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The expected inclusion with the final wording due by this weekend of a question of citizenship. Progressives, states attorneys generals will have a fleury of activity to the Commerce Department to add the question about citizenship to the census. Our colleague Kristin Welker put that question to Sarah Sanders. You heard Sarah Sanders say that she thinks or in the estimation of the Commerce Department, the department of justice that this is the right thing to do, to make sure that resources are properly allocated. The other main focus of todays briefing, of course, was Stormy Daniels. More to the point why the president has been conspicuously silent about Stormy Daniels even as her attorney is seemingly talking to any and everyone about their side of this alleged affair. Sarah sanders when asked basically said one of the reasons why the president hasnt said anything is because he has a country to run even though our reporting suggests that he has asked privately aides and advisers about how he should respond. Hes been told by them that this does not rise to the level of a president ial response. That to say anything would just add fuel to the fire. He withstood the fallout from the access Hollywood Tape that you well know came out right before the election and since he doesnt have another election facing him for another couple of years, he should just ride this one out. Of course the other big question today was the border wall. Right. Reporter last week the president expressed his frustration about the limited funding he says was contained in the 1. 6 billion for the wall that was contained in the omnibus and the question was put to him as we reported, is he considering having the military pay for the construction of the wall. Take a look at that question and response earlier from the briefing today. Back to the border wall which, of course, was one of the president s Biggest Campaign promises. 655 billion has been earmarked for defense spending in the omnibus spending bill and the president appears to believe that he can take some of that money to build the border wall with mexico. Is the president aware that he will be over stepping his executive authority if he did such a thing without congressional approval . As i said, i dont have any specific announcements or details on that front at this point. Has the white House Counsel informed him that notwithstanding that tweet that he put out over the weekend it may be unconstitutional to do what the president is contemplating . The president would certainly work with white House Counsel to make sure that any action he takes is fully within his rights and his executive authority. Reporter as you know, the border wall is an issue that fires up the base. It was the subject of the call and response during the campaign, the build the wall chant. The president is trying to find a way to pay for it. I was struck by her words, the president has to look at potential ways for mexico to pay for the wall. Im not sure how that will sit with his base. Attorneys general as weve talked about are already planning legal action against the Trump Administration for the recent decision to include the question about citizenship in the 2020 census. Californias democratic attorney general says he is filing a lawsuit to protect the state from what he calls deficient at a News Conference in the last hour. If youre not counted, then you dont count mp and in california everyone should count. Given the way that this administration has attacked immigrants, you can understand why immigrant families would be afraid to fill out the census questionnaire. The Washington Post reporting this change could disproportionately hurt democrats. Talking with us about this now is Washington Post, aaron blake. A senior political reporter and you say the decision carries potentially Major Political ramifications, especially when it comes to jerrymandering. Especially for democrats. Explain that. The most obvious impact is it might dissuade noncitizens from taking the census. It might hurt a state like california which may lose a Congressional District because of noncitizens not responding to the census and being included in this count. I think the other impact here, maybe even a bigger one for republicans and against democrats is that this could effectively give republicans a new tool with which to draw friendlier state legislative maps. There was a Supreme Court decision back in 2016 called even well that left open the idea that state legislative districts could be drawn according to border eligible population and not total population. You cannot do that with congressional level. You can do it potentially at the legislative level. You cant do it unless you have the data. This seems to be perhaps an effort on behalf of the administration to get the data to allow republican states to draw their state legislative maps according to voter eligible data rather than total population, which could push the balance of power more towards rural areas, more towards red areas and make it even more difficult for democrats to claw back where they dont have a seat at the table when it comes to redrawing congressional maps. I think thats maybe even the bigger impact here. Its a little bit more complex, but its something that certainly republicans have been looking at trying for a while now. We saw the secretary of state in california standing beside the attorney general announcing this lawsuit. What are some of the other states expressing their outrage, their concern about the potential change . Well, you look at any state really that has a large immigrant population and this is going to be a concern, especially for democratic politicians. There are some states on the border of potentially losing districts in the next census that could be harmed by this and that actually may cost republicans a district in some of these states. You look at a state