Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi 20180515

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The president s pick to head the cia is also making headlines today in a letter to Intelligence Committee chairman mark warner. Haspel admits the cia brutal Interrogation Program ultimately did damage to our officers and our standing in the world. Moments ago, we found out senator warner is going to vote yes on haspels nomination. Then the headlines about the deadly clashes in the middle east. The administration, again, blaming hamas for the deaths of at least 60 palestinians including eight children since monday. Theres a lot for the white house to answer for. Todays expected briefing was canceled. Joining me with the latest from the white house is hallie jackson. How is that white house . Sounds like it was a bit of a pep rally up on capitol hill for the president today. I got to say, i think that was the expectation throughout the morning, kasie, as you well know. Here at the white house and over on the hill t would have been surprising if this was a fireworks filled meeting. There was a chance, of course, that senator jeff flake or senator Lindsey Graham could stand up and get at the president for those comments, that one of his aides made about senator john mccain. That the white house is upset leaked out. But it appears that didnt happen. Senator mccain, as you mentioned, the comments about him did not come up and neither did Something Else interesting. The president talks about china and trade and he did not mention zte. That phone company that he has been tweeting about that he tweeted about earlier in the week, the fwophone company that says holds Real National security concerns. The pentagon came out two weeks ago and said we should stop selling this and we dont want our military to have this kind of phone because of concerns and the president is moving forward or wants to move forward in lifting some policies against zte. That also was not mentioned at this policy lunch. What was mentioned then the usual things that you think might come up when donald trump and goes and talks to the republican conference in the senate. International relations, north korea at the forefront of a lot of folks mind. Potential news coming out on that front as it relates to north korea and south korea. The Foreign Policy is front of mind and the president s trade team. They continue these negotiations with china and with other partners in the region and, so, that seemed to be the focus what the president had to say. Folks said he seemed to be in a good mood. He seemed to be wanting to talk and chatty and it wasnt a vent session, which is the other way this thing could have gone, right . Of course. Hallie, some polling that has come out in the last week or so that suggests maybe things arent looking as bad for republicans on the generic ballot as maybe we thought. What does the white house attribute that to . The president is paying attention to that. The white house is paying attention to that because this is a president who looks at the poll numbers, loves them when theyre gone and thinks theyre fake in general when theyre bad. In this case, north korea y thi, i think, driving some of the enthusiaia enthusiasm. They believe the president s overtures in mid june is helping with voters. When you look at some of these numbers, thats where you see a fairly decent boost particularly on the republican side. Hallie jackson at the white house, thanks so much. President trump is going on the attack against the constant stream of leaks coming from his white house. The president tweeted that the leaks are, quote, an exaggeration to, quote, make us look as bad as possible. He also said the leakers are traitors and cowards and we will find out who they are. Hours after the president sent that tweet, white house counselor kellyann conway hinted at staff changes. If you have the privilege and blessing coming to work in this white house on behalf of the nation that we all love, then you ought to be competent, you ought to be loyal and you ought to be able to reinforce the agenda that prevailed here. And, so, i cant go on more, but i had several discussions with the president on this very topic today. Do you expect personnel changes as a result . I do, actually, yes, i do. Joining me now to talk more about that is ashley parker, Washington House White House Reporter. Ashley, great to see you. What do you know about what Kellyanne Conway was hinting at . Its a great question and a little unclear what specifically she was saying, including to people inside the white house. I mean, on a ground level, yes, of course. There is a world in which if someone was blatantly caught leaking any white house would certainly be well within their rights to fire them. That makes sense. And she also made a fair point and a good point that is if you work in a white house, you should be loyal to the president. And thats a very reasonable expectation. The problem is, a number of people have observed in this white house that for a variety of reasons, there are some true trump loyalists in this white house. But theres also some not trump loyalists in this white house. And thats a challenge for them. But i think it would be hard to sort of blanket weed out all of those people. Ashley, is there a sense that they know who it is thats leaking or i remember reading some of the reporting and one of the tactics somebody mentioned using, oh, yeah, i Pay Attention and i drop them into my blind quotes to throw people off the scent. Is this where people know who is going to leak to reporters or not really . Certainly a number of theories and a lot of the leaks often have to do with palace intrigue stories and we kind of hit where there is palace intrigue about who is leaking about palace intrigue. And i would also add this is not the first time that weve