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That trump will, in fact, make multiple stops each day in the final week leading up to the midterms. His most recent stop in montana, a showcase for the president s apparent strategy, which is basically dominate the air waves and make sure you have an enemy to attack. Both were on display in one jaw dropping bit where he praised the states only congressman for his attack on a journalist back in 2016. Greg is smart, and by the way, never wrestle him. You understand . Never. Any guy that can do a body slam, hes my kind of. We endorsed greg very early, but i had heard that he body slammed a reporter. I said oh, this is terrible. Hes going to lose the election. Then i said, wait a minute, i know montana really well. I think it might help him, and it did. We should point out that gianforte pled guilty to assault after that attack, and the president s praise for an attack against a journalist comes on the heel of the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Lets start this friday with our White House Correspondent nbcs Geoff Bennett. This was a night that was actually filled with jaw dropping lines, but it also gave people a look, i think, at how the president hopes to go on the offensive these last 18 days before the midterms. I know weve got new reporting on this this morning. What can you tell us . Reporter ginning up anger and emotional intensity historically thats the driving force in pushing people to the polls in a Midterm Election where the share of voters is comparatively low. President trump knows that, and thats why hes becoming so aggressive in his efforts to paint his democratic opposition not just as a political threat but as a mob of radicalized extremists. So certainly expect to hear more of this from the president as he makes his closing argument. White house officials tell us the president s planning to make multiple stops per day in the final week leading up to the midter midterms, especially in states that he won in 2016 where theres a democratic senator on the ballot. So the president is also framing the midterms as a referendum not just on him but really on a range of hot button issues that have been central to his pitch to voters. Take a look at what he had to say last night in montana. This will be an election of kavanaugh, the caravan, law and order, and common sense. Thats what its going to be. Its going to be an election of those things. Reporter an election of those things. The president is keying in on this caravan of migrants fleeing violence and poverty from central america. Hes threatening to send the u. S. Military to close the southern border. That is not a sustainable policy solution. The white house feels its a winning political solution, a scare tactic aimed at painting immigrants as a Security Threat as the president tries to rile up the Republican Base in a year where democratic voters have been seen as more motivated to go to the polls. One white house official compared the trump base to a car new jers engine saying if you dont keep it turned on, periodically it wont start. They think thats a good thing going for them heading into the november election. Clearly hes going to keep revving that engine. I want to bring in peter baker who is the chief White House Correspondent for the new york times, and a book released this week, impeachment american history. Rick tyler, and msnbc political analyst, victoria defrancesco. Peter, i mean, last night, even by trump standards was all over the place. 18 days to go. Hes going to keep on the trail. His schedule, they say is flexible. Hes going to figure out day by day where hes needed, and hes got this message that Everyone Needs to pretend that he is on the ballot. Is this, i dont know, high risk, high reward gamble or does it matter because he always sees himself as a winner no matter what . Its very interested, he said the other day that if republicans lose the midterms it will not be because of him. It will not be a rejection of him. You can be sure if they win the midterms he will say its a victory for him. Hes going from town to town and district to district saying vote as if i was on the ballot. Thats a function of reality. This is a nationalized election in which people are voting, at least in part, on their feelings about trump and the way things are going, so he might as well own it in that sense. He might as well go out there and say vote for me, vote for this congressman as if youre voting for me. Thats the way people are perceiving it anyway, and the way people will judge the final results one way or the other. And rick, trump has this history of using offensive language to attack favorite targets to rally the base in the media. Ive been at these rallies. He often uses this outrageousness to distract attention from narratives he cant control. I would argue that one of those stories has been for him the suspected murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But then to make comments about body slamming a reporter, doesnt it only draw more attention to that . The president doesnt care. I mean, the president is very tactical. Hes going to say what he says when he says it because hes going to get a response from the audience, but i mean, how smart is greg anyway, he couldnt find his words to answer bens questions. Instead he has to resort to physical violence. Im reminded of my wife and her preschoolers. We have to say, no, we dont hit the other children, we use our words, and here you have a congressman who couldnt find any words because hes not smart enough to