not actually focused on giving relief to the lower income families. The truth is this is way off, specifics woont even come into the summer but its ability to get passed or this to become legislation in any real form could be months if not a year away because as they note Health Care Needs to get done first. Is this something americans should look at with a real sense of hey, this could happen or is this pie in the zie talk . I think it will happen. President reegen, george bush, they pass big tax cuts halfway through the year. This can ahappen. Can it happen before health care . I think Health Care Needs to happen first. Tens of millions of americans work for wig corporations and theyre proud of the big corporations they work for. They understand that when their company is being outcompeted by foreign companies. A lot of people get that. This is going to benefit the average americans. What can democrats wrap their hands around, their heads around in this im going to interrupt myself and go back to paul ryan. Hes now answering questions at the hill. Lets take a listen. [ inaudible question ]. Yeah. Ill defer to kevin on the timing of the choice act. Reconciliation is regular order just so you know. Thats the regular budgeting process. We want to look at every after but we think reconciliation is the preferred process, the most logical process to bring tax reform through. The chairman marking it up, planning once we mark up a bill we want to move to the floor as quick as possible. Thats basically the schedule. Casey. Reporter is the white house overstepping their bounds here on tax reform. Not all the. Bringing this proposal to you . Is that part of the reason failure of health care . We had a good meeting yesterday. The committees, ways and means in the white house are going to work regularly to make sure we get a bill together thats unified. Weve been briefed on what theyre going to do and its basically along the same lines we want to go. Progress is being made, showing were moving and getting on the same page lets do that again. Yeah, right. Wow. Very interesting. So no we see this as a good thing. Yeah, mike. Reporter does get you to 216 . So tom mcarthur, one of the leaders has a lot of experience in insurance, knows the markets inside and out, worked in highrisk pool settings. The mcarthur amendment is a great way to lower premiums, give states more flexibility while protecting people with preexisting conditions. Those are the three things we want to achieve. Obamacare is collapsing and people are getting hit with premium increases. Whatever we can do to get the premiums done and also make sure that the guarantee for people with preexisting conditions is met. Every state is different. We had a highrisk pool in wisconsin that work real well. We want to give the states the ability to customize the reforms to maximize the ability to lower premiums and protect people with preexisting conditions and thats at the heart of what the amendment does and i think it helps us get to consensus. Susan. Blirting out, im not going to do it. [ inaudible question ]. Were really close. The administration along with our appropriators are down to final things. Were making really good progress. Obviously csrs, were not doing that. Thats not in an appropriation bill. Thats something separate that the administration does. Were close in Everything Else and now its down to the final details. Do you need a stopgap thats not the intention or goal. We want to get this done on time. Thats the plan. Will we see a vote on health care next . Thanks everybody. Well see. Well vote on it when we get the votes. There it is paul ryan, first time to hear from him in the first time in several weeks with, talking about the tax reform and the issue of health care. Theyre going to give it a second go perhaps as early as this week. Robert, i want to pick up with you. You have new reporting on where things stand as they try to come up with a new health care deal. The white house has been working on this since the last one failed. Where does it stand . There was some movement in the last 24 hours or so. I was calling on my sources last night. Whats going on with health care. They said jim jordan, labrador and mark meadows, part of the Freedom Caucus leadership are now on board with revised health care bill. Theres movement of the Freedom Caucus toward the bill. The challenge is as much as theres a consensus with them, you still are the moderates and the rank and file members who wonder if you dont mandate some of these insurance paymentance the Insurance Regulations for preexisting conditions, can they vote for the bill. Theres progress on health care but i wouldnt say the vote is there in terms of the whip count. Notablys as we were speaking to white house advisers last night, one said were not going to put up an artificial deadline to cause the traps that we run into it. What we heard specifically on tax reform from paul ryan a second ago is theyll use whats called reconciliation, meaning theyll do this without the democrats in terms of tax reform. This has been previewed. You have senator widen saying nobody is calling it tax reform. This is starting from the beginning a as a partisan exercise. The question is going to be the divide from the moderates and the conservatives and can you bridge the gap and is mark meadows going to be negotiating with trump in the white house or is Speaker Paul Ryan going to be leading the charge. We see whos leading the tax reform charge. Its the white house leading. Casey, i know youre in the room right there. We heard one of your questions to the House Speaker a moment ago. I want to get your takeaways as we hear from the Republican Leadership for the first time in a short time. Reporter thats right. Theyre of