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Discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation and transgender status. Justice neil gorsuch wrote that opinion. The majority opinion. We should bring in Melissa Murray now, law professor at nyu, and also a former law clerk to then judge sonia sotomayor. And then the opinion writer for the washington post. Melissa, ill start with you. Explain the significance of this decision for folks who are watching and listening on sirius satellite radio. So this decision is huge. 63 opinion, the court decided that title 7, which is a federal law that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, also includes in the prohibition on sex discrimination, discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation and transgender status. It is doubling important. Just on friday, the Trump Administration rolled out administrative regulations that would prohibit protections for transgendered persons under title 7. The court basically said the administrations theory is all wrong. Jonathan, how noteworthy is it that neil gorsuch, a trump appointee, mind you, that he wrote the decision . This is pretty spectacular. Any of president trumps nominees led to a lot of concern, that a lot of the rights that had been won through the court were in jeopardy. The fact that this decision not only was written by Justice Gorsuch, but it is 63, you know, im old enough to remember when folks worried that the country would be in for a series of 54 decisions with the conservatives on the court leading the way with the five members. Now, what we have here, not only is Justice Gorsuch writing the majority opinion, but also chief Justice Roberts is among the majority. This is huge in a way that the Marriage Equality ruling from the Supreme Court five years ago this month was. This was so shocking that gay twitter just exploded. No one expected this. Folks hoped against hope that the Supreme Court would rule in the favor of the lgbtq plaintiffs, if you will. But to have it 63 is an incredible surprise, and one that upholds not only just the rule of law but makes the saying over the Supreme Court ring extra true today for lgbtq americans, that is, equal justice under law. Melissa, the decision, what does it reveal to you about the, shall we say, current dynamic at the high court among these justices . Well, let me push back a little. Im not sure it was entirely surprising. Justice gorsuch is a noted t textualist. He professed fidelity to the school of interpretation. If you take that reading of title 7, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, it is easy to see how discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation and transgender status would call into that. The question is whether Justice Gorsuch and others would be true to the leanings, or whether theyd be more pragmatic. Oral argument, there was a lot of discussion of transgender that gave fear that this wouldnt be the outcome. In terms of the dynamics on the court, gorsuch is a professed textualist and earned him the ire of two of his colleagues. Kavanaugh accused the court of basically legislating from the bench. At issue, as i understand it, correct me if im wrong, melissa, the issue is this 1964 Civil Rights Act, and whether it barred employment discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and gender identity. How was the majority able to take a law that was written in the 60s, presumably before any of these lawmakers, probably most of them couldnt even get their heads around some of these ideas back then, how were they able to apply that law here . Its actually a long history behind this. The conserve tiative wing of th court has never been one to think of the legal history behind the statutes, and have been exempt from thinking about how the way the framers or the original drafters of particular law would be viewed situations that come up later. Theyre trying to raise this question of fidelity to the text. Here in this opinion, Justice Gorsuch admits in 1964, it is likely they wouldnt have thought of transgender status within the domain of discrimination on the basis of sex. Looking purely at the text of this statute, the fact that someone has a partner who is of the same sex, or if someone is not performing gender identity in a way that is expected is, in fact, discrimination on the basis of sex. This is a statutory interpretation opinion, and it is one that is quite consistent with some of the other opinions from the conservative wing of the court, though leading to an outcome out of step with conservative thinking. Textualism, this concept, for folks who havent taken one of your classes, give that to us in laymens terms. Plain text. Read the statute. What does the statute say . The plain meaning of the text will lead you to the right outcome. Justice gorsuch has been the foremost proponent of this statutory interpretation on the court. In this opinion, you get that. He is basically saying that when you talk about discrimination on the basis of sex, Sexual Orientation, Sexual Harassment as he notes here, the court recognized all of those are about discrimination based on sex. Certainly not something the drafters of title 7 would have thought of in 1964. When you talk about what discrimination on the basis of sex means, it includes Sexual Harassment, Sexual Orientation discrimination, motherhood discrimination, and also Transgender Discrimination now, as well. It would seem as if Justice Gorsuch views the constitution, or in this case, a law, he views it as something that evolves, that lives, it