Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi 20180418

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Department. He is facing fierce opposition from lawmakers who are threatening to vote against his nomination. His nomination is not a sure thing but the situation has now become more tense because the president seemed to confirm that pop offo met with north Korean Leader kimt last month without notifying the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which has to approve him. Following the president in West Palm Beach is White House Correspondent geoff bennett. The president has just begun this meeting with the japanese Prime Minister. Ed a katy and i were talking about they are at odds on a couple of things, at odds on how to deal with north korea and at odds on how to deal with trade. Thats right. Of course the backdrop to all of this is this stunning meeting that we learn about last night between mike pompeo and kim jongun himself. Geoff, hang on a second. The president has started talking about mike pompeo. Lets listen. I have a feeling its going to work out very well. And i think our country really need him. He is going to a great leader. Thank you very much. That was relevant to that we were talking about, one of the issues that he is facing is mike pompeos nomination is not a for sure thing. He is still in Committee Testimony committee has to recommend that he gets nominated. And he may be short of votes for this. We are not entirely sure. But its kind of interesting. The president sent him on a mission to now, without informing the Foreign Relations committee. By the way, hes not secretary of state yet. Yeah, thats right. Look, Kellyanne Conway told reporters today that President Trump already views mike pompeo as the nations top diplomat. Now clear how that is going to go over with member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Mike pompeo certainly has a stellar rhys may but has never been a diplomat either by profession or temperament. He earned his stripes by having shart sharp partisan elbows. Inthe fact that he was dispatched for this meeting reflect the fact in a mike pompeo is the only member of the Trump Administration who has leadership, who has the president s trust and perhaps in background could carry out a mission like this. In many ways this meeting is part of the necessary vetting ongoing trying to get all the pieces in place ahead of this meeting. Nbc news learned in just the last hour that among the sites touch officials are considering switzerland we are told is at the top of the list. We havern willed they have knicksed places in china and on the Korean Peninsula given all of the obvious security concerns. At one point they were looking at locations here in the u. S. On the west coast but they werent sure kim would or could make that trip. They have set it on europe. And at the top of the list is switzerland. That makes some sense. Kim reportedly went to school in switzerland. I say reportedly. One can never get full facts about what kim jongun does. He was purportedly to have gone to school in switzerland under an assumed name. He seems to have some affinity towards switerland. Geoff, thank for reporting from West Palm Beach. Moments ago, President Trump listened spoke to mike pompeo. Lets listen in. Pop offo is extraordinary. He was number one at west point. He was top at harvard. He is a great gentleman. I think he will go downa as truly a great secretary of state. I will say this about rand paul. He has never let me down. Rand paul is a very special guy as far as im concerned. He has never let me down. And i dont think he will let us down again. So lets see what happens. If you remember, he voted for health care, and he did us a big favor. It was somebody that voted against it that hurt us. So i have a lot of confidence in rand, but i also have a great degree of confidence in pop offo. Ic mike pompeo will go down as one of the great secretary of states. And by the way, he just left north korea, had a great meeting with kim jongun, and got along with him really well, really great. And hes that kind of a guy. Hes very smart but he gets along with people. So i think that mike will be in good shape. Well see what happens. You know, a lot of people are predicting other things. But i have a feeling its going to work out very well. And i think our country really needs him. Hes going to be a great leader. Thank you very much. The reference there, of course, was to rand paul, who has suggested he will not vote in favor of mike pompeo. Other senators have also said the same thing. On capitol hill, pompeo met with mark warner from virginia the vice chairman of the Senate Intel Committee as the opposition to pompeos nomination grows. Pompeo needs at least one democratic vote to get cleared for the position by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Then there is uncertainty whether he will actually make it through the entire senate vote. There is outrage from members after the Washington Post reported that pompeo made this secret visit to you can you can no. It happened after last months easter weekend after he was promoted to the secretary of state system. In our system of government if you have to have Senate Confirmation for a position you have to have Senate Confirmation for the position. You