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Conflicted. President trump is answering on the north lawn of security clearances bring up special counsel mueller calling him highly conflicted and linking him to one of the president s favorite targets, fired fbi james comey. Plus, 200 tapes . After former white house staffer manigaultnewman released a new one on this program yesterday and new report says she may have up to 200 recordings and now donors of the Trump Campaign has some questions. A man charged on felony for voting while on violation and he says he did not know. The state even mailed him the legal registration card. Well start with the new name that President Trump mentioned moments ago of revoking critics National Security clearances, special counsel bob mueller. The white house has previously said it is investigating. I think Bruce Brennan is a disgrace and for him to be in the Justice Department and doing what he did is a disgrace, thats disqualifying for mr. Mueller and mr. Mueller has a lot of conflicts or so. Hes highly conflicted and sadly mr. Mueller is conflicted and let him write his report. We did nothing and there is no conclusion. The response came two days after the white house revoked the security clearance of john brennan. The white house is also reviewing the clearances of nine others not including mueller. Lets start the conversation on this friday with jeff bennett, hes at the white house. Just so we are clear, jeff, the president was asked about revoking security clearances. He brengs he mentioned bruces name and then he mentioned muellers name. He says mueller should write his report. Tell us more of the president s thinking if you can jeff on this topic. Reporter one way to interpret this is President Trump is walking right up to the line. He knows taking steps to shut down the russia investigation would blow back on him so instead what hes doing is hes hitting Robert Mueller and the special counsel team over and over again as a way of discrediting any of their findings. The president is doing this as hes got vulnerabilities swirling around him. When it comes to security clearances, the president feels embolden by this by stripping John Brennans security clearance. And those close to the president says much like his president ial pardon power. Something that he can do unchecked. Now you add to this list, this doj official named bruce orr. Let me explain who bruce orr is. He has no direct involvement in this russia inquiry. Hes married to nelly ohr. The dossier had damaging information of mr. Trumps candidacy. We know that donald trump hates that steele dossier. Bruce ohr found himself of the right wing Conspiracy Theory of russias 2016 attack on the elections. May the president add more name to this list . We know the white house has a list and the president which we should say is headed to his private golf resort where hes going to spend the weekend. Hell be without the kind of guard rails that sometimes, sometimes rain in on his i impulses. Geoff, thank you. Our ktim dilanian and John Mclaughlin, it is always good to have you. Ken, let me start with you. I want to read you something that jeremy bash wrote. Hes a former chief of staff of the cia. This is what he wrote. My concern this morning is trump will strip the clearances of bob mueller and the investigation team. It is critical that Congress Protect the Mueller Investigation now by passing a law that makes it impossible for trump to restrict the special counsels access classified information. Can the president do that . The president is the king when it comes to classified information. He has unilateral power. There is an executive order that governs the rules on security clearances but he can repeal that with a stroke of a pen. He can restrict muellers access to classified information. I think there will be huge repercussion for him to do that. This is an investigation that donald trump cant close down by firing mueller and sessions. He would have to fire the entire Justice Department and the fbi. Steps have been taken within those organizations to secure evidence thats been gathered in this investigation and criminal investigations dont go away because of personnel. Other prosecutors and fbi agents will pursue them. Donald trump it is something that he can do without any check and he sort of realized that now. Now hes got a list of people that he wants to be the victims of that power in a sense, craig. John, 13 former top officials of the cia, the written statement condemning what happened to john brennan and i want to read an exert for our viewers and listeners. We all agreed the threat against other formal fishofficials and brennan has nothing to do with who should or should not hold security clearances and everything to do with an attempt beyond that, this action is quite clearly a signal to other current officials as individuals who cherish and help preserve the rights of americans of free speech. That signal is inappropriate and deeply regrettable. Decisions on security clearances should be based on National Security concerns and not political views. Thats the statement from the top cia officials. What kind of damage does this do to our National Security, John Mclaughlin . Well, you know i think the damage it does is that it circumvents all of the processes that normally go along with granting, adjudicating for withdrawing security clearances. Because this is a core issue for those that led the intelligence process, thats what got all those people to sign the issue. It is done with care and with utmost seriousness and sometimes turns into a court case because there is not an appeals process when the process is followed normally. Ken is quite right. The president has the power to do this. The striking thing is that it is the first time i can think of where he used a unique president ial power to leap over process and punish someone who disagrees with him politically. I have seen that movie before. Usually it happens