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This is about President Trump and his ties to a major investment bank. The New York Times reporting today that Money Laundering specialists at deutsche bonk reported that legal entities controlled by donald trump and soninlaw Jared Kushner that these transactions be reported to a federal financial crimes watchdog. As laid out in the article, in the case of trump, an antifinancial crimes team review of transactions produced multiple reports of suspicious activity but contrary to policy those reports were never filed with the Treasury Department. Deutsche Bank Spokesperson gave this statement. We have increased our antifinancial crime staff and enhanced our controls in recent years and take compliance with the aml bsa antiMoney Laundering and Bank Secrecy Act laws very seriously. An effective aml Program Requires sophisticated transaction Screening Technology as well as a Trained Group of individuals who can analyze the alerts that are generated by that technology. Both thoroughly and efficiently. At no time was an investigator prevented from escalating activity identified as potentially suspicious. Furthermore, the suggestion that anyone was reassigned or fired in an effort to quash concerns relating to any client is categorically false. That coming from Deutsche Bank and also getting reaction of spokes people on behalf of President Trump and Jared Kushner. The Trump Organization saying they have no knowledge of flagged transactions with Deutsche Bank and a spokesperson for the Kushner Company says an allegation of Money Laundering is made up and totally false. Okay. That just came in several hours ago. Lets bring in the panel. Betsy woodruff, glen kushner, katie benner, and david kay johnston. Katie, i want to start with you putting on the old Financial Reporting hat here. This is a lot of stuff happening, for those not familiar with investment banks and the units looking out for suspicious transactions, what do you make of the reporting today . Yeah. Sure. So i just want to take a step back and say that Deutsche Bank and donald trump had a long relationship together thats proved controversial since donald trump became president. Deutsche bank has been in trouble for helping russians launder money and lending donald trump money even after multiple employees in the bank have at any different times said that this person is overstating at assets. The loan doesnt look like a guy idea. Defaulted on bonds. You have a long history of Deutsche Bank and donald trump that sets the back xwrouground today and we have seen in 2016 and 2017 employees within the bank yet again raised warnings saying theres something strange happening here. In the case of Jared Kushner, theres money moving from the Kushner Companies to individual russians and we should look into it. Executives chose not to. In the case of donald trump, suspicious Financial Transactions and wanted the bank to look into it and the banks said not to and a unique situation because the part of the bank that was dealing with both mr. Kushner and mr. Trump is a part of the bank that does private Wealth Management and that piece of the bank is incentivized to help its wealthiest clients obtain objectives and meet their goals. So again, what were seeing is part of a long pattern and something that certainly congress is going to want to look into as they fight to get financial records of Deutsche Bank. Betsy, to you on this. In your reporting in the investigations of mueller article of various types of transactions, how does this fit in if at all . Maybe a larngger story as we we hearing from katie . This is a separate line of inquiry from the focuses of mueller during the investigation. We know that while he did a lot of investigative moves, the report doesnt indicate that he found anything worth putting in that document about President Trump and Jared Kushners personal financial dealings, particularly dealings occurring prior to trumps entrance into the 2016 president ial campaign. This is something that irked some folks and sort of the russia watching community who expected that mueller would try to pull threads in terms of whether trump had engaged in Financial Transactions or developed business relationships that could affect the way he thought about American Foreign policy visavis russia. Thats a line of ir kawhi inqu. Adam schiff said he plans to focus on that particular basket as part of his work scrutinizing additional threads of the russia question that have been unanswered and, of course, chairwoman Maxine Waters of House Financial Services made it a top priority for her committee. What this reporting suggests and indicates is there could be significantly more to the story of trumps relationship with Deutsche Bank than we know given the investigating thats been happening. Glen kushner, you know, the words coming from this report from the New York Times suspicious activity, elicit activity alert, Money Laundering, those are some of the words to pull out from the New York Times reporting here. What is your reflection on what this might mean or say about the type of transactions were discussing today . Those words dont sound good on the surface. No. They dont, richard. Taking something of a magnifying glass to the New York Times reporting of this, we see that in the first instance there are computer programs employed by Deutsche Bank and really every Major Financial Institution and they screen, they use algorithms to screen accounts and transactions for potential suspicious activity. That happened here and these xutd computer programs report it out, some accounts and transactions of donald trump and Jared Kushner were indeed suspicious and some involve transfers of money to russian individuals and russian accounts. So that was sort of the first