And more often, and even giving names. Were also keeping an eye on the deadly weather situation. At least two dead in tornados in oklahoma. An update on that this hour. Stick around with that if youre on the road or in the area. Starting in japan, President Trump getting ready to meet with Prime Minister shinzu abe. The Prime Minister and i talked a lot about trade and military and various other things. I think we had a very productive day. Then theres the tweet from the president before all that action that is still reverber e reverberating, quote, north korea fired off some small weapons which disturbed some of my people and others but not me. I have confidence that chairman kim will keep his promise to me. But those other people the president speaks of is japan itself. Japan is in range of many of the short range missiles. Kristen weller traveling with the president. This does underline the complexity of the way that International Security works in that region, number one, and number two, how this president seems to not be, at least message wise on the same line as his own staff. Thats right. Hes directly contradicting his own National Security advisor, richard, who upon landing here in japan was very firm. John bolton saying hes concerned north koreans missile tests are a violation of the agreement. Thats something put forward from the host country here, which is in range of north korean, yet you have this tweet from President Trump effectively saying that he still trusts kim jongun. That hes going to ultimately be able to strike a deal with kim jongun. We know the japanese Prime Minister is skeptical about that. Sarah sanders was out defending President Trumps comments saying he wants to leave the door open for a deal, but as you know we have covered those talks so closely between President Trump and kim jongun fell apart and its not clear how theyre going to get resumed. Hopefully well have a chance to ask President Trump about this because hes going to hold a joint press conference with Prime Minister abe. Trade will be at the forefront of the talks, President Trump downplaying the prospects of being able to strike a broader trade deal in part because there are elections happening here in july and the pomp and circumstance on monday will be the first world leader to meet the countrys new emperor here. Part of that is why the president is not underlining the trade imbalance, this administration is coming on strong against china. Why the elections is that the reason some might ask or are there other factors being considered . Reporter i think that and there are still a number of sticking points. I think its going to be tough to work through some of those sticking points given that foreign minister abe has the pressure of the local elections here. They have a number of differences when it comes to agriculture beef and also cars. Thats an issue theyre struggling to find areas of agreement so i think youll see the trade talks ongoing through the month of july. You talk about whats happening with japan, the trade war between the u. S. And china. And japan is watching whats happening with the trade war closely, thats one of the issues driving both of these leaders to try to get a deal when it comes to trade between the u. S. And japan. This president with a waive of bilateral discussions. Thank you, kristen. The second part of the president s tweet on north korea getting a lot of political reaction in the United States. Chairman kim smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low iq individual and worse, perhaps sending me a signal. The president originally misspelled bidens name and has the white house in defensive mode. The president is not siding with that, but i think they agree in their assessment of former Vice President joe biden. Again, the president s focus in this process is the relationship he has in making sure we continue on the path towards denuclearization. Thats what he wants to see and thats what the people in this region want to see. Lets bring in our panel, jane newton small, kevin swirly, and katty fang. Lets start with you kevin on the reporting about north korea, what the u. S. Policy is with dealing with north korea and as we know this president does like to underline that he does quite well onetoone. Two things. First and foremost whether you agree with it or not, north korea leader kim jongun has been norm alized in the sense how hes perceived on the world stage. Some who think thats positive and some who think its negative. The bottom line is hes communicating on a world stage as a direct result of President Trump meeting with him in person. The second point, if you talk to intelligence officials and look at north koreans Nuclear Ambitio ambitions they have not subsided. That has potential political risks for the president who is trying to negotiate this with kim jongun for several years now. The other topic rum nating this weekend is the back and forth between nancy pelosi and the president. If we look at the amount of words and type of words chosen by nancy pelosi, if youre a close watcher of language, she has increased a bit of the warmth and the rhetoric and the words shes using in addressing President Trump. Richard, youre right. This is interesting because i think pelosi is responding to her base here. The base is starting to clam orto want more of an impeachment hearing into President Trump. Theres pressure to take the bigger leap and step in effect investigating donald trump, so i think you see her rhetoric reflected in that in her calling him out a little bit more and perhaps needling him a little bit