course back from that twoweek easter resays. I asked speaker ryan if the white house was overstepping its bounds on what theyre doing on tax reform. It does seem like they at least learned some lessons from what happened with health air care obviously. Ryan essentially wrote that health care plan. They presented it to the white house and tried to push it through and it didnt work. And so it looks like were going to try tax reform the other way. Ryan said look weve been in conversation with white house. Were in a good place. The dynamics are going to be different than they were on health care. You also heard him talk a little bit about the state of that law. He was actually pretty direct saying look, well have a vote if and when we get to the number of votes we need. One quick note on that. It was 216 votes. Everyone has heard quite a bit of that particular number. With the new member of the house sworn in from kansas, they need 217 votes to pass major legislation. Casey, thank you. Chris edwards, thank you as well, anna, robert, we hope youll stay with us for a little bit. President trump lashing out over another federal court ruling. This one against one of his policies and hes vowing to take his fight against sanctuary cities all the way to the Supreme Court. What is the likelihood of that happening . Where does the white house policy stand right now. Its all ahead after a short break. Stay with me, mr. Parker. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. Parker. The at t network is helping First Responders connect with medical teams in near real time. Stay with me, mr. Parker. Saving time when it matters most. Stay with me, mrs. Parker. Thats the power of and. They carry your fans shpassions, hopes, and dreams. S. And maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. Not dandruff. Back now live on msnbc. For the third time in his first three months, one of the president s policies running into a red light stopped by a federal court. This time a federal judge in San Francisco putting the brakes on a white house plan to withhold federal dollars from if what they call sanctuary cities. In a new statement this morning the administration slamming the judge, says he is quote unilaterally rewriting immigration policy. The statement adds the decision undermines faith in the legal system. President trump visibly upset this morning on twitter, lashing out, previewing a Supreme Court showdown. Pete williams is following all of this. Give us a better sense of what this policy would have done and in effect where this case goes from here. This is one of the executive orders the president signed in january, peter, and it said that the department of Homeland Security should draw up a list of what are called sanctuary city, basically cities that dont cooperate fully with the federal government at enforcing the Immigration Law and the attorney general should take steps to cut the federal funds if they dont cooperate. The court sid the president has no north to take away money from cities that congress has lshd given. Only congress can set the terms for federal grants. The us what cant come in afterwards and add things to them. Secondly to be, the problem is its unrelated to immigration. You cant condition things that have nothing to do with immigration on conformance with some immigration rules. Now that doesnt stop the government entirely from doing what its doing which is trying to pressure cities to conform fully with Immigration Laws, specifically to hold people once theyve served their sentences if theyre here illegally so the fed call government can consider deporting fem. This there are some Justice Department grants that the Justice Department takes the position you have to u follow the federal law or lose your justice groups. The judge said im not stopping that. Im not stopping them to drawing up a list of what they consider sanctuary cities. But the white house cant threaten to take all of their federal money away. Thats what the judge timp rarely stopped and this will continue to go through the courts. All right pete williams. Thank you. Msnbc exclusive entire view with ivanka trump is coming up. The first daughter opening up about her role in her fathers administration. 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Bush remains in the hospital after being admitted last week recovering from pneumonia. Hes under observation for chronic bronchitis. Last week he got a moral boost from a visit from his son. Bush sr. Is expected to be discharged by the end of the week. We wish he and his family well. President trump is expected to sign an executive order today to shape the future of National Monuments. Trump wanted review of National Monuments designated by the last three president s, often used to protect federal lands. Ryan zing ki said that the order does not loosen environmental regulations. Heres a live look in new york. Attorneys announcing a race discrimination lawsuit against fox news. 11 current and former employees of fox news now suing the company. One of those is anchor kelly wright, the suit formally filed on tuesday in the bronx. Now to berlin, the first sitdown with ivanka trump on the first trip overseas on the heels of her fathers administration. Hallie jackson along for the ride. Live from per lynn. You got to sit down exclusively with ms. Trump. Give us a sense of the highlights and what you learned from that conversation. Reporter hey, peter. A couple of takeaways here from our conversation with ivanka trump as weve spent the last 24, 48 hours with her and her team overseas. Number one, shes clearly still working to figure out what her role is in the administration or at least publicly define the roam. That is a question that came up again and again. Its not clear what her