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Moved up towards the houston area, were able to get the necessary supplies into the district that i represent. All be it not nearly fast enough to deal with the need. It is getting in at a reasonable pace. Are you concerned at all about congress when you get back . Theres going to be a lot on your plate. And we saw this in some cases in past disasters. We certainly saw it with hurricane sandy. There have been some battles over funding, over money being spent to help people who found themselves in this situation. What are you anticipating when you go back to washington, d. C. , and have you talked to other members of congress from your delegation about what the path is moving forward, in terms of getting people back on their feet, which we all know will be a very long process . There is a daily Conference Call that fema hosts with members of congress from the affected area. Everybody is committed to getting the relief necessary. I think we wont have a problem getting if fema needs more money, i think well be able to get it. The problem with past some of the past Disaster Relief bills, they have been served as a Christmas Tree with all sorts of pork coming in them. I had a problem with the sandy bill, because they were sending money to alaska. But were going to look for if fema needs more money, which it looks like theyre going to, i think they had enough to handle the hurricane damage. But now that houston is in it, im afraid theres going to have to be a supplemental. If we can keep that to Disaster Relief, i dont think theres going to be a problem getting that passed. If we start trying to hang other sorts of legislation on it, thats going to create a problem and something im going to fight against. Congressman blake farrenhold, thank you so much for taking the time and good luck with everything facing the folks there in texas. We appreciate it. Thank you. Keep us in your prayers, please. We will. And good afternoon, once again. Im Chris Jansing at msnbc headquarters in new york. Now two minutes after 1 00 on the east coast. It is 12 01 in houston, texas. The rain is still falling and the water is still rides rising in houston. The water in some roadways 17 feet deep. Thats right. 17 feet deep. Officials opened this spillway at the reservoir this morning in an attempt to keep the waters from overflowing their banks. But there are concerns the move could cause even further flooding. Harvey, which came ashore as a category 4 hurricane, has been blamed for at least two deaths. Now federal officials said this morning more than 30,000 people are expected to be placed in temporary shelters. More than 450,000 expected to seek some sort of assistance. The coast guard says its rescued more than 1,400 people, and the National Weather service says harvey could move up the texas coast toward louisiana over the next five days. But the rescue of those trapped remains the order of the day. The goal is rescue. And thats the major focus for the day. Thats my directive. Is that we want to focus on getting people where they are, and getting them out of their homes, or whatever their stressful situation may be. Nbcs katie beck remains in victoria, texas, for us, just inland from where harvey came ashore friday night. And we have seen the winds, the rain come and go, come and go. Give us a sense of the scene where you are right now. Obviously the wind has picked up significantly. Reporter right. It has. And the rain, chris. And were actually walking along a line of cars at the Grocery Store that are waiting for ice and for water. Its a car line thats been steady all day, probably at least 50, 75 cars all morning. This is nikki, a resident of victoria. And shes here waiting. Nikki, tell us, how desperate is your situation right now . Pretty desperate. Weve been without electricity since, what, friday . Friday. Friday. And and its not expected to get turned back on until saturday. So we really need ice and food. Reporter right. I know victoria is one of those places that could still potentially flood. Are you guys concerned about that . Yes. We are definitely in a flood zone where we live. Its were less than were 30 feet. Half a mile from guadalupe river. And if it floods there, were pretty much reporter youre under water. Yes. Reporter yeah. You guys can move forward if you need to, well just go with you. I know a lot of folks have been waiting for food and waiting for water, and, you know, its been pretty difficult to find. How did you how did you hear about this, that this was even here . Well, luckily we have family members that still have phone service. Both of our phones are out. No wifi, you know. So we relied on them to tell us to let us know. Reporter yeah. How are you guys doing emotionally . Are you still positive . Or is it wearing on you . I am. Its wearing on us. I mean, im i mean, at least our water is still on. We can still take hot showers. So thats reporter got that going for you. Well im pretty much just waiting for it. And then ill deal with it. Reporter waiting for it to be over, right . Yeah. Well, well let you get your ice and water. We dont want to hold you, but you can keep your place in line. Thank you, guys. One other thing to mention, chris. We were inside some of these stores earlier, and the shelves were completely bare. I mean, no meat, no produce, no fruit, no vegetables. I mean, its unbelievable. Not to mention, no milk. So it is pretty interesting to see that complete completely wiped out. Entire