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Country really. We know what his Closing Argument is. Hes saying very clearly that a vote for any republican on the ballot and any significant race is a proxy vote for him and his political agenda for the second half of his first term. Yes, today hes here in make on georgia trying to boost brian kemp. Hes the republican gubernatorial candidate. He leaves here and goes to tennessee to campaign for the Tennessee Senate candidate, the Republican Senate candidate. Hes been doing less campaigning comparatively for house candidates. He was asked about why when he left the white house today. Heres what he said to reporters gathered on the white house south lawn. I think were going to do well with the house. I think that my primary focus, of course, has been on the senate, because there are so many people in the house and thats a lot of stops, but i have done some housework also. But i think were going to do well in the house, but as you know, my primary focus has been on the senate. I think were doing really well in the senate. If you look at early returns. So why is the president focusing on the senate . Well, before donald trump was even elected, it was true that the electoral map looked good in terms of keeping the senate. The point is if tuesday turns out to be a split decision, Democrats Holding the house, Republicans Holding the senate, the message that the president and his allies are starting to telegraft is that a split decision is a win for President Trump. We saw a glimpse there of President Trump taking the stage. Were going to let you listen to that speech for us. Well touch base with you in a few minutes from now when the president makes comments. Lets crossover to beth. She is in deindicacatur georgia. Is it resonating from the folks youve been talking to . What are you hearing . Reporter well, it honestly depends on who you can. The conservatives for brian kemp, he is really echoing President Trumps message almost straight down the line. Hes talking a lot about immigration, a lot about borders, a lot about safety. Hes accusing his democratic opponent, Stacey Abrams without evidence, by the way, of wanting Illegal Immigrants to vote and thats how shes going to somehow win this race is by allowing Illegal Immigrants to vote. The fact that he is the secretary of state, the official who oversees election integrity, its all the more ironic that he would make this claim given that he actually has the jurisdiction over voting in this state. But thats really where its coming down to. Brian kemp really echoing President Trumps message about borders and safety and crime and Stacey Abrams sort of betting the farm that georgia is changing and has changed enough that it would elect her, someone like her, a progressive, an open progressive in the state. Also, she would be the first black woman governor of the state. She is betting that there are enough voters out there, either people who are die hard democrats, sort of disillusioned republicans who dont love President Trump, and most importantly, people who never voted before in the state who k will come out for her. So its a tale of two cities, a tale of two countries were seeing across the country. This sort of dark immigrant, safety focused message on the right, and the message from the democrats is anything but that. Its looking into the future. Its looking forward. Its trying to build a coalition thats diverse racially and economically to push forward ideas that are very opposite from what the president is talking about. Thanks for that, beth. As we monitor these duelling rallies, lets bring in our panel. Victoria, an msnbc contributor and professor. Paul cain, senior congressional correspondent. Steve isreal, former democratic congressman. And susan, republican strategist. Its great to have all of you with us. If i may begin with you, were seeing President Trump there pulling in large crowds. If you recall back in 2016, the size of the crowds was something that was often, you know, dismissed by democrats. They often referred to the voters being more important. Is there a risk that the democrats are underestimating, perhaps maybe even repeating the mistakes of 2016 by saying its all about the voter, not the size of the crowds . I dont think so. Whats more important than the size of the crowd is the size of the political battlefield. Right now you have 72 districts in play just a couple days before the election. Of those 72 districts that are in play, there are maybe four to six democrats at most who are in hard fought races and then youve got about 65 republicans who are defending their districts. Thats really what counts. That tells me that the battle field really favors democrats. Youve been reporting accurately a generic that has the democrats up seven. Thats more than enough for them to take the majority in the house. I think they have a harder time in the senate. Right now independents are breaking for democrats. Youve got a really good competitive battle field favoring democrats. Bottom line question, i know youve asked this yourself, would you rather be a democrat or republican right now . Are the democrats striking the right messaging in the final days . Do you think theyre hitting on the key points . We hear everything between should it be about impeachment, about health care, about the economy, about, you know, resist, that movement . What is it about . It should be about whatever message resonates in the congressional districts they have to win. All message is local. The