cant just actually go and do it without Senate Confirmation. Listen to how he responded to questions from reporters about the meeting with the north korea lieder and lawmakers on the hill. Director pompeo, what did you learn from your conversations with kim jongun . Im just here today working. Director, can you say anything about what you learned from your meeting with kim jongun in north korea . Director, do you think they are committed to denuclearization . How did your meeting with senator warner go . Im enjoying my time here. Out might have been doing some job but it wasnt actually the job that he has. Hes not the skpak. Joining me now from chill is garrett haake. Garrett, the question here is twofold. One is was proper process followed. The general answer to that is no, with anything to do with this administration. Im almost not as concerned about that part. The more important issue is whether lawmakers feel it is a net positive or a net negative that mike pompeo met with the north Korean Leader. Surprisingly some senior democrats said they are okay with it. Ali, pretty much every lawmaker i have spoken to today did say they are okay with this. Just in part because they are glad that someone from the Trump Administration is doing the homework doing the prework before this planned summit between kim jongun and the president. They like that there is someone who the president trusts who is clearing the path here a little bit. There was some concern that this would be the planned summit would be the kind of thing where the president just short of showed up and there would not have been this advance work. They are pleased about that i heard some pushback to your first question from republicans today who said that it has been traditionally the Intelligence Community has been the only touch point between the United States and north korea. So thats the counterart there, why republicans say it was appropriate for pompeo to do this work. Remember, he is still the cia director, as you said. He cant just show up and start saying he is the secretary of state because hes not there yet. On that pointed, there is two separate things going on here that both bear paying attention to. Im going the divide it up here. The first is as you mentioned he has a problem with the Foreign Relations committee, the first hurdle he has to clear. Ran paul is a no. It is a closely divided committee. Right now, every democratic we have heard from is a no. Here are some of the reasons why. Take a listen. I feel that Michael Pompeo is not the right person to be secretary of state. Im very concerned that he is an advocate for disimagineding the jcpoa, which would give iran many capabilities and put it closer to the ability to pursue a nuclear weapon. I think in a moment when the cabinet is becoming more and more hawkish and less and less interested in diplomacy, you need a secretary of state who is going to be presenting diplomatic solutions. Ali, heres the thing. Pompeo is on the hill today. Hes meeting with four senators, none of whom are on that committee . Why . As frank thorpe explains well, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is a waiter making recommendations for what you want to order. They can recommend or not recommend pop offo. But Mitch Mcconnell could still choose to bring him to the floor even without a positive recommendation from the committee. It appears he is willing to do so. If pompeo can peel off one or two democrats, red state democrats in particular or folks like mark warner who he met with today who he has a relationship with through the Intelligence Committee that will be enough. And thats the focus right now for mike pompeo. Its important to note that that issue with the votes has nothing really to do with the north korea trip. These are some people who have issue with mike pompeos views which are all on the record. Garrett haake on capitol hill. President trump said he looks forward to meeting with north koreas leader, kim jongun. Lets look at what its like to live under the leader of the hermit kingdom. The United Nations investigators released a landmark report in february of 2014 that found atrocities being committed throughout north korea, just to name a few, they included quote extermination, murder enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions, persecution on political racial and gender grounds. The report found the key to keeping together the system is to use surveillance coercion fear and punishment to prevent dissent. The extreme restricts civil liberties, that means no freedom of expression, religion, thought, no freedom of assembly, no freedom of opinion and no freedom of information. I monopolizes information to exert total control. The respects are in a class system that determines every part of their lives, where they live, work, and who they marry. The classes are called loyal, wavering and hostile one of the largest violation is the norths restriction of food and deliberate use of starvation as a means of control. North korea hasnt had enough resources to feed all of its people since the end of the 1980s. So it prioritizes Food Distribution to those how are useful to the government, especially the military and a group of a couple hundred families, maybe 350 families that surround the leader, kim jongun, who are favored