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Indexes are down more than 6 . Stocks cratered after oil prices plunged more than 20 because of fears of an Oil Price War between russia and saudi. Now, the saudis wanted to cut oil production, but they reversed course, after russia balked at the move and decided to flood the market with more oil. Now, the s p 500 fell more than 7 after the opening bell this morning, tripping a Circuit Breaker. Thats what its called. It halted trading on all three indexes for 15 minutes. The shock, as you can see there, alarming. Cnbc reports that President Trump will meet with wall street executives later this week to talk about the response to the coronavirus. But i want to get to nbcs Erin Mclaughlin whos joining us now from the port of oakland. Has been following this ship for quite some time. Erin, there are so many passengers onboard right now that want to get off that ship as it comes into dock at oakland. Bring us up to date as to what youve been seeing so far. Reporter hey, yasmin, thats right. Over 3,500 people have been waiting for this moment since wednesday. You can see just behind me, the grand princess slowly making its way into the port of oakland. This is not something that we see here in oakland every day. This is a port thats equipped to handle cargo ships, not cruise ships. But authorities have chosen this as the best location for the grand princess to dock, given the nature of the situation. Its close to the oakland airport, close to travis air base, where many passenger of the passengers will be going and its also an area where they can set up an Effective Security barrier. Because the security of the passengers is a paramount concern. I can tell you onboard the ship right now, ive been texting back and forth with some passengers. Chris hall has been telling me, hes so excited you can hear people on their balconies cheering and waving. He said hes received a warm welcome from oakland. And for him, this is really a step towards certainty. And this has been an incredible uncertain process. Hes from kentucky. He says hes still not sure where hes going to end up, possibly in georgia, possibly in texas. He knows hes going to have to undergo a 14day quaurrantine. He says hes currently not symptomatic. A similar story for some other passengers, some 21 people aboard the grand princess tested positive for the coronavirus. 19 of them are crew members. Now, we know in terms of how they plan to take passengers off, theyre going to be doing it in groups. Those who are symptomatic, those who are critically ill, in need of medical attention, will be taken off the vessel, first, followed by over 960 californians. The californians will be taken to military bases here in the state. And then everyone else. The crew, however, over a thousand crew members will still stay onboard in quarantine. And theyll be sent back out to sea. Their destination, at this point, unknown. Its an entire operation thats expected to last two to three days. And incredibly complex. Hey, erin, quickly, as you said, talking to some passengers onboard, i know you just spoke to a passenger a couple of hours ago, as well. Can you give us a sense of what life has been like onboard that ship since they found out that there was a passenger onboard that ship a couple of weeks ago who tested positive and consequently died from the coronavirus . Reporter i mean, it has been incredibly difficult for the passengers onboard the ship. And theres been a combination of mixed messages. At first, they were told they could leave their state rooms. Only those who had symptoms were asked to remain inside their rooms. That advice changing. Everyone has been asked to stay inside their rooms. Food delivered to their door. And just this morning, they received messages over the loud speaker that they have to wear masks anytime someone opens their door, they have to hope, wearing their masks. Theyre concerned about this. Chris in particular was telling me just this morning, he saw the coast guard ships or boats around the grand princess and he said that the coast guard wearing full hazmat suits, even though the boats were 300 to 400 meters away. So they have a lot of questions. Theres a lot of uncertainty and concern. But again, today, the fact that they are here in port, even though the process to disembark could take two to three days, the idea that they are that much closer to home is really what counts for the 3,500 people aboard the vessel right now. Were going to be watching this story as it progresses, so erin, stand by for us for now, thank you so much. I want to get to whats happening on wall street, as well. It has been quite a day for wall street. For that, i want to turn to msnbc anchor and nbc news Senior Business correspondent, stephanie ruhle, whos on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Wow, steph. What a day, from start to finish. You started the day with the markets opening, seeing what was happening there. Were just about 5 minutes or so from markets closing. Talk us through what youve been seeing so far here. What a day its been. You know, at the root of this has been reaction to the coronavirus. But really, in the last 24 hours, what really drove down markets is this Oil Price War between saudi arabia and russia. Its not just between those two countries, though. With oil prices plummeting, you know who that hurts . U. S. Oil producers. The city of houston is hurting today. The president came out and said, hold on a second. Lower oil prices, that means lower prices at the pump, thats a positive. Now, its a positive for some and back when we didnt produce our own oil, it was a real positive. But think about the instructions around the coronavirus. Im not