portfolio will consist of, at least not at this point. Her signature issue is women in the workforce. Point number two, the reason why she was here in berlin talking about how to help female entrepreneurs. You know the reaction here, a little hissing and booing from heck hers in the audience. Trump saying afterwards, politics is politics. In berlin, the singe of the spotlight, a handful of hecklers hissing. Hes a tremendous champion of supporting families. Reporter at a summit focused on empowering women. You hear the reaction from the audience. Reporter the focus at first on one man, President Trump. His daughter asked to defend him and define her role. Whom are you representing, your father is the president of the United States. The american people. Or your business. Well, certainly not the latter. Reporter trump looking to focus instead on ways to empower female sbre me neuentrepreneurs i hope to always be listening and thats not going to stop, not this decade and yend. You were on the stage with chancellor merkel who invited you here. Theres been talk that shes using your relationship of the two of you to establish a back channel to the president. I dont think shes using the relationship. I think she sees me as a woman who is aligned with her on many issues and i think she has a great relationship with my father. Reporter in germany her father is far from popular. The president s controversial travel ban, a stark contrast to germany opening its door to Syrian Refugees. Ivanka trump now going further than her father on whether those refugees should be let into the u. S. I think there is a global humanitarian crisis thats happening and we have to come together and we have to solve it. And you know would that include opening the border to Syrian Refugees in the u. S. That has to be part of the discussion but thats not going to be enough. Trump promoting policies like expanded child care and paid leave, calling for bipartisan backing. Im incredibly hopeful that legislation is put together. Her title, assistant to the president. Her label . Who is considering herself a feminist on the panel . Reporter feminist and fierce defender of her father. There are still a lot of questions about when the talk about helping to empower women economically will turn to action with the time line. Still a bit fuzzdy. Ivanka trump says in todays tax reform rollout let by stephen mnuchin, gary cohn, there will be a childcare tax break. One of her signature issues on the campaign trail. There were question marks about whether thats in the plan. Well find out in a few hours. Safe trip home. Well see you when you get back here. Joined again by the panel. Anna, robert costa. Let me talk to you if i can get your take right now. As we talk about ivanka trumps role in the white house. Theres a lot of stories on the infighting, the factions, the different corners that exist behind the scenes. Where do things stand now. Are they finally settling in in effect . I wouldnt say that. There are different orbits around President Trump that has different agendas. With mrs. Trump you see her guiding her father. She had his confidence. A kons lore to the president. But shes not in the same way that steve bannon are is orthopaedic a mainstream republican like the chief of staff. She provided a unique voice but it sometimes unsettles people close to the president that someone who doesnt have a strong world view on conservativism or republicanism is so close to the president. We anticipate at 1 30, gary cohn coming out with steve menenuchin to make the announcement. Cohn is one of the democrats in there and hes putting forth the policy on tax reform. Its an example of the different factions. While the factions remain, that has calmed down. When trump said knock it off, people took that seriously. You havent had the infighting over the last week or so. I feel like theyre on one page talking about the 100 days. The intrigue is less in the palace behind us was more on the white house and congress. One of the things that paul ryan talked about a lot, one of the ideals he had. White house folks not cool with that. Well learn in a short time from now. A live look now at the white house. They will host a classified briefing this afternoon as well. All 100 senators expected there to talk about the crisis in north korea. That briefing coming as the u. S. Military moves parts of an antimissile system to a site in south korea. What does that move indicate about the trump amendments plans along the korean peninsula. Were going to take a closer look at that after this break. Whoever threw it has to go get it. Not me somebody will get it. dog barking anyone can dream. Making it a reality is the hard part. From the b2 to the upcoming b21, Northrop Grumman stealth bombers give america an advantage in a turbulent world. And were looking for a few dreamers to join us. Knows how it feels to seees your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. Invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. 