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On capitol hill right now, waiting for an answer to this question, will republican senators stand up for one of their own, john mccain, as they break bread with President Trump. Its been six days now since a trump aide made a crude joke about the senators Failing Health and still no public apology from her or this white house. Trump is making the rare foray to the hill to sit down with senate republicans. Topics on the agenda expected to range from north korea and china to the economy. But trump enters a room that includes some of mccains closest friends. Most, if not all, have had to answer questions about that apology. More than one openly upset over the administrations treatment of their fellow senator. Does the white house owe him an apology . If i had said that, i would apologize. The comments that were made, if they were made, and no ones denied they were made, i find them to be offensive and i think more indicative of what our politics has become, so angry and bitter. Everything happens for a reason. And sometimes the reason is youre stupid and made a bad decision. I dont know miss sadler so i dont know whether shes stupid or not but she sure made a bad decision. Nbcs Geoff Bennett is live for us at the white house. Nbcs Garrett Haake is live on capitol hill where the president has just arrived. Garrett, how high are emotions running on the hill about john mccain and is there any expectation someone will actually bring this up with the president . Were a couple days into this story. So senators have had some time to process this. You heard some of that frustration there from chuck grassley, marco rubio. Theyre frustrated, in part, because they know this is the kind of thing where they dont actually expect the white house to change its position on that. Theres an acknowledgement. A resignation this president and this white house so rarely apologize for anything, its unlikely to happen now. I think its unlikely any senators will bring up those comments specifically in this meeting very much for that reason. This is sort of a pep rally situation, when the president comes to the hill, they talk about their shared priorities. I suspect theyll be talk about the campaigns going on this summer and fall. I dont think any one of these republican senators wants it to be leaked out they were the one who confronted the president about this in this meeting of just their fellow republicans. That said, a lot of these folks have been communicating with the president in the way that he takes in information, which is through the television. You have seen these senators who typically go out of their way to not be appearing to criticize the president , make these comments that, yes, indeed, the white house should apologize. In interviews with folks like me and even unprompted op eed on s the sunday shows. So there is attempts to communicate that to the president. We havent heard from sanders about this since friday. Raj shah briefed yesterday. And todays briefing isnt happening. Theres the buzz about the possibility of a staff shakeup. Tell us about both of those things. What do we know about the decision not to have a briefing today with so much going on . In a dition to thddition, what about possible staff shakeups . The decision to not have the briefing had to do with the president , when he spoke on capitol hill earlier, tied to police week. Kellyanne conway really upped the ante in all this, suggesting in an interview she gave to fox news yesterday, that theres going to be some personnel changes resulting from all this, chris. To be clear, the staff shakeup has to do with the leaks, not with the crude comment that kelly sadler made about john mccain. Take a look. Some leaks exist to hurt i guess colleagues. Some leaks exist because they disagree with the policies that are being put fourth. But none of them are helpful. I had several discussions with the president on this very topic today. Do you expect personnel changes as a result . I do. Actually, yes, i do. So the white house is still framing this as a leak problem. But as one person put it to me, the white house really doesnt have the political cover left to apologize for something now that they could have apologized for immediately six days ago. And that to do it now would look less than sincere, would look like really an unvarnished attempt to move on from this story. The president himself is adding his voice to all of this. On twitter, he said his own staffers who disclosed these private conversations were traitors and courtwards. Of course the only other people hes described as traitors publicly are Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden who, as you know, leaked sensitive government information during the obama administration. Geoff, garrett, thank you. With me, charlie sips. Dana milbank is Political Columnist with the washington post. Both have written in recent days about the john mccain controversy. Charlie, the president has nod not attended a caucus lunch since 2015. Will any of the republicans, including those who publicly called for an apology, actually raise this with the president . Well, it would be profoundly embarrassing to them if they did not raise it. I mean, i understand theres kind of a stockholm syndrome playing out on capitol hill, but this is one of those moments of fundamental decency to say, look, mr. President , you know, you may have differences with john mccain, but this is an american hero. He is one of our colleagues. The absolute minimum he is owed is graciousness and an apology. I assume that somebody will raise it but as mentioned a little bit earlier, theres really no prospect that donald trump will, in fact, do this, because he apparently has a policy against apologizing for anything. Even if you know nothings going to