Grocery Stores. So anyway, this is the situation here in victoria. And it could be getting a lot worse as the rainfall has not let up at all today. Well, you pointed out my question, which is that we have seen these shelves, and we have heard from people all around texas where, you know, these Grocery Stores, walmarts, other places, dont have anything left. So has fema brought in the supplies, or was this coming out of a warehouse at the Grocery Store . Where is this stuff coming from, the ice and water people are waiting for . Reporter right now, this is coming out of the supply of the Grocery Store chain. They have got some trailers set up in the parking lot, and thats what theyre using at this point. We have not seen federal supply truck or federal supplies yet. But so far these the walmart and the heb here in victoria have been giving away as much as they can until theyre out of it. So folks have been coming here to take advantage of that. Reporter and how long is that line behind you . Or can you even tell . Reporter i can so it actually wraps around the entire store. This is sort of near the front of the line here. And then there are some people waiting on foot who just didnt have any gas in their car, and just showed up on foot. As you can see them standing in the rain, waiting for whatever, theyre going to be able to carry home. But the line actually extends far in the other direction, as well. It kind of goes all the way back and wraps around this entire parking lot. So its been like that, you know, for several hours. Not letting up. Katie beck, thank you for that. Much appreciated. And nbcs Maya Rodriguez is in houston for us. Where exactly are you . What have you seen, as obviously, the weather there looks worse than it did a few hours ago when i was speaking to folks in houston. Reporter yeah, it actually just got much worse, chris, just within the last 20 minutes or so. We have had very heavy rain and some very strong wind gusts moving through. Were in the theater district of downtown houston. For the most part, this area is pretty much deserted. We do have some people making their way around here. Weve had some First Responders making their way around here. Right now we have these folks who just drove up. My goodness. Cassie, what are you doing out here . We are we dont have power, so we have no idea whats going on outside of our apartment so were just trying to drive around and see how bad the flooding is. Reporter is there any flooding that youve encountered along the way . Whats been the situation that youve seen out there . We literally just got in our car. We do know that it seems better than yesterday, because you couldnt drive past this block just yesterday. And these buildings were flooded. Reporter yeah, thats true. We were out here yesterday, and you could not make your way down some of these streets, but we are beginning to see some water pool in some areas we did not see yesterday. Right. That is unnerving. But we dont know what to expect. We have never seen this before. Do they have food and water, by the way . Its unnerving, for sure. Hes very good at staying calm. Im im the scaredy cat. But, you know, well get through it. We have enough food to last us, so and it seems like the forces are joining. So i have hope. It will be good. Well be good. Reporter did you have a question there, chris . Yeah, i was just asking if they had food and water or if they felt they had what they needed if this goes on for many, many days. Reporter do you guys have enough food and water to make it through the many days that this could end up lasting . How many days do we think its going last . Reporter it could be at least another four days or so. I think four is kind of our max. Then weve got to start worrying about kind of getting other things figured out. Weve got canned goods that can probably get us through four days. So hopefully kind of subsides at that point. The Convention Center there is what is it . Shelter. A shelter. So there should be food there. Worstcase scenario. Reporter so in the worstcase scenario, youll end up at the shelter, which is at the Convention Center a few blocks away from here. Yes. We could walk there if its that bad. So thats our saving grace at this point. Reporter all right. Well, thank you guys. And be careful out there as you make your way around. These streets are treacherous, as you can imagine, chris, with all of the rain coming down. Again, water starting to pool in areas we did not see yesterday. But, again, some other areas of downtown, looks like the water has receded a little bit. Here comes another strong gust there. This is one of the longestlasting storms that ive ever covered, chris. Ive covered nearly 20. This has been days of this kind of rain and wind that weve been encountering, as you can imagine. Chris . Thanks so much, maia. We really appreciate that. You take care out there. Jacob rascon is in fork bend county, texas, where rescues have been going on. Jacob, what can you tell us there . Reporter i dont know if you can see this, but you have right now a jet ski from a gentleman. Are you from here . Kind. Reporter youre from nearby . And youve come to help people. Okay. Weve got kayaks, jet skis, big boats, big trucks. And theyre all just going back to rescue people and bring them this way. The reason im talking on the phone, we have some audio issues. Do you see how fast hes going down there . Jet skiing down this main road in richmond. So this is in ft. Bend county, southwest of houston. And