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1,000 per day in recent weeks. This as one of the highest profile republicans in the capitol, mitt romney, is criticizing the president for the second time this week, this time for his failure to denounce something at last nights town hall. I dont know about qanon. You do know. I dont know. Romney says the president s unwillingness to denounce an absurd conspiracy the theory continues an alarming pattern. Those who embrace extremists may be opening the door to a Political Movement that could eclipse them. Joe biden is in romneys home state of michigan where hell speak later this hour. Joining us now is former democratic senator and majority leader harry reid of nevada. He led the Senate Democrats from 2005 to 2017. Senator reid, great to have you with us. I hope you dont mind me asking about your health. How are you doing, sir . Are you in remission for pancreatic cancer . How are you feeling . Okay so far. Take one day at a time, but i feel pretty good. Thats good to hear that, sir. Im sure a lot of people in this country are praying for your healthy recovery. Thank you. Let me switch gears, sir, for a moment to judiciary committee. Its obviously due to vote on Amy Coney Barretts nomination next thursday. Id like to get your reaction to how fast this process has been to confirm her on the Supreme Court. What do you make of how its played out . I think its bigger than barrett. The senate has turned into nothing but a platform for judges. Under mcconnells leadership, the legendary United States senate is nothing more than a place where they dont do amendments, they dont do any legislation. The only thing theyre doing is judges. I think that were going to have a new congress in just a few months, and were going to have to get back to the way we used to do business. Its really a shame whats happened in the senate. Well get to that in just a moment about how if at all we can get back to doing business. But let me continue on this for a moment. Democrats are worried that Amy Coney Barretts confirmation could also mean the end of the Affordable Care act. Do democrats have a way to save et . Well, shes going to be approved. You have to understand that. And im not sure that its a guarantee that theyll knock out the Affordable Care act. The court is they base everything they do on precedent and look at what the facts are before them at any given time, but they cant ignore the Public Opinion about the Affordable Care act. If they knocked it out, more than 20 million americans in a matter of seconds would be without any health care. Preexisting disabilities would be no longer something that would be protected. So i think theyre going to approve barrett. I dont think its a guarantee that even with her on the court theyd knock out the Affordable Care act. Do you think it was a mistake for democrats to actually participate in the hearing . I mean, theres been some criticism directed towards senator Dianne Feinstein for the way she em placed Lindsey Graham at the end of that, the way she praised the way the committee was being conducted. Do you think they should have even participated in what many are describing as a power grab . I think they should have. Its part of the program. I think if they gained no knowledge but for the fact that she would be stumbled when she was asked about climate change, climate change, especially for anyone under age 30, is a number one issue in their life. And she really was not very responsive to that very important question. As youre aware, when you were majority leader, you got rid of the filibuster for some judicial appointments, paving the way for barrett to be confirmed. At the time, im sure youre aware, republicans said you would regret that decision. Do you regret what you did when you were in that leadership position . No. Lets return to when this took place. Obama had been elected president. He was very popular. And republicans had a big meeting in washington, and they came away with two conclusions, one, he would not be reelected, they failed at that miserably, and they would oppose everything he tried to do. They succeeded in that. So we have oa very popular president. For the first time in the history of the country, the filibuster the secretary of defense, a republican senator, chuck hagel from nebraska, who couldnt we had many vacancies on the ec circuit, the second most Important Court in this country. We couldnt fill those. We couldnt get cabinets. We had the National Labor Relations Board and they didnt like the labor union so they took the legs out from under the nlrb and we couldnt even get a quorum there. So we had no choice. And, you know, i regret it . No. Im glad we did it. It made obamas presidency remarkable. As a result of our changing the rules, which by the way had been changed many times in the past, we were able to get over 100 judges approved, we were able to get his cabinet officers approved in the d. C. Circuit. We filled that, took care of the National Labor Relations Board. But just as importantly, we were able as a result of that change i made to get the Affordable Care act, obamacare, approved. We were able to do the most significant reform of wall street in the history of the country with the dodd frank legislation. We had better legislation, which put women on more equal footing with men with their pay. We did lots of good things as a result of that rule change, and im glad we did it. Remember, we had it set up so that we could approve of a Supreme Court judge, the only way was with a supermajority. The republicans changed that. I didnt. Lets look forward about what democrats can do