knowing hes one that will always take the bait and hit back pretty hard. And those wars of rhetoric do play ball with both of their bases. This is pelosi trying to heat things up with the president without going full deep into impeachment hearing or inquiry which shes been avoiding so far. The words coming from President Trump to nancy pelosi, now joe biden. It has been said that this president does well when he attaches those names, alond it worked well for him. As hes done in more recent months with leader pelosi, will it stick as much because there is no base that has, if you will, a vote in what nancy pelosi does . I think personally President Trump would rather be sparring with speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, than trying to divide republicans on how to pay for infrastructure, thats number one. And secondly, Speaker Pelosi would rather be fighting with President Trump than fighting with the progressive wing of her party not just on impeachment but on how to pay for the new green deal or Health Care Issues or environmental packages. I think if you look at the polling and the talk to political strategists on both sides of the aisle, this back and forth is kind of a wash, and most consultants on both sides say it helps them politically in the short term as well. Katty, jay saying on whats happening on the beltway, democrats doing better on this or republicans . Kevin saying its a wash right now. Of course, its tough to tell as things go back and forth over time. There are still a lot of questions to be raised about the mueller investigation, Something Like 28 investigations into the president , whether theyre in the courts or congress. But this is an issue that the rest of america is not paying attention to. Most members of congress are not hearing from their constituents or its rare to hear from the constituents about impeachment, the mueller investigation, its about health care, economics, job security. The basics. And i think the political noise is just them arguing back and forth playing to that small percentage of their base, as kevin was saying, that Pay Attention to whats going on here and trying to appease those hungry beasts. The water cooler talk will be for some time, does impeachment work better for the republicans or the democrats . Well be talking about it over the weeks that come. Another development when we look at the legal back and forth here, katty, what happened with regard to Deutsche Bank and capital one. House committees, we understand, two of them, have reached an agreement to hold off enforcing subpoenas for requests for specific documents. Theres the question of why and what the deal may have been to get to that point. We dont know what the back room dealings were, we know what the ultimate results are richard. Thats the agreement to have an expedited appellate process. We know there have been two appeals taken by the trump team, due to exceptionally adverse rulings in the week from two separate judges that slapped down trumps team saying congress has a legitimate purpose in asking for these documents and wanting to do an investigation which congress has the power and ability to successfully do. So this expedited appellate schedule is instead of the time it would normally take to run through an initial appellate brief, answer brief, reply brief and back and forth, its been trunk indicaated the time is sh. So the two sides may have the shortened schedule but the Appellate Court can take its time to do the ruling in whether the trial court has it right or wrong. Just a list of the financial i institutions that face a subpoena from the House Financial Services committee, and the list is not short. This is a lot of information that will be available. And if you are a critic or if you are concerned about President Trump, citizen trump as well, and campaigner donald trump and his dealings with other entities, other countries, whatever the case may be, theres a lot of information here that can be pulled from these specific financial institutions. Theres no secretary that you follow the money and the money can lead you to something revealing sp tell. There was a New York Times article that came out this past week that said that Deutsche Bank, which lent billions of dollars to donald trump and the kushner companies, that there was a failure to report about some of the entities that were having dealings with trump and kushner and the kushner companies. When we get these financial records itll be looking and seeing whats behind these financial curtains for donald trump and answers some questions that have been lingering for everybody, not only the American Public but in congress, which is does donald trump owe something to someone, some company, some entity, some powers that may be, foreign powers specifically, and is that the reason why we see policies coming out of this particular administration. As leader pelosi tries to moderate this activity set, which is to go down these questions of what may have happened in the past and Going Forward what should the democratic side of the house do legislatively, where is she at right now . Some are saying potentially she feels a little bit under the gun because of a broad and diverse caucus that she has. Thats such a great question. I interviewed congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee, a couple days ago, a democrat from texas and a member of the house judiciary committee, what she told me is that she wants to have some type of legislative vehicle that would allow lawmakers to begin looking into the possibility of impeachment proceedings to create an