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An example of willful blindness saying the villains are the adult perpetrators. Epstein pleaded not guilty. His allegations span from 2002 to 2005 at his residences in florida and new york. This case is over his previous arrest in the mid2000s when he faces other allegations at his palm beach, florida, residence. He was able to obtain a nonprosecution agreement with the then u. S. Attorney alex acosta. If that name is familiar with you, its because acosta is now President Trumps labor secretary. And in that role, he oversees the countrys Human Trafficking laws. In that case in florida, epstein pleaded guilty to state charges of lesser severity than federal charges, requiring that he register as a sex offender and serve 13 months in a county facility that allowed him to leave six days a week to conduct work at his office. The miami herald brought this story to the nations attention back in november as part of that investigation the paper was able to identify nearly 80 girls who were allegedly molest by epstein. Four of the victims now in their late 20s and early 30s spoke on video about how they were traumatized first by epstein, then by his lawyers, and then by private investigators and finally by the prosecutors themselves who disposed of the case without telling them. That is from the fantastic reporting by the miami herald. Today federal prosecutors made sure to underscore the victims of this alleged crime. Weve seen sex trafficking cases all over the place. Its a very busy task force, and my opinion is often in society we ignore, we ignore the vulnerable victims. To join us nbc investigations correspondent tom winter whos outside the manhattan courthouse where enteen has just appeared. Reporter the latest here in is that epstein is going to remain detained. He is going to be back at the mcc which is one of the Holding Facilities that we have here. Its a federal facility. Basically we are going to wait until at least thursday, but more realistically monday for a federal judge to decide whether or not hes going to get bail on those two charges that he pleaded not guilty. He appeared in court in a slate blue jump suit, a light brown tshirt underneath, his hair a little bit rumpled. He looked like somebody who probably hasnt had a chance to get a shave in a couple. Days and we know thats true because he was arrested saturday night at 5 30. That indictment that you detailed alleging dozens of women that were involved in a, quote, vast scheme, essentially, that epstein had involving these underage girls. Prosecutors are really adamant when they file this did memo this afternoon to let the judge know that he is an extreme flight risk, somebody who has intimidated witnesses in the past, somebody who has tremendous financial means. I have looked at his florida Law Enforcement records. Hes got a bentley, a rollsroyce, hes got a mercedes. So prosecutors dont want this person back out there. They dont want Jeffrey Epstein to be able to communicate with any victims. When they found all of that either underage or young woman images that the nude images or partially nude images at his house, at his mansion in the Upper East Side of manhattan further night, thats something that they have addressed with the judge, hey, heres something who had these images contained within a safe, he should not be let back out. He is not going anywhere from Lower Manhattan here until more likely monday. This is something thats required by law. As soon as Jeffrey Epstein attorney said we want to present a bail package to you, they had to at that point. The judge had to say, okay, timeout, you guys present to me what you have. The government will present their arguments. Theyve already made some of that today. And then from that point going forward, ill make a decision. So release a couple of days away from that, and thats where things stand here, at least from the case process after that Dramatic Press Conference that you referenced to earlier today. I want to just read you some things from the indictment that was unsealed, the overview of it. The defendant enticed and recruited and caused to be enticed and recruited minor girls to visit his the defendant worked and conspired with others including employees and associate whos facilitated his conduct by among other things contacting victims and scheduling their sexual encounters with epstein at the new york residence and at the palm beach residence. In the florida case, tom, there was immunity for others involved in this. In this particular case they have mentioned other people involved. They referred to his assistance. What do we know about this . Well, its a really good question. Something just came up in the last hearing that we were listening to, ali, that i think may further inform us on this issue. The judge asked federal prosecutors whether or not they thought that they were going to bring forward any more charges against other individuals noting the sex trafficking count. The first count is a conspiracy count. And they interanswered the kind of indirectly but a little bit interesting saying that we dont plan on immediate superseding indictment. Something that might be on the table, kind of an indirect answer for the judge. Today he didnt push them any further on that. And to your point in that mpa, there were