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North korea adding, quote, i truly believe that north korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial nation one day. Kim jongun agrees with me on this. It will happen. The movement, another signal that the june 12th summit may be back on as originally scheduled. People are working on it. Its moving along very nicely, so were looking at june 12th in singapore. That hasnt changed, and its moving along pretty well so well see what happens. All right. What happens could have a lot to do with south korean president moon jaein. Moon agreed to a lastminute meeting with kim jongun that happened on saturday. In fact, in a televised address moon says the north has renewed its intention for complete denuclearization. Great to have all of you with us. Ambassador hill, if i may begin with you. Whats the job of the u. S. Officials who are now inside north korea and those who are also headed to singapore . Explain to us the difference between those two teams right now. First of all, both teams are involved in preparing for the summit, but the team going to singapore is preparing for the logistics of the summit and the team going to pyongyang led by ambassador song kim is there to talk to the North Koreans and see whats substantly is going to come out of this summit. If they have said these things to the South Koreans, they should see them to the u. S. Delegation, and perhaps even they could get something in wright and have a clear understanding before the summit beginsp, whether the summit will be successful. I worked with song kim for seven years. He was my deputy in the sixparty talks. Fabulous diplomat. I mean, hes professional, smart, very loyal, and i just am very pleased to see professionals leading the way, so as our president would say lets see. Let me ask you this question, ambassador hill. In a situation like this, would he be going into north korea and saying, look, were going to talk about denuclearization, or is he going in there, for example, and saying we will not go unless were talking about denuclearization . Again, these are really professional so probably this will be something along the lines. We want a successful summit and we know you want a successful summit but heres what we need to see as an outcome to have a successful summit, and then well see what the North Koreans say. But a lot of skeptics, a lot of skeptics were on the morning talk shows talking about it. Im a little skeptical but the idea that they could have a talk about denuclearization, make the North Koreans come up with a time frame. You know, its not enough to say that some day when the lions lie down with the lambs well have denuclearization. They need to give us some framework and time frame for this to happen and you need professionals. By the way, song kim has been there many other times. He knows these people. His interlocutor was part of the north korean delegation we sat across from for so many years. They know each other, and well see what they come up with. You brought up a really good point which is the issue of denuclearization. Heres how the south korean president moon jaein came out of his saturdays meeting with kim jongun. He said i think it would be a really good thing to establish normalized conduit for communication. Sorry. That was a mistake. It was the graphic. It says that chairman kim made clear once again his intentions to completely denuclearize the creep peninsula as he did in the panmunjom declaration. What do you think he means by complete denuclearization in this case . What is kim jongun understand denuclearization to be . Well, for kim jongun losing complete control over Nuclear Power or Nuclear Weapons is problematic because he does not actually have much of a functioning economy that would be enticing to others to build up. He largely is in power because hes been able to maintain that by the threat of military control, so denuclearization for him may mean something very different than it does to the United States and thats part of what is important in these prenegotiations or the actual hard work that comes before a summit is to agree upon definitions. Are we all identifying words the same way, particularly since this is not just language barrier. This also has to do with intentionality. Does it mean he wont build any new weapons or that hell allow inspectors to come in and take apart the weapons or reactors that they do have . Its all a matter of degree and the hard work that has to go into these kinds of dialogs. I know you spent a lot of time there and you obviously understand the language in a way that were mott going to in a sense that it may be lost in translation about the intentions and the word themselves. What does it actually mean when we think of what North Koreans understand denuclearization to be. Kim jongun has been very clear. He has been rebranding himself as a statesman who embraces the concept of a weaponsfree world, and hes been very clear that when he talks about denuclearization hes talking about denuclearization of the entire Korean Peninsula, and what he means by that is that he wants the United States to withdraw the Nuclear Umbrella that it holds over south korea and in the region, and so i think that one of the things the North Koreans