On impeachment. Senator Susan Collins reveals she and what is referred to as a small group of senators working to make sure there will be witnesses in President Trumps Impending Senate impeachment trial, however, the members of that group remain a mystery. This all comes as House Speaker nancy pelosi whos repeatedly said shell send the articles of impeachment against President Trump to the senate when she is, quote, good and ready, signals that maybe shes good and ready. Will you send both articles to the senate . Forwarded by the house, yes. Joining me now from capitol hill, msnbcs garrett haake. I want to start with the first piece of news of collins an small group of republicans. As we know, we only need a small group of gop senators in order for Mitch Mcconnell to decide to allow impeachment witnesses. What do we know about the story . Reporter well, look. We know that this is not a formalized operation here. Collins isnt whipping other senators of this but there is discussion of she and other senators witness curious, lets say and mitt romney saying publicly and to me yesterday he does want to hear from john bolton and see who else once this trial gets started. A lot of this is gong to come down to the rules that the senate sets up and i know this is kind of in the weeds but get ready to hear a lot anlt how the senate chooses to structure the trial. So much is made of following the clinton rules. One difference of senators like collins and romney to see from the clinton rules is after both sides presented the arguments under clinton a motion to dismiss, then there was a vote on witnesses. Senators like romney and collins have expressed some discomfort with that. Theyd like to see that order switched and make sure theres a chance to vote on the witnesses before a vote on dismissal. You would need 51 votes for either one and collins and romney if they get one more vote, another republican with them make sure theres not enough republicans to vote to dismiss the trial before there is at least a vote on the up or down question of witnesses so you will hear a lot anlt the rules package, hay about collins, romney, murkowski, expressing some openness to witnesses at least making sure to have an opportunity to take that vote when it becomes that time. Garrett, lets talk about when it becomes that time. This news about nancy pelosi maybe being ready to send these impeachment articles over to the senate. Reporter yeah. Thats right. So the house is now out until monday night, really Tuesday Morning. Pelosi said she wants to talk it through with the caucus Tuesday Morning and then could see a vote to do two things, names and formalizing the impeachment managers will be, the prosecution in this case. And formally sends things over to the senate. That could happen as early as tuesday night or wednesday and doesnt mean that the senate trial exactly starts on wednesday. They dont start to present arguments wednesday. There are steps to have happen. Theres process steps. The senators have to get sworn in. Moving parts to come into place before what you would recognize as a trial to get started and pelosi explained this is not something she said she was doing under pressure. Take a listen. What feedback have you gotten from your colleagues on the articles . Absolutely total cooperation. It cracks me up to see on tv, oh, pressure, pressure on that. No. You dont have a story. Reporter this comes after especially on wednesday, ali, we heard from a lot of democrats saying it was time to get this process moving. On thursday a lot of those same democrats walking the comments back. Now at least the party is in alignment again on the steps theyll take going forward. Thank you, my friend. Were also following breaking news out of iran where we have a disturbing new look at the crash of a ukrainian airliner there this week. This video that we are about to show you appears to show the moment that the Ukrainian Airlines plane was struck by a missile. Minutes after taking off from teheran airport. The boeing 737 then bursts into flames before crashing, all 176 people on board were killed. Now, the United States and its allies believe the plane was brought down by an Iranian Missile by mistake. Iran denies that assertion but a staterun news agency quoted a Foreign Ministry spokesperson saying that they invited ukraine and boeing for the investigation. Secretary of state mike pompeo was asked about the consequences if an investigation concluded that the iranians were indeed responsible for the crash. We do believe that its likely that that plane was shot down by an Iranian Missile. When we get the results of the investigation im confident we and the world will take appropriate actions in response. The crash came hours after iran fired several missiles at Iraqi Military bases used by u. S. And Coalition Forces in the fight against isis. Not clear whether the two incidents were related. Today the United States imposed additional sanctions against iran for that attack. But i want to get the latest on the plane crash. I want the go to nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely joining us now from kiev in ukraine. Bill, the ukrainians lost a lot of people. The canadians have lost a lot of people on that flight. They dont want a shoddy behind the scenes investigation. They want to be part of the iranian investigation into where that plane is, whats happened to it, whats in the black box. How are the ukrainians responding to this . Reporter yeah. Absolutely significant, ali. Within the last if hours i have been able to speak to the Ukrainian