happen as a result of it, is there something to be said for standing up . Yes, absolutely. Thats what leaders do. Thats what political it doesnt require a great deal of political courage, i dont think, to do the right thing. Perhaps in trumps washington, d. C. , it does. So absolutely, they ought to raise it. Of course, again, theres no expectation that donald trump will do the right thing and apologize as he should, because hes obsessed with the leaks rather than about the mockery of an american hero. An american hero, dana, you called mccain the single greatest political leader of our time. I think theres probably more than a few members in the room with the president who at the very least think of him as one of the greatest political leaders. You reminded us of what i think of as a classic mccain leadership moment. I just want to play it for folks. All right, we dont have that, but its when a woman, you know, said that barack obama was an arab, and he took the mic away and he said, you know, no, maam, thats really what this campaign is kind of all about, you know. And he very nicely, but firmly, corrected her. Im told we have it now. Lets play it. I cant trust obama. I have read about him and hes not hes not hes a hes an arab. He is not no, maam. No, maam. No . No, maam, no, maam. Hes a decent family man, citizen, that i just happened to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and thats what this campaign is all about. Yes, you look up leadership, and they can play that clip. You know, that is what it is. You have written that might be his single bravest moment. I want to ask you what i asked charlie. Will anyone in that room right now be brave enough to stand up and say to the president this isnt okay . You know, chris, the man who would usually stand up when decency was called for was john mccain whos, very sadly, not in that room. Another man who might is jeff flake, who has stood up in those caucus meetings to trump before and has been paid for it by basically being drummed out of office by donald trump. So there are not a whole lot of profiles encouraged in that room. Maybe little bob corker has trumped up some. Will take a stab at it. We have seen over and over again when you think surely these republicans and the legislature have been pushed far enough and they will finally say enough is enough. I dont think we have not reached that point and its not clear to me what exactly it would take to reach that point. Theyre afraid of the man because he controls the base that keeps them from getting primaried out of power. Unless its a lame duck like jeff flake, i think they will be very deferential and say perhaps maybe we can tone it down a little bit, sir, if you dont mind. One of the real interesting lines, charlie, in your article, and there were many of them, and its called Donald Trumps crab bucket moral universe. We should be clear about mccain haunts the white house because he rep reserepresents t that donald trump cannot ever be. Talk about that. I think theres something about john mccain that really does haunt donald trump. Again, its not like the votes on obamacare. It is the kind of man that he is. It is the man who served. You know, one of the ironies of course is a lot of Trump Supporters say they support trump because he fights. Well, he didnt fight. He sat out the vietnam war. He was the rich boy who partied so hard that he said his vietnam was not getti intin inting dise. While john mccain was enduring the unendurable. The grace and dignity of john mccain is in such a dramatic contrast to donald trump. And interetrump, despite all hi claims to be in support of the military, seems embarrassed in the face of that genuine heroism. Think hes bothered by the contrast that the country is seeing and will see in coming weeks between what john mccain represent in american politics and in the american character and what donald trump represents. Whats clear about this white house, they dont want to talk about john mccain, they want to talk about the leaks. It is interesting to hear Kellyanne Conway say, well, theres going to be personnel changes, means, sounds like somebodys going to be fired, right, because of this leak. If you fired people in this white house because they leaked, would there be anybody left in the white house . Well, i was going to answer that by saying youd have donald trump alone. But i think he may be the greatest leaker in the place. Wasnt his name john baron when he would go around calling supporters pretending to trumps spokesman when it was trump himself. He has fostered this culture of leaking. People get their point of view across not by necessarily having a meeting with him but by getting it out there on the air waves. And its very much a culture he created. I think it is revealing that were not talking about the remark itself but the leak of the remark. I think that is because however vulgar this aide was, she wasnt saying things that donald trump himself hasnt said in some other form, questioning john mccains heroism. And his character. And i have no doubt charlies absolutely right. It must give the president a bit of trouble internally to see a man of this character rebuking him in such a way. Even charlie as people are talking about the white house making this effort to do this turn, lets talk about the leaks. This is a leaked problem. This is not a morality problem. This is not an appropriateness or basic humanity problem. There are those who are skeptical and say you know what, in the end, donald trump probably doesnt mind it because hed rather we be talking about this, something he feels strongly about, which is the leaks, than talking, frankly, about Robert Mueller or Stormy Daniels. Yes, youre exactly right. He has changed the channel. He has changed the subject. He has distracted from this rather shocking this