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Youd like, but i dont Want Companies leaving. I dont want them firing all of their people, going to another country, making a product, sending it into our country tax free, no charge, no tariff, no nothing. And in the meantime we end up with empty plants, unemployment all over the place. We end up with nothing. Kind of an unsophisticated way to discuss that but we will take a sophisticated look later on. Democrats need to gain 23 seats to take control of the house. Right now Cook Political Report indicates if tossup house races split evenly, democrats would net 29 seats but republicans are Still Holding out hope as the math continues to evolve. Another set of numbers weve seen change throughout the day are these ones, the markets. The final hour of trading right now. Take a look at whats happening. Its actually been pretty impressive. We were down 500 points or more about 10 30 tomorrow, again hitting another trop about noon. Steadily its going up. And then theres selling and more buyers get in. Lets see what happens in the last hour of trading. Were down 50 points, only. 2 of a but its a big deal. The volatility in the market, the number of times i had to stand here and talk about this is what the big deal is. With that lets start the hour on wall street, joining me now cnbc Senior Analyst ron asanya, covering the market. It says three decades, i feel like its more than that, like you and i have been talking about this three decades. 34 years. Bob pisani at the Stock Exchange check this out. I was going to say im shorter than you are now. I think im shorter than you in real life anyway. Bob pisani sent out a note this morning saying the things that are positive for the markets in the last two years have been strong economy, higher revenues for companies amidmore profitability, tax cuts for corporations and reduced regulations. The negatives hitting us now are trade war, Rising Interest Rates and global uncertainty, things slowing down in china, not being sured wh sure what getting into with saudi arabia will look like. What do you think my viewers should be looking at with volatility in the markets . For individual investors with a much longerterm time horizon than today, obviously, you dont much differently than youve done in the past. You commit to your discipline, you keep investing for your retirement if its 10, 20, 30 years out. But you look for inflection points in the marketplace. We do have a growing number of head winds versus what we had in the past. As bob noted several tail winds. So the head winds are this geo Political Uncertainty that exists with china, exists both in trade terms and military terms now. It exists with saudi arabia. The World Economy appears to be slowing. The Interest Rate sensitive sectors of the economy, housing and automobiles, have slowed noticeably here at home as rates have gone up. All of this has to be taken into account. You wonder if earnings are peaking, the economy is peaking. Those are open questions. The market very well close up today and the short run would have to be a pretty important set of statistics if you will. In the long run, i think theres more work to do to get through this correction. Very specifically were in the middle of earning season, which i like to describe is the report card for companies and caterpillar, an American Company that sells a lot of stuff around the world, came out today and said their prices are going to increase because of the steel tariffs. And thats part of what is spooking investors. Yes, the trade war, the notion if the president would let this set of tariffs go on with china and others until january where he could impose 25 rather than 10 tariffs on china, that could slow their economy further and have a global backlash. Caterpillar also suggested that it is seeing a slowdown in the future. So with that, thats also what has the market worried. We heard the same thing from 3m and a handful of companies today. Theres some worry International Companies with the exception of mcdonalds, who had great earnings today, are starting to see weakness overseas that could blow back here. You put all of that into the mix, you end up with these interpretations in the market. The market has corrected a lot. S p 500 are down more than 10 from the most recent 52week highs. Were in the midst of a correction. There will be some work needed to do here even if we close up today. Ron, thank you for your analysis as always. Ron insana, cnbc contributor. Moving to the other major story, the president s uptick and false claims and flatout lies. Joining me now is jeff bennett. One of the people in it often with the president in the thick of it, you published an interesting piece yesterday at some point the Fact Checking doesnt work. It stops mattering, particularly in the case of the president. He sort of just says things sometimes and they they sort of befuddle us. They do, ali. Look, the president s public speeches, his interactions with the president over the past five days, hes making these assertions that are as patently false as they are easily disproved. Take a look at what he said in just the past 48 hours and then we will fact check it on the other side. Going to the middle of the caravan, take your cameras and search. Okay, search. No, no, john, take your camera, go into the middle and search. Youre going to find ms 13, youre going to find middle eastern. Youre going to find everything. You said you wanted tax cuts by november 1. Congress isnt even in session. No, were putting in a resolution some time in the next week and a half, two weeks. A resolution where . Were giving a middle income tax reduction of about 10 . I dont think we like sanctuary cities up here. By the way, a lot of people in california dont want them either. Theyre