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Me. But we start with Vice President s campaign barely 24 hours old, democrats criticizing his donors and his record. President trump criticizing bidens age. Yes, you heard correctly. The former Vice President s biggest problems though, two women whose stories undercut the positive image the Vice President and his team hope to broadcast. Lets start there. We have our resident biden whispering. And also with us, ashley parker, msnbc senior political analyst. I will start with you, back from the train station in delaware. Joe biden taking heat from two sources today, anita hill as we understand it and the mother of the woman who was killed in charlottesville, virginia whom biden mentioned in his announcement video. Walk us through these two controversies. In some ways yesterday was a very good rollout, sort of a classic joe biden day. It starts with this direct to camera very emotional determined appeal about his candidacy, the battle for the soul of the nation. Of course he was on that sell la up to wilmington, we had that day on the tick scene, the retail scene, joe biden mixing it up with some of his supporters. But a classic joe biden day also involves some of the ghosts from the past and of course it didnt take long before the name anita hill emerged. The campaign was trying to get ahead of the story just simply mentioning the two had spoken and then anita hill in the New York Times saying yes, he apologized, but she did not view it as an apology but she believes he still have more to account for. We havent heard too much from joe biden since then. We know he is doing his first interview in the coming minutes. So well be listening to see how he addresses that. As it relates to the charlottesville and innovation of Heather Heyer who lost her life, there was . Initial controversy when her mother did say that she was a little bit offended perhaps that the Vice President hadnt reached out ahead of time. The Vice President last night at a fundraiser did reveal that he had in fact reached out in an interview today, Heather Heyers mother did say yes, they connected, she understands why he didnt mention it didnt reach out to her ahead of time and that they bonded during the conversation talking about the shared loss of life of their own children. And he is also catching flack from some of the other 2020 candidates including Bernie Sanders. What was the criticism from bernie . We know one of the other events that joe biden had last night was a high dollar fundraiser. We expected this. Some of the other candidates immediately piling on, one of his first acts as a candidate money from special high donor interests perhaps. But Simone Sanders was a former Bernie Sanders adviser, now on the joe biden team, she tweeted yesterday you would think folks would put their energy into figuring out how to win a roomful of black women as opposed to what you all were doing. Of course a liability for Bernie Sanders, he has not demonstrated his ability win over black women. Joe biden thinks he has an appeal to them in part because of his close relationship with barack obama, his partnership with him for eight years. And meanwhile trailing the Elizabeth Warren campaign there in the hawkeye state. She has not been quiet about her criticisms of bidens connections with the finance industry. Reporter yeah, that is true. And i think what you saw from Elizabeth Warren was in a different way than what Bernie Sanders did which was differ im going to cut you off because were having a bit of an audio issue. Well hopefully come back to you in a moment. Ashley parker, ill come to you in the in the meantime. President trump perhaps unsurprisingly laying in to joe biden again this morning. That listen. I am a young vibrant man. I look at joe, i dont know about him. I dont know. I would never say anyone is too old, but i know they are all making me look very young both in terms of age and i think in terms of energy. So ashley, we know that the president fachncies his nicknam for his political ryele values. Is he poll testing sleepy or not too intelligence and old, is that what were seeing . He has ruled out sleepy. There has been some chatter about creepy. He sort of seems to have settled on some nicknames, but he may yet change them. But were also seeing here this kind of vaguely amusing frankly testosterone fueled battle between these two accept ga theirian grandfathers about who is more youth testimony and energetic. When you are in your 70s, neither one of you can plausibly be called youthful, but i think that we will see sort of a fair debate about who has the energy and the stamina and the vigor to go against each other. And i think for bolts of these men and the way that they started their rollout, takes point of personal pride. So not just a case for the electorate, but something that the president who we recently saw him in reading glasses sort of threw a sneaky photo tries to demonstrate a young image of himself. And as someone who spent some time with the Vice President , he is out there. Even folks who dont necessarily agree with his politics have used the term infatiguable to describe him on the campaign trail. And id also point out to our listeners on radio, please send your emails to Ashley Packer if you are north of 70 and you consider yourself youthful. Dont send them to me. This announcement yesterday, ashley, came with some big name Recognition Media coverage, the whole shall we say show of force strategy. And in less than 24 hours after that, youve got criticism from rival, you have criticism from anita hill, you have criticism initially at least from Heather Heyers mother. What did you make of that . Did that surprise you at all . The criticism . I mean, it is not that surprising in the sense on the one hand as mike said it was a classic joe biden day in both ways. And it was very good and there were also some sort of not quit past. And biden very early on, the