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Hes willing to cooperate with special Counsel Robert Mueller saying he puts, quote, family and country first. Lets start this hour at the white house. Geoff bennett joins us as does nbc news justice correspondent pete williams. Geoff, lets start with you. We talked earlier about the fact that the president was planning to meet with Supreme Court nominees. We dont know what he did over the weekend but now we know he is talking to some. Yeah, thats right. On friday before the president left for bedminster he said hed be meeting with top prospects in bedminster. Not clear that that happened. Now the president is saying he has met today with four finalists and hes set to meet with another two or three. Heres a bit more of what the president said in just the last hour, ali. Ill be meeting with two or three more and well make a decision on the United States Supreme Court, the new justice that will be made over the next few days and well be announcing it on monday and i look forward to that. I think the person that is chosen will be outstanding. Reporter on this issue, the president , as we know, is known for making impulsive decisions, but im told that he is taking very seriously the counsel that hes getting from don mcgahn, the white House Counsel whos overseeing the overall vetting and selection process, but also leonard leo, the head of the conservative Federalist Society, a group of conservative lawyers. He, as you well know, is the one who came up with the master list of 25 names that the president is picking from to ultimately settle on his nominee. Geoff, what about this ill come back to you in a second about this. Let me ask pete. Pete, what is this vetting process likely to look like . The president is interviewing people, but fundamentally no one the president is interviewing otherwise wouldnt have been or wont be vetted by, as geoff just mentioned, the Federalist Society where leonard leo is from or groups like that . Right. Leonard leo has taken a leave from the Federalist Society to do this work on behalf of the white house. But the vetting is in two phases. It really refers to looking back through the judges writings. Now, in some cases this is a tall task. Brett kavanaugh on the court of appeals has written Something Like 295 opinions but amy barrett and another have been on the court of appeals for only about a year. They have lower court decisions, at least one of them does, to look at but its basically thats what the vetting is. Its looking back through their previous opinions. Do they have the kind of view of the constitution that the president and don mcgahn like. Now, the second part of it is, and im not sure how they get this done in time, is what the fbi does in terms of a background investigation. They have a bit of a head start here, though, because theyre all Appeals Court judges so they have been through this at least once, so its not like they have to start from scratch, but this still is compressing the time frame pretty dramatically. Remember that the white house is going to try very hard to misdirect us a little bit because remember how the president unveiled the choice of neil gorsuch at a primetime appearance and we werent exactly sure who it was until about half an hour or so beforehand when he was introducing neil gorsuch to the senators . So im sure the white house will wanting the same kind of drama this time. Geoff, one of the white house reshuffling staff to get the right pick, do we know what that means . It just means they have assigned a core group of people to focus on this specific task. The president and his team here are really playing from the same playbook that brought about the swift confirmation of neil gorsuch last year. So you have raj sha jchlj shah,y White House Press secretary, hell take over the lead communications role. Then a staffer named justin clark who works in the office of Public Public liaison and that entire team is led by don mcgahn, the white House Counsel, so this is a fairly compressed timeline. Republicans want to get this done before the midterm elections. If democrats make any gains in the senate, it could complicate, potentially derail the president s pick, ali. Geoff, thanks very much. Pete, thanks to you as well. We will be talking lots on this topic. The one man who may know the president better than anyone is talking. Michael cohen whose longtime relationship can be described as political fixer, personal attorney, cohen may know whatever information the president may want to keep quiet. This morning he sat down with abcs george stephanopolous. The interview wasnt on camera. In it cohen reportedly said he puts his family above Everything Else when it comes to whether hed consider a deal. Quote, my wife, my daughter, my son have my first loyalty and always will. I put my family and country first. For more on cohen, ill joined by Jonathan Allen who covers National Politics for us online and danny cevalos. The distinction is interesting, i put my family and country first, dot dot dot, maybe not donald trump . The impression most people have of Michael Cohen as he relates to donald trump is that this guy is as loyal as they get. And thats the implication, ali, that his family and country come first and President Trump is somewhere lower on that list. The interests of his family and country are necessarily different than the interests of President Trump. Theres been speculation about whether Michael Cohen will, quote unquote, flip on President Trump. Some of it coming from trump allies. All of that suggests theres something for him to flip on. This is somebody the president should be worried about not only because of this interview this morning but because Michael Cohen has had access to donald trump for years and years. As we know from