Day that the president made a the last five or six years to major move with worldwide where there has almost been a hostility to the fbi and their implications. President trump abruptly cancelling the upcoming june mission. And only since the election of summit with north korea. First in this letter. Donald trump has that turned you know, moved from hostility the announcement came after a highranking north korean official threatened to cancel stereo sao into outright open the summit and called vice warfare against the law president mike pence a, quote, enforcement bodies of the country. There is only one explanation that can be had for that. Political dummy. That the administration and the President Trump is not president has something they want to hide from u. S. Law completely closing the door just yet on a possible meeting saying enforcement and u. S. Quote at some later date. Intelligence, and the way that they are going to do it is they are going to burn those hopefully positive things institutions to the ground. Will be taking place with respect to the future of north thats an anet ma to everything we believe in and only makes korea. But if they dont, we are more people in Law Enforcement and agencies like the bureau just a ready than we have ever been lot more suspicious. This is actually im glad before. If and when kim jongun chooses that you raised those points. To engage in constructive i asked the house speaker, paul dialogue and actions, i am ryan, about this a little bit earlier today he was remarkably waiting. As President Trump tries to definitive in his answer about control the narrative on that lasting damage. Take look and then we will talk story, there is also a domestic about it. I dont know the answer to one that hes keen on at this that question. Hour. Its the tale of two meetings. After major backlash, both do you think the president republicans and democrats sitting down today with top was cause any lasting damage to officials at the Justice Department for a private fbi . No, i dont believe thats briefing. That briefing was initially the case. I believe every institution here scheduled with leading house will ultimately be healed and republicans who were seeking classified information about the made better when the application fbis investigation into the of oversight and transparency trump campaign. Then a surprise twist. White house chief of staff john and accountability occur. Kelly and white house lawyer we have Strong Institutions in this country. They are going to endure any emmitt flood were added to the attendee list. Kind of test. With that lets get started at he told me straight up, no, i the white house with nbc use dont believe there is any Kristen Welker. Lasting damage here. Do you agree . What have we heard from the i know there isnt, for this white house about why these whout officials were at these reason. By the way let me endorse what meetings . Look, john kelly had a hand malcolm said about our latest in organizing all of this, he so medal of honor winner. I think the administration wanted a representative to be perfectly said. Thank you for doing that. There. But heres the key part. No. Here the advantage and disadvantage of being old like they were only there for part of the meeting, not there for the me. I once investigated the fbi for entire briefing. Violations that were extreme i think they wanted to compared to what we are talking about today. And it didnt ruin them. Essentially get a sense of where im telling about cohen tell these briefings were headed. Pro, where the fbi didnt not and again, this came after a lot of rangeling over who exactly only investigate but it took was going to attend these affirmative actions against the can you cluks clan, which various meetings. Everybody was happy about, sds, as you pointed out, initially it communist party, socialist was just republican and the party, various groups. White house never asked to be a part of the meetings but and the Church Committee democrats cried foul saying they undertook an enormous you this get the information as investigation of them. Well even though they dont the fbi under hoover was badly think there is a necessity for these briefings. Adam schiff is among those that discredited. Are going to get the information some people still remember that. Today the classified documents it didnt ruin the fbi. That speak to the informant that the president said was embedded did it hurt them for a while . In his campaign. Yes. Did it hurt the rank and file. Of course, as we know, there is no of proo of that whatsoever. It probably did a little bit of bottom line, this is something morale damage. It is a Strong Institution and certainly is not going to be damaged by this. I think the reason for the white that we are watching very closely, the white house saying house people being this the look, they dont necessarily first meeting or any of these think there is going to be any meetings by the way, there dramatic change once the information comes out. We will have to wait and see. A lot is still up in the air. Does need to be diplomatship again, this all goes to the here. The reason for it is not central question, was there any mysterious. First of all the white house needs to know what it is that informant that was embedded in supposedly is in these files. Or improperly using spy powers why wouldnt it want to know . It would want to know that during the 2016 campaign. Whether the president was being right now we still dont have accused of anything or not. Second we seem to be forgetting