seen the white house try to crack down on leaks. See the white house try to crack down on cell phone use and messaging apps. This started under reince priebus, the first chief of staff. Whenever theres an unflattering story, you often hear names or ideas about this and periods of this is going to change, cell phones arent going to be allowed. Were doing cell phone checks and so far we havent seen anything. No specific tangible results. But i do believe that Kellyanne Conway in that interview and we know the president is upset and frustrated by this because he is someone who at his core values loyalty and very reasonably sees leaks as being disloyal to him and his administration. Still, this is a president who did a fair share. It was reported that he would call reporters and impersonate his own spokesman, no . Thats correct. I think the thing that is tricky here is sort of without getting into the weeds on who or who is not leaking is that the president is someone who is his own Communications Director at the end of the day. He is someone who goes home to the residence at night and its no secret that he calls his friends and confidants and peppers them with questions about which Staff Members are up and which are down and if he should fire someone and what he should do on various issues. It is then hard to control what emanates out of that white house. Ashley parker, White House Reporter for Washington Post thank you, as always, for your sharp insights. The day palestinians call the day of catastrophe. Spent burying at least 60 palestinians killed after Israeli Soldiers opened fire on protesters. The u. N. Security council held an emergency meeting on the violence and despite condemination from europe, turkey, u. S. Ambassador nikki haley reiterated the message that the u. S. Promotes peace while also firmly marking its support of israel. Now, the rhetoric between israels Prime Minister and turkeys president is also heating up with the latest on the ground for us is msnbc. Catch us up on what is the latest there. These pictures have been very difficult to watch. Yeah, i mean, there have been several moving pieces to all of this and well start with gaza where people continued those sitins, not in the scale that weve seen over the past couple of daze but a small presence there, according to our team on the ground. We also got a sense from one of our reporters who went to one of the main hospitals there in gaza that the situation there remains very dire. They are still making an international appeal, along with other aid organizations for help in terms of medical supplies and being able to treat some of the wounded there. So, obviously, a tense situation in gaza that the Israeli Military is watching very closely. Here in jerusalem where i am still a very festive atmosphere and you can hear the music of the celebration surrounding everything to do with the opening of the American Embassy here and the celebration of israels 70th year as we saw nikki haley mentioning there in her speech. A different scene, though, playing out in ramallah where i was earlier in the day and thats where we saw the commemoration of the day of catastrophe for palestinians play out with protests. These were running street protests where we saw palestinian stone throwers approach an Israeli Military base and lit tires on fire and tried to create a smokescreen and they threw stones at the Israeli Security forces there who fired back tear gas and rubber bullets and some injuries there. It also happened in the city of hebron. All of this giving you an idea of how tense this situation remains on the ground. Summoned the turkish representative here. Also to for what they call is an responsible comment from the turkish president which you referred to and turkey withdrawing its ambassador from israel. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. We want to talk more about this with steven cook, senior fellow at the council on foreign relations. The u. S. Is reiterating the backing of all the violence and any hope right now that the u. S. Will be able to lead any sort of real peace effort . There really isnt a peace effort. Yeah. The administration declared that moving the embassy to jerusalem would open a pathway to peace. I think this was a gross underestimation of both parties. On the israeli side you have a government that doesnt have much interest in negotiations. Theyre not interested in the twostate solution and on the palestinian side, you have a group of politicians who are weak, who are divided and who cant make peace with the israelis. So, the idea that moving the embassy was somehow going to produce negotiations, seems, quite frankly, bizarre. I want to show you a little of what nikki haley had to say at this emergency u. N. Meeting earlier today. Take a look and well talk about it. No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than israel has. Those who suggest that the gaza violence have anything to do with more than the location of the embassy are mistaken. We want nothing more than peace. That peace will be achieved if it is rooted in the realities that too many choose to deny. The United States action yesterday promoted the reality and the desire for peace. So a couple things. First of all, this normally is not how the u. S. Has responded when there have been instances of violence between israel and palestine. There has been an urge for restraint on all sides and i, quite frankly, was taken aback to hear her say to suggest the gaza violence has anything to do with the location of the embassy is mistaken. Its about the embassy. A number of things that are going on here. Its a coincidence that the embassy is happening well, its not a quincoincidence. The Embassy Opening is happening at the 70th anniversary which coincid coincides. These protests have been going on for culminating the embassy added gas to a fire that