the past, you know, whether or not something is a prosecutable offense, the politics of any possible criminal or even shade owe y ac Michael Cohen shines light on could be damaging. Spiro agnew was forced to resign his office. Danny, talk about why Michael Cohen is even talking right now. He has had some changes, he has a different lawyer involved. He does. I think this is a really clever tactic, this interview, because if you look at it, if you sift through it, he didnt admit anything of substance. He didnt go to any of the facts. Instead he attempted to humanize himself. To put out there that, listen, i am loyal to my country, to my family, i have respect for the prosecutors, respect for the fbi. I think hes implying that you might have something on me on these economic crimes, but all this russia stuff, this notion that i might be a traitor, i have no part of that. Let the chips fall where they may in terms of the way i ran my business and ill deal with that. But i think that is what the product of his new attorney thats what were seeing in this interview this morning is a well coached cohen putting out a lot of good talking points about what to say, nothing substantive, nothing that can hurt him but everything that could chip away of that original enduring image we have of this bombastic fistpounding attorney defending trump to the end. Jonathan, if thats the case, nobody really cares, right . We dont care about his sloppy lawyering and sloppy billing and whatever else was out there. We care about Michael Cohen because of what he knows about what donald trump might have done and whether donald trump told him about any russians or paying off stormy daniels. Whats he signaling here . What do you take from this . I think two things here. Number one, anybody who is being that nice about the prosecutors and the justice department, remember, he complimented the fbi for the way they conducted the raid, is somebody whos very concerned about the way hes going to be treated by the Justice System going forward, so hes trying to endear himself there and certainly not fighting on that front. And then sort of the other side, theres a communication to President Trump here which is that if he does have the goods, if he does have something on President Trump, hes prepared to put his family in front of President Trump. I think thats a message to the president that the president needs to step up and help him if in fact the president wants him to keep his mouth shut. This is an interesting point that jonathan makes. If all of a sudden Michael Cohen is saying things that are meant to endear him to or not put him on the wrong side of the prosecutors and Justice System, thats interesting. Up till now, Michael Cohen has of necessity had to be fighting the Southern District of manhattan and the lawyers and talking about how its a witch hunting and everything theyre doing is not correct. He hasnt won a lot of those battles. So now hes saying dont throw the book at me because youre mad at donald trump. In a way what were hearing from Michael Cohen in todays interview sounds like what a defendant says during a sentencing hearing. Hes saying i respect everyone, i respect the court, i respect the prosecutors, i respect the fbi, all of these people that he respects, and i think this is less a message to donald trump. I think its more a message to everyone else in the universe other than donald trump. Hes trying to rebrand himself in a sense. This is someone who has used television a lot in the past, but normally its been to pound his fist and defend his boss to the end. Now hes realizing that image doesnt work so well for somebody whos under investigation and its gotten everybody to assume that hes going to protect donald trump to the end no matter what, and thats not what hes trying to get at. Its a hard branding to change, jonathan. Nobody brought this on Michael Cohen. Michael cohen never missed any opportunity to make everyone realize theres no space between him and donald trump. Now hes got some work to do to convince people there might be. No doubt. I dont think he was viewed as a sympathetic character in the past but obviously thats something that he would like to portray himself as going forward. I think as danny says, there was no substance in what he said today, so i think well have to see what is the substance . What is it he talks to prosecutors about . What, if anything, does he try to hide from them . I think that will ultimately be the question of how Michael Cohen is treated is resolved. He says one day hell tell us, danny, about stormy daniels. Not today. Not today. All right, guys, thanks very much. Jonathan allen a reporter for nbc news. The fbi says it has foiled a plan for a july 4th terror attack in cleveland. 48yearold dimitrius pitts was charged with one count of providing Material Support to a terrorist organization. He was charged after a sting operation by the fbi. Theres no indication pitts could have carried out the attack by himself and police in a press conference this morning say he viewed himself more as reconnaissance. Police first became aware of pitts after comments he made on facebook in 2015 and later discovered his interest in joining al qaeda. Up next, a mother fleeing Gang Violence in guatemala is reunited with her 7yearold daughter in miami. The two have been apart for nearly two months. Our own Mariana Atencio was there and adjoins me after the break. Plus a look at how Trumps White House is a moneymaking machine. You are watching msnbc. But he has plans today. So he took aleve this morning. Hey dad. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Now introducing aleve back and muscle pain, for up to 12 hours of pain relief with just one pill. My gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Actually, you do. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. And, now theres new crest gum enamel repair. It gives you clinically proven healthier gums and helps repair and strengthen weakened enamel. Gum detoxify and gum enamel repair, from crest. Gums are good, so is my checkup crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. My familyoh in there. How did you get in the building . Jumped off a super crane. What . Whoa skyscraper. Cant fix it with duct tape, then you aint using enough duct tape. Rated pg13. The latest now on the fight over immigration. The president said just last hour that he has spoken with the newly elected president of mexico about immigration and border security. It comes as the department of health and Human Services tells nbc news it will no longer release the number of children the government separates from their parents. The latest numbers from. Hhs suggest more than 2,000 have been separated and that brought hundreds of thousands of people to the streets this weekend in cities big and small to protest the administrations zero tolerance policy. Mariana atencio is in miami for us where she witnessed a mother and daughter being reunited after two months apart. This is a mother and her daughter from guatemala. Tell me what happened. Reporter so the mom actually didnt cross the border with that 7yearold girl, ali, she crossed the border with her 10monthold baby brother. One week later shes expecting dad to come over from guatemala. This is a family fleeing Gang Violence with 7yearold jeanette. That is when the dad is prosecuted due to zero tolerance. Hes sent to atlanta and this little girl is sent to a Government Agency in michigan. Effectively this little girl spent two months separated from both her parents. Since the mother had been released following future immigration dates wearing an n ankle monitor, they were able to have that reunion which was very emotional yesterday at Miami International airport and i actually went back home with them to see this little girl pray with her uncle and her little brother who was there. I asked them, you know, what was the most painful thing about those two months. What was the most painful thing for you . [ speaking Foreign Language ] every time that i was in contact with her, she cried. Saying that she missed me, she didnt want to be there. She just wanted to see her little brother, her dad and me. That was the most painful thing. Reporter the mother, ali, the mother is actually at an i. C. E. Appointment today, its a routine appointment. She wants to continue to seek asylum with her two kids. The dad has a deportation date effectively and will likely be sent back to guatemala so this is a family that for now will be separated in a semipermanent way and that is not unlike what happens to many of these families. Theres no cleancut case here. Many of the 11 million undocumented people here in the u. S. Are part of mixed families just like the family we featured. So the mother and younger brother are together, the daughter was separated and sent to michigan, the father was in atlanta. The daughter was flown away. A point you made to me the other day is that a lot of these folks coming in from Central America, theyre generally not from m mexico, theyre just going through mexico, have language issues. That young girl, spanish is not her first language. It made it difficult for me to even conduct the interview and communicate with her. Amongst them that was the language they were speaking. President trump had a first conversation with the president elect of mexico. These families are going through mexico but most of them tell me they dont want to stay in mexico, that they feel their rights are trampled on in mexico and the objective for them is to make it here to the United States. The president elect of mexico tweeting in the last half an hour saying that he actually proposed reducing migration to donald trump in that 30minute conversation but it stands to be seen what theyre actually going to do to help this flow of migrant families from Central America in both countries. Thanks for your continued reporting on this. Mariana atencio for us in miami. In boise, idaho, a vigil is being held for the nine people viciously attacked while celebrating a 3yearolds birthday party. It happened at an apartment complex, home to many refugees, including the victims. Of the nine hurt, six are children. 3yearold girl whose birthday it was was one of those seriously injured, including two 4yearolds, a 6yearold, an 8yearold and a 12yearold. Along with three adults who tried to intercede to prevent the loss of lives of the children. Boise police chief bill bones also says all the victims are expected to survive. Many will have lifealtering injuries. The victims are all refugees who had fled violence in syria, iraq and ethiopia. The attacker was 30yearold timmy kimmer who has an extensive criminal record. He had been staying with a woman but was asked to return a day earlier and returned to extract vengeance. The attack is not being investigated as a hate crime. Up next, u. S. Officials tell nbc news that north korea is increasing its Nuclear Weapons fuel production at secret sites. This despite President Trump announcing that north korea is no longer a Nuclear Threat following his historic summit with kim jongun last month where the north Korean Leader agreed to denuclearize. Rescue teams in thailand have found all 12 boys and their soccer coach alive after the group went missing in a cave nine days ago. They were there as a team outing but got stranded by a sudden downpour. Rescuers have to drain the water from the cave before getting everyone out. In the meantime theyre working on how to send in doctors and food to help. Youre watching msnbc. Youre headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. 