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Masters, golfs first major tournament of the year, its been postponed. The Boston Marathon has been postponed until september. Those moves following moves by major league baseball, the nba, even broadway, all taking their own precautions because of the outbreak. People understandably have a lot of questions this morning about their health, about their safety, about how their government is handling this pandemic. Were going to do our absolute best to answer those questions this hour. We have a team of doctors. We have the mayors of two of americas largest cities, los angeles and atlanta, but we start right now with the markets. Right now, as you can see, markets are up just a day after suffering the worst day in more than 30 years. Nbcs david gura is on the floor of the new york stock exchange. David, what are we seeing right now . Craig, markets are up, they surged when the market opened. Weve seen them fall back a bit as the morning has wornd up. Paying close attention to the secretary of treasury, steve mnuchin, who did an interview with cnbc this morning and gave comments on the heels of the enter u v interview, talking about what his conversations with lawmakers on capitol hill. Its clear hes the point person on the white house on coming up with a fiscal package designed to strengthen the safety net for americans as this Public Health crisis continues. Whats interesting, craig, is how he came out, talked a good book, talked about progress, echoed where we are in terms of the process. Moments later you had the president weighing in on twitter focusing not on fiscal policy, on creating that kind of safety net package but monetary policy, encouraging his fed chair to lower rates once again. As you mentioned at the top of the show, the president announcing hes going to have a press conference at 3 00 eastern. Dont need to point out to your viewers that the markets will be open. Thats an hour before theyre scheduled to close. Thats the narrative weve seen. Member of the Coronavirus Task force, members of administration who have said one thing, and the president comes in and says another or backtracks or corrects something theyve said. Thats what investors are watching for, one, whats happening on capitol hill with the package as it makes its way through congress and the other, what the president will say at the end of the day, focusing on the topic in the tweet, the coronavirus. David gura, well be checking in with you throughout the afternoon. Lets bring in two medical experts. Paul sachs is clinical director of the division of Infectious Disease at brigham and womens hospital, also an hiv expert. Phillip cabas is ep deem olt, professor of Public Health at hunter collegiate the suny university of new york also the author of dread how fear and fantasy have fueled epidemics from the black death to the avian flu. Just a bit of news coming in. The city of new jersey excuse me, jersey city in new jersey, the first known case there being reported right now, so not far from where we sit, another case of coronavirus. Dr. Sachs, ill start with you, for folks who are watching, folks who are listening on sirius satellite radio, in the simplest of terms, if you do not feel well and you dont know why and you think it might be coronavirus, what should you do . The most important thing is people stay home, take care of themselves and get better. Most of the time this is a mild illness. By taking care of your home and Getting Better spontaneously, you wont run the risk of infecting other people. The other thing to remember, all the rest of the rest to be viruses are still circulating. Even if you dont feel well and you feel like youre coming down with a cold or cough, it could be one of the regular cold viruses that are still out there. The message is stay home, take care of yourself, get better. Dont risk infecting other people. At what point should you go, should you go to the doctor or hospital . This woman in jersey city that were getting more information about, a 41yearold female in lives in downtown jersey city. She was proactive when she felt symptoms and initiated testing with her private physician were being told. The major advice i would give people is if they feel theyre getting progressively short of breath or cant keep up with their hydration or they feel like their illness is worsening remember colds are annoying but dont typically get worse over time. That would be the time to trigger medical care. Triggering medical care today means raising the question of coronavirus which means you should contact your provider, your doctor, your nurse and say youre worried you might have this. That would enable them to set in place testing and advise you to ke wear a mask in public or keep you separate from other people. Many places have initiated drivethrough testing so you can avoid coming in contact with other patients. Professor, testing, that seems to be the biggest part of this story. Dr. Anthony fauci, National Institute of health, runs Infectious Diseases there as you know. This is what he said just a few hours ago on morning joe about improving the Testing Process in this country. Well play it. Then well talk about it. I would think within a week were going to start seeing a real acceleration of testing. As we go two, three more weeks, it will be much, much more. I think were going to see a much different situation than we saw just a few weeks ago. What gives you that confidence that it is now changing, that a week from now anyone who walks into a hospital or goes to see a doctor can get a test for coronavirus . Im not saying anyone and everyone. Im saying its going to be markedly improved. What has changed is theres been a major involvement of the private sector. So by implementing this wider testing, professor, is that enough to stop the spread of this virus . Enough to stop the spread of the virus, no. You dont stop the spread of the virus with testing its an airborne virus. Its going to spread. I trust tony fauci a lot. What hes saying is we will know more once theres more testing. Here i want to second a point that dr. Sachs just made, that the people who get sick with this virus almost almost always have a not very serious illness. That doesnt seem to be well understood. 