white house saw as the biggest threat to President Trump if he got the nomination. Then the intervening months, that faded a bit, but i think one thing that is interesting is the campaign, the Trump Campaign generally wants to paint the democrats as sort of an amorphous blob of liberal socialists. So the fact that he goes after biden by name is a sense that he does view him as someone who needs to be addressed and a potential threat and i think when someone is viewed as a threat, you get a lot of backlash from the democrats and from the president. Ashley parker, thank you. Mike, as well. Joining me from iowa, congresswoman gabbad who announced that she is also seesking her partys nomination. Thank you for your time. Lets start with the Vice President here now that he is in the race. How does not affect your strategy . Were continuing to drive forward because ive got an Important Message that i think is resonating with people across this country. You know, im a soldier. Ive served over 16 years in the Army National guard. And that is actually how i got to know have not biden was through his son, beau biden, who was also in the national guard. Through my experiences in that service, deploying twice to the middle east, serving in congress for over six years on the Armed Services and fofrn affairs committees, i know how important the responsibility that the president has to be the commander in chief, to make sure that our country is safe and secure. And i know firsthand the cost of war. So as president and commander in chief, i will end the regime change wars, the new cold war and Nuclear Arms Race, work to end these things so that we can take the trillions of dollars that weve wasted for far too long on these regime change wars and invest it in serving the needs of the American People, help to provide health care for all, to rebuild our infrastructure, to improve our education, to serve these needs that people all across this country are very much struggling with. You mentioned the regime change wars and youve talked about this a number of times on the trail. You did two tours as i understand it overseas. Yes. There are roughly 14,000 Service Members who are still in afghanistan today, there are another 5200 in iraq right now. What is your plan for them if you were to be elected . Would all of them immediately be brought home and if not, how long would they say . Lets look at afghanistan because afghanistan and iraq have been different situations. In afghanistan, we do need to bring our troops home. Were in the 18th year of this ongoing war that when we really look at it, what has been accomplished other than the tremendous and unfortunate loss of thousands of american lives, cou countless afghan lives, how many have been wounded and are dealing with the suffering because of the ongoing war that really hasnt gotten us anywhere. Were in a position today where the taliban is negotiating with the Afghan Government to broker an agreement to go forward. Really what weve got to look at and how our troops are being used to serve this country is they need to be sent on missions that will keep the American People safe. That is the purpose of our military. And that is why we need to stop these regime change are wars that have gone on for far too long. And unfortunately, that this administration wants to continue. You see these regime change efforts being pushed by people like john bolton and mike pompeo and President Trump in places like venezuela. And iran. Where they are beating the war drums getting ready towards that eventuality, something that they have beened a vow indicating i time. They take a tremendous toll on our troops, on our military families who see their loved ones deploying over and over and over again. And it takes a toll on the American People. Every time they are told we dont have enough money it make sure that there is clean water for people in flint, michigan or other parts of the country, we just dont have enough money to serve the needs of the American People when in fact we do, it is just a matter of getting our priorities straight. Another familiar and popular face in this race of course, Bernie Sanders. You endorsed him during the last president ial run back in 2016. You actually left your post at the dnc to enforce him. What is different this time around . Because based on what ive heard and read, you and senator sanders are very similar in terms of your politics. I made my decision to run for this seat long before bernie had made his announcement. And i did so for some very important reasons. Back in january of last year, there was a huge wakeup call in this country and especially in my home state of hawaii when we got a text alert that went across over a million phones in our state, im sure you remember this, you guys reported on this, it said missile incoming, seek shelter immediately. This is not a drill. That was a terrifying incident causing families and loved ones to wonder where could they be safe from a Nuclear Missile coming towards hawaii. There was a father who contacted me after this whole thing saying, you know, i was in the middle of the island of, one child on one side of the island and another on the other and i have just minutes to live, which do i go and spend the last minutes of my life with. An impossible question to answer. But what this brought home even though that alert turned out to be a false alarm, the reality is the threat is real. The threat of Nuclear Attack or some kind of Nuclear Catastrophe or incident is real. And that is why im running for president , to bring the expense that i have of both serving as a soldier as well as serving in congress for over six years on these Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees to work to bring about an end to this Nuclear Arms Race and work towards keeping our country safe and once again taking the money that weve been wasting on these regime change wars and weapons and investing it in serving