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Hans nichols is joining us with more details on north korea and a look at President Trumps first 100 days as they relate to his role as commander in chief. What are we learning from the pentagon about the latest military exercises there along the korean peninsula. Its provocative. Whether they respond with more statements or whether or not they continue to have posture changes, we dont know. The u. S. A. Karl vinson, that group is not in the philippine see. Its almost the end of wednesday in the region. So thats not there yet. We just heard some very Strong Language from the head of the Pacific Command were the commander for the entire region and he says basically that they should take the actions of kim jongun and the rhetoric of his seriously and they want to bring him to his senses, not necessarily his knees. But he did repeat, the admiral that all options are on the table. Ive spent the last seven days traveling with secretary mattis throughout the region. The general view on north korea is that the threat of a Nuclear Response that could hit the west coast of the United States is not imminent. But once it becomes imminent its almost too late. They have a lot of assets in the region and a lot of potential responses but they dont know where kim jongun is on the path to a nuclear weapon. One of several threats that President Trump has had to confront during his first 100 days. An adviser saying that the president is spending an enormous amount of time focusing on foreign policy. Is there a better understanding of what his doctrine is, how he views americas role in the world . His doctrine looks a lot like the obama doctrine. If theres one slight tweak, its that more authority has been delegated to commanders on the ground. You take a look at the globe. You have a lot of hot spots from north korea, iraq, syria, afghanistan, yemen. But on syria and fighting the isis threat there, there doesnt seem to be a big change. Yes, the tempo has increased. There are more strikes. It largely has to do with the fact that you have more targets available. In afghanistan where i was 36, maybe 48 hours ago, you didnt hearing anything about additional troops. The number of troops there still at 8400. The big changes between the Trump Administration and the Obama Administration is really going to be on yemen. Youre seeing much for aggressive assertive actions. You had the raid that went badly with the navy s. E. A. L. S. It didnt look like there will be Ground Troops in yemen but that seems to be the main place thats different. And we cant forget the cruise missiles that President Trump and secretary mattis, slinging cruise missiles at assad 72 hours after it became clear that assad made the chemical weapons attack. Those are the big differences right now. But right now at least what the officials here are saying that its steady as she goes and they have not detected any big policy shifts. Of course their policy review is under way in both afghanistan and for the fight against isis. An adviser told me that the white house changes a man and they believe its doing that to President Trump even as we speak. Hans, thank you very much. Coming up next, well take you to an arkansas town deep in the heart of trump county. Gallop polls say its residents have the lowest wellbeing in country. One of trumps boldest Campaign Promises could change that. Well tell you who what it is and how it might help after this break. How to win at business. Step one point decisively with the arm of your glasses. Abracadabra. The stage is yours. Step two choose la quinta. The only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free nightinstantly and win at business. No, im scheduling time to go to ohthe bank to get a mortgage. Ugh, youre using a vacation day to go to the bank . I know, right . Just go to lendingtree dot com. Get up to five loan offers to compare side by side for free. 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Part of his ongoing series, whats next usa, we have the story of one ar a city hoping the president making inf infrastructure a priority. Where did you go and what did you find . That city is ft. Smith, arkansas. Just like so many places i saw throughout the campaign, its been hit incredibly hard by manufacturing job loss. Locals there think that connecting whats effectively a very lonely isolated sixmile stretch of highway to the rest of the country with a massive Infrastructure Project h will give the region the massive economic boost it needs. Take a look. What does it feel like to be back here. Pretty awesome. A lot of people have grown up here. For 32 years Sandy Sanders worked for whirlpool here in ft. Smith, forkssmith, arkansas. In 2012, after 50 years, the plant closed for good. Recently, it was bought by an out of town developer specializing in struggling communities. Today, sanders is the plmayor o fort smith. I can visualize where the lines were, see the people working. Giving me chills. A lot of people have grown up here, helped their kids go to college working here. It was a great place to work. Reporter the layoffs werent just at whirlpool. 12,000 lost manufacturing jobs in and around fort smith since 1999 is one reason President Trump won the region overwhelmingly. Today, residents are ranked as having the lowest wellbeing as anywhere in the United States. Something the mayor disputes. How would you describe the quality of life and what is going on in fort smith . Quality of life is excellent and itll continue to get better as we continue to grow the things that keep young people here when they graduate from the university. Whats your biggest priority as mayor . Overall, id say its our infrastructure needs. Reporter the mayor and other local boosters say theres one Infrastructure Project that would dramatically transform fort smiths fortunes. This is the first time ive been on a future interstate in my life. I hope this is the last time youre on this one. We hope to get this finished very quickly. Weve been waiting for a while, you know. Weve been waiting on funds. Where is the money going to come from . The president , of course. Reporter President Trump has promised a 1 trillion infrastructure bill. For just over 3 billion, he could complete interstate 49, creating an uninterrupted 1700 Mile International trade corridor that runs right through fort smith. Owen helps lead a Multistate Coalition pushing to complete i49. Thats the end of it right there . Yeah. All this stuff were looking at right now is because of a highway. If the highway werent here, we wouldnt be as far along as we are. Even with only 6. 