are going to say is we need a security guarantee. We need a peace treaty. We need you to withdraw your troops and withdraw that Nuclear Umbrella and then perhaps we can talk about north korea giving up Nuclear Weapons. Let me play you guys a sound bite from the former National Intelligence director James Clapper because he weighed in today on how communication between washington and north korea can be improved. Take a listen. I think it would be a real good thing to establish normalized conduit for communication, and ive been an advocate for a long time of having intersections established in pyongyang and washington at a level below an embassy but a diplomatic presence nonetheless just as we had in havana, cuba for decades to deal with the government we didnt recognize. So ambassador hill, whats missing in this . Do you think that Communications Channels that play out between diplomats rather than places like twitter in the case of the president would be better . Do you agree with director clapper, former director clappers assessment . I think it would be better, but let me mention the following. The chinese had this idea back in 2006. I took it back to washington. Everyone hate the the idea of setting up some u. S. Interest group, but finally they agreed. I went back to the North Koreans and i said to the now senior vice minister who has come up on the net a couple times lately. Good news. Weve aid grow to establish informal sessions in pyongyang and youll establish one in washington and he looked at me like that was the dumbest idea weve ever heard. He said, no, were not interested in that. It was a chinese idea that worked for them. Im not sure the North Koreans are interested. I would also like to point out that if you call the sixparty agreement which was in september 2005, we said in the agreement that this is denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. We affirm there are now u. S. Nuclear weapons in korea. The South Koreans affirm they have no intention ever of introducing such weapons. We talked about our desire to have a peace treaty. We laid this all out, and the North Koreans walked away from it because they could not accept intrusive verification. No question there are going to be problems once again. They did agree to a lot of those things back in september 2005, and eventually they walked away, so song kim knows all that because he was there, and i think this will be very useful meeting. Jean, let me ask you, one of the things we saw from President Trumps tweet where he said north korea could become an economic or financial powerhouse or at least a vibrant economy, is that something that you think the north Korean Leader actually wants to achieve . Is there risk that he thinks if he opened up his country to westernstyle capitalism or Economic Prosperity that that might somehow undermine his grip on power . Absolutely. Its very difficult for the North Koreans. They are walking a fine line. North korean regime i should say between wanting to open up so they can have the economic benefits. They are so cut off and isolated right now and its really hampered their economy from moving forward, but that risks losing control over the way the people think, their access to information, and so its weve seen the growing pains that they have had even throughout kim jonguns leadership in trying to make changes economically but also chafing at the loss of control over information the flow of information and what that means to expose the people to outside concepts at the outside world. Let me get your thoughts really quickly. What warnings would you give President Trump and his team when it comes to negotiating with the North Koreans going into this over the next couple of weeks . Well, unfortunately, the warning of dont negotiate in public, negotiate behind closed doors is not where were at right now, but that this next step of having these officials meet at a substantive level is the right thing to do, and to not oversell and over promise what will come out of this summit. I think the early talk of donald trump believing that just getting the two people and leaders in a room was all that was needed. He would get a nobel peace prize. All that did was position the United States as overeager for this meeting giving the upper hand to north korea so it seems a lot more balanced now with an opportunity of moving forward with real substantive change. The hard work begins now, so to speak. Great to have you with us. President trump accuses Robert Mueller of destroying lives while Rudy Giuliani ramps up claims that a spy infiltrated the president s campaign. Their strategy to undermine the russia investigation. Thats next. Yes yes cool. I want to show you guys three chevy suvs. The first one is called the trax, great for when you move in together. Ahhh and this is the chevy equinox, perfect for when you two have your first kid. Give me some time. Okay. This is the traverse. For when you have your five kids, two dogs and one cat. Whoa five . Uhhh. 