people that work for him that were named in that. But they did not specifically sign, at least the hasnt been revealed publicly, their own mpas. That mpa just seemed to cover them. Federal prosecutors have made the argument already here today that that mpa was specifically for that district, the Southern District of florida, the miamipalm beach area, meaning that that doesnt cover anything here. So itll be interesting to see whether those three other unnamed employees in epsteins orbit are people that could be facing some time in the courtroom behind us as well. Tom winter at the manhattan courthouse where Jeffrey Epstein just appeared. Without getting into too much detail, the new york city officials overseeing the case made sure to mention one source of assistance during this investigation. I am not going into any dealings with justice, nor am i going to go into any aspects about our investigation originated. I will say that we are assisted from some excellent Investigative Journalism. When the facts presented themselves as mr. Behrman hinted to us. That excellent Investigative Journalism referenced 2000 isin todays News Conference refers to the miami herald reporting that broke that case. Joining me is the newspapers executive editor and publisher. Mindy, thank you for joining us. And thank you to you and your team for the work that brought this out into the public. Can you explain to me being from that area what drove the miami herald to say this was a case that had been adjudicated in the opinion of many adjudicated poorly because of the deal that was made. How did this become a news story for you . Well, really in all ten assy of julie brown. And as a result of that reporting she was she became interested in the element of Human Trafficking which really touched so many of those women. Then she astarted to do some research on that topic. Jeffrey epstein kept popping up. And then at the same time alexander was named to President Trumps cabinet, was nominated to the cabinet. So we initially did write a story about this case, which, you know, had been widely covered, quite frankly, by many people at the time. But julie made a really great pitch, which she came to me and said i want to do this story. And what can we bring thats new to the table. She said, mindy, nobodys ever really heard from the victims. And she was absolutely right. This was, you know, she started her reporting before the me too reporting actually was published. But what she was passionate about telling the story from the victims perspective because they have been failed by so many people and so many institutions. There are rarely stories of failure across the board on every front. And the victims in these cases always become the ones who we dont tell their stories. I want to go back to april 3rd when former u. S. Attorney alex acosta who is now the labor secretary was grilled by representative Catherine Clark of massachusetts during an Appropriations Committee hearing. Lets listen to this. The hideous truth has come out. You chose wealthy and wellconnected people, child rapists, over the victims in this case. If you as u. S. Attorney as a prosecutor where your job is to pursue justice could not fight for these girls, how as secretary of labor can you tell this panel and the American People that you can responsibly oversee this budget, the department of labor, including Human Trafficking . Is there no answer . Is that a question . That was a question. So, as i was saying the department of justice for the past 12 years has defended the actions of the office in this case. The facts in this case were presented to a grand jury that actually recommended a charge that would have carried no jail time at all. And at the end of do you regret making this deal in secret . And at the end of the day congresswoman, if i could finish. If at the end of the day mr. Epstein went to jail, epstein was incarcerated. He registered as a sex offender. The world was put on notice that he was a sex offender, and the victims received restitution. 13 months in county jail, 12 hours a day, work release. You consider that justice for the of these girls . Congresswoman . Mindy, thats the argument that acosta and the government make that we got something that felt like a good deal. When we read the miami heralds reporting, one wonders why couldnt the federal government have got a proper conviction in this case . Its really difficult to go back and really talk about they obviously can speak from their own perspective. But i think whats clear from our reporting is that there were a lot of missed opportunities. Everything from, again, closeddoor discussions with, you know, epstein had was very lawyered up, had very, very powerful group of attorneys working for him. And mr. Acosta has said that they were outlawyered at one point to leaving the victims out of the settlement. So our reporting really was able to show that the was not just one misstep but several missteps along the way. Yeah. And as we know, were all waiting to see what happens with the investigation of the Justice Department into how this case was handled. Again, big congratulations to your news room and to julie k. Brown for remarkable reporting that has led to this. I want to bring in ken now. Corruption and fraud prosecutor in the Southern District new york. Ken, thank you for being