this is near the brassos river. And they had a bad flood. And i dont know that this area flooded, but somewhere on the river flooded. That river is expected to crest sometime this afternoon and be even worse than the flood last year. So we have these people who dont have mandatory evacuations, but theyre getting out. And a lot of homes, its up to the door, not in the house. But in other homes, people told me they have 2, 3 feet in their house. And this is pretty far from you. 30, 40 minutes. Let me talk to, if we can, right here. You were telling me earlier you were getting ahold of some people through social media. Instagram, snapchat. Seeing all of the things where everyone is at. And thats the most anyone could do. Thats the best way. Because everybody is posting numbers, addresses, names, and all of that. And houston is very big, so just trying the best we can to help others who cant help themselves. Reporter and they really are doing that. Ive seen theres an air mattress here, and they float on them and go all the way back and come back with them, a family of three on the air mattress. And thats how they do it. So around the corner, they have a kroger where theyre dropping people off. And they have a number of high schools around here that are being used as Evacuation Centers. Weve been to an Evacuation Center in friendsworth. The halls were lined with families, elderly folks, pets, they had an auditorium where people with pets slept. Another auditorium where people without pets slept. And all of it was communitydriven. Somebody asked a teacher if she could open a school and they went in, and its almost packed now. All of the food, clothes, diapers, everything. It was all donated by people who just heard about it. Of course, you have more official things happening, but that a lot of it like that is communitydriven. I want you to watch as a last thing, because i dont know how much time we have. But this truck come back. I dont know if this is National Guard or what. If you can spin over and show us that. Go ahead. So theyve been in and out a couple of times. And theyre doing the same thing. Chris . You know, one of the things we heard in the press conference earlier today was even some of these big trucks are not able to get through and what city officials were saying for people who had called them and were waiting was, you know, we will get to you. Obviously under these terrible circumstances, its very difficult to be patient. Theres a lot of fear involved. I just wonder, because the right before you, we had a young couple who were in a car, and they said they basically came out because they didnt know what was going on. And then you spoke to the woman who said she was keeping up with stuff on social media. So is there power there . Theyre able to charge their phones . Reporter you know, i dont know if theres power in this area. Kind of looking for signs of that. There has been power in most places where ive been. Ive seen lights on and gas stations and even if theyre out of gas and they dont do gas, but they sell water and other things. The School Across the street, looks like there is power. I think they have power. I could be wrong, but i havent seen a lot of that. Which would make sense, given the fact she said she was following social media, and a lot of people who have no way to use the phone have no way to make phone calls. And you mentioned a kroger, and the difference between this sort of communitybased what is it, a school that sort of opened up as a shelter, and suddenly its packed with people. Is that kroger a place where people are just going to for food or sheltering there . Reporter theyre being dropped off there. So these big trucks so we just pass by on the way here, just before we got here. I havent talked to people there. Ive just been told by a couple of the people that were rescuing folks that they dropped them off there, and then somehow they get from there to the schools, Evacuation Centers with food. I know youve had a chance to talk to a lot of people. And it is amazing to me that there are quite a few people who just are relieved to be alive and seem to be pretty calm in the face of whats a very devastating situation. How are you finding the people youve talked to to be handling all of this . Reporter i talked to a family right before we went on who had just come out, and they were just really worried about the floods ruining their house, and they didnt know what was next. They were going to stay at an Evacuation Center with some friends. Theres some anxiety. Theres some fear, theres some anguish, of course. But, you know, i see just so much humanity. Everywhere. And equal parts to the anguish. People whose homes are not flooded. Volunteering their time and their boats and their rafts. And i dont know if youre looking at this raft down there. It might be an air mattress. We have seen a lot of that. Can we go back to the live picture . Im sorry, jacob. Were showing a rescue on tape. Oh, weve lost the live picture. Okay, im sorry, jacob. Go ahead. Reporter sorry about that. No, go ahead. Go ahead. What were you saying . What are you seeing . Reporter sure. So im seeing i think maybe a football field away, this is an air mattress with a few people on it. Somebody else is just walking in front of it with a rope, pulling the air mattress. So we have seen so much of that. So its hard not to notice that just as much as the anguish. And those people who have been rescued, theyre also so thankful. There are a lot of emotions going on