any concrete evidence that that was the case. No evidence at all. That documents that are in the right. I want to also ask you you Justice Department can be declassified by guess who, the know you have been covering president of the United States closely the developments with north korea. Eflts not as though he is on the outside. Clearly, the president is trying needs the know what it is that to spin this, to put it in the he may declassify and be asked light of him controlling whats to declassify and he needs the know how to do it in such a way going on. But he also really muddied the that it doesnt give up sources and methods, which he would waters. Never want to do, i hope. Well, the question, is this that would be a big mistake the but thats exactly what we are talking about here, right . Until fact a negotiating tactic . We are talking about a source, is this the person who wrote specifically. This fbi informant who was the art of the deal trying to providing source material. Bring north korea back to the yes, exactly. Table under better exactly. What you need to do is know exactly what that is about, what circumstances . Look, the administration felt as kind of information is in it, though north korea wasnt what gets redacted and does not negotiating in good faith get redacted. Essentially. And you also have to keep in mine something that all of us you heard the secretary of state know whether we admitted or not. Speak to that say look we were moving forward with preparations and that is that whatever is for this summit and we hadnt sent to the hill, whether its heard from north korea. Republicans or democrats, its of course this all started to going the leak. Well, that is certainly fair unravel last week. Enough. Malcolm nance can i get you to thats when north korea first spond to what mr. Pottinger was thenned to pull out of the summit infuriated between the saying there, this idea that joint military exercises between maybe the fbi has bounced back from worse . The United States and south he is absolutely right. Korea, the u. S. s closest ally the fbi has bounced back from in the region and then of course worst. Certainly during the j. Edgar balked again after National Security adviser john bolton hoover period. But let me say this, the bureau compared north korea to libya. Is a relatively conservative organization. Of course, that country saw an i know in the runup to the election all of my friend over overthrow of its then leader, at the bureau were staunchly in Moammar Gadhafi years after they the trump camp. Got rid of their nuclear but they believe in something a little higher than whoever is weapons. North korea infuriated by that. Sitting in the seat of the but a Senior Administration president of the United States. Official telling us today that when they are crossed on a the final straw was this matter of law, when they have language overnight. The fact that north korea someone how is out and resisting threatened a Nuclear Standoff investigation, who is trying to and referred to the Vice President as a political dummy. Tear down the leadership, they but you are absolutely right. Get really institutional. The president is still leaving and in this case, robert the door open to come back to mueller, who is almost above the table in the future. Reproach there is virtually Kristen Welker at the house. Nothing anyone can say about him took on this never a dull moment. Investigation, it was not in it is usually a phrase we can apply to the day but today in order to protect someone in a particular party. It was designed to protect the particular. In particular. Thank you so much kristen. Nation. And i think that the next time who was invited to those that people want to badmouth d. O. J. Meetings . The bureau, whether it is tea and which meetings did they president or somebody else, you attend . There was a little bit what have are right, i think that the seemed like musical chairs. Bureau will bounce back because these briefings of course meant there will be an act of to provide congressional leaders terrorism which the bureau will with intelligence about the either stop or will have to fbis investigation into the respond to. Trump campaign. And then people will understand thats the counterintelligence what the fbi is really about. Investigation. So far, there are few details on what lawmakers learned. But if they resist the law in a lot of this of course is this investigation, well, then classified. There is just going to have to following all of the action on be a reckoning from a political capitol hill is msnbcs garrett perspective on whether they stand for the Law Enforcement of haa the United States or they are haake. You have been back and forth going to abuse it. Across town watching everybody come and go. Malcolmans nas, stanley what are you hearing up there from those who are going in and pottinger thank you both for your perspective today. Out of the meeting . Appreciate it. Coming up, the trump kim is there still concern about who jongun meeting is off. Attended that first briefing or is it . More reaction from todays this morning. Surprise announcement, including the most interesting thing how china and south korea are about the briefings has been who reacting. Is in them, who is not straight ahead. In case you missed it. Necessarily expected to be. Check out the White House Gift thats the presence of the folks shop deal of the day. From the white house in these the commemorative north korea meetings. John kelly, the chief of staff, and emmitt flood who was a