with us. As mindy said, the deal that alex acosta cut and his team cut was done in private. The was not done in consultation with the victims is that . Normal . That is absolutely not normal. Its not what youre supposed to do as a prosecutor especially when you have victims. And as the u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of new york said today at the press conference you aired, he said the victims voices must be heard. There was a lotto in the Violent Crimes unit and that motto was every victim counts. Cannot do Something Like that in secret. So when we look back to 2002 to 2005, the early 2000s when this happened, had that happened today, would we not be more cognisant of the victims . We sort we dont think about the victims in these cases. We sometimes think about the perpetrator and the system. Would this happen again . I dont think the should, and i dont think the would. I dont think the shouldve happened back then. The same rules that apply today applied back then. Lets talk about the idea that this is done by a group that handles public corruption. That seems unusual. Why are the public corruption people involved in this, in the Southern District new york . I think its too early to say why they are involved. There are two reasons. One can be simple. The could be simple as this investigation began because the office of professional responsibility opened an investigation into acosta and to prosecutors about the mpa. So then of course if that gets referred to the Southern District of new york, thats a public corruption type of investigation, and maybe the just morphed into, hey, we have all these victims here, this is more blue collar crime too, lets charge it. The could also mean the second thing that there is a lurking public Corruption Case into the negotiations involved with the mpa. So this npa, the nonprosecution agreement, why is that the case, and then he plead guilty to state charges and he did register as a sex offender and he did go to jail, although the seems like an unusual form of jail. What would the rationale have been in a case like this . Its hard to see one in a case like this. Typically with the nonprosecution agreement, you are looking at somebody whos not as culpable, someone down the line, not the major actor. So you rarely do a nonprosecution agreement against the target, the lead target. So in this situation, it is true with the nonprosecution agreement, thats only with the Southern District of florida. Right. So anybody, any district, federal district, can bring charges related to those crimes. As long as the crimes had something to do with their jurisdiction, which the did in the case of new york. Kan is a former corruption and fraud prosecutor at the u. S. Attorneys office in the Southern District new york. I want to turn now to the other big headline of the day. Inspectors from the United Nations confirmed that iran is official officially enriching uranium above the 2015 agreement. I want to take a quick look at uranium and how the can be used in everything from power plants to Nuclear Weapons. Now, natural uranium comes out of mines. Thats the element. Less than 1 of the isotope u235 known as fissile isotope which is necessary for Nuclear Fission comes out of the element. One of the most efficient ways to process the ore is to spin it. Spin the raw uranium at supersonic speeds allowing the u235 to separate out. It is called enriched you are an yuchl. Thats what were talking about, and its use depends on how enriched it is. Low enriched uranium is defined as being 5 pure or lower. Its used in Nuclear Power reactors. So irans argument that the wants uranium for Nuclear Power, you dont need anything more than 5 enriched. 20 to 93 90 or more makes the weapons grade. The 2015 iran nuclear deal, the joint comprehensive plan of action, its called the jcpoa required iran to ship all of its enriched uranium out of the country and they got raw uranium in return. They can then process that, but the was limited up to 660 pounds or less of lowenriched uranium, the kind that you need for energy production. At the top enrichment level, the country was allowed to set the at 3. 67 purity. Again, not anywhere nothing you can make weapons out of. The International Atomic energy said that inspectors would check if iran had indeed exceeded this limit, which the says the has. The reason these limits are important is that the takes about 550 pounds of 20 enriched uranium to create 55 pounds of weaponsgrade uranium. As a way to further limit the processing, the nuclear deal restricted iran to just 5,060 centrifuges to enrich its raw uranium. Before the deal, iran had about 20,000 centrifuges. If sanctions are not relieved in the next 60 days. Joining me now is Nbc News Tehran Bureau chief ali arouzi. Iran is now in a place where the can be certified that it is not within the confines of the deal. What is the end game here for iran . Reporter well, iran is trying to put pressure on europe right now to come up with the goods, to give them sanctions relief, to allow them to sell their oil on the open market in defiance of all the u. S. Pressure thats being put on iran. But the europeans are having a serious problem coming up with the goods. Theyve developed a special Purpose Vehicle called in stacks where that would allow some transactions to be made. But the