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It starthen a decisionussion, and now youre working toward something together. Can you afford it . Is it the right time . Yes. And you feel good about it. Because youre doing this for him in return for everything hes always done for you. At pnc, were here to help you take steps today to make a plan to borrow and stick with it. Bienvenido a casa, papa. Pnc. Make today the day. The president continues efforts to undermine the russia investigation. In fact, the president zentd sending out a flurry of tweets including one a short time ago that asks why president barack obama didnt do more about russia meddling and this earlier one stands out. Trump lamonting the quote. Young and beautiful lives destroyed by the russia investigation though not quite clear who the young people hes talking about are. While the president took to twitter his lawyer Rudy Giuliani hit the airwaves as hes been doing regularly continuing to push the claim that a spy was embedded in the Trump Campaign despite no evidence to back that up. Whats wrong with the government trying to figure out what russia was up to . Nothing wrong with the government doing that. Everything wrong with the government spying on a candidate of the opposition party, watergate, spyget, and without any warning to him and now to compound that, to make it into a criminal investigation, bill, thats why this is a rigged investigation. All right. But at least one prominent republican wasnt reading out of the same playbook. Take a listen. As far as what i have seen to date it appears that there was an investigation not of the campaign but of certain individuals who have a history that we should be suspicious of that predate the president ial campaign of 20152016 and when individuals like that are in the orbit of a Major Political campaign in america, the fbi who is in charge of counterintelligence investigations should look at people like that. So we want to break down some key questions in this case for you. The president s claims of a spy on his campaign, is it just another tactic to muddy the waters, or is this one starting to resonate with the public . Has the Justice Department already gone too far in legitimizing this effort by offering briefings to members of congress on classified information . And will the doj take the next step and cave in to demands from giuliani that they get to see the same information directly . For all that have im joined by katie benner from the New York Times, john cypher, former cia officer who ran operations in russia, steven cash, a former new York District attorney as well as former cia Intelligence Officer and rick wilson, a gop strategist. Great to have all of you with us. I wanted to start with the last question about giulianis demands. Heres what he had to say this morning. Take a listen. Were not going to sit him down if this is a trap for purgery, and until were convinced of that, and if they dont show us these documents were just going to have to say no. Let me emphasize. He wants to explain that he did nothing wrong. Its us, the lawyers, who have to convince him that this is a trap. Let me begin with you, steve. The last time we were in this situation they had demands they wanted to be briefed by the doj and fbi about the socalled informant. They got that briefing, and now it seems like they have moved the goal post. They want giuliani, as we were hearing there, saying they want access to these documents. Do you think that the doj and possibly the fbi or anyone else that may have gathered intelligence on this case may end up sharing that information with the campaign or should they . Its hard to predict what they are going to do. I just want to make clear that they briefed the committees or at least the gang of eight and while there were white house people there at the beginning, according to press reports, its not clear that they have briefed the white house on this. Right. What doj and fbi will do im not quite sure. It is not unusual for defense lawyers to ask the government to show me this or show me that at all stages. I do defense work, and its perfectly all right to ask. Whether the department will grant that request is a different question. Okay. From your Legal Expertise as well as from your intelligence expertise, should they do that . Well, in most cases i think the answer is no. They would probably say no. I think one of the problems is we keep talking about a perjury trap, and mayor giuliani just spoke about it. A perjury trap is not what most people think it is or what it is on law order when someone who may lie ends up in a position in which they do lie. Its a very well defined legal concept and it requires that the prosecutors asking the questions are not really asking that question. They dont really want to note answer. They just want you to get you to lie, and i dont think theres any evidence that thats whats going on here. Now i appreciate why mayor giuliani as an aggressive Attorney Says i want to see this, i want to see, that i want to see the other thing, but the idea that theres a perjury trap here are there is some cleel concept that addresses that. I think its misunderstood by a lot of americans. I know earlier this week the legal team tried to insinuate its way into the briefings by sending a lawyer emmett flood. Heres what democrat adam schiff said about that today. I told mr. Flood that i thought that he had no business being there, that he was the president s defense lawyer. He took issue. He said Im White House counsel and i said i dont care youre the