rioting now. So there are a few offers there, ms13 middle easterners, tax cuts up so f10 and people rioting in california. Lets start with the caravans. You saw the president say take your cameras, go and search for ms13 and middle easterners among that caravan. Our team has been there for days and they say the only people there included among the group of migrants are central americans. Men, women and children who are trying to plflee poverty and violence. The other thing the president is doing as he tries to cast this caravan as an imminent security threat, even though they are more than 1,000 miles away from the border, you see them linking middle easterners with terrorists, which, of course, is offensive and insulting. But the latest from his Home State Department says theres no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through mexico to gain access threw the unit access to the United States. As for the tax cut, that is just glaring. The president wants to make sure republicans that when they head to the polls they have on their minds the idea of another trump tax cut. I think it also serves as an implis the admission that the first round of tax cuts that are seen as being more beneficial to rich people and corporations, are not all that popular. If they were, the president will be talking about the first round of tax cuts, not this mysterious, perhaps imaginary second round of tax cuts. In about 20 minutes i will talk with kevin hassette from the white house about that and other things and find out if theres meat on these new middle class tax cut bones. Geoff, thank you for joining us, always appreciated. As we mentioned off the top, the president s rhetoric is looking very familiar to what we saw about two years ago. The Washington Post writes the approach in many ways seeks to recreate the 2016 playbook that lifted trump to the presidency in which culture flash points and controversies like the specter of mass illegal migration helped energize trump supporters. With me now is one of the great reporters on that piece, the Washington Post White House Reporter ashley parker, who is also an msnbc analyst. I mean, thats your reporting puts on paper the only logical explanation here, this sort of fearmongering and issuing these falsehoods worked for donald trump before so hes trying it again. Thats absolutely right. It did work for donald trump before, and they are hoping it will work again. Youre seeing the big difference here is when it worked in 2016 for the president first of all, no one knew it was going to work at the time he was doing it and the Republican Party was pretty divided and a little skittish. A lot of people were uncomfortable with what he was doing, uncomfortable with the redick and thought it would backfire. Backfire on republican candidates and backfire on then President Trump himself, which it did not and backfire on the longterm prospect of the party, which remains to be seen. Whats interesting and indifferent now is the president is absolutely leading this effort but more the majority of his own party is now much more willingly falling in line and also adopting the same rhetoric, same tactics. You see it in their own speeches and press releases and their own ads, although it is the president at the top who is setting the tone. Im old enough to remember a time if somebody said something that was false and was confronted by a reporter like you about that, there would be embarrassment, there would be apologies. There might even be resignations. Are we just in a world where it doesnt matter . The posttruth world. Whats interesting is youre right. There was a time and there still is a time actually, it just doesnt apply to this president necessarily, but when confronted with either an outright falsehood or misleading statement or a little bit of spin, a politician would adjust their rhetoric. Not necessarily because they cared so much that the Washington Post had given their name for pin pinocchio but because they believed a claim for their own voters and thats what they really wanted to avoid. The president believes and what so far hes shown is for him with his base, there is no penalty. So this is an interesting part of your store write where youre quoting democratic strategists Hillary Rosen saying that its working for trump, and to some degree the republicans. The democrats, as you write or as he said, i dont think weve come up with a formula yet where hysteria masses hysteria. At some point we will get there in 2020 but were definitely not there now. I cant believe that. Its terrible were thinking thats the way everybody has to up their game into hysteria and falsehoods. So her point was sort of she doesnt believe democrats should get down in the muck, but that there is a debate and we see it publicly royally in the Democratic Party right now which is how do you take on someone like trump, who often has a different standard for the truth or for what hes willing to say than most other politicians . Frankly, democratic or republican. But democrats are grappling with do you want someone who, you know, when as Michelle Obama said, when he goes low, we go high. Or do you want someone like michael avenatti, who with he goes low, we go lower . And they really dont quite know the answer yes. Great reporting as always, ashley parker, White House Reporter at the Washington Post. One of the topics the president seized on is that caravan of honduran migrants. Right now they are more than 800 miles away from the u. S. mexican border. Nbc news debunked several of the claims the president made cleeptly including, quote, criminals and unknown middle easterners are a significant portion of people using the caravan to sneak their way into the United States. Msnbcs mariana has been following the caravan and joins us from mexico. Mariana, i