saying were in italys situation with 16 Million People quarantined, but weve got more and more people across the country working from home, going to school from home, simply hunkering down. And i specifically asked gary cohn, former economic adviser to President Trump, former president of goldman sachs, how does the market price in the new reality with corona . And heres what he said. Were now seeing people trying to price in behavior based on the virus. And theyre trying to price in, what is a Company Going to earn next month or next quarter or the quarter after . How long is this going to be is this economy going to be like this . Are people going to go out and spend again . Can people go out and spend again . People that want to work, can they work . Can they actually bring home a paycheck . And if they cant bring home a paycheck, it is going to have a direct impact on the economy. Remember, weve got a servicebased economy. If people arent out there, if consumers arent spending, theres a huge impact. Yeah, thats what you and i have been talking about last week all along, and it seems like they still dont have an answer to this. It seems as though the white house is now considering a number of options, as weve seen from some reporting, to deal with these financial impacts of the coronavirus, including some of the stuff that we talked about. Paid sick leave for individuals, stimulus for affected industries, helping Companies Service some debt and waving some regulations on this. Steph, from your experience here, do you think these types of things could feasibly help, not only to calm the markets, but help peoples lives with all thats going on with regards to the coronavirus. Absolutely. Absolutely, remember last week when we saw the fed cut rates. When you see that happen, it normally gooses the markets. It didnt. It has the opposite effect. What theyre talking about now, these stimulus ideas are really meant to help whats truly broken. When you said possibly helping out companies impacted, thats whats called a bailout. If youre looking at the cruise industry or the airline industry, they absolutely need help. If you did see a bailout, dont expect to see the kind of public outrage we saw in 2008, because in this case, no ones blaming these industries for corona, but these industries are dealing with them. To specifically help individuals, we know that 70 of our lowest paid workers in the last year dont have sick leave. Went to work sick, because they didnt have any other choice. So if the Administration Starts to focus on that and really think about the economy and the real economic impact, that might not weigh so much on the markets, but it will certainly help individuals, and thats what matters most. It speaks to what gary cohn has talked about, these hourly wage workers that need help, especially when their children are having to stay home from school because theyre being shut down. Steph raul, ill check back in with you at the end. Hour. Also, President Trump here saying his administrations response to the coronavirus outbreak has been, quote, perfectly coordinated and finetuned. But he and some of his top advisers do not appear to be on the same page on a number of key issues. Watch this. Anybody right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. Theyre there. They have the tests. Right now, i believe 1. 1 million tests have already been sent out. By monday, therell be an additional 400,000. And by the end of next week, probably around 4 million. Ive heard very quick numbers, in a matter of months, and ive heard pretty much a year would be an outside number. A vaccine that you make and Start Testing in a year is not a vaccine thats deployable. So hes asking the question, when is it going to be deployable . And that is going to be, at the earliest, a year to a year and a half, to matter how fast you go. Well have tremendous rallies and were doing very well. And weve done a fantastic job with respect to that subject on the virus. So its our responsibility to protect the vulnerable. When i say protect, i mean, right now, not wait until things get worse, say, no large crowds, no long trips, and above all, dont get on a cruise ship. You heard it there. So ordinary americans, theyre not the only ones unnerved by these mixed messages. Nbc news that has learned that white house officials, they are frustrated by what they see as the president s consistent bids to downplay the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. Shanna pettypiece with nbc news digital coauthored that report and is joining me now. So talk us through exactly what you learned and if, in fact, they are frustrated by the president s back and forth and lack of clarity with regards to the coronavirus. Are they planning on doing anything about it . Well, to the question, are they planning to do anything about it . No. They feel like there is nothing they can do about it. That the president is, as he has said many times, his own communication adviser, his own strategic adviser, and he is going to carry on giving the message that he wants to give. And one person close to the president told us that, you know, thats because he thinks this is helping him politically. The messaging that he is putting out there. But, of course, there is major frustration withinside the white house, and clear acknowledgement that the president is on a different wavelength from the rest of his advisers. And there are many white house officials who would like to see a different message coming out. And you played those clips by tony fauci, the top Infectious Disease expert at the nih. He is giving the type of message that others in the Administration Want to see coming out, even if it does conflict with the president many times. But tony fauci, this is his lifes work, this is something he has built his entire career getting to. Hes also not going to be someone whos easily swayed to getting on to the president s message. I think this issue of mixed messages is only going to continue. Shannon pettypiece for us. Thanks. Joining us now is dr. Celine gounder. She also hosts the epidemic, an american diagnosis podcast. A great voice to have on today. As we are watching this cruise ship come into port in oakland, california, you had a lot of people on that cruise ship that are frustrated. That are scared. 