Of course, today has some important differences. The advance of technology. The impact of the internet, our fragmented media landscape make it easier than ever to splinter ourselves into echo chambers. Leaders willing to exploit fear and skepticism have tools at their disposal that were unimaginable when i graduated. Andrea mitchel covered Hillary Clintons campaign. Jonathan allen, and mark murray with us as well. Michael steele and of course former chair of the rnc, a big thanks to all of you. Andrea, you spent a lot of time with Hillary Clinton. How surprising was that speech . It was a strongest rebuke of President Trump so far. Some people were messaging where was the speech writer during 2016 . This was a strong speech, but it wasnt just a take down of donald trump. But it was mores a separational speaking to a very positive and reaffirming audience, of course, her wellesley graduating class on her turf where it started in 19 69 for her when she was chosen as the student speaker. She was talking about being hopeful but comparing it to 1969 with some unflattering references to the times, the turmoil, the protests, the fact that Richard Nixon was elected and left in disgrace and impeachment. She had some humor, but i think this was her first specific attack on his budget, talking about the cruelty of his budget on the most vulnerable of our society. Speaking of women and lgbt rights, and others who are being left behind. Sohe really went after donal trump in a way that she has not since election day. Jonathan, heres a little bit more from the speech. This is Hillary Clinton talking about life after election night. You may have heard that things didnt exactly go the way i planned. But you know what . Im doing okay. One of the things that gave me the most hope and joy after the election when i really needed it was meeting so many young people who told me that my defeat had not defeated them. Jonathan, you chronicled the campaign. What was your take away after that speech . Number one, as andrea was saying, she came out of the wood, so to speak. They asked the question earlier whats she going to say when she comes out of the woods . She came out with the boxing gloves on. This was an aggressive speech toward donald trump and the 1969 speech that andrea referred to. She criticized the art of the possible saying that people should be going after turning the impossible into the possible. I think she sounded a little bit more like that 1969 student today than she had on the campaign trail in 2016 or 2008. And this was a really impressive launch back into the political fray for her. Michael steel, this is a part of this speech that i found especially interesting. This is Hillary Clinton talking about donald trump in his relationship with the truth. And his supporters. Take a listen. You are graduating at a time when there is a fullfledged assault on truth and reason. People denying science. Concocting elaborate, hurtful conspiracy theories about child abuse rings, operating out of pizza parlors. Some are even denying things we see with our own eyes. Like the size of crowds. Who is the audience there, Michael Steel . The folks in front of her, largely. I think that beyond that no one is really paying attention to what she has to say. I mean, clearly they rejected all of that during the campaign. So to jonathans point, if this is a rollout of whats to come, then it will be interesting to see whether she carries this debate, if you will, to the president once he returns, and were six months down talking about how Hillary Clinton is repositioning the Democratic Party to actually be competitive and fight the incumbent president. I havent seen that yet. This is her first real foray. I know she wanted to do this speech probably as president of the United States. But her audience right now was basically those folks in front of her. Well see how much resonance it has beyond that. Its been noted, if folks are saying where was the speech when she was a candidate . Thats Hillary Clintons problem. And so consistency in that regard is going to be the tale tell sign if shes really ready to go after President Trump. It was a friendly crowd. To michaels point, and jonathans point, the audience outside that room, did she reach that audience, or was this just a speech for the folks at wellesley . I think, craig, it was both. It was certainly a commencement address honoring the people who just graduated from wellesley, but also i think the voice she was carrying was more of the democratic resistance. I think its pretty clear that Hillary Clinton and isnt the future of the Democratic Party. And the party completely moved on after the results of november th. But what youre seeing is someone who is, i think, still very angry and upset about what ended up occurring, and also just kind of channelling, craig, i think some of how historically significant it is, that the Campaign Still is going on. When you go to a donald trump event, theres still a chant of lock her up. Hillary clinton goes to wellesley and gives a tough speech to donald trump. Politics always exists. What is striking about this era is that after the very contentious and close 2000 president ial election, george w. Bush still invited al gore, broke bread, and even if they were disagreeing on issues, just having that kind of conversation goes a long way. Hillary clinton and donald trump still havent met after november 8th. And i think that that has allowed these really the tough partisan feelings to still exist months after that election. Jonathan, do democrats want to see Hillary Clinton in this light . Do they want to see her continue to give speeches like this . Or do they just wish shed go away and be quiet . Yes. There are some democrats that want to see her come out and think she has a role as a leader of the party, not necessarily as a candidate, but as somebody who can give speeches like that, and others wish that she would go away and seed the stage to other people. I was just talking to a