opportunity to have a vacuum or vehicle, so to speak, that would allow a forum for these types of conversations to be had. Now congresswoman lee, is in lock step with Speaker Pelosi, she was praise worthy of Speaker Pelosi, you look at someone like chairwoman maxine water, a democrat representing california, an outspoken member of the progressive caucus, one of the earliest members to call for impeachment, i caught up with her outside of a hearing that she had to duck outs of when Steve Mnuchin was testifying, she said shes going to use all of her power possibly to continue to try to investigate. And republicans they say bring it on. Thanks to all of you for starting us off. Have a good holiday. Weather officials just confirming an ef3 tornado striking oklahoma in the darkness of night and the threat of tornados, its not over yet. I wanted more from my copd medicine. Thats why ive got the power of 1 2 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123. Trelegy 123 trelegy. With trelegy and the power of 1 2 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. 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Cloud apps and support. Comcast business goes beyond at t. Start with internet and voice for just 59. 90 a month. Its everything a Small Business owner needs. Comcast business. Beyond fast. Million americans are at risk of Severe Weather including the threat of tornados right now. Near Oklahoma City search and rescue teams are digging through debris after a deadly ef3 tornado struck and left nearly a two mile path of destruction, two were killed and 29 injured. The tornado struck after dark and ripped off the second floor of a hotel and destroyed nearby mobile homes while people were sleeping. Dozens are homeless. People have absolutely lost everything. Youre not going to believe the devastation. Youve seen the pictures of the poor families that were in that trailer house. On the issue of transportation of those people to the hospital, two were basically critical. That season today is the 11th straight day of tornados in the United States. Several u. S. States are passing bills to restrict or even ban abortions. As you just said, youve got best part of half the states in america passing laws like this. Theyre close to outlawing abortion completely if roe v. Wade is overturned. The other have are passing laws opposite, abortion on demand. Theyre saying lets change the view of the debate, bring it back to the people, but in order to do that they need to declare the personhood of the unborn child. Thats what it boils down to. This debate will continue. Currently there are other bills seeking the sixweek abortion policy. Thats from some of the reactions abroad. The intense backlash against the antiabortions Rights Movement thats also grabbing some scrutiny. We have to stop this. When did this become a democrat versus republican issue this is about women and their right to have freedom and justice in the country. One of the effects of the backlash to this bill and others being passed is that women are saying that they had abortions so it is something that is becoming less stigmatized. In alabama they have the death penalty, lax bgun laws. Its not a state i would go to if i thought they preserved the sankty of life. In the uk they said, democracy has been gripped by white men. The commentary, alabamas near to the abortion ban shows the state doesnt give adamn about mothers. Theyre playing the long game, branding themselves to be hip and cool and appeal to young people who crave rebellion and who consider themselves feminists but dont support the killing of babies. Calls to impeachment the president are growing, ill talk to one house member coming up that says they should start that right now. P that says they should start that right now. Considering . The 2019 Subaru Outback is an iihs top safety pick plus. The honda crv is not. Sorry, honda. Which suv would make the best investment . 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Thats getting the full Mueller Report unredacted. Getting mueller to testify himself. Getting people like don mcghan in. Were pressing that and winning in the courts right now. Why do you think you cant convince a majority of House Democrats its time to impeach him. Its moving towards that. Its going to p demand it, it is. Nancy pelosi is fending off the impeachment wave but going further than shes gone before. Take a listen. The white house is crying out for impeachment. Thats why he flipped yesterday. The president s behavior in terms of his obstruction of justice, the things hes doing is clear. Its in plain sight, it cannot be denied. Ignoring subpoenas, obstruction of justice, yes, these could be impeachable defenses. Joining me now democratic senator don byers. Representative thanks for being with us. You know Speaker Pelosi because you listened to more than we showed here. She went further to say that she hopes those around the president would have an intervention with him, family as well as those around the white house. What does this say in terms of your discussions with leader pelosi, and what youve heard from leader pe low sis in dealing with the calls of impeachment. Shes in control right now. Shes very determined in moving the democratic body, and i hope the house, for impeachment. I came out calling for an intermediate impeachment. What Speaker Pelosi has done is what theyre all doing in terms of subpoenas and court cases. One of the arguments out there, jerry nadler from new york city, is that there are the processes related to an inquiry related to an impeachment process. And effectively one of