80 or 90 of people who get sick dont get so sick that they need serious intervention. That message isnt getting across. So more testing will tell us more about just how many people have mild illnesses. I hope that will be reassuring because one of the big problems were seeing now is this what seems like a panicy response. Do you think that the response to the coronavirus so far has been an overreaction . People respond the way they respond, and its hard to say to people calm down. Its hard to say that when theyre your family members and when its the American People. I see two reasons for this. One, and im going to take a moment to criticize not just nbc but all the media. When the media as well as the government make the dow jones average into a leading indicator of the health of the american republic, the dow jones average falls and people flip out. So thats bad. Its not the leading indicator of the health of the republic or the physical health of the population, and we ought not do that. Secondly, theres been, as youve been reporting, a real dallasft. Worth of leadership here. The white house is hopeless. Fauci has been great, but then he gets secondguessed or even negated by some other commentators. What distinguishes this epidemic from others which i covered in the book in dread, epidemics are always a story. Theyre never just about how many people get sick, how many people die. If that were true, wed be doing something about the epidemic of deaths from gunfire in america. 30,000 deaths a year, but you dont hear people calling for the elimination well, you hear people calling for that, but you dont see congress ap eighting 8. 3 billion to end that epidemic. Epidemics are about something that grabs people in power, an mates people in power. Whats different about this epidemic, thats historically true. Whats different about this one is for the first few months and in the u. S. Until only about this week, the epidemic has been led by the information and the people who should be taking responsibility have been just playing catchup. Dr. Sachs, the criteria for testing right now, it is limited, to say the least. Where can people get these tests . Whats the process for testing . So the criteria for testing right now, at least the official criteria are that anyone any clinician who thinks its medically indicated can order a test. The difficulty has been the supply and the access to the testing. But as dr. Fauci mentioned this morning, we fortunately are going to see a huge improvement over the next couple weeks, very much involvement of the private sector, private laboratories, hospitalbased laboratories are developing their own tests. In addition there will continue to be testing through the state department of Public Health. The testing criteria should loosen up. Right now most places are focusing on the sickest patients and health care workers. Additionally were going to be able to test people who just, for example, need to know whether they have a positive test because of potentially exposing others. Using this kind of identification even of milder cases can help contain the epidemic. Dr. Sax, i want your take on the question i posed to the professor as well. School districts shutting down. Sporting venues closed for the foreseeable future, cancellation of major events. Do you believe the response so far has been appropriate, or do you think that weve gone too far . I think its the appropriate response. Its much better to be overly cautious than to play catchup in these situations. Many have referred to the flu epidemic as to how this kind of policy can lead to a slowing of an Infectious Disease because some cities canceled events and other cities did not. The cities that didnt cancel the events had more flu cases. What were trying to do is the social distancing, which means reducing the number of secondary transmissions that happened in the community and that way we can flatten the peak of the epidemic and not risk overburdening the situation. The first case of covid19 related to travel in san antonio. Lee ann, theyre close, her words, not mine, close on this coronavirus legislative package. What more do we know about that . Thats what he said when she left the capitol late last night and thats what she said this morning, they are close. What we know is she huddled with leaders around 9 15 where they went through the legislation and she got signoff from them. We know she spoke with secretary mnuchin twice already this morning. These are conversations that have been going on constantly over the past couple days. And we also know that House Republicans are meeting as well. Lead are mccarthy is meeting with his leaders to also run the traps on the legislation as well. Where do things stand now . We