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This year my worry is having people die, like we dont want anyone in our community to die. And id rather a teacher teach me, like when i was back in school. Why want to figure it out myself. It is just very sad because everyone talks about your first year of college being awesome and making all these life long friends and i feel like we didnt get the opportunity to do that. Yeah, he is right about that. And right now were seeing problems spring up at colleges all around the country as students and staff flood back. Philadelphias Temple University sis pe suspended inperson classes in for two weeks after cases were you uncovered. And Governor Cuomo deployed s. W. A. T. Teams to contain a cluster of 105 cases at suny perfo. And ohio state suspended more than 200 students after they attended or hosted parties before classes even started violating the covid guidelines. And at the university of alabama, some of the starkest numbers yet, case havs have expd to more than 1,000 cases. Well talk to the mayor of that city that houses the university of alabama. For him, this is a personal issue because his daughter goes to school there. What is his plan to stop the distressing rise in cases . Plus well talk to a person whose job it is to trace the source of infections. Is Contact Tracing enough to stop the spread. But we begin in louisiana where schools there just cant seem to catch a break, though they are hoping that the third time is the charm. Jefferson parish schools which is the largest most Diverse School district in louisiana has delayed reopening twice now, once because of covid19 and then again just last week because 6 hurricaof hurricane l. This morning students and staff are attempting to head back to school. And Allison Barber is at an Elementary School where more than 600 kids are expected back to the classroom for the first time in five long months. What are the biggest concerns that you are hearing from people that you are talking to there . Reporter yeah, some parents and teachers have expressed concerns about schools in this parish reopening too early. But some say that it is way past time for students to be back inside the classroom. I talked to one student this morning as her mom dropped her off and she was heading into this Elementary School and i asked her what she thought about everything going on. And her first day of school. She said that she was hoping that people would be nice and that she might make some new friends. In a lot of ways the concerns here felt like normal first day of school jitters, but this is not a normal first day of school when students arrived, if they were in the car pool line, they were told to wait in their cars. In they were walking, they were stopped on the sidewalk away from the entrance for a temperature check. If they were feverfree, they were given a green sticker so that they were okay to go inside. Students, children arrived wearing face masks, some carrying grocery bags with extra clorox wipes and hand sanitizer. Do you feel like the school has done enough, and that he understands . Yeah, because weve been practicing social distancing and he fully understands. He doesnt want anybody close to him as it is. So he is fully understanding. So like i said, im excited just to be back, to get him out. You can only be inside for so long. And kids need to interact, they need to socialize anyway. But we need to interact. We need to get back into the real world. You cant stay home forever. Reporter earlier this month, parents and teachers protested calling on the School District to delay reopening until after labor day. Teachers said that they lack basic necessities to do inperson and also Virtual Learning. And many of them said that they thought this plan that has been put in place for this district for schools in jefferson parish, that it was simply inadequate and not enough to keep staff and students safe. You think about that little simple question to make new frechd friends, but social distancing at the same time. So many things to consider. Thank you so much for that report. In florida, a jarring new online report by the state department of health reveals the extent of outbreaks at schools as they tried to reopen there. The report was quickly taken down from the internet, but not before a copy was obtained by the miami herald. It shows that nearly 900 students and staff tested positive during a critical two week period of reopening earlier this month. Kerry sanders is following this for us. What do we know . Reporter the numbers are certainly troubling especially for parents taking theaeir kidso school for inclass learning. First day of school for instance where i am in charlotte county, every school in the state is now open. The governor says that that report should have never been posted. It was a curious miami Herald Reporter going deeper into the rabbit hole of the internet and coming across that report that was posted. The governor says that it was prematurely, that all of the data was not there and that and an naanalysis is miss being. But y but the headline says it all. And the report went is to say that there were 165 who have tested positive. And in that time period that understand, august 10 to august 23. 