breathes. That is not the that should change with time. I dont think thats what you should take from this opinion. I dont think Justice Gorsuch is subscribing to a school of living constitutionalism or evolving understanding of what statutes mean. I think he is saying the plain meaning of the statute, it would include discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation and transgender status. Because it is about discrimin e discriminating against someone because of their choice of partner, because of the sex of their partner. Discrimination on the basis of transgender status is about discrimination because that person is not performing their biological sex in a way that is visible or legible to other people. Mr. Capehart, i mean, does this change in any sort of remarkable way the climate for lgbtq rights in our country . Considering some of the recent rollbacks you mentioned that weve seen from this administration, specifically towards trans americans. Right. No. What it means is that the equality act that has sat out at the house needs to be taken up by the senate, passed, sent to the president s desk, and signed into law. Because as the head of hrc, the human rights campaign, president Alphonso David just said in the previous show on msnbc, you know, every facet of lgbtq life needs to be protected. A significant way of doing that would be to pass the equality act. I would just also like to say that most people arent lawyers, and most people, for sure, didnt know the textualist nature of Justice Gorsuchs philosophy and leanings, which is why people were so surprised by this decision, particularly from that justice, and particularly the president that appointed that justice, president trump, has told his supporters that, you know, the Supreme Court, i got it for you. Ive got all these justices. What this ruling shows is that the judicial branch, at least at the Supreme Court, in this case, is not beholden to the white house. What it should say to lgbtq americans, and all americans, that it is incumbent upon the legislative branch to do all that it can to protect the rights and dignity of lgbtq americans. Its great that the Supreme Court came to the rescue in this case, but if were relying on the Supreme Court to be the ultimate not the ultimate arbiter, but the initial arbiter, because the legislative branch isnt doing anything, then the system is problbroken. It is time to get the system back up and running and get congress to do its job. Jonathan, stand by. Melissa, stand by, as well. I want to bring in our justice correspondent, pete williams. Pete, walk us through, first of all, what stands out to you about this ruling, and how did we get to this point . Were there three cases, is that right . Actually, sort of two plus one. But they were all in one big decision on samesex discrimination and Transgender Discrimination. So with a stands out to me, number one, the decision from this newly conservative Supreme Court. I think many people thought this might be where the court would go if Anthony Kennedy was still a member, who had written all the courts significant issues in this area. But hes gone, replaced by the more conservative brett kavanaugh. Now, in fact, you know, what you have here is kavanaugh joining the dissenters today. But neil gorsuch, who replaced antonin scalia, writing the majority opinion. I cant imagine scalia would have written the opinion today, but gorsuch did. Then you have the sixvote majority. It is not just a 54 squeaker decision. It is a 63 ruling. As im sure youve been discussing, the core of the decision is this, and the core of the question was this, in 1964, when Congress Passed the Civil Rights Act, the most important civil rights legislation in american history, its indisputably true that it was not on the minds of anybody in congress to think about samesex discrimination or Transgender Discrimination. But what neil gorsuch wrote today is, that doesnt matter. Its not what was in the minds of congress that counts. Its the words of the law that count. He said, firing someone on the basis of Sexual Orientation is a form of sex discrimination. It is a victory for gerald, a man from atlanta working for the county and was fired when the county found out he was on a gay softball team. He sued and said, you cant fire me under the law. The court of appeals said, sorry, you cant sue under this law. Doesnt cover Sexual Orientation. That decision the Supreme Court reversed today. It is a victory for amy stevens, who worked for a funeral home in michigan. Told her employer that her gender identity was female, and she was going to be dressing as a female. She was fired. She sued and won. It was the funeral home that brought the case to the Supreme Court. Today, the Supreme Court upheld the lower court ruling. Amy stevens died a couple of weeks ago from a longstanding kidney disease. She did not live to see this day, but she realized that she was probably going to be making history. So thats what stands out to me. It was really a Pretty Simple question. When the Civil Rights Act said you cant fire somebody on the basis of race, sex, national origin, so forth, did that cover sex discrimination . Today, the Supreme Court said, resolving the split among the lower courts, the answer is yes. And so it was. Pete, an odd question. I guess maybe a bit of a process question. When the justices decide who writes the majority opinion and minority opinion, how do they make that decision . How did we get the majority opinion from gorsuch today . Yeah. Well, im chuckling because i think it was crafty, that this decision was