president s defense counsel and there is no evidence to support that thigh theyre. This is just a piece of propaganda the president wants to put out and repeat. Kate, i know youve done a lot of reporting over the meetings over the past week. What was the point of having mr. Flood trying to take part in those meetings . Did he try to take part until adam schiff said you have no business being here or was he along to say a few words at the beginning and just leave . I think he was always along to say a few words at the beginning and leave, but i think, you know, to mr. Schiffs point and what a lot of democrats were saying they were worried that his presence was a message, that it was sending a warning saying we either executive branch and we can still tell the Justice Department what to do and it overshadowed meet national a really uncomfortable way. John, i know that theres been indications that the fbi sent an informant that sent to several of the figures flagged having some contact with russia finding out what was going on. Would that be standard procedure in your view . Yeah. The fbi runs counterintelligence investigations. Their job is to try to protect us from hostile foreign powers and foreign espionage, so one of the ways to find out whats going on, especially when they had people that were in touch with russians, would be to use an informant, but i think whats happened here is the president and others have publicly used the term spy and infiltration in order to sort of confusion and scare people because these issues unmask and fisa and spying are things that people generally dont understand, and when they are used by the president that way, they seem sort of sinister and stuff. In fact, you know, what general hayden said today in one of the sunday morning shows is that this is stunningly normal. This is kind of behavior that you expect of your Counterintelligence Service to try to protect you against these kinds of things. To that point, that john talked about, the term spy and informant, rick, i want to ask you about some reports this week that in fact the president had told a confidant hes using the term spy rather than informant because it sounds more sinister and would actually resonate with the public more. Sure. Do you think thats working as we drag on in this particular socalled spygate controversy that the president continues to drum up . Well, i mean, i think its working in the segment of the audience that gets all of their news now from fox news or get all of their news now from the sort of trump portion of the media, and thats going to be that 30 to 35 of americans who would believe absolutely anything that donald trump said, but, you know, the rest america is it increasingly doesnt look like something thats convincing the rest america. It looks like sort of a very defensive, very, you know, propagandaoriented defensive line put out by a bunch of attorneys who really only care about, you know, how does fox friends covering it. How do we keep the base motivated on it. I think the big lyft week that was exposed, if they had found anything in this Justice Department briefing, devin nunes would have run out of there like a monkey with his ass on fire to say there was a spy that they caught and knew who it was. He would have turned it into a giant show and i think this is another one of their plays, like the former nunes memo and the unmasking scandal and all the other things that they have played out as cards over the last year that have failed and failed again and again because the substance of this, the fbi was playing by the rules. They were going by the book this. Wasnt something that was, you know, as general hayden said this was normal. You want a Counterintelligence Service. You want your Counterintelligence Services to go after hostile foreign intelligence operations of which there was one targeting this campaign. John, and ill ask steven as well. You may know, this but since this is something that general hayden said could have been a standard operating counterintelligence operation, do you think that the fbi at any point should have approached the president ahead of time and told him, hey, were doing this because we think your campaign may have somebody inside or may have been compromised, does the fact that they didnt tell him cast a shadow of a doubt about the president himself . Well, its not clear to me that they didnt warn the president the then president elect trump at the time about the russian efforts, and also it was public by that time when the russians were trying to do with our election so i do think that they warned the campaigns about this kind of thing. Whether or not they went to mr. Trump himself i just dont know, and perhaps that tells us something. I just dont know. Do you think in the past that would have been normally the case if the fbi had information that lets say a president ial candidate obama, george bush or anyone may be the target of meddling, that they would go to the top boss and say, hey, fyi, there may be this event taking place in your campaign and were launching a counterintelligence operation . Id be interested to hear what steve says. In normal cases yes they would probably do that. In this case it was the beginning of an investigation, if you remember, so they may have