dont know if you can hear me, but if you can, go ahead. We may have a technical problem. One of the Big Questions about this caravan and one of the president s claims that we want to break down for you today is who is organizing this caravan . Its a twofold answer. When we talk about caravan organizers, were talking about a group that means people without borders, and this is a group that is escorting this massive people through mexico. They have done it in the past, long before donald trump was president. And then theres a question of what was that moment that sparked sort of so many people wanting to leave central america, namely honduras . Our Julia Ainsley has been reporting a political leader in honduras basically called for a massive gathering in the capital and this sort of grew from there. I want to talk to one of the members of the caravan here, cynthia, because this sort of spread through word of mouth. How did you find out about the caravan to join . She said she found out on social media. When did you decide or how did you decide you were going to do this . [ speaking Foreign Language ] she said, ali, she found out on social media, basically packed her bags, left her 2yearold baby and kale her baby and came here. Thank you very much, cynthia. Her leg, ali, is a wound sustained on the journey here. To so many of them, this journey is so perilous and weve been able to experience that walking with them for over two days now. Another one of the things we want to talk about today, just the numbers in this caravan. The u. S. Government is saying its 6,500 people. And 3,000 here in the city. But the local Mexican Government was saying 7,000 people. Looking around this park, ali, it seems like 3,000 people. But also keep in mind, this is just a very fluid group at the moment. We said the journey is grueling and a lot of people might not have made it here. Were also hearing reports another group is on the way from el salvador. Were hearing that from a local mayor. We are finding out who these people are and why theyre coming. The takeaway is 2,500 miles from here to the u. S. , theres a lot that remains to be seen here with this caravan. Ali . Mariana, thank you so much. When donald trump says send your people right in the middle of the caravans, thats what we do with mariana. Shes been on the last one. Thats how we cover these things. Coming up the president said Jamal Khashoggis murder was brutal. How saudi arabias rivals could intensify the diplomatic tensions over the journalists death. Benjamin franklin captured lightening in a bottle. Over 260 years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, were not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, were storing it. As the nations leader in energy storage, were ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it. This is our era. This is Americas Energy era. Nextera energy. Unstopand its strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. Which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. Well almost anything. Leave no room behind with xfi pods. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click or visit a retail store today. Secretary mike pompeo is expected to address the killing of saudi journalist and columnist Jamal Khashoggi when he speaks in just a few minutes. We will bring you that breaking news when it happens. But the big question, which narrative will the u. S. Go with . Saudi arabia claimed khashoggi died in an impromptu fight in istanbul. The turkish president announced today a hit squad killed khashoggi in an attack planned in advance and dismembered and disposed of his body. Erdogan also called for the 18 people already arrested by the saudis to be extradited to turkey, where they can face trial. Erdogans speech came as a major investment conference, dubbed davos in the desert, got under way in saudi arabia. A number of Business Leaders and Media Companies pulled out of the event after khashoggis murder. Joining us to continue that conversation is ramie houry, a senior fellow at the American University of beirut and nationally syndicated columnist helping us to understand this from the beginning. At some point now what we thought happened, that Jamal Khashoggi had been killed at the hands of saudis, however we figured out how it happened, has happened. What is supposed to happen next . The president has said our interests with saudi arabia are too strong to do much about this. And thats the implication. But they took a journalist. They now got him and killed him and had a bone saw involved. At some point we have to have a reaction. Right, you should have a reaction. If you had a normal situation with a normal president. But you dont have a normal situation in the middle east and you certainly dont have a normal policy coming out of the white house. The thing thats happening right now, istanbul is known as a great trading city. If you have been to the bazaar one of the most fantastic bazaars in the world. You have to negotiate. You have to negotiate and you negotiate over a long period of time. Whats going on right now between the saudis and turks and the americans is probably the most significant negotiation in the recent half century in the middle east i would say, because youve got these two immense powers, saudi arabia and turkey, trying to figure out what is their relationship . The turks are trying to regain their stature in the region and their interests and the saudis are trying to minimize the damage that is going to be done. Its pretty clear they killed him and were planning to kill him and kidnap him and theyre trying to minimize that damage. The problem for the u. S. Is first thing we have to do is wait and see how much more evidence is going to come out and what will be then the final verdict of Global Public opinion. The