at the same time. Jacob rascon who has been doing great reporting along with our entire nbc msnbc team. Thank you for that. And there are ongoing evacuations this hour to save thousands of houston residents. Officials still defending their choice, not ordering mandatory evacuations earlier, although there were warning signs. Houston wouldnt be able to handle the crippling floods of harvey. Were going to talk to a reporter who wrote one year ago that houston was a sitting duck for massive destruction. It was over 5 feet in our house. We barely made it out. Im just so grateful that they came. When they were telling people to shelter in place, i dont think people need to shelter in place. I think they need to leave as soon as possible. You cant walk through it, youll die. Walter . Hmm . Is that the rest of our food . What . No. How come you have cheese in your beard . Because switching to geico could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. Oh ok. Geico. Because saving 15 or more on Car Insurance is always a great answer. Whoa gross god is amazing. God is good. Weve been stuck for two days. God is good, yall. God is amazing. He would never fail you. Trust and believe me. God is good. My baby kept me alive. So emotional. Many of the people stranded in houston, though, still waiting to be rescued. City Officials Say they have responded to more than 4,000 waterrelated calls. They have performed 209 water rescues just overnight. And at a press conference this morning, officials said there were still 185 critical rescue requests still out there. Houston issued no Evacuation Order in advance of the storm. Mayor Sylvester Taylor defending that decision sunday. You cannot put in the city of houston 2. 3 Million People on the road. That is dangerous. If you think the situation right now is bad, you give an order to evacuate, you are creating a nightmare. Lets bring in nbcs phillip mina and kia collier, a reporter for the texas tribune. Phillip, i want to go back to you. We saw there was a lot of activity there where people are coming for shelter, some just coming for supplies. I know youve had a little more chance to walk around, see exactly whats going on. What can you tell us . Reporter yeah. This is the big area inside. Were going to try to go in there a little later. Right now i would like you to meet mea lee, 15 years old. And she had to be rescued here. And you have a story. Tell me what happened saturday night. So saturday night to sunday night, the water began rising pretty quickly. And it ended up flooding and throughout the entire night we had to shut off power and stack everything up as much as we can. Eventually all the boxes came down and moved everything up to the attic if we could. And we prepped the top of the car so we could stay on top in case the water got too high and eventually we got to move there as morning came. So we were waiting on top of the car, and eventually a boat had to come and pull us out because we had nowhere else to go. Reporter so you knew what was coming. Your mom and dad and some pets, as well. Yes. Reporter so you were already preparing as the water is creeping in. What did it look like inside your house . We had been through floods before, just not as bad as this before. We never had to evacuate the house before. But so we started cleaning, and stacking everything up and packing things in boxing, because we know kind of what to expect. But the water rose up to about my chest. And we had to just wade out everywhere. And everything was black and dark and you couldnt really see anything in the water. Stuff was just floating around and boxes were just everywhere. Reporter inside your home. Yes. Reporter so who makes the decision at that point lets go for the car . Our entire family agreed on that almost immediately, because its pretty elevated. My mom actually came up with that plan. And we were also planning on bringing hacksaws and hammers up to the attic in case we had to go up there and get out. But city im pretty sure they released a statement when we were on the car that they advised us not to go up to the attic. Reporter thats true. Because they cant get us out and they dont know were there. But we decided we wanted to in case prep that place with saws and stuff. Reporter so youre one of the most prepared families in this entire houston region, and still the floodwaters were way too much. And how long were you guys on top of your vehicles like that . Empty middle of the night, right . Yeah, up in the morning. It took a couple hours. I think at least four or five hours. Reporter were your neighbors in the same situation . Or were you the only ones out there . For us, we were the only ones out there, because the two houses near us are empty. We dont know much about our other neighbors. But the boat took us to another house a couple blocks down. The flooding wasnt as bad, only about to my calf. So there were a couple other families ready and they were making that a safe point to evacuate from because it wasnt lifethreatening there. Reporter so im trying to picture, you have a family of four on one car. Yeah. Reporter and your pets too, right . Dog and cat . And all up there on the hood of the car for hours in darkness. Is the water rising . Yeah. You can see the water, too. Reporter so whats going on while you guys are waiting . And hoping . Actually, usually for the entire time either my mom and dad or me and my brother were switching off on top of the car with the pets. And other people were in the house still