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Planned raids in major cities all over the country, targeting 2,000 families. What were learning about that operation in a moment. We start at white house where President Trump is expected to order aadded to the census despite the Supreme Court decision blocking the administrations efforts. The president will address the issue in a News Conference scheduled this afternoon. Kelly odonnell is at the white house with more details. What do we know . Reporter well, in true trump fashion, we are getting drips and drabs and more teasing and promotion than facts. By that i mean, the president put out his tweet saying he planned to do this today, calling it a News Conference in the rose garden which would require taking questions from the press. We hope the president sex pictu president sex pictu is expecting that. We are being give guidance this will be an executive action and that is a broad brush term. It could be a president ial memorandum, a president ial directive. It could be an executive order. They are giving us a broad brush when it comes to terminology and what it will mean. The president using his power to give a direction to an agency. The department of commerce, which is responsible for the census, to add a Citizenship Question. What we dont know is in what form. Would it be on the main census form . Would it be an addendum . Would it be on the type of questioning that goes to a more limited number of household ss . The white house is working through this today. What we have heard from the president , from the attorney general and from officials is that they were at one point ready to give up on this. Not the president , but his department of justice lawyers and say, were going to move forward without that question given the legal environment. The president put a break on that and then ordered on fourth of july his team to work at this and find a method. This is the president trying to harness his power in a way to get something done that he wants, even though it will certainly bring about more court challenges. The specifics will come as the day unfolds. This is the president using his power to say he wants that question asked. How do Administration Officials plan to deal with what i would imagine will be Certain Court action immediately . That will. Reporter that will be a one step at a time answer. Litigation will follow. Some cases went to the Supreme Court. Some others are in the process. They would expect that. One hard thing about this is that the census is required by the constitution every ten years. Its not a subject that can be kicked down the road. Thats something they havent been fully able to address as to when the president will say, enough is enough, if he will ever say that. Kelly odonnell from the white house, thank you. Now to an msnbc exclusive. Pete buttigieg this morning released an extensive plan to combat systemic racism in america. I talked to the mayor about that plan, about his candidacy as well. We talked first about the president s expected decision to add the Citizenship Question to the census. This is racially and politically motivated, manipulation of the census. It makes the whole country worse off. It leads to underrepresentation. It will lead to an undercount. In a Community Like mine, an industrial midwest city thats finally growing but would not seem to be growing if you netted out immigration, it threatened our ability to get access to assistance. I will let other scholars talk about why it may be constitutional. Its very clear its wrong. I want to get your response to the news this morning of Mass Immigration raids set to start in cities across the country over the weekend. This makes america less safe. Look, i dont think anybody disagrees that there ought to be Law Enforcement protecting people from danger. Thats not what this is about. This is targeting people who are caught in a broken system where there should be a path wway to citizenship. If rumors go on about raids let alone if it happens, it makes the Community Less safe. It makes people less likely to participate in the economy, less likely to talk to law enforce ment when they need help dealing with something that really is a matter of danger. Its designed to strike fear into people at a moment when fear is something we have way too much of in this country. Its masking the fact theres been a total failure on the part of the administration to deliver any kind of real Immigration Reform that theres support for doing. The American People are ready for Immigration Reform that creates path wways to citizensh, sorts out our lawful immigration system and does whatever we need to do on Border Security. The president wont get it done because he needs this to be a crisis rather than an issue thats solved. Lets turn to your plan. I thumbed through it. You say its meant to empower black america. Its extensive. Its very specific covering systemic problems and Voting Rights, health care, house, education, criminal justice, the wealth gap. We have talked about this before. Your Campaign Continues to struggle to get africanamerican support. Is the idea that this plan, this specific plan, will help you with black voters . We have been working on this for months. I think its very important for black voters to have an answer to the question they are asking me on trail, which is, how is your presidency going to make my life better and different in a way thats better than any of your competitors . Our douglas plan speaks to issues around racial inequality and health, entrepreneurship, need for real access to justice in the criminal Justice System and a number of other areas of american life. This isnt just aimed at black voters. Its very important that we have this conversation as a country. Because while racial inequality is