problem. And then it moves into human investigators who then look what the computer programs have reported out and a woman named Tammy Mcfadden did that for Deutsche Bank. Shes a Money Laundering specialist. She reviews the documents, the materials and the accounts. Then she makes a recommendation based on her findings. She indeed found that these were suspicious activities in the accounts of donald trump and Jared Kushner so she packaged up a report with some supporting documentation and she recommended that it go to the u. S. Department of treasury for further investigation and then it looks like based on the reporting some Deutsche Bank executives stepped in and it never happened. Now, we also learned that Tammy Mcfadden ultimately was transferred out of that job assignment and then fired by Deutsche Bank. Now, whether that was in retaliation sort of making her a defacto whistleblower or not remains to be seen but you have two levels, both the computer level identifying these as suspicious. You have human review identifying these as suspicious. They should have been reported out to the department of treasury for further investigation. We have it on the screen which is process. Starts again with the computers. And then goes on to mid level people. That will look at it. Again, goes on to a report. Goes on then to managers. And what youre saying in this case, the managers decided at some point, no, do not send it to the Treasury Department. David, when you look at this is the standard process according to the New York Times but in the case of Jared Kushner and the case of President Trump, these questionable, these suspicious transactions, this is the Jared Kushner reporting on the elicit activity alert. It made it to a certain point and then the manager said, and the reporting says here, because of a different relationship, Private Banking basically, hey, dont push this forward to the Treasury Department. At least thats the department that said stop the reporting to the Treasury Department. Is this consistent with what you have done in the past . Some of your investigative reporting based on the transaction, excuse me, the bank history with the trump family as well as Jared Kushner . Well, we know for a fact that donald trump has been involved in Money Laundering in the past, fined for it. We know that Deutsche Bank is fined over 600 million just for laundering money for russian al garks a al gorks and are nondenial denials. The Trump Organization said we never heard of this. Why would you . It was locked up in the bank. The bank said we didnt stop anyone. The story makes it clear. Tammy mcfadden pushed it up and then the career went badly after that. So in addition, the times has a pregnant line in it. It say that is there are other, quote, politically connected people end quote who also were swept up and its clear that david enrich, a very good reporter at the New York Times has seen these documents and other people whose Money Laundering suspicion of Money Laundering activities were also apparently quashed by the people at the Private Banking unit of Deutsche Bank in new york. This is for donald trump a really serious problem. And again, this reportings not necessarily say specifically in anything was done incorrectly or illegally at this moment. Theyre just saying suspicious, elicit alerts from the bank. David, you said there were cases in the past . David, there were some cases in the path where donald trump was involved in Money Laundering and prosecuted for this . No. He paid fines. The trump taj mahal casino involved in Money Laundering for years and he was fined for it and i wrote in my 1992 book temples of chance about a curious deal involving 50,000 and one of the seven biggest gamblers in the world at trump plaza and while this is not a definitive finding, it certainly gives grounds for investigation by congress into whats going on with not turning over to the financial crimes Enforcement Center activity indicating suspicious movements of money by trump and notice it includes 2017 when hes president. When he is president. Thats correct. They do say that. Part of this here, katie, you mention the long relationship of President Trump, donald trump, as well as a citizen and with Deutsche Bank as a president and did owe some 300 million at that time. And the reporting then goes on to say therefore there could have been some feelings by the bank potentially that if they were to be overly aggressive in these alerts, reporting to the Treasury Department, that potentially the bank would then act in a more conservative way, shall we say. Yes. Of course. I think that being the largest lender to the president and his businesses put you in a tricky position and Deutsche Bank had trouble as we have seen navigating that, especially now congress subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for records and this report written by my colleague will fuel curiosity for more information from the bank and the trump family has sued to stop this. So were going to see a legal battle play out and we are going to see the bank have to make some very difficult choices. Glen, whats next on this do you think . So heres the legal battle thats coming that i think david and katie referred to. On wednesday, there will be litigation in a court in new york. Judge ramos is presiding and the litigation where trump sued both Deutsche Bank and capital one to stop them from producing his financial records pursuant to a subpoena by the congressional Oversight Committee. That exact same issue with respect to trumps Accounting Firm was litigated this past week and i was in the courtroom watching the judge handle that litigation and by every single account, it looks like the judge is poised to issue an opinion saying that basically they have to produce these financial