was already burning. Youre absolutely right. The u. S. Generally calls for restraint. They are with the israelis calling this plot on the part of hamas. I think the u. S. Government is being a bit gullible here in accepting the israeli line that it has everything to do with hamas. The palestinians, of course, would say this has nothing to do with hamas. The truth somewhere in the middle. For sure. Im wondering what your take is about 80 of evangelical christians say they voted for trump and 53 of american evangelicals according to the Brookings Institution say they support trumps decision to move the u. S. Embassy. How much about this decision was about politics . The president is seeking to sure up his core constituency. But it seems, again, somewhat odd. These people would vote for President Trump anyway. So, the administration seems to be covering by saying, well, this strong, bold move will force the parties into a negotiation. But it strikes me that it did have a lot to do with the evangelical support for the president. And the president s own campaign promises. Steven cook, thank you so much for your insights. Really appreciate it. Up next, just one day before her confirmation hearing gina haspel secure enough votes to be confirmed. The agency should not have tortures terror suspects. Youre watching msnbc. Mr. Elliot, whats your wifi password . Wifi . Wifis ordinary. Basic. Do i look basic . Nope which is why i have xfinity xfi. Its super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey lets basement. And thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. So sophie, i have an xfi password, and its daditude. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Some developing news now, gina haspel likely to become the next cia director. The vice chairman of will support haspels nomination. Heidi also announcing she would vote for haspel. This Additional Support comes just hours after a surprising admission she made in a letter to warner. She wrote that the agencys brutal Interrogation Program was a mistake that she says she ultimately did damage to our cia officers and to u. S. Standing in the world. Haspel has faced a tough nomination process and her past history has been a Sticking Point for many senators. But todays admission likely paves the way for her confirmation. National security and intelligence reporter ken joins me now with more. Ken, i was taken aback by this letter after watching that hearing. I am wondering, why didnt she say this all right then . Well, my sources tell me she was trying to thread a needle. Apparently she said this in closed session to the senators but she didnt want to say it publicly because it would impugn the cia officers who work on the program and who still work at the cia and want to leave. Many democrats including mark warner really wanted to hear her on this program and with the benefit of hindsight give her benefit whether it was a mistake and thats exactly what she did today in some pretty strong language. It seems to me that, yeah, she was sort of force undd into doing this careful dance in public being pressed over and over again whether this was moral and she didnt lay this out specifically in this letter. Go so far to say what these agents carried out was an immoral act but simply it was a mistake, correct . Thats right. Also made a pretty interesting admission that she said congress was not properly brief eed on t program at the time. Thats important because many cia officers were out in public defending this post9 11 program in part by saying congress knew about it and cheered it on. Very few members of congress were briefed on it initially after 9 11. According to the Senate Report the briefings they got were cursory and inadequate and gina haspel affirmed that today in her letter. What do we know, now that she is on a glide path to nomination here. What do we know about her relationship with President Trump . That was something that gave mike pompeo and the role of kricia director and doesnt take deep dives into briefing books. Is she seen as getting the president s attention and hold it . Great questions. She does not have the same kind of jovial relationship with trump that mike pompeo enjoyed. She answered some questions in this hearing process making it it clear she would stand up to President Trump. President trump has not asked her for loyalty and supported the intelligence assessment that russia interfered in the election and i am told that trump respects her intelligence prowls her knowledge, shes a 33year career cia officer and has served abroad in very dangerous places and im told the president does respect her and is ready to be briefed by her, kasie. Ken dilanian, great to see you, as always, my friend. Youre looking live at department of Homeland Security secretary Kirsten Nielson testifying on capitol hill on her departments budget for next year. Remember, it was just last week when she was reported considered resigning after President Trump told her she wasnt doing enough to secure our borders. The laets from ttest from the h after the break. Plus, its primary day for voters in four states as we lead up to novembers midterm election. Jacob is taking a look at pennsylvania so crucial in the fight to take back the house. No matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. Could light up the room . New aveeno® positively radiant sheer daily moisturizer. Lightweight hydration for positively radiant skin that lasts. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results® i thought after sandy hook, where 20 six and seven year olds were slain, this would never happen again. It has happened more than 200 times in 5 years. Dianne feinstein and a new generation are leading the fight to pass a new assault weapons ban. Say no to the nra and yes to commonsense gun laws. California values senator Dianne Feinstein the march to the midterms, obviously, continuing today. Voters in idaho, nebraska, oregon and pennsylvania choosing their partys nominee for the upcoming house senate and government races. A lot of eyes focused on pennsylvania where a district map drawn by the Supreme Court is making this years races more competitive. In the return of his series up for grabs, jacob is taking a close look at the races that could determine the balance of power in Congress Next year. Right now he is in allentown, pennsylvania, not far from where i grew up in the heart of the newly formed seventh Congressional District. How critical is this going to be to the primary election on tuesday night . People on this side of the road are going to vote for a new member in the ninth Congressional District and voting for a new candidate in the seventh. Everybody on both sides of the line used to be part of the 15th district. Thats right. Come primary Election Night on tuesday . A whole other set of characters as far as the burkes county side. And thats because of the redistricting. Absolutely. Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled the states condpregzal districts had to be redrawn because they were unfairly designed by the state legislature to benefit republicans who have won 13 of 18 seats three elections in a row. Including the 15th, the longtime seat of republican charlie dent. Now, redrawn to be the new seventh which cuts off burkes county. You are the vice chairman and this is your side of the line. This is our side of the new line. Is there a difference in the political ideologies on this side of the line and that side of the line . Absolutely. You have very conservative, theyre very Second Amendment and very pro life and very passionate about that and then you have the Lehigh County side which seems to be a little more moderate leaning and a little more tolerant of the different republicanisms within the party. Even though this all used to be charlie dents republican district you think there is a chance of a democrat winning on that side of the line . Boy, i hope not. This is the city of easton where the delaware and lehigh rivers meet. They were entirely gerrymandered but with the new map, not any more. Vote may 15th. Greg edwards. Reporter greg edwards is running in the democratic primary. We meet with him as he campaigned along line street, which used to be the line where the district ended. Now the voters here are potential backers. You going to vote next tuesday . Absolutely. Are you a democrat . Yes, i am. I hope to earn your vote. You sure will. We have been knocking on 40,000 doors. I hope you have another pair of shoes. This is my third pair. Where do you live, sir . You used to live on the dividing line between the two Congressional Districts and now in the new seventh district. I guess. What issues are you having . I dont think President Trump is doing a very good job. He is making a lot of mistakes when he got out of this accord with iran. Thats troubling. And he blames everything on the democrats. You have a son . Yes, tyrone fredericks. Yes. I know tyrone. Sure. He is a great saxophonist. This is retail politics right here. How does it feel with the new district lines that will change for the First Time Ever on tuesday to vote for mr. Edwards . Fantastic. Fantastic. We might be able to make a big difference. Were going to change the national narrative. We need someone in congress who will represent the people and im that person. You are. Kasie, i love block walking like that. The retail politics especially when it is in your familys neck of the woods. The reality is the fact that the districtses have changed brought a lot of democrats here into pa 7 but the candidates are also just a microcosm of what the democrats are going to see nationally. You have edwards who is very liberal and susan wild is liberal but not quite as liberal as edwards and the conservative democrat who is a District Attorney on immigration. Whoever wins, it is interesting to see not how that plays here but how it will come 2018 and then 2020. One big thing i have to mention quickly. Turnout has been very low. They are expecting extreme weather to hit here within the next hour. Maybe even tornadoforce winds. That is not going to be good for turnout. Or for your live shot. Go get somewhere safe, jacob. Were in a parking garage, dont you worry. Its interesting to see you walk down the middle of the roads that are dividing the districts now in pennsylvania. That, of course, to the chagrin of many republicans. Thank you so much. Jacob, of course, will be on the campaign trail leading up to the november midterms. If you live in a swing, Congressional District and have a story to tell about the issues that matter where you live, let him know using the upforgrabs. He might just show up at your door. Meanwhile, pennsylvanias seventh congressional is one of the races were watching tonight. Joining me now is the man who loves all of this more than any of us put together. Steve kornacki with the big board. What should we be watching tonight . Everybody can love an election, kasie. Talking about the new lines in pennsylvania and what that means. Lets put that in some perspective, old versus new. Nationally democrats need 23 seats. They need a gain of 23 seats, get that nationally. They get back the house. So, before the withdraw of the map in pennsylvania, after the 2016 election, this is what things were looking like in pennsylvania. What you see here are five republican incumbents who were in districts in pennsylvania that either Hillary Clinton won or tied or where trump won but the margin was within single digits. You think if there was a wave election year, these are sort of the seats that would come into play. Democrats were looking before they changed the map, look, in a great year, we can contest five and pick off a couple. Knock down that 23 