made. So the way it works is this, shortly after the case is argued, the court takes its first vote. The senior justice in the majority decides who will write the majority opinion. Now, we know the senior justice in the majority, at least we think it was, was john roberts, the chief justice. He could have written this decision himself. But, clearly, he decided to give it to neil gorsuch. I think that is a very interesting decision that he made. Because it sort of reinforces this, if you will, to use this term used in legal circles, this textual approach to deciding cases. Neil gorsuch has a long history here in the federal court of appeals in the tenth circuit out in the west, in colorado where he lived, as one of the sort of chief textualists among the conservative members of the judiciary. Thats the basis on which he wrote the decision. He said, its the text that counts, not what was in congresss mind when they passed the law. Pete, unfortunately, you just missed our conversation with melissa on textualism. We spent three or four minutes. Im late to the party. Pete, thank you. Melissa, thank you. Jonathan capehart, always good to have you, as well. Good to have you all. We also want to talk about the huge protests were seeing now in georgia. The protests come on the heels of the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks in atlanta. Nbc news does not know what happened before the videos were about to show you started. We want to warn you, once again, that these images, this particular video, may be dist b disturbing. Officers responded to a call that brooks, who was asleep in his car, according to officials, was blocking a wendys drivethrough. This video, provided by the Atlanta Police department, shows a mostly calm, initial interaction between brooks and two officers. They say that brooks failed a sobriety test. About 43 minutes into the video, we see a struggle. As officers try to arrest him. This eyewitness video here, it shows an apparent struggle. Investigators say brooks then took one of the officers tasers. This Surveillance Video im going to wait here for this particular surveillance this Surveillance Video provided by the Georgia Bureau of investigation, appears to show brooks turn and point the toase at them as he runs away. The officer responds with fatal gunfire, which authorities in georgia are calling a homicide. Brooks autopsy shows he was shot twice in the back. The officer who shot brooks was fired. A second officer is on administrative duty. The police chief in atlanta resigned other t eed over the w. Morgan chesky is at the statehouse in georgia, where protesters are demanding statewide changes, as they see this upheaval at atlantas police department. Morgan, first of all, what is the mood like there this morning, considering, again, this march taking place against the backdrop of yet another policeinvolved shooting . Reporter craig, good morning. There is definitely a sense of anger and frustration here in the city following the death of mr. Brooks on friday. But i can tell you, the overriding feel today is a sense of purpose. Thats something weve seen in city after city over the past several weeks, following the death of george floyd. But today, this is the Largest Group of Peaceful Protesters weve seen in atlanta following that incident that took place on friday night. They marched here to the capi l capitol. It is important to note that while it was initially maybe planned as a result of the death of mr. Brooks, we do know that there are signs with ahmaud arbery, with george floyd, with name after name of black men that have died at the hands of police. This group here today, their focus is doing away with racial inequality, calling for police reform, and, craig, one interestiinterest ing thing here that exacerbates the fraustration in georgia is the issues with the primary. Hours wait to get to the poll machines, some of which didnt work. It creates distrust for authority. Following the death of mr. Brooks, a distrust with police. Also with government, to a certain degree, following that polling issue that we saw play out here. Right now, people are just adamant, calling for change. Many of them saying that they do believe this is a Tipping Point in more ways than one. They really believe it still has momentum to go forth and create some actual change. Craig . Morgan chesky for us there in atlanta. Morgan, thank you. I actually had the chance to speak with Tamika Miller, the widow of Rayshard Brooks, a few hours ago, about her husband, and what she hopes will happen next. Im feeling numb from everything. This morning when i woke up, my daughter asked, are we still having swimming lessons . Thats something her dad said they were going to do today. How are you going to explain to your daughter what happened . Well, i dont even know how to answer that. I dont know how im going to explain it to her. Because i still cant understand it right now. Im really thinking that she doesnt understand that her father is never coming back home. What does justice look like for you . To me, you know, i just feel like justice here is when someone is locked away and theyre serving a sentence for their crimes theyve done. To me, i dont think justice will ever be served until god deals with that person. I want to bring in ben jealous, the former president and ceo of the naacp, also the president of people for the american way. An organization which fights to dismantle systemic barriers in the way of equitable opportunities. Ben, were watching folks march in georgia right now, at a protest, that we should note, was planned