being visited upon the heads of people of color and black americans in particular, frankly, there needs to be a conversation with white america, with white audiences about how none of us can or should be willing to live in a system where these kind of systemic racist dimensions persist. To be fair, you say its not aimed at black voters. But its called a comprehensive investment in the empowerment of black america. That sounds like its aimed at black voters. It is aimed at black voters. Its aimed at the country as a whole. I want black voters to see how i talk about these issues with white audiences. This conversation needs to be national. The question i get over and over again from black voters as we travel the country is, do you understand the need for there to be intentional policy that makes a difference in the black experience . Do you believe that policy can be color blind . I dont. One of the things that has become clear in our time is that if you have racist policies or racist systems, and you go out and try to replace them with neutral policies, thats actually not enough. The harms that have been created by this inequality are intentional and they have compounded. Its going it take intentional work to address them. You call for billions for hbcu. You call for dc statehood. You call for purchasing abandoned properties and turning them over to eligible residents. You compare this to the marshal plan that helped rebuild europe after world war ii. Does a plan like this does it stand a chance of passing . Does it stand a chance of becoming a reality in todays political environment . How do you get it done . I think its going to have to. We have to elevate this beyond being viewed as a specialty issue. You might hear about only when candidates of color or audiences of color are in play. The problem of systemic racism brought this country to its knees in the 19th century. Im convinced im saying this as an urban mayor who has been faced with various problems of racial inequality in our city and held accountable for the work we have done and the work we have yet to do in dealing with it. If we dont tackle this in my lifetime, that this could unravel the whole american project in my lifetime. Its going to be a tough conversation. We have to make sure people understand, this is not about a gift. This is not doing people a favor. This is restoring a harm. This is about restorative practice for this country. The whole country will be better off when, for example, hbcus are better positioned to continue delivering the next generation of black doctors and engineers and lawyers and leaders. Were all going to be better off when we dont have some neighborhoods that remain segregated by race. Where people are living in a completely different economic reality. Were all going to be better off for the jobs that can be created by black entrepreneurs. We have to recognize that because access to capital has been systematically restricted and maded ha eharder for entrepreneurs of color to get to, that we have to have intention. All of us will be better off when america is no longer the most incarcerated among the developed nations, which is why we need an aggressive plan to cut incarceration by half in this country. Im convinced we can do it without an increase in crime. Lets talk about the campaign here for a moment. This past quarter, you have as you are probably well aware, raised more than any other democratic candidate in the race. 23. 8 million. You are also, as you know you are polling at 5 behind the four others. Whats the disconnect between the money you raised and your early popularity . How do you explain that . What we know is that people who get to know what im about, who understand the message, tend to get really excited about it and be supportive. Many of the people who have been most involved in our campaign are people who have been drawn to what i have had to say about how we can prepare for a Better Future by the actions we undertake now. Theres a lot of americans who dont know the first thing about me. The idea of rac raising these funds the point is to deploy it on ground. Which is what we will do in the third and fourth quarter, making sure we have the organizers doing the person to person interactions. That will help us actually get known. Six months ago, i was an obscure 30 something mayor from indiana. The fact that we are now doing better than approximately 20 democratic president ial candidates, some of whom have been putting together National Networks in order to run for president for years, shows you that theres Something Special about our message and about the messenger. To get to the top of the heap, we need to put that do that work on the ground. It sounds like you are surprised at the access so far in your campaign. Is that a Fair Assessment . It is. The truth is, in january when we got this thing going, we had a team of four people. We had an email list smaller than most candidates for congress or for mayor in a big city. The thought was that we would develop a slow burn. As people began to see what we were about, we could pop on the scene in the late summer or fall. Obviously, our arrival on the scene came sooner. What we have to say about changing the channel completely, not just going on President Trumps show and trying to beat him but doing something different, it turns out that lit fires around the country right away. Were a long way from when the first caulcus happens. Now that we made our way into the top tier is to work into first place based on the strength of our message and the strength of the messenger. Theres a debate later this month. Anything that you plan to do different this time around than at the nbc news debate . I think its another opportunity to make sure that americans know who i am, what im about, what my record has been and above all, what i propose to do for this country. I dont think there are any fundamental changes. You never know who will be up there with you. It is another opportunity for people to see the difference in style and substance between me and my fellow democratic competitors. Every debate is another opportunity for a campaign that still has a huge ceiling and a lot of up side. As well as we have been doing, theres a lot of americans we still need to introduce ourselves to, have been too busy to follow the blow by blow with the nominating process and are just now tuning in. Mayor pete buttigieg, thanks for your time. Great to be with you. I should note, i said the mayor raised 23. 