morally shocking, you know, moment that could have been solved easily by just an apology. Part of it is that donald trump doesnt apologize. Its also, you know, donald trump is obsessed with these leaks and lets be honest about it, hes not horrified by what she said because this tone is set from the top. As dana just mentioned, you know, going back to the beginning of this campaign, donald trump refuses to show respect to john mccain with that famous quote, you know, i like the ones that werent captured. When he was asked specifically about onmccains john mccains heroism. This is not inconsistent with probably what is said within the confines of the white house. Theres just somebody in the white house who thinks its inappropriate and decided to let it be known. And theyre the traitors. I also wanted to say before we leave charlie and dana. Dana, ill ask you this, we all hope for the best for the first lady. It sounds like shes recovering well from this procedure she had. No leaks on that though. Nobody knew she was going in. And i think appropriately so. She should be allowed and her family should be allowed to deal with this without us knowing every single thing at every single moment. But the east wing sure seems buttoned up compared to west wing. Yes, i think its also the nature of whats occurring here. The president in declaring the media the enemy of the American People is of the view were here just to put out Bad Information about this white house and thats not necessarily the case. The fact is theres a great deal of dysfunction in the white house. A lot of knives are out in the white house for each other. Thats reflected in the coverage. Theres no particular animus against the first lady. I suspect there would not be animus against the president himself if he were not consta constantly targeting the media and laying waste to the very standards of decency. Dana milbank, charlie sykes, thank you. Huge pile of cash for china going into a project branded with, you got it, the trump name. Its raising questions about the timing of the president s 180 on china and its economy. How the white house is responding to that one. Plus, the day of the catastrophe. New clashes are erupting on the west bank after Israeli Forces killed dozens of demonstrators. The primary process turned upside down in pennsylvania. Can redrawing districts help democrats peel off seats from republicans . 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Why did china give a 500 million loan to help fund an indonesian resort project, a project that will feature a trumpbranded golf course and hotels . Just 72 hours after the announcement of that investment, President Trump tweeted that hes ordered help for chinese phone giant zte, even though the company violated sanctions for dealing with iran and north korea. Heres Deputy Press Secretary raj shah trying to explain that yesterday. Obviously this is part of a complex relationship between the United States and china involves economic issues, National Security issues and the like. Its an issue of high concern for china. Thats been raised with the u. S. With the u. S. Government and with our administration at various levels. The president has asked secretary ross to look into it consistent with applicable laws and regulations. Joining me to break all this down, nbcs ken dilanian. Later in that briefing when he was asked, when raj shah was asked very directly is it appropriate for there to be this 500 million loan when this is something that is going to have trump branded properties, he basically wouldnt answer. He referred people back to the Trump Organization. So could you explain for us more about this project and the timing of trumps tweet, why its raising so many eyebrows . I sure can, chris, i should first say that i reached out to the Trump Organization and they have not responded to requests for an explanation or for comment. You know this is a giant theme park project. China backed in indonesia outside of jakarta and donald trump is not in direct business with chinese companies. The government, as you mentioned, has backed this project with a half a billion dollar loan. Thats half the project cost. And of course look, president s are exempted from the federal conflict of interest law, but every other president in history has put their assets in a blind trust. Donald trump has refused to do that. So were really in uncharted territory here. Donald trump negotiating a trade deal with another country that could make or break potentially a project that his companys involved with in indonesia. Weve never been here before. In his tweet about zte, the giant Chinese Telecom company, raises a whole other set of concerns, chris. So adam schiff, the congressman, tweeted about the confluence of these two events saying, quote, todays swamp level, white house now completely submerged. How impressive is this for a presidency, seeing Something Like this where you have properties that bear the name of the president of the United States and that project is getting this kind of money, this influx of this kind of help . Like i said, weve never been here before, weve never had a president whose assets were not in a blind trust, who had active investments that could be implicated. Some foreign experts are suggesting this could violate the constitution, which the clause prohibits the president from accenting foreign payments. Zte, its in trouble with the federal government, its been fined 1. 