Foreign minister and he talks about just that. He talks about this large team of ukrainian investigators and experts, some of them military people, a team of about 45 who have f you like are the worlds eyes and ears in teheran at the moment, an only major team there apart from the iranians themselves. He says his team has been able to examine the wreckage, look at the bodies and body parts, take chemical samples and have a good look around including being able to see the black box flight recorders and to begin the process of getting the information from those flight recorders. At the moment he said that ukraine could not make any decision on whether it was some kind of catastrophic accident or whether the plane was taken down by a missile. But interestingly, also tonight, here in kiev, ali, ukraines security and Intelligence Ministry has said it is focusing on just two theories. Number one, the missile strike and, number two, the possibility of an explosion inside the plane which it called a terror attack. Im not sure how much you can read into that. The Intelligence Service is not going to be looking at mechanical failure. The Intelligence Service is looking at those two theories so the missile strike by ukraine is not openly saying it is clearly one of their Top Priorities at the moemtd. Bill, thank you, my friend. Bill neely, chief global correspondent in kiev, ukraine, for us. You saw that video. We get a lot of video here. So do you. We have a method here at nbc of trying to determine whether the video that we get is valid, whether its legitimate, where it was taken, where it was taken from and by who and what to make of it. Joining me is Emanuel Saliba who works to verify the videos. This is not just typical where you get video of Something Else gong on. This is video thats actually really important to helping make the determination about was this thing shot down, was it taken down with a mechanical problem. Tell us what we have. Just as you said for people at home it is confusing. You have different governments saying Different Things about what happened. Right. Whats important is that we here at nbc make a determination. The first thing is to pull up flight radar and we pulled up the flight path. From the airport in teheran heading northwest. Exactly. We know it took off at 6 14 local time. Two minutes later, the last recorded place where the plane flew over and it was paran. We worked this is the neighborhood that we believe this plane where we have the last transmitted yot it. Data from flight radar. We tried to figure out where the video was taken. We worked with a company with High Resolution photos the day after the plane crashed. This allowed us to locate the video. Thats a way to verify how we know that it was taken in the area. If you swipe to the next one, heres what i did. Screen shots of every seasoning l frame of that video and identified markers that i could trance pose on to that sat fiat imagery. I used color blocks to locate them. At the next slide here, i placed them on that satellite imagery and it helped us determine that this video was actually taken in that neighborhood. Telling us that it was likely that it is showing the plane. You determined that it was from around here, right . Right. So we think and theres a robust team here at nbc that is verifying. Not guessing. 24 7. What we determined was the person standing there between building a and b and the other markers to identify the video telling us that this was taken in the nabld just west of the International Airport right near where the last signal was received. Got it. Y youre matching the data, the angle of that video, where anything else in that video is that you can identify is and youre trying to match it together to verify what we what information youre getting. Exactly. One thing that people pointed out online is the video why was this person taking a video early in the morning . The New York Times spoke to the person who shot it. They said they heard something and then started to record the video so it it kind of lends itself to the theory this might be the second missile that were seeing in the picture. Interesting. Might have heard something first, go outside. Take video. Capture the airplane and thats what we have to work on. One last thing is other people noted, well, it is really dark and looking at the sun rise time in teheran its 7 30 a. M. Winter. Important to remember. We see ali arouzi out there in a winter coat. Its winter like north america. Thank you. This is the kind of stuff we do before bringing it to you on tv we have teams to try to make sense of whether we are looking at something that might be real or nonsense and theres lot of nonsense outside there. Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you. As we learn more about the plane crash, President Trump is saying more about the threat that led him to launch a drone strike last week that took out a top iranian general. Heres what he told fox news moments ago. Dont the American People have a right to know what was targeted . I dont think so. Well tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in baghdad. City of large scale attacks planned for other embassies and if those were planned why cant we reveal that to the American People . I can reveal that i believe it would have been four embassies. All right. He says he can reveal four embassies. The comment came hours after secretary of state mike pompeo and treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin announced a new round of sanctions against iran over the attacks on Iraqi