and does not happen in democracy. John, you signed onto this letter. Are you at all concerned of having your clearance revoked . Um, i have not given a thought. No one have spoken to me about it. Shannon, all the reporting that i have come across suggesting that the president thinks this is an issue that he can win onto use his language, Geoff Bennett alluded to that as well. What are your sources telling you . Does the president feel like hes been embolden to do this. There was one point that ken was making or geoff was making that he does like this power and hes frustrated by inability to get things done. When he finds one of these tools of power, a tariff is an example of that, he likes to wheel it because of frustration he had since day one. The other element is of course, you know he sees this as a winning issue that john brennan is someone who can personify the deep states. Hes been working and under cut the community and he has stayed away from the most part and he dabbles in the attack of the cia early on and back down there. The Intelligence Community is someone where he has found a good enemy, he always needs an enemy and someone to punch at. Hes rarely and though he douse sometimes shy away in exchange for someone. This is something he thinks is politically good for him and it is right before the midterm elections which is something hes conscious as well about messaging before the midterms. John, in President Trumps remark, he cited this defense if you will by republican senator richa richard burr. Director brennans recent statements purport to know as fact that the Trump Campaign colluded with a foreign power. If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he had other evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel and not the New York Times. His statement is purely political and the president has full authority to revoke his security clearance as head of the executive branch. What do you make of that response from senator burr . I respect senator burr, he runs a Good Committee in a non partisan way. As an american, i am free to disagree with him and do it in a friendly way. We dont have to hate each other. I do disagree with him. I disagree with him because because my belief that John Brennans conclusion is based on what he sees with his own eyes and not on classified information if he could or could not turn to the committee. John brennan is not the only one thats saying that based on what you see or hear about trump tower and connections of various people at the administrations had with russians at one level or another. None of that proves collusion as brennan noted, it indicates there is a purpose for the Mueller Investigation to get to the bottom of it and well accept the results of that. If you look at that last statement by senator burr saying that john brennan spoke from a political point of view that it is justified to take his clearance away, i can tell you this. I have taken clearances away from people but i have never taken clearance away from someone because of their political views or speculation about politics. I disagree of senator burr on that. There is a process and procedure. Process and procedure is boring but when you take it away and when you lose it, you begin to erode institutions. You begin to erode our government. I think thats the problem here. Thats the problem that the president has left overall of that. Hes entitled to do that but it seems to me that a bit of a r reckless use of power. Ken dilanian and John Mclaughlin. Thank you. John brennan is sitting down with rachel machaddow right hern msnbc at 9 00 eastern time. 200 tapes . Former white house aide, Omarosa Manigaultnewman, could have in her pocket like the one she sha shared. Trump is not happy about it. We are on verdict watch here while the jury deliberates. The president just weighed in on the case of Paul Manafort and arrested for voting, a north caroli caroli carolina man charged forecasting a ballot in the president ial election. Ot a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty and i heard that my cousins so, wifes sisters husband was a lawyer, so i called him. But he never called me back if your cousins wifes sisters husband isnt a lawyer, call legalzoom and well connect you with an attorney. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. And im still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. 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This wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. President trump at this hour is meeting with supporters at a fundraising luncheon. It is known as glitz and the glam. In that call, lara trump offer offers manigaultnewman a job could have been paid using donors money. Here is part of it. I know you were making 179,000 at the white house. I think we can work something out where well keep you right along those line specifically. I have not add up the numbers but we were talking about 15k a month. Lets see what that adds up to. So thats 180,000, does that sound like a fair deal for you . Manigaultnewman says the offer was hush money. The New York Times reports that some people are not happy that the Campaign Funds are used in that way. Manigaultnewman having more than 200 recordings. Lets bring in ken vogel. Ken, this is part of what Omarosa Manigaultnewman told me yesterday. I am going to go toe to toe with him, believe me, my tapes are better than theirs. You will release more tapes . If i need to. I will do whatever i have to do to protect myself. The recordings that have not been released and omarosa claims that she has. Extremely concerned, craig. My source is telling me that there are a number of folks who had kind of clash with omarosa who was not the easiest person to get along with and they are concerned that she may have motivation to tape them during this extended period where she was in the white house and had access of the highest level including the president. You dont need insider sources to see how