are extremely close, but there is no deal just yet. Lets get back to what this legislation does just for a second, craig. What it does, it expands family leave, paid leave for families and for people who are sick. It expands unemployment insurance. It provides free testing for people who need to be tested, and it also expands some Food Security programs. But were in these last final moments, craig, where that are very frenzied. These moments are tense because theyre so close, just inches or millimeters away from the deal. But its also where things could completely explode. So were waiting cautiously. Democrats seem pretty confident that there will be a vote today. Leigh ann caldwell on the hill, keep us posted. Thank you so much. Lets bring in democratic congressman max rose of new york now. Congressman, what are you hearing . When do you expect a vote . Thank you so much for having me. Im not going to prognosticate about when a vote will be, but i can tell you it has to be as soon as possible. Our number one priority has got to be addressing this Public Health crisis, but in order to address that crisis, we certainly need this fiscal stimulus pack cac which expands the security net, ensuring that every american has access to this test for free and that nobody continues to go out into society when theyre feeling ill due to their economic insecurities. It is absolutely vital and we are working in a bipartisan manner to achieve that. You made a big push for access to testing, wrote this letter to the fda and cdc. You wret a letter with republican congressman tom reed urging those agencies to take additional action to approve more testing in new york. Absolutely. Have you heard back . Yes, we have. Just today fda approved several things as it pertains to new york. One, it approved for roche, a private equipment manufacturer, approved and certified its system for Automatic Processing of covid tests which will dramatically increase the number of tests that a lab can process on a daily basis. It also enabled individual laboratories to directly apply in new york state, to the new York State Department of health to certify that they do manual tests. We have to take a moment, though, to lay out for the American People what it actually means when were talking about tests. There are two things. The first is the reagents. Those are the supplies for the laboratory tests. Thats what everyone is referring to when theyre talking about test kits. We have several million of those available right now which is not nearly enough. Then we have the capacity of our Laboratory Systems where were woefully behind on that and were only now building up to Automatic Processing which will allow us to do 10x the number we can do with manual tests. We have to make sure we skate to where the puck is going. As more and more laboratories get approved for Automatic Processing, what well then have to deal with is a crisis of an undersupply of reagents. That has to be our focus now. We need millions upon millions of these reagents, not just in new york but around the country, and it is the responsibility of both the Public Sector and the private sector to Work Together to achieve that. The mood there on the hill, what is the mood . There have been a number of your colleagues who have selfquarantined. I would imagine youve come into contact with some of these folks. Are you at all concerned that youve been exposed . I think that Everyone Needs to operate right now with a heightened level of concern, certainly were seeing an expansion of telework. Obviously the universal message that if youre feeling even slightly ill, you should be staying home. I can tell you that is the sentiment here on capitol hill. But theres also the sentiment that we have got to address this crisis as quickly as possible and not allow Party Allegiance or bickering to get in the way of that. The American People need action. They also need us to apply a wholeofgovernment approach at the local level. I can tell you in my own Congressional District just in a few hours well have all of the local elected officials gathering together with Hospital Executives to figure out how we can do Everything Possible to address this Public Health crisis. We are seeing members of congress on both sides of the aisle leading back home as well, and that is just as important. Congressman max rose of new york, thanks for your time, sir. Thank you for having me. An intervention in the west wing. In just the last 15 minutes we learned President Trump will be holding a News Conference at 3 00. Well go live to the white house for the latest on that. Up next, expert guidance on how two of this countrys largest cities are dealing with the crisis. Ill talk with Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and san franciscos Eric Garcetti to talk about the unique steps theyre taking in their cities. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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We took special efforts, its called a containment zone, but basically we closed schools, closed mass gatherings. People can still come and go. It doesnt really contain anyone. And we have the National Guard coming to clean and deliver food. Now we opened a drivethrough testing location. It will prioritize people from new rochelle, but also the county of westchester. Its a new approach because these are all new problems. It keeps people in their car so they dont walk into an emergency room and infect other people, and testing is where its at. We have to get our testing numbers way up quickly if we have a shot at slowing the spread. And this is one of the ways were trying to do it in the state. Is the thinking that youre going to open more of these drivethrough mobile Testing Centers . Also, how are they going to work . Can anyone just drive up . The way it works, craig if you put up a sign that anyone who wants a test could get a test, i have 18 Million People in this state. With this anxiety youd have 17 Million People online. So what we did is we said the phone number prioritizes new rochelle residents, westchester residents. You have a phone number, you call, make an appointment. They give you an appointment time and you show up at that time. We do about 200 cars per day. But its not open unless you have the appointment approval. Governor, while i have you, as you know, multiple states have closed all of their schools, and many of these states in fact, all these states if im not mistaken, they have far fewer cases than new york. A lot of new yorkers are wondering why the schools are still open . First, many of the schools in new york are closed. Its right now a local decision unless you have a child who tests positive. Then we close the school for 24 hours to clean the school and assess the situation. Craig, its not a nobrainer to close the schools. You close the schools, many of those children dont get lunch, they dont get breakfast. Now, what do the parents do . A lot of parents would have to stay home. That could jeopardize your health care workforce. One thing we cant do is diminish our capacity in our hospitals because thats going to be the next shoe to drop, by the way. You see this testing debacle. Were going to be overwhelmed in our hospitals. So you close the school. It triggers another set of issues. Its something were looking at on a daily basis, but its not without negative consequences. Governor, really quickly here, how would you characterize where things stand right now in new york state with regards to response to the virus in general . I dont think its any different here than it is anywhere else. The anxiety and the fear is as much of a problem as the virus. I keep telling people in new york, look at the facts, look at the numbers, 80 will selfresolve. Were really worried about senior citizens, underlying illness. The anxiety and the panic in and of itself becomes a challenge. So were dealing with a virus, dealing with fear, also. We have to address both and thats what were trying to do here in new york. Were trying to get the federal government to allow us more flexibility and testing because thats the real operational problem, and if were going to wait for the federal government to figure it out, its not going to happen. Im saying to them let the states do the testing. The states regulate laboratories. We regulate testing protocols. Let the federal government decentralize the responsibility and tell the states to take it over. It cant be any worse, craig. The drivethrough Testing Center, the first in new york opened in new rochelle. Governor andrew cuomo joining us on the phone. Governor, thank you so much for your time. I know youre very busy. Thank you, also, for keeping the folks of new york really up to speed. Youve been very accessible. We appreciate all the information youve been providing, governor, thank you. Thank you, buddy. Thank you for what you do. Mara gay is a member of the New York Times Editorial Board also an msnbc contributor. Before we get into the politics of some of this, as a new yorker, as someone who lives here and has lived here for some time, how has it been living through the coronavirus over the past week or so . Thats right. Im not just a journalist. I am a new yorker as well, and i live in an apartment just like millions of other new yorkers. Ive been taking the same precautions to try to stay healthy and keep those ar ound me healthy. Its quite eerie and very stressful time. As journalists, what were thinking about is how to ask the right questions, how to get the right information to the public. And i think panic the governor is absolutely right. Panic can be as much of an enemy as the virus itself. Were learning that information is not the same as knowledge. We really dont want to create panic but we want to get relevant information. One of the challenges that new york and new york city has thats going to be a little harder and different than other places is the scale of just the number of people and the number, therefore, of the sick people that were going to have and the amount of interaction that we have, subways, things like that. Thats something were concerned about, the schools as well. Its not such an easy question, closing the schools. The other issue is, if you do close the schools, where are kids going . If people are selfquarantining and kids are just running around the city, that doesnt exactly stop the spread of a virus either. One of the questions i have is making sure we get the most seamless response from the federal, state and local level. They should all be working together to cut red tape to make sure new york has the icu beds it needs, the ventilators, that the hospitals can staff up and get at capacity and new yorkers who may be sick or think their loved ones are know exactly where to go. We should point out on the left side of your screen here, this is times square in new york city on a friday afternoon. That as close to a ghost town as youre going to see in times square on a friday. A lot of folks seem to be heeding the governors