205 student, 12 people considered unknown and 342 Staff Members from primary and secondary schools. And that has been a very big concern to teachers in the state about their vulnerability. The june has sued this report going public as the governor says prematurely, but nonetheless the numbers are out there. And the union responding saying that the governor has been attempting throughout all of this to be less than honest. This is what they had to say. We know that we can trace these cases right back to our public schools. And we have cases in Bradford County and Martin County and swanee county all over the state starting to happen. And it is unfortunate that our governor is playing politics when he should be listening to Public Health officials. Reporter and so the governor of today holding a round table discussion in the state in tallahassee in the capital. Celebrating the movement making no reference to the report that was released online prematurely as he had said earlier. Meantime, the fourth lanrgest School District in the nation is in Miamidade County and it is not going so well. This is a picture of mathias, just one of the many 360,000 students sitting at his computer and you can see as he is trying to begin his Virtual Learning, issues. So it is not working. The School Superintendent in miamidade says that they are addressing the concern, but this is the sort of problem that we have seen before and as more schools open, well see it again as robust as the internet is, sometimes it is the computers that you are connecting to that cant handle that influx in this case 360,000 plus students all trying to log on for the thirst day first day of school. They hope to get it worked out. Yeah, i can only imagine the scramble going on behind the scenes and at homes. Kerry sanders, thank you. Reporter and for parents trying to calm their kids down. Absolutely. And they are so great at troubleshooting internet problems. Like me, if i dont have an i. T. Person to call, forget it. Kerry, thank you so much. He speaks from experience. The university of alabama meantime is seeing a sharpen rise in cases, now more than 1,000 known infections at that school. And the outbreak there is one of the largest clusters reported anywhere in the country since the start of the new academic year. And it may serve as a warning sign for other colleges that are planning to reopen for inPerson Learning. And the university of alabamas flagship campus is of course in tuscaloosa. I want to bring in the mayor of that city, walter maddox. Good to see you. And we mentioned this, this is personal for you, your daughter attends the university of alabama. Lives on campus. So what is being done and what are you doing to help stop the spread of infections there . Well, the city itself last week took action because based off the Contact Tracing, we saw the bars albeit they were doing what they were supposed to do certainly was a place of high transmission. On the university campus, they have taken active measures to try to reduce or create the mitigation of the coronavirus. And they have also been able to provide vast amount of space for isolation and quarantine. And thus far that is holding which is a good sign. Although a week in after seeing an exponential increase on campus. And that is the mayors side of you. The dad side of you, when you saw these numbers, what went through your mind . Well, i know that i talk to taylor nearly every day. It is a good day that she is going to tuscaloosa in our hometown. But i do worry about her and i know that she is actually seen a roommate with the coronavirus, but she herself has no the contracted it. But i know that the university is doing everything to protect taylor and 35,000 other students. The university has put in extraordinary means in reentry testing to the isolation space to try to have inperson instruction here on campus in tuscaloosa. It is certainly going to be a challenge. But i know that they are doing Everything Possible to protect every student here at the university. And lets talk about one of the things that is being done, a two week bar shutdown begins today in your city. What is the idea of two weeks, is that enough time to get it under controlling . I think the test Positivity Rate in alabama is 14 , which is way beyond the number of what is recommended to shut down businesses. Well, we started actually last monday. So we started last week. And so were a week in. And the Positivity Rate among students is actually higher than the state average which is why we took the extraordinary means. This week we will begin seeing the data come back and it will be able to tell us if our actions made a difference. The university addressed a lot of the housing issues, whether greek housing or dormitory housing and the city was looking at bars and also ending bar service at restaurants as well. Well get a wgood idea of whethr that worked or not. My hope is that well begin to see the first signs that it made a difference. And the other thing that is important is the amount of isolation and quarantine space at the jufrts, being university, being able to test rapidly and putting them in a location that can stop the spread of the coronavirus on campus and ultimately within our community. Because none of us have the data to know what kind of Community Spread will we see out of this. To my knowledge, question dont ha question don we dont have one student who has been admitted to the hospital yet. But if it gets to more vulnerable individuals, it can affect your Health Care Three to four weeks down the line. And uc chapel hill went to online classes after 130 tested positive. They wanted to get ahead of the curve. And the university of alabama has horn 1,0more than 1,000 cla. Should you have already switched to online classes . Can you really stop students from activities, from parties to just hanging out . You have to let the data drive the answer to that question. As long as we can keep quarantine and isolation space, i think that will have the most important impact. And the second is looking at the data this week. There is a difference between looking at what is perceived and what is really happening. And as longing as we can protect students, protect the jen population, i think the university should continue. This is a health care issue, but make no mistake about it, it is a economic area. The university is a 2 billion Economic Impact. And if we lose inperson instruction, thousands of people in our Community Lose their jobs. That is a real impact that has to be considered. Certainly health care is most important and as a father, i know the university is doing Everything Possible. But i commend the university for giving us the chance to have inperson. They are doing it safely and we must remember today not one student has been admitted to the Regional Health care system. That is a good sign. So we just need to continue to do the smart things moving forward, react with data and science and not emotion. And