summit coins after the president canceled his meeting with kim jongun the coins went on sale. Lawyer brought onto the white we are back with much more after house to help with the russia this. This is your wakeup call. Investigations have both been in at least some portion of both of if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, these meetings. Kelly and flood, i watched them month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Leave after 20 minutes from the sealed off closed area of the ongoing pain and stiffness capitol where your cameras cant are signs of joint erosion. Go. They were in the room for a little bit. It leaves an enormous open humira can help stop the clock. Question here. If these meetings are all about prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation oversight of the department of justice which has been the republican explanation for it. That contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Devin nunes saying congress has a legitimate oversight role here humira can lower your ability to fight infections, to play. They want to see these including tuberculosis. Documents. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, they want to understand what the d. O. J. Is up to and what the fbi including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, is up to. Serious allergic reactions, why is on attorney for the white and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. House within 500 feet of this. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas it has democrats scratching where certain fungal infections are common, their heads can it is precisely and if youve had tb, why democrats want to be in the hepatitis b, are prone to infections, meetings in the first lace. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Nancy pelosi spoke about it at some length this modern. Help stop the clock listen. On further irreversible joint damage. Today there will be an talk to your rheumatologist. Inappropriate meeting of Intelligence Briefings to the right here. Right now. Humira. Republicans which have the possibility of aiding the but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient president s defense in this investigation. Originally discovered. Since the speaker has decided in jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown that he will legitimatize a completely inappropriate to improve shortterm memory. Meeting, i want to make sure prevagen. The name to remember. That mr. Schiff has whatever information they are sharing in that meeting. And so we now have the whole stakeout apparatus here. We are hoping to hear from some of the attendees about some of what they learned at least the nonconfidential parts of i, nonclassified parts of i. We saw Mitch Mcconnell senator majority leader leaving a few minutes ago. Its possible it could be wrapping up in short order. Garrett, as you and i both know from asking questions after these things it will be tough to get explicit detail. Im interested, have you talked to any sources from the first meeting . Is the frame of this so far any different . I mean are republicans behind the scenes coming out and saying hey we saw evidence that really casts doubt on the origins of this investigation while democrats are saying still nothing to see here . Not yet. And that may almost be interesting in and of itself. You have to think if there were a situation where there was some kind of explosive evidence you would have heard from devin nunes who is not shy about using information in ways that might be beneficial to him and his allies politically. Not to come out and reveal something classified but to say there is a smoking gun. Oh hi sweetie, i just want to show you something. No one has said there is a smoking gun or perhaps we need Xfinity Mobile find my phone. To rethink the investigation. That silence in and of itself may tell us something. [ phone rings ] msnbcs garrett hachlkt let us know if you get anybody look at you. This tech stuff is easy. Walking by your microphone and [ whirring sound ] you want a cookie . Saying something interesting. We will come back to you. Thanks. Its a drone aside from breaking i know. Precedent initial planning for find your phone easily with the xfinity voice remote. Todays meetings did not runly one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, include democrats. Five intelligence officials, not the other way around. Including former cia directors Michael Haden and john brennan sent a letter to the majority and minority leaders of both chambers. Their message, for congressional leaders to allow oversight to proceed in a fully bipartisan manner and to resist efforts to politic eyes intelligence oversight for the benefit of one party or never to. Joining me now, malcolm nance. He brings more than three decades of experience. Also with us is stanley pottinger, former assistant attorney general for the civil rights division. Thank you both for being with us today to help us kind of understand all of this better. Malcolm nance i want tothpast t critics are on edge after President Trumps surprise announcement that he was cancelling the planned summit in singapore with north koreas leader, kim jongun. The president now says the u. S. Military is prepared to act if there is, no pun intended, fallout. Our military, which is by far the most powerful anywhere in the world, and has been greatly enhanced recently, as you all know, is ready if necessary. Likewise, i have spoken to south korea and japan, and they are not only ready should foolish or