trying to save things, if possible. And to stack things up. Reporter and how did help finally come . We actually missed the first boat that passed by, because they didnt see us. Reporter oh, my goodness after all of that, they came and went. Yeah. And so the second boat, my parents were up in the attic getting it ready and i heard a boat coming so i went outside. We had a lot prepped in case we had to go on the roof so i stood there and screamed help and they said well be right back and they came and pulled us out of the garage. Reporter who is they . Fire department. Reporter what was that moment like . They finally roll up for help we were like, yes and we had bags and everything ready that we wanted to take with us, just in case, important things Like Electronics or passports and stuff. Stuff that we cant leave behind. And we just brought that up, threw it on, put the cat in, dog in, and slowly one by one got on the boat. Reporter wow, and you had called 911 . Yeah. We called 911, we called the coast responders, and we called some friends who were working with volunteers, as well. But most of the time calls werent able to go through or they werent picked up or just they couldnt do anything. Reporter and, again, mia lives in one of the hardesthit areas of all of houston. We have been seeing all of these images, the water up to the light streetlights, really. Every time it floods, especially at this time, this is the worst that anybody has seen by all accounts, right . So now that youre here, and youre here with your parents and whats it like being inside here . I was honestly really surprised. They had to close off the cloelthing line because they had to restock and there wasnt enough time and space. And theres not a lot to go around. So if what we can get apart from here we can try, but i dont know. Reporter what is it that you what do you guys need . We would like some medicine in case because pretty much everybody is getting colds, because we were out in the water for more than a night. We would also like a couple extra clothes, because we didnt bring anything but the clothes on our back. And my brother didnt even have shoes on. When we were waiting to get transported on the highway, Somebody Just gave my brother a pair of shoes. So we were trying to look for things to get by with. Reporter how old is your brother . My brother is older than me by three years. Reporter so 18, 15. So clothes, shoes, anything that can help. Appreciate it, mia. Thank you so much for speaking with us. Its amazing you were able to get here and you guys are okay. Most important part. Thank you. Reporter mia lee, what an incredible story. We talked to the two teen girls in the last hour, and its just amazing, their story. And thats just one neighborhood. We have an entire Convention Center here, entire city full of evacuees that have similar harrowing stories. Ive got to tell you, phillip, when she said the first boat went by, my heart stopped. What that must have felt like when youre on top of the car hoping to be rescued and the boat goes by. Ill let you go back to talking to folks. Phillip, what an amazing interview. Thank you so much for that. Kia, when theres been all this controversy, even in the midst of whats going on about whether there should have been a mandatory evacuation or not and a lot of people look back to 2005 during hurricane rita and they say it actually was worse, because it caused enormous traffic jams, people died, actually. What happened . Give us some perspective about the history of houston that went into the making of the decision this time, not to have those evacuations days ago. Reporter i mean, i think the controversy started when Governor Greg Abbott suggested that people should have evacuated, and, of course, local officials said, whoa, you know, we werent going to move millions of people before an event like this. And, you know, i dont think theres really precedent for evacuating people before a rain storm. Ahead of a hirurricane, certain. But harvey was never projected to hit houston headon ever. And up until saturday night, we didnt know, you know, where harvey was going to go and if it was going to dump, you know, any amount of rain on houston or a lot of rain. And so i went to sleep saturday night and woke up sunday, and it everything had totally changed. It dumped the Tropical Storm dumped a huge amount of rain on the city overnight. And, you know, it all went down hill from there, pretty much. Reporter you actually have given a lot of thought to this and a lot of research to this, because you co wrote a joint tribune report in december on houston, and its potential for catastrophic flooding. And i want to read just a little bit of it. You wrote, as millions have flocked to the metropolitan area in recent decades, local officials have largely snubbed stricter building regulations, allowing developers to pave over crucial acres of prairie land that once absorbed huge amounts of rain water. As people move forward and the months going ahead, once the immediate threat of loss of life passes by, what will they find . How big a role does this loss of prairie land play to cause the kind of massive first of all, lifethreatening conditions as well as huge financial losses that were seeing here . Yeah. According to a lot of the scientists we talked to, every scientist we talk to, experts and some Public Officials, a lot of this devastation could have been prevented if houston officials over the decades had been willing to have a smarter development