just been trying to find out if the there was something going on and if if it wasnt anything serious they would back off. So maybe at that point they didnt think it was sensible to go to mr. Trump. Steve, ill give you a chance to talk about that as well. What do you think about the fact that they didnt go to President Trump . Should that cast a shadow . Assuming they didnt, it should not cast a shadow. Investigations are greatly varied. We dont know where they were at what point in time. It is not uncommon, in both the counterintelligence and in Law Enforcement investigations to sequence who youre going to tell at what point. I want to make one point that i think its an important lens to see what the fbi and cia and other organizations may have done. Mayor giuliani referred to the opposition investigation. It is a deeply deeply held idea in the United States that the fbi, the cia, the nsa, they are never opposition forces. Right. They work for the United States, for any president who is there, george bush, bill clinton, president obama. It doesnt matter. There is no opposition Intelligence Service in the United States. Seems like they are trying to muddy the waters again. Katie, let me ask you. Do you think the white houses view on the strategy of playing up the spy angle, do you think this is working inside the white house . Well, im not sure what they think is working inside the white house, but we do know that there are people if you look at polls that are starting to question the legitimacy of the Mueller Investigation, and what is happening that is so unusual is that the white house is putting its thumb on the scale and weighing in on an active investigation into the president himself eroding decades and decades of norms established after watergate where the doj and the fbi have independence from the white house, so they are making this tremendous effort, taking an unusual step and really changing the way weve seen the Justice Department impact the Mueller Investigation and we have to wonder what effect its going to have on the Justice Department and the fbi Going Forward after this investigation is done and after this president is out of the white house. Risk you get that question that katie just posed. When the Mueller Report is finally released and if it is ever made public, do you think its going to be seen as a legal document, or do you think that the trump team has been successful already enough that it will be seen as a political document and can just simply kind of go away . No action needed . Well, look, i i think that theres one thing we know about robert muler from his history, that hes an extraordinarily methodical, professional prosecutor, and he is a man who is not given to, you know, producing things that are flimsy, and i think what will happen is we will see a report that is granular, that is detailed and that is under deniable, and we will see that there are a lot of behaviors by the trump team before, during and after the campaign and during the administration that all add up to a very ugly public picture, and, you know, the law and the facts eventually have a gravity and a weight and a power of their own, and, you know, the bs tornado that these guys are used to deploying about everything out there eventually theres a sense of gravity to it and you dont youre not able to evade it forever. Yeah. I think the report will be taken seriously. Look, there will be always be trump loyalists who will set themselves on fire if he wanted them to but the majority of americans will look at this as a professional and serious and troubling report. Not to mention the big factor in all of this could be once this report comes out who actually controls congress after the mid terms. Katie benner, john cypher, great to have you with us and rick and steven, ill ask you both to stick around. Still ahead, not my problem. Children separated from their parents at the bothered under the president s own border policy and hes trying to push the blame to the democrats. How the media are covering the twists and turns. We saidthey said is next. vo i was born during the winter of 77. I first met james in 5th grade. We got married after college. And had twin boys. But then one night, a truck didnt stop. But thanks to our forester, neither did our story. And thats why well always drive a subaru. 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California values senator Dianne Feinstein say no to the nra and yes to commonsense gun laws. Californians are leading against donald trump. Our senator should, too. Kevin de leon is the only candidate for senate who passed laws protecting immigrants from trump. And helped dreamers stay in school. He led bold action against climate change. And only de leon fought for universal, medicare for all. Democrat Kevin De Leon the only true progressive for senate. Change california now is responsible for the content of this advertising. Jifrks time now for we said, they said and tonight the ongoing saga with north korea gets the hollywood treatment after they held a surprise meeting. South korea releasing this video clip of the talks complete with dramatic music styling editing. Kim jongun and moon jaein met saturday to avoid a diplomatic standoff between the United States and north korea after President Trump