2 billion for doing business with china, im sorry, with north korea and iran and trump tweeted on sunday he may want to take another look at those penalties. So thats raising a set of questions. Theres another issue with zte. U. S. Intelligence Officials Say they and other Telecom Companies present a National Security risk to the United States because if they penetrate the u. S. Market, their a spying risk. A u. S. Intelligence official affirmed that in Congress Today at a hearing, chris. And so the idea that donald trump would be trying to give a benefit to this chinese firm zte is raising a lot of hackle also among people of both parties on capitol hill. Nbcs ken dilanian, thank you. Turning now to a dramatic situation in hawaii. Lava erupting in leilani estates, forcing many people to leave their homes. This is the 19th fissure that opened in kilauea. Now there are growing concerns of a possible explosion in the volcanos crater. For democrats looking to take control of the house of representatives, pennsylvania is crucial. Jacob zuborof live in pennsylvania where the democrats are convinced the newly withdrawn congressional maps guarantee victory. birds tweeting this is not a cloud. This is a car protected from storms by an Insurance Company that knows the weather down to the square block. This is a diamond tracked on a blockchain protected against fraud, theft and trafficking. This is a financial Transaction Secure from hacks and threats others cant see. 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Pg e prunes and removes over a Million Trees every year to ensure that hazardous trees cant impact power lines. And since the onset of the drought weve doubled our efforts. I grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly its heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. What guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. Glae clanew clashes in the k today. As reaction to the opening of the embassy in jerusalem continues. Now, those protests werent as large as yesterday, but thats largely because gaza residents today are burying their dead. At least 60 people died in the clashes, including 8 children, more than 2,700 injured monday, the Bloodiest Day for palestinians since the 2014 gaza war. Msnbcs Ayman Mohyeldin joins us. It was a very mixed scene in gaza. You had those incredible scenes of the funerals as people there continue to reel from that devastating death toll yesterday. The death toll, as you mentioned, continued to climb overnight. The Health System there really on the verge of collapse as we hear from International Organizations making appeals both on the israeli side to stop the firing and the killing and calling on the ejigs side to open its border. As weve been reporting, the egyptians have opened their border to allow some medical supplies to get in but its not enough to deal with the more than 2,700 injured. Those images coming ouge ing ou really added to the commemoration ceremonies and protests taking place in the west bank which themselves turned violent as we saw. We were outside in ramallah for the better part of today. We saw the protests as they moved to the outskirts of the city and ultimately to where an Israeli Military base was. Thats where those protests began to turn violent. We saw palestinians burning tires to block the path of the Israeli Soldiers on the roads there. We also saw them trying to lob stones in the direction of the soldiers. And we saw the soldiers firing back with rubber bullets and tear gas canisters. They deployed a drone that dropped tear gasson the crowds below. It give you a sense of the intensity and intentions that have now continued for three days, starting with jerusalem day on sunday, then the Embassy Decision and the opening of that embassy, i should say, on monday, and then today, the catastrophe day where palestinians commemorate their 70 years of exodus from their home and to neighboring countries as refugees and the struggle that that has ensued, chris. Doctors without borders, ayman, has compared the scale of this weeks bloodshed to the 2014 war. Red cross reporting 400 people are being treated at one hospital in gaza alone. And you reported this first yesterday, that theyre concerned the Health System is on the verge of collapse. Is any addition aal aid coming . Whats being done . Well, lets put this in perspective. To keep in mind, chris, you have a territory, the gaza strip, with a handful of hospitals that has been under a severe blockade, a stifling blockade, for the better part of ten years, since 2008. Both israel and egypt complicit in that. That has already deteriorated. The medical infrastructure of those hospitals, many of them relying on generators that are in desperate need of repair. Medical supplies are in short quantities, and so they desperately were in need of that before what happened yesterday. And as a result of that spike in the casualties and the death tolls, they needed to get additional supplies. Now, yesterday, we understand that the Israeli Military did announce that it was going to open one of the crossings into the gaza strip to allow for supplies to get into the territory. Because it is ultimately israel that controls what goes in and out of the strip. So we know that was supposed to happen. But we dont know if those quantities were enough to meet the demands and the needs of those in the hospital. Our correspondent matt bradley in gaza had been speaking to the head of the emergency room there who had been treating many of those wounded over the past 24 hours and they say they are desperately still in need of supplies, in addition to a lot of other resources, so they can treat some of those who are still critically wounded from those israeli bullets and shellings that took place yesterday, chris. Ayman mohyeldin, we do appreciate your reporting, thanks, ayman. Huge day today in politics here at home. Lets turn to the voice of the people as we have this march to the midterms. There are primaries in four states today, idaho, nebraska, oregon and pennsylvania. And pennsylvanias getting the most attention. Because there are 84 candidates running in 18 districts after the courts ordered the state to redraw its congressional