8 million. The graphic you saw was correct, it was 24. 8 million. Former director of Strategic Communications for the Hillary Clinton campaign here. The candidates douglas plan, how should we view it . Is this mayor buttigiegs deliberate introduction to black voters . Its aimed at black voters. Its important he says the country needs to look at the harms intentionally done to africanamericans as a whole. This is his pitch to black voters. That being said, while he is explaining all the different ways he wants to tackle criminal justice and housing for africanamericans, theres also this issue that he is dealing with in his city, which is a white officer shooting a black man. A lot of africanamericans are watching how he handles that specific incident and how he deals with empathy and realizing he actually i guess looking at whether or not he understands the lives and the plight of africanamericans and whether he can show that as a candidate. I think while theres things that can be put on paper or policies that he can come up with, people have i beare looki whether he can do the job and show that in action. The plan is incredibly comprehensive. 18 pages. Goes into a lot of detail. Have we seen anything similar from other candidates . I guess we havent seen anything comprehensively released like this, that is pertinent to the entire africanamerican community. However, Kamala Harris has put out plans on housing, on giving teachers pay raises. Warren has a plan for everything. Theres certainly plans released by other candidates that address economic inequality and certain access to capital issues around access to capital thats holistically goes beyond just being plans that target africanamericans. These are plans that target low income americans and seek to create a greater middle class. I think its hard to say that other candidates have not done this. They have. This is the most comprehensive plan so far that i have seen. It is hard to argue with the mayors ability to raise money so far. You heard his answer about how he plans to use that to boost his profile. Can he do it . Thats really i think the key question that we dont know. I think money obviously is very important. What we learned last cycle in 2016 is that money isnt everything. If money was everything, jeb bush would we president. There are moments where voters choose to say, okay, is this person someone i can trust . Is this person someone that can beat donald trump . Thats what defines Pete Buttigiegs candidacy. The next debates are going to be crucial to him continuing to introduce himself to americans. Money will help. I think i go back to the idea that he is wrestling with this issue in his hometown. There are people wondering, can a mayor go from mayor to president of the United States . How he handles that situation in his hometown will be critical. If you were advising him on how to prepare for next debate based on what you saw in the first debate, what would you tell him to do more of, maybe do less of . I thought he had a commanding, Strong Performance in the first debate. I would tell him to do what he is doing. Prepare the same way he prepared for the first debate. He has got to make gains and inroads in the africanamerican community. He is polling at 0 . He talks about the douglas plan, even if its not asked him upon. He can incorporate this messaging and this plan on that debate stage. He is not going to be the nominee if he does not have support among africanamericans. Here is my question. Do primary voters do they care about plans . Are primary voters getting online and reading the 18page douglas plan . Are they doing that . I think some voters are certainly going online and reading plans. You as a candidate want to make sure you have comprehensive Details Online in case people want to know what your plan is about. You are right, look, were living in an age of 30second sound bites. Social media, twitter, 145 characters. You have to figure out a way to communica communicate your plans in simplistic terminology that allows something who is skimming first two or three paragraphs or tuning in to the first 30 minutes, make sure you incorporate your message accordingly into the small sound bites. I think that if you are a democrat trying to convince people you can beat donald trump who won mostly on personality and not on policy, policy is important, but your personality and your ability to really connect with voters is going to be key. Pete buttigieg has a lot to do and a lot of work to do when it comes to connecting with africanamericans and convincing them that he understands their situation. He has been using the right word talking about intentional harms, talking about not having access to wealth. I think he is going to have to continue to do that. Im not sure if the way forward for him is just putting out plans. People are looking for more than that. Leave it there. Nationwide raids targeting thousands of families. New details this morning on the Trump Administrations plan to target major cities this weekend. Bracing for barry. The first major storm of the season. Right now, it is barrelling toward the gull coast. A cookie dough ninja. Apply that same speed to the ford hurry up and coast. F coast. Ve salee for the first coastt 20f c. On select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. It all adds up. Dont you love math . So get here asap because tasty deals and summer go fast. Get in or lose out on 20 estimated savings on select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. 