next. Joe biden was asked last night about expanding the size of the Supreme Court. Heres what he had to say, sir. You are open to expanding the court . Im open to considering what happens from that point on. So youll come out with a clear position before election day . Yes. Depending on how they handle this. In your opinion, sir, should joe biden expand the Supreme Court if he wins and democrats take the senate . I think senator biden would be making a big mistake if he made public what he thinks should happen before the election. I think this is something once the election is out of the way, he will be president , well have a democratic senate, a democratic house, and i think he needs to take a look at it then, not now. Democratic senate candidates, sir, i wanted your thoughts quickly about the way theyre outpacing and outfunding their rivals right now in some key battleground states. Do you think that is an indicator for how this election may go based on those numbers that we have up there on the screen . I predict were going to take the presidency, well build on a majority in the house, well win seats at colorado, montana, maine, georgia, well win in arizona and iowa, were i head even in acc. We only need three for a majority, and i think we will do that. Let me ask you about Coronavirus Relief efforts. When it comes to that, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says his members are not on board with the plan that is currently being negotiated between nancy pelosi and the white house. How much power do you think majority leader mcconnell has over this process . He has ultimate power. If the white house and the house of representatives agree and he doesnt, we cant get anything done. Thats the way it is. And finally, sir, are you advising Chuck Schumer at all throughout this process . What would you be advising him to do Going Forward if he becomes, in fact, the majority leader of the senate . Chuck schumer is a very talented person. I taught him everything i knew. And i should your viewers should understand that hes got a perfect score on the s. A. T. , the lsat. He was extremely smart. Hes don a great job as a democratic leader. I have no doubts that hell as majority lead br a very good one. Former Senate Majority leader harry reid, thang you, sir. We wish you health and a safe recovery. Thanks for your time. Thank you very much. One of the major Senate Battlegrounds and twha promises to be one of the most expensive races for the seat in the p upper chamber. From raleigh, North Carolina, Chris Jansing joins us. Good to talk to you. Weve been talking about the important races in this country. This race was hit by a major scandal two weeks ago. Tell us about the kind of impact it is having. Reporter this race is huge, so huge that almost 250 million has been spent on it. Thats insane kind of money. And its because control of the senate is key for both sides. They were always looking at North Carolina and then the democrat who looked like he was headed for a win, cal cunningham, found himself in the middle of a sectioni isexting s. People are still talking about it. We sat down with three men to ask them what they thought now about this senate race. Take a listen. Its coming down like a referendum on lockdown. Every single sign is this guys going to lift the lockdown, this one will keep it. Its hard to imagine like the sex scandal moving a needle on it. Do you care about the sex scandal . Its important. If politicians are willing to be dishonest with their own family, theyre willing to be dishonest with constituents. Did it move you away from cunning tsunami. Yep. Thats one of the most despicable things you can do is lie to your family. Do you think thom tillis is making a decision to go maskless and then get sick has hurt him with some people . Its apock liptally stupid that theyve tied antilockdown to antimask. We have cunningham, tillis, and maybe a tillis. Reporter so there have been at least four polls since this sexting scandal broke. In them, there seems to be virtually no movement. Cunningham is still ahead, but heres what makes democrats nervous, ayman. When you look at his personal approval rating, its down, honest and trustworthiness, to 27 . In two recent polls when people are asked could this make you change your mind about cunningham, between a quarter and a third of people said it could, but, again, so far it has not moved the needle. I will tell you, though, that when i talked to one democratic operative on the ground, she said im furious cunningham has this. I hope the most recent polls are right. We will have to wait and see. Indeed we will. Like so many other races in this country. Chris jansing live for us. Thank you. A career prosecutor leaves the Justice Department after almost four decades, resigning in protest over what he says is attorney general bill barrs politicization of the Justice Department. He joins me next. Its open hey. Think youre managing your moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns Disease . Are you ok . I did. But even when i was there. I never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So, i talked to my doctor and learned. Humira is for people who still have uc or crohns symptoms after trying other medications. And humira helps people achieve remission that can last. So you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Joe biden was raised with middle class values. Joe doesnt need to be the center of attention. Or see himself on tv. He has always focused on getting the job done. Joe led us out of the 2008 recession, and increased Health Coverage for millions. As president , joe will focus on getting us out of our crises. Hell listen to experts, work across the aisle. And put the American People first. Ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. Lets start with a fact check. Last night President Trump denied his National Security adviser Robert Obrien warned him about the coronavirus. This despite obrien publicly confirming the story. Watch. Did your National Security adviser on january 28th in the oval office warn you this would be the greatest National Security risk for the administration . No. I read i read it someplace, maybe woodward said it or something, but, no, he did not say that. Youre quoted to say to the president , this will be the biggest National Security threat you face in your presidency. This is going to be the roughest thing you face. Is that true . It is true. It was during one of our overall intelligence briefs, and it was something we were concerned about. And theres another National Security story developing concerning the white house. The Washington Post reports that u. S. Intelligence agencies have warned the white house last year that Rudy Giuliani, the president s personal lawyer, was being targeted by a russian influence operation according to four former officials familiar with the matter. Joining me now is nbcs ken delaney. What have you learned . Ayman, i have confirmed part of that Washington Post story, the fact that u. S. Intelligence agencies were spying on russian agents who were talking to jewel jool and they became concerned that giuliani was being fed disinformation that was being used to intervene in the 2020 election. They prepared a classified report and sent it to the white house. Separately, there have been a series of stories in the New York Post this week based on emails, text messages, videos purportedly coming from a lap top owned by hunter biden left at a delaware repair shop. We are reporting exclusively that federal investigators are examining whether that is the product of a foreign influence operation. Of course the russians would be the likely suspect in that as well. The link here is giuliani, because these materials were seized by the fbi, but the shop owner in delaware also gave them to Rudy Giuliani, who supplied them to the New York Post. And so the question here is, is this a russian operation to try to intervene in the election and discredit joe biden and help donald trump . Now, Rudy Giuliani has told msnbc last month, and he said again to the post, he was not aware that he was dealing with russian agents. There was a particular parliament guy, a russian agent, giuliani met with him, giuliani saying he was not a key witness in getting material about joe biden. But theres no doubt that Rudy Giuliani has been trying to dig up dirt in ukraine on joe biden and no doubt that the russians have been trying to voice that dirt into the american bloodstream. Well see what happens in terms of what they determine about this computer in delaware and these New York Post stories. Of course all of that happens while republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin on fox news last night calling on the fbi to review these emails. Let me play a part of that. I think the fbi has to come clean in terms of, you know, did they receive this, have they done forensics on this computer, what do they know about it, have they tracked this down, investigated any of this, have they gone and tried to verify some of these emails. How far, ken, could this go . Have we heard anything from the fbi on how they might respond to the types of comments we heard from the senator . The fbi is not commenting. They do not want to be in the middle of an election dispute as they were in 2016. Its interesting this republican senator is focused on the emails and what they say about joe biden, whereas the fbi may well be dpofocused on the provenance this material and were they in fact planted by russian intelligence. We dont know where whether the emails were doctored or authenticated p authenticated. They seem to suggest dealings with the bidens and ukraine, but with until we get answers on that its not responsible to report on it. Incredible to hear the senator not even question their provenance. Ken, thank you as always. President trump this week is lashing out at the Justice Department and attorney general bill barr, specifically calling out the doj for not being more aggressive toward his political opponents. They dont want to affect the election, so lets wait till after. Well, some of the people that are running are very much implicated in the stuff theyre looking at. So why should they get a free pass because it took too long to do the investigation . Joining me now is phillip halpern, who this week i should note resigned as the u. S. Assistant attorney for san diego, where he had been for 36 years, under six president s and 19 attorney generals. He was involved in the successful prosecution of President Trumps ally, former congressman Duncan Hunter. Great to have you with us. Thanks for joining us. Let me read a part of your oped in the San Diego Union tribune that you left your post because of attorney general bill barr. Tell us about that and your decision. Well, i have to tell you at the outset that im as surprised as anybody that were talking. Im a reluctant spokesperson for the people. I think that the department of justice has some of the most loyal people and i cherish the work they do. And ive been proud of every time i could step in front of a jury and say i represent the people of the United States. What bothers me here is the present attorney general believes he serves the president and not the people. And once that happens, our very