Military bases hosting u. S. And Coalition Forces. The sanctions will target people involved in irans construction, manufacturing, textile and mining sectors as well as its largest steel and iron manufacturers and u. S. Sanctioning eight iranian officials involved in the missile attack and other destabilizing activities. Todays sanctions are part of our commitment to stop the iranian regimes global terrorist activities. The president has been very clear. We will continue to apply economic sanctions until iran stops its terrorist activities and commit that it will never have nuclear weapons. This came hours after iraqs Prime Minister asked pompeo to send a delegation to iraq for troops to leave the country. The request comes days after the Iraqi Parliament voted to expel more than 5,000 u. S. Troops that are stationed in the country following last weeks drone strike that killed a top iranian general. Pompeo said the u. S. Is willing to talk with iraq but not about withdrawing troops. We are happy to continue the conversation with the iraqis of what the right structure is. Our mission set there is very clear. We have been there to perform a Training Mission to help the Iraqi Security forces be successful and to continue the campaign against isis. To continue the counter daash campaign. When we can deliver upon a right structure with fewer resources dedicated to that mission we will do so. He said counter daesh campaign. Thats a name for isis. Joining us is two guests. The Deputy Assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force development, former. Also with us former commandant of the Army War College and board of advisers to the task force which is developing, recommending and implementing ways to ensure that squads outmatch any potential adversary so you two are the experts on this. Professor carlin, let me start with you. I want to quote from a the Washington Post piece that quotes you about the Decision Making process that leads to the type of decision that was taken to assassinate Qassem Soleimani. Such moments are usually proceeded by hundreds of people building powerpoint slides and asking lawyers questions. These individuals create the parameters of the decisionmakers to consider. They identify the possible options and vetting the effects. That work enable it is commander in chief to make decisions about his military operations wisely. Thats interesting, professor, and thats what ive heard from a number of other experts except we have over the course of three days heard reasons of why this took place. President trump gave one to a group of his supporters at a rally yesterday. He said it was attacking embassies and then from pompeo and heard from members of congress and senators that they were in a briefing and they were not told that. I understand the briefing was classified but we have it on pretty Good Authority thats not what was discussed. It is terribly disconcerting. We we have heard so many stories as you noted an one cant help but to see chaotic incompetence in all of it. Its one thing not to tell the American People much. Its another thing to as were hearing from the reports not to tell members of congress effectively anything at all. It is just profoundly worrisome. The decision to kill Qassem Soleimani is one that had been considered and discarded by multiple u. S. Administrations. And unfortunately, a week later i dont think any of us still know why he was really killed when he was killed and where he was killed. I think its really important, general, what the professor said. Theres no reason i know this but some people should and a general agreement spelled out by the Founding Fathers that Congress Needs to be in on some of the decisions particularly if they could lead to war. One of the things i think we have all seen particularly over 18 years of war is really disciplined and how concerned and apolitical this gang of eight has been in making decisions in the past. So i think the assertion that the gang of eight to somehow leak this information before the operation went down for political purposes i think is clearly unsubstantiated. Do you have any memory of that happening . The allegation that we couldnt the law doesnt provide to Tell Congress or the gang of eight even before. Could have been done the hour or two hours after. Theyre available to come to the white house. But the allegation that democrats would have leaked this information about the killing of a wanted person i cant think of any example of that. Can you think of one . No. I think if you go back over the key events, the killing of al baghdadi, the killing of bin laden, even going back to the 80s in the ragan administration going after gadhafi, an air strike in northern libya, all that i think shared on both sides of the aisle and congress kept their secrets pretty well. Professor, lets talk about the troop removals. We understand that President Trump has just told fox news he is okay with the removal of troops from iraq. Theres a few issues here. Iraq said they wanted them out. America said we are not taking them out. One wonders whether it puts troops in danger in a country not invited but separate and apart from that, going to i think a lot of americans dont want troops in iraq but going from 5,000 to 0 is different than 5,000 to say 1,000 or something because it means removing autoof the strategic operations, material, equipment. All this kind of stuff. Talk to me of what the viewers to make of this. American troops leaving iraq. Absolutely. Its a monumental shift. They are there right now under the invitation of the