5 miles completed, its still generated a heck of a lot of development. You need to build the dang thing. Were ready to start moving dirt. If you could tell the president why you think he should give you the 3 billion to finish this highway, what would you say to him . Id say, mr. President , you campaigned on jobs. Finishing this highway will produce jobs. Peter, it was really extraordinary to see basically how that highway literally dead ends on both sides. Residents in fort smith, which obviously voted overwhelmingly for trump are literally waiting for the president s infrastructure bill. Of course, sean spicer was asked on monday at the White House Briefing when the bill is coming. He said, well, it is important. It is not the top priority right now. The bottom line is, that type of infrastructure is a magnet for jobs and for communities like that. Its the magnet theyre hoping they can witness. Jac jacob, thank you for taking us on your tour. I appreciate it. Robert costa is with us from politico and washington post. Robert, infrastructure, why not sooner . If seems like some said were 97 days in, this could have been something the president did right out of the gates and brings everybody together. That was the thought among the people close to President Trump. Congressional republicans told the white house, look, if you want to get what you want on health care and taxes, you have to do health care first, get rid of some of the acas taxes and move on to tax reform. Its really a Congressional Republican driven strategy to not start with infrastructure. Where do you see infrastructure going . When can americans in places like the community we just witness there had in arkansas see some real development, see the jobs and money being infused there . Right now, we dont see the horizon for when theyll have a bill, when the committee will look at the issues. It is something where you can see democrats and republicans come together. I think one of the things ive been talking to democrats about this, and they say, how can we work with him on this when hes doing things on sanctuary cities, health care on the poor . I think its hard to do these things in a vacuum when theres a lot of bad blood thats potentially going to happen over health care reform. Is there going to be significant erosion in terms of support he may have on issues like this if he continues to attack the democratic communities and sanctuary cities as he says . There may be. The democratic tensions have already been heightened by the way the Trump White House has operated. Infrastructure, they have a real problem, which is democrats see infrastructure as spending. Were going to the democrat government will give cash to projects. Republicans dont see it in the same way. If you talk to republicans on capitol hill, they say, infrastructure in their view is tax credits. Some spending perhaps but really tax credits for companies to build projects. Until they reconcile the two world views on infrastructure, theyre not going to have a deal. Before i let you go, write your headline today. The Trump White House wants the headline today out of the tax reform announcement to be what . The greatest tax reform plan since 86. Nobrainer. Robert . A flurry of action on key fronts ahead of 100day mark but many challenges ahead. The bottom line is this is the start of a conversation. Unlikely any of this becomes solidified in real form for a while. Nice to see both of you. Thanks so much to you, as well, for joining us this hour. Programming note. Don dont miss Andrea Mitchells interview with john mccain. Hell discuss north korea, President Trumps tax plan and the wall. That is all on Andrea Mitchell reports today at noon eastern here on msnbc. Well be right back. Announcer its time for the your business entrepreneurial of the week. Marlena was a teacher who loved makeup. She started creating youtube tutorials for her friends and they spread like wildfire. She quit her job, started makeup geek, created a product line and today does more than 20 million in sales each year. 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Follow me at twitter peter alexander. Steve mnuchin, gary cohn, making an announcement 1 30 eastern today about the president s tax overhaul. Joined by a man who should be talking about taxes for the next hour. He knows how they work well. Ali velshi, good to see you. You and i will be talking about it this afternoon. We have the north korea briefing. Itll be a busy afternoon. Peter, thank you. President trump is getting ready to announce major tax cuts today. This is going to be the biggest tax cut and the largest tax reform in the history of our country. Were going to break it down and do some Fact Checking in our segment for fact sake. Plus, the gop is bringing the Health Care Battle back to life. House conservatives are drafting a new plan to repeal and replace obamacare. Freedom caucus members say thre ready to support it. I speak with a member of that group. Its President Trump versus the court in a battle over sang te sanctuary cities. Why a judge says President Trump cannot withhold money from those cities. Good morning. Im ali velshi in washington. President trump is about to hear over to the interior department to sign an executive order mandating a review of National Monument designations by the last three president s. This review is going to encompass dozens of monuments created over the past 21 years and millions of acres of land. The make focus will be on two sites in utah. The bears years National Monumented designated by president obama last year. And Grand Staircase monument,

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