by your own organization. Were watching this against the backdrop of yet another policeinvolved shooting. How much pressure does georgias legislature, specifically, right now, face to make some of the changes that these protesters are demanding . Theres real pressure. Theres pressure because, quite frankly, for 30 years, our entire country has been forced to watch what we as black people have not been allowed to beget for scenturies, officers can kil black people at will and not receive punishment for it in our society. Concern about it has really spread, you know, far beyond even the democratic party. So there is real pressure in this moment, in a way that there has not been perhaps ever. You posted on twitter recently about qualified immunity. Tell our viewers exactly what that is. And why you think it is an essential part or should be an essential part of these reforms that folks are talking about. What were talking about is judicial doctrine, decision made by judges again and again, no law, no legislative actions, just doctrine that says officers cannot be personally sued for mistakes they make, even when they kill somebody wrongfully or maimed them or beat them up with no provocation. So what weve seen is that this doctrine has been used repeatedly to excuse officers who have wrongfully killed a black person. Its just time for it to be ending. Last week, in colorado, we saw their state senate act in a bipartisan way, as the house has done now. The governor said he will sign it. A series of reforms that incl e included ending qualified immunity in their state. We need more of that. President obama is right, were going to have to really take action at the local level and the state level if we want to see the transformation of Public Safety that our country needs, so that all of us, regardless of color or orientation, can be confident that we will not be mistreated at the hands of the officers who have sworn to protect and respect all of us. Ben jealous, former president of the naacp, now with people for the american way. Ben, thank you. Thanks as always, sir. We are going to keep a very close eye on the naacp march in atlanta throughout the hour for you. Also, one of our other big stories this morning, skyrocketing cases of coronavirus across the united states. For weeks, weve been asking, is a second wave coming . Now, the question is, is it already here . How about no no uh uh, no way come on, no no nnnnono only discover has no annual fee on any card. Feel cool. Because the tempurbreeze transfers heat. Away from your body. So you feel cool. Night after night. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, experience the mattress ranked number one in Customer Satisfaction by jd power. 20 days after protests over the death of george floyd started, thousands of people are still taking to the streets, putting pressure on public officials. Over the weekend, folks flooded the streets of los angeles, new york city, detroit, atlanta. Nbcs Vaughn Hilliard is covering protests in seattles capitol hill neighborhood. Vaughn, protests there seem to be changing from what to what . What are you seeing now . Reporter craig, it was a week ago that the city of seattle chose to pull back their police force from the sixblock area, inclouding abandoning the east precinct here. What you saw over the course of a week, where thousands of seattle residents converged on to the streets. Im making the argument that these are the most diverse six blocks in america over the course of these last weeks. I want to introduce you to jay, who has been one of those genuine organizers. That was not planned. This was not some one group overtaking the streets. Jay, give me a sense of what you saw these last two weeks and how this developed over the weekend. I think what you have been seeing is individuals making their way out, excepting theyd have immunity based on privilege. So we saw tear gas, rubber bullets, flash grenades deployed, the same way you would if it was just a black experience. I think for White Community members here, that was their first engagement with the police in that way. That spoke to them. So them sharing an experience that black people deal with every single day, i think, is whats continued to bring them out here. I think it has given us the opportunity to move the barricade forward, eventually take over the east precinct, and what will continue to mobilize us forward. Reporter you are putting demands to the city. Has the city began negotiating with you . What is your message to them right now . The city has not began negotiating the demands. The demands have been sent. Jenny durkin, the Seattle Police department responded with nonlethals in a lethal way. They have not met with real and genuine organizers as a whole. Theyve sat down with individuals that they, themselves, have brought in, to kind of portray that they are meeting our demands, or theyre willing to negotiate. But the demands are simple. We want resignation from best and jenny durkin. We want the spd to turn in badges. If those demands are too complex for the general person to understand, black people do not want to die. They want the opportunity to live. Happy and full lives. Theyre willing to do that by any means necessary. Until that happens, youll continue to see us here and mobilizing forward in other places. Thank you very much. Absolutely. Reporter craig, what you saw over the course of the weekend was folks like jay figures out how to finally channel all the energy. You have thousands of folks, young, old, black, white, brown, come on to the streets to be a part of