Iraqi Government which as you noted is ready to start negotiating the withdrawal, no doubt to Qassem Soleimanis delight and if they withdraw we should be profoundly concerned about what happens in the fight against isis. Which, frankly, we are not really talking about right now. We are so focused on whats happening between the u. S. And iran we forget that the reason that the u. S. Has had this presence there of late has been to try to fight isis and the counterisis coalition is melting since the Qassem Soleimani killing. You have seen nato troops pull out. You have seen troops from canada talk about pulling out. You name it. The concern right now, what is happening to the fight against isis, really needs to be high on our agenda. General, to a point that professor carlin made a few minutes ago, there are president bush 2 had an opportunity to take out Qassem Soleimani. Elected not to. Barack obama had an opportunity to, elected not. The mossad had him in their sights and decided not to. I dont know whether taking him out is the right thing to do or not but there is should be a decisionmaking tree about this. Right . One should be able to defend that and say we got more out of taking this out than not. Yeah, absolutely. The second order consequences of the action are still to be seen. Even going back to the mattis days, within the pentagon, the distemper of soleimani goes back decades, even as far as bombing of the marine corps bar racks in 1982. Theres an enormous amount of an tip think within the Uniformed Services and three administrations held back in doing it but as far as the military is concerned, ali, this operation was pushing on an open door. Thank you to both of you for your amazing analysis. As we talk about the policy and the politics this week, theres something to not lose sight of. 176 men, women and children who died in the plane crash in iran this week. 176 people died. Passengers and crew. Families left without their loved ones. Moms without sons. Dat dads without daughters. Here are some of the stories. Newlyweds knew each other since high school, studying Computer Science at university of alberta. These two were married one week before the crash. They were just two of 63 canadians who lost their lives, many of those who died were students, scientists. They were doctors, engineers. This is just one of six students, this man, at the university of toronto who died. Meet the musavi family. The mother, father and two daughters all of them died in the plane crash. They leave behind a grandmother to those little girls in iran. A doctor in iran on the flight with her two daughters. They all died in the crash. A close friend said in canada that she, quote, did her best to take appointments with new imgrants who were overwhelmed and unable to find immediate medical help. This is evan and her baby girl and both on the plane with the babys father. That family also perished in the crash. Sahar and 8yearold daughter jelsi on the daughter. She sent a selfie of them to her father on the tarmac awaiting departure. Minutes latter she texted him. Taking off now. Thats the last he heard from his daughter. These are just a few of the 176 people who died. Remember them today and remember them this weekend. Thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. 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I support the president killing soleimani was the right decision but engaging in another forever war in the middle east is a wrong decision and why im voted for this resolution. Joining me is someone who proposed an alternative to the measure, representative dan crenshaw. Hes a former navy s. E. A. L. Who served in afghanistan and thank you for being with us. Talk to me about your resolution, howl it differs from what the democrats and a few republicans have voted for. Well, my resolution would have recognized the Intelligence Community and Service Members for hard work they put in to effectively eliminate soleimani so takes a different approach. Instead of what i believe an approach of undermining and really questioning the action that was taken i wanted to submit a resolution that would actually show our Service Members and people in our Intelligence Community that we support their actions and that it was legal and it was justified and that it does make us better off. So heres the thing. I dont think those two are mutually exclusive. Right . Showing respect for Service Members and Intelligence Community but i dont know that a man whos given service to his country and now serves in congress, why would you say we cant question . You got elected to do that. Thats an excellent question, and i want to say this. The discussion over a renewed aumf or another look at our authorized use of military force and war powers i think should always be up for debate. The problem is that it was in reaction to the events surrounding soleimani and those events its definitely right to question. Right . Rightful questions have been raised. I believe the questions have been answered very clearly. The war powers authorization states that the president has the authority to defend american personnel and property and really has a duty when the imminent threats we saw and the intelligence that we did see the imminent threats that were coming were about to take place and he has a duty to prevent those. I say to people like you who gets access to classified briefings to tell me as much as you can without killing me and from a guy like you as a navy s. E. A. L. I mean it. That said, we have spoken to members of congress saying they did not