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Maybe you didnt hear what i said. I said what im going to say on the subject. What i said in the caucus yesterday got an overwhelming response from my members, because they know what the facts are and what we are responding to. We respect the value of every member of our caucus. The diversity of it all is a wonderful thing. Diversity is our strength, unity is our power. We have a big fight. Were in the arena. Thats all im going to say on the subject. If you want to waste your question, you can waste your question. The president Gave Congress two weeks to come to some sort of deal on immigration. Do you see momentum to change the asylum laws . They are what they are. Its important for people to understand what they are. Were part of a global society. When someone comes to a country seeking asylum and they are not breaking the law coming into the country. They have to prove their case that they have a wellfounded fear of persecution. Its not a question of saying were going to change the Global Human Rights dynamic that exists. There are some initiatives that suggest that some review of Asylum Seekers status could be done in country instead of traveling here. Thats one thing that i think would be appealing to the administration. That doesnt necessarily mean you change the law. You have to allocate resources to do it. In terms of comprehensive immigration, i think theres real need for it. My understanding is that people dont even like that term anymore. Were talking about dream, promise and beyond where we go with it. I think that is something that we have to do. Its not something you can do in two weeks. Will you appeal to the president to put off the raids . I will appeal to the faithbased organizations to appeal to the president. I think they put him in office, and they have a better voice for this. I did appeal to some of them to help with the conditions for the children when we were having the back and forth before the break. But they were given the short shift by mitch mcconnell. He wasnt interested in their appeals as to what would be needed. Its a longer thing. The possibilities are there. He sent you know this. Its in the public domain. I will be confirming it. I guess he is the chairman. The Judiciary Committee chairman to my office to talk about some things we could do. There may be some possibilities of some things we can do. It may not be the total comprehensive. But it would address some of the points. We have to do that. We have principals we have put forth. Secure our borders. We want to be respectful of immigration policy that is fair to the American People and to newcomers coming to our country. We want to again have a path to citizenship. I always like quoting Ronald Reagan who said this. We cannot close the door. Recognizing that were not deporting 11 Million People because of status of their documents or lack thereof. We did have that initial conversation. There may be some possibilities. Every time you think you made progress, it doesnt necessarily happen. We are having conversations about it. The census question about executive order . I dont know. He has an injunction. He just has to overcome. Its an injunction against putting citizenship on the ballot. We have been printing the census forms. June 30th was the deadline. Were printing the forms. We fully expect the census to go forward. The president s effort to put the Citizenship Question on the census will continue to be challenged in court. The Supreme Court destroyed the administrations argument that the question was needed to support the Voting Rights act. Really . Including the rationale was based open a contribase based on a contrived pretext. They will vote on criminal contempt for barr and secretary ross so we can force our subpoenas and get the facts. He will try all kinds of things. He has to get around that injunction. Were printing the forms. One of our issues in the lifting the caps is more money for the census. Thank you all. That was a wide ranging back and forth there from House Speaker nancy pelosi. This is her weekly News Conference. She spent time talking about a number of different things, the Citizenship Question at the end there, saying that that will continue to be challenged in court. Of course, President Trump expecting to announce some sort of executive action this afternoon to try and get that question on a census form. Speaker pelosi saying the census is being printed. I believe thats what she said. Were going to jake sherrman to talk about that reported back and forth between the speaker and some of the younger members, including ocasiocortez. We will get to that in a moment. I want to start with julia. Speaker pelosi spent time talking about the ratd raids te going to be happening if the Trump Administration has its way. What more do we know . We know that the president reportedly Gave Congress more time to hammer out a Border Security plan. Clearly, that did not happen. How is this going to play out . Reporter its interesting. One of the places we expect to be targeted is in pelosis district in san francisco. There are ten major u. S. Cities expected to be targets for raids starting sunday morning. Families up to 2,000 of them who have had final orders of deportation from the courts but have not yet left the country. What this could likely do is tear apart families. A lot of type times you see a citizen child, but they are the children