by the leader. If you are asking who wants to stay and live in these conditions . The fact is people there cant move freely. They are banned from leaving their own province without permission. And they are banned from leaving the country entirely with very, very view exception, ie, traveling to the olympics. The regime also continues to put people in political prison camps for what seems like any reason they chooses. Amnesty International Says last year there were an estimated 120,000 people detained in four known camps and they were subjected to torture and other maltreatment. Right now there are three americans detained as quote prisoners of war in north korea. None of these three have been seen since june of last year. By the way, there are some japanese who are also detained there. And thats one of the things that Prime Minister abe want to discuss with President Trump. Will he represent japanese interests in discussing the japanese detainees. Michael fuchs is the former Deputy Assistant secretary of state for east asian and Pacific Affairs from 2013 to 2016. Hes now a senior fellow at the center for american prok focusing on u. S. Policy toward the asia pacific region. The reason for this setup before i talk to you is to understand that when President Trump talks about the success of pompeos visit the and the things he does, he has a habit of sort of dehumanizing his opposition, whoever that might be. In the case of kim jongun, he calls him little rocket unanimous and all that kind of stuff. Then as he gets into negotiations with people, he has a habit of praising them. The president has a fine line to walk here. You really cant end up praising kim jongun. Hes not a praise worthy leader. No, absolutely not. I think this is really one of the concerns that a lot of people, including myself, have about this summit between President Trump and kim jongun. Now, without a doubt, diplomacy is the right way to go with north korea. We are not going the get anything that frankly we want from north korea without diplomacy. I think giving away a summit up front is probably not the best way to do this. But thats where we find ourselves. I think the fear that we have is that kim jongun is clearly playing a game here. He wants something out of this as well. And based on experience so far, would he know that when President Trump gets into the room with for the most part authoritarian leaders like xi jinping of china, Vladimir Putin of russia, and many others, he tend to praise them and treat them very, very kindly. Frankly, in many ways not necessarily stands up for u. S. Interests. I think that is a real serious fear here that when the two leaders, President Trump and kim jongun are in a room together that the president potentially gives away the farm here and doesnt get very much in return. In the interest of getting some kind of a deal, right . Thats the issue, that the president likes to walk out with what he seems to think is a win. But a partial win with north korea is exactly what he has been critical of prior administrations for doing . Exactly. And thats one of the reasons why one of the reasons he has given for doing this summit so early. Hes trying to flip the script. Right . Hes saying these long drawn out low level negotiations with north korea have produced nothing in the past. So he is going to kick start thing. He is going to get something done, from leader to leader, right . And look, i think best Case Scenario out of this summit is that the two leaders are able to kick start a process where after the summit happens the negotiators on both sides are able to begin working out what are inevitably incredibly complex and convoluted issues here that we have with north korea. I think that is very much the hope. Right. But again the concern as you pointed out is that President Trump will just sort of take what he thinks looks like a really good deal and run with it and not necessarily get what the United States need. And from the perspective of our close allies in the region, china doesnt feel a threat from north korea but south korea and japan does. They are worried the president will take as a good deal the idea there will be a limit aches on enter continental Ballistic Missiles with nuclear tips on them. But south korea and japan think they are very much in harms way from north korea. Absolutely. This is one of the key concerns that our allies in tokyo and seoul have about President Trump engage in this kind of diplomacy. President trump has made clear his position toward u. S. Allies. He treats them with disdain. He believes they rip us off when it comes to economic trade deals and believes they dont pay their fair share when it comes to the military alliance aspects of our relationships. So they are very scared in seoul and tokyo that the president had sell them down the river when he meets with kim jongun here. I think had we need to be looking at here is whether or not the president is particulstp for american interest. Michael fuchs thank you for talking to me. The former Deputy Assistant secretary of state for east asian and Pacific Affairs under president obama. Coming up, the stakes are high for starbucks after this video went viral, showing the arrest of two black men who were sitting at a table waiting for a friend. And one of the coffee companys philadelphia stores. The ceo says he is quote going to fix this. After the break, the companys response and the effect it could have on underlying race struggles in america. How do you win at business . Stay at laquinta. Where were changing with contemporary makeovers. Then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. Who has the upper hand now . Start winning today. Book now at lq. 