abruptly cancelled the june 12 summit. Trump may be using the rhetoric as part of his story, his script, in which he manages to both vilify kim and paint himself as the possible hero. South koreas president reportedly blindsided by his decision to call off the summit. It seems like president moon jaein had no idea that mr. Trump was going to cancel this. Some saying this is a seen as a slap in his face. As you can imagine, that was a decision that left many on the streets fuming. Singapore times carrying an image of a protester and this headline. South korean slammed cancellation of summit and one resident said after all of those living on the Korean Peninsula suffers the consequences of your action. You yankee. And the global times accused the u. S. Of destabilizing the peninsula saying even though north korea had taken positive steps towards denuclearization President Trump had intentionally derailed the process by sending a letter intended to anger north korea, and all that may be water under the bridge. It seems now that the summit could be back on and president moons 11th hour diplomatic scramble may have been paying off. South koreas president says that he and the leader of north korea both hope the summit between the u. S. And north will go ahead as planned. Chairman kim also expressed his intention to settle history of war and confrontation and cooperate to achieve peace and pros pert through a successful u. S. North korea u. S. Summit. What led kim back to the negotiating table, you might ask. According to an editorial in the cree times there was fear in kim jonguns eyes as the world waits for the next twist and turn in this diplomatic drama. Were left with a cliffhanger. All right. Now to another trump controversy of his own making, the president trying to distance himself from his own administrations migrant policy and blaming democrats for separating families at the border. In fact, yesterday he tweeted out put pressure on the democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from their parents once they cross the border into the United States. We shouldnt have to point this out, but it isnt a democratic law, but the president s own policy thats separating families, and this isnt the first time the president has played the blame game. This weekend he fired off a series of tweets blaming the russia investigation on Hillary Clinton and 13 angry democrats despite the fact that special prosecutor Robert Mueller who is a republican appointed by trumps own assistant attorney general rob rosenstein. Hes blamedp the blame. Just like they didnt want to solve the daca problem, why didnt the democrats pass gun control legislation when they had both the house and senate during the obama administration. Heres attorney general Jeff Sessions earlier this month discussing the administrations migrant policy. If you smuggle illegal aliens across our border then we will prosecute you. If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child may be separated from you as required by law. Asan, why is the president trying to pin the blame on democrats now after his attorney general made the the announcement about the law which legal experts have said is not correct. A lot of it is playing the president playing a knee jerk pr move here. He knows that the sentiment and policy his administration is going with is at least in sound bite form unpopular and hes trying to put some distance himself between that and himself by playing one of his favorite games which is blaming the democrats and blaming his predecessor obama and one of the more darkly funny things about this is that this is something that senior officials in the trump administration, including attorney general Jeff Sessions andy privately the president of the United States himself have done a victory lap stating that this is something that they are doing in the trump era thats a deterrent for people who are trying toil legally cross the border, so its its a little bit funny. I was going to say it seems like they are doing it both ways saying weve taken this and adopted this new policy thats going to be tough on anyone bringing Illegal Immigrants into the country, as they would say but at the same time when they are being criticized for how inhumane it is and the fact they are separating families they are saying dont blame us, blame the democrats. Were just enforcing the law. The president wants to come off as quote, unquote, tough but doesnt want to come off as, quote, too mean. This seems to be a case of the president not wanting to take responsibility as we were just saying there for the results of his own policy but do you think the public or at least his base, they are not going to be as plugged into the facts on immigration as they probably should be so they could possibly be fooled into actually believing that democrats are the cause for whats happening now in whats being describe as inhumane. Absolutely. Thats the problem if you rely only on donald trump to get your facts about whats going on in American World policy. You get a very twisted world view. John kelly said these kids will be put into foster care or whatever. Its not been a very clear plan of what happens to these children and the perfect storm of stories came together when it was revealed once again that