21 cases confirmed of the coronavirus on that cruise ship. You have americans that are frustrated and scared, because it seems as if they are getting mixed messages from the Health Officials and the government and the trump administration. And they dont necessarily know who to believe. Does it make your job harder when you have these types of mixed messages, some of which we just played earlier . Well, it certainly does. And this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. If you think back to the 2014 midterm elections during ebola, we had mixed messages coming from our president , not the president at the time, governor Chris Christie at the time, and we saw similar kinds of mixed messaging actually on the ground in west africa. Where you had president ial elections that were in the midst of, you know, campaigning for elections and people would say things like ebola is not real. And now youre hearing, coronavirus is a hoax. And this is really problematic, because if you want people to believe scientifically sound messages from public Health Officials, you need to let them do their work and get out of the way. Lets talk about testing here. That seems like its the key to everything, right . It seems as if the u. S. Could have had a twomonth jump on this thing, because the first cases of the coronavirus popped up in december. And yet, the testing has not been available up until the last two weeks or so. The goal was to hit a million tests, as of last friday, i believe there was only 75,000 tests available. Where are we with regards to testing and what are you most concerned about now Going Forward with testing . Well, i think, unfortunately, this is a reflection of severe budget cuts that cdc and local and state Health Departments have sustained since 2008. They have lost a quarter of their funding, over 60,000 staff across the country. So as good as the cdc is, when youre underfunded and understaffed, its going to lead to problems. Finally this week, we are starting to see scaleup of testing the private labs, like lab corps and quest are getting into the game. University of washington is doing some great stuff, thats actually about similar volumes to the private labs. So i think we finally are going to see Testing Capacity available. But as theres more tests out there and more people are going to be confirmed positive. This is exactly what we saw in china. They were changing their case definitions, so, for example, they started using ct scans and not just lab testing, we saw the numbers shoot up. What i would say is, whatever numbers you see this week, youll see a spike, probably, in the next week or two. That does not mean all of a sudden youre seeing a spike in transmission. Thats whats been there all along. And i would not let that cause people undo alarm. Should leaders be leading by example. Really no other way to say it, canceling public events, canceling rallies. Whether you are joe biden or Bernie Sanders or whether you are donald trump, the president. Should you be avoiding public venues and big crowds . Should you be practicing social distancing . A lot of schools now closing, universities. Is this the direction we should be moving . I think, absolutely, the candidates should be taking this into account as theyre planning their events. You know, you have to sort of weigh, where are you in terms of the event. So something thats happening in the kirkland, washington, area is something very different from something happening in rural montana. So this does need to be adjusted for the situation. An outdoor rally will have different sorts of risks than something indoors. But 100 this should have been taken into consideration. If you want to show your supporters you care about them, this should be priority number one. Dr. Celine gounder, thank you so much for your words on that. I want to reiterate what were watching, everybody. This cruise ship thats docking in oakland, california, thats been off the coast since thursday, about 3,500 passengers onboard, 21 confirmed coronavirus passengers there. Were going to be watching that throughout the hour as passengers there disembark and emergency crews meet them. Coming up, the battle for michigan. Were going to take a look at the two groups of voters whose support is crucial for joe biden and Bernie Sanders, as we get a new polls that gives us a clear picture of the race in that state. Plus, were going to be keeping an eye on the plunging markets throughout the hour. Youre watching msnbc. Youre watching msnbc. Whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. 