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Multiple reports indicate that north korea is actually ramping up key missile manufacturing plants. Nbc news was first to report that u. S. Intelligence agencies believe the regime has increased production of fuel for Nuclear Weapons at multiple secret sites and in recent months even as the two engaged in diplomacy, north korea was stepping up its production of enriched uranium for Nuclear Weapons, five officials say, citing the latest intelligence assessment. Joining me is ken dilanian. Ken, only the white house seems to think this was the remarkable success that it was, this meeting in singapore. Everybody else said we seem to have come out relatively emptyhanded. So depending on where you stand on the spectrum, this is less of a surprise than one might think. Thats very true. Whats interesting is the white house has yet to comment publicly or even hint that they are aware of and acting on this new intelligence, which really raises the question of does donald trump understand what hes dealing with . He tweeted that there was nothing left to worry about, that north korea was no longer a Nuclear Threat. This new intelligence utterly refutes that. Not only are they operating secret enrichment sites and increasing their production of nuclear fuel, u. S. Intelligence agencies now believe they are acting to deceive the United States about this, that theyre not going to come clean. I think thats whats really important about this news intelligence is the deception factor. Theres also other data points. The wall street journal is reporting on private open source Satellite Photos that show north korea is continuing to expand a key missile production site. Contrary to the idea that they are moving towards disarmament and acting in good faith, they are continuing with their Nuclear Program and expand weapons and theres no evidence theyre doing anything along the lines of denuclearizing. In fairness to the details of the summit, of which there were virtually none, north korea didnt commit to doing anything. Thats absolutely right. Thats what analysts tell me when i call them on the phone and say what do you think about this . They say, well, theres no deal. The problem is donald trump led the world to believe and the American Public to believe there was in fact a deal. Maybe theres a brilliant strategy at work by the trump administration, theyre going to ignore this very disturbing intelligence and publicly proclaim its a Great Success but what analysts fear at some point donald trump is going to look like he as egg on his face because its going to be so obvious the North Koreans are flouting what they are saying theyre doing and trump will flip and get angry and that will lead us to a very bad place. Ken, thanks for your reporting on this. Ken dilanian. I want to talk more about what needs to be happening during these supposedly very delicate negotiations if there are negotiations. Joining me now is an msnbc contributor, former Senior Analyst on korean issues under president bush. Hes maybe thats why donald trump wants to have this next meeting in new york because if nothing gets accomplished theres no point in him traveling around the world. Its a little puzzling. He didnt make a deal. He touted it as a historic meeting and now it seems north korea isnt doing anything really. Youre absolutely right. Ken was absolutely right. There is no deal. You saw the declaration, it was an aspirational statement about north korea working towards denuclearization of the korean peninsula. What does that mean . So there is no deal. North koreans are not willing to denuclearize the way we mean it. Irreversible dismantlement of their Nuclear Program. In fact one of the most important pieces about this intelligence that came out is that the regime continues to want to deceive the u. S. Officials in this negotiation process. So i think pompeos visit to north korea coming up is very, very important. We are going to confront the North Koreans about this and its time they give us something here. I think we should start with getting a complete declaration of north koreas facilities and well see where we go from there. So pompeo seems to take a more rational view of how this is going. But john bolton took a much more aggressive position on cbs face the nation saying that this denuclearization can be achieved in a year. Lets listen together. We have developed a program, im sure that secretary of state mike pompeo will be discussing this with the North Koreans in the near future about really how to dismajs all of their wmd and Ballistic Missile programs in a year. What our experts have devised is a program that with north korean cooperation, with full disclosure of their chemical and Nuclear Programs that hasnt happened yet . We can it has not. First of all k theres been no disclosure so we think they have 60 bombs capable of being tipped with Nuclear Warhead its. Step one would have been to know. I look at the iran deal and iran never had a nuclear weapon. Is it possible what bolton is talking about, what they can figure out how to dismantle all of their weapons of mass destruction and Ballistic Missiles in a year . No, absolutely unrealistic. I think he knows this. Bolton knows this. Im not sure why hes saying one year. Maybe hes looking at the libya model and this is his wish, that we can really get this done within a year. As youve seen, weve already had a summit with kim jongun and he still has given us nothing. So to think that were going to get to dismantlement within a year, i think thats very, very unrealistic. I think we should start you wrote saying if kim takes this historic deal, and you put that in quotes, he would not only have to give up the weapons that would ensure his own survival, he would also have to give up the ideological raison