democrats have to bring out their base, but also appeal to the moderate independent voters in republican held districts. Theyve got a message on two tracts. That message has to be on a local track. Lets put the message on the side. Lets talk about messengers. No greater messenger than president obama. Let me play you this sound bite and ill get your reaction afterwards. I had to take off my coat. I had to roll up my sleeves. I had to get a broom and a mop. We had to clean it up. And we got the economy growing again. Covered another 20 million folks with health care. Cut the deficits by more than half. Made sure the wealthiest paid their fair share of taxes. So hes been bouncing around the u. S. Was in florida. Hes obviously perhaps the greatest campaigner for the democrats right now. Hes engaged in somewhat of a unprecedented role for a former president. He is going after President Trump. He is campaigning aggressively in the midterm, something that former president s, they do, but not necessarily at this scale in this kind of environment. Are the republicans underestimating president barack obama in getting out to vote . Probably not. I think that president obama will do a great job motivating. When he talks about his record, though, thats really not what will motivate people to the polls. It is when he does go after President Trump and what he represents. And it is unusual for a former president to do that under these circumstances, but no ones had to deal with President Trump. He certainly has not been a traditional president in the way hes campaigned. So i think that Barack Obamas a great motivator, but again, going back to what the congressman said, youve got to motivate your voters in your district. Is he getting the right messaging . Do you think hes hitting trump enough or he needs to do it more . I think hes doing a great job. It could backfire. It could also mobilize a lot of republicans who genuinely dislike president obama. Heres what it represents for the independents. Its a stark difference of do you want a president who was frankly just saying and you may have disagreed with on politics, but isnt dragging down our National Values . Or do you want someone like donald trump who is only out for himself . Im not saying thats going to be an easy choice for a lot of independents, but i think it does remind people that governance is important. Our values as a nation are important. So victoria, on the republican side, you have the president and, you know, right wing conservative media, the republican party. Theyve made immigration the central focus of their final couple weeks. The rnc chair actually deny tie this moernrning immigration has been the president s focus and the media is making it a big story. What do you make of that argument . Immigration has been the number one issue for donald trump since he descended from the escalator in 2015 and right now were seeing that on steroids. Im going to put on my political psychologist hat. Hes doing exactly what he needs to do, because if theres one thing we know from psychology, it is that anxiety in motion motivates people to get involved, especially with regards to politics. So he is using anxiety in the political arena to really fortify his base, that base that is scared of the other. That base that is economically scared about the economic threats, physically scared about the crime components he highlights with regard to immigration which are largely false. He is using anxiety to do this. The flip side of that is what about those independents weve just been talking about . While anxiety, anxiety toward immigration can really secure that base, folks who are in the middle might say you know what . This is a little bit too extreme. This is too much fear mongering. That may have the opposite effect of pushing them more toward the democrats or ultimately demobilizing them and keeping them from voting. So its going to be interesting to see his gamble on immigration and going so hard on doubling down on the anxiety of immigration. I think its important to note when he talks about immigration, hes not talking about the context of policy. He is talking about it in fear mongering, in creating anxiety to scare americans to the polls. Let me just put this out there for you for a moment. The president , when you look at the map of where hes been campaigning, where hes going, hes playing it very safe. Hes going to areas he has a lot of support, most of the districts he won back in 2016. Hes staying away from parts of the county as we just heard from the former congressman here that are in play, the 72 or so districts. Is that a safe bet . Is he too afraid to go into areas where the seats are in competition and he just wants to stay in the safe pockets . I think this is all about him trying to win these races, the senate races, that are in really conservative places like north dakota, montana, missouri. His message is so focused on issues that help there in the senate races. If he were to go into Northern Virginia right now where barbara com sto comstock, a republican is trailing pretty badly in a suburban district, if he were to go into her district, it would further alienate the middle of the road voters and it would be worse. He basically has to stay in places like macon georgia, not atlanta, metro atlanta, where theyve got a couple of house races that could very well slip out of reach. So this is just all part of a design where he really is not worried about the house of representatives. The dye might be cast and he might be building up