concerned trump is. You look at his twitter feed and it has been a steady of omarosa attack with a few issues sprinkled in with the turkey prisoner swap to the trade war with china but a lot more focus of omarosa, thats an indication of omarosa of how bothered he is by this. This is part of what lara trump said. When omarosa was fired by the white house chief of staff in december of 2017, my entire family was concerned for her because we had no idea about the basis of her dismissal. We still wanted her on our team before we cared so much about her personally. Thats why i reached out the offer to her. Whats trumps donors . It is not just campaigns where donations are capped at 5,400 on the election cycle. Also, the super pac that supports trump for which she appears and it had a number of folks on the payroll who can be charitably described as trumps hanger onto lewandowski and to Katrina Pierson and in some cases, it is not clear what they are doing for the entity and it does raise some question in some donors minds if they are being paid to keep them from turning on the president. There are donors that are not willing to go star to say this would stop them from continuing to give, they want some answers. You report your story and willingness to slowly deploy the tape for maximum effect is straight for mr. Trumps play book. Elaborate. Ciyeah, this goes back to th birth certificate crusade that brought trump to the republican politics. The suggestion that somehow there is some smoking gun that either trump or in this case omarosa has access to will bring their arrivals the their knees and expose them as frauds. This is a trump tactic and so far some of the tapes we heard including the one that you just played of you and your team got of lara trump, they are revealing but theyre not bomb shells and omarosa continues to suggest that she may have that bomb shell. Thats a concern of the white house and a great interest to us and the public because we have not gotten a whole lot of unvarnished tapes of whats going on in the white house that we hear in the words of the trump insiders. Thats why this is so unique and relative vis riveting. Thank you. The president is offering words to support his Campaign Former chairman. Make sure to watch msnbc, steve bannon speaking out in an exclusive interview with my colleague ari melber at 10 00 eastern only on msnbc. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. 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The whole manafort trial is very sad. It is a sad day for our country. He worked for me for a short period of time but you know what, he happens to be a very good person. Manafort is facing 18 counts of bank and tax frauds brought by special counsel Robert Mueller probe. Can you redefine reasonable doubt. The judge replied reasonable doubt is not beyond all possible doubt but a doubt with reason. I am joined by our msnbc legal analy analyst. Chad day. You correct me if i am wrong because you are the expert here. How uncommon is for a jury to ask for clarifications regarding reasonable doubt specifically. Reporter in every case is quite possible and more common than you may think for a jury to ask what reasonable doubt means. The judge can only instruct them thats a doubt based on reason. Every juror has a different definition of reason and there is no specific definition that a judge or anyone can give the jury so it is a rather common question that jury happens to ask. The interesting thing is that was the defense here. The government did not prove its burden beyond a reasonable doubt. While it is not uncommon to have a question like this, it certainly is not good for the prosecution. My understanding is that the jury has not broken for lunch, it is 1 30 on a friday afternoon, and you know we dont like to speculate here as i get ready to ask you to speculate, i suppose. What if anything can we make of the fact that the jury has not taken a break on this friday afternoon so far. Do we get the sense that they may be close . Reporter craig, dont take too much from that. The jury has had lunch dleliverd to them of the entire trial. They are eating while they continue to deliberate. The old adages of jury never gives up a free lunch. We would not expect them to come back with a verdict before lunch but we are after lunch now and it is friday afternoon and those two things often combined for a verdict. Juries ties try to reach a resolution. The jury is meticulously going through the evidence and the law in this case. That does not always happen but in this case it does appear like it is happening and it is a complicated, complex case with 18 counts as you pointed out, three separate types of charges and so you know we very well get a verdict this afternoon but it could go into next week and unfortunately we gotten no indication and nots unfortunately we gotten no indication and no and notes fro. Daniel, quickly here, thursday this special countdose office prosed well over 1,000 pieces of evidence of next trial of ex truTrump Campaign boss p manafort. Reporter especially when they have this trial occupying a lot of their attention is quite early. My suspicion is they are covering their bases here by putting more then what theyll ultimately use in their exhibit list and theyll whittle that down as they get closer to the trial but i would not expect them to have 1500 or whatever the number was. Daniel goldman outside the courthouse in alexandria, virginia. Thank you. It is an issue likely to influence voters, is it . Nbc Vaughan Willard is at the state fair fair. Hes also likely having some cotton candy and fried things on a stick. What are voters there telling you they are most concerned about vaughan . Reporter omarosas testimony is important. When you hang around here at the Missouri State fairgrounds and talk to voters, you hear healthcare and education and different issues that are hitting the lives of not only those in the urban city but in agricultural facility. I want