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Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Theres a lot of attention and concern this yach about one of most commonly used jet engines. Southwest Airlines Says its speeding up inspection of its fleets boeing 737 engines at least of a particular type as the federal investigation begins into yesterdays midair ins deb which killed one passenger and left 143 others in terror. An early review found evidence of melts fatigue where the fan blade had broken off. It was the Worst Airline accident in almost a decade. The captain of that flight is a former navy aviator, one of the first women to fly fighter jets. Passengers are calling hero for safely landing the plane. Heres how she called in the engine. Understand your emergency. Let me know when you want to go in. We have part of the aircraft missing so we are going to need to slow down a bit. Speed is your skrepgs. Maintain any altitude above 3,000 feet. Would like to start turning inbund. 1380, start turning soup southbound there. It was a 737 that will be turning southbound. The airport is off to your right and slightly behind you. Altitude is your discretion. Use caution for the downtown area. Could you have medical meet us on the within runway as well, we have got injured passengers . Injured passengers. Okay. Is your airplane fisly on fire . No, its not on fire but pat of it is missing. That is the kind of captain you want if you have not an emergency on your plane. She kept it calm, she landed that plane safely with an engine having exploded. This morning i spoke with one of the passengers on that flight about the pilot. Heres what he said about her. I felt like with every breath i took, with every, you know, step i take that i just felt so lucky. And you know toxisee her face, and to see who that is. I wish i could hug her. And thank her. Because i i mean, without her, i think this tragedy would have been so much worse. And really, with 150 passengers on board, any one of us could have sat in that seat. Yep. And i dont know, i just i feel so very fortunate to be alive. I feel like it sort of changed your outlook on life. Oh, totally. As i was going down, i felt like my whole future was robbed of me. You know . I think we all are victim of this. We get we make plans in the future. And we say im going to take that trip. Im going to do that thing. And when in reality life is so precious. And it can just be taken from us from one moment to the next. The faa is now calling for engine inspections for every airline that flies boeing 737s and the makers of the engine, ge say its cooperateding with the investigation. I want to move to the ongoing controversy surrounding the arrest of two black men at a philadelphia starbucks. They will close 8,000 of its stores in the United States on the arch of may 29th to kubt a racial Bias Education Program for 175,000 employees. The protests continued to boycott the coffee chain. The chair nanoand founder said he is ashamed of what happened. Im embarrassed, ashamed. I think what occurred was reprehensible at every single level. I think i take it personally as everyone in our company does and we are committed to making it right. The announce mountain we made yesterday about closing our stores, 8,000 stores closed, to do significant training with our people is just the beginning of what we will do to transform the way we do business and educate our people on unconscious bias. Thats a lot of corporate speak but im going to talk to somebody who can break that down and tell us what that means. Just the beginning of what we can do to transform our company. This is a company that spent years taling to make include sift a core part of its brand. Are starbucks proactive measures going to help gain the Publics Trust . Or the trust of nonwhite americans, of africanamericans . Joining me now is one of the organizers of the black lives matter movement, mckesson andnd whering interpret brian collins, he has Brand Design Company collins which designed or influences many of the things that you participate in. Guys, thank you for joining us me. It is an important discussion. Duran, you are plugged into communities that sort of say unconscious bias or conscious bias plays such a big role in the lives of africanamericans. Where do you how do you see this having unfolded and what starbucks has done in response . Remember that the training hasnt been designed yet. So to deliver it at this scale it will have to be some sort of virtual training. Im not convinced that alone will be the significant move that he is talking approximate. I am hoping there will be structural changes with regard to the way they hire and promote that has to be a part of it. The sec thing is we cant let the police off the hook here. While the manager was wrong for calling and that clearly was motivated by race. Im not convinced it was unconscious. The Police Showed up, deep, it