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Over during that sprawling session of remarks while meeting with his cabinet just a short time ago, russia. Moments ago, Paul Manafort arrived in a virginia courtroom. Manafort, you might remember, is being arraigned on tax and fraud charges brought by the special counsel investigating russian interference in the election. Meanwhile, Corey Lewandowski is testifying behind closed doors for the House Intelligence Committee. Perhaps a final bow for both. We will explain why in just a second. Meanwhile, this new report that concerns two separate areas of the mueller investigation. Allegations involving possible collusion with the russians and concerns of obstruction of justice by President Trump. That is where we start our nbc reports. Kelly odonnell is at the white house. Mike menaly is on capitol hill. Kelly, is the white house commenting at all on this story from the New York Times about President Trump questioning Administration Figures who have already talked to bob mueller . Yes and no. And the reason i say that is the white house does provide us what is, in effect, a boiler plate response from ty cobb who serves as a special counsel inside the white house. The lawyer whos been assigned to do all the things related to the russia investigation. And his statement, weve heard it before, with his words being out of respect for the special counsel in that process. Theyre not going to comment. They are continuing to work with the special counsel in a cooperative way. Thats as far as they go. Thats the safe kind of lawyer answer where theyre trying to show a willingness to acknowledge the work of the special counsel and a respectful tone without going into any of the details on a given story. Thats the yes and the no on that. We didnt learn anything new. We didnt give any indication on the specifics of this iteration. The president was asked about this at the end of the Cabinet Meeting and that hubbub that always takes place. At the end, its unclear if he heard the question. Theres no response to the question. He did respond to other things on trade which is a big story today. So at this point, what did the president do . Did he have a curiosity with some of his top insiders to ask about what they had said or how their interviews went . Did that happen . Was it intended to be something . Or he was just interested . And yet, given his role in all of this, is it being viewed as something that could be improper . Because as president if hes asking witnesses, does that cross a line . We dont know what the circumstances were, what the intention of the president might have been. So at this point were waiting to see if we ever get a specific response to this. Well talk about the legality of that in just a moment here. Let me bring you a Washington Post story on this meeting in the seychelles. Follows another report by the New York Times. Explain who was at this meeting. Explain why this meeting might be so important to bob muellers team. This is a complicated story, in part, because weve had conflicting accounts. This is a week before President Trump was inaugurated. This meeting between erik prince, the founder of blackwater, who had ties to many in the trump orbit. The crown prince of the united arab emirates. And a russian financier who has a close relationship with russian president Vladimir Putin. What the Washington Post does in this new reporting is introduces a fourth player here, a lebaneseamerican businessman. Theyre saying the mueller team gathered evidence mueller helped orchestrate this meeting as an attempt to establish a backchannel relationship between the russian officials and the trump government. What erik prince has said before hes denied he was there in any capacity representing the Trump Campaign or the transition. Lets hear what he told us in december. I was on a business meeting back in january in the seychelles. Id gone to see some guys in the middle east id done some business with before. They said theres this russian guy we worked done some business with in the past and you should meet him. So i met him in a bar. Chatted for 20 or 30 minutes and that was that. That was that. That account is similar to what erik prince told the House Intelligence Committee when he met with them in november, denying, really portraying this whole meeting as happenstance, that there wasnt really any capacity there as a trump official there, that he was there on his own capacity in his own business interests. Whats interesting now is we have adam schiff, the top democratic on the House Intelligence Committee, citing this new Washington Post reporting and saying we need to bring erik prince back before us. His account doesnt line up. They also want to hear from george nader, this lebaneseamerican businessman who helped orchestrate the meeting. That meeting would require the help of muellers team and the agreement of republicans on the Intelligence Committee to even bring him in in the first place. Lets go back to Corey Lewandowski for a minute again. Hes testifying before the House Intel Committee. This is what he said to reporters before going behind closed doors. Ive already answered your questions, havent i . Suggestion there that Corey Lewandowski wont say much more than that. In fact, also perhaps at the House Intel Committee is in a bit of a winddown mode. How do you see it . Thats right, a little bit of deja vu. We had lewandowski coming to the House Intelligence Committee in january. What both republicans and democrats said after that interview was lewandowski basically said im not prepared to answer. There wasnt attempt