like North Carolina which is teetering on the edge of being able to add another district and that could be a republican district that comes at their expense. This isnt totally simple but i think on balance its pretty clear why democrats are fighting back against this and why were seeing these efforts come from california. Aaron blake is from the Washington Post. Appreciate your time. Thanks, my friend. Thank you, peter. Want to turn to john thompson. He was director for the u. S. Census bureau until last year and had been with the Census Bureau for three decades. He is the executive director of the council for professional associations on federal statistics. Help us understand what this concern is, the fear of under counts here. The conversations that ive had, specifically in sort of mixed status families they may see this question exist on the census and say simply were not going to participate. Sure. So, first, i think its really important to understand what the census is used for. So the census is used for reapportioning congress, its used for ensuring fair districts, its used to allocate over 600 billion a year in federal funds. Its also used to ensure the accuracy of virtually every other federal and private Data Collection activity in the United States that produces information from the people. So its what makes something called the mesh Community Survey accurate. It makes the American Population survey which produces statistics accurate. Right. If theres a lack of representation in the census, then that lack of representation carries over not just in redistricting, not just in reapportionment but also for the next ten years. Thats why people are very, very concerned. I can understand that. The concern right now, thats why californians said they will spend their own money to get immigrant populations of this who i believe worked for the Census Bureau to make that community more comfortable. This is what wilbur ross said about the topic on fox this morning. Take a listen if you can. Justice department feels they need it so that they can enforce section 2 of the Voting Rights act which protects minority voters. Thats the genesis of adding the question back in. Weve concluded that the benefits to the Voting Rights act enforcement of asking the question outweighs these other issues. I want your rebuttal to that. Does this help enforce the Voting Rights act and the way that it protects minority communities . Well, the data on citizenship is certainly important and in the past its been collected on the american Community Survey. The risk to including it on the census is theres not been a test in a contemporary con census environment of putting that question on the census. The risk is that you would have a large nonresponse for this population. So you would have a large under count. That would probably be a lot worse in terms of representation than by continuing to include on the american survey. Theres a huge risk that a large under count. Whos at risk here . Minority communities . Population states . Exactly. The u. S. Census bureau does not have, as i understand it, april permanent director. Do you feel they need to fill that slot to adequately accomplish this . Let me first say the person who is at the head as the census director is doing fine. This this is a priority, they should appoint a direct or and that would go a long ways to convince people that theyre trying to get a fair and accurate count. John thompson is joining us now. Another story were focusing on. Police arresting a man in seattle accused of arresting a man for mailing packages. Jim mattis says no one was hurt. The suspect will be in court later this afternoon. Joining us is Pete Williams who has been following this for much of the day. Pete, walk us through what we know about the suspect in this case. Reporter well, hes someone, peter, that was known to Law Enforcement before, has sent rambling or threatening messages to the government before. Tranah cong phan from everett, washington. He was arrested very late last night in his home without any kind of trouble they say. He was identified by umpt s. Postal sections. They were mailed there. There were about ten of them, 10 to 12 yesterday and there have been a few more today in the system, another one locate the to the secret Service Facilities at antacostia at the military base there that sorts the mail for the white house and two other gogt government agencies. Were told that while some of these, many of these contained explosive materials like black powder, which is in a sense gun powder, none of them were functioning bombs. All of them were missing a critical component. Whether that was by design or the guy didnt know what he was doing, we dont know. No one was hurt, none of them went off. That would be one thing. Finish that thought please, pete. Well, second lip. The fact that ever since the anthrax attacks in 2001, almost all of the mail goes through a Screening Center where it can be xrayed or treated for biological hazards. The third thing is just how quickly Law Enforcement got on to these. The first package was found yesterday morning here in washington and by yesterday evening they had a suspect. Bottom line, do Police Believe there are more packages out there . Thats what theyre trying to find out how many were sent. Pete williams, nbc news justice correspondent. Thank you very much. The number of russian expulsions are growing. Now the u. S. , nato and more than a dozen other countries have expelled more than 130 Russian Diplomats in retaliation against russias suspected poisoning on british soil. This morning the british Prime Minister reiterated her thanks to the coordinated international response. Welcome the national security. This isnt just a matter of the u. K. s position but the individual countries conformed. That was theresa may. Russia already threatened retaliation. Sergei lavrov said, quote, we shall certainly respond, no doubt about