policy, leave some green space, instead of paving it over with concrete. And having all of this impervious cover just means that people get flooded out as the water drains off to whatever natural kind of form of creek or bayou and eventually drains out to the gulf of mexico. So but local officials that we talked to said, you know, the argument by scientists that, you know, this prairie land would absorb a bunch of rain water is, you know, ludicrous, its absurd. And we can essentially fight concrete with concrete. We can through these Massive Public works projects that mitigate flooding, you know, retention ponds, widening the bayou system. That kind of thing. And, you know, some of that might be needed. But scientists are saying whats really needed is smarter development policies, and for Public Officials to start thinking about Climate Change, and how Climate Change will start bringing more intense and frequent rainfall. And a lot of them are not doing that at this point, even though a bunch of other major cities are. Anyone who takes a look at that report you did will see, it is alarmingly prophetic. Kia, thank you so much. We appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. Thank you. Nbc news meteorologist bill karins, of course, has been tracking harvey throughout. And we keep hearing about how much longer people are going to be dealing with this. Were seeing the folks in the shelters who got rescued, but also the rescues that are ongoing. Give us where we are right now. Yeah, ive had to change it up a little bit. Ive been telling everyone were getting 10 to 20 more inches and the river is still going up and the Buffalo Bayou we have to watch because of the release from the dams taking place. I wanted to pinpoint other areas still waiting for the tragedy to unfold and people still trying to gather theyre belongings in the midst of the disaster. I want to take you into the area of ft. Bend county, office of emergency management. Now, i can show you over here, actually, before i tell you the details. This is the houston area here. Sugarland down here. This is the ft. Bend county area. This is the area where the brassos river will travel through. This river still has about 48 hours before it peaks. They are expecting, what i just read, an 800year flood event on the brassos river. The previous record is 54 feet. This is expected to go up to 59 feet. This is 5 fight higher than the previous alltime record flood at this area. So water is going to be going places they have never seen before. So for that reason, the ft. Bend county sheriff, office of emergency management, has now ordered a mandatory evacuation for pecan grove. It was voluntary and now mandatory because its going to flood areas it never flooded before. And thats about 12,000 people. You start to look, and theyre trying to recommend where to go. Because these people really cant flee now to areas like dallas or san antonio. Its too late for that. So theyre headed to the shelters and some of the shelters are filling up. They said that Terry High School is still open. Theyre accepting pets. They said please bring food and medications. Theyre also saying the sacred heart shelter is full and at capacity. Theyre not taking anyone there. And theyre saying that the Terry High School is not accepting pets, but only in the crates, as i mentioned before. So these are just some of the examples of, you know, we have seen the pictures in houston. That was the flash flood event we had saturday night into sunday morning. Now were starting to get into our major river flooding event, and also the problems with our dams and reservoirs holding too much water. That is now going to start cresting in the next two or three days. So were getting new mandatory evacuations. And at the same time, we have Tropical Storm harvey that is starting to regenerate a little bit in the gulf, sending extremely heavy remain rates here up to the north here. So here is where the storm is located. Its easy to spot. Its just off the coast. And look at the bright red and yellow on the map here. These are new showers and thunderstorms that are forming right near the center, and that is sending this plume of very heavy rain right up into the south portion of houston. This is what we fear, rainfall rates are starting to increase to 1 to 3 inches an hour in this region. Houston southwards. So those areas, the flooding is going to get worse before it gets better and it looks like some is going to train into houston here shortly, chris. All right, bill karins, doing amazing work. And i think getting no sleep. We appreciate it very much. The big question, though, that we keep hearing is did houston officials wait too long to issue those mandatory evacuations . And is enough being done to help people who have been forced from their homes . Were going to talk to the mayor of houston next. We rode out last years, and it was okay. But this was more than we can imagine. We wouldnt have made it today. Theres no way we would have made it of the. Needles. Essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. 