to either assert executive privilege on behalf of the president or deny based on any other privileges that he couldnt answer their questions. Just that he wasnt prepared. So the committee has brought him back in the hope that time in between has given him all the preparation he needs to answer their questions. Of course a former Trump Campaign manager. A lot they would be interested in hearing from him. Were hearing from both republicans and democrats as well. This is probably last interview, if not the last interview. Democrats say they have more than 100 other witnesses they want to bring forward. We heard schiff earlier. He wants to bring prince and nader back. Republicans saying weve been at this for more than a year, we know the senate Intelligence Committee is getting ready to issue some of its initial findings so the House Intelligence Committee wants to wrap up their own investigation as well. Kelly odonnell at the white house. Mike memoly, thank you. Our guest is a former assistant special watergate prosecutor. Ashley parker covers the white house for the Washington Post. Good to see both of you. Mr. Ackerman, let me start with you. Sure. Lets start with this idea that the president who is, again, the subject of this investigation, is apparently going around, asking people who have appeared before the special prosecutor, hey, whats he asking you, hows it going in there . Is that is that illegal . Or is it just unethical . Its not illegal. And its not necessarily unethical. But it does raise the question about whether or not hes trying to tamper with witnesses. When i have a client whos under investigation in a criminal case, i always tell the person, dont speak to the other people who are being investigated. Because its always going to come back to haunt you. Somebody is going to try and take those conversations and try and determine whether or not there is witness tampering or whether or not youre trying to get your stories together. I mean, there are ways this can be done by having the lawyers talk to each other. But the problem here is that donald trump is the lawyer in chief. He doesnt Pay Attention to his lawyers. Hes basically giving himself his own legal advice as well as his family. When you read between the lines and look who possibly might have been leaking this information, presumably its one of the witnesses who testified before. That talked about mueller. Or an attorney for one of these witnesses. What does that tell you . It tells me there is no loyalty to donald trump in that white house. It seems that almost everything that happens is leaked in some fashion. This is not like weve seen in the past administrations. Certainly not in the Obama Administration. People are out there talking. Probably to save their own hides. Ashley, according to the report, chief of staff general john kelly was present for two of these incidents. One involving former chief of staff reince priebus. What do we know about whether he tried to stop or move the conversation . And what should his role have been there . We know generally that general kelly has tried to basically implement procedures and discipline in the west wing to stop this sort of thing from happening. One of the reasons he sort of ended the Grand Central stationesqueness to the oval office was so people could not wander in and out and talk to the president about things that are off topic, that no one else knows about, and could be problematic. We believe in general he has, much like the president s lawyers, warned the president that, you know, again, you should not talk about this investigation, frankly, you should not tweet about this investigation, you should certainly not talk about it to other people involved in the investigation, although i dont know specifically in those moments what he did. I would imagine his role should be to try to end that conversation as quickly as possible because it doesnt help the president and that is his job, to help the president. Ashley, i want to play what the top democrat on the Committee Said about this erik prince story, that it doesnt jive at all with what prince said during his testimony. The seychelles meeting was part of an effort to establish a back channel to russia, that the meeting that erik prince had with the russian banker was not happenstance is obviously at odds with what we heard in the testimony before the white House Intelligence Committee. Tell us a little more about who erik prince is. Because he told the House Intel Committee last year that apart from writing a few papers, putting the yard sign in his yard, there was no formal communication or contact with the campaign. Sure, so he is he is bet betsy devos brother, which is a random fun connection. Someone involved in blackwater, sort of a military contractor who has all of these sort of shadowy foreign connections. And he is the sort of person that if you were, as muellers team now believes, trying to orchestrate a secret back channel with the russians, you know, in an island meeting, hes exactly the sort of person who you would send and would potentially have those connections. Although, again, he has denied this. But that doesnt necessarily mean its not true. We have a number of people within this west wing or within the president s orbit who will Say Something and then it ends up not being borne out in exact truth. This isnt the first time weve heard about this administration trying to set up a possible back channel before taking office. Erik prince and Jared Kushner as well. Multiple reports Jared Kushners tried to do this. What is it about back channels . What makes this particularly unusual . What makes this unusual is the question, why did they need a back channel . I think the reason is it goes back to when flynn was communicating with the Russian Ambassador kislyak about the sanctions and try to assure him the sanctions would not be carried out by the trump administration. They realized, im sure, at that point that conversations could be overheard by the intelligence community. One way to get around that is to meet in theseychelles. If you look at where the seychelles is located this is not like a bar in manhattan. This is in the middle of nowhere in the indian ocean. Theres no way somebody by chance just happens to run into a good buddy of putins in a bar in the seychelles. Im surprised that theres more than one bar in the seychelles. The only logical conclusion that can come from any of this is, is that what theyre talking about is the quid pro quo for the russians helping the Trump Campaign win the election. That is the dropping of all sanctions relating to the ukraine, the mujistski act and the sanctions imposed by the Obama Administration in 2015. Thats the only reason you have people going to a place like the seychelles. Its kind of like if youre a cooperating witness and you dont want anybody to know youre wearing a wire, you go into a steam bath. Got it. I learned a lot this afternoon, nick ackerman. Nick, thank you, ashley parker, thanks as well. The president is poised to make a potential major change in u. S. Trade policy that could have major effects on our economy. The white house says that details are still being finalized. So when will we see it . How will it perhaps effect our relationship with other countries . How will it effect this administrations relationships with republicans on the hill . Several of whom have spent the better part of the last few days desperately trying to stop the president from doing this. Also, silencing stormy. The latest attempt from the president s lawyer to keep porn star Stormy Daniels quiet about the relationship she says with President Trump before he became President Trump. But im not standing still. And with godaddy, ive made my ideas real. I made my own way, now its time to make yours. Everything is working, just like it should it is still unclear precisely what will happen when President Trump meets with steel and aluminum workers this afternoon. The president could lay out the details of his proposed tariffs at the meeting. This is what he said at a Cabinet Meeting a short time ago. Were also taking action to protect American Industries that are vital to our National Security including american aluminum and steel. Youll be hearing about that at length. Well be very fair. Well be very flexible. But were going to protect the American Worker. This all comes in the wake of economic adviser gary cohens announced departure. The most recent of some 16 highlevel departures from this white house. Jake sherman, politico. And former romney president ial Campaign Adviser rodney chen as well. President trump last friday talked about a 25 increase on steel imports, 10 increase on aluminum at that Cabinet Meeting a short time ago. He seemed to stick with those amounts. Do you have a sense thats what will be put on the table when there is a formal plan . And what are republican lawmakers telling you about all of this . Its funny you mention that. This morning i got word out of the white house that really nobody knew what he was going to do. I think this is a stunning point that might not surprise your viewers. But its interesting to know. Members of congress were asking us today what we knew about the tariff plan. The white house seemed to have made a calculated decision not to brief capitol hill about this major policy change of 100 republicans have signed a letter saying they are not for this urging practically begging the president not to do this. So this is the white house has clearly made some sort of decision to not include capitol hill, not include the 239 republican lawmakers in the house and the 51 lawmakers in the senate. Not include them in this decision. So its a curious strategy for me. Ill tell you why. Because he might have gotten some more buyin if he brought people into the fold. He decided not to and now its practically uniform opposition from all sides of the Republican Party on capitol hill. What do we make of the timing, jake . Why now . Thats a question i cant answer. This has been kicking around for some time. A republican i was talking to yesterday noted to me its been three decades of donald trump saying were getting a bad deal from trading partners, especially steel and aluminum. I dont know about the timing. Obviously gary cohn lost out at this fight, you heard the president say gary cohn was, quote, a globalist, and hes foot as strong on tar riches as some would like, as the president would like. Its funny when you talk to republicans around washington, they kind of wander with all these spots open in the white house, why would they go into a white house where aides are pit against each other and people get thrown to the curb quite quickly when their viewpoint is out of vogue . Lonnie, as jake indicated there, a lot of the negative reaction is coming from members of the president s own party. Do republicans look at this as an economic betrayal by the president . Well, i think its clearly a massive shift in policy. I think jake has it absolutely right. This is a change not only in how republicans view this kind of policy but also broadly we have as a country been a country committed to free trade for many, many years. So the notion of imposing tariffs, even if they are flexible, even if they