detre for his regime. This is substantially more complicated than donald trump flying over, the two having a meeting and it resulting in the denuclearization of north korea. Absolutely. North korea needs Nuclear Weapons for deterrence, but its beyond deterrence. In the history of north koreas existence, their whole being, the whole state is being against the United States, which is the number one hostile enemy of north korea. That is the reason for north koreas reason for everything. The reason for north korea people suffering. So for north korea to give up Nuclear Weapons beyond deterrence beyond the United States, i think this is a very difficult task and complex task. To think we can get this done within a year is highly realistic. Sue mi terry, thank you for joining us. Up next, from pizza to quiche to ketchup to mustard, the strategy behind canadas quirky list of retaliatory tariffs. First, it got a little awkward in the oval office when the Dutch Foreign minister interrupted President Trump when he was claiming that eu trade conflict would end up positive. The eu, were going to be meeting with them fairly soon. They want to see if they can work something out and that will be good. If we do work it out that will be positive. If we dont, it will be positive also no. Well just think about those cars that pour in here. We have to work something out. But it will be positive. You heard that, no, it wont be positive if we dont work something out. In the end he seemed to nod in agreement with President Trump. Youre watching msnbc. Well be right back. As you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a oncedaily pill for psoriatic arthritis. Taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. 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The big board is down about a tenth of a percent. President trumps trade conflict intensified yesterday, which was canada day, by the way, after our neighbor to the north imposed retaliatory tariffs on more than 12. 5 billion of u. S. Goods. This is in retaliation for the steel and aluminum tariffs. Heres a look at the products that got a little more expensive for canadians. Canada placed a 25 tariff on steel imports and 10 on aluminum imports, the same as what the u. S. Did to canada so this is just matching what has already been done. Canada imposed a 10 tariff on a whole host of other goods, including yogurt, pizza, ketchup, candles, lawn mowers, toilet paper, plywood, pens, mattresses and thats not the whole list. President trump has claimed many times including in this tweet from march that the United States has a trade deficit with canada. He used it to justify the tariffs. According to the u. S. Trade representative, which is part of the trump administration, thats just not true. The United States let me explain this to you. The United States imported 300 billion worth of goods and only exported 282. 5 billion north of border so in theory theres a trade deficit in goods of 17. 5 billion. That would be interesting if america and canada were primarily manufacturing industries, but theyre not. We do a lot in services. In 2017, we exported 58. 7 billion of services, imported 32. 8 for a 25. 9 billion trade surplus with canada. You add up that trade deficit and that trade surplus and you have a 17 you have 8. 4 billion trade surplus. So thats the important part. It is not a trade deficit as donald trump continues to claim. Joining us now to take a closer look is mary scott greenwood, the ce oco of the canadian amern business council. Putting aside the nonsense about a trade deficit with canada, its pretty hearty trade on both sides. These are valuable trade relationships that go back decades between these two countries. Whats the danger of this escalati escalating . Youre right. This is generations and generations of families and businesses working together across the border. The danger is its not just an economic relationship that we have. We have joint defense and security relationship. We share the same air and water. We have security arrangements, environmental arrangements. We also have this border that we share together. So the danger here is if you allow the economic relationship, which by the way as you know is the most successful prosperous relationship in the history of the world, if you allow that to deteriorate, thats bad. Thats really bad economically, but it also has ramifications for all of these other, you know, large issues that we share with canada. And part of it is that two things happened that are not with this trade in goods and services. One is the National Security relationship we have, this long border, the cooperation we have with nato and norad and immigration, but the second one is the energy trade, right . America trades a lot of energy, actually is a net buyer of energy from canada. So there are implications about this that are not as simple as tariffs and trade barriers. Well, thats exactly right, ali. We have evolved over the recent generations to have almost everything integrated. Our electricity grids are completely interlocked so if there is a blackout or interruption in service here, its backstopped by canada and vice versa. They send down their clean, greenery newable hydro and we send up wind power so it goes back and forth and has for as long as anybody can remember. And the challenge is, the president of the United States doesnt seem to have a problem with creating chaos. It would be okay if it was just rhetoric, if hes just talking tough, but now its real and this is becoming a problem. Part of what made it real is that the canadians, and i dont know, maybe they just figure were nice folks and well take this lying down but Justin Trudeau couldnt and hes obviously under pressure from a lot of businesses that need to talk tough. But this is hard because in