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It grabs peoples attention. It works. Its why Comcast Spotlight is changing its name to effectv. Because being effective means getting results. Welcome back. All eyes are on michigan with 125 delegates up for grabs. Its the biggest prize of the six States Holding primaries tomorrow. Former Vice President joe biden is looking to build on the momentum from his sweep of super tuesday states. That new Monmouth University poll of michigan voters shows biden with 51 support for the democratic nomination. That is a 15point lead over senator Bernie Sanders, whos at 36 . Two groups who support sanders and biden are fighting for, africanamericans and suburban women. Lets get into this. Joining me now with more from michigan is nbc news correspondent heidi przybyla. Heidi, good afternoon to you. Good seeing you. Reporter good afternoon. We know tomorrow is an important primary for both of these campaigns. Everything, it seems, is at stake, especially for senator Bernie Sanders here. Talk us through it a little bit. Yes, michigan is a delegaterich midwestern industrial state that could help joe biden clear the path to a nomination. But its also the place where Bernie Sanders had a shocking upset over Hillary Clinton in 2016. I had a chance to sit down with a group of one of those groups, suburban women, who were decisive behind a pink wave here in 2018 of elected female leaders and who will again be decisive in the primary tomorrow and boy, they had a lot to say about the fact that a lot of their preferred candidates, the female candidates are now gone and what it means for their votes tomorrow. Take a look. We do need to talk about issues to motivate them to get out of their house and vote. Dems for dems is a group of political heros. A group of women who said, you know what, im not going to take politics as usual. And theyre a group that is actually building power. I was campaigning for Elizabeth Warren and i spoke with a lot of people that were just afraid. They were afraid to vote for a woman, because they perceived that other people were afraid to vote for a woman. For example, with the bloomberg debate. But there were women who said, oh, how could she attack him like that . She looked so angry. It was so unbecoming and it actually turned them off. It was like she didnt have permission to be strong. She didnt have permission from our country to be honest and forest wright. And didnt tell me that you and your entire family supported bernie in 2018 . Yes, we did. My entire family, except for my mother, we all supported Bernie Sanders. We all wanted to see a big change. We didnt want to see status quo, corporate democrat. Now after four years of trump, im a little bit afraid of the unconventional. The electability part of it is, i think, whats throwing a lot of people off and throwing a lot of people off of their values. Theyre very concerned about whos going to go up against trump. Whos going to be able to bring the fire, bring the energy thats going to win the general election. So a lot of people arent voting with their values because of tha that. So you can see there, yasmin, why 2020 may be quite different from 2016 in terms of surprises. Many of those women, even though who supported bernie this time, told me they are now undecided, literally up until the very last day before the vote. And the reason why is because if you look into their eyes and look at the polls, they are really scared. And they say that the number one thing, the number one concern for them is simply defeating trump. And its not even close if you look at the polls. Its by 20 points. They say theyre looking for whoever the nominee is, whether its sanders or biden to definitely choose a vp. Heidi, thats so fascinating, because even if you look, as you well know at the exit polls from super tuesday, so Many Americans that voted on super tuesday, many of them were in line with some of what Bernie Sanders supported, like medicare for all, yet they still voted for joe biden at the end of the day, because he felt he was the more electable one that could defeat donald trump. And it seems like theyre saying the exact same thing in michigan in the interview you just played. Thank you for that, heidi. Getting some clarity on that, especially when it comes to suburban women. Joe biden is making one last plea to voters. Nbcs mike memoli is covering his campaign and joins me now from michigan. Hi, mike. Good afternoon to you. Hey, yasmin. Some major endorsements here for the former Vice President , including former president ial candidate, new jersey senator cory booker, just this morning. How is the campaign feeling this afternoon about tomorrows primary . Instead of me talking about how the campaign feels about it, why dont i bring in senator booker, who just literally came through these doors. Senator booker, tell us about good to see you. Good to see you. Tell us about how this endorsement came together . When did you make the decision . Theyve been reaching out to me and talking to me and my team for a long time. I think joe and i the Vice President , excuse me, and i have had lots of conversations about this campaign. Ill never forget a debate where he pulled me aside and said, your baby bon idea is really amazing. We need someone who has the broadest reach to bring the most people together in america. When i took the totality of everything, i respect and love the remaining candidates in this, but this is the right thing to do in america. Senator sanders has seen these late zbormts coming together and seen this as part of an establishment effort here to end the primary early. Are you part of the establishment . And what is this actually about . My whole professional life, im the only senator that lives in a community below the poverty line, where we have shootings in our neighborhood still, even though our mayor is doing a great job, where we see people working fulltime jobs and still needing food stamps. Im tired of us trying to turn democrats against each other with labels. We need to unite our party, there are great people who have supported every candidate from warren supporters to bullock supporters. We have great, great people in our party. We feed to come together, though, and unite. Weve got one shot to beat donald trump. One shot