investment in it is very modest. Its only a couple of million euros. And iran is saying its just not good enough to get them to abide by the terms of the deal. So what theyre trying to do here is chip away bit by bit, take a stepbystep approach to see if the europeans can then do something. But its a very risky strategy, ali. If the europeans cant come up with the goods and iran keeps rolling back its commitments, then at some point the europeans are going to say, listen, we just cant keep postponing the death of this deal, and were going to have to tow the u. S. Line and say, look, iran is in such breach, we are going to put our own sanctions back on iran. U. N. Sanctions will snap back on iran, and then the economy will be in an even worse position than it is now. And the way were heading, the looks like we mafl be there in just 60days time because iran has given the europeans another ultimatum. They said relieve our economy or were going to start enriching at 20 . If they do that just after you explained that very precise way of enrichment, thats going to be getting them very close to the capability of building a bomb, and then i dont think the europeans can abide by the deal. Now iran is saying that they dont want to build a bomb. Theyve always towed that line. But i dont think thats going to convince the u. S. Or the europeans at that point. Nor do the iranians seem like theyre in any mood to negotiate with the united states. Interestingly enough, one of my colleagues in the bureau just showed me a posting on the supreme leaders website which had a picture of donald trump, the u. S. Flag, the iranian flag and a big sign saying negotiations with america is a trap. Ali arouzi, our man in tehran, thank you. Joining me now a key figure from the american negotiating team who structured the Historic Iran Nuclear deal. He currently serves as the cochairman and ceo of the Nuclear Threat initiative, a nonprofit that works with World Leaders to develop policies that reduce reliance on Nuclear Weapons. He is also a physics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of technology. Its good to see you. Good to see you, ali. Look, weve laid out what iran may be trying to do. I think the first thing we need to understand is for people who think that were headed toward either the nuclearization of iran or a conflict with iran. Give me your analysis of this. Can iran get to a stage where the can develop Nuclear Weapons any time in the near future . Well, first of all, we already know that iran did have a structured Nuclear Weapons program up through 2003. So they certainly have a lot of had a lot of work in that direction. But by the same token, there is pretty wide agreement that since that time, they have not had anything like a structured program. Now, the jcpoa, the iran deal, as you described, already gave us a really solid way of making sure that iran never went to a Nuclear Weapon. What i want to emphasize is the piece that has not been raised so far in this discussion. That is that the real strength of the deal is in all of the verification measures. Iran is subject to verification measures that no other country is under. Thats because there was so much international coherence, cohesion, the united states, the europeans, russia and china. We all recognized what a disaster the would be for iran to have Nuclear Weapons, came together on that, and therefore got this verification regime. So what i would say, ali, and my perspective would be, that iran clearly is in no dash to a Nuclear Weapon or anything of that type in these violations. They are clearly very staged violations which are there in my view to amp up the pressure. And frankly really put the europeans in a very, very tough spot because they are the ones who have been on the one hand unable to break the socalled secondary sanctions that the administration has put on and yet are trying hard to maintain the deal that of course we violated with the president s announcement in may of last year. We have to underscore that america violated that. Iran didnt. Iran now has. But lets go back, i think you make an interesting point. Lets go back to when the deal was being negotiated. The inspections regime was really important, the International Atomic agency has been able to go in there, and one of the reasons we know iran hadnt breached the deal is because they were affirming this on a very regular bloasis. The ten years prior to that in which these negotiations were taking place, this was a hard point. Getting in there to be able to verify what iran is or isnt doing was a very, very big win in the jcpoa in the iran deal. Absolutely. And its not only the obvious things about having inspectors visiting plants, having cameras, you know, 24 7 and the like. There is all of that, and thats very important. But there are even novel developments such as iran is the only country in the world where the entire uranium supply chain is under surveillance. Iran is the only country in the world and the following by the way has no sunset, is the only country in the world that must in a defined time, provide access to International Inspectors at any place in the country that they have reason to suspect. No one else is under this kind of constraint. And the should be fairly obvious that if iran were to go back to a Nuclear Weapons program, theyre not going