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He made comments about the white house being forced to return the press pass of a cnn reporter and there was an uncomfortable moment with Kirstjen Nielsen right beside the president as he said hes happy with almost all of his cabinet so lots to talk about. All of this a last minute add, giving the press a chance to question the president. Kelly odonnell joins us from the white house with more on what he has to say. Good afternoon to you. As i said, this is the time when we didnt know that the press was going to be able to talk to the without but clearly he had some things to say. I was thinking hmm, i wonder what his lawyers say about him saying hes answering this on his own. I asked him a week or so ago and at this point he wouldnt engage at all so hes moved to a point where he is more comfortable to discuss written answers provided to the special counsel. He carefully said hes worked on this himself. He does have the help of his lawyers but he tried to separate that responding to a series of questions provided by the Robert Mueller team that deal with issues of russia collusion alleged during the campaign period. Not questions with anything that happened since he took office so if president being willing to chat about this today. A little with reporters and it raises the question what will the issue be among those who will review the president s answers when theyre ultimately submitted. There will open the door to additional questions . Will it resolve the muchanticipated last chapters of the Mueller Investigation . We dont yet know but heres what the president had to say. I havent submitted them. I just finished them. As you know ive been busy. Weve been in europe, working on various deals, we just finished the usmca, if you look at that deal which is one of the great trade deals, you ill see. You can see how happy our farmers are. Weve done a lot of work in the last period of time so its been very hard to find time. A very busy time for the president he says. He also passed out the most heralded of civilian honor, the president ial medal of freedom so hes been attending a reception far as well. But the hours put to answering the questions from the special counsel, wouldnt we want to be a fly on the wall when that happened . So from the president s take the work is done, awaiting to submit it. Well see if the special counsel, which is really notably tight lipped throughout the entire more than a year and a half long investigation if we will get any response from that side. Kemly odonnell at the white house, thank you for that. So much to talk about. To take a closer look, peter bak baker, New York Times chief correspondent. Phillip bump, Washington Post political reporter and msnbc legal analyst and brand new dad danny cevallos. Ive spent over the last 24 hours or so looking at baby pictures. I want to hear what the president had to say hbim answering Robert Muellers questions. I write the answers, not my lawyers. I was asked a series of questions. Ive answered them very easily. Im sure theyre tricked up because they like to catch people, gee, was the weather sunny or rainy . He said it may have been a good day, it was rainy, he told a lie. So you have to be careful when you answer questions with people that probably have bad tensions but the questions were very routinely answered by me. Peter baker covering this president , knowing his legal team, what did you make of that answer . Well, you know, he wants us to think hes the one answering these questions as opposed to his lawyers who of course are heavily involved . Because he has nothing to hide. Thats his message. Thats what he wants to say. When president clinton was interrogated by independent counsel ken starr 20 years ago in the case involving Monica Lewinsky he went before the prosecutors in person, spent four hours being interrogated. Thats not something President Trumps lawyers want him to do, theyre worried he would say things not about the weather but much more substantially in conflict with things hes said in the past so they dont want to get him in further trouble with answers that would give ammunition to the prosecutors. Mind me the legit lawyer whos going to say to a client heres the papers, you fill them out and ill turn them in. Its astound fog think about. Prosecutors dont give written questions to defendants or suspects or anybody. Were already on brand new ground as it goes to these written questions but if there were such a thing as written questions that prosecutors gave to defendants or suspects, no lawyer would ever let them sit at their desk even if its the resolute desk and answer them him or herself and submit them for review by the attorneys at the end or maybe not. It would never be done because ultimately no matter what is submitted it will be considered the words of the president or whomever submits the answers to those questions and signs them at the bottom and those can and will be used against him or her. Do you think this is in any way a signal that maybe and kelly was questioning whether this opens the door to something additional, does it resolve maybe last questions, would this be the beginning of the end . I think necessarily it is. This was one of the steps that Robert Mueller and his team felt needed to happen. There had been