the needs of our people. Congresswoman, as you they senator sanders said this week that all prisoners should be able to vote including, quote, terrible people. A number of the other 2020 democrats disagree with that. Where do you stand . Yeah, i disagree with his statement there for a couple reasons. I think it is important as were seeing some of the states make changes now to allow people, felons and others who have served their time, to regain their right to vote. But one thing that weve got to look at as folks are incarcerated or serving their time is the dangers of power being abused, whether it be by Prison Guards or wardens or others to try to influence or direct the votes of those who are in prison within way or another. So i think that it is important for us to focus on making sure that i dont understand that. Help me understand how that could be a thing. Well, youve got people who are in positions of incredible power telling people when they can eat, when they can go to the bathroom, when they can go outside, when they can do this or that, access, taking away access, giving them access to certain things when they are in prison. And with that power comes room for abuse. So if you are saying okay, it is vetting day today and you allow for that power to be abused to say this is the way that youll vote, i dont think that is right. So youre opposed to restoring the Voting Rights of folks who are incarcerated in part because of concerns over Corrections Officers using that as a tool . Yeah. Okay. Lets talk about the campaign so far. As i understand it, according to the most data we have, you raised just shy of 2 million. In the first three months of this year, there was just one fulltime paid campaign staffer. A lot of folks watching and listening might think that does not appear to be a president ial campaign that is being run with a great deal of seriousness. The reports youve read are misrepresenting our strong, yes, lean and mean team who are working very hard in different part of the country. So you have more than one fulltime paid staffer . Yes, we do. We have some who are working parttime. We have many amazing volunteers who i want to give credit to who are working tirelessly in places like iowa and New Hampshire and california and across the country as we continue to focus on bringing our message of really putting service above self to the American People. That is really what we need to do to get to the heart of the challenges that we face in this country. Why havent you been afbl to raise more money . Were continuing to raise money and im grateful for the supporter supporters who have stood up, both those giving five bucks or ten bucks or those giving contributions in larger amounts before people giving what they can because they believe in the kind of change that were seeking it bring in this country. I just got an email from someone yesterday who said that he is in his late 70s, he is dieing from cancer, and he is giving whatever he can to our campaign in the hopes that he can play some part and some role in changing our foreign policy, to bring about an end to these wasteful wars that have cost us so much. And lead us down a path towards a peaceful and brighter fuft. As you know, the Mueller Report made clear in no Uncertain Terms that russia interfered in the 2016 election. Nbc news reported earlier this year that several experts who track websites and social media linked to the kremg lynn halin believed what they believe is the russian came pain paign of for one Tulsi Gabbard. There was a higher number of stories about joe biden, Bernie Sanders, other candidates. Why does Russian Media seem to enjoy Tulsi Gabbard so much . Look, i think some of those reports have been debunked every on the last several months. I think what is most important is the message that im bringing to the American People. So there are all these other different distractions and i want to say im bringing a message of peace, ending wasteful wars, making sure our country is safe and investing in serving the needs of our people. Second secondly, it is important that as we talk about interference in our elections that we recognize the actual vulnerabilities that exist, whether it be from a foreign country or some rogue actor to come in and actually try to manipulate and change the outcome of our elections. Hacking into our systems. Trying to change the votes that are cast. Ive introduced legislation called the securing americas elections act that would make sure that we have either paper ballots or voter verified paper backup so that we have an auditable paper trail that exists should there be any question about interference and manipulation of our elections. There are still a number of states in this country who do not use any kind of paper backup or paper ballot. Leaving those things leaving those election systems highly vulnerable. This is something that we have to urgently address if were serious about making sure that no person or foreign country or foreign actor is able to threaten our democracy, by changing our election and completely undermining voters faith in this system that their voices and their votes will actually be donte ecounted. Congresswoman gab bartulsi g thank you for your time. I appreciate it. Aloha. Thank you. Breaking news now, moments ago a judge sentencing maria butina who spread guilty to conspiring to act as an undisclosed agent of russia to the united states. And im joined now by ken dilanian. What is the sentence . Reporter craig, it is 18 months. And that is the maximum that prosecutors asked for. The defense had asked for zero. So this judge really threw the book at maria butina, this Russian National who pleaded guilty to conspiring to act as a secret russian agents. There were two starkly different views of this case and even media. Reporter s Media Questions whether the judge because exaggerated. And this judge said that this was no mere naive College Student who simply