reckless acts be taken by north korea. We will never ever compromise the safety and security of the United States of america. In his letter this morning to kim jongun, President Trump wrote that the meeting was inappropriate. Quote based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent state, he went on to say quote you talk about your Nuclear Capabilities but ours are so massive and powerful that i pray to god they will never be used. The president seems to be referring to a statement by north korea overnight that warned of a, quote, nucleartonuclear showdown. We are in beijing with the latest reaction. Reporter this caught the region by surprise, in particular the south korean president moon jaein. A proponent of engagement with the north who was just in washington meeting with President Trump about the summit. It appears there was no communication with seoul before this letter dropped. Now there is no official reaction yet from japan but shinzo abe is likely to be relieved that this has been called off. He was uncomfortable at the pace with which the diplomacy was moving forward. And there is no doubt that china play as role in this at least as far as President Trump is concerned. He made those comments earlier this week that north koreas attitude had changed since that second meeting between kim jongun and xi jinping. And then again today, President Trump saying that the dialogue with the north can be good until recently, and he thinks he knows why. China had been reasserting its position, and it now holds leverage again over north korea. We might see it surface in trade negotiations with the United States. But what happens next is really up to pyongyang. Will there be a return to hostility and tension . North korea had already promised south korea that it would stop testing missiles. But it has made no promise it would stop building them. And even with the dismantling of that Nuclear Testing site today, it still wont be verified, perhaps never will be verified, and it will change nothing about north koreas Nuclear Capabilities. No. s Janice Mackie frayer. Thanks very much. For more on this im joined by daily beast columnist and author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world. Gordon change and Patrick Conan of the Asia Pacific Security Program at the center for new american security. Thank you for coming in the talk about this on what has been an incredibly dramatic day. First to you. Do you think that the goal of total denuclearization was ever a realistic won . I think it is. The United States has overwhelming leverage, even short of the use of force. We can use our leverage not only against the North Koreans but more important its sponsors russia and china. China left itself open because all four of its biggest banks look like they have been Money Laundering for North Koreans. Because we can throw them into turmoil we could probably get them to back away from the North Koreans. I know its not easy but it seems we have the power to do that. What do you make of the context that the tone seemed to change after that meeting between kim jongun and president xi. The chinese will be busting u. N. Sanctions openly for two and a half or three months. When kim went to china for instance, you know, the chinese allowed all of those gifts to be photographed. And that was basically a u. N. Violation of giving luxury gifts to North Koreans. Right. The chinese were saying, look, im vie it lating u. N. Sanctions and im giving you proof we did it. President trump did nothing about that. I think that emboldened the chinese to act more in favor of the North Koreans. Patrick conan, lets talk a little bit about, especially considering your very timely book, the treating of Nuclear Threats and no. s reporting that the white house is saying that thats ultimately the reason behind the action that the president took, that it was less about them calling pence a political dummy and more about this kind of nuclear to nuclear threat. This kind of rhetoric we its its been a while since this was the way that this was framed, if ever. We have seen in the first four months of this year, an amazing Charm Offensive from kim jongun that culminated in the april 27th summit with moon jaein at pan moon john. I was in seoul at the time. In kreeia they think the world changed that day. In the month of may this year we have seen a reversion the to the old north korea that we have known in the past. A reneging on promises. We didnt have inspection of todays demolition of the Nuclear State that was promised. We had the North Koreans not show up for preliminary summit discussions. We had them say we are not going to do unilateral denuclearization. What does that mean . South korea has no nuclear weapons. How panic ready the south koreans in the wake of this announce men . They called an emergency meeting, et cetera. President moon is in a tough spot, one year into a five year term. His term is staked on peace, interkorean dialogue and reproachment. Know he is left with a Peace Agreement with no means of security. Without security he can have peace. Necessary a hard spot. He is hoping to keep the back channel negotiations on even if tensions rise and see if we can get kim to be more serious about denuclearization than he has been to date. Gordon is the upshot going to be if the summit is off and the president is not engaging in diplomacy that we are much more likely to see conflict now . That remains to be seen but i think we will see sanctions against the North Koreans and the russians and the