important thing for the u. S. Is that the u. S. Has hitched its wagon to the saudiIsraeli Alliance in the middle east to counter iran, to fight terrorism. Thats an important point. I want to say that again, because a lot of people may not be something aware of something called a saudi Israeli Alliance but the u. S. Has successfully made iran everybodys enemy and in that the saudis and israelis are actually aligned. Right. Israelis and saudis and leadership in saudi arabia, at least, are working together with the u. S. Trying to push back iran as they say in the white house. Also, the saudis are central to Jared Kushners kind of fantasy plan for a israelipalestinian settlement, which virtually nobody in the world think has any merit. Third fold, the United States thinks the saudis will lead this great Arab Islamic Alliance of armies to fight terrorism and extremism, which is also fantasy stuff. So the saudis cant carry out any significant policy with any kind of efficiency as weve seen under mohammad bin salman so theres no way we can lead any of these global initiatives. All of this will collapse. The United States pinned all of its middle east policies ville chur virtually all of them with the link with the saudis. And if a significant change happens, this is going to bring crashing down virtual liver maj virtually every major policy he derived. This is much bigger than Jamal Khashoggi and what happened to him, which is serious enough. Lets go to nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel who joins us from istanbul, where ramie suggests a global chess match is playing out in the shadow of Jamal Khashoggis killing. Oh, i couldnt agree more. Im very happy that were finally talking about this issue because, yes, it is an interesting, fascinating, brutal, terrifying murder story about a journalist who goes into a consulate, never comes out. Reports that he was carved up with a bone saw. But there is this enormous political game going on, and it seems that turkey, the president here, tayyip erdogan, who is a skilled maneuverer of middle eastern politics. He was the mayor of the city, he was the prime minister, he changed the government structure here. Now hes president. He knows how to use power in the middle east well. He sees his rival, mohammad bin salman, a young upstart in his opinion, who just made potentially an enormous mistake. And turkey is going to use every lever that it has and now it has a very big lever to pressure the saudis and see if they can unseat mohammad bin salman, which would be an enormous, enormous change for the dynamics in the middle east as you were just discussing. Richard, in europe, because this is not something necessarily perhaps our viewers think about a lot, we all know saudi arabia is a massive regional influence but in a lot of ways turkey has been building that influence. Theyre a nato member. Theyre not going to join the European Union but that was up for discussion some years ago. Theyre looking east and trying to be a bigger player in the islamic world. I would set your clocks back a little further than that. The islamic world saudi arabia tries to portray itself as the center of the islamic world. The king of saudi arabias official title isnt king, hes custodian of the two holy sites, mecca and medina. And that given and also with saudi arabias enormous oil wealth and the fact millions upon millions of muslims go there every year, saudi arabia can make a very strong claim to be the center of the islamic world. This country, turkey, for 500 years was the seat of the sultan. It was the seat of the caliphate. The sultans name was commander of the faithful. This is a very old rivalry and turkey says, and also can say convincingly that it is bringing this 500year tradition into the modern era by joining alliances like nato, by having negotiations with the eu. And that is the politics that president erdogan very much sees himself being part of. So he sees this crown prince, who may have just made a fatal error and is trying to capitalize on it. Richard, thanks for the context and analysis thats so important in this discussion. Richard engel is istanbul, turkey, for us. Coming up with the midterms looming, President Trump promises an imminent middle class tax cut. The only problem is congress isnt in session, congressional leaders heard nothing about it and nothing is drafted as far as we know. Im trying to figure out how the president plans to get this done because im going to talk to a guy who might know, chairman of the council of economic advisers is standing by. A migraine hope to be there. For the good. And not so good. 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Proposition 11 saves lives by ensuring medical care is not delayed in an emergency. Proposition 11 establishes into law the longstanding industry practice of paying emts and paramedics to remain oncall during breaks and requires they receive fema level training and active shooters and natural disasters. Vote yes on 11 to ensure 911 Emergency Care is there when you or your love one need it. Were just over a half hour away from the closing bell on what has been another wild day on wall street. Take a look at the big board right now. Down only about 60 points. Look at that chart, look at the way its gone, it was down over 500 points earlier today. Its backed out of the steep losses. We saw a similar situation with the nasdaq and s p 500. Disappointing earning reports are helping to drive todays selloff. Heavy machinery maker caterpillar said earnings fell because of higher manufacturing cost it blamed on higher steel prices and President Trumps tariffs. Markets are also worried about Rising Interest Rates and perhaps tensions with saudi arabia if that results in some sanctions, which might result in retaliatory sanctions on oil. We dont