failed to fill out a form and register. That this was an agent of russia who came here to curry favor and influence with influential americans, mainly republican, and the National Rifle association. And maria butina helped sponsor a trip that senior nra officials travelled to moscow in 2015, she was hosting friendship dinners. At one point according to Court Documents she even suggested that the russians would somehow have influence over who would be the secretary of state in the trump administration. There is no evidence that that is actually true, but this was the kind of thing that she was doing. She was making inroads and trying to influence americans. And the government said this was a dangerous process. She was doing it without registering, by passing state department channels. And it was bad for National Security is what they were saying. The defense argued, oh, no, this was simply a woman interested in international relations, advancing the caused of her country and failed to register. The judge repudiated that view, handed her 18 months. She will get credit for the nine months shes already served in jail. And after she serves the sevnd tense, she will be deported back russia. The judge said this is no mere failure to provide the u. S. With re relevant information. Russia was looking to interfere with the u. S. Political process and the conduct was sophisticated. This case was not simply about failing to notify the attorney general. That is a reference to butinas handlinger, aleksandr torshin, a russian central banker who laundered money for the russian mob. He was directing her to essentially further russian influence in the united states. So again, 18 months in prison for maria butina, a russian agent in the united states. Ken dilanian, there with that breaking news. Thank you. We are live in indianapolis this afternoon excuse me, this morning, where trd will pr trump will be speaking before the National Rifle Association Convention. Also another big issue for voters in 2020, racial inequality in this country. Reverend al sharpton going oneonone with the candidates to talk about some of those issues. He will join me with a preview ahead of his special. It is not just black and white. The more i listen and learn, which i must as a white man in this country who has not experienced this, the more i understand that it is structural, it is foundational, it is systemic. Goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone keep goin man you got it if you ride, you get it. 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Hans nichols is live in indianapolis for a preview of that nra speech. And hans, i dont think that it escaped anyones attention that the president speaking to the nra the same day as a russian agent with ties to the organization maria butina sentenced to 18 months. What do we expect that message to be . Reporter well see if he represents maria butina or the mayor buttigieg. Excuse me for speaking over the national anthem. We were told to pray for donald trump and make America Great again and his plan to do that. An indication that how closely the nra and the president s Political Organization actually is. But talking to people here, you ask whether or not they are concerned about the democrats that will challenge donald trump, none say they are concerned, but they all say that they are worried about him not just on gun rights, but importantly continuing message were hearing here is about the creeping threat of socialism according to many of these concert goer, concerned about t democrat economic policies. And were expecting about 15,000 people here. One concern that you are hearing here talking to folks, the price of gas and the president talked about the price of oil, which maybe he could potentially do to lower that on international markets. Craig. Hans nichols there in indianapolis, indiana. Not exactly sure what they were just showing on the screen there, but well go back to indianapolis in a moment. Again, President Trump expected to address that convention after Vice President mike pence. So perhaps not this hour, but certainly next hour. Shannon watts, founder of moms demand action for gun sense in america, joins me now. And shannon, let me read something that you just wrote for your former hometown paper the indianapolis star, read it for our viewers and listeners. The nra is in crisis. Racked by political and financial scandals, it is struggling to justify its ties to russia and an admitted kremlin agent and purported lifetime nra agent maria butina. Not a lot of people Pay Attention to the ins and outs of every nonprofit. So explain to everyone what you mean by the political and financial scandals. So the nra goes into this annual meeting weaker than ive ever seen it in the years that ive been working on this. In addition to the sentencing of maria butina who is a purported lifetime nra member completely infiltrated the highest ranks of the nra, they are also being investigated for the way that they are misspending their members dollars. Whether it is their exorbitant salaries or sweetheart deals to friends and family. And it is possible that their tax exempt status could be removed. And they are been hemorrhaging members and membership dues about. So they are incredibly weakened right now and they just asked them to pay for the president. And thoughts and prayers actually need to go to their leadership. These scandals, how have they affected their ability to drive legislation or has it . It is a really important question because a lot of people dont realize that we actually not only outmaneuver the nra in the midterm elections, we outspent them. As a result, we were able to elect over 1,000 gun sense champions to offices across the country. We flipped the makeup of seven state legislatures to be gun sense majorities. Weve already gone into many of those states and passed stronger gun lawyers. And really as an important barometer of where things stand