come up with them. Lets look at it as a strategy, rick. As a strategy, is it smart . Because there are a lot of folks who arent convinced that these huge numbers of people are going to turn out unlike anything weve ever seen before that ultimately, if he can do, you know, the way Geoff Bennett did it keep that engine humming, get all those people to the polls, is it smart . Yeah. Lets set aside the reporter thing, which is just offensive, especially in light of khashoggi. On every level. On every level. But jobs versus mobs i have to say is a very smart strategy. It is the contrast, and every election needs a contrast. Its either this or that, and what hes saying is, you know, republicans have brought jobs and while it is true that we have record low unemployment rates and hes highlighting the fact that the left has mobs, and he points to the recent protests about judge kavanaugh. And i do think thats a very effective contrast, and if that is what the elections about, i think the republicans will do very well. Well see how much his base is clearly energized. Theres no question about that. The question is how much is the is the left or is the are the democrats motivated to go vote . I dont know the answer to that question yet. I want to play that sound because i think its instructive to hear. Lets hear a little more from the president last night in montana. The choice could not be more clear. Democrats produce mobs, republicans produce jobs. Victoria, could that be an effective line, an effective strategy . It is interesting to look at it in the context, i suppose if youre a democrat, youre saying, mobs . Well, look at whats going on in some of these rallies. Well, its classic political science. Elections come down to guns and butter, and at this point in domestic policy, its about the butter. Its about the checkbook. Its about the jobs, so trump does have a very strong argument here. You know, there is the background that the Democratic Administration before him was able to set the Foundation Coming out of the 2008 recession, but voters, they are focusing on the here and now. What the democrats are going to have to do and this is where the real heavy lift is remind them, okay, there are jobs, were humming along in a healthy economy, but what about your health care, what about the education of your children . What about the general climate were living in . To we want to be living in a climate where the where its condoned to be body slamming reporters . I think that is the heavy lift for democrats and why we are seeing them trying to mobilize folks. To ricks point, elections are about contrast, and President Trump really hit the nail on the head of saying jobs. This is about jobs. One of the ways i think, a brilliant way that folks at our Political Team put it this morning is that the president clearly is making an argument that is about brute force and is full of conspiracy theories. To that point what he said last night about immigration, about the caravan worth listening to . Remember, its going to be an election of the caravan. You know what im talking about. A lot of money has been passing through, people to come up and try and get to the border by election day because they think thats a negative for us. There are those that say that caravan didnt just happen it didnt just happen. And then there are plenty of republicans who are picking up that theme. Heres the Republican Senate candidate in arizona yesterday. Every single day right now they are literally letting hundreds of people released into the communities, released into our state, never to show up for the court date in the future, and now weve got this fricken carav caravan. You want to fact check that for us, victoria . It seems like just yesterday President Trump descended from the excollatscalator and talked mexican rapists. Lets keep in mind who this caravan is. This caravan is coming from honduras. Honduras is one of the states in the whole world with the highest murder rates. These are mainly women and children who are fleeing the violence, the murderous climate of honduras, coming up through guatemala. Theyre reaching mexico, and heres the real irony. President trump likes to bash mexico a lot, and in fact, mexico has been doing a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of deporting these folks. The treatment they get in mexico, these Asylum Seekers, because theyre Asylum Seekers is violating human rights so these are not bad hombres, these are not folks who are coming even as economic immigrants, they are folks who are coming as Asylum Seekers, and keep this all in mind within the fact that just recently President Trump lowered the refugee cap in the United States to 30,000, the lowest we have ever seen since the United States put into place a refugee system in 1980. I mean, hes trying to i should also point out that immigration became a touch stone apparently or a boiling point yesterday at the white house, all these reports about, you know, youve got two top aides, a National Security adviser john bolton and chief of staff john kelly getting into a profanitylaced fight, which as you know peter, Sarah Sanders put out a statement and just said, you know, were passionate about immigration. What happened between these two guys . It seems to be a fight to some extent over kirstjen nielsen. Shes been a target of President Trumps ire for some time, whether shes done enough to secure the border, whether shes done enough to be tough, and john bolton, the National Security adviser was saying the president was right. He was taking the president s side