democracy is imperiled. What are you basing that on, sir . Give me the perspective that led you to that conclusion that the attorney general is currently serving the president , not people. Well, i think hes made it clear, the president , from general kelly to general mattis to john bolton to jeff sessions. Donald trump has made it Crystal Clear theres no place in his administration for anyone who places Loyal Service to their country over blind obedience to him. We see that in the fact that the attorney general repeatedly doesnt administer the law in an evenhanded way. He has no problem authorizing the use of tear gas against protesters in lafayette park. He will speak out and criticize black lives matter protesters in heartland, labeling them an assault on our government, yet he remains idle and strangely silent when rightwing, militia attack the Michigan State capital. In fact, after donald trump tweeted, free michigan, barr showed his true colors by responding that the actions of the michigan governor simply issuing a health order to try to protect her citizens was the greatest intrusion on Civil Liberties since slavery. I mean, thats absurd. This is something that every citizen of the United States should be absolutely up in arms about. You know, these are a dictators demands, not a patriots principle. And unfortunately, william barr, more and more often, simply follows the dictates of donald trump. Let me play what some might see as a schism between the two men. Last week President Trump called on attorney general bill barr to explicitly indict his political opponents, which barr has not done. Then just a few days ago, President Trump had this to say about him. Bill barr, will he be around in a second term . I have no comment. Cant comment on that. Its too early. Too early. Im not happy with all the evidence i had. I can tell you that. Im not happy. How would you, sir, or how should the public interpret this . Barr resisting pressure from the president or do you have any faith that he can hold out . How do you explain that, that hes not going with the president s wishes to politically prosecute some of his opponents . Let me make it clear. Bill barr in the past has been a loyal servant in our democracy. He served on raably in the past as attorney general, and hes had other posts. I think every Single Person has his breaking point. The president demands to indict barack obama, the Vice President , joe biden, and before that hillary clinton. These are simply beyond the pale for anybody. Weve had to put up with this quixotic pursuit by john dunn ham, and theres nothing there. Thats what the fbi and our Senate Intelligence committee has made perfectly clear in the past. So i am hopeful that bill barr has actually reached a limit and hell stop playing a puppet for donald trump. From your experience, sir, what happens inside a u. S. Attorneys office when the president of the United States tweets about a case as the president did during your prosecution of Duncan Hunter back in 2018 . What does that do . What are the implications of that for your case and for your investigation . To tell you the damage is almost impossible. Theres nothing more disheartening than people who have given their life in the service of this country, the agents of the fbi and the other agencies, the career federal prosecutors, who are doing everything they can, you know, without regard to pay, to try to do justice. And to have that undermined by the president is one of the most abhorrent things i can think. And certainly, when i saw things like that, it was one of the saddest days not only for me but for the country. All right. Former federal prosecutor phillip halpern. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate your time. Ayman, thank you. As states across the midwest see Record Number of covid cases and hospitalizations rise, a new Study Reveals that remdesivir, the drug taken by President Trump, fails to prevent coronavirus deaths, but doctors in europe still plan on using it. Were live in london with more. Twins grandparents we want to put money aside for them, so. Change in plans. Alright, lets see what we can adjust. 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Forty years ago, when our own scientists at big oil predicted that burning fossil fuels could lead to catastrophic effects, we spent billions to sweep it under the rug. So were going to be fine. But you might want to start a compost pile and turn down the ac, you got a lot of work to do. Because your kids are going to need it. Lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. Here are the facts in the coronavirus pandemic as we know them at this hour. Several states setting grim records unfortunately. President trump heading to gainesville, wisconsin, tomorrow. The state just shattered its singleday record with 4,000 new cases. The states Top Health Official warned this week that, quote, it will get worse before it gets better. Vice president mike pence is in North Carolina today where Health Officials announced 2,600 new virus cases, breaking the states daily record for the second day in a row. And for the first time indiana recorded more than 2,000 new cases today with more than 2,300. Indiana state Health Officials did say about 300 of the cases are from earlier this week but were delayed due to a technical area. New mexico broke its singleday record for new cases with 668 positive tests on thursday. The antiviral drug remdesivir which President Trump received during his hospitalization with covid19 has little to no effect in preventing deaths among its patients. This according to a brandnew study sponsored by the World Health