a lot of discussion about how they were going to compel President Trump to offer answers if he werent willing to do it by himself. One of the things thats fascinating and Maggie Haberman of the New York Times pointed this out, the amount of time donald trump has spent railing against this investigation and how its been going on but this is one of the things that has been holding it up. This long standing almost a year negotiation between trumps team and muellers team about how and when he would offer testimony. This is what we landed on. Part of the reason this stretched as long as it has is because donald trump and his team were pushing backed on how he would offer them answers. The federal judge who was appointed by President Trump ordering the white house to reinstate the press credentials of jim acosta saying dhihis Due Process Rights were violated. Cnn sued, others joined in after his credentials were revoked. Heres how the president responded to the ruling. Supreme to behave and were writing up rules and regulations to make our position. I think you were treated very unfairly, both of you. I think you were treated unfairly because you have somebody interrupting you and if they dont listen to the rules and regulations well end up back in court and well win. We want total freedom of the press. Thats very important to me. More important to me than anybody would believe but you have to act with respect. You here in the white house. Well, look,ing a we can all agree. Youre in the white house. Its noise too act with respect. Having said that the president went on to say hes instructed to his people if that if they feel like theyre disrespected, just leave. He said well just walk away. And my mind went to when is the last time, how many times this month has Sarah Sanders held a press conference, who is going to walk away from what . They already walked away from a decadeslong tradition of Daily Press Briefings in the press room on camera on the record answering questions and putting out information. Theyve already walked away. Did they walk away because we were rude or because they dont believe in the institution . On the other hand this is a president who does answer our questions regularly, thats one thing you have to give him. Much more than our recent president s, whether it be obama or bush. President trump answers questions with some regularity. Whats worrisome about this idea of rules or regulations is, of course, theyre the ones who will be the judge of who is considered can be respectful or rude and thats a sword that will hang over every reporter, not just jim acosta because the intent is to intimidate or put on notice anybody who gets out of line. The white house says it is true, this president speaks to the press a lot. We were not expecting for him to make himself available during that bill signing. He did and there was a moment that you might think was maybe a little bit uncomfortable when he is right next to kirj who has been widely reported as somebody who may be on the shopping block. Listen to what he had to say while she was standing so close to him. Im very happy. Im very happy with the white house. Im extremely happy with our country. Im very happy with almost all of my cabinet and changes are made because theyre always made, especially after midterms but its all fake news. Almost. Almost, phillip. Almost. What does that signal . The thing about that is that just to wrap it up with its all fake news, weve seen or are rey that donald trump is unhappy with his cap in tbinet and said is fake news so we cant take him at his word that he is happy with most of his cabinet and this is standard operating procedure. Theres multiple reports from multiple outlets suggesting Kirstjen Nielsen is at risk of losing her position and theres no reason double donald trump when he says that may not be the case. I want to look ahead to what you might be hearing about the president s visit to california. Hes going into a state where his party lost a lot of seats and having spent time in Orange County a lot of people who were republicans who voted for the democrats did it because of donald trump. He is going into a state where he has threatened to pull money. Where hes suggested that the reason that the fires are such a problem is because of management not really understanding or letting people know that more than half of the forests in california are managed by the federal government. What are we expecting from a president who, frankly, when hes gone on other trips where theres been tragedy has not had good luck with empathy. Throwing paper towels. I went on his only other trip, i believe, of his presidency to california. Its not friendly territory to him. Its the center of the resistance, if you will. And hes had an on again off again war with the state and leadership of california for almost two years. What is trystriking is when he blaming mismanagement for the fires, the last few days he held back on that. He called governor jerry brown, who has been a tough antagonist of his and put out a tweet saying were with you, were behind you, very president ial tweet so maybe hes going to make a point tomorrow to try to keep to that tone and do as you say a better job of showing empathy to people who lost a lot. There is a terrible tragedy and these are americans who are. Have suffered