was like six of them and me that i had a choice to arrest those two men. They didnt have to do that. I dont want that to be lost in this conversation. Starbucks is culpable and needs to figure out how to have their values show up. But the police are also responsible. We have calls in to the police chief, who said they have done nothing long. I want to know why they were arrested, why they were taken to the flags and held there. Thats a separate discussion that we will have. Brian you made an interesting point before the show started. That is in design, there is a space that starbucks has represented itself as being that is neither home nor work. Since the beginning in 1971 he was interested innet contracting a place that wasnt home or work. It was a place we could meet and gather together. They went out of the way to create a place where you felt like you belonged. Anyone could go there, sit and have a snack, meet friends. When this unfolded in philadelphia that trust was absolutely broken i think it went to the core of what starbucks has stood for. Starbucks has been remarkable at building a place where people feel like they bhong. Whether they are feting a cup of coffee or just hanging out for a short bit. Buren, should you be able to sit in a starbucks or other private institution if you dont make a purchase . We have seen other examples coming out about people who didnt make a purchase who are allowed to stay versus those who around. Black people have less of a chance the stay than not. I guess the question is not whether or not you are allowed to. Its whether or not starbucks and other Public Companies treat everybody the same way. Either nobody gets to stick around if you dont buy something, or everybody does. Yeah. And like the other guest said, starbucks sort of sells itself as a place where community can be built differently. And there are some starbucks around the country where they do Innovative Community programming and thats like a party of the values that they say they want to have. The challenge here is that values are things i should see and shouldnt have to search for. When you saw that first apology, it wasnt clear what the values were then. The second apology was much more clear. The second was like we made a mistake, this is wrong we want to make amendments. But your values shouldnt come in response to protests and confrontation. I think thats where starbucks made a misstep. Im hopeful about the trainings. But again, thats over 100,000 people getting trained all in one day is a lot of could be tent. Thats a big task here. Yeah, and we have never seen that happen well. Brian with united there was a mess after they ejected the guy of to. Init was the fourth time that they apologized it was a way that maybe people heard. But it didnt speak to the values. This Community Issue is central to what starbucks is. The idea that you must come here you said yourself, and i have done this many times, you meet there before a meeting, after a meeting or even after a meeting. And i have sat at starbucks many times and not ordered while i have wait for someone. Sure. Either thats their thing or its not. At this point thats what they have to solve. Two thing to remember. You and me as their customers are their audiences and a much more important conversation, they have to have a deep conversation with their employees. I think this response that they are making, to their over 100,000 employees is a good and a great response but it is a topdown response. What we are actually talking about for a longer term impact is they need to activate the people on the front line. They have to really push out the values that they stand for, community, belonging, connectivity, to everybody in the company. So the desire to reboot all of their employees is smart. But the next step would be for that to become an ongoing responsibility and empower mmen that they push out to everybody on the front line and the bran comes to life. The good thing about starbucks is you see those employees, they are on the front line. If they do suck sees in coming up with training that does work we should all be able to see it fairly soon. Yeah. And they and what does it mean to just hire people who already believe in this stuff is dont need training, right . Having a pipeline of managers and people who make decision who is already understand equity. Not Everybody Needs to be trained on it because some people live it every day and understand the issues very well. Thats part of the structural change. The training is fine. I hope its good. We know that people making it are incredible leaders in the social justice space that alone is not if you have. Good to see you. Deray mckesson and brian collins. Coming up, reports that some people on the west wing are dubbing fox news sean hannity President Trumps unofficial chief of staff. This following the revelation in federal court this week that hannity is a client of michael cohen, the president s long time personal attorney. First, we are honoring the legacy of first lady, barbara bush we will have a glimpse into the life of an exceptional woman who was the matriarch of an american political dynasty. I couldnt talk about Women Leaders without mentioning my motherinlaw. Barbara bush was the strongest of leaders who led our country and the bush family with grace and quick with it. Watching her, i learned how to be a first lady. And im so grateful for her example. Well all miss her. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. 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Chemical weapons. This time, its about a military grade nerve agent used against two people on british soil. In the constant push of meeting after meeting here in this chamber, its easy to lose track of what this means. We are rapidly confronting a frightening new reality. If chemical weapons can appear in a small english town, where might they start appearing next . None of us will be immune from this threat unless we immediately start rebuilding our consensus against chemical weapons. I will not engage in an argument over selfevident facts. I will not trade accusations of shameful behavior with those who have no shame. I will not waste this councils time. I will only say this the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has released an independent report that confirmed the united kingdoms lab analysis of the toxic chemical that was used in salisbury. Three people were seriously injured. Hundreds were exposed. This act was brazen and in co complete consensus of the sbrng consensus against the use of chemical weapons. The United States agrees with the uks assess men that russia is responsible for the chemical weapons in salisbury. Whether that is in their direct act or we have been listening to nikki hayley, who by the way walked sbook into the United Nations. It was unclear whether she was going to attend this meeting. Interestingly enough she has taken a leading role in Security Council meetings. She was asked about what her relationship was like with President Trump. She says its perfect. Thumbsup. This is of course coming on the heels the fact that she had said that there was going to be sanctions against russia, and that didnt happen. And then larry custody low said otherwise. So she has said her relationship with the president is now thumbsup and perfect. I want to introduce a former spokesperson for the u. S. Mission to the United Nations. Hag ar, lets talk about this. Nikki hayley you and i first talked about this when she was first appointed to the position. There were a lot of people at the u. N. An who realize that the Trump Administration is somewhat antagonistic to the United Nations. And uhhuh. And felt that nikki hayley would represent that view. And many at the u. N. An have been pleasantly surprised by the degree to which she is engaged. Not necessarily on her views but she has been engaged and she has met with some successes with respect to the thing shes tried to do there . During the Trump Campaign they belittled the United Nations. Trump said we dont want to be at the behest of the u. N. Or have to go along with their rules. What is interesting, not only has she been quite an effective leader, but according to my sources they find she has been able to move countries more ably. The reason from that, her approach, what differs from the Obama Administration is that she finds the u. N. An important tool. What gives her the leverage is if the u. N. Doesnt go along with the u. S. National security interests she explains that the u. S. Is ready to go it alone. I think it gives her leverage. This is a fairly serious matter that she was undermined in what she said on national tv. She is the representative of the United States to the United Nations. When she goes on sunday Morning Television and says there are going to be sanctions announced by treasury secretary mooung mnuchin tomorrow, and then they tonight happen and then she is said to have been confused this is serious. Then people say does she or doesnt she speak for the president . Right. The part i find when the white house came out and said she was confused is undermine your own colleague. Right. In fact if there is confusion it was on the white houses part. They changed the policy. Right. Listen, i have been on the other side. I have been in new york when dc forgets to include new york in the conferring. We have all been in those moments. She went ahead of the curve. It wasnt her fault. I will say it is odd to ever be ahead of the curve on a sanctions matters. She was leaning ahead, out of you know, ahead. That being said i thought when she came out with her statement which i liked and related to the statement is that there were going to be more sanctions on russia. Right. And then she said with all due respect, i dont get confused. She was stating dont undermine me. I know my stuff. Right. This was the goal. And listen those sanctions may very well happen. Sass often get delayed by days or weeks or sometimes month for a variety of different reasons. You know, it was absolutely the wrong message to putin. It is a unchup that that happened. I think there are a variety of reasons why they were pushed but that being said it doesnt lessen her effectiveness or the way she viewed it. You think she is fine. Why he. She came out of this looking like the one who was not confused and stays strong. As promised we turn to barbara bush, former first lady, who passed away at her home in houston at the age of 92. Her husband, former president george h. W. Bush was at her side. He issued this statement. I have always known barbara was the boast beloved woman in the