to make him a oneterm president. Im not giving up that shot. Joe biden is the best person to heal and unite the largest swaths of america, even independents the moderate republicans, i believe, will come over to him and support him. This is what we need. And ill add one more thing to this. Because i just came from campaigning in arizona, with mark kelly, an amazing candidate. If were going to win back the senate and the house and see the kind of wave election we need, hes the best person. Senator, i want to ask you, in terms of uniting this party, if there are several other senators in this, who were in this race, do you take senator sanders aside back in the senate and try to coax him into it . Especially if he has the kind of victory here that the campaign thinks is possible. Any attempts to demean or degrade him or his supporters is unacceptable to me. Hes somebody that is leading on issues that matter deeply to me, and weve partnered on bills from lower Prescription Drug costs to evaluate the lives of people with disabilities. So look, there will be lots of conversations. Im hoping that this primary is over soon, because every day we waste is every day theyre rising ungodly amounts of money on the other side. Weve got to come together as a party. Its time that more and more people will unite around joe biden and help to pbring this t an end. Senator booker, thank you for joining us live on msnbc. The campaign has been focused a lot on michigan. Bernie sanders won in michigan in 2016. That extended that nomination fight until the convention, really. The Biden Campaign knows that with the win here tomorrow, they could really have a strong argument for wrapping this up soon. Great interview, mike. Thank you. By the way, tonight, joe biden sitting down with Lawrence Odonnell in michigan ahead of tomorrows primaries. Watch the last word with Lawrence Odonnell tonight, 10 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. Coming up, empty classrooms and lectures online. How schools and universities across the country are adapting because of coronavirus and how long the hardesthit spots expect to have students out of class. Well be right back. Hao ve studf class. Well be right back. Its tough to quit smoking cold turkey. 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So we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. We created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. What will you change . Make the world you want. We are taking a look at the grand princess cruise ship docking in oakland, california. There are 21 confirmed cases onboard that ship. We are going to continue to monitor as passengers and crew disembark there. And while that is happening, colleges and universities around the country are canceling classes as the steady outbreak of the coronavirus draws more Public Health concerns. Here in new york city, Columbia University has canceled classes for its 30,000 students today and tomorrow. Starting wednesday, classes will be taught online for the remainder of the week. The move comes after a member of the University Community was exposed to the coronavirus and subsequently quarantined. That individual has not tested positive for the virus yet. Nbcs rahema ellis is joining us now from Columbia University campus. Rahe rahema, good afternoon to you. Thanks for joining us on this. Give us a sense of what is happening on that campus today and how long they expect to have classes canceled. Reporter well, two days, as you point out, today and tomorrow, as professors, quite frankly, get up to speed on how to conduct their classes online. Then come friday, these students will go on spring break for a week. So weve seen a number of students coming out of the campus area, the quad, with suitcases, because if its going to be online, essentially for the rest of the week, they can do that anywhere. A number of students we talked to said that they feel it was a good thing that the university is doing what its doing. Some students Walking Around with masks on. One student said to me she knows that they say that if youre not contagious or if you could spread anything, then you dont really need to wear a mask, but she was nervous, uncomfortable. And as a consequence, is wearing her mask. But students have a lot of different opinions about this. Take a listen to what a couple of students said to us earlier. For me, uh, i mean, people our age, people who arent necessarily immunocompromised, its been shown that the symptoms are similar to that of a cold or the flu. Were all seniors, so we have no time after the semester. So im a little bit nervous about what the protocol is for people who are graduating. Because we have to get jobs right after this. Were a little nervous, at least i am. But i think columbia is handling it in a in the way thats protective of all students. Students are also concerned about what might happen after spring break, as you know, thats usually a time when kids get together in big crowds. Who knows what will happen in some of those situations. And some of them have said theyre concerned about whether or not the university will continue to suspend classes after spring break because of more caution considering the contact that students might have with large groups of people. So, got a lot of question marks here about what the future hold for students on campus. It seems like were just at the beginning of this whole thing. Rahema ellis, thanks so much. As were watching the two stories on your screen, the dow down about 17 hur,700 points. 3,500 passengers onboard. We are awaiting those initial passengers to disembark. 