chinese. Also, because President Trump sends a letter doesnt mean we are not going to have a summit. It might not be june 12 smooth he did say we might still happen. The door is open and it could be much later. The North Koreans i think need to is he President Trump. So there is a lot of institutional reasons why i think this will go forward. But there is going to be this friction. Inthe North Koreans overplayed their hands and who President Trump is doing right now is pushing them around a little bit of a they pushed him around. Almost calling their bluff in a way. Gordon, patrick thank you very much. Coming up, the north korea summit is, for now, off. What does that mean for the president s possible interview with the special counsel, Robert Mueller . The president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani is weighing in on that. Up next. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Thats it . Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. Im alex trebek, here to tell you about the Colonial Penn program. 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Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. One of President Trumps attorneys says cancelling the singapore summit could affect special counsel Robert Muellers efforts to interview the president. Rudy giuliani told nbc this, quote, gives us more time now to scope out whether or not he should do it. Giuliani had said that any interview would not take place until after the north korea summit. Also today, house judiciary Committee Democrats sent a letter urging the president to quote stop stalling, stop blaming the investigation for your political trouble, submit to an interview. This comes as the president uses reports that the fbi had an informant inside his campaign to wrap up attacks on the mueller investigation. Now he calls it as he calls it, spygate, he says it could be one of the biggest political scandal inside history. He also claims that there is a criminal deep state out the the sabotage his presidency and he demanded an investigation into whether the fbi and the Justice Department infiltrated or surveilled his campaign for political purposes. Joining us to talk about all of this is guardian political reporter sabrina siddiqui. She recently wrote about the president s attacks on fbi. Also with us, Ashley Parker Washington Post reporter and msnbc political analyst. Ashley i want to start with you kind of on the latest reporting out of the white house on this d. O. J. Briefing for members of congress. We know that emit flood, the white house attorney as well as john kelly, the white house chief of staff briefly attended both of these meetings. Whats the rationale behind that . Originally they presented supposed to be there. Exactly right. For someone like john kelly it sort of fools like a nowin situation. When it was first reported he was not going to be there. It was seen as another example of hi waning influence within the white house as sort of a minimized chief of staff. Now that he is going to be there, democrats have a lot of concerns and say its inappropriate for someone that close to the president to be in a sort of meeting like that. So i dont entirely know the rationale but i can say just like Everything Else involving this investigation and specifically this meeting today its basically been politicized. Sabrina, lets pick up there, kind of where ashley left off. Clearly the demand to include democrats, the white house came around to the idea that if they did it without them there was no way anything that came out of meeting would be considered credible. We are waiting to hear how both sides are going to frame this coming out of the meeting. With you it seems clear, even without hearing that they are going the. Could out, republicans and democrats, potentially saying Different Things about this information. There is no question that as far as this investigation is concerned on capitol hill, perceptions are split along strictly partisan lines. And i think that even though they have included democrats, we have seen on multiple occasions in the past devin nunes in particular take actions that are designed to help the president. I dont think there is much semblance of independence on the part of at least republicans on the House Intelligence Committee especially since their counterparts on the senate Intelligence Committee have taken a different more bipartisan tack. What you are seeing more broadly is a dramatic escalation by the president to try and discredit the special counsel and really shape Public Opinion insofar as whatever the investigation might conclude is concerned. And it looks like he will have the support of republicans on capitol hill despite whatever it is that Robert Mueller ultimately comes out with. Ashley parker, how important is it for this president to get a wider cover from more maybe mainstream republicans . I was a at press conference a couple days ago where these 12 kind of people on the right i would say led by, you know, the usual sts, mark meadows and jim jordan calling for a Second Special down is he will to investigate the investigators. But so far many member in the senate are saying okay we need mutualer to finish up his job, the special counsel is not necessary. The ig report is enough. Is the president going to be able to successfully muddy these waters. Thats the strategy that he is using here, right . Thats absolutely the strategy he is using here. He has been public with it. He said when he rolled out the term spygate he said thats what we are calling