to introduce you to patty wood, you started here 36 years ago and now you are a manager of it. What do you farm . We have soybean and corn. Reporter whats the most impressing issue for you right now . As a retired educator is educating the consumer and for them to know that we want to service a product and we take great pride in what we do in our farm and making sure that cattle are taking care of just like human. Reporter beef production is a pride for you. Absolutely. Tariffs is causing prices to go up. For us it is more expensive, therefore, we have some issues there but we also are saying we need to work together. Thats so important that we work on this and truly understand what it is all about. Reporter patty, you support the president s effort. I do because, well, hes the president and we have to remember our past is important and we have to look and learn for our past and look to the future and give it time. We cant say today is the day. Reporter can i ask you so fast, why do you maintain with a farmer with this impact in our community, why do you maintain the confidence with the president. It is what we do. We feel like we have been giving that gift and our faiths keep us strong and we know we can pull out of it. Reporter craig, it is issue like this and it is a hope for the president and congress to come through for people like patty and the community of missouri. Vaughan hilliayard. Thank you to both of you. 12 men casting a ballot in the 2016 election, a felony charge. I will tealk about one of the mn being arrested in front of his children and the legal fight he has ahead. Inside the city of angels, how many Homeless People are sleeping there and talk to the people in the community in trying to succeed and making a difference. With the new chase ink business unlimited card i get unlimited 1. 5 cash back. Its so simple, i dont even have to think about it. So i think about the details. Fine, i obsess over the details. Introducing chase ink business unlimited with unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase. About the Colonial Penn program. 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What happened to you and did you know you were committing a crime . First off, i did not know. I have not been briefed or educated on it. I didnt know. What happened to me i was kind of like just freely trying to abide by the urgency. I feel like i got stepped on. I didnt know the law. I didnt think it was important to read the fine print when i was on probation, i was kind of stricken being on probation most times against the wall situations, us as felons or getting sentenced, we just want the paper work over. How did you find out that you had broken the law . Um i was on the side of the street and kind of really breathing in and inhaled in, i guess, i was surrounded by two officers and my daughter was in the median in the car, we got stopped and they advised me that i had a warrant for my arrest for illegal voting. I had talked to second in command of the board of elections and he told me i would not be persecuted over the phone. He told me that it was a serious situation and made me aware of that election but in all actuality, i thought i had the right to vote. I guess through ignorance. We have seen some small protests outside the county courthouse there of North Carolina here. Is Keith Sellars case an isolated incident, what kind of public support is out there for these twelve people. There is been a lot of organizing around this issue, local Community Groups and down home North Carolina have been in the courtroom for every court date for all twelve of the folks that were charged with this offense. And they have written letter to the District Attorney and they come to the courthouse and called the District Attorneys Office Asking them to drop the charge, many of the people in the organization registered people to vote themselves and have said when thaeyre trying o get people to vote, i dont want to vote so why would i register. It is causing havoc in the community. And in North Carolina blacks represent a disproportionate share of the district felons and especially barring people that looked like us from strovoting. Whitley, i will get your take. Whats your take . Do you think thats an over simp simplification . Absolutely, it is no secret that people who are charged with this are africanamericans and there is also a law thats originated in 1901 of distinct purpose of people disfranchising. The only law that made in 1931 which was changed the word infamous crime to felonies. Since then the laws remained the same and other laws that were meant to keep people back in disenfranchise. Go ahead. Sorry, i didnt mean to leave you off. Didnt the state mail you a Voter Registration card . Yes, sir, i received one and i looked over and much pride of being charged and also at the time i was in Barber School and i sat in the class with my in instructor and i had somebody in the room and i raised my hand and i said i was already registered. I remember being registered and i remember looking at the card and remembering receiving it but because of the time frame and all of that hassle afterwards, i kind of displaced it and i dont know where it is now. Keith, good luck to you, keep u. S. Po us posted on your case and whitley, thank you for coming on thank you for having us. Changing how we fight. The longest war in american history, some new exclusive reporting from nbc says President Trump may reconsider a plan of replacing u. S. Troops with private contractors. T plap a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im up for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. So whats next . Seeing these guys. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. 