the thoughts he had was theyre going through that anyway. The house is going through that process, the committees are going through that process anyway without the name. They are going through that process, which is helpful but at least im also impressed by congresswoman jamie raskin, our only constitutional law processer, who says we have better tools than just with the house committees. Other than the request for the tax returns which dont require any legislative intent, the other inquiries are tied to whatever congress specific responsibility is so i think well do more sooner if we launch the inquiry. On the political side, one thought is if the Democratic Congress undertakes the impeachment process that does not equal a democratic majority in 2020 potentially. What do you say to that . We shant make this decision on the basic of the politics. Theyre impossible to predict. I think people keep pointing back to 97 and 98, the clinton impeachment but lets remember the republicans won the presidency in 2000 and kept the house in 2000. We should be making this on the basis of whats our responsibility to defend the constitution, not what are the political consequences in 2020. Representative, you speak with other members of your caucus outside of the fellow 37 that are asking for the impeachment process or elements thereof. Who do you see in terms of numbers. I know you cannot provide names but those who might come along and stand beside you in pushing for this . 10 . 25 . I think if you had quiet conversations at night with 235 democrats, most of them would think that impeachment is the right thing to do ultimately. But i think they respect our leadership, the process, we dont want to get ahead of Speaker Pelosi, but i think were all moving in the same direction. How do you calm those three dozen or so that became members of congress in, if you will, swing districts where they went from republican to democratic, and how do you calm their concerns. If i stand along, i face a grave outcome potentially in 2020. Well, were not asking necessarily to stand alongside of us right now. We also dont want them opposing us. I will try to make the argument with them, i respect them and want them to stay a long time, is that by doing the right thing, but upholding the constitution, by defending the democracy against someone whos lied 10,000 times, 10 obstruction of justice recorded by mueller, thats not going to hurt them. They can still stand up tall, proud theyve done the right thing for their constituents. Thank you, sir, i appreciate your time. Congressman don beyer. I appreciate it. Thank you. Breaking news to share with you. The right of the right. Results just coming in for the European Election which could provide a clue to what we could expect in the United States election. Ed states el when you shop for your home at wayfair, youll find just what you need and so much more. You get to spend less time searching and more time loving every room, even the ones you never thought could look good. You get great deals on the things you need and actually want. You get fast and Free Shipping on thousands of items and finds for every home, and every style, at every price. Thats what you get when youve got wayfair. So shop now some breaking news here. Preliminary results are coming in from the European Unions parliamenty elections. It might be seen similar to the 2020 election here in the United States. A new legislative body could be elected in europe, similar to the congress, but not for one country but for two dozen countries, and a new president as well. Theres been a lot of change, a surge on the right and left, immigration and nationalism major issues of many of the day, that might sound familiar to you, this election may tell america if it can expect more or less support for its military moves abroad and how trade deals work out, how Many American goods can be sold to europe. This election, right wing parties, theyre polling pretty well compared to before. This is happening as President Trump is visiting japan, a huge trade imbalance there an issue. And also before a visit to the uk next month. A lot in this election today. Joining us now, david hersenhorn and evelyn barkus. Lets start with you on this, david. You got your finger on the pulse here. Were watching some of the exit polls, some of the early results. If you had to boil it down, i know its tough because were talking about so many Different Countries here, what are you seeing . The far right is making gains, but what we are seeing is that traditional parties are suffering losses, the center right and left as liberals make big gains. So were expecting a highly fragmented parliament. They right wing will be the Biggest Group still, followed by the center left and the liberals, this is led by president macron. So you have a bunch of antiestablishment voters out there, who decided they dont like the Traditional Center right and left that led europe forever but those forces still remain the biggest. This means the negotiations about to start over the eus top jobs, the president of the european commission, the representative for Foreign Affairs isnt that clear. Meanwhile, they are dealing with a rise of populist forces, especially in italy, also coming from the east. So all of these factors lead to a much more unsettled landscape. Look at the estimations coming from political europe, just to give the United States a sense what we mean talking about centrism. Partisan 332, centrists 392 and other 27. I know in the United States we have two major parties. Theres also the president that will come off the parliamenty