on this issue, last year was the best year wed ever had in terms of passing stronger gun legislation. Nine republican governors signed those bill there is to law. And i would imagine your organization has plans for the nras visit to indianapolis there. What is in store . Yes, we show up every single year to be a counter voice. And actually to represent the vast majority of americans, 90 of whom support stronger gun laws. A poll last week showed 90 of hoosiers support stronger laws like background checks. So i will be in town with our indiana moms demand action, students demand action volunteers and well be organizing and creating coalitions so that we can pass the kind of laws that the citizens of indiana and all across america really want. They dont want to buy what the nra is selling. Is the connection between the organization and the Republican Party still as strong as it has always been . It is interests, the nra gave donald trump 30 million in his campaign. And they were not able to capitalize that on that in any way. Their priority legislation did not Pass Congress in the first two years of having a republican president in congress about. What was the priority legislation . Concealed carry reciprocity which would weaken every state law and de rregulatin reregulat. And neither passed. Shannon watts, moms demand action. Thanks for your time. Thank you. Again, were keeping a close eye on indianapolis. President trump going to be speaking to nra members shortly. Race in america. Not just a black and white issue. After the break, refer raend ve sharpton is l. Join joining me,g that issue. A Heart Failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto. The beat goes on that was great just a few moments ago, joe biden talked about the rollout of his endorsements early in his campaign and one notable absence, the president that he served, barack obama. I didnt want to look like he was putting his thumb on the scale here. And that im going to do this based on who i am, not the by the president going out and trying to say this is the guy you should be with. So that is why i asked him not to. That was again Vice President biden just a few moments ago on the view. Joining me now to talk about all of it and a special coming on this weekend, reverend al sharpton, National Action network. Also of course host of politics nation here on msnbc. President trump has been cautious about the perception favoring one candidate over another so early in the process. Do you think this is something that will continue for some time . I think so. I think president obama is going to let the people decide in the primaries which way it seems to be going. There is debate in some areas in the party. And i think he as the former president , the last democratic president , which makes him the head of the party, it is wise for him to let the people decide which way they want to go. I also think it is wise for joe biden not to appear like as he said the president put his thumb on the scale and that he cant win this on his own if in fact he wins it. One of the things that has dogged joe biden even before he announced yesterday, the way he handled the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. New york times reporting that he reached out to anita hill. Anita hill apparently declined to characterize mr. Bidens words to her as an apology, said she was not convinced that he has taken full responsibility for his conduct at the hearings or for the harm that he caused other victims of Sexual Harassment and gender violence. Do you think there is anything that joe biden can say or do about his handling of the Clarence Thomas hearings that would enable him to move past this . I think that in large part would be up to ms. Hill. And i think shall i has the right to feel this way 28 years later. Having said that, i think that the voters are going to deal with that issue and the crime bill in 94. But they are also going to deal with the last decade of joe biden where he was the one i know from having a lot of meetings in the white house when president obama was in, he was the one pushing samesex marriage, mushipushing criminal justice issues. So voters will have to say i dont like things he did here, i like things he did here. Which is going to be the case with all of the candidates. Lets not forget that everybody brings their baggage to a president ial campaign. And i think that as the opponents of joe biden in the primaries bring up joe bidens situation, they must also then defend theirs. Like Bernie Sanders voted for the crime bill. So be careful what you ask for because i think that people will say im glad you brought that up because you did soandso. I think the best thing to do is own your mistakes. Weve all made them. Own them, show growth, and the main thing though is to say that weve got to make a defeat if that is your purpose to defeat the sitting president. And you talked to a number of them about a crime bill and a number of other issues that disproportionately affect people that look like me and you. And the special is airing this saturday night. Not just black and white, race and the 2020 election. I want to play just a snippet of some of the interview with the candidates on the disparities in the criminal Justice System specifically. It is truly about access to justice in every form that it takes. And so that is about it is about economic justice, it is about educational justice, it is about housing justice. It is certainly about needing to put justice in the criminal Justice System. So it is fighting for equal access to an opportunity for success. And that means recognizing the disparities and correcting for them. The more i listen and learn, which i must as a white man in this country who has not experienced this, the more i understand that it is structure all, it is foundational, it is testimonyic. It is not just the for profit prison system, not just cash bail, it is the fact that we have a history of