the end businesses, small businesses, workers get hurt by this. Thats exactly right, ali. The canadian response, which you can understand their frustration with the president using a National Security argument to try to get a trade advantage, that in and of itself is very frustrating, inappropriate use of the statute. But they responded and they responded with tariffs. You mentioned them in the runup to this, with tariffs that were strategically targeted to American Goods. It doesnt just hurt the americans, it does. It also hurts canadians. Its a 12 billion cost of living increase on canadians. So theres a lot of pain on both sides of the border and unfortunately at the moment no end in sight. Theres a bit of a movement in canada about not buying American Goods in sort of a protest. Im not sure these things ever work because ultimately people want to buy made in america but tending to buy the less expensive product. In the end, is there any potential longterm damage to this relationship or is the relationship between canada and the United States good enough that it will bounce back and people will write this off to being Donald Trumpism and not about the relationship between these two countries . Well have to see, ali. The relationship is quite resilient. At the fundamental core i think our countries and people really love each other and spend a lot of time together, but this is serious. This is more than just a blip at this point. You talk to many canadians, i talked to the canadian ambassador to the United States this morning, canadians are deeply offended at the way the president is treating them. So i do worry about long term. Can you recover . Of course you can but it will take a lot of work and theres a lot of damage being done but we have to figure out how to deal with these tariffs. Maryscott greenwood, thanks very much. Coming up, he may have handed over control of his business to his son, but President Trump is still making a lot of money from them in an unprecedented way. Well tell you how much money after the break. Youre watching msnbc. But nothing says we got married like a 12 ounce piece of scrap metal. Yo we got married honk if you like joint assets. Now youre so busy soaking up all this attention, you dont see the car in front of you. And if i can crash your perfect day, imagine what i can do to the rest of em. So get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis was intense. My moms pain from i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us which is kinda, a lot. And if that pain could mean something worse. Joint pain could mean joint damage. 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According to the president s most recent Financial Disclosure report, First Lady Melania Trump earned at least 100,000 in royalties from getty images. At least a dozen news organizations paid getty to use pictures of the trump family. The pictures included a licensing requirement that they only be used in positive coverage. A spokesperson for nbc news says it did not agree or sign a statement that the images would be used for positive coverage and was never informed that a portion of the royalties would go to the trump family. This isnt the only unusual situation surrounding this white house. Before he became president , donald trump handed over control of his businesses to his sons, donald junior and eric, but he still collects profits from those enterprises. Cnbcs editor at large john harwood takes a look at how the Trump White House is a moneymaking machine. These arent people. These are animals. You are fake news. What comes out of Donald Trumps mouth is for a president of the United States unprecedented. Wait a minute, im not finished. Im not finished, fake news. So is what goes into his wallet. More than 500 million of income last year for trump and his family from their hotels, golf courses, clubs, merchandise sales. From old businesses and newly formed ones. No modern president has profited this way during his time in office. Predecessors like ronald reagan, bill clinton and george w. Bush put their assets in blind trusts to avoid conflicts between their financial interests and the public interest. Trump did not. He announced last january hed step away from his businesses, but only from their management, not their profits. My two sons are going to be running the company. As president , hes promoted them with his presence relentlessly during his first 514 days in office. He visited Trump Properties on 159 of them. At least two american embassies, the president s private club, on their websites. A National Park in virginia offered trump wine for sale. Trump aide Kellyanne Conway publicly urged americans to buy ivanka trumps products. Buy it online. Sflo reporter explaining the popularity, it is a piece of the president. They raised prices. Maralago which trump calls the winter white house, doubled the membership fee 200,000. Trump International Hotel in washington whose managers promote it as a destination for diplomats raised room rates by almost 60 . Many who can benefit from trumps decisions are happy to pay. That includes representatives of countries such as saudi arabia, turn i, kuwait and george a. It includes lobbyist such as high tech, real estate and mining. In amounts large and small, trump takes in money from political allies and from the government he leads. The Republican National committee rents space in trump tower in new york. So does the pentagon. So does chinas largest bank. The government of qatar this spring paid 6. 