maps. Five of pas 13 Republican House members have either quit or arent running again. In allentown, pennsylvania, with a look at one of the major races, that is up for grabs. So, jacob, tell us about this and why its a district to watch. Yes, we made our way to bethlehem, actually, the abe corridor, easton being the e, chris. This new seventh district here in pennsylvania is key for democrats nationwide because its almost a microcosm of whats going on at a national leave. Its not just the candidates, its the district lines themselves. Theyve been redrawn and they may end up being as important as the candidates themselves. Watch this. How critical is this road going to be to the primary election on tuesday night . People on this side of the road going to be voting for a new congressional member in the ninth Congressional District. On that side, the Lehigh County side, a new candidate in the seventh. It almost blows my mind. Everybody on both sides of the line used to be part of the 15th district. Thats correct. Comb primary Election Night on tuesday . Well, were going to have a whole nother set of characters as far as the burkes county side and the Lehigh County side. Earlier this year, the court ruled the k ddistricts had to b withdrawn because they were gerrymandered, unfairly designed to benefit republicans, who had won 13 of 18 seats three elections in a row. The boundaries look more like a rorschach test than understandable districts including the 15th, the longtime seat of republican charlie dent. Now redrawn to become the new seventh, which cuts off burkes county. So youre the chairman of the burkes county republican committee. Yes. This is your side of the line . Our side of the new line. Is there a difference in the political ideologies on this side of the line and that side of the line . Absolutely. Youve got burkes countyians who are very conservative, very second amendment, very prolife, very passionate about that. And then you have the Lehigh County side which seems to be a little bit more moderate leaning, a little bit more tolerant of the different republicanisms within the party. So even though this all used to be charlie dents republican district, you think theres a chance now of a democrat winning on that side of the line . Boy, i hope not. This is the city of easton where the delaware and the lehigh rivers meet. This city and its democratic leaning voters were entirely gerrymandered out of charlie dents district. With the new map, not anymore. Vote may 15th, greg edwards. Greg edwards is running in the democratic primary. We met up with him as he campaigned along line street, which used to be the line where the district ended. Now the voters here are potential backers. You going to vote next tuesday . Absolutely. Good. Are you a democrat . Yes, i am. Good, all right, i hope to earn your vote. Well, you sure will. Good. Weve been knocking on like 40,000 doors. Oh, god love you. I hope you have an extra pair of shoes. This is my third pair. Im blake edwards, running for congress. Congratulations, sir. Where do you live, sir . Right here. You used to live on the dividing line and now youre in the new seventh district. I guess. What issues are you having . I dont think President Trumps doing a very good job. Hes making a lot of mistakes, especially a couple days ago when he got out of this accord, you know, with iran and all. Thats troubling. And he blames everything on the democrats. Do you have a son . Yes, tyron fredericks. Does he play saxophone . I know tyron. Hes great. He just won his masters. This is politics right here. The district lines are going to change. Be able to vote for mr. Edwards. Fantastic, fantastic. Might be able to make a big difference. Were going to change the national narrative. We need someone in congress whos going to represent the people. Yes, sir. And im that person. You are. Chris, we met up here in the shade of the relatively quiet polling place with john morganelli. Youve been in this position since 1982. By many accounts you are the frontrunner here in the democratic primary. Officials say youre too conservative. Youre prolife. And you reached out to the Trump Administration asked for a position on the transition after he was elected. Why are you the democrat who can win in november . I dont think im as conservative as folks say. I have a very strong pro labor record. Very big on public education, pro public eld catiducation. I am a Law Enforcement officer. I believe we have to enforce our immigration laws. Im a prolife democrat. I believe this district is a centrist district. It has been historically. All of our representatives over the years including charlie dent has been a moderate. Im hopeful that the moderate democrats will come out and support me. Will you vote to fund President Trumps border wall . I dont think we need a wall the size the president s talking about. I know a while ago the democrats supported the secure fence act. I think theres areas of the border we needed some secure fence. The cost tag and the elaborate wall plans i think are probably not something we should be spending money on. Just a oneword answer here. We got to go. Greg edwards is an unabashed progressive. Are you a progressive, sir . Im a moderate democrat and im reaching out to the middle because i believe thats how we solve problems. Good luck. Chris, im going to send it back to you. Jacob is going to be on the campaign trail between now and november racking up the frequent flyer miles. If you live in a swing Congressional District and youve got a story to tell about the issues that matter where you live, let him know, using upforgrabsmsnbc. I want to bring in the conservative talk show host dom shiradono. Good to see you. How is this going to be different . What do the redrawing of the districts mean . Well, its good news for the