exclude canada and mexico, as the president alluded to, represents a major sea change and thats why the markets are shaken, thats why republicans are shaken, thats why many of our partners around the world are shaken. Its no surprise you have many republicans led by paul ryan and others who have been vocal supporters of the free trade system coming out and saying this is bad policy, wrong policy for the administration to be undertaking. The cohn departure, just the latest in a series of white house officials. This is how the press secretary sarah huck babee sanders reacte. So far this year, six white house staffers have resigned. The president says there were more names to come. Why are more people leaving this administration . This administration has had a historic first year. Were going to continue do great things. This is an intense place as is every white house. And its not abnormal you would have people come and go. The president s got a very accomplish eed capable people around him. Lonnie, what say you to all of that . Well, gary cohn was a very important figure within the white house but a very important figure generally, if we think about the Economic Policy this administration was undertaking. The director of the National Economic counsel, which is the job that gary cohn has had and will be leaving, is the key person to manage the process around Economic Policy. The extent there is a process in this white house, it was imposed by people like gary cohn. The other part of this is gary cohns staff at the National Economic counsel is, in my mind, without a doubt, having worked with many of them, the strongest staff in this white house. Youve got people who really understand the issues. People who really are there to serve the country. No doubt, people who push back on this crazy idea to impose tariffs, and thats largely why this is troubling to republicans on the hill. Troubling to the Business Community more generally. Lonnie chen, well leave it there. Jake sherman, always good to see you as well, thank you. A secret order to silence Stormy Daniels. Nbc news has learned about the latest move from the president s lawyer to keep the adult film star quiet about the relationship she says she had with President Trump, a sexual relationship. And deliberately targeting. The growing investigation into whether the kremlin is behind the poisoning of a russian spy and his daughter in london. We the people. Are defined by the things we share. And the ones we love. Who never stop wondering what well do or where well go next. We the people who are Better Together than we are alone. Are unstoppable. Welcome to the entirely new expedition. With pg e in the sierras. And im an arborist since the onset of the drought, more than 129 Million Trees have died in california. Pg e prunes and removes over a Million Trees every year to ensure that hazardous trees cant impact power lines. And since the onset of the drought weve doubled our efforts. I grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly its heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. What guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. President trumps attorney obtained a secret retaining excuse me, a secret restaini ir order in an attempt to keep porn star Stormy Daniels to talk about her alleged relationship with mr. Trump and a payment made to her by the president s lawyer. The president s press secretary yesterday declaring the matter closed. Did the president approve of the payment that was made in october of 2016 by his longtime lawyer and adviser Michael Cohen . Look the president has addressed these directly and made very well clear none of these allegations are true. This case has already been won in arbitration and anything beyond that, i would refer you to the president s outside counsel. Stormy daniels legal name is stephanie clifford, took issue with that through her attorney. He spoke last night with msnbcs lawrence odonnell. I personally like miss sanders. I think she has a near impossible job. But the fact of the matter is, and im confident she didnt know it was nonsense when she effectively told that to the world, but its absolutely bogus. Its nonsense. Any claim by the administration that donald trump won in arbitration is no different than me claiming that i won the super bowl a few weeks ago. Its complete huey. Hooey. The president has denied all allegations made by daniels. Lets bring in danny sevellas and anna palmer, senior washington correspondent at politico. Danny, what can you tell us about this socalled restraining order against daniels . And lay out the time frame for whats happening here. Just a few days ago, in late february, the trump team and cohen went to a private secret i guess you can call it arbitrator and obtained a temporary restraining order and it was secret, it was not made to a judge, and clifford did not get due process or notification. And she agreed to every one of those terms when she signed the original agreement. The original agreement contains an arbitration clause. Arbitration is a private means of resolving disputes that corporations absolutely love and consumers dont usually love. But whats problematic here is clifford signed and agreed to all those terms. Just like the rest of us, we all sign these agreements with arbitration clauses that any one of us is subjected to without really reading the fine print because its always take it or leave it. Now, of course, cliffords position is that this entire agreement including that arbitration clause is no good because a party, David Dennison, aka donald trump, never signed the agreement. Does the arbitration