the federal government has lost is a hundred children who are already in their cut dishes the unaccompanied children who had come here and it was reported directly to congress and from health and Human Services that from a period of act 2017 to december 2017, squarely the period of this administration, that they had no idea where these children were because they had no mechanism to following up to make sure that the ponsor parents brought these children to court and on top of knowing that 1,500 children are missing and theres been quite a bit of outrage and media and just in the general public about that, you now have trump realizing hes put himself really out front for this new policy of separating additional parents and minors so hes trying to balance the fact that his government is not functioning as it should. I know that President Trump accused the New York Times of making up a source in an article about north korea in a summit thats scheduled to take place. He says use real people and not phony sources and the New York Times answered back saying their force in fact was a senior white house official speaking to a large group of reporters in the White House Briefing room though on background. It seems that the president is not on the page as others in his own administration. When you look at examples like this, is there a disconnect. When he attacks the media for using unnamed sources or lying, the reality is it was based on a meeting with members of his organization. If President Trump is bashing the news media on twitter its a day thattens ends in the letter y but when it comes to this particular incident, either the president was straight up lying and trolling the media on twitter as is his want or he was woefully ignorant to what his own white house operation was undertaking which was officially sanctioning a Senior Administration official to go out there and brief the with respect and answer questions on an anonymous basis which is a very regular thing. Very common to get those on background briefings. Thank you both very much. Still ahead, who had the worst week, donald trump jr. , Michael Cohen and roger stone all in the spotlight because of developments in Robert Muellers investigation. Which one though has the most reason though to worry . Well try to answer that next. Whatever you do to stay healthy. You might be missing something. Your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite. Ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. 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If your customer also forgets socks you could send him a coupon for that item. Welcome back, everyone. Time now for a global checkup and a look at the stories making headlines on the globe and we start in israel where the Israeli Military says it struck a hamas target in the Southern Gaza trip. Three pillians were reported killed in that attack. In germany thousands members of the right wing adf party marched through berlin. They were met though and outnumbered by counterprotesters, some who arrived on boats. In ireland, catholics attending sunday mass today expressed disappointment in the vote to overturn that countrys abortion ban. More than twothirds of the country, however, voted in favor of repeelgt law which makes abortion illegal except when the mothers life is at risk and finally in france high ranking military officials from the United States took part in ceremonies today to mark the 100th anniversary of the battle of bela wood, it marked a significant turning point in world war i. Our dogs are totally free from artificial preservatives, any added nitrates or nitrites, and we waved byebye to byproducts. And were taking those better dogs to the ends of the earth. The top of the world. And everywhere in between. Why . So you can get back to eating them, scratch that, back to loving them. Oscar mayer. For the love of hot dogs. car horn amandas moms appointment hello mom. Just got rescheduled for today. Amanda needs right at home. Our customized care plans provide as much or as little help as her mom requires. Whether its a ride to the doctor or help around the house. Oh, of course tom, i am really sorry. Ive gotta go. Look, call right at home. Get the right care. Right at home. Uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] welcome back, everyone. Its been a tough week for three main figures involved in the russia investigation starting with the president , his son, donald trump jr. , and in a new report a spanish also back in the headlines for a meeting he had with the Russian Oligarch 11 days before trump was inaugurated. A firm connected to that oligarch ordered cohen a 1 million consulting contract. Then there, is of course, roger stone. The Mueller Team Reportedly digging into the long time trump advisers financials and stone himself saying hes prepared tore indicted. I want to bring back in stephen cash as well as rick wilson. Steve, let me begin with you. I want to start off with the fbi reportedly obtaining secret wiretap conversations and lets be clear. Donald trump jr. Is not on the wiretaps. There may have been mention of him but not himself. Hes not recorded on that. What is the significance of these wiretaps . I think the United States government, its no secret, has relationships all around the