records complying with the congressional subpoena. I predict based on hearing the arguments of both sides these are going to be the identical arguments made this wednesday and hopefully judge ramos will rule in fair of transparency. So this issue that trump is trying to keep a lid on, very likely going to congress very soon. Betsy, put it altogether. Could we be talking about the same set of transactions potentially . What does it mean for Maxine Waters heading up the Financial Services Oversight Committee here . Its unclear how much material waters will get and when shell get it. One thing we can be very confident about is that trumps legal team is going to try to fight any effort to force these Financial Institutions to turn over his information as hard as possible. That said, as glen indicated, its going to be challenging for him to make that case. One of the issues for waters is making sure that this subpoena she issued captures transactions that happened after trump became president , after Jared Kushner entered his time serving as a senior staffer in the white house. My guess is that lawyers on those committees are going back, reviewing the work and assessing whether or not they need to issue new subpoenas to make sure that their document demands capture the kind of materials that raised red flags that the red flags detailed in the New York Times story that ian the next thing. Congress will want to make sure that they have asked for all the correct documents and trumps team is going to try to push as hard as they can not just ultimately to win in court but to make it take a long time. Running through the clock would be just as much of a victory for them as having a clean open and shut win. Real deep bench to dig into the topic for us. Thank you all four who responded to this news scrum and got straight to the cameras on this topic. Of course, reacted with aplum. Thank you so much. Thank you. Coming up, President Trumps border wall put to the test this week in court. 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Click, call or visit a store today. New reporting of nbc news may show that and may reveal that President Trumps hard line immigration policies may have separated more migrant families than was originally thought. In addition to previous trump policy, child separations, nbc news found that the administration has identified at least 1,712 migrant families and other children who may have been taken from their parents. This is a result of reviewing just under 5,000 of 50,000 childrens files so far. So there can be a big number more, this is happening as two big cases of the president s border wall to play out in court this week. The federal judge in california expected to hand down a decision on whether or not to block the president s use of defense and Treasury Department funds for the wall and a judge will consider a bid to prevent the president from spending Defense Department funds. My guest michigans attorney general is among them. Madame attorney general, thank you for being with us. What did you make of what happened on friday . What do you make of what may happen this coming week . As i understand judge gillem could be making a decision. We hope for a favorable decision. States like michigan, states are having money they deserve thats illegally diverted for this fake emergency border wall, and, you know, it is very troubling. We can use that money in our state and we need that money. And, you know, furthermore, congress did not want that money to be appropriated for this purpose. This is a clear purpose of the violation of powers and it hurts states like ours. If the judge does rule against you, what is your next step . Well, well still be able to continue making arguments. This was a motion for a preliminary injunction so it was to stop the immediate diversion of funds but well still have other arguments to make and the judge asked the parties to coordinate with the Briefing Schedule and still have claims to make on the merits. It is just that in the meantime money will start to be diverted and continue to be diverted unless or until our arguments are sustained. If the judge rules against you, when will you then file again . A week after that . Whats the plan at least on paper for now . Well, for now, the parties are trying to decide what the Briefing Schedule is going to be and the judge has asked the parties to decide, you know, amongst themselves at this juncture when the brief should be due, when the rely will be due and so on and so forth. So thats whats up for right now. We are very hopeful that the judge will see that its important that these funds remain in the coffers of the state and can be properly distributed to the various different states. The way that it always has been and to understand that this, you know, this is very harmful to states like mine. This money goes to our state police. It goes towards equipment and training. And we need that in our local communities. And in michigan, it is really hard to say how if in any way at all this border wall is helpful to us. And i would hope that, you know, the court would understand what a dangerous precedent would be set by not granting this injunction. I want to play as you know theres a big concern on the border as was reported today on face the nation. Some number that is you may or may not already know, for those who are watching at home right now. Some 100,000 families each month are coming the border, crossing the border. About 4,000 a day. This coming on the reporting on face the nation. Lets listen to this and then ill get your reaction. We need to have a system that works at the border, able to prevent people from crossing unlawfully and return them effectively. Secretary saying he needs help before that and givering me the numbers i was sharing