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I understand the meeting is still going on. What do we know about whats happening on day three of the talks . Reporter these have been marathon meetings. We know investigators are making significant progress. They feel as though mexico has been coming to some of their requests. A little bit more than when the talks began a few days ago. What is mexico saying its willing to do. The big question is will they be able to get to an actual deal. I asked mark short who is the Vice President s chief of staff earlier today how these talks were going. Take a listen to what he had to s say. They were set forward but insufficient. As negotiations continued yesterday, we were more encouraged that they came forward with some of the things we put on the table wednesday to say they were open to that. Theres a long way to go still. Thats the bottom line. Reporter long way to go still. The devil is in the details. President trump really striking a similar note aboard air force one. This was his tweet not too long ago. Theres a good chance that we will. If we are unable to make the deal, mexico will begin paying tariffs at the 5 level on monday. Ill be there to greet him. Hopefully well get more information about just how close they are to getting an actual deal. Thank you very much. Lets take a closer look at what the president plans to do and what it could mean for you. A 5 tariff gets slapped on all imports. The tariff rises to 10 then it goes up by 5 a month. The president says it will stay there until the flow stops. Mexico sent more than 300 billion in goods last year. We will pay more for the things we use and consume. You will probably feel the biggest pinch at the grocery store. The Agriculture Department says 15 of imported vegetables and 40 of imported fruit comes from mexico. That means the cost of cucumber, eggplant, berries and other fruits and vegetables will go up. You can feel the impact if youre looking for a new car or truck. Sold in the u. S. Are produced in mexico. Other brands of vehicles could cost more because auto parts can move across the border several times before they make way way into assembled cars and trucks. The tariffs will take a toll on your bottom line, how much of a toll may depend on where you live. Restaurants will likely have to pass some of the highest costs of those ingredients onto you. Nbc molly hunter joins us now from a Mexican Restaurant in los angeles. I know that chipotle put out a statement saying the costs could rise. Because of tariffs there will be price increases. I wonder what youre hearing at the restaurant where you are. Reporter good afternoon. They did say that. They turn out 600 to 700,000 orders of guacamole a day. They turn out 200 orders a night. We spoke to the general manager. Take a listen to what he had to say about the impact. Bottom line it will affect us in the sense if were going to be adding a 5 increase month over and over end, it will in essence higher a price. That cost is going to have to be applied. Reporter the consumer always takes the hit. Even if the price goes up, what will happen here in california is the price of california avocados will go up. It wont help you to buy domestic and especially with produce here in california especially the margin for wholesale importers is so thin already. Were talking cheap avenue avo they can squeeze the mexican seller or pass it onto the customer. Thank you so much for that. Employers added only 75,000 jobs last month. Thats less than half of the expected 180,000. The Unemployment Rate remained at 6. 3 . Average wages grew 3. 1 . The Labor Department revised marchs job gains down to 153,000. Aprils job gains went down to 224,000. Joining us now to take a closer look at this and the potential Economic Impact on tariffs on mexican goods, diane it. Its always good to see you here. It really underscores what we already knew is the economy was slowing but its slowing more rapidly than we expected and much of that, some of it is cyclical and related to trade. Manufacturing sector has been weak. There was a bit of an impact from floods in the midwest because some Construction Activity couldnt get up and running because of that. It really was some weakness that we saw there. There was also structural weakness. That moves from bricks to clicks. People not shopping in stores. All the retail closures as the online retailers take over. That was real problem as well too. Worrisome is not just the report but the slow down in wages and the Household Survey that gets to that Unemployment Rate. That survey has shown much weaker job growth in recent months. We tend to revert back to that survey. Cyclical and i dont thi modest downturn was unexpected. If you add to that the things you talked about and the idea these tariffs could go into effect and build, is the potential that we would be looking at something much more serious than just a modest adjustment . Yes. Mexico tariffs are much more come kpl complicated. It compounds. Theres no infrastructure so to collect these tariffs would mean long wait times and slow down the supply chain. Theres a lot of issues that are different than china. We still expect to see an escalation. By the end of this year we expect to see tariff, not all the ones that have been