world with countries that listen and its two foreign nationals talking about perhaps trump jr. I dont think it means all that much. The only unusual thing here is that were seeing a tiny little bit of what mr. Mueller is up to. And its not from him ven its from a spanish prosecutor talking to michael is could have. This is a wideranging Counter Intelligence program and its not surprising that theyre getting all kinds of information from our allies and our capabilities at home and abroad. And our own National Capabilities capabilities we should expect. That. One of the more interesting revelations came from senator chris cone. He wrote a letter to the judiciary chairman saying there is a possibility that donald trump jr. May have lied to congress during his briefing or his testimony. Specifically about his claims that no foreign nationals is trying to influence the campaign. Is that pretty serious if donald trump jury lied to a committee of congress. Could efface jail time over it . It is certainly serious. Committees are oversight and particularly in the area of oversight of other intelligence agencies. That is the only view the American People have into what theyre doing. And thats by proxy. That said, i read senators letter. He talks about a possibility. Im not sure whether it is or what it means, whether theyre was any lying. Its going to have to be looked into. I assume chairman grassley and Ranking Member feinstein are going to read that letter carefully and make decisions on whether they dig in deeper. I think its premature to say anything did anything wrong or this is, you know, some doom like bell that is ringing. Right. I want to turn to Michael Cohen for a moment. He had a meeting with the Russian Oligarch. His firm connected with that man later gave cohen a 1 million consulting contract. Trumps lawyer was on cnn state of the union. He was asked if trump was upset with cohen for trying to sell access to the president. This is what he had to say. Take a listen. Look, i dont think his worst critics believe he likes that. I mean he definitely wants to do everything he can to drain the swamp in washington. Its been the most successful president doing that. And anything that even raises a question about that hes not going to be happy b doesnt mean that man should be i like michael cone. Lots of people are selling advice, some are selling influence. I dont like it. Apparently plenty of people sell advice and influences you heard there. Mayor giuliani talking about that. What if Michael Cohen is common practice . Why are we talking about him. Is this revelation significant . Well, its significant in a sense that part of what is getting Michael Cohen in federal cross hairs stems from his one man shadow lobbying operation that he recollected shortly after the trump era began. And i mean just to go back to what Rudy Giuliani is saying back there, its strikingly surreal and funny for him to try to claim that President Trump has been draining the swamp. He is filled the swamp with many trumpian figures including people like Corey Lewandowski and Michael Cohen and others who cashed in on the presidency with promises of access. And not to mention the members of his own administration with the lavish spending and travel and various departments and what have you. Let me ask you quickly. I know you wrote a piece for the spectator. Im sorry, rick. I apologize. For donald trump, the new pressures on Michael Cohen are a source of terror. Talk to us a little bit about that. Are all the headlines about cohen getting to trump . Absolutely. Michael cohen knows where all the bodies are buried. Hell be able to unspool things about Donald Trumps finances and ternl life and lending situation, his business arrangements, tax situation, you know, all the various catalog of women, you know, adult film stars and god knows who else. Michael cohen can unreel all those things to the special counsel. I think the pressure is increasing on cohen. You saw this week the victor vexelburg story. The taxi king partner rolled over on cohen. He was engaged in illegal lobbying. He didnt register while doing lobbying for the ukraine and for the government. And so you all the pressures on cohen are am coulding together at one point. The trump world cut him off. They iced him out. They have killed his future income, his future earnings potential. So this guy is feeling every bit of pressure right now. And donald trump does not like. That i would get a food taest irright away. Roger cohen has a fascination for his role in the russia investigation. General, we have to leave it at. That were running out of time. Rick wilson, thank you for your time. That does it for this week. Join me next week at 5 00 p. M. To break down the major store yifz the week. Reach out to me on social media and join casey hunt at 7 00 p. M. For kasie d. C. But first, its meet the press. Smuggled booze and dodged the law. Even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. When i built my family tree and found you, i found my sense of adventure. I set off on a new life, a million miles away. Im heidi choiniere, and this is my ancestry story. Now with over 10 billion historical records, discover your story. Get started for free at ancestry. 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