a majority. A lot of people saw him out of the white house making those comments just before he boarded air force one. It sound ed like he was hedging his bets on the house, but the house, dont know how that will play out. Steve, thank you very much. Paul, thank you. Victoria and susan, ill ask you to stick around. Lets go to the house race in nevada. Steve patterson is there. He is with republican candidate Danny Tarkanian at his Campaign Headquarters in las vegas. Steve. Reporter ayman, this is another razor tight race here in the state of nevada. This is for the third congressional district. This is Danny Tarkanian. This is for jackie rosens seat. Shes running in that super tight senate race now. Shes vacated that seat. Thats what this fight is about. Danny, why is this race so tight . I think ive seen every poll within the margin of error. Youve seen it within. 1 or Something Like that. Everything were seeing is within half a point to a point. Its a very close district both registration wise and in history the way its turned nout previo out in previous elections. The democrats have targeted this. They spent 9 million in third party money and made it very close. Last stretch, what are you telling voters . We want to get our voters out to vote. Weve identified who our voters are. We have one day left of 15 day voting here in nevada. Reporter my team and i, weve been rolling around the west. Weve talked to a lot of congressional candidates, republicans who maybe have chosen to distance themselves a little bit from donald trump, from national politics. Youve kind of embraced donald trump. Is that smart play in nevada . I try to do what is honest. I think President Trumps America First policies are great for our country. You look at trying to make our nation more secure. Im running on those issues. I believe the vast majorities of americans believe in it. Donald trump has a plus positive approval rating. He says some things that many people dont agree with. They are confrontational and thats the way it works for him. Ive campaigned on that the day i got in the race. My opponent wont even mention trump. All she does is make up all these lies and deceitful ads. Thats all shes talking about. Im talking issues. Reporter i wish we had more time to talk about that. Thank you for joining us. You can hear the danny squad is very excited. This is another close race, again, that were going to be watching into the election. Steve patterson, thanks for that. We want to head over to missouri where clare mark cccas is tied with josh hawley. Morgan, the president we know will be there tomorrow. It doesnt allow early voting. Tell us more about the enthusiasm levels there for tuesday. People are fired up, ayman. Theyre ready to head to the poll p poll. Weve been here in st. Louis. This is one of the tightest senate races in the entire country. On one hand, we have democratic incumbent Claire Mccaskill facing josh hawley. She is one of the most vulnerable Democratic Senators in the senate and thats because shes in one of these ten senators who are fighting for reelection now in states that trump won. Trump took missouri by about 20 points and that was back in 2016. So she has to really prove to the voter here on the ground she can reach across the aisle and make nice with the president who a lot of her constituents here like. She has a lot of voters supporting her inside the city limits. We talked to voters here who said their number one issue is health care. Others said its about keeping local jobs. Our team was also at a Hawley Campaign and his big issue was immigration. He in a lot of ways stepped close to President Trumps agenda. When he mentioned immigration, it was like a wrestle went through the crowd. The energy shifted. They were riled up and energized around the issue of immigration, something they feel like affects them here every single day in missouri opinion hes really ma made an effort to localize these issues. Its going to be up to the voters to determine who they feel like can represent their issues. Morgan, you know where our office is. We will take some of that take outfor outotakeout for us. Making the final arguments to supporters on both sides. Were going to take a look at the numbers when it comes to control of congress, numbers that have some democrats very nervous. Me and my friends cant wait to vote. Well see you at the polls next thursday. Tuesday. I know, mom. Im kidding. Its not fun. Promise me youre going to get out there and vote. The Kenya Tea Development agency is an organization that is owned by tea farmers. Every week we sell this tea, we get paid in multiple accounts. We were looking for a bank to provide a safe and Efficient Technology platform to pay our farmers. 