Organization. The report has not yet been peer reviewed, but its findings would mean that remdesivir could become the fourth treatment that the World Health Organization has tested and found not to be effective in treating the virus. Gilead sciences, the maker of remdesivir, disputes the conclusions of the World Health Organization study. Joining me from london is nbc news correspondent, global correspondent, willem marx. Youve been covering remdesivir for us and the shortages that are taking place in europe. What else did you learn from this w. H. O. Study and what could be its implications . Reporter well, ayman, it was a very significant study because its the largest of its kind so far. They published it overnight, the World Health Organization. This was looking at more than 11,000 patients, more than 400 hospitals in 30 different countrie countries. Of those patients, 2,750 received remdesivir over the course of six months, they had treatment that lasted ten days. Essentially what they found was not positive at all compared to some of the smaller studies that have existed already that have suggested that people on this drug will get out of hospital quicker. What they found was there would be no appreciable reduction in ventilator initiation, people would not go on to ventilators later having taken remdesivir. They wont be getting out of hospital treatment anytime quicker. And the mortality, clear, of course, not clearly reduced. No evidence this drug is helping at all. It hasnt been peer reviewed, though, and its in diametric opposition to some of the studies out there. Thats why gilead is disputing some of these findings. Whats important, this drug being made a treatment for many doctors including here in europe. Theyve spent a billion euros on it and some critics say it wasnt money well spent. Between regeneron and remdesivir, it will be interesting to see what kind of progress we can make with those two drugs. Willem marx, thank you as always. See his latest reporting on remdesivir on nbcnews. Com. President trump is facing backlash for making false assertions about mask wearing during his nbc news town hall last night, incorrectly citing a cdc study. Watch. Im very underleveraged. I have a very, very small percentage of deaths. Are you confirming, yes, you do owe some 400 million . Im saying its a tiny percentage of my net worth. That sounds like a yes. I dont owe russia money. I owe a very, very small its called mortgages. People have a house, they put a mortgage on it. Any foreign bank or entity . Not that i know of, but probably because its so easy to solve. I will let you know who i owe, whatever small amount of money. So our apologies, that was the wrong sound bite, not the sound bite where the president was asserting people who are Wearing Masks are getting coronavirus. In fact, the Associated Press notes if 85 of people who are Wearing Masks got infected as the president asserted last night, the vast majority of americans would be infected. Joining me now is dr. Steven stamp, an emergency physician at Memorial Health care center in jasper, indiana. Apologies to our viewers for playing that incorrect sound bite. We know that masks work. What do you make of the president s comments last night regarding masks . He said theres a study, didnt cite the study, said theres a study that 85 of those Wearing Masks are still getting the coronavirus. Right. Hello. Thanks for having me on your show today. So i think the first thing to remember when it comes to coronavirus is that trump lies as easily as he breathes, right. Everything he says on this virus should be taken with a grain of salt. Absolutely the study did not show that. He pulled numbers out of an observational study. They called a bunch of people who got coronavirus. The study showed the riskiest behavior across the board these people undertook was actually just eating out in restaurants. You know, these respondent studies on the phone are always kind of theyre kind of sketchy anyway because people tend to make stuff up. If you ask men if they wash their hands after theyre using the restroom, im sure 100 of them say yes, but if you hang out in a public bathroom, you know thats not the case, right . This was completely misconstrued on purpose. Either he knows or doesnt care because it suits his narrative or hes getting information from qanon memes on the internet. A valid point about the hand washing as an example. Im curious, the president talks about how early on officials mistakenly said dont wear masks, and correct me if im wrong here, but in the beginning when there was a shortage of supplies, a shortage of ppe, the general argument was that the masks should be preserved for those on the front lines because there was such a shortage of supply. It wasnt necessarily because they did not know whether masks were working properly. It was they were concerned about those who needed the masks essentially more than others. Absolutely. Dont refer it to as past tense because were still using reusing ppe. We still do not have enough ppe eight months into this mess. But, yeah, its really hard for americans to get their head around this. Unfortunately, were all watching science happen real time in front of us. I was one of those people early on saying, yo, keep the masks for me, i need them, im breathing in peoples faces every day, theyre breathing on me. As we have learned, we have seen across the board how this can really help mitigate the spread. You know, with the remdesivir study, we see we have very few tools in our arsenal as physicians to care for this bug, and its not that big of a surprise. We basically got dexamethasone, a 