to do the at the facilities that they have declared as Nuclear Facilities that they allow inspectors to. Its going to be a covert program. And the agreement provides an unprecedented tool to go and find any covert activity. If we lose that, we have lost an Incredible Opportunity to really make sure that there is no weapons activity. And clearly if we no longer know with confidence that there is no covert activity, you can imagine that is a slippery slope towards lots and lots of misunderstandings and potentially military confrontation. Ernest moniz, thank you for joining me. He is the former Secretary Energy under president obama involved in the negotiation of the iran deal. Coming up, Home Ownership is the primary driver of american wealth. But the number of black american whos own their homes is at a historic low. Senator Kamala Harris has a 100 billion plan to change that. Coming up, a look at how we got here and whether her plan is enough to close the racial wealth gap. And green energy policies, but this hour he is touting his own achievements as an environmental leader. We are just Getting Started this hour on msnbc. D this hour on msnbc. Arou democratic president ial candidates often talk about the racial wealth began, particularly how a typical black family has only onetenth the assets of a typical white family. In 2016 the median Family Wealth for white families was 171,000. Thats your house, things of value, minus things that you owe. Compare that to 20,920 for hispanic families and 17,409 for black families. Wealth, as i say, defined as the total market value of all your assets including Home Ownership, which is a primary driver of wealth in america. According to the Census Bureau, 73 of white households are homeowners. That number stems at 47 for hispanic and 41 for black households. California senator Kamala Harris wants to change that by creating a 100 billion governmentadministered fund to provide grants up to 25,000 to assist with downpayments and closing costs. Harris says this will benefit up to 4 million families and individuals who buy homes in historically redlined communities, lowincome or minority communities where banks generally avoiding lending money. Her Campaign Says eliminating Racial Disparities in Home Ownership could increase the median wealth of black families by more than 32,000 per household. Thats a big deal. And the median wealth of hispanic families by just over 29,000 per household. Joining me now to talk about this is lance freeman. He is also the author of the new book. Thanks for having me. The idea of increasing Home Ownership amongst africanamericans is interesting. But Kamala Harris is not posing the as that. In other words, the plan shes proposing in theory could benefit anybody. Thats correct. By targeting neighborhoods that were redlined in the past, the will disproportionately benefit africanamericans because africanamericans were overrepresented in those neighborhoods. But by no means will they be the only group that benefits from that policy. Lets look at some numbers from africanamerican Home Ownership going back to 1994. The Census Bureau says in 1994, 42 of black households were homeowners. Ten years later right before the recession, the housing boom, the figure had reached nearly 50 . And but that declined after the recession to the point that were now at 43 , which is kind of where we were in 1994. When you look at that chart, what does the tell you . Well, what you see there is the runup to the housing bubble when credit standards were very lax. Virtually anybody who had a post could get a mortgage. But that was not sustainable. When the bubble burst, many people, and disproportionately people of color, lost their homes. They fell behind on their mortgages so they were upside down in their mortgages. Their house was worth more than their mortgage. So as a result, many of the people that purchased homes in the late 90s, the early 2000s ended up losing those homes at the end of the decade. That one can enhance Home Ownership amongst africanamericans without affecting those credit standards. Because what you dont want to do is get people into risky Home Ownership like we saw before 2008. Well, sure. I think some aspects of her program are interesting. So, for example, she talks about asking credit agencies to take into consideration family or households history of paying rent, paying utilities instead of relying solely on, say, their credit card payments. Thats something that could provide evidence that the family or household has a history of paying their bills on time. So youre not relaxing credit status to the extent that its risky. Yet, at the same time, its also making the easier for those households to access credit. So thats the type of thing that i think can be important that could expand Home Ownership without doing the in a risky way which is what was happening. And the downpage and the closing expenses come out of a grant. So the idea is youre not causing people because this is a fine line, causing people to get overextended so that when home prices go down again, which they may, you dont end up with exactly the same problem. Youve thrown all these people who have made Home Ownership gains out. Exactly. So talk to me about weve been focusing a lot in recent days partially because of the president ial election of the wealth