of undocumented parents or maybe an undocumented parent and one legal permanent resident or u. S. Citizen. The undocumented person would get deported. The others stay behind. Then where you have a family, there are only certain places where i. C. E. Can hold these people. You have to doe tetain imimmigr there are only a number of places where they can do that. Two facilities in texas and a small one in pennsylvania. Come sunday, we can expect to see airports in a lot of large cities get ready to prepare to send people to the facilities. Another thing is just because they are arrested doesnt mean they will be deported. Theres a lot of red tape. Sometimes they can sweep up people in these raids who are not meant to be deported. It can be chaotic. I want to go back to something we heard from speaker pelosi. She said while shes not going to try and appeal directly to the president , shes going to try and appeal to faithbased groups to appeal to the president. One would assume that has happened already, i would imagine. The last time the raids went around. Reporter thats interesting. She said she also wanted to appeal to them on other issues that have to do with immigration, like separation of families or the poor conditions we have seen at the border. I think its this idea that that is her way into the president s base. She can appeal to evangelicals or faithbased organizations. A lot of the people doing the care for the work of immigrants outside of the government at the border are catholic charities, other denominations, Christian Charities who are out there helping children, providing shelter, clothing. Its a matter of trying to appeal to those voters to get to the president. Its not clear its been successful in the past. We could say it hasnt been. I dont know it will be now. I did Pay Attention to what she was saying about asylum. Sounds like theres wiggle room there. I dont think that will stop anything from Going Forward sunday. Thats something im going to be paying attention to, to see if theres something they can come to to move the asylum process into these home countries to put resources there. Thats something the administration has been talking about for a long time. It was interesting to hear the speaker apparently reveal shes been having conversations with senator graham about smaller things they can do on immigration. Jake, i want to play for our viewers and listeners just what pelosi was saying about this rift between her and some of the more progressive members of her caucus. She said this before we went to it. Here it is. I said what im going to say in the caucus. They took offense because i addressed the request of my members an offensive tweet that came out of one of the members offices that referenced our new dems as segregationists. Our members took offense at that. I addressed that. How they are interpreting and carrying it to another place is up to them. We respect the value of every member of our caucus. The diversity of it is a wonderful thing. Diversity is our strength, unity is our power. Jake, those comments, of course, coming on the heels of the reporting on nancy pelosi reportedly reprimanding members of her caucus in the closed door meeting about going after each other. What are your sources on the hill telling about you this rift . Is it growing . Is this much ado about nothing . Reporter in the middle. Here is the crux. Nancy pelosi is the speaker of the 235member caucus with people from blue dogs, conservatives to s to the most progressive. There are four members of the house, thats who a lot of this is directed at from not necessarily from pelosi, but there is frustration that going back to this border spending bill a couple weeks ago that some progressives, those four, were negotiating and then not voting for the bill. Ocasiocortez chief of staff sent out a tweet that did in a lot of members eyes liken some of those conservative democrats to segregationists. Thats what people feel. Nancy pelosi has to represent a lot of democrats and not just cater to four. Thats what sources tell me shes trying to do. In Nancy Pelosis eye, every member has one vote. She believes these are four members. They have a big twitter following. They are very important to the democratic party. Her job is to get to 218 to pass bills on the house floor. She has to manage a caulk he cue there is angst toward louder voices. Thats them saying that. They are new faces important to the democratic party. Congress is different. Congress is about passing bills. Thats what nancy pelosi is trying to manage. Jake on the hill. Thank you. Julia, thank you as well. Breaking right now on the hill, the house Judiciary Committee is preparing to vote on subpoenas for 12 current and former trump Administration Officials as part of its obstruction of justice investigation. You can see all 12 of them here on your screen. They include the president s soninlaw jared kushner, former attorney general jeff sessions, former National Security adviser mike flynn as well. I want to bring in frank, nbc news National Security analyst, former fbi assistant director. Who stands out to you most on that list . We will put it on the screen. Its a number of names and faces. I want to make sure folks can take it all in. Who would you be most interested in talking to . Theres a dozen names on the list. I dont know whether to refer to them as the dirty dozen or soon to be 12 angry men. Theres at least three that pop out. Jared kushner, obviously represents very close proximity to the president. With regard to obstruction, he could speak volumes potentially about the trump tower meeting. Go to michael flynn, former National Security adviser. He could speak to how much pressure was on him to wait it out and to maybe wait for a pardon that might have been dangled in front of him. Then attorney general