40yearold drug cheap and easy to get, and supportive care. But americans are the front line and all they have is masks and distancing. Every time somebody suggests they dont work, somebody else takes off their mask, somebody else gets sick, and somebody else dies. Dr. Stephen sample, thanks for joining us. I appreciate your insight. Thank you. And the room is set for joe biden in battleground michigan. A state President Trump nearly won back in 2016 but is now trailing in. Any minute now, joe biden will be speaking to voters about access to afford able health care. Were live inmy me aft michigane break. Might seem. Excessive. Unless. Getting lost is the whole point. [sfx typing sound] [sfx typing sound] [sfx typing sound] their laundry smells moremily amazing than ever. In flings, [sfx typing sound] uh, honey . Isnt that the dogs towel . Hey, me towel su towel. Theres more gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze odor remover in every fling. Gain. Seriously good scent with the ninja foodito intelligesmart xl grill. 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Tell your Health Care Professional if youve ever experienced severe muscle weakness after receiving a flu shot. People with weakened immune systems, including those receiving therapies that suppress the immune system, may experience lower immune responses. Vaccination may not protect everyone. Side effects include pain, redness, and or swelling where you got the shot, muscle ache, headache, and general discomfort. Other side effects may occur. If youre 65 , dont settle for a standarddose flu shot. Move up to superior flu protection. See your Health Care Provider and ask for fluzone highdose quadrivalent by name. Art class. Its abstract expressionism. When you start with a better hot dog from oscar mayer, you can do no wrong. Its all for the love of hot dogs. Joe biden is in a key swing state, that of michigan, making his pitch to voters on how he would handle health care amid the pandemic. President barack obama will be hitting the trail for biden in pennsylvania. Joining me now mike memoli in detroit. Good to have you with us. How is the Biden Campaign feeling about his town hall performance, and what are we expecting to hear from biden on the trail today . Reporter will, ayman, anybody who might have seen part or both of those dueling town halls last night really, you get a feel when you see the contrast of what we missed out on by not seeing those two candidates on the same debate stage together in a town hall format. From the Biden Campaigns perspective, short of being able to be with donald trump in that setting, they feel it was a home run for them, one adviser giving him an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10 for his performance. Theyve leaned on that town hall especially in the early primaries when he was struggling to gain traction and they thought it was really strong. I will tell you, donald trump wont be happy about it. Our bosses probably arent happy about it. But the biden team thrilled at the ratings showing his town hall outrated the president s. Now, as for what were seeing in terms of the message today, biden about to take the podium in another event before the drivein rally here. The message of the day is on health care. This is the closing message for democrats in the midterms in 2018, defending the Affordable Care act. Its certainly front and center for democrats now. Gary peters, a senator, faces a tough reelection campaign, joining biden for this event, as well as gretchen whitmer. We havent seen her with biden since that plot against her. It will be interesting to see if the Vice President responds to what we heard from the president last night. We just got the topics for the next and final debate between biden and President Trump. Obviously, theres supposed to be three. Its only going to be two this time. Walk us through what this next debate will look like, obviously hosted by our dear friend, kristen welkewelker. Hard at work developing the questions and topics. Well have some overlap from the first debate but some new topics. One, fighting covid19. Of course part of that first debate, definitely going to be a topic of conversation again. Next, american families. Also climate change, an issue that wasnt discussed as a full topic block in the first debate. Then National Security and president ial leadership. As we talk about the debate timing and coming up next week, you mentioned president Obama Joining for campaign, doing his first inperson event. That will be next wednesday, the day before thursdays debate. A nice setup from the prominent surrogate for the biden team on wednesday. Mike memoli on the trail for us. As always, thanks, my friend. Reporter thank you. Up next, why the republican partys socalled ballot security efforts look much more like voter intimidation than legitimate poll watching. Plus, twitter changes its policy on hacked materials after facing backlash for its handling of unverified reporting by the New York Post about joe biden and his son. That and more. For people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. 