votes after theyre chosen. Who is favored, if you will, of the coalition to take on the presidency there in europe, and how will they work with donald trump . Well, this is where it becomes very complicated because the center right, as the Biggest Group, they can lay first claim to the presidency of the european commission. But within their larger proeu coalition they have to form they will be a minority compared to the liberalists, socialists, social democrats and the greens. So there will have to be some compromises made there. In terms of who gets along with donald trump, i dont know any of them. Weve seen a tightening of eu and japan in the last couple months because of the instability out of washington. Its hard to see that donald trump has an ally in any result here. Theyre all wary of the instability that trump has thrown into the transatlantic relationship. But we are headed into tough negotiations. T the National Leaders will meet on this. And uk Prime Minister whoever that will be will be part of the deliberations even though britain hoped to quit the eu by now. What well see after the election is a new transatlantic order or the affirmation of the first steps of a transatlantic order, this after a European Parliament that has not been voted on in five years. What do you expect it to look like and what are the concerns when you look at International Security . One of the issues, its important to note that the liberals and the greens especially the greens in germany, they could be helpful to at least the centrists and the more kind of standard european protransatlantic folks because the greens in germany have taken a stance early on that understood early what the kremlin, what russia was up to. I think lets wait and see. This is looking to me, at the early results, like a better outcome than what we expected why do you say better than what the pundits may have expected . Because there was a lot of emphasis on nigel firage and the far right national populist, them gaining seats in the European Parliament, as far as i can tell its not looking like thats happening or at least theres not a huge trend to the far right. Having said that, look, the reality is that europe is still in search of leadership, really strong leadership that can, first of all, stand up for europe, visavis the u. S. President frankly whos putting a lot of pressure on europe on trade and other issues. And right now theres a lack of that leadership. So i think this election comes at a time when theres a lack of leadership. I dont expect whoever become it is head of the parliament to become any kind of real leader of europe. But, you know, it remains to be seen. I think this is not the most important kind of show if you will in the transatlantic game. Very quickly, as many have said, this is not only for the european union, this is a lot like a whole bunch of Small National elections, right . A lot of the leaders of every country watching the outcome because it tells them how things are doing in their own country. Is this a referendum on some of these ideas of nationalism for instance . It might be. We had in slow vakvakia the ele of a president speaking out against the centrists. The most stunning thing happened this week when the austrian chancellor essentially dissolved his government because of a bribery case involving the russians involving his number two. There is a far right party focussing on neonazi, they traffic in extreme nationalism, so the chancellor took a principled stance. He thought he could work with the far right and take them into government and moderate them. It turned out not to be the case. So he made the gamble hes going to call for new elections and hoping for a new mandate for conservatives but not far right. Great to have both of you on this breaking news, the elections happening right now. I know you have to get back and look at a million points of data. We appreciate you taking time out from brussels. Thank you both and have a good weekend. Up next for you, trump and treason, the president facing big backlash for his misuse of the word. Isuse of the word is that for me . Mhm aaaah nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. [son loudly clears throat] [mom and dad laugh] bounty, the quicker picker upper. Now with new prints featuring characters from Disney Pixars toy story 4 in theaters june 21. I didnt have to call 911. And i didnt have to come get you. Because you didnt have another heart attack. Not today. 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That was President Trump making his case on why former fbi officials involved in investigating his campaign committed treason. A thought his press secretary doubled down today on meet the press. Listen. He accused james comey of treason, does he expect jim comey to be arrested . Were going to let the attorney general make that determination as he gets to the conclusion of this investigation. The people that were responsible and part of this out unprecedented obstruction and corruption at the fbi, those people should certainly be held responsible. According to the Washington Post since announcing his candidacy for president mr. Trump has invoked treason or treasonous on 26 occasions. Joining us is now is associate ed editor for the Washington Post and author, david maraniss. David, thanks for being with us. I saw on meet the press today. Thank you for staying with us. Thank you, richard. I appreciate it. Talk about the parallels your father a journalist accused of being a the mccarthy era of the early 1950s was an era where words were used recklessly like treason. Anyone called