know. Joining us to dive into this and other economic headlines is kevin hassett. I dont know if you have a monitor there but i have three pages of notes to discuss with you. Great to be here. Lets start with the markets. There have been head winds and tail winds we have had a strong economy, higher corporate revenues, tax cuts, reduced regulations. Many of these things you have been involved in. But now were hitting head winds. The traed war caterpillar talked about, Rising Interest Rates and this global uncertainty, whether its china or whatever happens with saudi arabia. What do you make of where we are . I know you dont spend a lot of time with the markets, but what do you make of it . Oh, sure, the markets are very, very volatile. In the very short run its clear from the economic literature its basically a random walk and flip a coin if it goes up or down. But in the medium long term what matters is earnings and Economic Growth. If those continue up and the market doesnt keep up with them, the earnings yield gets too high. As long as Economic Growth is sound, in the medium to long run, we should expect these sort of daytoday fluctuations will reverse themselves and trend up. Let me ask you about the tax cuts the president was talking about yesterday at the white house. He talks about a 10 tax cut on middle earners, middle income earners. I havent heard anything about this. Where did this come from . Right, the president has spoken about it on the stump and hes very serious about it. Already people with an income of 75,000 in a family of four say they received a tax cut of 2,000. President trump said hes not satisfied with that, he wants another 10 middle class tax cut moving forward. I think chairman brady has actually described the situation, it used to be pretty much as you and i have been growing up, theres a tax bill every 20 years or something but chairman brady is saying he wants taxes 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, he wants to legislate taxes every year. I think President Trump is on the trail describing what he wants to be in the tax bill that moves next year. Basically remember thats how we did it during the tax debate. The lines in the sand and you guys work out the details, but this is my line in the sands. Two weeks before the election, lets be clear, theres not going to be a tax cut before the election . Im not a political guy but as far as i know theyre not in session. They would have to come back if theyre going to do something. Last time i talked to you about deficit projections, you didnt sort of agree with the numbers. I want to put them up. Were looking at an actual of 2018 of 179 billion and projected deficit of 2020, 2021 over a trillion dollars and then it starts to go down again. Are you worried about these numbers . They are in this particular instant, the tax cuts have been to some degree responsible, tax cuts with an increase in spending. Its not just the tax cuts, obviously. Theres also a big increase in spending. And on the tax cut side, one of the things we anticipated all along is revenue in the first couple of years would go down on the corporate side because of all of the expensing. When you see a Capital Spending boom, the expense means they dont pay taxes on everything they spend on machines. I think youre good at teasing news out of me and you might recall we basically said look, were going to come out with some news about what were going to do about the deficits and the president now said he asked the cabinet agencies to cut spending 5 . I think you can expect in our budget and also in our approach to legislation next year that were going to be pursuing a big reduction in government spending. Thats going to hit a lot of people. In other words, were going to cut Department Budgets by 5 if that happens on the backs of a Corporate Tax cut that average working americans didnt think anybody needed. I think were going to cut spending because theres a lot of wasteful spending out there. We can go through the list of things. But im very very, comfortable with the idea the government should be able to run itself better, and President Trump has asked the cabinet secretaries to reduce spending by 5 . What theyre going to do now is go back and look at what they do and find the things that really are not great uses of money and reduce them. I think theres a lot of hope again that President Trump will be able to get ahead of the curve on spending next year. All right, you issued a report. I want to read from it. Its about socialism. You write, as many of you know is, socialism is making a comeback in american political discourse. The goal of the new cea research is to evaluate the impact of several u. S. Policies that have become popular and that is what would be the effect of banning americas longstanding commitment to free market activity commonly cited as crucial factor in prosperity, eningenuity and opportunity. I take no issue but as you know, im canadian. In over country theres universal access to medical and health care insurance. And every one had insurance over the government. I have to put up the chart, Health Care Spending by month per capita. The u. S. By far is the highest. You might call those Health Care Systems socialists but again conservative governments in canada, european countries, they consider it normal and effective. Youre a student of this, ali, so let me start by asking you a question, and i promise its not a hard one, where is all of the Health Care Innovation happening on earth . What did you say . Innovation happening on earth is happening in the u. S. , most of it. The only area in which i think the answer youre looking for is america. The only place in which america does better in terms of outcomes is cancer. No, but the drugs are all developed here, the new procedures, the new