so much and i think that he has every incentive to try to show that side of his presidency rather than the more combative side when he goes there tomorrow. Peter baker and phillip bump, thanks to both of you. Danny stay close. Coming up next, the most destructive fire in california history that we were just not talking about still spot showing signs of being over with. The numbers are staggering and getting worse. As the president threatened to full federal dollars from california, u. S. Troops are in neighboring arizona preparing for the Migrant Caravan thats not headed there. Is this the business smarts trump promised to voters. [ phone rings ] what . ready for christmas . No, its way too early to be annoyed by christmas. You just need some holiday spirit thats it this feud just went mobile. With xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. And with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. Youre about to find out you dont even know where i live. Hello see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. As the deadliest wildfire in california history continues to scorch large swaths of the state, officials continue efforts to recover more bodies from the ashes. The butte county camp fire has taken the lives of 63 people bringing the total lives lost statewide to 66. And the number of people unaccounted for has gone from 130 to a shocking 631. Its estimated roughly 52,000 people have been displaced in a state that already has a serious housing crisis and homelessness problem. In chico, california, the largest any butte county, shelters are unusually full even without 10,321 structures destroyed in paradise, california, alone. Paradise is just about 14 miles east of chico and as you can see in this drown footage it was almost entirely wiped out by the fire. Joining me from chico. Steve patterson. Steve, as if whats going on in there isnt more than any family oar any community should have to bear, there are now reports of norovirus breaking out at some of those shelters. What can you tell us about that . In fact, it broke out at this shelter, this is one of the shelters in chico. About 180 people are station here at this point. Most are more elderly citizens, as we found out, obviously paradise more of a retirement community. So why dont we bring in tony brigs with the red cross. Our ka our anchor was asking about the norovirus. What can you tell us about whats happening here . Were just making sure we educate our residents on proper hand washing techniques and our red sox workers are making sure were using sanitizer, and areas where people would touch to make sure we keep everything under control. Are some people being quarantined or sectioned off . The best way to make sure that we keep our hands on this is to to have those who have been showing symptoms to go into a separate area and they have their own separate washroom. We want to keep everyone safe and were working everyone safe and were working with butte county public health. And hand washing in general is the best you can do. It is. I want to speak about this. This is the list of missing. The official representation here is staggering. You were telling me about things happening where the sheriff was taking account of the missing, right . How does that work mechanically . When the first hours of the incident someone calls the Sheriffs Department and say they need help or they need and the Sheriffs Department dispatch would ask how many people so a that is where they got that number and the sheriff had his staff go back through in realtime and count up and thats where the number comes in but this visual representation is everyone that wanted to find out some information and they put the names and Contact Information on there. This is good but its one tool. What were using is something called safeandwell. Org and it helps us get names on a database where people can check from anywhere in the country and get that information. So if people have a loved one, thats where you recommend they go . Yes. Tony, thank you for everything youre doing. The need here is huge, the humanitarian crisis is unprecedented in this area and its just getting under way. Im going to double down on our thanks to people working from the firefighters on the front lines to the folks from the red cross. Steve, thanks to you as well. While the nightmare continues in california, 1500 troops are stationed along the southern boarder in arizona to stop a Migrant Caravan from central america. But nbc news is on the ground at the arizona border and reports the only problem is the Migrant Caravan isnt headed anywhere near arizona. Since the midterms the president hasnt spoken as fervently about the caravan, after even rushing 15800 tro 5800 troops at the border, troops that will likely spend their thanksgiving away from their family. Joining us, Julia Ainsley who has been following this story. Julia, what have the soldiers been doing there . Is there any indication that they could this caravan could change course an end up in arizona. They say theyre prepared for that scenario. This used to be an empty dirt field until late october when the president rushed those 5800 troops down to the border as he started to drum up fears about this caravan that was approaching the united states. A few of those have started coming into