nationally. Republicans were looking at it and saying, we can hold all or most of these seats in a really good year, too. Thats what the Playing Field looked like, too, before they redrew the map. This is what you had, this is what you have now. Notice a couple things. Some of the names are a little different. You have, first of all, six names instead of five. Now six republican incumbents are in districts that either clinton won or trump won by single digits. Meehan that was a clinton by two districts and redrew it and became a district of 29. He has resigned and thats as good a democratic pick up already. Didnt have that before. How about costello, clinton plus one. They redrew the line and became a tenpoint and costello looked at that and said not running in that districts. Broke the news on your show. Fits patrick got more favorable there. Clinton for the democrats. Dent, that was a trump plus eight district and now a clinton district. And two other republicans come in to that hit zone already. Look, 23 is the number nationally. You could get a quarter of the way there if youre democrats just in pennsylvania, if you get the kind of wave here that theyre hoping for. Steve kornacki, certainly thats what democrats are looking for. A lot of republicans who wanted costello to try and stick it out in the narrowly now clinton district and he said thanks, but no thanks. Steve kornacki, thank you so much. We have some breaking news right now. Media reports in north and south korea saying the highlevel talks between the north and south scheduled for tomorrow have been abruptly cancpled. The reports come weeks ahead of scheduled talks between President Trump and north koreas leader kim jongun. Nbc news hans nickels has the latest on that. What does this mean . It means potentially, at least the talks today in north korea and south korea have been canceled. We dont know what this means for the june 12th talks. We do know from the rhetoric coming out of north korea, this marks a dramatic shift. The state department is briefing right now and theyre saying we have no information on this. They need to verify. But they are also repeating this idea that these exercises have been long planned and, kasie, always the plan that the u. S. Would continue their spring exercises. Every spring they go through a series of exercises broadly called full eagle. The exercise that is taking place right now is called max thunder. Its basically an air force exercise. A lot of hardware is up in the air. The assumption really from the olympics onward is that the u. S. Would be able to continue with those exercises in part because it has to do with the strength of the alliance between south crea and the u. S. They would be able to continue and that kim jongun would not object to that. What we had in the last hour a firm objection saying they think these droves are provocative and changing their behavior on this and theyre saying this is going to cause them to cancel todays summit. This, i have to say a significant development. Not a very optimistic one given all the positive momentum that has been taking place towards this summit on june 12th in singapore between President Trump and kim jongun. Kasie, just to reiterate, no indication other than reading the tea leaves if this means the summit between trump and kim jongun will be canceled. Just to cut through this, is the sense that North Koreans are moving the goal posts or the u. S. Is doing something unexpected . The North Koreans are going back to their previous posture and they wouldnt talk with either side if military exercise were going on. So, the pentagon here seems to be quite surprised by this and also seems to be the case at the state department. Theyre just learning about this now from media reports. Talking to a couple officials here just running into a room and they said inner operability is the key to these exercises and theyre defensive in nature. In a lot of ways, well probably hear from the pentagon in the next two, three hours. Maybe 24 hours is a lot of the statements that we heard two, three months ago that these are just exercises. They take place and not meant to be threatening and provocative. They thought here at the pentagon that if they had a green light to continue with those exercises. Now, all of a sudden, kim jongun and state media agency are saying, no, those are provocative. Kasie . Thanks. Keep us posted if anything else pops up. President trump made another push for Immigration Reform this time during a speech honoring fallen officers. We are calling on congress to secure our borders and support our Border Agents and stop sanctuary cities and shut down policies that release violent criminals back into our communities. We should note that this particular occasion usually one that is not terribly political. This is a live picture from capitol hill where kirstjen n l nielsen is testifying. Fa following reports that she considered quitting. The Department Spokesman denied that she had written a resignation letter. Joining us to talk more about this Tammy Baldwin who joins me here on set. Thank you so much for joining me. Good to be here, thanks. The Homeland Security secretary testifying and probably answering questions about her potential resignation. What is your view and behind the scenes and do you think she has reason or should step down . When i think about the story coming out and i think about the fact that the president seems to be spending too much time yelling and tweeting and not putting together the comprehensive plans that wed like to see on so many of the key issues that fall under the department of Homeland Security. She appeared before the secretary appeared before the Homeland Security subcommittee of appropriations last week on which i sit and i was speaking with her about, about fentanyl coming into our borders and how her department could do more