gap because so many of the candidates are talking about it. But its an evolution because most people talk about the income gap, which is its own problem. Africanamericans make a portion of what the National Average makes, unemployment rates tend to be higher particularly for africanamerican males. Does this problem solve the other problem, or does the contribute to the solution to does closing the wealth gap help the income gap . The can because wealth you think of the as accumulation of past disparities and income, access to opportunity, opportunities that your parents or grandparents even had. And so part of what i think senator harris is trying to do here is to redress some of the historical wrongs that were conducted through federal policy. So this can go part of the way towards addressing some of those disparities such as an income. So, for example, where you live determines so a large extent from any family is the type of school that you go to. If you dont have much in the way of wealth, cannot purchase a home in the nicest neighborhoods. We also know that schools tend to be the better schools tend to be located in neighborhoods where houses are more expensive because those are the theyre supported by the taxes. Exactly. Is there some danger that in causing home prices to go up in neighborhoods that may be predominantly occupied or populated by africanamericans that the has the same effect that you and i talked about last time about gentrification where you still end up hurting renters . Well, there is that chance of that. So i think this would have to be married with other components. You would need something that would help people who just want to rent for whatever reason some people dont want to buy a home. Maybe they want to maintain the flexibility that comes with being a renter. So you would need other strategies, whether its through better schools, job training or what have you, that would allow them to become upperly mobile and not to just simply sit on the sidelines while homeowners benefit from this program. Thank you for joining me. Lance freeman is a professor of urban planning at the Columbia School of architecture. President trump is set to deliver a speech, an event we are monitoring and we will share with you any news that comes out of it. Two senior officials spoke to axios about, one calling the quote a javanka special, a phrase conservative Administration Officials use. Despite that, its very difficult to label President Trump as a liberal when the comes to environmental policy. Lets take a closer look at his record. The first move was to pull out of the paris climate agreement back in 2017. Its an agreement in which 195 other countries agreed to prevent temperatures from rising acro across the globe. Next he rolled back federal regulation by air pollution. The Trump Administration has also proposed serious cuts to the endangered species act. And final criminal prosecutions recently hit a 30year low according to the Justice Department. Now these policy measures triggered ominous warnings from environmental leaders, that have warned of the dire effect Climate Change is going to have on our nations security and economy, including this staggering statistic that the damage from Climate Change could shrink u. S. Gdp by as much as 10 guilty the end of the century. Joining me now is nbcs chief White House Correspondent hallie jackson. Hallie, have we got clues as to what the president is up to in this speech . Reporter absolutely, ali. We spoke to Administration Officials, which the president is currently deliberating inside the white house behind me here. This is not an im going to roll out a new policy speech. This is what ive already done. He will talk about the cleanup of some super fund sites, a piece in the agreement that calls for the removal of some ocean debris, ocean litter. And things of that nature. Big picture, though, as you see the president speaking now, there is some confusion i think not just inside the white house as axios has reported but also outside of the from environmental activists. Some of whom like the sierra club called this greenhouse gaslighting. His dismal record on the environment. This speech is either depending on how you see the either the cherry on the sunday or the nail in the coffin to the obamaera clean power plan. That has been in the process of getting rolled back for the last, gosh, year and a half now. The final rules went into effect just a couple of weeks ago, and that is potentially the reason why the president is coming out and speaking about this now. It is not an issue the president talks about a lot. In fact his comments about things like Wind Turbines causing cancer and Climate Change and his refusal to accept science on that issue so far have raised real questions about what his administration is doing. Add that to the fact that his e. P. A. Whos been out for about a year now, environmental activists dont like the person who is replacing him, Andrew Wheeler. So there is some sort of confusion i think about this speech. Administration officials did not respond to officials about ivanka trumps role and to why and whether and how she had involvement in this speech. But a spokesman for the white house did say that, hey, this has been in the works for a while, essentially saying if theyre confused, thats not our