it. We are not willing to tolerate such a low conduct. Joining is thomas pickering. His Previous Service includes u. S. Ambassador to the united nations. He is vice chairman at the council of foreign relations. Nice to be here. As we look forward, i want to get your opinion on these reactions. What do you anticipate . You mentioned prometheus expelled 35 diplomats. What should we anticipate here . I think were going to get another russian round of expulsions. How much it will be numerically equal to how much theyve sofrd will be inclined we should insist on a conclusion, no more assassinations. If they didnt do it, they should feel a greater imperative to do it. Is this the way to accomplish there are no more assassinations. Now were seeing this collective union. Others say you need to focus on the money and this fails to do that. The money has a different function here. Im very interested in seeing something that does two things. First, immediately ends the use of assassination as a political weapon of one kind or another, whether its to enforce in russia any sense that people will betray russia or its to retaliate. This is not the way to run an International Role based on rule of law and respect. Im not advocating assassination in return, but i am very strong with strong push back. The president seemingly said little about this and the rest of the government, what we might call the axis of adults, have an a agreement. I dont know, its beyond my capacity to tell you, but it is something that i think is important. Now we have to know how do we turn a push back into an achievement and that seems at the moment to be a little bit beyond us but we need to think about that in terms of the strategy. Pushing back to push back has value but pushing back to get someplace is a pretty good idea. The president has refused to condemn russia. Do you think it would serve his interests if he publicly condemned Vladimir Putin . Of course i think it wompt theres a money problem maybe. Well have to wait and see where that comes out. Theres once again a serious putting of the political question over the national question. Weve seen this. A president has his obligation to the constitution and the national interests. Obviously he has to determine them, but the rets of us out here are all voters. We can see, in fact, whats going on here. Thomas pickering, former ambassador to the United States. Great to be here coming up next, allegations to Stormy Daniels. Her defamation escalading. This growing legal battle between the president and the adult film star. Do you want the same tools or no . Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Do you want 4. 95 commissions for stocks, 0. 50 options contracts . 1. 50 futures contracts . What about a dedicated service team of trading specialists . Did you say yes . Good, then its time for power e trade. 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What has he told you that he wants us to know about this topic . As i just said and as weve addressed a number of times, the president has denied these allegations and i dont have anything else to talk about that. Youve called him a counter puncher. Why has he not punched back . I didnt say he punches back on every single topic. If he did, he would be addressing a lot of the stories that most of you write every single minute of every single day. He has a country to run and hes doing a great job with that. The economy is on the rise. Sometimes he chooses to engage and punch back, sometimes he doesnt. Stormy daniels claims she was physically threatened to speak out about her relationship with donald trump. They deny that trump had an affair with daniels. Here to speak more about this new allegation is attorney elizabeth holtzman. She voted to impeach president nixon. They tell nbc news it could take a year or longer for the sec to address this, whether the trump lawyer paid this 100,000 to Stormy Daniels. We know he did. Whether it represents an illegal contribution to the trump campaign. Is that the fundamental issue to you . Is that the issue youre most focused on here . There are a number of issues. One is whether this violated the Campaign Finance laws. I mean, you have a number of questions. If the money was taken from and paid by michael cohn and intended to be reimg bursed by donald trump, that itself could be illegal because you cant make a federal contribution when youre going to be reimbursed. Thats possibly illegal. This could have been a corporate contribution because Corporate Resources were used. Right. You have the other issues involved as well. Theres beyond whether she was this was hush money. You have the spectacle, the degrading and upsetting spectacle of a president of the United States whos being confronted with having paid hush money to cover up a relationship with a woman who is a pornography actress. Isnt that politically consequential . Correct. This is a president who has said things politically defying everything. Weve seen this before. No, we havent even this before because obviously Donald Trumps campaign, his personal lawyer saw storm daniels possible discussion of this as extremely damaging. This wasnt just another one of these things, they wanted to shut her up and they still are trying to shut her up. This is not inconsequential to donald trump. It could have a major impact on the mid term elections. Its a disgraceful spectacle. Paying hush money, denying it, doesnt even have the guts to stand up and tell the truth about it. Doesnt even respond. Thinks the American People are going to forget about it. Its not going to happen. This is going to affect probably many, many women who are going to be upset about his behavior. This is not the kind of example we want to show to our children. Let me ask you if i can about another story legally thats been surrounding the president , the fact that another pair of lawyers have now declined to join his legal team as it relates to the russia