threatened butten inkrethreaten ed but an increase. They will be at the highest levels when we made negotiations to eliminate the taxes on consumers. What does the fact that the fed is considering cutting rates tell us about the state of the economy. They want to extend this marathon of an expansion and get more people to into the race. That justifies a preemptive cut. Thanks so much for taking the time. We have breaking news for you now. Nbc news has just learned that the Trump Administration has denied u. S. Embassys permission to fly prides flags outside of American Missions in four countries. Germany, israel and lafya. Josh, what did you find out . Chris, embassies will not need permission to fly the flag inside the embassy or on the walls outside. If they want to fliep y it on t fl diplomats around the says washington is requesting those. Ask permission to fly for pride month and were told they are allowed to do so. This comes despite the fact that President Trump tweeted about a week ago saying a week ago he was celebrating pride month and supporting the administrations campaign to decriminalize homosexuality around the world. Didnt the u. S. Ambassador to germany made a strong push for that decriminalization. Youre exactly right. We reported exclusively in february the u. S. Ambassador to germ many was leading a new pus to end laws that criminalized homosexuality in some 70 countries around the world. We have a statement that we got today saying hes glad that hes going to be doing other things northern gay prides celebrations at his embassy in berlin including marching in the parade. Displaying flags in other places but we pressed them of whether they would fly it on the pole and they will fly it in as many places as they can. I know that you just got that. Its breaking news. Have you had chance to check with any of the organizations that might express concern about this human rights checking in wh them. There was some discussion on their facebook internal group chat with diplomats complaining. We reached out to the board of glifa that lgbt diplomat, no response yet. Thank you so much with that breaking news. Appreciate it. its not been a good week for joe biden. He is resourverses course on th Hyde Amendment. When his sudden change of heart is a big deal. Ill talk to the author of a new book revealing startling new things into r. Kelly. Exposing a system that allowed him to flourish despite his sex scanda scandals. Youre watching msnbc. Scandals youre watching msnbc. I dont keep track of regrets. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. The way you triumph over adversity. And live your lives. Thats why we redesigned humira. We wanted to make the experience better for you. Now theres less pain immediately following injection. Weve reduced the size of the needle and removed the citrate buffers. And it has the same effectiveness you know and trust. Humira citratefree is here. A little change can make a big difference. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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While five of her fellow democratic conternd contenders spend the day, Kamala Harris is campaigning in bu birmingham, alabama. On tuesday she rolled out her reproductive rights act that would require Justice Department approval before states implement any new abortion laws. Msnbc political reporter vaughn is covering it. When i hear 2020 democratics, alabama a democrat, alabama is not the first thing that comes to mind. I wonder what voters are telling you. Reporter suddenly alabama is in the middle of this entire debate. Not only electora plaintiffs exhibit. You look at doug jones, the democrat from alabama here is up for reelection in 2020. Also look at the abortion situation here. The Alabama Legislature passed that abortion pressure that banned rape in banned abortion in all situations and would put in prison doctors that gave abortions for 99 weeks and essentially caused that conversation here. I talked with a couple of voters in the last couple of minutes in how they impacts the way they are not only looking at this for a republican versus democrat issue but also when it came to the primary. One woman here says shes been long registered republican but voted for doug jones back in 2017 and she said it was the abortion measure passed by this Alabama Legislature this spring that could lead her to vote for a democrat for president of the United States. She said that not only she but she said she looked at her own daughter. She said the way the Republican Legislature has looked at them as pawns in order to get something to the supreme court. She said that its an issue like abortion. She said she wants democratic president candidates like Kamala Harris to speak openly and outwardly about it here in the state of alabama even though the prospect of a democratic candidate beating donald trump here is quite low. She said its an important for voices on the Democratic Party to speak out. Theres another gentlemen i talked to, john. John lives over here in birmingham. I asked him what he thought of joe biden changing his position on the Hyde Amendment. He said right now, joe biden, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg are in his top three. He appreciated the fact that Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg were out front calling for the reversal. He said he appreciated the former Vice President s willingness to change his position. He hopes its not a habit that he has to change his position to get in line with more of the progressive values within the Democratic Party but that when it came to this, he just appreciated the former Vice President took that position in the first place and was willing to acknowledge where he had a misstep in his initial position. Thank you so much. Appreciate that. Coming up, joe biden Senior Adviser will join me, next. Sen adviser will join me, next its red lobsters new seafood lovers lunch. With options like new power bowls starting at nine ninety nine. Summer berry. Or spicy dragon. Topped with shrimp, salmon, and more or try endless soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits for eight ninety nine. Its lunch at red lobster. So hurry in there are new reports this afternoon that joe bidens campaign had some very tense days and some very Difficult Conversations after the candidate decided to stick with his support for the Hyde Amendment. The decision to back down to now oppose hyde came just minutes before he went on stage in atlanta last night and after both a swift piling on from his democratic rivals and serious criticism from progressive activists and reproductive rights groups. We now see so Many Republican governors denying health care to millions of the most poorest and most vulnerable american by refusing medicaid expansion. I cant justify leaving millions of women without basic says to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right. If i believe health care is a right as i do, i cannot longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someones zip code. He got a cheer for that. Joining me now simone sanders. Seen yore a Senior Adviser for bidens campaign. You know his critics are pouncing. They say he caved to pressure. Did he . I think what you heard from the Vice President last night was the truth. Two, a forceful defense of roe. A forceful and very plain understanding and just frankly, cattle call to say to every one, broadcasting to every one not just in the room but across the country that we have to be just as we have to understand that roe is the law of the land. Its a constitutional right. If we believe it should be codified in law, we also have to understand that all of these republican governors, that they are Republican Legislatures across the country that are actively working against the right. Thats not the question. The question was not about roe v wade where his position is clear. Its about the Hyde Amendment. Before this reversal, long before let me be frank. Everything. Im going to directly answer your question. Folks keep calling this reversal from the Vice President. I want to be clear. I was with him all day yesterday. How he arrived at his position on the Hyde Amendment. Its not aer reversal. Were not in the business of allowing the press to dictate our policy roll out. For weeks we have been having a thoughtful conversation within our campaign about our impending health care policy. A part of that conversation, has to do with the Hyde Amendment. If were going to talk about access, if we believe health care is a right as the Vice President does. If he believes that access is for everybody. If he believes were taugtalkin about the middle class, were talking about white folk, black folks, Asian Pacific islander should be access to every one. The facts behind facts. He cannot justify locking out folks from that access. The facts behind this position that he held for 40 years, the facts behind that have not changed. We just heard what he said about wanting to preserve access for all. Absolutely. Is your position then that somebody with his experience, his years in the senate, his years as Vice President did not understand for those 40 years that the Hyde Amendment disproportionally affected poor women and women of color . Thats not my position. What i said was and let me be clear, we have been having our thoughtful conversation about our impending health care policy. Lets just be frank. Earlier this week the reports of the Hyde Amendment we didnt come out with a press lease. The Vice President was not somewhere pontificating about his very deeply held personal religious believes. T there was an inquiry from the press to our campaign. We were having a thoughtful conversation about this in our campaign. Were not going to preview our Campaign Strategy and not allow the press the dictate our policy roll out. The Vice President is not someone that will just go with the wind of my friends on the left. You would have probably heard him come out for medicare for all. You heard him taub abolk about kon continued expansion of medicaid. Im concerned that folks are editorialize on his religious belief s. We have to do things to make sure that everybody is covered. Thats where this came from. Its been a continued conversation that, yes, came to a head this week. Were not letting the press dictate our policy roll out. Folks know who he is. I know for a fact hes not someone that you can just twist his arm and back him into a corner. Thats not he operates. Im not sure he he answered a question saying he koncontinues support the Hyde Amendment