on this. John kelly is her mentor. She is a protege of his. She worked for him at the department of Homeland Security and the white house, and hes defended her. Hes defended her before. He defended her yesterday. After the fight he reportedly left the white house and didnt come back for the rest of the day. This is a pretty raw moment in this white house coming up three weeks before an election, immigration at the center of the argument and at stake the control of congress and what will happen for the final two years of President Trumps term. Yeah, and then theres one more moment from last nights rally that i want to play quickly. The president , i guess you could say, found the Silver Lining to the hurricane, devastating hurricane that people dont ask about his hair anymore. Let me play that. The one thing that has been really great about this whole endeavor, they used to say he wears a hairpiece. They dont say that anymore. These people have seen me under every condition nonto man. When youre Walking Around and the wind is going crazy and youre inspecting like i did the other day, this incredible hurricane, and you walk around in those conditions, you cant fake it. You cant fake it. Thats one good thing, nobody ever says that anymore. Rick, i guess if you can say anything that this is a president who is awfully comfortable with his base, anything goes. There is just a real sickness. I just have run out of adjectives to describe it. Let me say this about immigration. The president s base wants to stop immigration, and the president has utterly failed at this. The border is not secure, but concerning this caravan and apparently, what part of the fight was about, at least according to the statistics about the wall street journal, theres been a 27 increase of families crossing the border. Part of the reason is because we do have low unemployment, and theres opportunity here, but these are not rapists, these are not gang members. These are women and children who are fleeing violence. We should welcome them. We need them. We need them to come to the border. Thats all the possessions they now have in the world. These are heroes, and we should treat them as such and treat them with respect and dignity when they get to the boarder and grant them asylum and let them come to the United States because we need them. We dont have enough we dont have enough people to fill jobs. You can make arguments about process and about whether and how Immigration Reform should look, but to demonize people who are fleeing violence is another thing altogether. But as long as the president s hair is okay, you know, everything is good, right . Theyve stopped asking him about it. Its really his. Rick tyler, victoria defrance o defrancesco, peter baker, always great to see all of you. Have a great weekend. A Smear Campaign, the whispers coming from the far right trying to disparage the saudi journalist whos now presumed dead, and the goal to protect the president. Plus, voice of the people, the backlash against an offensive campaign ad warning democrats will bring back lyn lynching. And the democrats hillary problem, how the parent is trying to keep the midterms about the future, not about the 2016 nominee. Carla is living with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. Shes also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptorpositive her2 metastatic Breast Cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. 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Leave no room behind with xfi pods. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click or visit a retail store today. President trump shifting, now suggesting he knows that journalist and u. S. Resident Jamal Khashoggi is dead. Those comments yesterday after meeting with secretary of state mike pompeo who just returned from saudi arabia and turkey on a mission to find out how the Washington Post columnist disappeared from the saudi consulate in istanbul on october 2nd. Its alleged he was tortured and killed there by saudi agents. New reports to discredit not the saudi government but khashoggi himself. Let me bring in david ignatius, who is an nbc political analyst. I want to read an excerpt from your paper this morning, quote a cadre of conservative House Republicans allied with trump has been privately exchanging articles from right wing outlets that fuel suspicion of khashoggi highlighting his association with the muslim brother hood in his youth and raising conspiratorial questions about his work decades ago as an embedded reporter covering osama bin laden. Is this a Smear Campaign going on . It sure looks like one. It was really disturbing to read that. The facts of Jamal Khashoggis life are wellknown. I wrote a detailed account talking about how he had joined the Muslim Brotherhood in his youth, how he had traveled in afghanistan with rebels there, how hed met to interview osama bin laden. Those were the standard parts of his biography. He has a written record since the 1990s of his views on where politics should go. Hes a man who saw the danger in this kind of radicalism, extremism, the reason he got in trouble over and over again in the kingdom of saudi arabia was for criticizing the islamic establishment, for arguing that it was too extreme in its views. Its really appalling to see this kind of attack on somebody who we believe President Trump says is a dead man. I was really stunned. Yeah, the president s secretary of state agreeing that saudi arabia should be given some more time to complete an investigation into khashoggis disappearance. I mean, theyre