problem, thats theirs, if you will. I just heard from my executive producer, i will just ask her to confirm if i didnt get this right. But apparently donald trump says he is going to do july 4th, this time hes going to do the on the mall. Whats the sense you got from the white house about how that all went last week . Reporter well, the president liked it, and thats the most important thing in this white house, even though the was pouring rain intimately throughout the program. This is something that the president wanted to have happen, the pentagon, despite the added cost of some of this, did execute with the military tanks for example, the flyovers. I think that for a visual president like donald trump, the visuals were striking. I think folks have seen now that shot of those military jets flying up over the Lincoln Memorial. The president likes to look out from the Lincoln Memorial and see that crowd in front of him despite the discussion of whether the crowd was xbig or ybig. Ive been standing out here doing this interaction with you, so i havent been able to listen, but its not particularly surprising that the president wants to do the again. Expect protests again next year. We saw that this year, the trump baby balloon depicting the president in a diaper floating above the crowd was out in force this past week. I expect next year to expect more of the same. I will let you get back to this. You dont have take my interpretation of the, but its always a great pleasure to have you on our show. Lets listen to what the president said about the environment just moments ago. Better tan any people on earth. From day one my administration has made the a top priority to ensure that america is among the cleanest air and cleanest water on the planet. We want the cleanest air. We want Crystal Clean water, and thats what were doing, and thats what were working on so hard. For this afternoons event, were pleased to be joined by secretary steve mnuchin. Steve, thank you very much. David bernhardt. Okay. Hes introducing folks. Well keep an eye on whether he says anything, but he wants the cleanest air and the cleanest water. Joining me now is monica. Some she served as the foreign deputy administrator of the national oceanic. The cant be a bad thing that the president goes out there and says we want the cleanest air and the cleanest water, even though as hallie says his administration has not demonstrated a commitment to that particularly in terms of things like the e. P. A. And the remarkable speed that Andrew Wheeler and scott pruitt has been in deregulation. Is he tricking us somehow or is this meaningful . Well, it is a typical trump lie. He must be worried. And that must be why hes out there talking about his Crystal Clean air and water. We are far from that. And, in fact, we ranked 27th in the world in terms of our Environmental Performance as a country. So the president must be nervous about how suburban women are feeling about his handling of this issue because he has basically taken a chainsaw to 50 years of environmental progress. Monica, what can happen, given what youve seen this chainsaw that weve seen since the beginning of the Trump Administration, what can happen now . For people like you who are dedicated to the idea of dealing with Climate Change, where are your attentions . Do folks bother to lobby this administration anymore . Or are all efforts on another administration that takes actually takes this seriously . Well, i think there are a lot of efforts going into coming up with new plans and policies in the hope that well have a new president in a couple of years who will be able to reverse a lot of this. But the will take time, and we are losing precious time right now. The other thing thats happening is environmental groups are challenging what the president is doing, and theyre trying to slow him down. Sometimes his administration in a rush to try to get things done has been a little bit careless, has not followed all the right procedures. And thats allowed some environmental challenges to succeed. But many have failed, or hes just been able to glide right past them. So were in a really big, i think, challenge ahead of us because we have this huge climate problem that were, you know, really confronting. Did you see the temperatures in alaska over the weekend . They broke all kinds of records. So alaska is baking and so is europe. We have beaches in mississippi all closed because of a toxic algal bloom. So he can talk about Crystal Clear air and Crystal Clean water, but nothing could be further from the truth. Monica, thank you for joining me. She is the founder and ceo of our daily planet. Coming up former Vice President joe biden apologizes. I regret the, and im sorry for any of the pain or misconception i may have caused anybody. [ applause ] after the break, how the 2020 frontrunner is trying to make amends with black voters and address his record on civil rights. Youre watching msnbc. Rights youre watching msnbc. Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . 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President ial contend e contender, senator Kamala Harris is out, today, over the weekend, bid biden apologized for comments he defended segregationists during his early days in the senate. Was i wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people for praising those men i successfully opposed time and again, well, yes, i was, i regret it. And im sorry for any of the pain or misconception they may have caused anybody. But biden has been on the defensive about his comments since california senator Kamala Harris confronted him during the democratic debates in miami last month, and senator harris spoke to the Associated Press and explained her criticism of the former vm former Vice President. She said, quote, i was not going to stand there and let people rewrite history. Joining me now, nbc news road warrior, Vaughan Hillier whos traveling with the campaign. Tell me where this leaves the situation, now that joe biden has apologized and unlike many of his apologies in the past, this one seemed plain and direct. Does this issue go away . No, Kamala Harris, quite frankly yesterday talking to reporters said its not. When parts of a candidates record need to be addressed she said that she will address that. She went on to add that in the case of joe biden its important to take into account the entirety of a candidates record. If that means going back to the 70s and 80s, thats what shes going to do, and shes reminding voters of that, and ill let you hear, this is specifically about President Trump but this is part of her greater pitch about prosecuting the case against history and prosecuting the case of what is needed now. This was Kamala Harris a few moments ago here in myrtle beach, South Carolina. This is a person who came in office on a campaign that was about make America Great again. Well, again for whom. Again to what . To before the Voting Rights act, to before the ziccivil rights a before roe v. Wade . To before the Fair Housing Act . Well, were not going back. Were not going back. Were not going back. Reporter in 2016, exit polling showed that here in South Carolina, and that South Carolina democratic primary, 70 of the electorate were individuals over the age of 50. If youre Kamala Harris, reminding people of that history, you have the black population, the black electorate in the democratic primary accounts for 2 3 of democratic turnout, reminding history is very much a part of what Kamala Harris is pitching here in South Carolina. And joe biden does well with that demographic. In fact, he continues to poll well amongst africanamericans. Kamala harris does well when people see her. The issue, i think, is that a lot of those voters in South Carolina, particularly africanamerican vote reverse older and they know who joe biden is. What happens next . Does Kamala Harris gain more of that as she gets, you know, becomes more well known . Reporter exactly. The Campaign Said all the way to the debate was about the introduction of Kamala Harris to the country. Kamala harris was a third year senator from california. What she is doing now is coming out here. Folks say they watched her at the debate. They are here and they want to hear substantively what she has for them. Up next, the stock market has been on a roll. That rally may be ending. This is a major wall street firm says the longest expansion in u. S. History could soon been b over. Well tell you why it thinks investors are being too optimistic. You are watching msnbc. G too optimistic you are watching msnbc is it t . Yes it is. You know, maybe youd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. I didnt know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. Yep, theyve been doing it for years. What are you doing . Big steve . Thanks, man. There he is. 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Major indices doing the same thing across the board. One of the largest investment banks is getting bearish about the markets. Morgan stanley said its downgradi downgrading recommendations that fears on Economic Growth is going to offset support from central banks. Chief asset strategist andrew sheets told clients that despite wall streets confidence that the Federal Reserve will ease Interest Rates as soon as later this month, investors havent fully appreciated the odds of weakened Economic Growth in the months to come. Theyre not talking about a recession. They are talking about weaker Economic Growth, which is something that is being forecast. That wraps up the hour for me. I will be right back here tonight at 7 00 p. M. For hardball. Then ill be back here at 3 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow. You can always find me on twitter, facebook, instagram, and linked in. Deadline white house with Nicole Wallace starts right now. Hi everyone, its 4 00 in washington, d. C. A man donald trump once described as quote a lot of fun to be with, 66yearold billionaire financer Jeffrey Epstein was in court where he pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking with minors and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of minors. They say they seized a trove of photographs from underaged girls from epsteins residence over the weekend. The Southern District of new york leading this prosecution of epstein. He was previously investigated in florida, and ultimately not prosecuted, a decision that could rock the Trump Administration in the coming days and weeks, along with members of epsteins circle who may also become ensnared. Heres u. S. Attorney Jeffrey Berman today. The alleged behavior shocks

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