sessions who could talk about incredible pressure to make the special counsel go away and to recuse himself. For those on the list who say this say futile exercise, and those who say this is an unnecessary doover, i say, this is a muscle memory exercise that we need to have. Our former democracy, three equal branchs of government, is in jeopardy. If the oversight function isnt flexed regularly for valid reasons, this is valid, to perhaps lay a foundation for impeach impeachment, then we lose our form of democracy. Trying to discourage deputies of the special counsel from testifying. This is ju aranking member. Today, we focus on 12 additional witnesses. These include government officials who worked or continued to work in close proximity to the president. These witnesses also include those outside of government who have critical information in connection with our investigation. We will not rest until we obtain their testimony and documents. The chairmans intention to go on a subpoena binge. If the goal is to get information or testimony, our chair is failing. If the goal is to political theater, were winning. Congressman collins there and nadler before that. How could this back and forth, all of this rhetoric, how could it affect negotiations over bob muellers testimony . Bob mueller has committed to testify. I think he is largely going to stay within the four corners of this thing. I think were going to see the doj try to constrain mueller. The white house is going to imply apply increasing pressure. I think they are concerned about members of muellers team who are going to be called before closed door sessions of the intel committees. Thats got the white house very nervous. How would the doj constrain bob mueller . We have heard the attorney general come out and very subtly, hint, hint, if bob didnt want to go through this, we would certainly support him. Behind the scenes, i think theres pressure attempts going on. Always good to have you. Thank you for being here. Millions of folks along the gulf coast are bracing for the first major storm of the season. The rain and flooding has started. Started. Teenager has the car. At subaru, were taking on distracted driving [ping] with sensors that alert you when your eyes are off the road. The allnew subaru forester. The safest forester ever. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental that led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. 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Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. But were also a company that controls hiv, fights cancer, repairs shattered bones, relieves depression, restores heart rhythms, helps you back from strokes, and keeps you healthy your whole life. From the day youre born we never stop taking care of you. New orleans preparing for a potentially catastrophic Tropical Storm named barry. It could strengthen into the first hurricane. I know you are tracking this thing. Where is it now . A deep dive into this. You say catastrophic and Tropical Storm confuses people. Usually its a cat 3, 4. Sometimes a Tropical Storm thats slow moving can produce epic amounts of rainfall. Thats worse than a major hurricane. If the timing is right with a river thats very full, a storm surge can be problematic. Lets get into the numbers and maps. The new panel oth has shifted t east. Houston is out of the cone. Texas looks safe now. A slow rain all the way up the mouth of the Mississippi River up to st. Louis. The radar, it looks it doesnt look like a Tropical Storm. Its a very unbalanced system. Its not very healthy. Its in its infancy. As long as it stays that way, that will be good. We dont have to worry about the winds. Flash flooding a huge concern. We had the big rain event yesterday in louisiana. As we go through the next two, three, four days, the rainfall totals in louisiana could be epic. Now all of a sudden, mississippi is looking worse. We had the heavy rain in central louisiana. Now were schiffing hifting it way down to biloxi. This area could get seven to ten inches of rain. High risk of flash flooding, especially saturday is the dangerous day. Lets talk about the storm surge. Let you know why we have our concerns with new orleans. The winds with this track coming right up the Mississippi River saturday. Four to sixfoot storm surge. The Mississippi River is at six feet. The levees that protect this area on the mississippi side are right around 20 feet. All we need is a fourfoot storm surge and the water would start to come over this wall. This is new orleans. Its a bowl. If that water goes over, its up to the pumps to get it out. Thats the danger. Thats what we will stare at saturday. If we can get the storm to shift a little further east, over the top of new orleans, thats better. Then we dont have a southerly wind pump the moisture and all that river water up the mississippi. If you are in new orleans, you want to hear shifting to the east. Thats a helpful graphic. Thanks. I know you will stay on top of that. Embattled labor secretary alex acosta appears to still have the support of his boss, President Trump. This morning after he held a News Conference defending the plea deal he made with Jeffrey Epstein for sex crimes in 2008. The grand jury convened by the state attorney, the District Attorney of palm beach county, reviewed the evidence and recommended a single charge. That charge would have resulted in no jail time at all. No registration as a sexual offender. No restitution to the victims. Without the work of our prosecutors, epstein would have gotten away with just that state charge. Matt miller is a former chief spokesman for the justice department. He is a security analyst. Acosta did not apologize to epsteins victims. You tweeted, dont know why acosta doesnt say this in response to the victim question, im