obviously i dont think going to be able to buy enough time to get them to the midterms with 18 days still to go. Whats this about . Is it about really trying to get to the facts . Is it about trying to delay until they can figure out is there a general that we can put the blame on . What do you think is going on, and what do you hear is going on in the conversations in this administration . My reporting, chris, has been that jared kushner, the president s soninlaw and white house adviser was talking last weekend with mohammed bin salman, the crown prince of saudi arabia and saying, youve got to find a culprit here. Youve got to establish who the guilty party is. The next day President Trump said he thought this was the work of rogue killers, whatever thats supposed to mean. And we had clear evidence that the people who came to istanbul were most of them tied closely to the crown prince. What i wrote this morning is apart from the saudi investigati investigation, which is essential, there is a need for the house and Senate Intelligence committees to do basic oversight. Yep. Of what u. S. Intelligence was. What did our intelligence agencies know about the threat to this resident of virginia, Washington Post contributor, what reporting did they give to the white house . And what are they going to be looking for, david . Do they have to have a smoking gun . Is it enough to have a preponderance of evidence . I mean, what is it going to take for them to come to a conclusion that there has to be a serious answer for this beyond the few members of the senate who have already spoken up and people like Lindsey Graham who are clearly furious . Members of the senate have spoken up. Theres broad unhappiness in congress with the saudi response, and more to the point, International Financial institutions on which saudi arabia depends for its future growth and modernization, which is the goal of mvs are pulling back from the kingdom, and they need to own this. They need to make clear what happened for their own good, and the United States as a longtime partner and ally of saudi arabia needs to push hard for their own ability to clear themselves from this. But we also need to begin at home and ask what do our intelligence agencies know about this . When did they know it . What was the right white house role in dealing with this intelligence . This is the moment where were going to either get the relationship with saudi arabia right and trust our own policy and lines of communication with the kingdom, or its going to be continue to be in this muddle that weve seen the last few weeks. David ignatius, who along with your colleagues at the Washington Post continue to do extraordinary reporting on this, and i know you wont let it go, and the American People clearly dont want you to. Thank you, david. Appreciate it. Thanks, chris. Tight race in tennessee right now. Were going to look at the trend in the polls for the senate race there. It really is face nascinating. Could it offer a glimmer of hope for democrats. The democrat endorsed by pop star taylor swift. Does she get in credit . Im alex trebek here to tell you about the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 50 to 85 and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . 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Theres a new poll out of tennessee thats bringing some leaf into democratic chances to take back the senate. While that path is still a narrow one for democrats, tennessee shows that in the aftermath of 2016, never rule out a surprise. A National Political correspondent Steve Kornacki joins me now. There are eight senate races that are officially listed as tossups. Whats going on in tennessee . Its a question were going to see with more polling. You mentioned the new poll that has bredesen up there. There have been a bunch of polls in tennessee over the last two weeks. Heres what happens when you average them together. On the best end, theyve got bredesen up by a point. On the best end for republicans, blackburn up by 14. Its about a 6. 5 point lead for blackburn. That speaks to what we think weve seen in the first half of october. Were in a red state in a red district, and on the house side, a red america. Theres been a consolidation of the Republican Base. The question of that new poll or yesterday putting it at 1 point, does that mark a new twist, a new trend future polling is going to tell. Generally you average these all together, and it does look like the totality of the polls suggest about a 6 1 2 point advantage for blackburn. Thank you so much. There has been an ugly turn in the meantime nin the race betwen democratic challenger clark tucker. The pack, black americans for the president s agenda ran this controversial radio spot, and i want to warn you, you may be offended by this content. We have to protect our men and boys. We cant afford to let white democrats take us back to bad old days of race verdicts, life sentences and lynchings when a white girl screams rape. So the congressman tweeted my opponent decided to spread this racebaiting ad. I call on clark tucker to delete his tweet spreading this message unbecoming of political discourse. I want to bring in two reporters who are just in from the campaign trail in states that have also been making headlines. National political reporter for new york times, hes been covering georgia, Washington Post Jenna Johnson from tennessee. Were you surprised to hear that ad . I do think that came from an outside group. The republican involved immediately condemned it. It does play into this larger