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Big corporations are making and just got a huge tax break. But the middle class is struggling. Prop c is a commonsense plan. The top 1 of businesses pay their fair share to tackle homelessness for all of us. Companies with revenue greater than 50 million pay, not Small Businesses or homeowners. The prop c plan is supported by the democratic party, Nancy Pelosi Dianne Feinstein vote yes on c. Big corporations pay for it, not you. Look what shes accomplished. She authored the ban on assault weapons. Pushed the desert protection act through congress, and steered billions of federal dollars to california projects such as subway construction and wildfire restoration. She. Played an Important Role in fighting off. Trumps efforts to kill the Affordable Care act. California news papers endorse Dianne Feinstein for us senate. California values senator Dianne Feinstein welcome back, everyone. President trump continuing to speak right now to supporters in macon, georgia. You see it there on your screen. Before leaving for georgia today, the president gave his thoughts on where republicans stand right now. Take a listen. I think were going to do well in the house, but as you know, my primary focus has been on the senate. I think were doing really well in the senate. Joining me now, larry, the director of the center of politics at the university of virginia. The man behind the crystal ball which crunches the numbers and predicts the outcomes for tuesdays midterm elections. I dont know whether i envy you or im worried about the predictions youre making given how much is at stake right now and how people are closely watching this. Let me get your final takes. Theyre obviously going to be coming out tomorrow. Preview those for us on the senate side. How do you see things now and do you see a path for victory for the democrats in the senate . Im delighted to say my wonderful executive editor is in the other room finalizing some of our picks. Im just going to blame him for any ones that are wrong. But look, is there still a path . Of course, theres still a path. Suppose theres an unset in texas, which by the way ive had a Million People tell me the polls are wrong and there will be an upbset for beto orourke. And then theres so many other close senate races, but everything would have to go just perfectly. There would have to be an inside straight for democrats. Sometimes it happens. But its relativeliy rare. Democrats are in much better shape, and im kind of chuckling today as many people are at the hedging thats going on with the po pollsters and the networks, and i get it. We all remember 2016. We dont want another 2016. Theres another good reason for it. Democrats are much meless likel to show up if they think something is in the bag. The last thing you want to communicate to them is oh, dont bother, go ahead and have your activities as usual on tuesday and other people will show up. Thats definitely the worst thing for democrats is to feel theyve got this one only for them to see it slip away. I know you changed a few of your house ratings. Whats your overall feeling . How many seats do you see democrats gaining enough to take over in the house . We had former congressman steve isreal saying there are about 70 seats or so up for play. What is your sense of how many are actually in play . Oh, id say close to that number are in play in the sense that theyre leaning and might if theres a big wave, they might be pushed over into the democratic column. Realistically, to be honest, were well above the plus 23. Maybe were wrong. There is a narrow path for republicans to keep the house just like theres a narrow path for democrats to get the senate. Personally, i think its more likely to be a 30 seat gain, 35 seat gain, and if we see the tiny number of remaining undecideds, many of whom are independents who have been breaking to the democrats, if they break in the democrats direction, then the number could be higher than anyone suspects. To that point, if we take the midterms in the sense of the house and senate, what do you expect the other headlines to be coming out of tuesday for the democrats when you have so many close governorships that are being contested . State legislators . Florida, georgia, michigan, some of these governorship races are just astronomical in the money that is being spent. So much on the line there. Well, indeed. We break records every two years, but this year has really broken records. You really have to give it to democratic activists. They have pushed small money into so many things, house, senate, governor across the country. They have enhanced democrats chance to win seats in congress, and governorships, im going to be very surprised if democrats dont win a net six, seven, eight, its possible even to see nine if everything falls in their direction, including those big states in the middle part of the country, the midwest that have eluded democrats during the obama administration, their two midterms. Some of them are clearly coming back. It could be a sweep. Could be a sweep. And not to mention, it could be historic as well if you see Stacey Abrams as well as Andrew Gillum winning georgia and florida. Absolutely. President Trump Holding a rally in georgia right now trying to push the republican candidate over the finish line. Were going to look a lot closer at that race. Plus were talking about a woman who is about to make history in congress. The first somali in the house of representatives. Stay with us. My dad used to say when i was younger and came to this country and grumbling with why kids were being mean, he said once you learn the language and are able to have a conversation with people, he would say it is really hard for people to hate up close. Dont you get the best price booking at one of those travel sites . They tell you that, but when you book at hilton. Com, you get the price match guarantee. So if you find your room at a lower rate, hilton is like. Were gonna match that rate and give you an extra 25 off. What would travel sites do if you found a better price . Thats not my problem, its your problem. Get outta here whoa, i really felt that performance. Its just acting, im really good at it. Book at hilton. Com and get the hilton price match guarantee. If you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25 off that stay. Opportunity is everywhere. Like here. Where nothing stands between you and your best friends. Wat t. 