hear evidence of an imminent threat in a classified briefing or in a public briefing and pompeo today said that we did not we did in a classified setting and in a nonclassified setting tell members of congress of an imminent threat to embassies so we have contradictory information out there. So not all members have gotten the all of the details even in the classified briefings. That is true. But i will say this. A number of members certainly have and saying that they didnt hear any evidence then i dont think theyre being truthful. When you have career intelligence officials like of the cia, director of National Intelligence and chairman milley saying this is some of the most exquisite intelligence they have ever seen and an attack imminent within days, unambiguous, i dont see where the doubt is. And i think theyre making a dishonest argument, not the Intelligence Community but politicians because they know full well i cant say this is the intelligence because its classified and it would give away sources and methods and that would endanger personnel and the intelligence as its possibly still coming to us. I can have a conversation with you i cant with people who havent done what you have. You brought up a point of uamf and war powers and the constitution and whats legal and legitimate and put that debate aside for a second. Say the white house justifies it and the threat is imminent s. That a different discussion of whether its strategically wise to do and worth it . President bushes, president obama and mossad came to the conclusion it was not worth it to take out Qassem Soleimani. Is that a valid discussion for us to be having . Of course it is. Again, rightful questions asked. Was it legal . Next question is, was it strategically justifiable . Theres reason for that. Let me give you a simple one. We need to have a red line. When we are attacked, an attack orchestrated against the embassy, when we lost a u. S. Citizen to iranian attacks, you know, the question is, do we act . When is enough enough . When do we respond . I think we responded correctly. Do you believe however you came around to it, you believe there was the potential and likelihood of an imminent attack that justified taking Qassem Soleimani out . Absolutely. I will say that without any doubt based on the briefings i have been in and based on the comments from our Intelligence Community, cia, dni, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, absolutely. And it wasnt within weeks but days. Representative dan crenshaw of texas,i always appreciate you joining us. A retired Lieutenant Commander and former navy s. E. A. L. Coming up, President Trump argues that federal environmental regulations are red tape slowing down the building of highways and other projects. You are watching msnbc. With esri location technology, you can see relationships. Connections. Patterns. You can see what others cant. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. I dont make compromises. I want nutrition made just for me. But i also want great taste. So i drink boost for women. New boost women with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New boost women. All with great taste. Trumpand total disaster. Mplete let obamacare implode. Nurse these wild attacks on healthcare hurt the patients i care for. Ive been a nurse in new york for thirty years. I know the difference leadership can make because i saw what Mike Bloomberg did as mayor. Vo mayor bloomberg helped lower the number of uninsured by 40 , covering 700,000 more new yorkers, Life Expectancy increased. He helped expand Health Coverage to 200,000 more kids and upgraded pediatric care infant mortality rates dropped to record lows. And as mayor, Mike Bloomberg always championed Reproductive Health for women. So when you hear Mike Bloomberg on health care. Mrb this is america. We can certainly afford to make sure that everybody that needs to see a doctor can see a doctor, everybody that needs medicines to stay healthy can get those medicines. Nurse you should know, he did it as mayor, hell get it done as president. Mrb im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Its beautiful. You want to take it for a testdrive . Definitely. Were gonna go in that. Seriously . I thought we were going on a test drive. We are. A heavyduty test drive. Woohoo this is dope. Ive never been on a test drive like this before. This silverado offers a 6. 6 liter Duramax Diesel that can tow up to 35,500 pounds. Awesome lets take these logs up that hill. Lets do it. Wow this trucks a beast. Are you sure theres a trailer back there . This is incredible. Best test drive ever. [chuckle] President Trump proposed a complete overhaul of the National Environmental policy act. It is a land mark piece of legislation from 50 years ago signed by president richard nixon. President trump says he intends to roll back federal oversight on Major Projects that could have significant environmental impacts like pipelines. America is a nation of builders. It took four years to build the golden gate bridge. Five years to build the hoover dam and less than one year, can you believe that, to build the empire state building. Yet today it can take more than ten years to get a permit to build a simple road. The United States will not be able to compete and prosper in the 21st century if we continue to allow a broken and outdated bureaucratic system hold us back from building what we need. All right. So what makes this law so significant and whats now at risk as a result of these rollbacks . All right. The epas website said the national act