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As we continue to look at the impact of harvey, one of them is obviously on the oil business. So huge throughout texas. And means a lot to all of us who put gas in our cars. Nbcs Miguel Almaguer is in houston in front of a shell refinery. How prepared were they for this, and what impact is the biggest concern right now . Reporter yeah, chris. Its not just the sheets of rain here, but its the rising floodwaters that threaten so many facilities like the one behind me here. More than 3,000 employees work here every day. And when they arent able to come to work, that, of course, has an Immediate Impact on production here, as you mentioned. Its not just affecting the houston area, where some gas stations are not only under water, but have also run out of gas, the prices are rising in this region, but theyll rise all across the country, depending on where you live up to 35 cents, we are told by experts. Of course here the big concern is after the rain stops, were still going to have those floodwaters. The 3,000 employees that work at this facility behind me, as well as the thousands of other employees that work at facilities all across this region are going to have a tough time getting to work, much less out of their own drive way. So the Oil Companies here tell us production could be slow for quite some time. Theyre still assessing the damage, as you can see. It is still raining very heavily here and the floodwaters still rising. At this point, they dont have an idea of when production will be back at fullscale here. Chris, as you mentioned, the trickledown effect is going to affect gas pumps nationwide, no matter what state you live in, chris. Yeah, you can hear the rain. I can hear it coming down pretty hard. Give us a sense of what it was like getting to where you are right now, what it looks like on the ground. Reporter chris, we started our day in austin at about 4 00 a. M. This morning, local time here. And it took us about four hours to get here. But just making it out of downtown and into the area where their refinery is at, that took about an hour in itself. It usually would be maybe a 20minute drive. 10, 15minute drive, but because so many of the roads are shut down, youre forced to go in back roads, sometimes go in the wrong direction for a section of roadway, just to maneuver past what would be a flooded intersection. So for those folks who are trying to get to work in the coming days, theyre going to face a lot of difficulties. And, again, thats going to have a trickledown effect across the nation. Miguel almaguer in the elements, take care. Joining me on the phone, democratic congresswoman, Sheila Jackson lee, whose district includes most of central houston. Whats the situation as you know it on the ground right now . A great need. I am standing right in the middle of a sea of people who are here at the george r. Brown Convention Center. Ive been here since sunday. More people are coming in. We really think that rescues are going to have to continue into the night. Water is not diminishing, if you will. We know that some is going down, but not all. People are still in flooded areas. People are still in their homes. And some people have not been able to call in to get themselves listed as a rescue. So were dispatching people into neighborhoods to just determine whether or not people are in their home without a way of getting out. People here are resilient. Volunteers are working. Good samaritans are working. I simply want to thank them. We are in need. Right now at the george r. Brown, we need cups to be able to serve the people. We need more food to be able to serve the people. And part of the reason why we dont have that is the trucks that are trying to come in are stuck, because the route that they have to take is under water. So were doing everything we can. The city is working unceasing. Ive been talking to fema all morning, and they are working. But we are in a catastrophic event. And we recognize that were not giving up, but the people are in need. Among those needs, i would assume, are medical, because you have people who are exposed, if not all night for some people over the course of several days, people who were in standing water, who were cold. Who may need some sort of medication. Are there doctors there at the Convention Center, congresswoman . Is there medication available for people who need it . Absolutely. We have a medical team from the ems, dr. Percy is leading it. We would welcome volunteer doctors who could come in and work with us. We have doctors from the fire department, under dr. Percy. And we just worked with fema to establish the ability for the doctor to provide the necessary medication that may be prescription. We are recognizing weve got to have a fullservice situation here. Last evening we sent about seven people to the hospital, and i want to thank st. Josephs hospital. They are the hospital that is about three blocks from us. The only hospital in this area. And they have become the Homeland Security hospital, because all of the sick people, if they can take them weve had a situation with Mental Health circumstances, and were trying to make sure that we take care of all of the people, because they are deserving. This has been a harsh and very difficult experience. I have to say, the people that we have talked to who have survived this have nothing but praise for the rescuers, for whether theyre professionals or whether theyre people in the community for all, everything, everyone there has done. But i know that its a long road ahead. Congresswoman, thank you so much. And god bless. God bless. Thank you so very much. And i thank you for nations prayers, and we can take dry clothing, donations to the red cross. Food. If youre in the area, at the back side of the george r. Brown, we can take the amount of food that we need. And well be ready to take it from you. Weve got people here that can certainly