california now. Were expect dodd see as many as 3500 to 4,000 but in arizona theyre not seeing those caravans. Yesterday i was able to go down to nogales where engineers are deployed a few days at a time where they hang wire and theyre building barricades they are container ships stacked on top of each other. They would put these in cargo lanes in the event there was an invision of immigrants. That would be a very unlikely scenario, chris, and we have about 30 of those barricades sitting in storage down at the border. Meanwhile, these soldiers are continuing to build. They have military police that arm what they do and you can see just the extent of this deployment in arizona behind me here. Julia ainsley at the border where it doesnt look like theyll get any members of that Migrant Caravan. Thank you so much. Still to come, the secret is out. The Justice Department mistakingly revealing plans to indict wikileaks founder Julian Assange. How did that happen . Plus, Monica Lewinsky opens up like never before, talking about the start of her relationship with bill clinton. He you know, paid a lot of attention to me. He spent time standing there and held my hand longer than he should have and gave what others have described as the full bill clinton. Ill clinton. People tell me all the time i have the craziest job, the riskiest job. The consequences underwater can escalate quickly. The next thing i know, she swam off with the camera. Its like, hey, thats mine i want to keep doing what i love. Thats the retirement plan. 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But the revelation came in a completely unrelated filing that was recently unsealed, an apparent copyandpaste error thats now international news. The department of justice wouldnt have wanted to signal any plan to charge assange until he was arrested and, of course, hes been hold up in the Ecuadoran Embassy in london since 2012 to avoid arrest and extradition. Now the question is what could he be facing and could it impact the Mueller Investigation . Assange faces a number of potential legal threats starting with his web sites repeated publishing of classified information. Theres also wikileaks roll in the 2016 president ial election when it continuously released the emails of john podesta, Hillary Clintons campaign chairman. For more on what this means, im joined by charlie savage, the New York Times washington correspondent and nbc news political contributor who cowrote the front page story. Charlie, the u. S. District court hasnt tried to deny this wasnt supported to be out there. Who found it and what do we know about the potential for charges here . We think at this point that mr. Assange has been charged not in the form of an indictment but in the form of a criminal complaint which as an fbi agent files it and doesnt go to a grand jury. What we dont know is what the crime is and what activity is that is at the basis of this. What is the legal theory. Remember, mr. Assange and wikileaks have been repeatedly doing things that attracted the attention of the Justice Department and the National Security Community Going back to 2010. There was the Chelsea Manning era publication of military and diplomatic documents, then they sent people to help Edward Snowden get out of hong kong where he escaped arrest and got to russia in 2013. Then in 2016 there was the publication of the stolen democratic emails that we think the russian government hacked and provided to wikileaks and in 2007 the socalled vault seven disclosures which were leaked information about cia hacking tools so some of these involved government secrets and National Security information. The emails involved nongovernment secrets, just private correspondents that would fit into the conspiracy to defraud the u. S. Of an ability to run a Fair Election which bob mueller charged several russians with in july. We dont know if which if any or all of these activities are what led to this criminal complaint or how theyre trying to distinguish wikileaks from what ordinary journalists do in publishing information that may have been originally leaked without authorization. But what you point out is that justice has been trying to figure out for a long time how to charge assange and or wikileaks, right . So the question becomes do we infer from this that its a sign they want to be ready to go at any time . Yes. So we know going back to 2010 in the obama era they were wringing their hands overtheir desire to shut down wex but their fear doing so would create a precedent that could destroy Investigative Journalism by outlets like the New York Times or msnbc. They were tying with theories of charging assange with conspiracy in his sources crime and they were looking for information of evidence of collusion, did he direct the or aid the exfiltration of these from classified government computer networks. Nothing like that came out in the courtmartial trial in 2013 but the real question now is as this as evolved and shifted to his relationship with the russian government and russian government hackers in the 2016 election interference operation, the evidence they would be looking for if they were trying to distinguish what he did from what ordinary traditional journalists do would be a sign of a knowing relationship with moscow. Taking direction moscow. Conspiring and colluding