can i finish my statement. Im not sure how thats the press dict indicaating his poli out. The Trump Administration has been talk about they have been forcefully talking about what joe biden did. Here is what Kellyanne Conway tweeted. Following bidens flipflop on Hyde Amendment. Polls show majority reject late term abortion but democrats pretty much support abortion, any one, any time, anywhere. Im sure this kind of reaction is not a surprise to you but i want to give you chance to respond to it. I just find it laughable that anyone from the Trump Administration who is in court right now, the Trump Administration has attorneys in court right now trying to take Health Care Away from millions of americans would find themselves krecredible to weigh. Vice President Biden has been staunch in his defense of roe, williams rig womens access to health care. He expanded on that last night. Health care, if the Trump Administration wants to talk about health care, we welcome that conversation. I do believe that in 2018, when Vice President biden campaigned for more than 60 folks up and down the ballot across the country, many of those folks who won, who now sit in congress and state legislatures across the country share his views that health care is a right and that folks should have access. The Trump Administration doesnt necessarily feel that way. We welcome a conversation about health care on the campaign trail. Nothing if not passionate about her candidate. Thank you. Coming up, the battle intensifies between the white house and congress as the Trump Administration sidesteps another congressional subpoena. Congressman of the House Oversight committee will join me to taub about whats next. Youre watching msnbc. B about w. Uyore watching msnbc. The Doctors Office might mejust for a shot. O but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro . 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Attorney general william barr and wilbur ross failed to produce documents requested by the House Oversight committee as part of its investigation into a 2020 census question on citizenship. Cumming said rather than cooperate that you would would rather be held in contempt of congress. They produced none of the documents. They made no counter offers regarding the documents and seem determined to continue the Trump Administrations coverup. With many democratic congressman from california. Member of that oversight committee. Good to see you. I wonder is the Committee Planning to hold barr and ross in contempt . We are. We should. Bill barr doesnt want to be held in contempt. Hes done Everything Possible to avoid that. This is the only thing that will get him to do the right thing which is release the evidence underlying the mueller report. I think if we schedule a vote for contempt he may come to the table. This administration doesnt respond to anything but ha hardball. We need to up the ante. Attorney general, the assistant attorney general from the Justice Department wrote a letter to your committee and to the chairman saying we believe that a vote on contempt would be entirely premature. A spokesperson for your committees Ranking Member says the department of justice and commerce have produced tens of thousands of pages of documents since receiving the initial request from democrats on february 12th. Numerous officials have appeared for day long deposition types of interviews. Both agencies have a willingness to produce additional documents available. What do you say to that comment that this is all just frankly premature . Well, its false. First of all, they havent given us the criminal witnetical witn involved in the citizenship question. They have lied to the Committee Many times about the koor coordination taking place. We want those people to testify. When it comes to the attorney general, he hasnt given any of the information regarding the mueller report, the underlying evidence. I think its high time that we hold the attorney general in contempt. Its high time we hold this administration in contempt. Lets talk about it in the bigger picture. We did hear the statement by nancy pelosi reported she said she would rather see the president in jail but impeached. When you have all this resistance from the administrati administration, now this resolution. Theres a lot of democrats saying its incumbent to start an impeachment inquiry. How close is nancy pelosi and the democratic leadership . Nancy pelosi is being very systematic. We cant start an impeachment hearing without the underlying evidence. You cant start it on bob muellers summary. We need the evidence. First step is to see how do we get the evidence which were entitled to. What were doing with this resolution by ask the committees to go to court and giving them that authority is getting the process ready to get that underlying information. Were also having aggressive investigations on committees to build the 218 votes it would take to start any further inquiry. Let me tell you what some progressive democrats have tole me about that strategy. Youre playing into the hands of the administration which wants to stall because once you get into 2020, its very difficult to start an impeachment inquiry right smack in the middle be p basically, the strategy by the white house is winning. I disagree with