investigation. Theyre the high profile attorneys dan webb and tom buchanan. They said conflicts of interest prevent them from representing the president there. The list of lawyers though who have declined is getting longer. So talk about the fundamental challenge in trying to find representation with the back and forth with robert mueller. Its extremely dangerous for a president or any person whos under such strong investigation to be without experienced criminal counsel and he doesnt have that. His counsel is a very experienced lawyer, but not in the area of criminal investigations and criminal prosecution. They all acknowledge thats what they need. The fact of the matter is that many lawyers, experienced, highly regarded former prosec e prosecutors want nothing to do with President Trump. Number one, he doesnt take advice. He changes his mind every minute. Number three, he has a big representation for not paying his lawyers. Why would you want to be involved in this kind of situation . The problem with President Trump is the people who are associated with him come away tainted in that process. I dont think many lawyers and many law firms want to be involved with this. It obviously is the case. Its a different sort of commentary that the American People ought to be looking at. People dont want to do business with him. Lawyers dont want to represent him. Elizabeth, thank you. We appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you. What does facebook know about you . Were going to tell you that step by step, how you can download and protect your facebook data. Just a few easy clicks. Plus well be joined by the state attorney general who issued a consumer safety advisory for facebook users. Thats all ahead. Youre watching msnbc live. To h of our communities. Which is why were helping to replenish the mighty rio grande as well as over 30 watersheds across the country. Were also leading water projects in more than 100 communities. And for every drop we use. Were working to give one back. Because our products rely on the same thing as we all do. Clean water. And we care about it like our business depends on it. Gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea can start in the colon and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. Only Phillips Colon Health has this unique combination of probiotics. It helps replenish good bacteria. Get fourinone symptom defense. Was a success for choicehotels. Com badda book. Badda boom. This year, were taking it up a notch. 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Where life meets legal. The Facebook Cambridge analytica scandal has raised a lot of questions about whether facebook is doing enough to protect your data, their users data. There are also demands from lawmakers for Mark Zuckerberg to testify on capitol hill. The committee is continuing to work with facebook to determine a day and time for mr. Duck kerrberg to testify. On monday, attorneys generals sent this to mr. Zuckerberg and facebook. They have six key questions they want answered, including how many users were impacted and when facebook learned of the breach. For more we are now joined by new mexicos attorney general, hector balderas. He signed the letter. Mr. Attorney general, i appreciate your being with us. I appreciate your time. I appreciate being here as well. Thank you. If you can in the simplest of terms, what do you want from facebook here . What are you demanding of Mark Zuckerberg in this letter, with this action . Well, i want to know how many consumers have been impacted, number one. Number two, why they havent been properly notified and then number three, we as consumers, we love to shop and socialize. Is there any unlawful profiteering on the backs of the people. Fundamentally, whats the biggest concern on the backs of your constituents. Facebook has been gobbling up phone data. What are you hearing from your constituents . Theyre concerned because they trusted facebook. No one likes to have their wallet stolen or purse picked off at a mall. We have the same dynamics here, that Consumers Trust facebook. They want to be able to consent to the information that they share and they dont want to be misled. So this economy is evolving so quickly that we want to make sure the privacy, safety, security are at the forefront of this ecommerce movement. Facebook plays a very Important Role in this. Has facebook engaged you, your state, the other attorneys general at this point . We do anticipate they will be promptly responding. Im very concerned how slow they have been responding. Facebook and all Tech Companies are required in new mexico to notify people when theres a breach. Whether its equifax or facebook, they have obligations under the law. Let me ask you, mr. Attorney general, the new information regarding the Commerce Department and the census adding a citizenship question. What is your position on that . We heard from the California Attorney general. They plan on filing suit. Do you plan to do the same . Whats your reaction . Keeping an eye on the administration federally has become a fulltime job for ags across this country. My primary concern is that the president and the department of commerce follow the rule of law. If states are entitled to funds based on their population, they need to balance both integration and Safety Standards with the rule of law and make sure that communities are getting the federal resources they deserve. I dont want the census to become political. So to be clear, do you think this is being polite sized . Do you think this is an intentional effort to suppress immigrant populations like those that exist in your state . Well, were the world power that we are because we uphold constitutional and individual rights. The federal government including President Trump has to justify why he would be weakening any type of census count or census standards. He needs to uphold the law. Hector balderas, thanks for your time. Appreciate