exists to ensure that all branches of government give proper consideration to the environment prior to any major federal action that significantly affects the environment. When we say projects, think about airports, buildings, military complexes, highways, projegts of that nature. Donald trump said simple roads, generally speaking not talking about simple roads but any kind of project that will affect quality of land and wildlife. So if donald trump gets his way, it would limit the amount of projects subject to federal Environmental Review. The only projects that would be subject to the reviews would be publicly funded and that clears the way for privately funded projects to glide through government reviews or feedback from the public. So, lets talk about potential jou joutd jut comes. Among the proposed changes or ones to hasten the permitting of oil projects including pipelines on federal lands. The rollback to prevent environment environmental activists and concerned members of the community a seat at the negotiating table with the massive projects like pipelines and that dialogue makes a difference. An oped in the New York Times says it resulted in improved efficiency, navigational safety and wetlands protection, erosion provisions, wildlife and native trees and grass along a new highway through a National Forest in ohio. It does real things. Lets talk about this some more. Joining me is jody freeman from harvard university. Jody, thank you for joining us. Do you have any specifics as to what kinds of we quoted a couple there. What kinds of things the law protects or the absence of a law like this will endoinger . Great to be with you. So the kind of projikects to ta about is everything you cited from pipelines to highways, dams, airports, you name it. Massive projects with big impacts. That can produce air pollution, water pollution, destroy wildlife. They can also waste a lot of taxpayer money if theyre badly designed or wasteful in other ways and these Environmental Reviews are meant to catch these kinds of mistakes so National Environmental policy act is a stop and look law to make the government take a minute, consider all of the impacts of their proposed projects and that informs us and lets us mitigate the problems to avoid some harmful effects. The other thing is the law allows us to think about projecting the infrastructure that harms it may be expositived to. Think about where you put your military bases so that they not vulnerable to flooding. So the law actually prevents a lot of costly and bad impacts and what the Trump Administration is doing is cutting back on how we do these Environmental Reviews, did detail in these Environmental Reviews and even as you said how many types of projects are even subject to them in the first place. Im a business reporter. Im a capitalist. Im pro business. The one thing we all learn is that if there are no rules sometimes short cuts are taken and sometimes taxpayers on the hook and sometime it is environment is on the hook for those shortcuts and it is not antibusiness to have a few rules that are designed to protect the environment. Exactly right. I actually think this is in the interest of business because you dont want wasteful taxpayer money spent on infrastructure thats not necessary and badly designed and i dont think anybody a fan of this law is interested in wasting peoples money. What they want to do is make sure that we really think about whether we need all the projects, how well designed they are. If youre putting a natural gas pipeline in place you might need it. The country might need it. It might be true that theres another nearby pipeline that has enough capacity to take that additional product in it. Think about that before you build a new pipeline that you may not need. So what the Trump Administration is trying to do here is really rush these projects through without a sufficient Environmental Review and the blame placing here for the fact that some of the projects are slow, placing this blame on environmental regulation which is something that people often do but studies show that most of the delay is due to a lack of federal funding. It is not due to responsible Environmental Reviews so this law is in place as you said for 50 years. Republican and democratic administrations have valued the fact that the federal government has to take a moment and study the impacts of its major inve investments and now seeing the most dramatic rollback of the environmental policy act and i should add were the model for the world of this detailed study and many countries adopted the same kind of reviews and now we seem to be unraveling this just like the Trump Administration has been unraveling Environmental Protections across the board, clean air, clean water, climate change. It is part of a dramatic unraveling of half century old Environmental Protection in this country. Thank you very joining me. I preeshlt it. Im joined by congressman Anthony Brown and ask him about the mike pompeo comments of what the Trump Administration knew of Qassem Soleimani and what white house officials told lawmakers in justifying why they took him out. You are watching msnbc. Secretary of state mike pompeo say that is when it comes to iran the administration is going to stay the course because it makes the u. S. Safer. Took away the caliphate in the entirety. We took down hamza bin laden. This is a list that has reduced the capacity for terrorists around the world to perform the functions that put american men and women and the home lanld at risk. We are going to stay the course. Joining