pretty senior democrat from the Obama Administration who was very clear that he didnt want to see her run again. Mr. Steel, while i have you, i want to talk to you about news that broke. We found out about an hour ago that your friend john boehner, former speaker of the house, he told an Energy Publication called rig zone quote, Everything Else hes done in office with the exception of foreign affairs, Everything Else, has been a complete disaster. The Associated Press confirming the comments with Speaker Boehners office. Does that surprise you that Speaker Boehner would come out so forcefully against the Current Administration so early . No, it doesnt. I think in many respects Speaker Boehner is taking to heart the moniker former. It frees you up. And he has been freed in many respects to speak his mind as he has done in the past. I think that theres really no secret about how he was concerned about Donald Trumps presidency from the beginning. And i think a lot of republicans and hes reflecting this, are concerned about its current state and what happens next. The trip started off in the middle east. A very positive. A lot of very strong response globally. And it has ended with nato and the g7 with a lot of trepidation and recrimination among our own allies about the bruskness of the president. Thats an ongoing concern for a lot of republicans. But to be quite frank about it, they havent helped themselves in this regard. Because they havent spoken truth to power when donald trump has gone down that road. Either the party is going to be four square behind nato and what it stands for and our allies or its not, because thats who donald trump is. Hes our party. Hes the head of the party. Hes either going to reflect our values in that regard or he isnt. Michael steel, thank you. Jonathan allen, good to see you on a friday. Mark murray, good to have you as well. Enjoy the weekend. Family ties. The fbi wants to talk to Jared Kushner now in the russia probe. What do they think kushner might know . And President Trump on the last leg of his first overseas visit as commander in chief. How did his America First message play overseas . Ready or not, here i come. Anyone can dream. Making it a reality is the hard part. Northrop grumman command and control systems always let you see the complete picture. And were looking for a few dreamers to join us. All umm. Ed. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way, i think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. You want this color over the whole house . As the history majors among you, here today know, all too well, when people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society. We have been talking about hillary intons broadside against prede trump. Her speech at wellesley coming as President Trump faces problems this memorial day weekend. Problems with germany and nato and now problems with the russia investigation. Its now at his familys front door. Kelly odonnell is in italy. Shes traveling with the president. Kelly, i understand we have some breaking news, if you will, on sanctions in russia. What can you the tell us . Reporter a couple of developments here. The top advisers to the president s top economic adviser spoke with reporters giving an update. With respect to russia, the president s economic adviser saying he wants there to be in confusion that the u. S. Wants to keep the russia sanctions or make them tougher. Thats an Important Message they want understood with other leaders, and theres more information where theyll telling us that the president s views are evolving on Climate Change as hes having a working meal with the other g7 leaders. Listening, they say, learning from some of the experiences and information of other leaders. One of the Big Questions here in sicily is the fate of the paris agreement. The Climate Change agreement that president obama signed the u. S. Onto, and President Trump has been cig nalging that he would like to withdraw from it, but theres no decision. The fact that theyre saying his views are evolving is really notable, and could mean that the u. S. Might have more time to be a participant in that pact if the president is actually changing some of his views. He did stress, they said, that anything related to environment had to be also a focus on protecting jobs. That second nugget, thats big news here. If the president because you covered politics long enough to know when a politician says his or her views are evolving, that typically means im changing my mind. Any sense that is code. Any sense on aimetable when this elution might be complete . Reporter well, they are still in the process of having the meetings here. And so this was really sort of a snapshot of where things stand with top advisers giving us this report. But youre right to key in on that. Evolving means changing. It means hes not standing in the same place where he was. As hes learning from other leaders, and also getting a sense of how they might be able to Work Together on issues that do affect climate. Were also told, and this wont surprise you, that the president shared with the other World Leaders of the environmental awards he received in his business life. You can kind of picture him doing that at a family style meal as they described it to us. Before i let you go, Jared Kushner, soninlaw, Senior Adviser to President Trump. Now under fbi scrutiny. What more do we know about that . Reporter well, Jared Kushner and ivanka trump were part of the trip. They have returned home. We have been told multiple u. S. Officials say Jared Kushner may have Important Information in the russia investigation given some of his business contacts and some of his work as an intermediary in the transition between the campaign, the trump organization, and world figures. He is not someone who is suspected of any wrong doing at this time, not that at all. What they want is an opportunity to speak to kushner and his attorney gave us a statement where she said that he had already offered