request to work from home if you can. Lets talk about the response so far at the state level and the federal level. Much has been made of this administrations response so far or lack thereof. In what ways would you say this crisis has reflected perhaps even magnified the culture of this administration . I think one of the breakdowns, the points of breakdown was when new york, which has millions of people, realized it needed to be testing far more people a day than it has been able to so far. Its been unable to do so of late because the cdc has had problems and the fda has had problems in approving rapid or instant tests and allowing new york to scale up. Thats starting to move now, but these are conversations that really should have been happening weeks, if not months ago. Obviously the cdc has been impaired, frankly, by this Trump Administration slashing of its budget and the gutting of experts. We see that there was a role in society for experts, and this is a time where we really need to trust the science and the doctors. It was interesting to talk to the governor a few moments ago and you see this mobile Testing Center open up. I remember watching three days ago in south korea they have dozens of these things, people being tested around the clock. Our response has been that of a third world country in some regards. Mara gay, good to have you. Stay safe in new york city. Officials in communities all over the country are working hard to slow and contain the spread of the virus in their home towns. Up next, ill the mayor of atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms will talk about her concerns as the citys Public Schools are set to close, affecting more than 50,000 students and their parents. Then well talk to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti about the concerns for this countrys second largest city. Saturdays happen. Pain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. No. Uh uh, no way. Come on. No. No. N. Ni ni, no no only discover has no annual fee on any card. Thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. 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Talk, talk while our competition continues to talk. Its our most dangerous addiction. So we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. We created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. What will you change . Make the world you want. State officials in georgia have announced their first death due to the coronavirus. He was reportedly a 67yearold man with Underlying Health conditions. As of this morning, there were 42 confirmed cases in that state. The majority of them are in and around the atlanta area. Im joined by if mayor of atlanta Keisha Lance Bottoms. Thank you so much for your time. You Just Announced, as i understand it, youre creating a Coronavirus Pandemic Coordination Team for folks who also dont know this, the cdc, of course, headquartered in atlanta. What are your biggest concerns right now, mayor . Our biggest concerns right now really is how do we lead during this pandemic. By that i mean we cant wish competence upon the white house right now. We are having to look locally and at the state level on what, if anything, we can do to impact that will positively impact our communities. I can say that we have a republican governor in georgia, and obviously i am a democrat mayor. We have worked seamlessly together, and i think thats the best we can hope for, coordination across partisan lines as we deal with this. What weve done in atlanta, though, is even gone a step further and really think through what policies and initiatives can we put in place to make sure that the impact on our communities is lessened. Just this week i signed an executive order that has said that for over the next 60 days we will not cut off Water Service to our customers. We talk about hygiene and being able to simply wash your hands, its important that we do that. I will be announcing today that we will go to a twoweek telework policy for city hall. Thats for all nonessential employees. Our School System is shut down. We have many people with Young Children and we want to make sure were being as safe as possible. This is what Emergency Preparedness plans are all about. Craig, just think about what my grandmother used to tell me. You dont worry until you have to. What that means is we obviously are in uncertain times. We have to be prepared. We have to stay levelheaded and continue to do and think outside the box in terms of how we address this issue, something that weve not faced in our lifetimes. Mayor, let me ask you about the closing of schools. Governor cuomo just raised a point. Its a point thats been raised a fair amount over the last few days. On monday schools there, at least two weeks theyll be shut down. What kind of resources is the city going to provide to kids and their parents, including a lot of parents who dont have access to computers or highspeed internet . And what about the lowincome students who rely on School Breakfasts and lunches . In atlanta we have an independent School System meaning city hall and the mayor does not control our School System. Certainly our children are top of mind. We have over 50,000 students in the atlanta public School System. 