as long as we did that, well be fine. And if the data concludes that we need to question online, i have no doubt that the university will do it. Mr. Mayor, as you well know, football is huge at the university of alabama. Actually that is an undera r understatement. Do you see a bay for it to safely return . I was seeing at auburn for example which canceled multiple football practices last week will be without 16 players due to covid19 concerns. And that is just one example. Do you see sports happening . I think it can under the guidelines that are in place. Id want my sob to play for coach saban because i know his heart for the players and taking care of all those under his care. I believe that there is no doubt that the student athletes will be taken care of. The university has announced that they will reduce capacity significantly. Normally there is 101,000 in the stadium and now there will be 18,000 to 20,000. So that gives you some sense of the reduction of number of people involved. I will also say beyond the Economic Impact of football, right now everyone is angry and frustrated. I imagine that feeling permeated across it country. I think College Football if done safely will help a lot of people. We have to feel some sense of normalcy. Seeing the crimson tide hit the field would be a big lift to everyone here in the state of alabama. Except auburn fans. Mayor stating the obvious there. Thank you so much. Good to have you on the program and good luck. A lot of important decisions to be made. Meantime, a sudden spike in case cass at the university of Southern California is being traced all the way back to a monopoly game. Ahead, well talk to the doctor working to contain the outbreak there. Plus what do you do if your kid gets sick while away at college . Dr. Birx gave new advice to parents. At leaf blowers. 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Times reports that game of monopoly, a study group, dinner while in their own apartment, these are the Small Group Gatherings that are the source of the ongoing Coronavirus Infections among the students. And lets bring in susan van orman. Great of you to come on the program. This is shocking to a lot of people listening to this because we kept hearings warnings about avoiding big crowds and then you hear about a monopoly game, hardly a big event. What are you telling students about the new information, what is the best guidance . So i think when we think of the spread of coronavirus among College Students, we often have an image of a large party, but that is not what were seeing at usc. Were seeing small gatherings, 10, 15 people getting together. What were telling people is just that, that when you are getting together with people outside your home, if you are gathering in an indoor are space particularly, if you are eating or drinking together, the risk of spread is actually really high. And you need to be aware of that. So were asking them to socialize with the people that they live with and if they are going to be gathering with others to do it outside and to do it socially distanced and with facial coverings on. Even before classes start there tomorrow, ohio state has temporarily suspended more than 200 students for violating covid19 safety protocols. What is your university doing to enforce its guidelines, what are its xwid lines aguidelines and t do you send students home . Interestingly usc is not open. Were completely remote. We do not have our residents halls open. So like every university in california, we actually are closed except for remote instruction. The cases that were seeing actually are in students who are living in the neighborhoods around usc who came back to private apartments. So were really doing our best to educate students. When we learn of particularly large xwat large gathering, we have a asks palestinian process discipline process in place. But we assure students that we have testing available, we have a whole team prepared to do Contact Tracing. And we want to work with them confidentially to stop the spread within the neighborhoods around our campus. So if you heard for example that there was a big party at a complex with a lot of students, even though it is not official university housing, you would take action . If we learn of large gatherings, question do havewe s to take action. But our focus is on the education. Our focus is helping stuchdents understand the risks. And our goal is really reaching those students who have been infected, reaching the people that they have exposed, giettin them into quarantine as quickly as possible and stoppinging t t spread. And we asked questions of usc students and this hits home for everybody who goes to school, whether kindergarten or college. This is from samantha. What would you recommend for students looking to safely enjoy their College Experience while also looking to be a part of the usc community . I mean, there are just so many kids who are thinking this is not the College Experience that i signed on for. And yet they are trying as hard as they can to somehow make it seem like a College Experience. What are you telling them . Yeah, so first of all, i would say to samantha, you know, you are right, and it is such a difficult time for young adults. We know that for young adults, the advice to just socialize with the people that you live with is really hard. They many times live with roommates that they dont know that well. And the people that they are closest to, their social structure, they dont often live with them. So the idea of telling them to not be around anybody that they dont live with is really challenging. I would say to those students that, first of all, look for opportunities to engage remotely. At usc, we have a whole Student Experience that is focused around remote activities so people scattered across the nation and the globe that are usc students right now learning remotely can connect and become part of the usc experience, the trojan family. The other thing that i would say is think about the lower risk activities outside, facial coverings on, physically distanced. Highest risks are the closed corrido corridor, a lot of people in the room together eating and drinking. Unfortunately, you have the weather generally for being outside. So sarah van arman, thank you for taking the time. I know students and parents are listening very closely. So thank you. And there are a lot of parents worried about the long term effects of kids learning from home. Missing out on those crucial moments in school. And well dig into a new study that shows how the pandemic is affecting kids development. And were asking our doctor on duty your questions. Tweet msnbc answers or email them to us at talk msnbc. Com. Can sometimes you want to go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came applebees. Now thats eating good in the neighborhood. Microban 24. Watch as microban 24 kills 99. 