before the committee or called unamerican or communist or socialist was accused of being treasonous for expressing their beliefs. So the same reckless charges sa being thrown away today. The same demonization of outsiders and the same questions about what it means to be an american and a loyal american. Those 26 times that it has been used, i was looking back, i know it started in march, if not before that, what are you watching for in terms of what the next step might be because right now its just words and no steps have been under taken that we any about. I think with donald trump in this case words are everything. Its frightening the consider its gone this far and everything is upside down. Imagine the fbi and the cia, which in the 1950s were trying to root out communists and now being called the treasonous parties here. Thats the way donald trump uses words. I think hes a master at that. A master demagogue and hes trying to balance out what is really happening which is move toward impeachment. We have to remind the definition of treason. Whoever owing allegiance to the United States, levis wars against them or adheres to their enemy giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere. The penalty, five years in prison as was mentioned there in the sound bite we had up to the death penalty. A potential of 10,000 and fine. Qualified from holding office. M this is clearly an attack and accusation towards americans that worked in our intelligence community. A community thats given so much. It remiepnds us that donald trump is using words that he doesnt know what they mean. Its partly because he knows the whole russia investigation was looking at whether there was attachments to people that he was close to or to him. Hes constantly trying to turn everything upside down. Thats what hes doing here. David, i have to ask you this. This based on your experience, the basic kaccolades you receiv. Your father being a journalist. This is the development that came out on thursday. The 17 new charges in indictment. Julian assange is who im talking about. Related to the espionage act. For those of us that dont have the same experience as you and your family, what might this mean from one view if you are journalist working for an esteemed organization like the Washington Post. Every attack on Civil Liberties involves an imperfect subject. Hes certainly an imperfect subject. The Justice Department purposely added onto his charges to endanger all journalists. The leaking of materials, the roots out of what the government is really doing is essential to the understanding of our government and to the reality of whats going on. I think this is a very dangerous moou move and it will affect every one. Many are saying that Julian Assange bad guy but this indictment, at least the way its written also bad words in terms of the very structure. Does this mean they can come out you, for instance . They come after anyone who works at the Washington Post depending on what were reporting and where we got the information. Absolutely. The subjects of these are always imperfect people. Julian assange is not a good guy. Hes not a journalist in my opinion. The liberties that are represented in this case are very important. That is that debate. What is a journalist, what is not. Thats a different discussion. Thanks. Have a good weekend. Born of the civil war. Tomorrows holiday was first called decoration day. Then in 1967, a holiday called memorial day. If we look back, every day on the annual calendar marks on average 3,000 lives lost in American Military service. Every day is memorial day. Pho photojournalist writes on the 60 military funerals that he attended over three years he has some reflections. At the funeral of Jacob Fletcher from long island, new york, he wrote a lone bugler played taps. It has a feeling of having been designed while at war and lasts at the grave site for about eight minutes. Tfts the it was there i knew this was for me. The groving families whole ho wholeheartedly supported the war. It was from these families that i learned the most that help to show me that we have lost the incredible, priceless human sacrifice of war. Then he went onto say this, no two funerals were the same. In massachusetts, Police Closed off the roads to all traffic but the funeral party. Treating the death of a local kid like a National Security. He invited me over to their home from dinner. Tomorrow at 3 00 p. M. , the law requires a moment of silence on that one day to not forget that every day for many families and loved ones is memorial day. [spanish recording] so again, using para, youre talking about something that is for someone. Pretty good. Could listening to audible inspire you to start something new . Download audible and listen for a change. This will do it for me this week. Join us back here next saturday and sunday at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. You can reach me on twitter, facebook as well as instagram. Let me know what you think. Now turn it over to reverend al sharpton and politics nation. Good evening and welcome to politics nation. Tonights lead, to impeach or not to impeeach . That is what democrats are asking themselves this weekend. The questions are clear to begin impeachment proceedings against donald trump now, to wait until the election in the hope of getting him out then or to fight donald trump through the courts. Either way, the debate is clearly dividing House Democrats. This is not about a 2020 election. Its about doing whats right now for our country. This is going

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