medical devices, everything is developed here because we actually reward innovation in the u. S. By letting people have some Pricing Power and they have a period where theres a patent. If you look at the countries with Lower Health Care expenditures, theyre basically doing it often because theyre exattracting or not paying the fair price for the new products to those people because they basically can tell a company that has this cool invention, look, you can sell it to me for this price and if you dont im going to use this thing called compulsory license to make it myself and disregard your patent. One of the things on the radar is trying to level of Playing Field but its true, the u. S. Is footing the bill for innovation around the world. Do you think its two to three times the costs of other countries . I hear what youre saying. It depends on what thing and what the income for the country is and stuff like that. Again in our report we talk about how wait times are a lot lower even for medicare in the u. S. Because medicare is able to piggy back off of this private system thats way more efficient than systems run by the government. That could work. That could be the answer. You criticize medicare for all in your report, but the answer could be a system which gives access to everyone for health care, but uses where necessary private markets, maybe in some cases all of the provisions come from private markets. We have to look at what the for all means. But if the for all means youre basically not allowed to have private insurance, youre not allowed to be a private provider, that the only provider is the government, you have a big problem in health care. You describe it that way, right. They dont have a program like that. Its private insurance. The question is what are the proposals for the u. S. For medicare for all and theyre basically calling for nationalization of health care. In our view if that happens were going to have increase wait times and reduced innovation here in the u. S. Im hoping and thinking theres a middle ground here. It doesnt have to be the nationalization of health care but if we can utilize the health care the end result should be less Expensive Health care of the same quality. The ground part turning to our report one of the interesting things is socialism is not a 01 variable, there are countries that decide to nationalize a part of their economy and so on and you can basically turn the knob from zero to one. What we do is review the literature and looks at what happens over countries that become socialist over a period of time and compare the u. S. To nordic countries and find surprising things. Like if we were to adopt the typical Economic Policy of the nordic countries in the 70s, the economic literature in the u. S. Said gdp would drop by about 19 . And if you take a typical scandinavian and move them to the u. S. , their income goes up 50 . Here we have an opportunity where you can actually move ahead and scandinavian policies hold them back. So theres a lot of foods for thought if we want to go in the direction of socialism. I will add to the paper, it doesnt have the word d with a capital d anywhere in the paper. Its about the effects of socialism and what happens if we pursue socialism based on the literature. You and i have talked for many years and you have come by your disdain for socialism honestly. Coming up 14 days to go until next months critical midterms, were live in nevada where tens of thousands of voters cast their early ballots exceeding early voter turnout in the 2014 midterms by 20 so far. Its great. Mmhmm. Yeah, and when you move in, geico could help you save on renters insurance man 1 behind wall yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too um. The walls seem a bit thin. Man 2 behind wall they are says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. Im a very shy singer. Youre tone deaf ehh. Should we move on to the next one . Its a great building youll love it here we have mixers every thursday. Geico®. 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Steve, according to nbc news analytics ad and target smart, nevada is the only start where democratic affiliated voters exceeded republican affiliated voters in early voting. What are you hearing in line . Ali, lets dial in on the analytics a little bit more. If youre kauwanting the bastiof the blue wave to be nevada, you need to look elsewhere. If you look at the numbers, nevada, yes, democratically has a slight advantage in enthusiasm over republicans but it is the second slightest margin of the states that were polled in those analytics. So everything weve seen here is very much a purple read. Weve been speaking to voters in this crowd, as you have been mentioning the crowds here have been unbelievable. Theres been a crowd of voters out the door. This is the third day of early voting for midterms, not a president ial election, for the midterms. Weve been speaking to people in the crowd, as you might imagine in a state like nevada, the message is mixed. A lot of voters on one side, a lot of voters on another side clashing opinions and we spoke to some of the voters just a few minutes ago. Listen to this. Im shocked. Its never been like this before. I dont like trump. Were not trump people at all. Is it one of your motivations for being here . No. I think we need to make america strong like hes doing but i think we need to do it in a more positive manner with all of the negativism that exists in our country and the divisiveness that exists in our country right now. I cant speak for the state of nevada but i can certainly speak for myself, go trump i am very pleased with the way things are, despite Public Opinion that may be implying things otherwise. Im glad i voted for him and i will do so again. So again soaring enthusiasm in the state