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Or whether we let the radical democrats take a giant wrecking ball to our economy and to our future. So a tail twle of two presid as former president obama campaigns for democrats and you saw President Trump holding a rally right now macon georgia hoping to help Republican Brian Kemp defeat Stacey Abrams. Kemp has made a last minute accusation with very little notice against the democrats saying they tried to hack into the states Voting System. As we mentioned, he didnt really offer any details to back that claim up. Abrams responded earlier today on meet the press. He is desperate to turn the conversation away from his failures, from his refusal to honor his commitments and from the fact that hes part of a nationwide system of Voter Suppression that will not work in this election. Joining me now once again, jeff bennett. He is with the president in macon georgia. Back with us, victoria, profess ter at the university of texas and susan, republican strategist. Jeff, lets get caught up to speed really quickly on the president s statements since we spoke to you as he was about to take the stage. What has his messaging been to the crowd ino just this past week we saw the president suggest Stacey Abrams was some unqualified for the position shes seeking. She won as a Spellman College graduate. Also a Yale Law School graduate just like brett kavanaugh, the Supreme Court candidate who President Trump routinely traces his intellect. The other thing weve seen are these voting restrictions that are in force here in georgia backed by the republican gubernatorial candidate who also as you well know is the secretary of state. Abrams supporters view those as transparent tactic aimed the limiting block voter turnout. If Stacey Abrams is victorious, it will be because shes done something that has never been defer before in this state. It will mean she has turned out young voter, women voters, and black voters who live in the rural parts of georgia. So the voting restrictions which many see as being Voter Suppression, really thats why they say that brian kemp is trying to put a finger on the scale here. So jeff, very quickly, did we hear brian kemp or the president make any reference to this investigation and accusation that the democrats tried to hack his Voting System there in georgia . No direct rrns eference to i all. So far the president has stuck to what he call his greatest hit, attacking us in the press, but no direct reference to this investigation announced today by the republican gubernatorial candidate. Thanks for that. Victor yar victoria, lets talk about this investigation. What effect, if anyone, could this have so close to the election . Is this an example of what everyone is complaining about . As the secretary of state he also wears this hat and as a candidate the lines can be ambiguous about a political attack and his responsibility as an official in the state . Right, ayman. Let me also start off that Stacey Abrams in addition to being a spellman grad and yale grad, this is a woman qualified to be the governor of the state. Because of this we see kemp running so scared. He knows not only is he qualified, but she has fired up that base in georgia, folks who want to see a change. Nevertheless, in trying to make these constitutional moves in making voting harder, of making these claims of hacking, he is trying to gain an advantage. My hope is that this does not work out, but we have seen in d the past such Voter Suppression tactics and such distracting efforts do work in the favor of the republican candidate. But i do think that Stacey Abrams has been working for a long time on this campaign, so shes been in the Georgia Legislature for quite a long time. Were going to see on tuesday whether all of this has paid off and the folks in georgia have been able to dismiss and overcome the obstacles put forward by brian kemp in this election. Voter suppression has a long history in the south. Brian kemp has been accused of Voter Suppression in this race. Is this an attempt by brian kemp to try to muddy the waters ahead of tuesdays vote . What is the strategy here . Its not a serious allegation in the sense that we havent seen any evidence or any Law Enforcement to back it up. Look who is going out campaigning for him. Donald trump. We never saw any evidence of things he has said over time. He makes things up all the time. Illegal votes, yeah. Right. Just absurdities. Heres what the republican the problem facing republicans. Democrats are starting to appeal to more and more people. Younger people, people of color, independents. Republicans dont have anywhere to grow. So all they can do is go deep and push that turnout and get every last vote, because thats their universe. Thats all they have. What kemp is doing is despicable. What many republicans have done, republican governors have said and done in the past, doing anything to create Voter Suppression is a disgrace. If republicans cant win because we have better ideas, we dont deserve to be in office. But we should be doing Everything Possible to encourage someone to vote. Not because they have a hyphen or dont have a hyphen. In may name i wouldnt be able to vote because i have a space. If i didnt have a space when i went to the polls, i wouldnt be allowed to vote. Some of the examples weve been seeing have been absurd. Thank you, guys. Victoria and susan, stay with me. Were going to take you back out on the campaign trail with our road warriors crisscrossing the country ahead of tuesdays votes. Stay with us. For investors. Introducing zero account fees for brokerage accounts. And zero minimums to open an account. We have Fidelity Mutual funds with zero minimum investment. 