sorry, i tried to do my best for you, im sorry i wasnt able to get a better outcome, i wish i had and in hindsight maybe i made the wrong decisions, i did the best i could, but you deserve better. What did acosta accomplish on wednesday in addressing the situation the way that he did . I dont think he accomplished much. His performance was inadequate. I didnt expect him to come out and just say he had made huge mistakes and that he wishesd he handled the case differently. But che could have taken responsibility instead of shifting blame as you saw where he tried to shift blame to the state prosecutors. He shifted blame at times to the career prosecutors in office in his office. He blamed the media. He blamed the victims at times. That tweet you put up on the screen, i think that was the thing i found most disturbing. He was asked over and over, what would you say to the victims . He didnt have any ability to show any empathy to them. He didnt need to apologize. But he could have said, im sorry i didnt get a better outcome. I know you are disappointed. I should have served more jail time. I take responsibility for that. I wish i could have done better for you. The House Oversight committee now investigating acostas plea deal. They sent a letter requesting he testify two weeks from now thats going to look at his role in brokering that deal. What kinds of questions would he be asked . I think he will be asked more of the questions that he at times gave misleading answers to yesterday. Why is it he worked so hard not just to keep secret the nonprosecution agreement but why he misled the ocecasions. Why did they defer to the Defense Attorneys rather than look out for the victims . I think theres a question whether he will show up and testify. This is not a committee the labor secretary testifies. I know in the administration, Hillary Clinton testified before this committee, eric holder testified before this committee. There were controversy for which they had to answer. Its important he should show up. Its consistent with the way the Trump Administration handled congressional oversight if he blows him off, forces a accept th subpoena he ignored. I hope he will answer questions. I hope he will be more forthcoming, more honest and more apologetic than yesterday. Matt miller, thank you. Conspiracy theoryists, official guests at the white house. Oryists, official guests at the white house. Think all premium fuels are the same . New shell vpower nitro premium gasoline is engineered with four levels of defense against gunk, wear, corrosion and friction. That helps keep your Engine Running like new. So, maybe its time to unthink what you think you think about premium fuel. Shell vpower nitro premium gasoline. Its fuel for thought. I had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. Like the old tunic tug. But always discreet is less bulky. And it really protects. cause it turns liquid to gel. So i have nothing to hide. Always discreet. O ozempic® oh oh announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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One answer is that the goal of this social media summit is commiseration theater. Its a pity party. Its the president who feels like hes been wronged by social media, which ironically was instrumental to his rise, talking with people who themselves feel wronged by social media, which has been instrumental to their rise. So this is a way to theattricaly say dont shut us down. Facebook and twitter have taken stances against the kind of White Nationalism that might be present at this summit. Imagine if youre a meme maker and a trump fan and you see that the people you look up to on facebook and twitter were just invited to the white house. What are you going to do . Youre going to try harder to get the president s attention by writing things and posting memes that are favorable toward him. This is a little bit like American Idol for trump meme masters, right . Americas got trump memes or something. That really, i think, is the second level purpose of this. To advertise to trumps advertisers keep working, i see you and ill validate you even as im delegitimizing mainstream news outlets. Some of the folk whose are invited to attend. Ali alexander. Bill mitchell, online radio host. He boosted the Conspiracy Theory weve talked about. Tim pool, pushed the false Conspiracy Theory that the former dnc staffer leaked those emails to wikileaks. Is he legitimizing fringe whackoes deliberately . Of course he is. Hes not just legitimizing them, hes delegitimizing mainstream news outlets. So i think its important to see this as part of a broader strategy of painting his critics as being inherently false and painting his activists has being put upon. Theyre the people we should be looking out for. Theyre the people i need to protect. By showing that hes the strong man protecting them, hes encouraging more people to act like them. One of the things youll hear coming out of the summit is that the publishing platforms are biassed against these activists. Theyre not. We just saw a little note about Kamala Harris. Posts about Kamala Harris from these kind of right wing news outlets got four times as much reach as news articles by Kamala Harris published by mainstream news outlets. Thank you, always good to have you. Joe biden flexing his Foreign Policy credentials. The major speech ahead in the next hour, my colleague jeff bennett will have more on what the former Vice President is expected to say. On what the former Vice President is expected to say. Ian buying a new car. Lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But were also a cancer fighting, hiv controlling, joint replacing, and depression relieving company. From the day youre born we never stop taking care of you. 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