5 million for an apartment in trump world tower, joining the governments of saudi arabia, india, and afghanistan there. Trump businesses overseas have gotten Foreign Government help, too. China is reportedly lending 500 million to a trumplinked Development Project in indonesia. China has also approved dozens of trademarks for trump Family Businesses since he won the presidency. The white house notes that congress exempted the president from conflict of interest statutes. I think he has no conflicts. By law he cant have conflicts. Reporter but his ability to profit is not unlimited. In two emoluments clauses, the constitution forbids the president from taking money from individual states or from Foreign Governments. Respondi responding to those restrictions, they pledge to donate money to foreign entities from the u. S. Treasury. That donation was 151,000. Less than 40 of the income the president reported. A lieu suit filed by governments of maryland, virginia and the District Of Columbia accuse the president of violating the emoluments clauses. While those cases await trial, the president remains a major asset. The stars have all aligned, his son eric said last year. I think our brand is the hottest its ever been. I think our brand is the hottest its ever been. Cnbc editor at large john harwood joins me now. John, in your piece you hearken back to that january 2017 weird press conference, one of them that were going to be very weird, the president talked about that one there were showing on the screen, there were a bunch of files, we didnt know what were in the files. He tried to hood wink everybody into thinking giving his kids control of the company was akin to a blind trust. Its not. He said what sean spicer later said, the president cant have any conflicts. The worlds view of conflicts is different than the Trump White Houses view of conflicts. Well, no question about it. I believe, ali, those those folders were filled with blank paper. I dont think there was real paper in them. He had an attorney come out and say he had placed some distance between himself and the businesses, but it was all an elaborate way of saying, my boys are in charge, but i know what the businesses are and i still have access profits of the businesses and it didnt do much. Fundamentally, it is profitable to donald trump and his family and enterprises by being president for many of the reasons you outline. Foreign governments, people who want to be in the president s good graces, the secret service renting golf carts for security because the president keeps going to his locations. The Prime Minister of japan the last time or maybe it was two times ago that he was here, he must have spent ten minutes on tv talking about maralago and how terrific it is. These are sort of intangibles. How does that stand visavis the emoluments clause you brought up . They said they were going to donate profits from foreign businesses, neutralize the emoluments clause and say they werent deriving a benefit. It was a straight exchange or compensation for Services Without profit. The cases havent been tried. There has never been a case that has been pursued under the emoluments clauses so we dont know how courts are going to view this. We dont know, for example, if the prohibition on taking money from individual states, does that apply to things like the governor of maine, paula page, comes into town and spends a bunch of money at the trump hotel near the white house. Just dont know what the legal application of those things will be. Yeah. Democrats are making noise about t but we dont know whether they can make that stick. John, thanks for putting it all together in one place for us. Thank you for running it. That video is available at cnbc. Com along with another one we did summarizing President Trumps ties to russia. We are taking a very close look at it. Well done. John harwood, cnbc editor at large. Well be right back. Youre watching msnbc. Highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. I couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. They said i had afib. Whats afib . I knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. I needed answers. My doctor and i chose xarelto® to help keep me protected from a stroke. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. Warfarin interferes with at least 6 of your bodys natural bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor. For afib patients well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® compares in reducing the risk of stroke. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. Learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. All right. That does it for me for this hour. I will see you back here at 11 00 p. M. Eastern for the 11th hour. Thank you for watching. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. The president s longtime fixer Michael Cohen has drawn a new line in the sand, telling abc news that his loyalty lies with his family and his country, not donald trump. Cohen also signalling his willingness to cooperate with special Counsel Robert Mueller and breaking with the president by claiming that the Mueller Investigation is not a witch hunt. But of even greater significance, cohen will break a joint Defense Agreement with the president as soon as his new lawyer is fully on board. Thats according to abc news. Its a move that could suggest cohens plans to cooperate with federal investigators. For the nonlawyers among us, National Security advisor mike flynn broke his agreement with the president and became a witness in the mueller probe. There are more signs cohen is willing to stand up to trump. He tells abc news, quote, i will not be a punching bag as part of anyones defense strategy. I am not a villain in this story, and i will not allow others to try to depict me that way. But if cohen will not be a punching bag, thats going to represent a change in the dynamic between cohen and trump. The New York Times reported back in april, for years mr. Trump treated mr. Cohen poorly, with gratuitous insults, dive

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