9 of bacteria. And then, even after multiple touches, keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours. I trust microban 24 to keep killing bacteria for 24hours. Tools, cattle, grain, traded goods. Even shells represented value. Then currency came along. They made it out of copper, gold, silver, wampum. 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A study finds that at least onethird of kids around the world, that is 463 million children globe allege ally had to Remote Learning when covid19 closed their schools. Kelly cobiella is following this. And wow, that number of kids without access to lining on learning, it is a staggering number. What can you tell us . Reporter it is a huge number and the real number, the number that they got from this study and looking at about 100 countries world wide, but they believe the real number is much, much larger. We are talking about hundreds of millions of children who are not getting access to school, to education because they are learning remotely and they dont have the tools or electricity for that matter in order to learn. You look at india where schools are still closed and make shift classrooms are popping up for some of the poorest students in that country. Kids are doing what they can to get some sort of education. And meeting in makeshift classrooms to get some sort of teacher access. Because a 4r069 these kids dont have access to a phone, a it ta or Internet Access. And in kenya, schools will remain closed until the beginning of the year. So you have a lot of children very hard hit where kids dont have access to the internet, they dont have access to School Materials and they cant learn. And then you have the added problem worldwide where many classes are going back to in Person Learning in the next week or so, but you have surging coronavirus cases in france for example, and also in south korea. So the key here, unicef says is to really buckle down on budgets and make sure that there is a Huge Investment in getting kids the tools they need otherwise they could be set back really for a lifetime. Yeah, what a do you wanting challenge. So many of those, millions literally, of the poorest homes in the world. Kelly cobiella, thank you so much for that. Lets bring in our doctor on duty, dr. Haas from Columbia University medical center. Always glats xwrats to se great. There is a new warning from dr. Birx for College Students and their parents. Here is what she said. You have been on College Campuses and you have gone to a party. Please dont interact with your grandparents or that aunt with a company more didity unless you are wearing a mask. We really have to work to protect one another when we know that we have done things that may have exposed ourselves to the virus and we have to understand that a lot of people in the Younger Age Group wont get symptoms. As a parent, it would be so hard to think that your child was sick but not bring them home. How important is dr. Birxs advice to kind of limit the places where these College Students are going . So i think that dr. Birxs advice is the beayere minimum o what our students should do. It is not just your grandparents or aunt that is at risk of getting the virus. Everybody edge gauging nl engag community should be wearing a mask when they are not able to socially distance from people in their inner circle. We need to remember that we dont want our children to be there sick in college, but they are at risk for spreading the virus even being asymptomatic themselves. I want to get to some questions submitted by our viewers. Lori asks is there any discussing about special education students returning to school . Some will not be able to wear a mask or to understand safe behavior. How do teachers educate them and what are the effects on parents and students if they need to stay home . So i think that this will be a Real Partnership between the schools and the parents. Making sure that children that cant or wont wear masks for either social learning reasons or held reasons need to be in a Safe Learning environment that also keeps them safe from the virus and that may mean only bringing them in for supportive learning experiences but keeping them home otherwise. So it is about the community and supporting parents who cant be at school fulltime even when the school is open. And the next question is from jackie via video. Lets listen. Im a retired this morning city public schoolteacher and my concerns are the unique needs of teenagers dont seem to be addressed. They can be quite stubborn as we know. How is the face mask rule going to be evnforced, what will happn during pass, lunchtime, et cetera, and how will social distancing be enforced when the whole reason is to be socially connected. Yeah, teenagers, College Students, they know that they can be stubborn. And it can be hard to be sure that they are doing what they need to do to follow the guidelines. So what is the answer . So i actually think in my own person at case, rapid checking or unexpected checking my own child. If i send her out with my friend, i say you have to abc the phone on facetime. And if you are not wearing a mask, you are coming home. We need to reinforce this behavior. Your last guest said this, it is about education and support for our children. When they are moving between classrooms in schools, not social distancing, they