of nevada. More than three times what we saw in 2014. Some of that may be because of these extremely tight races, tight races for governors, tight races for senators. As you can hear the enthusiasm in back of me. And the enthusiasm on both sides is stoked by a president ial visit and former president ial visit. This is a very focused state that both parties are looking into trying to stoke that enthusiasm that we have seen so far play out in the crowds here in nevada. Back to you, ali. Steve patterson in nevada for us. Thank you very much for that. President trump was just talking in the oval office about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Joining me now is nbc News White House correspondent Geoff Bennett. What is the president saying . The president is in the oval office for a bill signing, ali. And we understand he was asked about the comments about turkish president erdogan. Erdogan saying that hes convinced, he said, they have strong evidence that Jamal Khashoggi, the journalist, was killed in a premeditated and savage murder. The president was asked if he was concerned about the turkish president s comments, he seemed to suggest he in fact was. Im reading from notes we got from other reporters who were in the room. The president , were told, also defended his posture on saudi arabia and said other countries should continue to sell weapons to the saudis. Remember, this is one of the issues where the president even as he talked about this severe punishment that saudi arabia might suffer if they are found to have played a role in khashoggis death. Remember the president took off the table the cancellation of the u. S. saudi arms deal. So these are some of the things the president is talking about as we expect to see this video in a short time here, ali. All right, and we are expecting to hear from the secretary of state very shortly. Do you know if anythings been thought about or drafted . Because what we keep hearing from the administration as it relates to saudi arabia is, i dont know, theyre waiting for a clearer message. Theyre waiting for something with greater clarity. Meanwhile, weve had senators who have written to the president to say he needs to take action. Thats right. The last we asked the president about this before this occurrence in the oval office, he seemed to suggest they were waiting on saudi arabia to finish their investigation. The president said that could happen as late as tuesday. Well, today is tuesday and so as far as i know, theres no wrapped up investigation. So we have seen this posture from the president really to buy himself time, to buy himself political cover to let the saudis take the lead here. So to answer your question, no, we dont yet know exactly what we expect to hear from the secretary of state, even as the president seems to be answering questions about this overall investigation, ali. Geoff, thank you, Geoff Bennett for us at the white house. As i just showed you the picture of the state Department Briefing in washington, d. C. Any minute secretary of state mike pompeo will be speaking with reporters there and he is expected to address the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and more importantly what the u. S. Will do about that. We will bring that to you as soon as it gets started. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, youre covered for hospital stays and Doctor Office visits when youre sick. But keep in mind youll have to pay a deductible for each. A Medicare Supplement plan can cover your deductibles and coinsurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And Prescription Drug coverage isnt included. But, with an allinone humana Medicare Advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d Prescription Drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. 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President trump has just said about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the coverup was the worst in the history of coverups. This is stronger in terms of a statement than the president has made in recent days. We are waiting to hear from secretary of state mike pompeo who we hope has something to say about this. This is the picture live from the state department. Expecting those comments. The situation as it stands right now is that the u. S. Administration has said theyre waiting for more from the saudis about how they planned to deal with the fact that they acknowledge that Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul. Obviously, they were denying this for several days then they said he was kid lled. It was accidental because he got into a fight with 14, 15 people who were there. Were waiting to hear from secretary of state mike pompeo. And i believe Richard Ingle might be with us. Is richard with us . Richard, i reporter i am with you. You put this in great context a little while ago when we were talking about it. Turkey has provided all the information that led to america finding out about this and the world finding out about this. What is turkeys end game here . Is it fair to call them adversaries of saudi arabia or sort of competitors for the hearts and minds of the islamic world . Reporter i think theyre certainly historic competitors for the hearts and minds and leadership role of the islamic world, but then its a little more personal between the president of this country, erdogan and Mohammed Bin Salman, the anointed crown prince who is still new, hes still trying to find his feet. Hes stimtll trying to consolide his power in saudi arabia. A much younger man and trying, himself, to become the dominant figure in the islamic world. You have two big personalities fighting for each other each with a lot of history behind them claiming to bt leaders of the islamic world, the leaders of the beating heart of