democrats and not for the republicans. Is one thing. And its chaos at this point. As much as i follow this, chris, i dont think people know where theyre going, where i am in philadelphia today in these areas. Historical historically, these have changed, the numbers, the people. You mean they dont know where to go to vote . Well, they didnt know in the morning. I think theyre knowing now. There was a lot of a scramble here because these have been eons of the districts like meehans district, the seventh that you talked about, was this weird district, and now its cut up into other districts. We have meehan and costello, two republican incumbents, leaving under some dire circumstances, and republicans may not fare too well in that area. I would say theres a bit of chaos and churning here. As you said at the top, theres 84 candidates. Duking it out. Which is enormous. Yes, and one of the Amazing Things about pennsylvania that i admit i didnt know and, in fact, i had to go and look it up just to triple check, you dont have a single woman in the congressional delegation in pennsylvania. And Kirsten Gillibrand talked about, this morning, why more women need to run. I just want to play that real quick, dom. More women need to run for office, period. But the last year and a half really gives me hope for the future. Im really optimistic. Because we are poised to elect more women than ever. For state, local and federal offices. Women in positions of power changes everything. Do you think that there are strong women running on both sides of the aisle who could win . Part of the problem is with a lot of the new women who are running, and its happening all over the country, as well as in pennsylvania, is they are often firsttime candidates which is a strike against them and theyre many times running against incumbents, which makes it even tougher. Well there are at least several here. Scanlon, chris is one in the suburbs whos been endorsed by governor rendell and others. Has a lot of media money. And i think stands a good chance of winning at least the nomination. Then there are, scattered throughout the suburbs, there are so many women running. Thats the other energy thats here. Theres a lot of grassroots support. All things being equal on the democratic side particularly to push a woman forward. To at least be the nominee. Were out of time but i want to ask you really quickly, yes or no, do you think all this energy were seeing in many ways on both sides could lead to, if not record turnout for a midterm, at least really impressive one for a primary . For a primary, im not seeing it, chris. For the 2018 election, yes there will be a lot. Because its about trump. Dom, good to see you, appreciate it. Reports of tension between President Trump and Vice President mike pence. Whos ahead in what some analysts see as a game of one ups manship . The last effort to get a key nominee across the confirmation line coming with a healthy dose of skepticism from congress about trumps pick to run the cia. Se . A little. Thought i could destress with some zen gardening. At least we dont have to worry about Homeowners Insurance. Just call geico. Geico helps with Homeowners Insurance . Good to know. Been doing it for years. Thats really good to know. I should clean this up. Ill get the dustpan. Behind the golf clubs. 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The wall street journal is reporting today that a lawyer for the president arranged a onehundredandthirtythousand dollar payment to a former adult film star a month before the 2016 president ial election. That i will faithfully execute. There was no knowledge of any payments from the president and hes denied all these allegations. The office of president of the United States. The raid late today of President Trumps personal lawyer and friend Michael Cohen fbi agents took a host of documents, including some related to cohens onehundredandthirtythousand dollar payment to porn star Stormy Daniels and will to the best of my ability. Giuliani has just dropped something of a bombshell on that onehundredandthirtythousand dollar payment. Funneled it through a law firm and the president repaid it. Oh, i didnt know that he did. Oh, i didnt know that he did. Yep. Preserve, protect and defend. Hell get his facts straight. The constitution were not changing any stories of the United States. People lie. So help me god. Corey lewandowski, remember him, hes making a comeback to trump world. But this time, as part of Vice President pences Political Action committee. A republican source tells nbc news it was the president himself actually who asked his former Campaign Manager to join pence. The news follows the New York Times report on growing tensions inside the white house over pences expanding political power. Politico reports President Trump always wants to oneup his veep. Matthew newsbom is the reporter behind that report. Along with our guest, a former spokesman for brightbart news and an msnbc news think contributor. Matthew, you noted several instances actually when the president changed his plans, then to sort of big foot the Vice President , appearing at davos, headlining an antiabortion gala this year after pence did so last year. Whats going on here . We all know donald trump likes to be the center of attention and doesnt like this idea of Vice President pence sort of taking this highprofile events. One was, pence was going to davos, trump decide he wanted to do that. I think theres some thinking in trump world that pence should not be taking on too big of a political profile. We all know how crucial loyalty is to donald trump, and thats why when pence is out making these public appearances, he spends a lot of time praising donald trump in really effusive language. When it comes to Corey Lewandowski and him joining the Vice President , i just