should be wearinging a mask 100 of the time. There is no excuse for teens not to be wearing a mask when in School Moving between classes. I like that phrase supportive enforcement. Ill steal that from you. Thank you so much. Always good to see you. Classes kick off at Rutgers University in just 24 hours. But the future of fall sports there still hanging in the balance. And for many studentathletes, it is about. More than just playing the game. We are speaking with two members of the rutgers Basketball Team about this next. This is joe. combative yelling he used to have bad breath. Now, he uses a capful of therabreath fresh breath oral rinse to keep his breath smelling great, all day long. combative yelling therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Sstop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. Try clean freak it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. And its great for bathrooms just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. It even works on stainless steel. It cuts through 100 of dirt, grease and grime. Available with easytoswap refills. To get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. Clean. Saturpain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. For nearly 180,000 College Students, the wait is on for decisions over whether to play sports. According to the ncaa, that is how many students rely on sports scholarships. And this year the ncaa is allowing students to opt out due to the pandemic and schools are still required to honor the scholarship commitments. But if they want to play, in a lot of places that is still very much wait and see. And some conferences including the big ten have already announced the postponement of the fall season. And joining me now are two studentathletes from Rutgers University which plays in the big ten, both members of the schools Basketball Team. Gratsd to s great to see you. Miles, how are you adjusting, what is the new normal under covid19 . The new normal for us is we have to practice safety precautions. If you walk out of the gym, you have to wear a mask, if you walk out the door you wear a mask. And i believe it is a good safety precaution and if everyone follows it, i think that it will help us have a season and hopefully we can play. I just really hope that the big ten makes a decision where fall sports can either be postponed, i dont want to see it be canceled. And gio, you had a big announcement that the fall sports season is delayed and rutgers had to quarantine nearly 30 Football Players because they tested positive for the virus. Are you at all nervous about returning and are you prepared for the possibility that like football your season could be pushed back more or even cancelled . I wouldnt say that im nervous. I think that it is not really our decision, but i think that our coaches, staff, administrators have a really good plan in place to keep us safe. So that is something that i really trust them, i trust the school to make those type of decisions. So gio, you feel that it is safe to play where they have created an environment even though we have seen rises in cases across the country where you feel you are optimistic that you might get to play this spring . Yeah. Im very optimistic. And well prepare for the worst, you know, this is a real life situation. So if us not being able to play at basketball games is the worst thing that will happen to us, that is a skry nis is sacrifice make. But right now our coaches are saying that well be able to play so were trusting that and continue to work hard and hope for the best but prepare for the worst. And miles, weve seen the problems that baseball has had but also how successful the nba as been with its bubble down in orlando. What do you think about that, should the ncaa follow those same kinds of guideline, how would you feel about that being really separated . The whole nba bubble has fared well and the nba season has progressed over this pandemic. And i believe that if it is implemented well and i feel like the big ten will take a lot of time to think about it, but if they implement a bubble system well, i feel like we can have a season safely and him the amount of cases as possible. And so if they implement the bubble, i believe that it will work the best. So let me talk to both of you because there is so much difference from college to college, university to university. And mile, ill start with you, i know rutgers is allowing students to take part in virtual and as well as inperson classes. What are you doing, what is your normal day like or is there a normal day . I wouldnt say normal anymore. I feel like the whole pandemic has thrown normal out the window. But definitely it will be a change. I remember when spring when the pandemic first started, they switched everything to online and a lot of my classes have labs and stuff. But i kind of got the hang of it moving forward. And this coming fall semester is about to start in a couple days and i think that if they just keep doing the same stuff they did in the spring, keeping up with lectures and upload them and keep students informed, so if they keep that up, i feel like it will be a smoother transition. But definitely harder for some because Online Learning is not the easiest topic. But if you really put your mind to it, you can really learn this type system. And gio, how is it for you, are you getting the hang of it and what do you miss the most . Id say just more freedom is probably the thing i miss the most. There is really no normal day. Weve kind of gotten used to Wearing Masks everywhere. And that is something that is a sacrifice that were willing to make if it helps save lives and down the road we can eventually play basketball again. So it is not normal, but it is life right now. So that is just something that were getting used to. You have represented your school and your team very well. I hope you guys get to play. Thank you so much for your time to talk to us. And right now some teachers are having to decide between their jobs or their safety. As schools are trying to fill the gaps as teachers opt out from returning. Medicare is great, but it doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medicare costs, which means you may have to pay for the rest. 