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Its really exciting to be someone who others can see themselves in all the multiple identities that i represent. Her district is diverse. Her family first settled in a mostly somali neighborhood. This cafe is in a wealthy predominant white neighborhood, but its the youth vote that got here. Nearly 50 of my constituents are under 24. Nobody thought they would show up and vote. I believe if they had someone and had a conversation with them about whats at stake, they would come out and vote, and they did. Her Campaign Manager is 21 years old. I am the youngest Campaign Manager of any statewide or Congressional Campaign in the state of minnesota. Its not just that we want to see young women and young people run for office and people of color. Its that we want to see them bring us with them. Every politician wants to know how do we get the youth vote. Shes here right now. Shes listen. If you want our vote, you need to show that youre listening to us, not just send out a tweet that says that you like us. Just talk to us. Were not that drifferent from the other generations. Very fascinating insights into how she ran her campaign and her Campaign Manager. How significant were millennials or the youth vote to her success and what did she do thats different than other politicians who ran in that race to resonate and connect with young voters . The youth vote was really key for her. She sort of cracked that code that every politician is zbr desperate to crack. How do you get young people to show up . From what we heard, its by showing up for them. Students hammered home its not enough to use social media to get to the millennial heart. They want to be hard and shes done that. What struck me is her campaign is so historic. Her being a muslim woman, a somali american is huge. The students werent focused on her identity, but the fact that shes investing in them and investing in young people. You walk into her campaign office, and the majority of her staff is under 25. Here Campaign Manager is 21. She had to take a leave of absence from school to run the campaign. Did you get a sense shes going back to school . I think its to be determined. It was inspiring to hear as we are hearing this millennials arent engaged, to see the young people really take part and run a campaign by young people for young people. Know you had a special connection with her and i want to play another part of the interview you did with her and ill get your reaction to it. You might not it from looking at us, but my own story isnt all that different. I left my home country of ukraine when i was 8 years old and moved here. I am an american. I think for some people who were born here, sometimes they might struggle to understand how someone who wasnt born here could be as eager to participate as they are. We love this democracy only in a way that someone who has experienced the absence of it could. So all of us as immigrants have in unique experience, but im curious to understand if that translates. Certainly as immigrants you almost cherish this democracy and the sacred right to vote in a different way. Do candidates who are Immigrants Campaign differently than those born here in the u. S. . Yes. We both left our home countries around the same age and came from countries where democracy isnt a given. I do think that brings a special kind of enthusiasm and an optimism that is refreshing, especially in a candidate. I talked to a campaign expert who explained that immigrant candidates, minority candidates historically do tend to campaign differently because they have to sort of break that barrier of perceived other lesser perceived difference. She did that. Her strategy came from a lesson her dad taught her when they first came to the country. Once you learn the language and can communicate, its hard to hate up close. Her campaign told us for every dollar they spent on advertising, they spent 4 just going out there and talking to people. I think what that teaches us is not only is it hard to hate up close, its also much easier to like up close and thats sort of how she was able to cut across so many of the demographics that are in her district and kind of expand her voter base. Very powerful message indeed. Great to have you. Great reporting as always. Thank you so much. President trump and former president obama headtohead on the campaign trail. Trump continuing his ral ly in georgia and the former president holding his second rally of the day. That expected to take place shortly. Obama not the other big gun the democrats are using. Oprah getting into the political fray as well. Can you imagine how disappointed youd be if oprah showed up at your door and it was to discuss politics . Look at this woman in georgia opening her door for oprah. She definitely thinks shes getting a new car and not a pamphlet about Stacey Abrams. Whether its a big thing, small thing, or something unexpected, pnc will be right there when you need us. Because when it comes to your finances, if you focus on today, tomorrow has a way of working itself out. The new sleep number 360 smart beds are on sale now during sleep numbers veterans day sale. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. 