with you, madame attorney general. Why not build the wall . I think those who support it would say needs to happen now. Look. I think theres no doubt that we need to have some serious discussions about Immigration Reform. Both parties will tell you that. We need to have widespread bipartisan support for some serious new policy. But, you know, to illegally divert funds in order to build a wall, that is not the solution and if it was the solution why did the United States senate vote against that . Thats of course a healthy majority of republicans and in my own state, not only did both our United States senators vote against this but nine of the 14 u. S. Congress people did, including 2 republicans so if this is such a great idea how come the president cant get his own party on board . We have to look at serious Immigration Reform but this is not the way to do it. Michigan attorney general dana nessel, thank you. Thank you for having me. All right. How the world is reacting to fears that the United States and iran can bungle into a war neither side really wants. And emotionally support children in urgent need. Its not just about opening up your home; it is also about opening up your heart. Consider fostering. Rheumatoid arthritis or Psoriatic Arthritis. When considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis or active Psoriatic Arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. It can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, low blood cell counts, higher liver tests and cholesterol levels. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Your doctor should perform blood tests before and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if youve been somewhere fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor time now for we said they said. The world reacts to the mixed messages of the white house over the escalating tensions with iran. The president is very, very difficult to know what his Foreign Policy doctrine is. If it is anything i would say its sort of a frugal hawk. A frenetic back and forth between the u. S. And iran. Tensions are at fever pitch and an incident off the coast of the United Arab Emirates could trigger a fullblown conflict. Frustration is echoing from both sides. Politicians want the Trump Administration to be more transparent on iran. The president s strained relationship with National Security adviser john bolton along the way here was also a focus. The challenge is that there are hardliners in the white house that have a very different objective coming to iran and pushing the tensions to where we are today. The conflicting statements of possible threats from iran raised concerns that some parties in washington are exaggerating intelligence to build a case for a military action against the country. The drumbeat for war with iran intensifies within the white house and trump reportedly frustrated with some of his advisers pushing for war, most notably including National Security adviser bolton. The gulf news said irans behavior has pushed the region into a sensitive period. The teheran times dove into the cost of trumps behaviors for america. Adding undoubtedly in the near future trump will see the consequences of his encounter with iran over issues such as economic sanctions and withdrawal from the nuclear deal. Just moments ago, as well, the president tweeting this. If iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of iran. Never threaten the United States again. All right. For more, lets go to ali aruzi, Christopher Dickey and eshan farual. Ali, we read some of what was there in the teheran times. Blow that out us a little here. What is the reaction from what seems to be from on this side not sure what the u. S. Stance is at the moment. Good morning, richard. Well, teheran is saying that this is a crisis entirely manufactured by the United States which incidentally is a view shared with varying degrees by u. S. Allies in europe and wholeheartedly by russia and china and runs counter to the narrative from the white house whose view is that teheran is up to no good and targeting targets directly or by proxy theyll met with a significant military response and puts a higher risk of a sort of military confrontation, maybe not by design but possibly by accident. Now, even though iran is saying it doesnt want a war it is saying it is ready to deal with one if it happens with conventional warfare and acy metrical warfare. That probably wasnt an accident spotting. Iran is working in the shadows, moving assets around the region. Largely undetected. That could have been a veiled message from iran. Another message were reports again a few days that the head of the force in iran dealing with International Operations telling his proxies under his patronage in iraq to get ready for a fight with the u. S. Theres 5,000 american troops in iraq and proxies there, many of whom dont want American Forces in iraq. Now, the message from iran seems to be if america tries to take us down then we will wreck havoc in the region. Richard . L. A. Times looking at potentially what this administrations Foreign Policy is regarding trump. Regarding iran, excuse me. He enjoys thumping the chest. Remember when he warned north korea . And the bluster is intended to jumpstart negotiations. Youre in washington, d. C. Is that one of the thematics here . Thats certainly part of it. Of course, from day one confrontation with iran has at some point level been a plank of the administrations Foreign Policy agenda. For President Trump, it was mostly a desire to unravel sort of what was a lynchpin of his predecessors legacy with teheran and a whole host of figures within his administration beginning with former National Security adviser Michael Flynn up to the present one john bolton who have a much stronger ideological