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Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Onceweekly ozempic® is helping me reach my blood sugar goal. Oh, oh, oh, ozempic® you may pay as little as 25 for a 1month or 3month prescription. Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. Were keeping a close eye on a troubling trend across the country. Teachers forced to choose between returning to the classroom or resigning as they weigh the risks in this pandemic. Take a look at this recent headline from new jersey. Really underscores the issue. After 250 teachers seek leaves of absence, new jersey School District switches to Remote Learning. Of course, not every School System is willing to switch to Online Learning, and instead looking for substitute teachers to fill the gap. Joining me, nicole suarez, kelly education a company that supplies subs stut teachers. Thanks for being with us. How big is the increase in demand for substitute teachers . Hi. Thank you for having me on. To give you a little context. Right before 2019 we serviced 41 states. Filled about 4 million assignments, and i would say 20 of those sort of classroom daily assignments were actually longterm positions. Vacancies of fulltime teachers that School Districts themselves couldnt fill, and so, of course, our services have been in high demand. We did have a major Teacher Shortage prior to the pandemic, but fastforward to today, i can tell you the pandemic, given all riesens that we know increased the need for substitute teach toeteachers to come into the classroom, inperson or virtual. Are you having trouble finding qualified teachers to go into the schools on substitute basis . Prior to the pandemic employed 80,000 people or so. Since spring busy around the clock sourcing and recruiting. I will tell you, no. We havent really found a challenge of not being able to attract candidates to come in to the substitute teachers. And part of that is given the high rate of unemployment. We have many College Students who have opted for a gap year, who are attracted to maybe earning an income being a substitute teacher and even parents signed on, because they obviously have an interest and want to be able to help support their schools. So, so far weve been fortunate to be able to attract additional people to come into our talentfold. Thats the good news. There is a risk, though. A risk whether youre a fulltime or substitute teacher. I want to read from an education report. In many instances teachers dont receive paid sick days, about 100, although it varies by district and region. If someone were to get sick, dont have Health Insurance or paid sick days, are there adjustments made given where we are in this coronavirus pandemic . Yes. I think you ask a really important question, and certainly all of thats true. What we have seen from our districts is the opportunity where theyre increasing pay rates for substitute teachers. Particularly those in longterm assignment positions where its equal pay to what a fulltime teacher would have. Of course, all of our temporary employees have access to the benefits that kelly has so that they choose to pay for those. They can do so as well. You know, School Systems have been training teachers over the summer in Remote Learning skills and had to go so fast end of last year when all of this first happened. What about substitutes . Can their skill levels for Remote Learning match that of staff teachers . Absolutely. In fact, many of our substitute teachers are highly credentialed. Many, teaching virtual, we have a lot of retiree teachers. We have a lot of folks that do bring a lot of credentials in to the classroom. Not only do they also receive professional development from their respective schools, depending on the different platforms theyre using, they could use zoom, depending what it is. Also at kelly education were providing our own professional development as a prerequisite in terms of what Virtual Learning is all about. In addition to that school and safety protocols in terms what to anticipate when they walk into their respective buildings depending if doing it inperson as well. Ive been very pleased actually with the level of professional development being offered to substitute teachers as they are an extension to the educational community, and are a part of that faculty. Hmm. Hats off to all teachers, full time, substitute, in these challenges times. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us today. We appreciate it. Thats going to wrap up the hour for me. Im chris jansing. See you back here tomorrow, 11 00 a. M. Eastern. Andrea mitchell reports is next as we await joe bidens big speech in pennsylvania this afternoon. Have a great afternoon. Rnoon. Have a great afternoon. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. I just found out about mine. I knew for years. Epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. Heres another cleaning tip from mr. Clean. Cleaning tough bathroom and kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be a struggle. Theres an easier way. Try mr. Clean magic eraser. Just wet, squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum. And cakedon grease from oven doors. Now mr. Clean magic eraser comes in disposable sheets. Theyre perfect for icky messes on stovetops. In microwaves. And all over the house. For an amazing clean, try mr. Clean magic eraser, and mr. Clean magic eraser sheets. Good day. Im Andrea Mitchell in washington. President trump is dismissing the plea from the wisconsin governor and kenosha mayor not to come to the city tomorrow. The governor saying it would only hinder their healing. The president on twitter saying he wants to meet with law enforcement. And jacob blakes family says the white house has made to effort to reach out to them. The white house said it has left multiple messages. And Peter Alexander on that, one week after police officer, of course, fired

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