21 confirmed coronaviruses onboard that ship, as well. Been out there for two weeks. Went to hawaii for a beautiful trip to hawaii. Then they found out someone had come down with the coronavirus, who had been on a previous trip. Subsequently, that person died. And then this ship was held off the coast of california since last thursday until they found a place to park the ship. And here they are, parking in oakland, california, and allowing their passengers to disembark. And some of them will be going to various places, california passengers will be disembarking, as well. Sick passengers going to hospitals. Noncalifornia residents will be sent to joint base San Antonio Lackland in texas or daubins air reserve base in texas. As with most of the country, the number of coronavirus cases in Washington State is continuing to rise. The North Shore School district located near kirkland, the epicenter of the outbreak has closed all of its 33 schools until march 19th with online classes for its more than 23,000 students beginning today. The superintendent called it a, quote, rapidly changing situation in a letter to families. The letter went on to read this. Our job is to provide quality instruction to our students in a safe and welcoming environment. And we are no longer able to provide quality instruction and maintain an environment that is safe for our staff and students to learn. Joining me now is the superintendent of the North Shore School district, michelle reid. Michelle, thank you for joining us on this. This is quite a task for you to have to understake, along with your students, your teachers, the parents in your district. We appreciate you joining us under this quite stressful time. You bet. Your district made this decision to close its doors for up to 14 days. But given the scale of this outbreak, what happens if this has to be extended . Well, were going to evaluate the data on a daytoday basis and continue to look at the recommendations from our health department. And each day that we are on online, we are going to improve, because were going to continue to iterate. So were going to keep working at it as long as we need to. Could you foresee a situation in which you would have to extend the school year into the summer if students start missing a number of days because they cant keep up with the online coursework . I think well have to evaluate that in the coming days. Today, for example, we only have 500 students that were not able to log on out of the 23,577. So we had a 98 attendance rate, which was better than last week, where we actually had a 20 absence rate. So we feel like were reaching more students in a thoughtful way, educationally, right now. I want to play something that our nbcs rahema ellis got from a sociology and education professor at Columbia University. Here is what he told her just this afternoon. Americans have always relied on the schools as a social safety net, an important part of our way of keeping kids safe. And many children are fed at school, receive referrals for mental and physical health services. School is a safe place for them. The risk with closing schools is that they would no longer have access to these things that we all count on to help keep the kids healthy and safe. So this is obviously a major concern in hearing the closure of so many of these schools, michelle. How is your district planning to handle some of these challenges . Well, let me begin by saying that we have a focus on student safety, but we also have a focus on our staff safety. And once we realized that we had over 500 staff in the highrisk category, identified by the health department, i realized that we wouldnt have effective teachers or support staff able to safely operate school. So i would also then add that we have been able to put together a system to feed our students who need that, which is opening today. Were providing food at four major sites and delivering food to 16 remote sites. Well also deliver to families who arent able to get out. And well be announcing child care support this evening for tomorrow with our community partners. Michelle reid, thank you so much. Stay in touch with us as this story develops, we would like to hear back from you to learn more about what your parents and students are doing and how theyre progressing in all of this. Thank you, michelle. Thank you. So the final hours, Bernie Sanders pushing for a repeat of its 2016 primary win in michigan, but his momentum looks a little different this time around. Youre watching msnbc. Youre watching msnbc. Come with free wellness products like vitamins, pain relievers, sunscreen and more. I like the gummies. 150 in wellness products plus 0 copays on common prescriptions. Go ahead, take advantage. Billions of problems. Dry mouth . Parched mouth . Cotton mouth . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath oral rinse and lozenges. Help relieve dry mouth using natural enzymes to soothe and moisturize. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. 