ax to grind with the Iranian Regime and it may very well be that President Trump is simply seeking renegotiation of the nuclear deal but the current atmospherics dont lend themselves to effective diplomacy. Generally or typically, historically, traditionally here, chris, multilateral and look at the trans atlantic relationship here. From the New York Times describing the skepticism coming from the eu at the moment. Privately several u. S. Officials describe them as pushing an unsuspecting mr. Trump through a series of steps that could put the United States on a course to war before the president realizes it. If the president moves forward, if the United States moves forward, will they go forward alone given the removal of support for some of the multilamult multilateral institutions that kept security internationally safe . Theres not going to be much of a coalition of the willing if this degenerates into a real war with iran. Mainly because all of europe, almost all of europe, is saying, hell no, we wont go right now. And they feel exactly as the other correspondents and comment taters have mentioned that the Trump Administration is hyping this. Its pushing up the level of heat in the middle east right now. And thats a very dangerous thing. A tiny incident could explode into some major confrontation. Just in the last couple of hours, one rocket fell inside the green zone not too far from the American Embassy in baghdad and all of a sudden thats being treated by some commentators and people in the United States as if thats a huge deal when, in fact, that sort of thing is happening in iraq for years. And the embassy there is an absolute fortress and americans never go out without armored cars and more or less full battle gear. Theres potential for little incident blown into huge incidents. The people doing it are the americans. Ali, the reporting that u. S. Officials warn commercial airlines over the persian gulf to potentially avoid that space because of being misidentified. This in addition today senator tom cotton saying on meet the press if the confrontation starts the u. S. Will finish. The implication is something little to turn into something quite large. Thats absolutely right. I mean, that warning from the faa should be taken seriously. Not only does it underscore the tensions between the United States and iran but it has a knockon effect on commerce, on shipping and on tourism. In this region. This region is a very, very busy place for air traffic. Dubai is the worlds most heavily crowded airport for international flights. Many of which come from the United States. But there has been a history of misidentification in this region with grave consequences during the iran iraq war in 1988, iranian commercial flight was hit by the u. S. They dont want things like that happening today. The argument thats been made ishaan, is this administrations policies working in some places, if you look at the his bella that they have been hampered recently by the reduction of resources. Thats right. Reporting from my colleagues over this weekend has appears to confirm that hezbollah is feeling the pinch of what appears to be the Trumps Administration maximum Pressure Campaign on iran. Iran funds this Lebanese Organization to a great extent and theyve seen the budgets massively slashed so for sure the Trump Administration can say that, look, our strategy on changing iranian behavior in the middle east and conducted by the proxy organizations like hezbollah is working and same time you have to reconcile that with the real pain theyre causing ordinary iranians there, emboldening hardline forces within iran and creating a climate where the iranians may seek to lash back. Chris dickey, 15 seconds . Well, i think maybe hezbollah had the budget slashed but a presence in lebanon on the Israeli Border and its got a hell of a lot of missiles readily at hand to use when and if it feels those are necessary in a wider confrontation. What the last war with iran tells us about the next one by chris dickey. Thank you all and have a good sunday. Coming up, trump versus the truth. This week the president touted a big drop in Prescription Drug prices but the evidence, i dont know. 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Or requesting a call to help get a new credit card one that hasnt followed the family goldfish. Pnc make today the day. The costs of Prescription Drugs are rising and this week the democrat controlled democratic controlled house pass add bill aimed at lowering the prices but the bills unlikely to pass in the republicanled senate. Despite the increasing costs, the president said theres been a drop in prices. Drug prices have gone down for the first time in 51 years. Theyve gone down. First time in 51 years. Great job, alex. Thats really fantastic. That statement from the president is not accurate. So here it is. The president appeared to be referring to recent decreases in the labor departments Consumer Price index but the april cpi was updated before the president s claim showing an increase of 0. 3 of Prescription Drug prices. Every week we track the president s claims or statements to see how they are. 