world. In fact i used to tease her i had a complex about that fact. About you the truth is the outpouring of love and friendship being directed at the enforcer is lifting us all up. We have faith she is in heaven and know live will go on as she would have it. So cross the bushes off your worry list. The enforcer of course is a nickname she had. Barbara bush was only the second woman to be the wife of one u. S. President and the mother to another. And the only one to have witnessed both men being southern in. Melania traump, president obama and michele, and president clinton and hillary will be at the funeral on saturday. Joe watkins joins me, he served as during the george h. W. Bush administration. Joe and his wife both worked very closely and overlapped with the first lady, barbara bush, many times. Joe, your first thoughts . Well, she was just an amazing woman, ali. I think what sets her and president george h. W. Bush apart is the fact that they treated everybody like they mattered because they do. Everybody mattered to them. And they treated then that way. The Staff Members as well as the colleagues and even adversaries. They were very, very warm, very caring people and barbara bush is going to be missed. She have tough. She was smart. She was funny. She didnt minutes her words. And she was she was great fun to be around. Joe, in fact, i want to im asking our control room to put pictures of you up. You have pictures of you and your wife and the bushes its at a Christmas Party at an even with Michael Jackson as at the rose gardens. We will put those up while we are talking. Everybody says nice things about people who pass away at a ripe old age who have been in public service. Barbara bush is different. They called her the enforce her. The matriarch of a family. Somebody who george h. W. Bush relied upon for guidance and advice. She was sort of a new first lady in that sense. She was, a new first lady. Very much involved, engaged with her husband, with the staff. She was the first first lady to hire an africanamerican to be her press secretary. Anna perez was hired by barbara bush to be a press secretary to the first lady, did a great job for had he. She led by example. She was very much the enforcer. You didnt want to get on mrs. Bushs bad side. I was glad to have experiences with her. The first time i actually talked to her was when i was coming out of the oval office. She called over to me, hey, young man, joe watkins. I was surprised she knew who i was. She said i have heard something about you. I said what . That you are older than you look to be because you have got teenage daughters. I started laughing and she started laughing as well anna perez told her that. But whenever i had a celebrity like Whitney Houston or Michael Jackson that i was bringing in to meet with the president. I would ask them what dupe to see . The lincoln bedroom or the private quarters. And i said well the only way to do is is to get on Barbara Bushs good side. Barbara bush showed up with anna perez and the dog, mrs. Bush offered her a chance to see the lincoln bedroom. And they had a grand old time waving to an imaginary crowd off the balcony in the back bedroom. An amazing human being. Thanks for sharing your memories, joe watkins the former white house aide to president george h. W. Bush. After the break, we are going to look at how sean hannity and President Trumps relationship is having an impact on both of their lives. 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Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Im still going for my best. And for eliquis. Ask your doctor about eliquis. The layers of President Trump and fox news host Sean Hannitys relationship continue to be unwrapped after the revelation that trumps personal lawyer motorcycle is representing hannity, the Washington Post reports claim that the two talk several times a week and that some in the white house have called hannity the unofficial chief of staff. For more on just how close these two are im janed by Sarah Ellison. She helped write the latest piece for the Washington Post n. Putting the in putting this together, you spoke to a lot of people. Not someone saying trump talks to hannity a lot. He has a real role in the way the president makes decision. There is no question about that. Somebody we talked to said essie essentially the shadow chief of staff. And the way the two of them talk is in the morning, at night, after sean hannity comes off the air. They are in pretty constant contact. Its not just a question of that President Trump wants positive coverage on hannitys show, which he does. Hannity is involved in personnel discussions. Trump talks to him about what aide he thinks is doing what kind of job. He talks to him about when he should tweet and how. You know, i think somebody said you cant overstate the level with which its a weird feedback loop. Hannity thinks he has a hand on decisions made. He compliments hannah ion twitter. The two men review news stories and aspects of hannitys show and occasionally debate specifics about whatever the president is considering typing out on twitter as you just said. There have also been times he assessed the merits of white house aides with hannity. Thats different. Thats unusual. I was going to say we have had Close Relationships between