me is democratic congressman Anthony Brown of maryland, the vice chair of the Armed Services committee. Good to see you again. Thank you for joining me. Your response to secretary pompeo saying that the actions in the past week have made america safer . Look. While the actions may have taken one bad general off the battlefield, general soleimani, what we have seen in the course of the last several months, shooting down of a u. S. Drone, attacks on naval vessels in the strait of hormuz, protests and attacks against the u. S. Embassy in baghdad, strongly support the conclusion that this continues to be a volatile region and a back and forth attacks between the United States and iran and i dont think i would join the secretary of state to say we are safer today than we were last week or six months ago. Im very concerned and im continuing to listen for the strategy from this administration thats going to get us to a better place. Staying the course, maximum pressure one is . The war powers and everything else, which is important whether youre a democrat or republican. Are we safer . Was this the right thing to do . And in both cases im hearing from members of congress theyre looking for that justification from the administration. I spoke to your colleague a little while ago, john a little earlier, speaking to senator merkley later on. Nobody gives me the same story about what theyre getting from the administration. Certainly the recent facts that were put out regarding justification to take out general soleimani, that there were imminent threats about attacks on u. S. Embassies. That information simply wasnt presented a few days ago. Stepping back and looking at the strategy, we want an iran that doesnt have a nuclear program. We want an iran thats not threatening the region with missiles or terroristic activity in the region. We had a strategy that culminated in the jcpoa. President took us out of tha that whats your new strategy . That is an economic tool to apply pressure. What is the diplomatic strategy. How do we promote u. S. Allies to achieve our goals . That, the administration has not arg tickulated. Nor do they have the capacity in their Decision Making apparatus to even figure it out. Congressman Anthony Brown of maryland, thank you for joining me, sir. Still ahead billionaire investor tom is steyer the latest in the debate after. 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If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor if brilinta is right for you. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. With some lastminute poll results, billionaire bob steyer is add d to the debate. He spent millions of dollars on ads, much like president ial candidate, michael bloomberg, whos shelled out 10 million for a atd thats going to play during next months super bowl. Steve, weve been following the business of the billionaires long enough to understand, for a guy like you too, understand the impact theyre having on the race. Im looking at a poll that has tom steyer in third place. How the heck is tom steyer at double digits in nevada . And second place. Distant but second place in south carolina. Were not talking about tom steyer nationally. But suddenly you look up in nevada and south carolina. Its spending a ton of money. Check this out. This is the ad spending in nevada. Steyer 10. 5 billion. The second place democrat is sanders, 147 k. So basically that means steyer is out spending in nevada his nearest competitor 751. The air waves are filled with steyer and basically nothing else on the democratic side. A similar story in south carolina. 14 million bucks from steyer. 14 1. And the democrats arent down there as much. The news isnt covering it as much. So when you have that much of a tv advantage the democratic debate, they have a polling thresh hold. Members not making the threshhold and not the individual donor threshes is hold. Steyer is still taking money from individual donors. 14 million where about jeej is spending one. It means when the pollsters call you, youve heard of steyer. The deadline is today to qualify for that debate next week. The rules are you needed 5 or 7 in two state polls. And it just so happened a day before the deadline, it had been two months before we had a poll in nevada. A state where steyer has a ad spending advantage over his nearest competitor. And for the first time you have a dnc sanctioned poll at the came out before south carolina. And again it gets him past 7 . So he hit with those two polls yesterday we didnt know were coming that are probably in his two best states. He hit 7 . Heres your ticket to the debate stage, mr. Steyer. Msnbc political correspondent, steve kornacki. Im going to see you back here tonight for the last word. And on sunday night be sure to catch iran crisis. They break down the history and impact of u. S. Foreign policy in the region. U. S. Involvement in the 1953 iranian cue. The iranian hostage crisis and the regional conflict that exists today right here on msnbc sunday night. I will join them for that. Deadline white house begins right now. Hi, everyone. Its 2 00 in new york. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirms today in a letter to her colleagues that she will submit the articles of impeachment next week. The house impeached donald trump for asking the leader of ukraine to investigate his political rival before trump would hand over congressionally authorized military aid. As the president is faced with his closest brush yet with the possibility of war, one

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