with them. We certainly know they were looking for that. We dont know if they found it and whether or not they found it before moving to this step of filing a criminal complaint will be crucial to understanding whether this is something that has pro find implications for Investigative Journalism Going Forward or a one off related to the unique circumstances by what wikileaks and mr. Assange were up to. I want to bring in danny cevallos, our legal analyst. Coincidentally or almost simultaneously the wall street journal reported the u. S. , the Justice Department in particular is optimistic about Julian Assanges return to the u. S. Several things have changed, not the least of which is ecuador has a different president than it had when they gave him asylum inside their embassy in london. What would be involved in that . Is there anything that indicates to you that they may be able to get him back to the u. S. Ecuador gave him asylum in a country within a country. This could be renegotiated, this could be something that the mueller team might even suggest to Julian Assange that if he has information that is valuable maybe they would be less inclined to charge him. As it is the espionage act is the most probable climb but thats a world war i era law and its applicability is of questionable constitutionality. Especially in the context of journalism so that is something that could be happening. Its hard to say but there may be nations going on to get him out of the out of ecuador, out of england and back to the united states. In the meantime there was another court filing that some people raised eyebrows and i want to know if it should. Its about the Mueller Investigation. They sent a letter to the judge who was about to sentence Paul Manafort and they want a tenday extension. They have been debriefing him. Would we look at this as something normal . As an indication theyre getting things from him and they want . Can we read anything into this request for a ten day exsnengs. This is a completely normal process, as the sentencing date approaches its not uncommon, happens all the the time in my cases that the Government Asks for additional time to cant that date so they can wourk with the cooperating witness and that is a gruelling process. Feoff to prepare for every meeting to make sure he or she isnt trying to fib or exaggerate the truth. Then they have to vet everything that corroborating witness tells them. Because ultimately some defense attorney will try to pick it apart if the case ever goes to trial so its not just a matter of meeting with Paul Manafort, theres a lot of additional work the u. S. Attorneys have to do. Would it be fair to say that once the sentencing takes place that any leverage that prosecutors would have over him, then that goes away or diminishes, they want to get all they can and they go to the judge and say heres how cooperative hes been and what we recommend . Theres a mechanism for reduction of sentence but youre flight that the time to do this the now. I mean, not necessarily because the sentencing date may pass but more appropriately because while they hold that date over his head like a saber. Like something that is on its way and this is their best chance to get a reduction in sentence at that date. That is what Paul Manafort wants. Thats what he needs and he only has information to bargain with so the time to cooperate is now. The government doesnt like to wait for a cooperator to give up the goods. Danny cevallos, im confused. Youre a new dad. You dont look tired. You dont act tired. Whats going on besides you have an angel on your hands . Its makeup. Lots and lots of makeup. I know that trick. And for my next trick, im about to fall asleep right now. Congratulations, danny cevall cevallos. Now lets go to the florida recount which is being done by hand and smoother than machine recount. Floridas two biggest counties, broward and miamidade are already done with their recounts. This is just for the senate race between bill nelson and governor rick scott and just for what is called under or over votes, the ballots that either dont have candidates marked or may have too many mark. Scott has a 12,000 vote lead over nelson. The deadline is sunday at noon. Coming up, a hefty security tab for betsy devos. Well talk about how and why extra security was ordered for her. Her. Inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. And savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. Because thats how it should be. You can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. Seriously, 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. 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These can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. In the era of me, too, the Education Department is announcing new rules that would offer more protections for those accused on college campuses. Secreta secretary betsy devos already ripped up obama era policies. One of the changes is the threshold of evidence. Schools can demand there be clear and convincing evidence that a Sexual Assault took place and a cool would only be required to investigate incidents that was as part of a School Program or activity. In spite of these change when the which are widely criticized by womens advocacy groups, devos says every survivor of Sexual Violence must be taken seriously and every student accused of Sexual Misconduct must know that guilt is not predetermined. She now finds herself under more scrutiny. Nbc news has new reporting on her aroundtheclock security detail. U. S. Marshal protection for the secretary of education will cost 19. 