78 of those students receive free or reduced lunch. So what weve done is we have asked for a waiver specifically related to our ability to serve kids outside of our normal after school program. Were also working to determine if we can create Food Delivery Services or have spots that people can go and pick up packandgo foods. I even saw today there is one community where they are doing some gofundme raising for gift cards of 100. I will be asking our departments to see if thats something thats permissible that we can tap into our reserves to help offset some of the challenges we know these families will face. We have nearly 200 million in our reserves in the city. This is what its for. Its for emergencies and times like this. So we are going to do all we can do to make sure that our kids and also our seniors who rely on social services are taken care of during this time. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, the mayor of intelligent. Through for your time. I know youre very busy right now. Thank you. Lets go to the other side of the country here, the mayor of los angeles has just rolled out a set of steps to ramp up that citys response to coronavirus. It includes new limits of public gatherings in the citys facilities. Any event that was anticipated to attract more than 50 people will be either postponed or canceled altogether. As of this morning, there were 32 confirmed cases in los angeles county, one death so far, about 200 cases confirmed in all of california. Los angeles mayor Eric Garcetti joins me now from l. A. Mayor, the Los Angeles School board called an emergency meeting this morning. We believe it started at some point in the last hour. Any news out of that meeting about the possibility of closing schools there in l. A. . Not yet, but i think its only a matter of time. Weve been very aggressive here in los angeles, shutting down, as you said, those public events. Let me say listening to mayor lance bottoms, im so impressed by the local and state officials across the country that know these are the most critical days we have. We will look back on this period and this will be the makeorbreak days, not just what we do from government, but as individuals, in that social distancing, listening to the advice were getting and making sure we save our families, friends with these actions today. Why did you decide to lower it . Talking to Public Health officials, these few days, the flattening of the curve, as everybody said, this either ramps up quickly or we can push it off into a better time of the year where there will be fewer cases. We think that was absolutely critical to do. We shut down city hall except for those employees that are there. Public meetings Like City Council meetings, boards and commissions will allow folks to call in, give Public Comment but not show up in person. This is really amazingly a time when people are being good to each other and were seeing the best come out at least at the local level across america and certainly here in los angeles. The last time i saw you i was out there working on a story of the number of people who are experiencing homelessness in that city. At last check i believe it was 59,000 across l. A. County, 36,000 in the city of los angeles alone. Whats your plan for them . Well, that was one of my greatest concerns, along with our elderly and other folks that have preexisting conditions. Weve been out on the streets for weeks. Weve put out dozens of Sanitation Centers and places where people can wash hands, get clean. We also are setting up plans, if we see this on the street which we anticipate we will, to immediately be able to triage those folks and take areas that are encamped and bring those folks to a place where we can be treating them, addressing that. We have doctors going into tents on the streets, and all the workers that usually do outreach on General Services are focused on covid19 with our brothers and sisters unhoused today. This is a crisis that could spread on the street quite quickly. Hat kind of coordination have you or your office had with the white house . Were expecting to hear from the president this afternoon about 3 00. Are you getting the kind of support you need from congress . Weve had some, but im very concerned about the Economic Impact on Everyday Americans right now. Weve seen it in the port of l. A. Which brings in about 43 of the goods that come into america, with folks who have lost work, truckers, of course Small Businesses and others. Were looking at an eviction moratorium, so nobody can be kicked out, no utility cutoffs. We need that help right now. If theres one message that Congress Needs to hear and the white house needs to hear, its get together, get that passed right now as well as the testing which we still see around the count. You cannot prepare for a crisis once you are responding to a crisis, and theres been a dereliction of duty at that national level. Now is the time to do everything you can to fix that while also taking care of Everyday Americans. Los angeles mayor Eric Garcetti, thank you so much for your time, sir. Good to be with you always. This is a live look at the white house where President Trump is going to be holding that News Conference just over three hours from now. Up next, the new details were learning about the shift in response to this crisis. We are still keeping a very close eye on the markets. 