to Tell Congress what he knows about any contacts between russia and the trump organization, the Trump Campaign and transition, and he would be willing to do so again if called upon to do that. The fact that this comes right to the family of the president certainly raises all of the intrigue and interest in this, and it is not a surprise in some ways given the role that kushner has played so central to so many of the conversations and the contacts that deal with international partners, including russia. And so kushner may have to explain more. We dont have any date for an interview or the next steps, but multiple u. S. Officials say that they think he has information that could be pertinent to the russia investigation. Kelly, thank you. Safe travels. Lets bring in former chief of staff to john kerry. Ned price, a National Security analyst. Also former senior director at the National Security council at the white house. I want to get to kushner and russia and all that stuff in a moment. John, let me ask you about kelly reported with regards to the paris agreement. This news that the president of the United States may be changing his mind. Kelly o. Describing it as an evolution of his position on Climate Change. What do you make of that . I think kelly gave two relatively positive reports in terms of the potential policy agenda for the Trump Administration. One the president may be evolving on the paris climate agreement. We heard before the president went to the g7e postponed a decision until aft consulting with other World Leaders. That seemedike a relatively positive thing. She also said that the head of the nec said that the administration was going to remain committed to russia sanctions. Now, the problem with both of those reports is neither of them came out of the mouth of the president himself. If we learned one thing about this administration, its that Senior Advisers, even cabinet officials can say what they say, but until the president says, its as likely as not to be contradi contradicted. But these are positive signs. Ned, let me play what sean spicer said about Jared Kushners contact with russians. This was back in march. Take a listen. Throughout the campaign and the transition, jarod served as the official primary point of impact with foreign governments and officials until we had state department officials. Youre acting as though theres something nefarious about doing what he was tasked to do. The white house was saying someone had to be the point of contact with foreign governments and that job became Jared Kushners. Does that make sense . It is. Sean spicer is not always one who is prone to tell if 100 facts, but i think that explanation holds up very well with what we know of the fbis inquiry into mr. Kushner. We know he is under scrutiny as Kelly Odonnell said. He does not appear to be a target at this point. He does not appear to be a suspect. I suspect hes under scrutiny for that very reason, that he held the same role in the campaign and the transition that he holds in the Trump Administration today. And that is director of everything. And under that title, certainly the transitions contacts with foreign leaders fell within that. He was the point person, and so it makes a lot of sense that the fbi would want to talk to him to ask the key question at the center. Why was there so much interaction both meetings and communications with russians, and probably also to the point why were they withheld or later lied about . Jarod, there excuse me. John. There have been a number of visual met or thes, visual metaphors for this portion of the president s trip to europe. There was a moment that President Trump appears to push aside the leader of the newest member of nato. Theres also that bizarre handshake between President Trump and the new french president , macron, which went on for a while. Allies have been quick to assure the world none of the visual t metaphors affect the relationship. Do you buy that . Well have to wait and see. As is always the case with this president and white house, there ends up being an excessive focus on the theatrics of the meetings. Who is Holding Hands or not or having a thumb war with whom or putting their hands on a glowing orb. The most important stop is the substance. Its rare out of a nato meeting where you would say that russia which is not present and which is if anything, the adversary that nato was sort of formed against initially, came out on top. In some ways the president had to do three things. He had to show up, mention the threat supposed by russia, and reaffirm americas commitment to article five which is the collective self defense provision of nato. He did one of them and failed on the other two. Thats the play book president putin who likes to see division among america and its allies would have written in advance of this event. Ned, john, thank you both. Thank you. A victory and an apology. Fresh off his Montana Special election win, Greg Gianforte apologizes for body slamming a reporter. Despite the win, are there signs that there may be a bit of a ground shift in this country for democrats . You think traffics bad now, the futures going to be a nightmare does nobody like the future . Cmon, the future. He obviously doesnt know intel is helping power Autonomous Cars and the 5g network they connect to. With this, wont happen in the future. Thanks, jim. Theres some napkins in the glovebox. Okay, but why would i need a napkin . You could have just told me a bump was coming. We know the future. Because were building it. Ito become dangerous. D for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. Helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. Align, press and unzip. 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Ask your doctor about farxiga and learn how you can get it for free. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Sfx engine revving silence i should not have treated that reporter that way. And for that, i am sorry, mr. Ben jacobs. Montana sent a strong message tonight that we want a congressman who will work with President Trump to make america and montana great again. That was a montana congressman celebrating his victory late last night less than 24 hours after being charged with misdemeanor assault for allegedly body slamming a reporter. You heard him apologize for that incident. Despite the charges, gianforte still won. President trump commented from sicily. Here to break it all down for us, garrett hate and steve kornaki. Let me start in montana. Republicans pulling out another special election win despite all the controversy. Whats been the reaction on the ground there . What are folks in montana saying about all of this . Well, i can tell you last night the reaction in the room was surprise that gianforte was going to apologize. He got booed a little bit as he started to mention the incident. Theres been no surprise here at the victory. Gianforte led the polls because he and republican allies have nuked the democrat here, rob kwis with negative campaign ads. Turning him from a relatively unknown but liked folk musician into a an untrustworthy guy. Most of the folks expect third down win. The only real question was going to be the margin. And we dont know if because so many people voted early here, if whether or not this body slamming accusation actually boosted some of the supporters or tightened the margins. People were happy to see him fighting the unpopular liberal media. All right. Steve, how is he able to do it . How was he able to pull it off, and did he win it or did democrats just lose it . A couple things. The basic political geography and demographics of montana may have won it for gianforte. We have a little bit of information on that split between the early vote and the sameday vote. It looks like quist did better on the same days than he did in the early vote. Not a huge difference between them. Also a question of just is the nature of people who vote early versus people who vote same day, was that always going to favor the democrats. Thats a mystery for the ages now the lastminute development with the fight of the reporter, how did it affect the result. In terms of what democrats and republicans say in this nationally. First of all what democrats say is we lost but the Silver Lining is trump won this state by 21 points in november. They shaved 15 points off and brought it down to six points in this race. Republicans say a win is a win is a win. Democrats keep getting moral victories. Dont victories dont count for much in politics. In the map in terms of clues for National Significance . Look at the eastern part of montana. This is trump country. These are it counties where donald trump got 80 of the vote. Was that Republican Base going to be as strong for gianforte as it was for trump or were they not as enthusiastic . They were every bit as enthusiastic in the special election as last november. The same margins and level of enthusiasm here for gianforte as you saw for trump last november. The problem for democrats, college university, university of montana, they needed to be near 70 . Got about 63 . Strong, not strong enough. Billings, biggest county and city in the state. They lost this by 19 points. Improvement for democrats, but not enough. Steve, we keep hearing about this wave election thats coming in 2018. Any sign of that . Theres absolutely a sign that theres been movement in the democrats direction. Heres the evidence we have from special elections so far. You started in kansas a couple weeks ago. This is a district, this kansas district, dold trump won it by 27 points last november. They held a special election for this house seat. The margin was only 7. Republican won but much closer. That was the closest congressional race in that district in a generation. Then you take a look at montana. Like i said, donald trump won the state by 21 points last november. Democrats brought the margin down to 6. This is what democrats say. They say were not winning these, but theyre deep red districts and were shaving margins off what the republicans normally do. This is building toward put up or shut up time for the democrats. Its a few weeks in georgia. This is the suburbs north of atlanta. This district is everything democrats say they need to take back the house in 2018. This is a district that donald trump won by just one point. If democrats win this on june 20th, that puts them where they say they need to be. Heading into 2018. If they lose, they got a lot of explaining to do. Steve at that big board. I could watch you at that board for 30 minutes. Garrett, thats host card pretty in boseman, montana. Thats a nice assignment. Thank you both. Enjoy your weekend. There are now five different investigations at least into campaign ties to russia or their attempts to interfere in the president ial election. Are all the committees, are all the investigators working together, or are they working against one another . Well ask one member of the House Intelligence Committee that question. And homeward bound, President Trump returning back from his week jaeoverseas. Was the week a rousing success . So when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. Now i can start relaxing even before the vacation begins. Your memorial day weekend is very important. Thats why booking. Com makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. Find great deals now at booking. Com. Booking. 