to stop that and we have an Opioid Epidemic going on. We were talking about the policies relating to separation of families at the border. Theres a lot of things that they havent really put out, comprehensive plans for and it would be a much more productive use of the president and the secretarys time if they were taking comprehensive approach to these Critical Issues for our country. I want to switch gears just a little bit and talk about the Opioid Crisis because as you are running for reelection in your home state of wisconsin, you decided to take a more personal tact and explain what happened to your mother and why you are willing to make that the center of youre doing politically. I have focused on this Opioid Epidemic for years now and listen to brave wisconsinites come forward and tell their stories and turn their tragedies into hope. I have seen that also in washington, d. C. , when i worked on the health committee. And i recall recently witness before our committee who told the story of losing her son and said the way were going to change this is when we tell our stories. And i decided to add my own to this because its only when we Work Together and form those partnerships will we turn the corner on this crisis. I was raised by my grandparents and most everyone around me knows that. But people dont know why. People dont know why. My mother had me when she was 19. She struggled with Mental Illness and struggled with physical illness for which she was prescribed drugs both the Mental Illness, as well as chronic pain and physical illness. And at times she was doing great. And at other times, she would either use too much or mix the wrong things and she was in and out of treatment throughout most of my young adulthood until, quite frankly, fairly recently. So, i feel like, you know, i understand the fight that so many wisconsinites are battling right now. How it is, its hard both for family members, as well as the person trying to overcome an addiction. And i can tell you, also, that since ive shared my story more widely, i cant tell you how many calls and people who have reached out, sometimes they share their story and detail. Other times they say its good to know im not alone and people dont understand and some dont say much at all but thank you. You, of course, are in what is anticipated to be one of the most difficult reelection campaigns of this senate season. Millions in outside money, in particular, pouring into wisconsin against you and youre also facing tough talk from your opponent who currently has and up who has a picture of her and gina haspel and a picture of team america and a picture of you that says team terrorists. What is your reaction to that ad . Yeah, i have certainly strong feelings about where im going. We have been trying to set up a meeting with gina haspel. Were on our third iteration and tomorrow im scheduled to go review the documents that are available to senators to review. Does that include the report that you all have been pushing to make to classify that has some potentially damaging information . My understanding is it a full file and the question will be, how much time i get to actually go through it. But we have summary documents, as well as some individual documents. Certainly in discussions with my colleagues, ive had these characterize me and i have some very strong concerns, especially about the destruction of tapes. And that will be part of what im seeking Greater Knowledge on. But how much pressure are you under here . Are you too progressive for a purple state right now . You know, i think that what people know is that im fighting for them and that im not afraid to take on these special interests who, frankly, are trying to buy a senate seat in wisconsin. As youve noted, there are millions of dollars coming in. These folks have an agenda. And its not the agenda with the people of wisconsin. And i am going to keep on fighting for the people of my state. Senator Tammy Baldwin of wisconsin, thank you so much for your time today. Appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, facebook disabled or altogether took down a billion fake accounts in the last few months alone. Many of them spreading spam or conducting. Well have the details after the break. Vo gopis found a way to keep her receipts tidy, even when nothing else is. Brand vo snap and sort your expenses with quickbooks and find, on average, 4,340 in tax savings. Quickbooks. Backing you. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. And 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. Were life line screening. And if youre over 50. Call this number, to schedule an appointment. 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Mark zuckerberg highlighted how the social giant policed content on their platform removing posts that includes terrorism or nudity or any other banned content. Zuckerberg says facebook has taken down 837 million posts and disabled 538 million fake accounts. And thats just in the first three months of this year. Here to explain it more and nbcs investigative producer anna. My big question here is whether this represents a Material Change from the way facebook was conducting itself before. Well, it really does. They have beefed up their Artificial Intelligence operation so theyre using technology to target key words to locate locate content that is terrorism related or nudity related. Theyre using human moderators now. Theyve hired more staff to review content and find hate speech. That is a little bit more nuanced. You need to have someone with cultural to understand the cultural nuance to be able to identify hate speech. They say they disabled 200plus apps like the one Cambridge Analytica had used to gather all this data. What does this mean about how Many Americans may have had their data potentially compromised . Facebook really has no idea how many third parties have access to your data and hundreds of millions of other facebook users data. Theyre doing a massive investigation. They have hired outside people. Theyve trained their own Staff Members. They are hustling. They dont want another Cambridge Analytica situation where the press alerted them to the problem. If theres another Cambridge Analytica out there, they want to find it first. Coming up, the midwest responded to donald trump both as a candidate and an incoming president. But now many of those same voters who enthusiastically voted President Trump into the white house are rethinking the fervor of their support for him. baby crying dont juggle your home life and work life without it. 