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With 18 days left until election day, President Trump continues to push the debunked narrative that widespread voter fraud will occur. When i see thousands of ballots, unsew listed ballots given out by the millions, thousands of them dumped in dumpsters. You see military ballots and theyre dumped in garbage cans. We could go all night which we wont. Its happy every day. Youre talking about 150 million votes, your own fbi director says there is no evidence of widespread fraud. Then hes not doing a very good job. Joining me is tremayne lee, host of the into america podcast. The most recent episode explores the 1981 gub ernatorial race in new jersey where voter intimidation played a roll. The president encouraging his supporters to go to the polls saying in the last debate they should go and, quote, watch very carefully. Give us the perspective here of voter intimidation in the 1981 race and do we see any parallels with today . Thank you for having me. Certainly 1981 looks a lot like 2020 right now. In 1981 in my home state of new jersey there was a tight race between republican tom cane and Democrat John florio. It was so tight the Republican National party decided they had to do something. They formed the National Ballot Security Task force which was 200 local guys, some exlaw enforcement, some off duty law enforcement, to go to black and brown communities in places like newark and south jersey where im from. They had the guys show up at the polls to make noise. They hired a guy who became notorious because during the riots of the 60s he armed white vigilante groups to organize the community. Many of these folks were armed, they chased folks away from the polls. When you think about whether there are any parallels now. You hear this idea of an army for trump, trumps army. Tree tremayne lee, thank you for that. Down load the podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Lets turn to twitter, which is reversing a company policy, the Company Initially blocked the link to the unverified and controversial New York Post story that alleges emails on hunter biden. Twitter later changed course saying weve received significant feedback from critical to supportive about how we enforced our hacked materials policy yesterday. After reflecting on the feedback we decided to make changes to the policy and how we enforce it. It comes as republican senators are threatening to subpoena jack dorsey over the controversy. Joining me elizabeth dwaskin, who has reported on this. Thank you for joining us. Twitter says they will no longer removed hacked content unless it is directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert with them. I think a big question here is how can these Companies Even determine Something Like that . And the source of the information, whats hacked versus what isnt . Yeah, you get the feeling that theyre just making these decisions on the fly and covering this whole covering the tech world for the last eight years and the social media world i still have that feeling even though theyre also trying to stand on principle. Theyre being forced to make decisions in real time in an election where misinformation is running rampant and the president and his supporters are often the biggest prom lu gaiters of that. So the waters are very muddy and you have the specter of the 2016 election really hanging over the Tech Companies and all their decisions. In 2016, russians, russian operatives sowed disinformation to millions of americans on social media and also the fact that russia hacked the dnc to get John Podestas emails and gave them to wikileaks. That story spread all over social media without context and the news media also shares blame for not contextualizing what are the political motivations behind that and whos behind it. Now you have this story in the post in 2020, about the purported emails of joe bidens son and the provenance of the emails is still unclear. We know the stories go completely viral before news organizations get to fact check them or debunk them. If youre twitter, facebook, what would do you . Its almost adamned if you do, damned if you dont type of situation. Say they didnt take action and it was hacked materials and it goes viral. Then they repeat 2016 and get in trouble. Instead, they exercise caution, got huge backlash, not just from republicans but also from journalists who said, wait, what the New York Post doing anything that was very different from, you know, in terms of obtaining information from what main stream media does. We have about 15 seconds, what do they do in the next two weeks . Play an aggressive role or keep a low profile . I think aggressive. I think theres so much pressure on them to act and so much fear that they will get in trouble if they dont, i think well see them taking more unusual actions. We cant seem to get this right with social media. Elizabeth, thank you so much. I appreciate your reporting on this story. That wraps up this hour for me and the week. Have a great weekend. House speaker joins Nicole Wallace on deadline white house right after this quite break. In right after this quite break even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib. Not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im reaching for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Whats next . Im on board. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. 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Intelligence agencies as a target of an active russian intelligence operation to harm the candidacy of joe biden. Thats according to new reporting in the postout today. Rudy basically functioning as a russian asset by pushing russian disinformation. A bigger headline here as always is the case when russia is identified with attacking the United States with disinformation is the president s reaction to warnings from his own Intelligence Community about this ongoing and live russian aggression. When white house officials warned him, trump reportedly shrugged it off saying, quote, thats rudy. In the most chilling part of the Washington Post scoop, the

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