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Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. The latest development into the probe into russias influence of the 2016 election hits home to donald trump. Jared kushner now under fbi scrutiny. I want to bring in congresswoman terry sole. Member of the house intention committee which is conducting one of the numerous investigations into russias influence in the 2016 election. Congresswoman, thank you for being with me on a friday afternoon. Thank you. Has your committee expressed interest in Jared Kushner so far . Any plans to call him to testify . I cant talk about what the considerable information and the list of folks were talking with on the House Intelligence Committee. I can tell you i believe the house investigation is back on track. Just this past week we had in a public testimony and hearing director brennan, former director of the cia who really made it very clear that there was evidence of contact and interaction between the Trump Campaign and russia. I believe its really critically important that we follow the facts and while im not trying to prejudge it at all, i think its really important that we have this various levels of investigations. Im glad that weve appointed a special prosecutor, but it doesnt replace what we have to do on the House Intelligence Committee. Im glad you mention the special counsel. The fbi declined to provide memos by james comey to the House Oversight committee, citing the newly appointed special councils investigation. Does the special councils investigation in any way, shape, or form have the potential to derail congressional invests into russia and the 2016 election . Not at all. Its not a replacement for our oversight responsibilities. I think its really important that we do have a special koi. Council. I think that speaks to the urgen urgency. And also the gravity to the abuse of power that the president showed inrying to interfere with the fbis vestigation. We know that at the end of the day, the special council will be reporting back to the Trump Administration and the justice department. Its important we have congressional investigations, and i would also suggest we put a bill on the floor and appoint an independent commission thats nonpartisan and independent on our congressional oversight. All of these things should work in concert and not be a replacement for either. I want to talk to you about your states governor in alabama signing a bill that restores Voting Rights to thousands of felons in that state. Earlier in the week you had the u. S. Supreme court striking down two gerrymanders congressional districts. What do you make of whats happening in alabama and North Carolina . Is progress being made to make sure voters are not barred from exercising their right to vote . Last week and this week was a good week for protecting Voting Rights. When it comes to protecting Voting Rights, the last folks that i would trust would be the Trump Administration in doing it. Im very happy that the dnc put up a special commission. Im serving as vice chair, and the purpose of our commission is as a direct response to the president , President Trump, establishing this commission on election integrity. I dont think that we can trust our president when it comes to protecting Voting Rights. Hes made very a lot of baseless claims by saying that so many illegal americans voted in the last election. We are here as a reality check on whats really going on in this country when it comes to Voting Rights. Being a native of selma and the congressperson who represents the civil rights district, theres no bigger challenge to our democracy than making sure that every american has access to the ballot box. While we dont have to count how many marbles are in a jar, we both know that photo i. D. S and other modernday barriers to voting still exist. And so what the Supreme Court said in the North Carolina case is that it proves that photo i. D. S are another way of being a barrier to the access of a ballot box. This progress has been great. But we must be ever vigilant to make sure that we restore the Voting Rights act of 1969 1965. I look forward to dropping my bill on the anniversary of the shelby decision. Ill do so on the end of june. I hope to do so in grand fair, because i think theres no bigger threat to our democracy than protecting every americans righting to vote. Perhaps you heard last hour, Hillary Clinton gave quite the pointed speech at relatiwellesl. She took aim at the president. Heres part of what he said. If you feel powerless, dont. Dont let anyone tell you your voice doesnt matter. In the years to come, there will be trolls galore. Online and in person. Eager to tell you that you dont have anything worthwhile to say or anything meaningful to contribute. They may even call you a nasty woman. Congresswoman, is Hillary Clinton the de facto leader of your party . I dont know about that. But i can tell you on listening to that clip of her, all i can say isam, sister hillary. I do believe that there are efforts to muffle voices in our american democracy, and we all know that russia mettled in our democracy and elections, and we all as americans, republicans and democrats and independents should be alarmed and want to get to the bottom of russians int interferen interference, how they did it, if anyone helped them, and make sure it doesnt happen again. You pulled a sidestep. You didnt answer the question. Whos the leader of the Democratic Party right now . We have many exciting Leaders Within the Democratic Party. Im very excited about the excitement and enthusiasm on the ground. Im from alabama, but whats going on in georgia, were excited about republican districts narrowing, and democrats all right. Making a big end roads. I think there are lots of great, exciting Democratic Leaders that are on the horizon. Congresswoman, excellent job filibustering there. Well come back in a few months. Ill ask you that same question. Who is the de facto leader of the Democratic Party. Perhaps youll have an answer then. Thank you for your time. Thank you. President trump on the last leg of that nineday fivecountry overseas trip. The president today met with g p leaders in sicily after meetings with nate to leaders. I want to bring in christopher hill, ambassador to iraq under president obama, and ambassador to south korea under president george w. Bush. Ambassador hill, let me start with you. Earlier ambassador nick burns called the president s trip the, coa quote, single least effective visit by a president to nato in years. Hi