agreement in any way shape or form confirm though that Stormy Daniels did, in fact, have a relationship, sexual or otherwise, with the president . The agreement essentially lays out that each side has information damaging to the other. And in consideration for these mutual releases, in other words, we each have claims against the other but were going to resolve them and we, meaning David Dennison and peggy peterson. Peggy peterson we know is stormy daniel, stephanie clifford. David deny snisodennison, if we reasonably assume for the moment that is donald trump, then what we know is they agreed to resolve something but why, that raises the question why agree to resolve something, why pay 130,000. And why just days before a president ial election. Anna, from time to time, we do like to remind our viewers and listeners that the times in which we live are not necessarily normal. This is the kind of incident, even at this stage, that would more than likely be the end of any politicians career. At this point, is this president likely to pay any political price . We live in very extraordinary times certainly in washington with everything going, the constant swirl. President trump has really been teflon when it comes to issues like this, allegations against him, that, as you said, almost any other politician would be, you know, facing massive scrutiny and also potentially looking at hes leaving or apologizing. Whats amazing to me, this isnt even a top story today. This has been, you know, its something thats kind of been percolating for several days and weeks. With so many other kind of scandals happening here, its hard to keep track. Does it change at all if Stormy Daniels finally says, you know what, to heck with the nda, someone comes forward and offers her a sum of money that makes it worth her while to just go into great detail about what she claims happened with the president . If she goes public and details the relationship in an extraordinary way, does that change anything . I dont think so. If you look at it passes precedent if you look at what has happened when other women have come forward with allegations that again the president has said are not true and has denied any of these but there have been several instans of stories, of first person accounts by women claiming Different Things happened with them, with the president , before he was president , and there hasnt been any impact. You do not see in polls theres an impact. Republicans, you know, dont seem to be concerned or worried when it comes to these types of issues with the president. What about republican lawmakers . Some are avoiding comment altogether but others like sanford have been outspoken. Specifically about the 130,000 payment. We certainly arent hearing a course of condemnation here. Does everyone just accept this is the president . I mean, i think well have to see, you know, only time will tell if you do see republicans start to sound it is a harm on this. Because it hasnt been an issue for them. It hasnt impacted the president. Hes won the election. Hes enacted an agenda. I think republicans right now on capitol hill are much more concerned about what hes doing on tariffs with the steel and aluminum industry. And thats where their focus and attention is. Danny, a big thanks to you. And anna palmer, good to have you as well. Danny, just to point out, i think a lot of folks are understanding how in one breath the administration can say nothing happened, never a relationship with this woman, but they can also acknowledge there was an arbitration proceeding. Companies, people do not settle disputes and ent near complex settlement agreements unless they think they have some exposure. Danny, thank you. A russian spy and his daughter poisoned with a nerve agent. An ominous message Vladimir Putin just delivered. Did the kremlin order the hit . Plus, looking for School Safety solutions after that shooting in parkland, florida. President trump said video games could be to blame. Hes convening a big meeting at the white house to talk about video game violence in about half an hour. Is that the answer . If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. This condition has not been reported with entyvio. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. He gets the best deal on the Perfect Hotel by using. Tripadvisor thats because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot. By comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. Saving you up to 30 youll be bathing in savings tripadvisor. Check the latest reviews and lowest prices. British police are pursuing a Murder Investigation after they revealed a highly toxic nerve agent was used to poison an exrussian spy and his daughter. The news came the same day that russian president Vladimir Putin warned that russias adversaries would be served poison. He went on to say those who serve us with poison will eventually swallow it and poison themselves. Nbcs keir simmons has been following all this for us. What do these comments first of all from Vladimir Putin mean, keir . Its classic Vladimir Putin, isnt it . It doesnt really tell us anything. But it will play well with the russian public. The scegovernment minister in charge of this attack describing it as brazen and reckless. Brazen could easily apply to the russian president. One of the reasons why i think she is saying that, lets be honest. There are lots of details that we just dont know that arent being shared with us at this point. She is also saying that this nerve agent was very rare. Now what that suggests is that the nerve agent will be able to be traced. Lots of fingers pointing to russia because this spy was a former russian spy. Now, why would an attack like this be carried out with the full knowledge that it might be traced back to where the toxic substance came from, thats just one of the questions raised by all of this. It is a mystery and there are many, many questions. Keir simmons for us, at the pond in london this afternoon. This just in from the white house. Some details now on what we can expect from this News Conference thats set to start less than two hours from now. This News Conference on the steel tariffs. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is at the white house. What more do we know . We have an update and this is something weve been talking about for days now. Its been almost like jello trying to nail it to the wall. At 3 30 this afternoon, the president will be in the roosevelt room. He will be signing proclamations that deal with trade. Hes talked about these tariffs on aluminum and steel. And what these proclamations will do is utilize a part of the code, the law deals with trade, its known as section 232. Thats kind of arcane but it allows the president through the use of National Security and Economic Security to impose tariffs on countries that he believe believes through their selling of steel and aluminum metals into the u. S. Could pose a threat. We know canada and mexico are partners in nafta. Will not be subject to this. At least not initially. Negotiations to rework nafta continue. This is expected to go into effect not instance tansly but we dont know the time length of this. Now, one of the things the president has tried to do after his initial sweeping statement says it will be more targeted and there can be a casebycase situation about imposing these tariffs. This has caused a lot of tumult in the washington circles and actually around the world. As allies and friendly nations who have trade relationships with the u. S. , were concerned about this, wanting to have some opportunity to got their chance to influence the policy. What is new knew is the white house is saying its official, its happening this afternoon. It will be an event not live but there will be coverage as the president signs this and it allows him from the trump perspective to make good on a promise to fight for the American Worker even though theres a lot of debate over what these tariffs could do to the american economy. Craig. A lot of debate happening inside his over party who are opposed to this. Kelly odonnell from the white house, thank you. Another big story today, after the School Shooting in florida, the straight Legislature Just passed new gun safety measures. What the bill would change. What it might not change. As it heads to the governors desk there. In about 20 minutes, the white house will be holding its next session on School Safety. The conversation will be about video game violence. So were going to talk to experts about how big of a role that actually plays in attacks at school. Hey, sir losealot thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. I guess theyve been listening to me a lot more because unexpected they they passed conceal carry for some special teachers who have a great ability with weapons and guns. They passed that. It was somewhat surprising to people because they didnt go in thinking about that. But i guess they liked what i said. President trump there taking credit for floridas new gun legislation. Three weeks after the deadly parkland School Shooting left 17 dead. That States Legislature has passed a 400 million gun and School Safety bill. Passing that measure after an emotional eighthour debate. The legislation will now head to governor rick scotts desk for his signature. At this point, we do not know if hes going to sign it. Nbcs Kerry Sanders joins me now from parkland, florida. Kerry, walk us through whats in the bill. When its going to hit the governors desk. Have you heard anything more about whether hes going to sign it . Well, the real challenge for the governor here is exactly what the president was just talking about, the governor has not been supportive of the idea of allowing certain members of the school staff even with training to carry weapons on campus. Lets take a look at the specifics of the bill here. You can see what has been passed and is now a waiting either a governors veto or a signature. It is specifically that it raises the minimum purchase age to 21 for somebody buying a rifle in this state. Bans bump stocks. Arms some school employees, which is controversial for the republican governor. Funds School Security. And expands Mental Health services. When the governor was asked about the bill coming to him, about whether he would accept the idea of those sort of armed teachers, this is what the governor had to say. When the bill makes it to my desk, im going to take the time and im going to read the bill and im going to talk to families. Is the Marshal Program a deal breaker . I dont believe we ought to be arming teachers. I think we ought to be increasing our Law Enforcement presence. So thats why im going to focus on. Some of the students from Marjory Stoneman douglas said they saw this bill which could become law in florida as an important first step but not enough. They say that they would like to see a ban on assault weapons. Asking the question why anybody would need to own an assault weapon. The weapon. The nra put on a heavy push in the State Capitol urging members to contact legislators and telling them to vote no on gun control. But if theres ever been a twist in this ongoing debate, its actually the way the useful voices have approached this and