this, to be here at least in solidarity, and push the demands. The question is, as nshe outlined, is to what extent is the city willing to gosnegotiat . Pass along my thanks to jay, as well. That was quite the conversation. Thank you for that. Right now, there is a petition thats really starting to gain some steam online. It is a petition to rename that historic Edmund Pettus bridge in alabama after congressman john lewis. The bridge, of course, infamous for being the site of the 1965 bloody sunday clash between state troopers and black Civil Rights Act vactivists. It bears the name of a confederate general and also a ku klux klan congressman lewis, one of the activists beaten on the bridge that day, as he helped lead the march when he was just 25 years old. So far, more than 100,000 people have signed that petition. Less than 48 hours after it went online. The other big story were following this hour, a shocking spike in coronavirus cases as the country starts to reopen. Many of the new hot spots are in the south. Plus, one governor threatening to shut the whole thing down again if he keeps seeing scenes like this. Ive lost count of how many asthma attacks ive had. Ive been on and off oral steroids to manage my asthma. Does that sound normal to you . Its time for a nunormal with nucala. My nunormal fewer asthma attacks. My nunormal less oral steroids. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. It targets and reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. Nucala is proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks and reduce the need for oral steroids. Nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. 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Breaking news on this monday morning. Moments ago, the food and drug administration, the fda, announced that it is ending the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat coronavirus. That announcement coming as nearly two dozen states are seeing a rise in covid19 cases. We want to get you caught up on the latest facts about the pandemic right now. As of this morning, more than 116,000 americans have died from coronavirus. The cdc is now warning that the number could reach 140,000 by the fourth of july. In florida, positive daily coronavirus cases have topped 2,000 for two consecutive days this weekend. Arizonas weekly average of daily cases has nearly tripled from two weeks ago. That states largest Hospital System is warning about a potential shortage of icu beds. In alabama on sunday, a new record for cases in that state. It was the fourth straight day of cases increasing by more than 1,000 in the last seven days in alabama, cases increased by nearly 20 . Lets bring in nbcs ellison barber, in youre seeing the hi number of cases in the state. What are officials there saying about the spike . How dire is the situation for hospitals . Reporter hey, craig. They say that it is concerning. Right now, they say they have enough hospital beds, as well as ventilators, to deal with the ongoing situation. But the thing they keep saying is, these numbers are real, and it is concerning. There is not one specific reason theyre seeing an uptick. But a number of potential factors, from larger gatherings, memorial day weekend to household type spreads to outbreaks within businesses. One thing Health Officials here in alabama had made clear is that this uptick is not just because of testing. Listen here. Were certainly seeing an increase in the numbers of cases of covid19 in alabama. We have several reasons that this is happening. One thing that we do know is we have Ongoing Community transmission. Were certainly aware that some of our cases are epide deedemioy epidemiologylinked. While we have ongoing testing in alabama, were testing about 5,000 patients a day, we really feel like the overall picture is that we are increasing in numbers of cases. Reporter popular beaches in this state that we have been to this weekend, weve seen groups, families, social distancing when theyre out at the beach, in towns, in the coastal areas like m mobile, where a lot of people visit during this time of the year. Less social distancing when you get to the downtown area near restaurants. Some people say theyre worried that people here, whether it is people visiting from out of state or people who live in alabama, that everyone is becoming a little complacent. I think most people need to be conscious of their fellow man, in that they need to wear their mask to protect themselves and others. We have to find the fine line in between being loving in our southern culture and also separating that from being safe and sanitary. Like, hugs dont necessarily equal love anymore. Were going to have to learn that. Reporter we saw over 1,000 new confirmed covid19 cases on sunday alone. The state now is close to 26,000 confirmed cases. Craig . Ellison barber for us there in montgomery, alabama. Thank you. The family of Rayshard Brooks, they are speaking right now in atlanta. Rayshard brooks widow and other family members. We want to take you there for a moment. Lets listen in. Im not only asking the city of atlanta to stand with us, im asking for everyone in this nation to stand with us as we seek justice for rayshard. Thank you. Now hear from his cousin, tiara brooks. Rayshard brooks. The name that may start a protest tomorrow or another day in the future. However, the man himself no longer has a future. He can no longer live in the present, nor plan for tomorrow. No matter what the different points of view are of his death, we must all agree to one fact, the fact that he was killed by