it. Then he said thats what you are calling it of thats not quite true. But it really is a Public Relations campaign. And he has as you mentioned the sort of far right guys the Freedom Caucus guys giving him cover. But just as valuable for him is having these more mainstream republicans largely staying silent. Its silent to degrees. It is a been an open question as to what their red line would be and when they would really stand up to the president and say, this is unacceptable. So far, you reason is seen that. So that in some ways is just as beneficial for him and his streaming to muddy the waters as it is to have this sort of predictable allies of his behaving in predigible ways. Its not even clear its not clear that there even is a red line for any of them. Ashley and sabrina thank you for your time appreciate it. We have to go to some breaking news. Disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein will be charged tomorrow in a case regarding sexual abuse. Jonathan dienst joins us now. What do we know about the new charges. These charges are expected to be announced by the Manhattan District Attorney tomorrow here in new york and that weinstein himself is expected to fly to new york to turn him in tomorrow to face the sex abuserelated charges. All of that according to a source familiar with the case. For months, the n. Y. P. D. Has said they believe there is enough evidence to arrest and charge Harvey Weinstein. The manhattan d. A. Has been working to try to come up with evidence and a case that they said could be proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It appears. As we have been reporting this week a grand jury has been meeting and hearing evidence. The result of that grand jury work is expected to be announced tomorrow with criminal charges being brought against Harvey Weinstein. In new york here, there have been twoace cases, allegations brought by two women, lucia evans and pazdola huerta that the nape has taken seriously and has been reviewing for months. Its unclear which of those two cases is resulting in the rnl chas or if its both. We should learn more about that when the d. A. Announces the charges. Again that is expected to happen tomorrow. Again, a source familiar with the case saying Harvey Weinstein is expected to turn himself in tomorrow to face criminal charges. His lawyer, ben brockman not commenting, but for quite some time now bookman said his client while admitted he acted improperly until the past denies acrossing any criminal lines, denies criminal activity. Thats the bottom line, Harvey Weinstein expected to be charged tomorrow. Can i ask you to clarify for people. Oftentimes in the sexual abuse related cases there are protections for the women involved. Sometimes their identities are not known. What kind of protections apply in this case . Are we going to hear publicly the details . As you point out, which of these women is generating these charges . I would expect based on the reading of the charges tomorrow the charges will read victim number one, if there is more than one, it would be victim one and victim two and not name the victims. But as you know, based on the reporting of the new yorker and the New York Times originally the women have stepped forward and made their allegations publicly. So it wont be too difficult to figure it out based on whats laid out in the charges. And also i would expect once the charges are filed to hear from eat of those women or their representatives sometime tomorrow for their reaction. We are getting ahead of ourselves. We have got to wait a minute i do not know if the grand jury has in fact voted. But we are told that charges are expected tomorrow. Again, weinstein is expected to turn himself in. Thats expected a of the 1 hogan place, the d. A. s offices sometimes tomorrow morning. Jonathan dienst thank you very much. Great reporting as always. Coming up, the city of milwaukee is on edge after this video released by the Milwaukee Police department. It shows officers tazing an nba player. And its sparking another intense debate about Police Brutality. We are live in milwaukee up next. President trump is praising the nfl today for its new controversial policy on the National Anthem. The policy now requires players to either stand or stay off the field in the locker room during the anthem. The league says it will fine teams if players take a knee. Heres what the president said about it this morning. I dont think people should be staying in the locker rooms. Still, i think its good. You have to stand proudly for the National Anthem or you unshhh be playing. You shun be there. Maybe you unshhh be in the country. You have to stan proudly for the National Anthem and the nfl owners did the right thing if thats what they have done. Players began taking a knee during the anthem as a protest against Police Brutality and racial injustice. Just hours after the nfl announced the new policy police in milwaukee released body cam footage of officers tazing and arresting an nba player, sterling brown, after a parking violation testimony 30 minute video from january shows a Police Officer confronting the Milwaukee Bucks guard in a walgreens parking lot. His car was parked in a handicap zone. Look at how the exchange got started. Back up. You dont see the issue here . Hold on. Back up. About up. For what . Are you obstructing me any just told you the back up. I just told you to back up. I just did. Within a minute, the officer calls for backup and at least three squad cars arrive. Multiple officers gather around brown. And