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We we now know President Trump is holding a News Conference this afternoon at 3 00 on the coronavirus threat. We are also learning new details about the shift in response from this administration. It includes a socalled intervention from President Trump. Lets bring in nbcs peter alexander. Hes standing by at the white house. Pete, more on this intervention in a moment. Do we know what we might hear from the president at 3 00 . Yes, craig, we want to start with the breaking news. Multiple Administration Officials tell nbc news at 3 00 the president is expected to announce a National Emergency. A National Emergency in response to this coronavirus outbreak that would allow for more money, billions of dollars to be directed to states and municipalities. How he goes about doing that remains to be seen. It could be done by invoking the pfafford act which basically allows for as much as 42 billion in Disaster Relief fund of fema, federal Emergency Management agency, to be directed to those states. That appears to be the basis for this 3 00 News Conference the president announced by himself on twitter today, surprising some of his aide hes at least within the white house here. We heard yesterday in the oval office him suggesting this was one of the Emergency Powers he was considering. Now based on multiple sources, and now im told we have a third. It is expected the president will announce a National Emergency this afternoon. National emergency 3 00, will make billions of dollars available to states and cities. What more do we know about the shift in strategy there in the west wing, this intervention as its been called . Yes, some describing it as intervention. The bottom line you saw the shift occur at the beginning of this week where the president obviously spent his weekend in florida. He was fundraising. We saw pictures of him playing golf as well. He came back and when he got back to the white house, there was really a lot of an effort by some of his top officials, including larry kudlow, Steven Mnuchin to have him change his tone, the way he had been speaking about the coronavirus crisis. To that point he had largely been downplaying it, blaming the media for fanning the flames of fear americans were speaking about over the past several days. The urging from some of the president s own aides was he had to have a more serious tone about this. They had to discuss this is a Public Health crisis and in terms of Financial Issues that needed to be addressed as evidence by the Oval Office Address we saw earlier this week as the New York Times first reported, it was the president s own soninlaw, jared kushner, ivana trump and hope hicks, who the times reports was back at the white house urging the president to deliver the remarks this week. They were trying to calm fears and markets as well. But by what we saw in the markets and reaction among many americans, its clear it did not accomplish that. Peter alexander at the white house in front of President Trumps declaration of a National Emergency. Thank you. At midnight the travel ban goes into effect. We will see how that ban affects people and americans at one of the busiest airports in the world next. Unlimited free delivery and cashback rewards for ordering noodles, and noodles. And noodles. And noodles. Grubhub plus. Free delivery, cash back, and noodles. 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[ barking ] new this hour, we have just learned that ukraine will be closing its borders in the next 48 hours to foreign nationals for two weeks in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In a matter of hours President Trumps ban on travel to most of europe will take effect, including blocking travel from 26 countries. Not on that list, of course, United Kingdom and ireland. We find nbc Senior International correspondent though in london. Hes at heathrow airport. How do things look there right now . As you can hear behind me, and you can see and you will hear, craig, this airport, one of the worlds busiest, is still running. Planes are still taking off and landing. Things all look normal but when you talk to americans here, many of them have stories of just trying to get home. One couple that we spoke to who have flown here from portugal, they got a call, craig, in the middle of the night from their mom saying, you need to get back because President Trumps Just Announced a ban, they packed their bags and hurried here to london. They are now holed up in a hotel on hold with their airline trying to get an earlier flight. Theyre due to fly out tomorrow. And, of course, that creates confusion and concern. American citizens are not not going to be banned tonight from flying back home. Of course theyre not. Its european citizens who will not be able to fly there for 30 days. It is a difficult time. And that, of course, doesnt even account for just the worry to people who are on vacation having a dream holiday they help and instead have all of these [ inaudible ] keir simmons live for us there at london heathrow. Thank you. Again, folks, we just want to remind you msnbc and nbc news will continue coverage all of the angles of this coronavirus outbreak with our team of experts that are reporting the facts, answering your questions today at 1 00 eastern on msnbc. You can tweet us those questions using the hashtag on your screen. Actually it isnt on the screen. Msnbcanswers. That will wrap up this hour. Andrea mitchell reports starts right now. Right now on Andrea Mitchell reports the new america. The president plans to declare a National Emergency. Store shelves empty, kids out of school, disneyland close, no no march madness, latenight tv and broadway shows going dark. Setting the stage for an uncertain future ahead. Today we will bring you answers on all fronts. Race against time with a small fraction of

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