8 million through september of 2019. She is the only cabinet secretary with 24 7 marshal protection. Nbc News Reporter Heidi Przybyla broke this story. She joins me with more. Walk us through the this. When was this protection ordered and why . The protection was ordered three days after secretary devos was heckled at a washington, d. C. Internor city middle school. It was shortly after she took office. The question remains, though, who ordered this. I have spend a couple months looking into the story and we dont have clear answers. The department of education tells us it was not directly from devos herself. Jeff sessions signature is on the memorandum however the department of justice seemed unaware of the situation when they were contacted by nbc news so the question is why . Let me tell you how unprecedented this is. We could find no other example of not only current cabinet officials but previous cabinet officials. The only dpam example we found was the former socalled drug policy person who is really in a very dangerous situation, maybe sought by drug cartels and gangs. Has to do with kind of very serious issues that could put him at risk not someone like a department of education secretary. That said, when we contacted the department of education they said obviously there are serious threats against her. The question is are those threats that much more serious than other cabinet officials . This kind of roundtheclock armed detail that now through next year according to the marshals will cost taxpayers 20 million. Have obviously she is not the first and sadly probably wont be the last cabinet secretary who gets threatened but if there is a credible threat and its determined that there is a real danger, in the past have they have cabinet secretaries had very limited protection for either a limited period of time or certainly not 24 7 . Great question. So according to Security Experts that i talked to it is possible that officials could receive a protection like this in an instance of an elevated threat. Usually on a temporary basis. The department of justice itself said that this would be appropriate in int instances of a temporary situation. Well, this situation is now 19 months and counting and we were also able to confirm, chris, that the typical security detail that cabinet secretaries use, which are through their own agencies, was let go so the intention here is that this is the secretarys permanent detail. Look, cabinet secretary spending is an ongoing issue with this administration. We saw what happened with scott pruitt among the other controversial cabinet spendings, Steve Mnuchin with a million bucks in jet travel, ryan zinke spend 139 on new doors and 53,000 on helicopter travel. That now infamous dining room set that ben carson got for his office for 31,000. Has the administration taken any meaningful steps to rein it in, given the president s repeated promises to drain the swamp. We havent seen indications of that but i think there will be a full accounting and autopsy given that one of the main issues that folks like chairman cummings of the Oversight Committee wants to look at are waste, fraud and abuse so this is the latest example. We dont know if this is waste spraud and abuse bauds we dont know what the sperveg threat is to her going on for 19. Sbut this level of spending might be something they want to take a look at. Hearing aid di przybyla, thank you so much. Coming up, the clinton affair. New clips from the documentary. Monica lewinsky opening up in great detail. Thats next. To side, shaquem. You got it . Come on, get back. Quem, you a second behind your brother, stay focused. Cant nobody beat you, cant nobody beat you. Hard work baby, it gonna pay off. You got this. 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You still own yohome. Call now take control of your retirement today bill gave me this box which had a hat pin. Because you always look so cute in hats or your hat, Something Like that. And then he gave me this really beautiful copy of leaves of grass. It was a very meaningful present to me. Its an intimate book that you dont just give lightly. Whatever had been nagging in me of like, is what im feeling real, is that there . Whatever those insecurities were, they kind of vanished in some ways. With him having given me this gift. So, of course, that was Monica Lewinsky talking about presents she got from thenpresident bill clinton. Shes revealing new details of her affair with clinton while she was working as a white house intern just 22 years old. Theres a threenight documentary series the clinton affair that will premiere on a e this year, 20 years after clintons impeachment proceedings. I spoke with the producer of the documentary. Heres what she told me surprised me the most. The big thing that struck me is there are a lot of women that figure into this story, not just Monica Lewinsky but paula jones, susan mcdougal, and the women are always portrayed in this one dimensional way. I wanted them to be portrayed as full, complex people and not caricatures