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In just a few hours, senator Bernie Sanders will hold his final town hall ahead of tomorrows primary in michigan. Sanders is making a final push to rack up support in a state that he narrowly won back in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, but some question whether sanders can increase his support among critical voting blocs to secure the nomination. Joining me now, Network President and coexecutive director at the center for popular democracy and a supporter of senator bernie sande sanders, Jennifer Epps addison. Thank you for joining us on this. You were at that flint rally over the weekend, in a town where more than 50 of the population is africanamerican. Are you concerned that there were very few black supporters in attendance . First of all, thank you for having me. It was difficult to pull myself off of doors and come here, but im excited to be able to share what i believe is an unprecedented grassroots movement. Not just to elect Bernie Sanders, but to really build the country of our dreams and the country that our families truly deserve. I was at that town hall. I wasnt just at it, i helped to organize it. First of all, i would say the crowd was a very diverse crowd. There were africanamericans. I can tell you that many black folks came up to me, waited until everything shut down and came up to me afterwards to thank me and the other panelists for what he had to say. But most importantly, some of the most critical black leaders who ive helped to build Bernie Sanders agenda, who have helped to make sure that the agenda that Bernie Sanders has is rooted in ensuring that black folks have the freedom to thrive in this country, we were able to speak for ourselves and we were able to talk about the policies and plans that we have helped to cocreate that would help ensure equity for everyone who lives within americans borders. So i bring this up quite a bit. And i think its really fascinating. When we see the exit polling from super tuesday, and its this idea of electability, ri right . Some of the exit polls said that a lot of voters were in line with sanders voters. Many voters wanted medicare for all. Yet, we saw how super tuesday went out and saw how much support went to the former Vice President. So how is it that senator sanders can prove that he is an electable candidate . That he can beat donald trump . First of all, we have to be clear, senator sanders has the most Diverse Coalition in this campaign. He has the entire race, that includes latinos and asian folks and muslim folks, but it also includes a lot of plaque foblac. Young black people in particular are drawn to the message of senator sanders of building a world where everyone has what they need, a world in where we all live in dignity. The pragmatism of black democratic voters is absolutely about a life necessity. We are often the last hired and the first fired. We are often the most targeted in hostile administrations. And what we saw on super tuesday was one particular demographic of black voters. Black voters are not a monolith, but theyre asking to be convinced. And as of super tuesday, they werent. But this is a very, very long primary. And we you know, at the center for popular democracy action and all of our partners are working very hard to both listen and to understand what voters are at and to share the message of this campaign. What ill tell you is since super tuesday, i have seen black groups like detroit action here in detroit, action now in chicago that are black led, the hbcu buzz, the reverend jesse jackson, we have seen a number of black leaders step forward and say, this is not a time for black people to live in a moderate america. For us to have what we need, we need a progressive america, one that sees us as full partners in our governing. One that invests in our communities and our lives. Senator sanders is the only candidate whos offering that vision to our communities. So its up to folks like me and our members across the cpbd Action Network to communicate to our aunts and cousins and grandmas about the message of this campaign and whats possible. The senator is asking us to believe that another world is possible. A world where we all have health care. A world where your zip code does not determine how strong or good your school is. A world where so this is what were asking folks to believe in. And i believe that that message will work. Jennifer epps addison, thank you so much. We are minutes away from markets closing for the day and stocks have plunged yet again. Were live at the New York Stock Exchange to break down the two big factors behind their decline. Youre watching msnbc. Factors br decline. Youre watching msnbc. Proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. With humira. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin in psa. Humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Humira is proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage,. And clear skin in psa. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Want more proof . My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain, and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. I have it within me to lower my a1c. Ask your doctor about trulicity. The best of pressure cooking and air frying now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. The ninja foodi Pressure Cooker, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. Get em while theyre hot. Applebees 25 cent boneless wings are back in your choice of three sauces. Were in final minutes of trading for the day. Stocks have plunged as the price of Oil Continues to plunged. A massive selloff on the s p 500 this morning triggering a Circuit Breaker minutes after the opening bell. Halting trading for 15 minutes. Contessa brewer is here. Seven minutes until the close, contessa, where are we. Okay, right now, were about 2 on the Dow Jones Industrials from hitting bear market territory. Were off 6. 5 , thats actually an improvement from the lows of the day the s p right now is down 6. 