use it. Dont forget, formula, as well, for the babies that are here. We need that. Formula, and im told also diapers. Sheila jackson lee. Thats right. Thank you so very much. Thank you. We appreciate it. The department of health and Human Services has declared a Public Health emergency across texas in the wake of this hurricane. How are officials taking care of the sick and elderly as those floodwaters rage across the state . What could arise as a result of those floods . Or Healthy People trapped in their homes. And were waiting for Texas Governor greg abot to speak to reporters at the top of the hour. Well have that live as soon as it starts. This is crabfest at red lobster. Dive into the classic crab lovers dream or new dueling crab legs with dungeness and snow crab. Only during crabfest. Now this is seafood. And hurry in to enjoy our new crab melt, part of our seafood lovers lunch weekdays just 9. 99 caspers truly changed our lives. A mattress of unparalleled value. Love at first night. grunts im a softer, happier, friendlier version of myself. surps drink perfect sleep changes people. kisses baby transform your life at casper. Com try their mattress for 100 nights with Free Shipping and returns. Casper. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. As we have been watching, Emergency Responders still trying to rescue rez dends facing life threatening floods. Since midnight they made about 300 water rescues. The Emergency Center inundated with 75,000 calls today alone and another emergency is unfolding declared by the department of health and Human Services. You saw firsthand the challenges that are out there first and foremo foremost, what are the top Public Health concerns. There are so many people with issues, there is contaminations in the flood water, chemical, bacterial, things that can injury them. That is a big concern, beyond that people need medicine for life saving things. People with antibiotics that might expire or go bad if theyre not in a refrigerator. They need them as well. Getting them the medications is extremely important, and taking care of the volume of people that are there. And the stress that can exacerbate these conditions. Thats right. Especial Something Like a ptsd or stress related issues. You have to be careful and watch for that as well. These are all of the things you look at and it is something that people dont think about all of the time. People addicted to things like alcohol or opioids. They will start withdrawaling and you have to make sure they are taken care of. And the heartbreaking picture of the elderly people in that living sfacility that were in their wheelchairs up to their waist in flood waters, whats the harm for people that are as a ruler in able. You bring up a great point, for most of us, you get out of the water and youre fine, but there are other types of complications. If you have a compromised immune system, you want to get them out of the water as soon as possible and keep an eye on them to make sure they will be okay. You want to make sure you give them antibiotics and medicines, tetanus shots, i cant emphasize enough, people need to get those. Morgan has been collecting some of the most poignant pictures and videos. They have been coming in as user content coming in. Some of them are the rescue efforts. Volunteers, First Responders and neighbors coming together to rescue the texans hurt by the flood. You see them dropping down carriers from the sky. They are bringing their up to safety. They are asking people to raise their chesheets, mark their roo to they know to come get them. This is a before and an after photo of houston. That is what it looked like there on top ahead of the storm and this is what is looks like now. You see the highway and the mark completely sub merged. There is also a little sunshine. We have little baby harvey born in Corpus Christi hospital. Seven pounds, 18 ounces. His mom had not picked out a name and they said he should be named after the hurricane, and his mom said it is perfect. Can we go back to the close up . Beautiful harvey, and there is the team that drivered harvey. Congrats there, a little ray of sunshine here and there and he has no idea the stories that will be told about the day he was born. Governor greg abbot expected to hold a press conference coming up from san antonio. Well have that live for you here on msnbc. Patrick woke up with back pain. But he has work to do. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. That wraps up this hour of msnbc live. We would like to they kprc. They are our affiliate in hows. They are doing tremendous work. And my thanks to our correspondents out there in difficult conditions. They will continue to stay out there to bring stories to us. Remarkable work all around. It is 2 00 p. M. Here in washington, 1 00 p. M. In texas where harvey turned roadways and streets into rivers and could force 30,000 people from their homes. It is a landmark event. We have not seen an event like this, you could not draw this up. This is dynamic. Things could champ by the hour and literally by the day. The house is four foot under water. Whats going through your mind when you see this . Grief. It is prey scary. There are a lot more neighbors where we came from trying to stay aboveground. We prayed a lot, and we were rose rescued. And we thank god. We need people to know that we are here for the long hall. Houston city leaders report that 185 critical rescues are still under

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