that. I think were going to win in court and be vindicated. What this president fear s a step by step factual leaking of information and the type of v s investigation that nancy pelosi is doing. Its evidenced by the president is lashing out from her and the attorney general is concerned about attempt. Nancy pelosi has gotten under this president s skin. Good to see you. Thanks so much. Always good to be on. Were less than three weeks away from the first democratic debate and many 2020 candidates are looking for ways to separate from the pack. One of those candidates joins me next to talk about the one big issue he thinks can help him gain traction with voters. His message to the dnc after it blocked him from having a debate on the issue of Climate Change. Youre watching msnbc. E issue oe change youre watching msnbc. For my family. In only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. I faced reminders of my hep c every day. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Mavyret is the only 8week cure for all common types of hep c. Before starting mavyret your doctor will test if youve had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. 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One of your competitors joked about this on morning joe. I want to play that. The country will get its first good look at you. You better not blink. You ready for your moment . Five seconds. Obviously your time will be limited. Whats your plan to stand out . Well, my first plan is to actually have a real debate about Climate Change. Ive urged the party to have a full throated comprehensive debate about Climate Change. When the question is how do you defeat the threat and mobilize the entire industrial kas tkas capacity of the United States and you have 60 seconds, we need more than that. Ive requested the party to have a full debate. We need to identify the candidate who is up to the job of seeing this last chance. This is our last chance to defeat Climate Change. We need a candidate with a vision and the experience and the plan to do that. I believe i have that. I think we need to have an opportunity to have a debate about that. As you know, governor, the dnc rejected your call for a Climate Change debate. So far. Saying its the dncs job to organize the debate and the ground rules on unsanctioned debates were made clear with all the candidates and Media Partners long ago. It sounds like from what you just said, you say so far. Do you think there could be a change . Yes. Theres been a tidal wave that the committee is trying to blacklist candidates like myself who want to have a full scale debate about this. Its a ground swell. Nine Committee Chairs of the states that will bring a resolution have the executive Committee Vote on this because blacklisting candidates who are willing to step up to the plate and have a debate about this number one challenge in the United States, i hope they will listen. I think others will join me. That may convince the committee to do this. Im curious if you talked to any of the other campaigns. An oped said the candidates ought to get together because so many of them have gotten beheenbehind you and do a mini revolt, maybe a renegade town hall if you have to do it on twitter or youtube, do it. Have you had conversations with the other campaigns . We have not. I second that motion. Theres three other candidates who said we ought to have a separate debate. The reason is we need candidates and we need answers about this issue. We need candidates to show what they are bringing to the table. Ive said what is scientifically necessary which is we have to get off coal in the next ten years. We need to know if other candidates. The Vice President says hes going to issue an energy plan. We need to know whether he will match what im proposing to say we need to get off coal. We need to have answers to those questions. This is imperative. The Democratic Party nominee is the last person thats going to be able to seize this Economic Opportunity and we got to have wa way to debate that issue. I want to you about one other issue because its all over the news. Joe biden taking a lot of heat when he stood by his support of the Hyde Amendment and last night hes said hes changed his mind. His team today, one of his top people was on the air with me and was visibly upset at the idea that he had switched or as the republicans have put it, flipflopped on this. Do you think its plausible this was just an evolution in spite of the fact he held that position for 41 years or so . Or was it an answer to critics including many of the other candidates on your side . Thats going to be up for the voters to decide do you think they care . I know in the United States we have an obligation to protect the freedom, liberty and interests of the women of america, ive been doing it since i voted against the amendment 25, 27 years ago, and ive been entirely consistent. Theyre going to ask a question, how can you change a fundamental position of 30, 40 years just because you run for president. Thats a legitimate question. I can understand why his campaign is feeling a little bit of heat right now because people understand sometimes politicians, they have to feel the heat before they see the light. If thats whats happened here, that will be up for voters to decide. I know ive been a stalwart i ran in a republican district, and day one i said i was pro choice and against the Hyde Amendment. We need candidates for the highest offense to be committed and deep in their interests that this is the liberty of american women. I shared that from day one, and you can trust me going forward. Voters have to ask that question. 