theme that weve seen across states where particularly republicans have leaned into the idea that democrats are culturally a mismatch for americans. Thats been particularly with nonwhite candidates have been demeaned often by their republican opponents or played into an identity politics style, and weve seen that divisive kind of language come up all across the country, even if this arkansas ad is a little beyond the peale. Youve got the republican candidate who is the secretary of state, and hes been accused by his opponent of disenfranchising minorities for years indicating his offices latest effort suspending the processing of 53,000 voters registrations, mainly africanamericans. Is this part of a trend . Are these isolated incidents . What did you find in georgia . In georgia there is mass fear that the type of disenfranchisement that the south was known for in the civil rights time is coming back under these new secretary of states, folks like brian kemp. He has made this a central part of his conservative identitiology to increase voter restrictions, to tighten access to voter polls. The people most affected are democrats, disproportionately africanamericans in that state, who Stacey Abrams is trying to mobilize to come out to win in november. Theres definitely fear. Theres definitely confusion. Even more so than that, there is a sense of defiance. Theres an idea that we have to come out in november. We have to kind of thumb our nose at this secretary of state who is making his political play to try to disenfranchise our democrats. On one side you have these accusations of deliberate disenfranchisement trying to block, particularly minority voters, from going to the polls. You recently spent time in tennessee and wrote, despite rampant voter enthusiasm, the reality, many dont plan to vote in november. Tell us about that. Yeah, so a colleague and i traveled to Montgomery County in tennessee, which is northwest of nashville by about 40 minutes. And this is a county that just doesnt really vote in elections. Back in 2016 only 42 of people who were old enough to vote cast a ballot, and this is a county in a state that has one of the lowest rates in the country. And lets keep in mind that the United States has one of the lowest rates of developed nations in the world. So often elections are decided not just by the people who show up and vote but the people who stay home, the people who feel like their voice doesnt matter, that its not going to make a difference, and as we were going around the county and talking with people about why they dont vote, we did hear a little bit about the logistics of it. Getting registered in time, knowing where to go, things like that, but the big reasons we heard were about having the motivation, to feel like they have candidates they believe in, that they believe will work for them. Did you get any sense of fatigue . People are just so tired of whats going on and what theyre hearing, theyre not even sure if they have the energy to go to the polls . We did hear a lot of that, and not just from people who always dont vote but from people who regularly vote. We ran into several people who vote in every single election, and this fall they might just sit it out because theyre tired of it. Theyre tired of the nastiness. Theyre tired of people defriending each other on facebook. Theyre tired of it all. They dont want to have anything to do with politics. In eastern georgia we saw a group of black american senior citizens. They were taken off a bus provided by black lives matter to take them to vote. I saw this a couple of years ago, you know, when they canceled a lot of the voting, especially when you had churches that were planning to organize and go to vote on sunday, and then they canceled the sunday voting. A county official in eastern georgia said there were safety concerns. The Brennan Center for justice notes voters in 23 states are going to face tougher restrictions than they did in 2010. When we talk about all this voter enthusiasm and, you know, we just got a reality check from jenna, what does this do . What does it do if youre one of those enthusiastic voters but youre being stopped from doing it . It really dampens that type of enthusiasm. You can tie these vote enclosures to that 2013 Supreme Court decision, which stopped the preclearance that some of these states needed to change their voting laws. Weve seen it in places like georgia since then. Secretary of states like brian kemp have been able to implement stricter voting procedures that have affected these chuommuniti. The senior citizens, thats the feeling in the state, things are so polarized, these seniors that are going to vote on a nonpartisan bus that they are entitled to do, some passerby goes and sees that excitement and joyousness and that makes them uncomfortable and county officials relayed that they thought that bus was inappropriate. You have an air of fear, an air of really a tribal sense of us versus them that really does have an impact on how people feel that their vote matters. Thanks to both of you, and thanks for your reporting out in the field. We appreciate it. There is new trouble for the catholic church. A federal investigation into priest sex abuse in pennsylvania may be a signal of more probes to come. And a clinton problem, 18 days from the midterms, clinton is taking up some of the valuable oxygen, and some democrats arent sure exactly how to handle their last president ial nominee. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, youre covered for hospital stays and Doctor Office visits when youre sick. But keep in mind youll have to pay a deductible for each. A Medicare Supplement plan can cover your deductibles and coinsurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And Prescription Drug coverage isnt included. But, with an allinone humana Medicare Advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d Prescription Drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. 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Mitchell gar bead yan is an attorney who spearheaded the nationally publicized lawsuits against the archdiocese of boston and has represented more than a thousand victims and survivors of clergy sexual abuse, 50 of them from pennsylvania. Danny is a valess is an msnbc legal analyst. Lets start with this doj probe. We thought the a. G. In pennsylvania had already done this investigation. How is this different . Its different because the federal government has a totally different nexus of jurisdiction. The doj has limited jurisdict n jurisdiction, but there are federal child sex abuse laws, several, including those that relate to child pornography, for example, transporting a child across state lines, and while the doj and its investigators may keep their lips sealed about the process and progress of their investigation, they tell us a lot about their investigation through their subpoenas and what theyre requesting. For example, documents related to those exact things, transporting children across state lines. Thats critical for that nexus of federal jurisdiction, that commerce factor that has to be present for a federal investigation. But the fact that the federal government is finally getting involved in an area that was traditionally left to state and local prosecutors means that this could end up a nationwide item of federal interest. So mitchell, for victims, how significant could this investigation be by the doj . This is a powerful moment for victims. Victims have been waiting for this moment for decades upon decades. You now have the United States government investigating the sexual abuse of children and the related coverup by the catholic church. I cant express how elated so many victims are. It gives them a sense of selfworth, selfesteem, selfrespect that hasnt been there for decades, and the attorney generals, the state attorney generals across the United States are doing a great job. More than 12 states are now implementing investigations, but now for the United States federal government to step in with their broad legal powers, with their ability to afford to investigate thoroughly is just just such a boost to the whole movement to end the wholesale sexual abuse of children and help victims try to heal. As you clearly know, wednesday david pallson who was a former priest in the diocese of ere ree aie pleaded guilty t charges of sexually assaulting an alter boy, attempting to assault another alter boy. Only a couple of priests have been charged as a result of pennsylvanias twoyear long investigation because there is that statute of limitations. I mean, do you think the doj probe opens the clergy up to other potential legal penalties . Is it a game changer in terms of accountability . Oh, without a doubt. As danny mentioned, so many the u. S. Investigation, the United States investigation involves taking children across state lines, for instance, and ive had hundreds of clients through the years, hundreds of victims ive represented who were taken not only across state lines but to other countries. Oh, the priest would say to the child lets go to rome and visit the vatican and hed sexually abuse the child in the vatican and then bring him back to the United States. So were seeing a whole different scenario here. Children are taken from state to state to state by these predator priests. For instance, one priest i know of would take a child to various baseball parks around the country, and hed abuse the child in seven or eight, nine different states, so the investigation by the United States government is going to show us a lot more, i believe. And to that point, danny, could this be just the first domino to fall, pennsylvania . It very well could be. It could get other state attorneys general to start investigating and come up with similar grand jury report, and i encourage everybody to go online and read the pennsylvania grand jury report. Its compelling. Its written in folksy language. Its not legalese type people. These are regular folks who were appalled at what they discovered. This could be the first domino to fall. That grand jury report coming out of pennsylvania was so shocking that state governments, state prosecutors, federal prosecutors, i think everybody across this country sat up and took notice. Without a doubt. To that note yeah, go ahead. To that note i was notified last night that the u. S. Attorney in buffalo, in upstate new york has commenced an investigation. So a second investigation by the United States government has begun. Thank you for that bit of news. As always, danny, thank you as well. Weve got a Hillary Clintonsize problem for democrats to talk about. Just ahead of the midterms, ill be talking with the author of a new oped on clinton saying her husbands affair with Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power. The headline, why Hillary Clintons comments were even more painful than trumps. For your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. At booking. Com, we cant guarantee youll good at that water jet thingy. But we can guarantee the best price on this hotel. Or any accommodation, from homes to yurts. Booking. Com booking. Yeah to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis was intense. My moms pain from moderate i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us, which is kind of, a lot. And if that pain could mean something worse . Joint pain could mean joint damage. Enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop irreversible joint damage. 