one officer demand he takes his hands out of his pockets. When he doesnt do so immediately the officers force him down to the ground and taze him. Ser taser taser. Oh oh the Milwaukee Police department apologized in a press conference on wednesday and said members of the force, quote acted inappropriately and those members were recently disciplined. Msnbc National Reporter tremaine lee is in milwaukee. The Milwaukee Police department has had issues with this in the past. How is the city reacting this time . I tell you what, for many people here in milwaukee what happened to sterling brown is like deja vu all over again a sad is depressing song on a loop played over and over again. Thats because this Police Department in this city has had a long and troubling history of Police Violence and shootings of africanamericans in this city. The city is daeply divided by race and class, but race especially. Milwaukee is the most segregated city in america beyond cleveland and detroit and even new york city. And so as people in this community are hearing this song again, they are calling out for reforms once again. But even that hasnt helped in the past after another string of Police Killings and calls for Reforms Police shootings went up 200 . Again, this city which has dealt with so much is once again dealing with an issue they have dealt with time and time again. What has sterling brown and his family had to say about this . Well, they have come out with a statement. Let me read the statement from sterling brown, what should have been a simple parking ticket turned into an attempt at Police Intimidation followed by the unlawful use of physical force, including being handcuffed and tazed and unlawfully booked. Situations like mine and worse occur in the city every day. Im speaking for others in other cities and the list goes done and on. And that list he read is much longer than that and people in this community especially are all too familiar with that long and growing list. Tremaine lee, thank you so much. Appreciate it. I want to bring in to talk more about this durray mckesson of the black lives matter movement. Nice to see you. It is, as always, troubling to be talking about yet another one of these incidents. Before we came on the air you were talking a little bit about the statement from the Milwaukee Police union which we have. I think we can show it to our viewers. The Police Unions writes of this, use of force will never look pretty but it is unfortunately a necessary component of policing. Inevitably, every use of force will be scrutinized. Often opinion gets in the way of fact. They organize that unfortunately society can local leaders only take an issue when a situation is sensational or the individual is of prominence. Our officers are rue to anally injured during use of force applications and rarely is there an outcry. Heres my statement. A third of the People Killed by strangers is killed by a Police Officer. The issue of Police Violence is bigger than what people understand. With this issue, the Police Unions are the only people on the wrong side of this. The mayor has come out and the Police Department said the officers acted incorrectly and they said they were disciplined. We dont know what that discipline is. If they are not fired i dont know if that makes sense. But the union doubled down on the side that the use of force was used appropriately. And complaint later. How do you file a complaint from the grave . Hospitals shouldnt be Complaint Centers for the Police Department. There should actually be accountability and thats whats still missing from this situation. Was there anything that encouraged you about some of those other entities responses, the Police Department itself, Civic Leaders . I mean, are there any signs that municipalities, communities are learning from these incidents or not really . I think sterling sterlings statement was impressive. I think the Milwaukee Bucks statement was progressive for a Sports Organization to do. The Police Department its fine for them to come out and say this was inappropriate. Theyre being coy about the discipline. If the officers got a written reprimand that doesnt make sense. These officers should not be policing anybodys community. So, until we see that, this is just another performance in lip service. Let me ask you about another issue, of course, on a related topic and that is this new policy that the nfl is going to have where you are no longer or you will be fined if you come onto the field and kneel. There have been some owners who argued this is a good middle ground to try to solve what has been, you know, a difficult thing for the league to grapple with. Do you agree this is a middle ground or do you think its inappropriate . I think its absurd. The nfl tried to do the performance that they cared about social justice. They put together that committee that was going to do issues around social justice. They didnt invite Colin Kaepernick to. And then we see this policy that makes it really clear they actually dont care about this stuff at all and its no kudos to the owner. There is the owner of the 49ers who said he abstained. Thats not courage. Courage would have been actually voting against it. There is the other owner who said hell pay the fine. Also not courage. Courage would have actually been taking a stand against the policy. Colin kneeled because he knew there were issues around racism that needed to be addressed and they need to be addressed in every venue we have access to. Thank you for your perspective. Appreciate t. The president s surprise announcement cancelling the north korea summit sent the markets into a dive. As you can see they recovered somewhat, but also fueling concerns, the u. S. china trade talks and talks on auto imports. Well take a closer look at what that could mean for all of us up next. Oh dont. Its early 90s sitcom star dave coulier. Cut. It. Out [laughing] what year is it . 