the Atlanta Police department. The fact that someones cousin, brother, uncle, nephew, father, companion, and friend is no longer in this world. The trust that we have with the police force is broken. And the only way to heal some of these wounds is through a conviction and a drastic change with the police department. But, honestly, true justice will never prevail because we will never be able to bring back Rayshard Brooks. Hell no longer be able to return to this world, nor to his family. However, again, if we stand together and united as one, there will be no more cases similar to rayshards. How many more protests will it take to ensure that the next victim isnt your cousin, your brother, your uncle, your nephew, your friend, or your companion . So that we can finally end the suffering of Police Excessive force. We are tired. You guys, im tired. And we are frustrated. Most importantly, were heartbroken. So we need justice for Rayshard Brooks. This is mr. Brooks cousin. Ill try to make this brief and clear. First and foremost, we want to say, we want to show our appreciation and thanks to everybody that has been out here supporting us and helping us. And we encourage you to continue to do so. And i actually go by red. A lot of celebrities have been trying to reach out and find the family. We are the family. I am the family. If youre trying to help, you know, reach out to me, so we can try to make sure that my cousin and his wife and his kids is taken care of. If you cant help financially, then try to keep helping with your voice and stay with the protests. Again, i want to just tell you that we appreciate all the help. We appreciate the voices around the nation. We thank you. Im attorney chris stewart. And i tried to figure out a way to encompass everything thats going on and get rid of the division of one side verse the other, and get the whole country to understand whats going on. The first thing that came to mind is, what we all just went through with the coronavirus outbreak. We all sheltered in place for months, losing our minds. Then we started seeing on the news large amounts of white americans demanding change. Coming out and rallying in the streets, protesting, and making their governments change laws, so that we could start getting back to regular life. As i sat stunned, watching tv, watching so many of our White Brothers and sisters out there rallying, protesting, because they thought something was wrong with the current state of laws in their city or state, we didnt have a problem with it. That is their right as americans, to demand change. To demand laws change. So why is it so offensive or painful or offpputting when africanamericans step forward to demand change against Police Brutality . Why is it wrong when we are protesting in the street when we see something wrong with police abuse . Its our godgiven and american right, also. So it is a thing of unity when you see both sides of it. You have to support and vocalize your rights, as we did, and we watched on tv, and as people are doing in the streets now. Demanding changes in laws. In policies, in accountability. In value of life, where that a man that was running away doesnt get shot twice in the back. Now, theres a question of, was it reckless, or should he have used that force . Let me tell you and show you why shooting in a crowded parking lot is so reckless and so unnecessary, of what he did. A witness today sent us his vehicle, which was hit by one of officer rolfes bullets. While he and his kids were in the car. A couple feet up, and we would have had another loss of life. So try to justify the actions of shooting at mr. Brooks as he running away in a crowded wendys parking lot, when you could catch him later for what started off as a very nonconfrontational situation. It cant be justified. It cannot be justified. Otherwise, were going to continue to lose lives from stray bullets shooting at someone that should have never been shot at. And people ask, how could this have ended . Why did he resist . Well, it could have ended there. Well, it also could have ended here. I can walk. My sisters house is right here. Thats how this could have ended. It didnt have to go to that level. Thats what were saying in america with policing. This type of empathy is gone. The courtesy of an officer, it wasnt like he was called there because mr. Brooks had been swerving and was a danger to society. The first call was because a man was asleep. Where is the empathy in letting him walk home . Thats what policing is supposed to be, no matter what color you are. But as they said, its broken. Thats gone. We dont see that often, and we definitely dont see it in the africanamerican community. Just like the protests before, thats what were demanding. Its not just laws and policy changes, but a mental change in policing. Which is missing. So we do want everybodys support. Were looking forward to the das findings in this situation. The only thing that we can ask for is some semblance of an idea of justice, because there is no definition anymore of what it is. What we know right now is that a mans life was taken when it should never have happened. Right now, we want to introduce everyone to tomika, who many of you have met, and the kids, blessing, memory, and dream. Blessing, it was her eighth birthday when her father died. She had her Birthday Party on the same exact day that they found out that their father was killed. She had her birthday dress on, as all of you have heard. She had cup cakes and friends over. She was supposed to go skating with her dad, and that didnt happen, of course. Also, makai, 