journalists and president s in the past. Theres no question about that. Sure. But to the level at which hannity is actually advising trump, im not sure ive ever seen another example like it. Except that if one examines the fuller relationship between fox and the white house, this might come into greater relief. Let me look into that for a second, sarah. I want to bring in david, npr media correspondent. Might have known him many years. I dont normally get his name wrong. The close ties between fox news and the president shouldnt be a surprise given the way trump normally interacts with fox. Youve done a lot of work on this. There is a lot of interaction with hannity and trump that fox has in the past said it didnt know about, wasnt aware about, really hadnt approved. So it shouldnt be news to them either that hes sharing a lawyer with the president. Look, if youre talking about Sean Hannitys failure to disclose this to the public, its no surprise as sean hannity would be the first to tell you that hes a trump supporter. Hes in his corner. Correct. There isnt a wall separating them. There isnt a membrane separating them. Theyre on the same team. That said he isnt giving viewers any information they need to evaluate. What he was saying day after day pounding the special counsel in hannitys terms violating more than a week. Attorney client privilege, he talked about that. Wrong, even if sean hannity says im not real a journalist which sometimes he does, he dances back and forth, doesnt matter. Hes on a network that professes to be a news organization. Hes on a network that professes to provide information. Its fine if he has a point of view. We can evaluate it. Its almost like he looks like a programmer for advisors in his kitchen cabinet. He turns to john bolton who has held a long well do that again. Well show the picture of the number of people who he has from appearances on tv decided who are his advice. Its a cable new presidency, a fox news presidency in many ways. If you think about where he draws inspiration from, he we know this in part because of excellent reporting from people like Sarah Ellison and her colleagues at the Washington Post. We know this because trump trumpeted it. He tells us this all the time. You know what hes watching. It was important because in 2010 hannity was pulled from a tea party rally in cincinnati because Senior Network executives objected to that. Rupert murdoch said he didnt want to seem to Favor One Party over another which is mind boggling. A couple months before the election, hannity appeared in a promo video for donald trump and fox said in a statement at the time we had no knowledge sean hannity was participating in this and he will not be doing anything along those lines for the remainder of the election. These things ring hollow when you look at what sean hannity does for donald trump. Its like really my biggest fear is youre in a video for donald trump . One of a million ironies about what is going on right now is when roger ailes ran the network lets be clear, roger ailes was a more purely political figure than Rupert Murdoch who does come from a journalist i can tradition. Ails never wanted his host to think they were bigger nan o than the network. He enforced a greater degree when they would stray. Under Rupert Murdoch he made a conscious decision in 2016, much as he has personal disdain for the president of the United States, that should not be forgotten, he said this guy is going to be the republican nominee, this is who we are going to be backing particularly among all his properties at fox news. So he doubled down. Nobody doubles down better than sean hannity. So sean hannity has clung to him. You see things like what you watch at fox and friends basically sets his morning daily brief. Thats his day book what he watches on fox and friends. We know this because he says so. He calls them up, he focuses carefully on tucker carlson. He focuses on hannity. That is a solid block of hours from which he is deriving inspiration. And for Rupert Murdoch, this is a confluence of interest. You know, obviously ive reported on it quite sometime. He want ed in this country what he had in his native australia, what he had in the united kingdom, speed dial, probably one of the top six numbers entered into any Prime Ministers cell phone. He has that now with donald trump. He may not like it, but this is the first president where hes had that connection. That is interesting. David, thanks very much. Hes an npr media correspondent, Sarah Ellison with the Washington Post. Thanks to both of you. Well be back with a quick look at the markets. 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Spilled state secrets, legal battles careening out of control and policy whiplash stoking more internal strife within his cabinet. And thats just in the last 24 hours. The chaotic news cycle began when trump spilled the beans on his cia directors secret meeting with north korean dictator kim jongun and got some of the details wrong. Trump tweeting that the meeting we were never supposed to know about in the first place happened last week, forcing the white house to come out and correct him. It actually happened over easter weekend. Another trump tweet this morning could get him in trouble with

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