as we see them now. Nbc news digital political reporter jonathan allen, the author of shattered inside Hillary Clintons doomed campaign. I should note that you are working, you are in florida where the vote count is going on, but i wanted to talk to you because youve covered Hillary Clinton. Youve followed Hillary Clinton. Obviously wrote the book on Hillary Clinton and now with the 20year anniversary, all of this is coming up again. What is the enduring fascination, do you think, with this relationship between bill clinton, Monica Lewinsky and, by extension, Hillary Clinton . Well, youre right. Im near the Palm Beach County election center, essentially where theyre recounting ballots. It feels like rets rro day here msnbc. If we cant remember our history, were doomed to repeat it between the ballot counting and the clinton scandal or the lewinsky scandal. Look, i think the endearing legacy of this is a lot of pain for a lot of people. Starting with Hillary Clinton. Obviously, Monica Lewinsky and a lot of pain and tumult and turmoil for the country. The fascination stems from basically our societys infatuation and obsession with celebrity and the president of the united states. Youve got this dramatic romantsic affair. So i think the sort of nature of that is something that has drawn in a lot of attention over the years and the 20th anniversary coming up, this documentary coming up has resparked some interest in that. Theres another woman who also is at the center of this story. And that is linda tripp, someone who Monica Lewinsky decided to confide in and, obviously, that had consequences, not just for her, for bill clinton, for Hillary Clinton, but also historical implications as you know. But there she is. I think at the time she was 23 or 24 years old. Shes in a room with fbi agents who have now been contacted by linda tripp. And she has to decide whether or not to tell them what happened. I want to play part of that interview again. You are 24. You dont need to call your mommy. You need to make a decision about what to do. So i said then you should know im leaning towards not cooperating. And he said, well, you should know that were also planning on prosecuting your mom for the things you said she did on the tape. In this me too era, you have Monica Lewinsky who has been very outspoken about how she was treated 20 years ago. The way she was demonized, and it all came up again during the campaign, as you well know. Donald trump was very quick to respond to his own accusations about sexual misbehavior by bringing up bill clinton. But Hillary Clinton then said, well, look, she was an adult. It wasnt abuse. Is it clear from the time that youve spent with her and how you observed her on the campaign and since then, has Hillary Clinton fully processed all of this and whats happened . I dont think any of us will ever really know beyond what Hillary Clinton said publicly or in her own books in terms of how shes processed this over time. Obviously, its got to be not only painful from the perspective of her marriage but for people to be talking about this 20 years later. You know, something, obviously, no spouse would want to have to go through and at the level that this has been so tremendously public. I think few of us can imagine going through that over the course of the number of years that Hillary Clinton has gone through it. With regard to linda tripp, you know, in Monica Lewinskys telling as you just played that clip, linda tripp was taking advantage of somebody who was 24 years old and vulnerable, according to lewinskys tale. And just were almost out of time, jonathan, but i just wonder if you think whether all of this and the way donald trump brought it up played at all into how Hillary Clintons defeat. Do you think that it hurt her . I think what donald trump was able to do was to use allegations against bill clinton, whether it was the lewinsky affair or it was the other allegations against bill clinton to distract from some of Donald Trumps own allegations that he had against him about Sexual Misconduct. I think that was helpful to him in terms of commanding news cycles. I think it was helpful to him in trying to sort of blunt the impact of the allegations against him. Jonathan allen, anything going on behind you . Yeah, behind me theyre starting to do some of the hand recounts again. Its a little over my left shoulder. Not sure if its in view. Its been going on all day. We just heard from the canvassing board. This is a lengthy process, but i think theyre confident theyll be able to get it wrapped up in time for the deadline this weekend. Jonathan allen, thank you. Well be right back. Im all for my neighborhood. Im all for backing the community thats made me who i am. Im all for my theatre, my barbershop and my friends. Because the community doesnt just have Small Businesses, it is Small Businesses. And thats why American Express founded Small Business saturday. So, this year lets all get up, get out and shop small on november 24th. I got croissant. Small business saturday. A small way to make a big difference. Applebees bigger bolder grill combos are back. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Introducing fidelity stock and bond index funds with lower Expense Ratios than comparable vanguard funds. 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