hyperbole or accurate assessment . If you gave me a week, maybe i could think of one that went worse. It was a failure to articulate the u. S. View of the defense. The failure to mention article 5. This was an alliance that was the for us right after 9 11. So i think it went very poorly. And frankly, i thought the european swing would be easier than the middle east swing, and yet, i think strangely enough, he did a better job in the middle east than he did in europe. You know its funny you mentioned that. Theres been a lot made of the difference between the middle eastern part of the trip and the european part. The president s tone when he spoke. We wanted to put together for our viewers and listeners, and again, these are just examples. Obviously this isnt the entire trip, but take a look at some of the president s statements between the two trips. We are not here to lecture. We are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do. I have been very j very direct in saying that nato members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations. Instead, we are hear to offer Partnership Based on shared interests and values. But 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they are supposed to be paying for their defense. I also promise that america will not seek to impose our way of life on others. This is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the United States. So in front of one crowd its oh, im not going to really preach. In front of the other crowd, its you guys owe us money. Pay up. How do you explain the difference between the message to those two audiences . Theyre different audiences. Theyre both vintage donald trump, whether a good idea or bad idea. What he said on the campaign trail, he has brought into the oval office. Were not going to lecture. That means thats code for human rights is not important to my foreign policy. He mentioned it in passing, drive these people out of the middle east, drive these people out of the world. I think he mentioned equality once in his speech in saudi arabia. Interesting he did that in saudi arabia where women cant drive or travel without a male companion, but he also said on the campaign trail that allies arent living up to their end of the bargain. We have horrible deals here. I mean the effect, particularly in a stop in europe, i agree with everything chris just said. The american president has always been seen as the leader of the free world. Thats not where we are at the present time. P. J. Crowley, ambassador christopher hill, i wish we had more time. Thank you for your ti. Answering the call. Thousands of young recruits spending this memorial day weekend preparing to serve their country. A rare look at basic training for this countrys future soldiers. What . We gotta go. Where . San francisco. When . Friday. We gotta go. [ tires screech ] any airline. Any hotel. Any time. Go where you want, when you want with no blackout dates. [ muffled music coming from club. Blue monday by new order. 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Reporter all year long, the u. S. Army puts wouldbe soldiers through a nineweek basic training with one goal transferring civilians to soldiers. If they expect to come here and not be deployed, they wont make a good soldier if they have that mindset. Reporter are you nervous . Of course, sir. Reporter whats that feel like . It feels like freedom, sir. Reporter freedom. Whats this to you . Serve for six years, get out and get my pilot license. Reporter good. What do you think . Pretty good, right . Yes, sir. A troop buildup signed into law last year by president obama. President trump has called for an even greater increase, one that would bring total active duty troop numbers to 540,000. But the army is already working hard to hit its current goal of 436,000 this year, spend 3g00 million just to recruit soldiers this year. Thats because a whopping 70 of military aged people dont meet the medical qualification to serve. Why do you think it is the fraction of americans who ultimately are qualified to enlist . There is a fraction of our society that the physical activity kind of dissuades them away from it. Reporter i joined recruits to experience some of the obstacles theyre trained to overcome here. Physical, on the ground. Mental, 30 feet above ground. And respiratory in the tear gas chamber. Can i take my glasses off . Absolutely. Reporter all right. This is the real deal. Take a deep breath. Tear gas is coming out of the canister here. All of them will have to take their masks off. Eyes open. Reporter how was that . It was worse than i expected, but we survived. Reporter why did you sign up for this . I did it to better my fiancee and my family when i get back home. Reporter is it worth it . Oh, yeah. Reporter soldiers get a moment to let their guard down. I dont know if theyre just afraid something is going to happen and well have to be overseas given the case or here. Reporter are you afraid . It is what it is. Whats going on with north korea and syria . Reporter whats going on with north korea and syria . Just a lot of tension and the president is thinking about sending soldiers to afghanistan. You dont hear about all that here . It doesnt matter to us. We are in the no zone. Reporter the no zone. And facing a future today that is in the hands of President Trump. Craig, its incredible to see that less than 1 of all americans actually serve in the u. S. Military. The physical, the mental challenges they have to go through to serve there, particularly because President Trump is considering sending more american troops to afghanistan. This is part of the reason, perhaps, that he went with president obamas troop numbers 476,000 and didnt go up to what he had promised during the campaign. Which also explains why there is that disconnect sometimes between guys who are in the military and the rest of us. Thats right. Jacob soboroff for us on this memorial day weekend. 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