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Right now i want to take you to texas home to one of the most watched races between ted cruz and challenger beto orourke. Were in san antonio following the Orourke Campaign. Garrett, bring us up to speed. I know you were in austin earlier today, but what do you have going on now in san antonio in terms of what youre hearing . Reporter boueto orourke is about to have the second rally of the day. San antonio and austin, two different media markets, but a big, big important piece of real estate here for his campaign. Lots of hispanic voters here, lots of young people, actually, at the rally that is getting ready to get started right now in a rock club here in san antonio. Orourke has become a rock star on the left. Hes raised more money than any other Senate Candidate in history and hes been spending knit large part traveling around the state, putting together a get out the vote machine that they hope can finally give Texas Democrats something theyve wanted for more than 20 years, which is a foothold in statelevel politics. No democrat in the state of texas has been elected to any statewide position since 1994. The math in this race still favors ted cruz. This is a conservative state. But the enthusiasm for orourke is undenial. The pictures should prove it. If they dont, listen to ted cruz describe the enthusiasm on the left in this state. Heres what he told 60 minutes. We got numbers on our side. There are a lot more conservatives than there are liberals. What the Orourke Campaign has had on their side is intensity. The liberals who are in texas are really, really mad. They hate President Trump. That anger is dangerous. Thats mobilizing. It means theyre going to show up. Theyll crawl over broken glass to show up. Reporter and they seem to be showing up. All the early numbers in texas has been extraordinary, breaking every record. Young people are voting in record numbers in texas. That is the kind of thing that the Orourke Campaign takes hope from. Early vote is over now. Well find out on tuesday whether they can turn this kind of enthusiasm into a big win for democrats in the state of texas. Garrett headache in san antonio. Lets go to answers for kristen cinema and martha mcsally. Vonn have been traveling the campaign trail and joins us now. Bring us up to speed how thats playing out in the final hours as well. Reporter exactly, amon. To give you an idea, 75 of the vote actually comes in via early ballot. Were here in hitchfield park at the arts festival. I was talking with our crew about this. You hear the flute music. It doesnt feel like your two days out. Sinema ran a Half Marathon earlier in the day. We were in prescott earlier today with mcsally. Youll see her, she was literally wielding an ax up in prescott today. Im a warrior. I like weapons. Thats going to end up on the evening news, right, vonn . It will be on msnbc in 15 seconds. Reporter we play that bite because this is representative of the campaign that mcsally has run. She has stood by donald trump, by menace, don junior was here a few days ago. She has not run away from this administration. Compare that to Kristin Sinema who is trying to take that mantel from john mccain. Thanks for that. Be sure to watch the special tonight at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. At 9 00 our Election Team provides a live look at the memorandums. Join brian williams, Rachel Maddow and Steve Kornacki for what you need to know before you cast your vote this tuesday. Billions of mouths. Billions of problems. Dry mouth . Parched mouth . Cotton mouth . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath oral rinse and lozenges. Help relieve dry mouth using natural enzymes to soothe and moisturize. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. Youre in the business of helping people. Were in the business of helping you. Business loans for eligible card members up to fifty thousand dollars, decided in as little as 60 seconds. The powerful backing of american express. Dont do business without it. pirate girl ahoy gotcha girl nooooooooooooo man nooooo vo quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker, and is two times more absorbent. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. First, it continues to pay paramedics while were on break. Second, it ensures the closest ambulance can respond if you call 911. Vote yes on 11. Proposition 11 proposition 11 is a vote to protect patient safety. It ensures the closest ambulance remains oncall during paid breaks so that they can respond immediately when needed. Vote yes on 11. That will do it for me this week. Join me on on sunday at 4 00 to break down the major stories of the week. Reach out to me on social media and now i turned it over to reverend al sharpton and politics nation. Weaning and welcome to politicsnation. For tuesdays pivotal midterm election. Well have the latest numbers from around the country, but with two days left to go. Our nbc news wall street journal poll has 50 of likely midterm voters wanting democrats in control of congress, a sevenpoint lead over republicans. And early voting is setting a record, nearly 35 million votes already counted nationally, more than 4 million of them from the battleground state of florida. And tonight im coming to you live from miami where i was a part of the souls to the polls march earlier today to make sure some of the poorest black residents exercise their hardwon voting rights. As we count down to tuesday

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