the muslim nation. Of the muslim community. So, richard, heres the question. A lot of u. S. Experts and global experts have said that america has got to figure out a way to balance its interests which at the moment as you well described lie in large degree with saudi arabia and in some degree with turkey, and its values and what saudi arabia continues to do is underscore the degree to which it doesnt share certain values that the u. S. Espouses around the world like human rights and press freedoms. Where you are in i ststanbul ist a press freedom haven, either. Reporter no, its certainly not. Thats one of the great ironries that is not lost on people here and why its a naked power play. Turkey is not a bastion of press freedom, in fact, its the worst country in the world to be a critical journalist. After there was a failed coup attempt in this country, tens of thousands of people sometimes with very scant suspicions were arrested, detained, fired from their positions. So this is not the poster child for press freedom or amnesty international. They, however, see an opportunity that people around president erdogan to unseat a rival and they are trying to use the lech rverage that they have. This goes back, if youll give me a second here. Yeah, please. Reporter to the arab spring. We talked in our last conversation about the longer rivalry about the islamic world. But think back to the to the arab spring. There was a series of revolutions. Almost all of them failed. There was revolutions in egypt, islamists started rising to power. There was a trend that the Muslim Brotherhood tried to take ownership of, and all of these revolutions failed. What that for turkey, for president erdogan, was an enormous setback. He saw himself as part of this new wave of political islam that was rising with the arab spring, but then failed. In the ashes of the of the failed arab spring, a series of strongmen have cropped up, and Mohammed Bin Salman, and other leaders, but Mohammed Bin Salman principally has been at the center of the group of new arab strongmen coming out of the ashes of the arab spring. And turkey, erdogan, doesnt like it. Doesnt see doesnt like the way that this is moving. And these new this new generation of leaders who want to recreate the middle east, are the leaders that Jared Kushner and the white house are latching onto who think that they are the future of the region. This is remarkably important context to understand the backdrop of jamal cakhashoggis murder and how it plays out into global chess game, if you will. Richard, thanks very much for your continued analysis of this. Richard engel in istanbul, turkey, for us. Were standing by for secretary pompeos statements about the death of Jamal Khashoggi. As we end the hour the way we started with a final check of the markets, about to close out a chaotic day. The market s steepened their losses from the beginning of the hour but a far cry from where they were at 10 30 this morning. Lets go to cnbcs sue herrera for her analysis on this. Sue, it chips away, you and i dont concern ourselves typically with a half a point loss on major markets. Right. It chips away to the point that people who invested at the beginning of the year are now seeing zero return on the s p 500 and the dow, basically zero. Absolutely, ali. What we saw today was the extreme volatility that weve started to get used to this month. This has been a really difficult month, both for traders and for longerterm investors. We almost called this, or nicknamed it round trip tuesday because at one point, we were pretty close to turning positive on the trading session. But there are a lot of cross currents. You were just talking about saudi arabia, thats a worry for the market. The oil market fell today by 4 . That is a big worry. Theres talk that maybe the fed wont raise Interest Rates the next time around. So, and then theres earnings. So there are all these cross currents in the market. And it has created this volatility that has really chipped away, as you said it best, at the longterm investor and their portfolio. October as you well know, ali is one of the most volatile months for the market and traditionally, not a really great one and it certainly is living up to its name in todays trading session. Yeah, no kidding. All right. Sue herera, thanks very much, from cnbc, helping understand whats going on on these markets. Right now as sue said, there are global concerns, rising Interest Rate concerns and trade war concerns. Caterpillar reporting its earnings this morning down several percent after saying its going to have increase the prices of the goods it sells overseas because of the steel tariffs. That, of course, makes caterpillar a little less compelling to buyers of its products and affects the share price and thats what youre seeing play out in the markets today. That wraps up this very busy hour for now. See you back here tomorrow at 1 00 p. M. Eastern with stephanie and again at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Thanks for watching. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. Former american president s have used their bully pulpits to warn toward a lurch of imperialism and john mccain campaigned against american isolationism. They were correct to worry. If you ever find yourself worrying if youre crazy to think donald trump has changed not just the Republican Party, or the american presidency, consider this. Last night, donald trump announced hes a nationalist. And enurcouraged his supporterso make nationalism, a word associated with racism, naziism, fascism, and isolationism, great again. A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much. And you know what, we cant have that. You know, they have a word, it sort of became oldfashioned, its

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