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He makes sure i have a plan, i get my homework done, and its just a really good role model to have. I want to thank my teacher for being so kind to other people. Narrator exactly why the California Teachers Association believes strong Public Schools make a better california for all of us. President trumps decision to cancel a meeting with north koreas leader is having an impact on wall street. You can see it there. Were taking a live look at the dow which right now is down about 70 points. The big question, though, how this could affect the already uncertain trade deal between the u. S. And china. The president tweeted yesterday morning efforts to reach a deal are, quote, moving along nicely. But any deal would probably need, quote, a different structure. Adding to the uncertainty are reports the Trump Administration is considering tariffs on auto imports. The association of global auto makers which represents International Auto makers in the u. S. Is panning that idea. In a strongly worded 125i789 it said the u. S. Auto industry is thriving and doesnt need protection. It adds, quote, if the tariffs are imposed, consumers are going to take a big hit because they will have fewer vehicle choices and higher car and truck prices. Joining us now to take a closer look at this is jason fuhrman, he served as chairman of president obamas, excuse me, council of economic advisors. Thank you so much for being here with me, sir. I really appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Lets start with the question of these auto, auto tariffs because a lot of, a lot of foreign cars, foreign auto makers have plants here in the United States. How would putting tariffs on these automobiles potentially affect American Workers . Yeah, so, first of all, the justification would be using for this is National Security. Thats completely ludicrous to say importing cars from canada or europe hurts our National Security. But these tariffs would also hurt our Economic Security because they really dont understand how Global Supply chains are. The main auto exports from the United States are actually bmws and mercedes made here in the United States. When we import a car from canada or mexico, often the engine or other critical parts of it were made here in the United States. These are Global Supply chains. This would be bad for workers, bad for consumers, and no one was asking for this. It just came from nowhere. One senator seemed to share the view that you have just outlined here. Thats senator bob corker, the chair of the Senate Foreign relations committee. He slammed this policy earlier today. Lets look at what he had to say and well talk about it. The thing they discussed over the last 24 hours relative to autos, to me is an abuse of the authority granted to the president in section 232. Absolutely an abuse of that authority. And to me feels like it has more to do with domestic politics or some other issue, and i hope that will be abandoned he raises domestic politics as a reason to do this. Is it possible that this policy, if the president did implement it, would actually be felt in communities in a positive way that might convince them to continue supporting the president . I think as i said, i think this would be pretty bad across the board. Maybe some workers here and there would be helped. Theres a lot of workers that would be hurt, though. Workers who are exporting and were subject to retaliation, workers who are making the parts that we then sell to foreign Auto Companies that then sell the cars back to the United States. And then, of course, there are the 17 million americans that buy cars every year who would be paying more for those cars. So, it doesnt seem to me like particularly great politics or economics and certainly has nothing to do with our National Security, which is the stated goal. Seems like youre saying this is a lose lose lose. It seems like a crazy impulsive thing that who knows where it came from. Jason fuhrman, thank you so much for your perspective today. Really appreciate it. That wraps up this hour for me. Thank you for watching. Im kasie hunt. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. s hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. Are you ready . Big day of breaking news on multiple fronts. Well bring it all to you. Up first, Foreign Policy flop or trumpian head fake . Thats one of the questions this hour about Donald Trumps dramatic announcement hes cancelling a planned summit with north korea scheduled for early june in singapore, citing open hostility on the part of north Korean Leader kim jongun. Donald trump today pulled the plug on the summit. Behind the scenes, the trumpian circular firing squad has identified two targets for blame. One source telling me that there is frustration on secretary of state pompeos part with john bolton and the president is, quote, blaming pence and his comments in the press, at least in part, for the final unraveling. Achieving peace on the Korean Peninsula was intended to serve multiple purposes for the president. Trump says tha

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