perhaps gotten an ear from people who have not listened to other adults. Another example is a parody, a video student posted online. Heres a portion of that taking to be nra. We had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the hatred, the pettiness, the fake news. Weve had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the ignorance, the hatred, the pettiness, the nra. Craig, the question is will this become law. The governor has 15 days to sign, he can ignore it and it would automatically become law or he can veto it. People are waiting to see what happens next. Carey sanders on duty in parkland, florida. That you cant. Former psychologist with the secret service who worked an a landmark study of School Shootings is with me. So is Derek Thompson a Senior Editor with the atlantic. Hes been following this story closely. Let me start with you. Your general reaction to the passage of the bill in florida given your expertise on the subject. Do we think that this new legislation will you do anything to stop future School Shootings . Certainly efforts to increase funding for School Security and anything that gives information to funding for schools threat assessment training is really helpful. Let me speak quickly to the issue of arming teachers. The people who carry out School Shootings, weve study them over multiple decades are actively suicidal at the same time theyre carrying out a School Shooting. Many of them are specifically hoping to be killed by police or killed in the process of the School Shooting. So adding guns to teachers in this environment, my worry is this is going to inadvertently increase School Shootings. If you cant kill myself or Law Enforcement doesnt arrive to kill me, maybe a teacher will kill me in the process. Because theyre suicidal, this is not the deterrent. Thats not even a point of view i considered. Derek, a few moments ago President Trump in the meeting talking about bump stocks specifically. This is what the president said. We have statutory ceilings we have to go through to get rid of things that people agree that we should get rid of. So bump stocks are just about finished from the standpoint of getting the legal work done. We know what bump stocks are, they are devices that essentially turn deadly guns, make them even deadlier. We saw them in vegas and orlando as well. The possible link between video game violence and School Shootings, you have called this suggestion a hedge fake, why . Its a total head fake for three simple reasons. The first reason is that the entire increase in video game play in the United States has corded corresponded to a decline in violence. China plays video games, japan, europe, none of them have the same problems we have in the u. S. If you disregard those casual inferences and look at the research, University Research fr from villanova shows theres no corelation between people that play violent video games and those who are violent or commit violent acts including gun violence. Why do we continue to have that trite conversation in this country . We have a blindfold over our face that says its not appropriate to ask for fewer guns. That because we have the Second Amendment and the nra and a Republican Party that has essentially said we dont want to even broach the issue of making certain guns illegal, we therefore cant see the truth which is that gun prevalence correlates with gun violence. Then we look for fairy tales and myths. Other factors such as violent video games are to blame. Theyre not. Its about the gunning. In your many years of research, is there any data tra that proves a link between video games and School Violence . As we studied School Shootings around the country and even talked with School Shooters in prison, we found virtually no link whatsoever. We found half of them had interest in some type of violence hobby, and it could be horror movies or stephen king novels, but knowing that a School Shooter had previously played violent video games was not at all diagnostic. There was only one case where it seemed to play even a minor role. In that case it wasnt causal by any stretch. Correlation, no causation. Thank you. I wish we had more time for this conversation. It was fascinating. We will unfortunately probably have another opportunity to have a conversation like this in this country. Wlooish. Zblajs thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . Ship the goods. Youre a go you got the green light. 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We have to keep the temperature according to your standards. I appreciate that. Theyre finally listening. Craig melvin, good to see you. Thank you very much. It is 11 00 a. M. Out west and 2 00 p. M. In the east. This afternoon two men who were once in the inner sanctum of Donald Trumps president ial campaign appeared in court and on the hill in the russia probe. Paul manafort is making his first appearance in federal court in virginia where hes facing tax and fraud charges brought by the special counsel. For a few hours now, Corey Lewandowski has been at the capital meeting with house intel for a second time. Is he answering the committees questions . Ive already answered your questions, havent i . Anything happened today . Has the president asked you about your participation in any of these investigations . Are you looking forward to today . This as a slate of browned headlines show the expanding scope of the Mueller Probe raising more questions than answers about the Trump Campaign. Why would the president s team potentially try to create a back channel with russia before

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