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Text summer17 to 500500 to start listening today. Voters in four states are heading to the polls today. A big question, how will the chaos in washington impact the primaries . The president s job Approval Rating is slowly ticking upward, a boost for republicans who are aligning themselves with the president. But as we all know, polls only tell part of the story. Since the 2016 president ial election, the Washington Post has been reaching out to try and gauge how the country, particularly in the midwest, is feeling about trump. So far, the reaction, mixed. Im joined now by the man who spent the last year and a half traveling to illinois, iowa, wisconsin, minnesota, the Washington Post chief correspondent dan balls, whos also celebrating his 40th year at the paper. Congratulations. Thank you. Dan, take us on a little bit of the journey that you took here. Did you find that the people who had voted for trump before, you know, are they people who are going to be republicans for the rest of their lives . Or are they people who are with this man because of the unique qualities that he has . Good question. I think that you have some of each type of voter. I think there are some voters who the congresswoman from northwest illinois, a democrat in a district that trump won, she describes some of these voters as trump triers. They are people who may be democrats, may be independents, who were fed up for whatever reason. We could go through a lot of reasons why people were fed up in 2016. But for whatever reason, decided to take a chance on an unorthodox nonpolitician in the name of donald trump. And there are others who are republicans, who i think will stay republican. They may not have been strongly for trump early on. In fact, many of them were for jeb bush or ted cruz or somebody else who was running for the nomination. They in the end voted for trump, have expectations about him. And i think many of them would be loathe to vote democratic. I think the question is if they sour on trump and some are conflicted about him right now, what will they do in 2020 . Will they reembrace him, or will they decide they might vote democratic or might not vote at all for trump. I think the jury is still out on some of them. A lot of our conventional wisdom is built around i think it was a former president who once said, its the economy stupid. Theres a lot of since during the 2016 campaign that there are a lot of voters who felt left behind by the recession, who lost their jobs, lost their ability to provide a stable livelihood for a middle class family. Did you get the sense that the rosy numbers were seeing, the unemployment rate, the jobs numbers every month, are they actually reaching these communities . Do people feel theyre better off than they were a year and a half ago . Or is that not the case . I dont think in personal terms they feel significantly better off. I think they feel a little better about the state of the economy and that the economy is doing well. And many of them do give the president credit for that in varying degrees. I think there are others who see the economy rising and are quite happy about that and in some ways surprised and wonder how it could be doing as well as it can be given all of the chaos and disruption they see around the trump presidency. People are weighing it in different ways. I know that the tax cut provides some dollars, maybe not a lot of dla dollars but every dollar is important to the people in those smaller communities or whose jobs were downsized or shipped overseas or who are working for less money today than they might have been five or ten years ago. The president s Approval Rating has ticked up fairly steadily over the last few months. The question is good. Theres no question about it. The unemployment rate, all of that is going to be helpful for republican candidates this fall. I think the question is, how much energy is on the other side, kind of the antitrump fervor that we see on the part of a lot of democrats and others who simply dont like the president. Thats the tension. Thank you for your insights. That wraps up this afternoon for me. I will see you from capitol hill, of course, all day tomorrow. Please be sure to catch kasie dc sundays at 7 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. Thank you for watching. Stick around for deadline white house with my friend nicole wallace. Its 4 00 in new york. We begin with breaking news. The New York Times reporting this afternoon that north korea has cancelled the scheduled meeting today with south korea. And south korean media says the north has threatened to cancel that historic meeting with President Trump in singapore in june due to ongoing military exercises between the u. S. And south korea. They quote an announcement from north Koreas Central News Agency which says, quote, the United States will also have to undertake careful deliberations about the fate of the planned north korean u. S. Summit in light of this provocative military ruckus jointly conducted with the south korean authorities. The state department appears

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