keeping people down based on race. I see all these dots as connected. We need to build on the First Step Act and do more criminal Justice Reform so that we end the pipeline of so many young people especially young people of color that end up incarcerated. We need to make sure that everybody is innocent until Proven Guilty so that we invest in the public defender system. In addition to federal issues, federal sentencing reform, federal Death Penalty that are directly under the control of the federal government, a good white house and a good doj committed to Racial Justice in policing should be there to help mayors and Police Departments trying to do the right thing and im committed to making sure we do that. Was there anyone who surprised you, anyone who impressed you in a way that you did not expect when you talk about some of these things . They came to National Action networks convention and there was maybe 1500, 2,000 in the room when they spoke. And i wanted to see how mayor buttigieg and beto orourke who would talk in front of an audience of activists. We have over 103 chapters around the country. So you cant just go in and wave. You cant fake it. And i was surprised and impressed that both of them came into a moderate polite applaud, because we dont invite people in and then beat them up, but they left to an ovation. I was surprised. I felt that particularly mayor pete had broke through in terms of a fair hearing. Didnt mean everybody will agree with him or support him, but i think that when you can go in where it is not your soft spot, then it tells me that you have some skills. I mean, Bernie Sanders walks in and he gets a standing ovation because he and many of those agree on many of the issues. Kamala harris off the charts. But for these two, it impressed me. And when i sat down with them and was questioning them about the crime bill and about how president obama had a commission on policing and how there were consent decrees under eric holder. People forget the work done in the last eight years on the race gap and economics and all. They could deal with specifics and that was impressive. Because we dont want one issue of race to be marginal. This must be we have the most polarized presidency weve had in our lifetime. And we need to be taken seriously with substantive issues, not just some kind of sound bite and move on. And you also as i understand it sat down with stacy abe branls bran abrams who got quite the welcome. She was the star of the convention. You talk about somebody that is absolutely gifted and commit. I think she is all we would want and then some. And that is the crowd chanting run, stacey, run. The special is tomorrow night here on msnbc, not just black and white, race and the 2020 election. Should be fascinating. Always good to have you, sir. Good to see you. Live pictures from the National Rifle Association Convention in indianapolis. Vice president pence as you can see there speaking right now. After that, his boss will take the stage. President trump delivering the keynote address at the Nra Convention. Well take you there when it happens. 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Two this type of plan allows you to keep your doctor as long as he or she accepts medicare patients. And three these are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Learn more about why you should choose an aarp Medicare Supplement plan. Call today for a free guide. Hundreds of students and staff are under gaquarantine at two california colleges, ucla and california state los angeles because of growing fears over the measles for disease contro and prevention says the outbreak has infected 695 people across 22 states. Thats the highest number related to measles since the disease was declared eliminated back in 2000. Nbc news correspondent molly hunter joins me live now from the campus of ucla. Molly, how is this quarantine working and how long do we suspect its going to last . Hey, craig. Good morning. Thats right. We dont know where the quarantine is happening on campus. Im standing outside of franz hall where one of the infected students walked into. This campus has gone back to normal life, everyone going back to class, tons of kids around. There are 76 students and nine fact cull tie quarantined at ucla. About 20 miles away at cal state l. A. There are 71 students and 127 employees. How long is it going to last . Probably about 24 to 48 hours. University officials tell us that really, this is basically just protocol because most of these people will have been vaccinated. But they were quarantined because they couldnt show proof of that vaccination. Theyre either going to labs to get that proof or, craig, theyre calling their parents to say just to be clear, you know, when i was 5 did i get the shot. The vaccination that is so effective that i got that im sure you got, is a twostage process. What officials here on the campus are telling people if you havent gotten it and not sure or dont remember get the booster right now. Its not going to hurt you. No harm in that. Molly hunter on the campus of ucla for us. Molly, thank you so much. Again a live look indianapolis, indiana, Vice President mike pence speaking right now. The third Nra Convention of this administration. President trump taking the stage shortly thereafter. This is msnbc. Plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. I like to make my life easy. romo mode. beep bang good luck with that one. Yes thats why i wear skechers slipons. Theyre effortless. Just slip them right on and off. Skechers slipons, with aircooled memory foam. Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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The president and joe biden throwing political punches at each other while the rest of the democratic field decides how to handle the new biden candidacy. Mr. Trump kicking things off this morning from the south lane

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