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Visit your local chase branch. Senator Bernie Sanders is holding a rally in alabama just days after the republican governor signed one of the most restrictive antiabortion laws into law. Garrett haake, whens expected for Bernie Sanders to say here specific to the new abortion law . Reporter well, richard, it is interesting. This entire southern swing for Bernie Sanders was planned long before this law came up to a vote in the Alabama Senate and made its way to the governors desk but its become something hes talked about on the trail consistently and a similar law in georgia some months ago. Sanders said not only are the la laws unconstitutional and forces women to quacks, to back alley abortions and says will take peoples lives and its come up in every one of his speeches and events i covered down here. Im quite certain it will again tonight. After he finishes this rally, hell go across the street to join a protest march about this very issue and i have to tell you, richard, he is not alone. Some of the voters i talked to here said they drove from other states to be a part of the protest here today. Take a listen. How important is it for you to hear your candidate talk about it . Thats why i came out here. Reporter on that issue specifically . Yes. I hope that every company in america that was considering coming to alabama or missouri or georgia will send the governor a letter monday saying we are a letter monday saying were withdrawing our application. We need the boycott alabama the way south africa was boycotted. The right to abortion is a constitutional right. When a rapist has more rights than a woman who has been raped theres something terribly wrong in this country. Reporter richard, i would say politically watch this space. The issue of abortion long been something thats motivated voter on right but seeing this kind of reaction from folks on the left, is not something we have seen a lot in National Politics recently. It will be something to watch over the next couple of months. Well said. Thank you for that. Lets go to the front runners. Taking a closer look at the surprises we have seen when it comes to this large democratic field. Now, 24, i believe as this sunday. Very quickly before we get to the unexpected. This idea of abortion energizing democrats in this next cycle, even the president saying maybe this isnt the right law to be pushing forward right now in its current draft. Yeah, President Trump made it very clear he doesnt like that theres no exception for rape, incest and health of the mother. Hes been very clear on that for a decade or so. I think the democrats are the ones risks alienating themselves from the voters in general election. While i think this is a great idea for democrats to rally people in the primary, theres some interesting polls out that show the opposite. Axios reported there was a poll that shows the feelings on prochoice versus prolife have shifted. For the first time in American History you have the same percentage of americans, 47 , say they are prolife as they are prochoice at 47 . 80 of people now say abortion should be limited to just the first three months of the pregnancy. That is significant. Thats something we have never seen in American History. Senator tom cotton, republican today from arkansas did not say that in terms of the number of months with his interview on meet the press today. How would you act to this energizing those voters that democrats hope to get to the polls come 2020 in the primary as well as the general. I think the only thing clear about donald trump is that hes presiding over a dismantling of the rights of women in the sense that he is pushing forward, hes very proud of it, how many, i think its more than 100 federal judges and the two Supreme Court justices hes picked, he will be more than happy when r oh, roe v wade will be overturned. I think theres much debate about that. This isnt a polling issue. The bulk of the country believes in womans right to choose. This is such a heavy handed way. Its not a debate on its not scurrying the edges of it about weeks, what circumstances. This is saying were taking away a womans right to choose. That is not something that will go over well with anybody whether its primaries or the general. I wanted to get that in since we got that great reporting there in alabama. Now i want to move to the democratic field. Now 24 on this sunday. Theres been some expected and unexpected in terms of who is doing well. First off, id like to look at some of those exceedsing expectations. Joe biden, pete buttigieg. We didnt expect joe biden to be 18 Percentage Points ahead. Pete buttigieg. Andrew yang is one of those registering and first to quality for the debate stage. Democrats should be happy because theres been a lot of pleasant surprises in the field. I think the biden thing is very interesting. If we had the same conversation, the three of us maybe five months ago, we would not have identified a 77yearold white male whose been in washington for four decades as the ideal 2020 candidate. Hoo hes leading and leading by large margin. I think that goes to show what people are looking for in a sense, they just want to beat donald trump. The other sense is you have Bernie Sanders who is trailing by a couple of years in age. Youre reading my notes here. Those who are not exceeding expectations, Bernie Sanders who did take a hit in the latest polls. Beto orourke hoping to revive what had been great energy early on. We have the senators which are not popping the traditional pathway to the white house. One person im surprised not performing well is kamala harris. I really thought she would be a stronger frontrunner. Im a little curious why she hasnt resonated with her base. As much as they are sharing their policy positions and having a really competitive primary, theres still going to have to be donald trump in the general. You look at the latest polls just two weeks ago, talked about President Trump on the economy is unbeatable. Hes at 46 approval and said, the Gold Standard of polling said he will likely go through the 50 threshold on the economy alone. Joe biden has got to come up with an economic plan to beat President Trump. If President Trump sticks to an economic message. Well be right back. Icks to an economic message. Well be right back. Every day, visionaries are creating the future. 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