5 . And that Circuit Breaker as its called, that pause in trading was a chance to digest the information and respond. A 15minute timeout for the market to calm down. This news were hearing from the white house with regards to wall street executives heading to the white house this weeked to discuss the coronavirus outbreak response. Also, coming up with ways to kind of put money more into the economy especially with some of these people who will have to stay home with their children because whose schools are closing. I think a lot of what these wall street leaders want is some reassurance that theres command and control happening in the white house. Theres not a lot that the fed can do about the spread of a virus, thats the job of the Health Officials and of course they had lowered the rates last week, but there are questions about liquidity in the market, do we have enough cash flow to keep these businesses up and running when they get into a jam. So theres going to be some questions about, can you reassure us that the federal reserve, the treasury and that the white house have this under control . Last question here, obviously with markets closing in just six minutes or so, tomorrow morning when folks and markets watomorr morning, do we expect a lot of us has to do with what happened in the oil market. We saw this standoff between russia and saudi arabia, then saudi arabia slashed oil prices. Well look overnight to whats happening in asia and then early tomorrow morning whats happening in europe to see whether we need to brace for more of this rough ride on wall street or whether we see an improvement. As we continue to watch those markets there marching towards 4 00 p. M. , contessa brewer, thank you so much for that. We have some breaking news from capitol hill, were learning that senator doug collins is selfquarantining, adding himself to the senators selfquarantining at this point. What are you learning here . This is actually a congressman doug collins, hes from georgia, and he announced on twitter that hes in fact selfquarantining, two staffers we just learned in his office also selfquarantining after coming into contact with the infected person that attended the conservative Political Action conference. This is of course the conference that has touched all of these moves by lawmakers, a person there who clearly in the case of ted cruz, shook hands, and now we have a third member of congress saying theyre taking steps around this. This also takes things a little bit closer to President Trump. Obviously, the president and Vice President both attended cpac and when cpac put out their initial statement, there was no concern for the president or the Vice President they didnt come into contact with the person who attended the event. However, we do have pictures of doug collins on friday shaking hands with President Trump, so, again the path would be collins attends cpac, comes into contact with somebody with the virus on friday, in atlanta his home state, with the president shaking hands, im not sure if we have that picture to show viewers but theres an ap photograph of the two men shaking hands and we have some video of that as well. Ideally, all parties involve ready following guidelines that the cdc and other Health Officials have been outlining the spread of this virus but theres of course a lot of concern and this is contributing to greater anxiety across capitol hill today. We know that House Speaker nancy pelosi who has authority over exactly how to handle the Capitol Building itself and members interacting with each other and shell meet with her top leadership and Committee Chairmen to talk through some of these issues. We have heard from some members of congress theres a lot of concern and anxiety about handling it here in the building. Important to remember, lot of members of congress are part of the vulnerable population. We know that older people, people with underlying medical conditions more likely to get sick if they contract this virus. The average age here in the house of representatives is 57 years old. Over in the senate, fully two of he thirds are over the age of 60 and more than 25 of senators are over the age of 70. So, of course as were looking to our government in a crisis, making sure that members of Congress Stay safe becomes clearly part of that calculation and its certainly a much bigger part of the conversation on the hill. Quickly here, are there any other measures youre hearing that may be taking on capitol hill to protect themselves from any possible further spread . Sure, yeah, its important to underscore there havent been any confirmed cases here. Again, we have three members on record saying theyre selfquarantining, all saying they dont have any symptoms of concern. Speculation about possible steps that could be taken we dont anything concrete at this point. The most extreme end would be closing the building and recessing the congress, you know, sending members either back home to their districts or away from the building. The down side of that theyre unable to vote remotely that would prevent them from taking any action on items related to fighting this disease, for example. But a lot of smaller measures they could take and frankly we were asking members of congress about even last week, they include perhaps putting a pause on public tours of the building. There are millions of people tourists who come from all over the world that come see this building. Were about to hit peak season, spring break, so many eighth graders that come here. Thats big question. The Office Buildings are public. Questions as to whether theyll shut those to the public as well. Again, want to reiterate to everybody, were watching live pictures of the grand princess ship docking in oakland, california, 3500 passengers onboard, waiting to disembark that cruise ship after theyve been on that cruise ship for two weeks or so. 21 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. Widespread anxiety about the spread of coronavirus today as Health Officials warn the containment has failed and mitigation is the next objective. This warning comes as Global Financial markets were jolted today. Down around 2,000 points at the close

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