want to remind people, in case theyve forgotten, who exactly corey is. He of course was fired during the campaign but has struck with trump on all trumps from birtherism to comey. Take a look. I just simply said, have those ever been released. And the question was, did he get in as a u. S. Citizen or was he brought in to Harvard University as a citizen who wasnt from this country. What weve seen from jim comey is his goal is to manipulate the media, manipulate the press. Hes everything thats wrong in washington. What is the question snf. And im loyal to him. So obviously a trump loyalist to the very, very, very end, curt. But how do you see this . How do you see him fitting in as a member of the Vice President s team . Some people are saying this is trumps not so subtle way of saying to pence ive got my eye on you. I think its pretty deliberate. Trump has installed one of his most trusted advisers to basically be the inside guy in the pence operation. I think its further proof what weve seen in the reporting is its true. There is this paranoia from inside trump world that pence is building this operation, hes trying to put himself in a position to naturally exceed trump, whether it be politically, whether it be after the Mueller Probe or whatever might be happening. Weve seen constantly within the trump world paranoia run rampant, whether its in the white house, the west wing staff or the political operation. And trump is very much making it clear to pence that hes still the boss, hes in charge and hes got his guy keeping an eye on mike pence and his staff. There seems to be, matthew, these kind of two, it would seem to be conflicting, positions. One, as you pointed out, you hear him goes out and he always makes a point to Say Something praise worthy of the president , right, hes often been the guy who has been out there, in fact, most recently, raising some eyebrows when he said its time for this mueller investigation, you know, to wrap it up. On the other hand, hes making moves that some people see as setting himself up to be the next guy. Is there a disconnect there . I think there absolutely is. Hes sort of trying to thread a needle. Where hes at once the ever lawful servant and ever ready defender, calling for an end to the Mueller Probe. He said the Stormy Daniels stuff is a private matter. But then at the same time, while hes more effusive and praise worthy than any Vice President in history, as conservative columnist george will recently noted in a pretty scathing column, pence is also has his own pac, which he uses to travel around the country, supporting republican candidates. He installed a top gop operative ass chi his chief of staff. So seems to be making moves of a very ambitious Vice President privately and yet publicly hes ever loyal and praising trump as much as he possibly can. Curt, im going to let you speak for the entire republican party. Which is this, hows he viewed . I mean, as people watch this and particularly people who may who on the ground could be very influential, who have their eye on what happens if we need to run another republican in 2020, or if Something Else should happen to this president , whats your view right now on the number two . Pence is seen as loyal to the president , which is what youre going to need for the base in any reelection scenario. But i think pence is seen to be more rational as a trump supporter. Whether its a political endorsement, they go to mike pence and try to communicate to the president because hes seen as the rational actor. But there are other republicans who are more main stream like mike pence who are bending over backwards to donald trump, and a lot are saying wheres the mike pence who was loyal to these values that hes completely abandoned. A surprise twist in President Trumps candidate for cia director. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. 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Reporter here you have a nominee who says one thing in public, who also had a classified closed briefing with members of that committee, and now were seeing things that shes answered with written followups to those questions and were getting a degree of nuance that wasnt there in the original hearing. Haspel appears not to be throwing her colleagues of the last several decades under the bus. You hear from gina haspel saying i think we now know this is something that damaged the country and damaged the agency and is not something we would do again. And in the answers to written questions, saying she would refuse a direct order by the president to water board again if she was asked to do in the role of cia director. Its possible, and its likely i think, that these are things that were discussed during the classified portion of this hearing and could put more pressure on these Democratic Senators particularly in these states. Let me go back to what we were watching at the top of the hour, which is that hearing in front of the cautious. Are they still in . Reporter they are, im expecting to them to leave any minute now, so far, chris, the only thing i think we can say with a highdegree of confidence was the midterms because the president or the president s twitter account while he was in that room, tweeted a message to support dick fisher, the republican from nebraska whos got a hearing today. baby crying dont juggle your home life and work life without it. And dont forget who youre really working for without it. Funding to help grow your business. Another way we have your back. The powerful backing of american express. Dont do business without it. Mr. Elliot, whatsking your wiwifi . Ssword . Wifis ordinary. Basic. Do i look basic . Nope which is why i have xfinity xfi. Its super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey lets basement. 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