2020 president ial candidate, jay inslee. Hope to see you on the debate stage. You bet. R. Kelly pleading not guilty to a dozen new sex charges this week. Ill be joined by the journalist who broke the r. Kelly story 20 years ago and hes out with a book damaging to the singer. Youre watching msnbc. Youre wa. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low Blood Pressure trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling rash; itching; or hives have happened. Tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. Speak to your doctor before stopping prolia® as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. Prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone joint, or muscle pain. Are you ready . Ask your doctor how prolia® can help strengthen your bones. Embattled r b singer r. Kelly pleaded not guilty to 11 new charges at a chicago hearing thursday. The charges allege he assaulted a minor nearly a decade ago, and replace charges filed in february on the same victim. These include four counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault. After yesterdays hearing his defense attorney Steve Greenberg said kelly is, quote, feeling positive, though the situation is tough because everything is against him. Meanwhile, kelly faces separate indictments against three other women, two of whom were under age. It comes two days after the release of some new information in an incriminating new book soulless, the case against r. Kelly. Jim, thanks for joining us. You bet. You said that moment in the courtroom yesterday was 30 years in the making, though you very honestly acknowledge in the book that you disregarded and plan to disregard a november 2000 fact stating that r. Kelly likes young girls. Knowing how youve been on the story the last 20 years, put yesterday into context. What does that moment mean . I wish i could be opt muimis that this is his moment of legal reckoning. But the chicago case is iffy, im more hopeful about the fbi, irs, and homeland investigations. Theres a sitting grand jury in the federal case, im hearing investigations on attactax evas and sex trafficking. We quoted his lawyer, he not only fiercely claimed r. Kelly was innocent but at one point he claimed that all of the women accusing mr. Kelly are lying. You say you know of 48 women whose lives have been negatively impacted, some destroyed by r. Kelly, are they liars . Are they not credible . To do the most difficult thing any woman can do, to sit with someone and tell the story of their sexual assault, to rip out their soul, to be willing to put names to those accusations, to face social media scorn, derision and hatred of fans of this world, and then to be called a liar by lawyers like greenberg, nobody is doing this for fun or money or profit, those women are extraordinarily brave. This stretches for 30 years, the first victim was 1991, and there are two young women whose families say they are in peril right now. I want to read an excerpt of your book that talk about the people who were aware of what was going on. You write many of them knew and many allowed him to continue because he was a musical genius, an artist, and perhaps most important, a lucrative hit maker. Some actively enabled him, passing phone numbers to girls so their parents wouldnt see, arranging airplane tickets and hotel rooms, drafting nondisclosure agreements and making payoffs. How could this happen . Money, kelly earned a quarter billion dollars, earning a full billion dollars for his record company. No one wanted to derail the gravy train. And number two, its race. Many countless africanamerican women on the south and west sides of chicago have told me, nobody cared about young black girls. Kellys victims are all young, black women girls. I use the word girls because 13, 14, 15 and one brave puerto rican woman. Were out of time, im afraid. The book is out now. And thank you so much for your reporting. We appreciate it. There it is soulless, the case against r. Kelly. Thank you. Thats going to wrap up this hour for me. You can always find me on twitter. Thanks for watching. Have a great weekend. Deadline white house with Nicole Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. Donald trumps soft underbelly has been exposed. Apparently talk of being sent to prison is his real trigger. For the second straight day the president is ranting about nancy pelosi saying shed rather see him serve time in prison for his alleged crimes than be impeached. Today the president is calling nancy pelosi disgusting and a disgrace with this tweet sent on his way home from the uk. Quote nervous nancy pelosi is a disgrace to herself and her family for having made such a disgusting statement, especially since i was with foreign leaders overseas. That tweet caps a twopart smear of the highest ranking person in our country. The first came with this interview with

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