13, is his stepson, and he took care of him, as well. And tomika, you want to say a few words . I just want to thank everybody for all the protest, love, and support that you guys have done. Words cant explain how thankful i am for everything. Even though i cant bring my husband back, i know he is down smiling. His name will forever be remembered. Theres no justice that can ever make me feel happy about whats been done. I can never get my husband back. I can never get my best friend. I can never tell my daughter, oh, hes coming to take you skating or swimming lessons. So its just going to be a long time before i heal. Its going a long time before this family heals. Like i said, im just thankful for everything that everyone is out there doing. And i just ask that if you could just keep it as a peaceful protest, that would be wonderful. Because we want to keep his name positive and great. Lastly, we do want to acknowledge and thank tyler perry, who we spoke with, who will be taking care of the funeral for the family. And its support like that, and its people who are actually in this community, that love the community, that want healing and families like this to never have to go through Something Like this, to step forward. We want to thank him for such a yes. Three brief questions. Question for anyone in the family. [ inaudible ] shooting that happens talking weve watched it and ive always said, baby, i dont ever want that to be you or, know, its going to change. Always trying to stay positive about everything, but weve had our incidents where we had Police Officers stereotype my husband just because tattoos on his face. You know . So its really crazy. Im scared every day. My children go out. My husband goes out. My family members go out. Im scared every day, because i dont know what to say, and its just really startled me, because i dont even know if theyre going to come home. And that goes to a point of people asking, why would he resist when trying to put him in hand covers . Well, they put george floyd in handcuffs and he was subsequently killed. So just getting put in handcuffs if youre africanamerican doesnt mean, oh, youre going to get nicely taken to the back of a police car. So especially watching this video of george floyd over and over again. Reaction may have been, im not getting put in handcuffs. So we cant just toss it out because he resisted. George floyd didnt, and it ended the same way. And this is something that is not new. Not just with george floyd. All of us, all of us i know every black man standing behind me i i still today dress like i dress, do what i do, i still feel nervous around police, and that shouldnt be the case. Right . And so if you, if you feel that way, and then you see all of these things happening, of course youre going to feel some kind of way when the police come up to you and, you know, you are somewhere where, you know, youre not in the perfect state of mind at that point in time. [ inaudible ]. I think you mentioned a week ago your family was asking people not to attack the precinct, the police. Talk about that moment and what it feels like now thinking that thats the position you took before . It makes you eat your words. I love atlanta. My family loves atlanta. And when they were tearing, busting out the windows at c e, we like, why they doing that to this city . Burning police cars. Why they burns out police cars . This doesnt happen in our city, and it our front door so not only does it happen in our city, it happens in cities everywhere. I just want to [ inaudible ]. What was who wants to talk about it . Come on. My name is jamaco brooks. Rayshard is my first cousin. These people that you see behind you are his sisters, his brothers, his nieces, nephews, first cousins. A week and a half ago me and his older brother were playing chess. And he just popped up. And i said, kcuz, how ya doing . You good . He said i came because i need to see my wife and its my daughters birthday. Staying out of trouble . Im find, cus. I shared a few laughs and he left. He was always happy. He was always smiling. And you have to kill him by one of his family members because he wasnt that type of dude. So to you people that are looking around the world and if you have your feelings before it happened to us us, i could only guess what you felt. But now i understand. Life shouldnt be this complicated. Life shouldnt be where we have to feel some type of way if we see a police or somebody of a different color. I didnt come down here to talk to the media. I came to love on my people. If you ask how all of these young black man was, look at your children when you see them laugh. That innocence. Thats joy. That pureness of soul. Had you a glimpse of what we lost. Youll have a glimpse of what it feels like. Because tomorrow we going to have to deal with it again. We going to have to bury. We have to say, we miss you, and if we didnt say we love you enough we got to apologize to him for not telling him that we loved him that much. My cousin i have to go. I have to go. Yall too i wish yall yall took the yong person. That wasnt the person to take. He wasnt that is we have been watching and listening to the family of Rayshard Brooks. His widow there, Tamika Miller talking about losing her best friend. Also the attorney for the family as well. Updating us on the case and where it stands. Also we heard from Tamika Miller, widow of Rayshard Brooks continue to pro test but make them peaceful in nature. Again, overnight, it was determined that he did die by homicide. 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