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President trump has reportedly had interest in this plan for more than a year now. What resparked this debate recently, craig, was last month the founder of blackwater, erik prince, released a video talking about his plan for how he would send security contractors to replace the majority of the u. S. Military troops who are in afghanistan. That renewed a debate. You know, we should also say there is widespread disagreement that this would be a good plan for many members in many people in the administration, both at the pentagon and at the state department. The concern is that President Trump, he likes to make spur of the moment decisions and he could do make one with Something Like this. If he has interest in this kind of idea, the idea of getting u. S. Military troops out of afghanistan and, for all intents and purposes, declaring some sort of victory by doing that, there is a concern. The u. S. Military and the state department have to show some Real Progress on the ground to ensure President Trump doesnt make that decision. Thank you. Inside skid row. The firsthand look at the area of los angeles, that area right there, tents and tarps, miles and miles. To get a real idea of what homelessness looks like in l. A , we will meet some people who have committed their lives to help those who are homeless and feel helpless. The line between work and life hasnt just blurred. Its gone. Thats why you need someone behind you. Not just a card. An entire support system. Whether visiting the airport lounge to catch up on whats really important. Or even using those hardearned points to squeeze in a Little Family time. No one has your back like american express. So no matter where youre going. Were right there with you. The powerful backing of american express. Dont do business without it. Dont live life without it. Booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. 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Blocks and blocks of tents and tarps right smack in the middle of l. A. , and it is a national disgrace. How we got here and who is affected might surprise you. Skid row sits in the shadow of l. A. s downtown. It is the nations homeless epicenter. When you see it for the first time its a shock it the system. A dystopian nightmare. But one you really need to see to understand the crisis of homele homelessness. The smell of trash, urine, human excrement is overwhelming. Do you get used to this . Do i get used it to it . Where else are they going to go. Reporter Christopher Mack walks these streets every day. Since 2003 he has been a Community Outreach worker helping the homeless work with government assistance. We walked with him through skid rows 50 square blocks of tarps and tents. People laying on the ground should not be acceptable. Its hard not to get depressed about this, and i have only been here for a day. I know. Stephanie gamer president and ceo of l. A. Family housing. Good to see you. Thanks for your time. One of the things that we talked about is how homelessness is, in part, this manifestation of the Affordable Housing crisis in this country. Can you explain to the viewers how the two are connected . Its really just about supply and demand. If we dont have enough housing for everybody living in los angeles at any income level, then when those at our lowest income level are looking for permanent housing, looking an apartment to rent, with the supply so low, landlords could charge as much as they want. The demand is high. And that just pushes out more and more people who are economically challenged and not able to afford a typical apartment in los angeles. That is what has increased our homelessness in the city. How bad is the shortage there in l. A. . How many Affordable Housing units do you need . Well, here in los angeles were more than 500,000 units short of meeting the housing for everybody who lives here. Not just those who are experiencing homelessness, but those who are on the brink of homelessness. I talked to one family while i was out there who lost their home. Despite being employed, take a listen. Reporter where did you go . We ended up in our car and moteling it. Reporter you were still going to work every day . I was hiding it from everybody. It was hard sometimes trying to sleep with an 18monthold in the back seat of a car. A lot of my fears and anxiety was leading me to think that if i just die, my family can get Life Insurance and use that to find a home. Thats how bad i felt at the time. The stigma of homelessness. How does that stigma affect those who need help . I think like priscilla and ryan, there are so many people who are economically homeless. They are working, but they cant afford a typical apartment. And letting their coworkers and letting their peers and letting their family know that they need help has become a challenge. L. A. Family housing understands its our responsibility to find those people, to be sure they know how to Access Services so we can help them get back on their feet and move into their own home. Stephanie, president and cre of l. A. Family houses, also features prominently in the piece. One of those folks who is working to find a solution to this crisis. Stephanie, thanks for your time. I appreciate it. Do be sure to watch city of angels dateline sunday 7 00 eastern on nbc. That wraps up this hour of msnbc live. Katy tur is standing by. See you tomorrow morning on today. I am so happy you did this story. Its my hometown and i hate to see that happening in a my hometown. Thank you. Everywhere. It is 11 00 a. M. Out west and 2 00 p. M. In washington where this morning the president is making his intentions clear. Of he wants the Robert Mueller probe to go away and he seems to be willing to take it apart piece by piece. Mr. Mueller has a lot of conflicts also directly yourself. So you know that. Mr. Mueller is highly conflicted. In fact, comey is like his best friend. I could go into conflict after conflict. But sadly, mr. Mueller is conflicted. Let him write his report. We did nothing. There is no collusion. He was clearly unmoved by news that 13 former intelligence officials signed a letter

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