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No. And some look at the 1990s and say that a president of the United States cannot have a consensual relationship, because of the power imbalance. They were both adults. And where is the investigation of the current president in which he ridicules and denies. That set off a firestorm of comments, and now, the look at Monica Lewinski as you heard her say she was 22 and an adult. How could she say that as if it were relevant in any way. And for bill chinton in the workplace and her superior and president and a man old enough to be her father, and whatever the reason for Hillary Clinton es instinctive defense of her husband now, and the summary dismissal of it now dismissing her claim to feminism. And ruth mar kcus is joining us and also a msnbc contribute or the. And many are saying, what is hill cli cl Hillary Clinton thinking and you say it is more offensive than the horseface comments . They are more painful for the sim ple reason that i and many of vus come to expect so little from President Trump. So just to put it in perspective, horseface is offensive and i write about it extensively in the column and in relation to all of the other insults that the president has lobbed at women over the years, and in conjunction with his really dismissive comments about and the treatment of Christine Blasey ford and also in a 60 minutes interview over the weekend. So it is more painful to hear this from Hillary Clinton for the simple reason that i pekt more from her and i hoped for more from her and i would hope that in light of the thinking that we have all done with the Metoo Movement and the National Discussion that we have had, that she could have choked out Something Better than was an adult. Yes, and now you the democrats, and this is one element of it, and others who frankly want Hillary Clinton the go away. I want to read from the politico article. Democrats watching clintons moves are conflicted about what to make of the post candidate public life. On one hand they are argue that remarks against trump and revisiting the transgressions of the 1990s are unhelpful to the democrat par ti and others say, why should the woman who won the popular vote be silenced aed and they quote a long time clinton associate, if half of the people who voted for her which is about 65 Million People are still with her, who else in the democratic p party has a base like that . What do you see as the role in the midterms and beyond . I am not shure how i see the political calculus of whether it is better for democrats for her to be out there or better for the democrats for her to remain silent. Im not asking Hillary Clinton go away, but i just really wish for our sake, for womens sake, probably for the democratic partys sake, and for her own sake that she could be the better and more thoughtful version of herself than this interview showed her to be. And quite honestly yeah, and so i wonder in the conversations and what folks are reading, she and bill clinton are embarking on the 13 city tour and they will have tickets to 350 to more and all of the money going to them, and is that what is reinforcing so much that is bothering people about the clintons or maybe she could have stepped back and said is this something for me and my legacy i need to be doing is capitalizing on this or does it not bother you . It does somewhat bother me. I have written in the past about the sort of the unseemly feels to me vacuuming up of money by people who dont need anymore money as far as i can tell. And certain ly, it was a mistak for Hillary Clinton to be vacuuming up money and giving those speeches when she was thinking about running for president , and that was a mistake. Is it a mistake now . It is probably a bigger mistake if you havent come to an acceptable reasonable answer on the question of from both bill clintons perspective and Hillary Clinton es perspectivef the treatment of women and how we should understand that in light of the current important conversation that we are having about metoo and what we have seen time after time, and when bill clinton was with asked about Monica Lewinski and now as Hillary Clinton is asked about her, that they dont have a really very easily digestible k acceptable from my point of view answer to those the hard questio questions. And the people who agree with you should read the column, because you have a straight forward way that she could have addressed that. Thank you, ruth marcus, for coming in. Thank you, can chris. We will be right back. Lets do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. They taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at choicehotels. Com. 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Andrea reports starts right now with kristen welker. Hello. Thank you, chris. And happy friday to you. On Andrea Mitchell reports i and the wild west. President trump is blazing a new trail for the gop 18 days ahead of the midterms. This will be an election of kavanaug kavanaugh, the caravan, law and order and common sense. The choice could not be more clear. Democrats produce mobs. Republicans produce jobs. Smear campaign and

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