it. What exactly can you do right now to protect yourself as it relates to facebook . For more on what it is, were joined again by our friend ben popkin. You published a step by step guide on nbcnews. Com explaining how not only to find what companies have your data but also how to stop them from getting more of it. So were going to encourage people who are home to listen closely, grab their phones if you like. Walk us through what they can do to protect themselves and their data. Right. Were going to show you how to download your data and how to limit how much of it can be shared by facebook. The first thing youre going to want to do is download a copy of your data. Go to your facebook home page, click settings in the upper righthand corner and then you are going to scroll down to the bottom and there will be a link that says download a copy of your facebook data. You click that and then youre going to wait for the file to be prepared. Takes a little bit to put together your old posts and then youll be notified, download archive. Enter your password. You can save it to your desktop and you can look through the old embarrassing High School Photos or you can see all the different contact information, pieces of personal information. Thats step two. Go back to that settings screen, click it in the corner and this time you go over to apps on the left bar that youve got selected there. Youll be taken to a screen with four boxes. One of them says apps websites plugins. Underneath that click edit. Youll get a prompt and there youll click disable platform. What this does is it stops your personal information, data from streaming through facebooks api which is what developers use to make programs and also remarket your data to were not sure who at this point. Let me interrupt you. When you signed up for some of these apps you thought you were basically having a direct relationship to that app but in fact the information you were providing was then being made available potentially to others, thats ultimately why these platforms exist, to gather information about you. Thats why when you click on the gap, the next time you look at a different site you get 80 different ads for khaki pants, right . Thats some key context thats good for people. Were all used to thinking okay you agree, you click like, you agree to sharing your data. Maybe youll get more personalized ugs ads. We were okay with that. What turns out here you were sharing a lot of data with this one quiz conducted under false pretensions and then that quiz was not just taking your data but also all of your friends data. Thats what got it so important for a wake up through. We have a third one of what data apps share if were not running out of time. What do you think . We can go to the settings in the top righthand corner again. Click apps. Theres the screen with four boxes. Under apps, others used, youll click edit. Here youll deselect every piece of personal information youre not comfortable to be shared, type of person to do this, youre probably going to deselect all of them. Easy way to do it is go to nbcnews. Com. If youre uncomfortable with sharing, dont put it online in the first place. You move quicker than i do when im on my phone or computer. Well let people do it at their own leisure. Ben tomkin. Stephon clark was unarmed when Police Fatally shot him 20 times in his grandparents backyard just over a week ago. Today the California Department of justice announcing it is overseeing the independent investigation into his death. Stephons grandmother and the family lawyer will join me for an exclusive interview. That is after this break. Thatll crack this case wide open turns out the prints at the crime scene awwwww. Did Mcgruffy Wuffy get a tippy wippy . Im serious we gotta move fast before whos a good boy . Is him a good boy . Erg. Im just gonna go. Oh, you wanna go outside . You gotta go tinky poopoo . I already went, ok . In the bathroom as long as people talk babytalk to dogs, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. If your adventure keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips you may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. 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If you nail that then youre golden. I look where the rim and the net meet. Put that basketball right on those hooks, and thats what i lock in on. Lets talk about the equation of cooking. Ingredients and execution. Ingredients are controlled by somebody else. Execution is all about you. vo just one touch. Ith with fancy feast creamy delights, she can have just the right touch of real milk. Easily digestible, it makes her favorite entrees even more delightful. Fancy feast creamy delights. Love is in the details. Police say they mistook the phone for a gun. They are launching an independent investigation into clarks death. My team and i at the California Department of justice will do everything in our power to ensure that this investigation is fair, thorough, and impartial. Although we will continue to coordinate with the Sacramento Police department, we will retain our independence as we conduct this review. Body cameras and Police Helicopters captured the shooting and its aftermath that shows that waiting several minutes before offering stephon first aid. He died from his injuries. Stephon clarks family is demanding answers. His grandmother could not hold back her tears at a News Conference. Why didnt you shoot him in the arm, shoot him in the leg . Send the dogs . Send a taser. Why . Why did yall have to do at that . I just want justice for my grandson and for my daughter. My poor baby is in so much pain. Were joined now by Sequita Thompson and the familys attorney, benjamin crump. Miss thompson, we are so grateful for you being with us right now. Were so sorry for your loss. Would you please tell us about your grandson if you can, about stephon. He was the father to two young children. Just tell us about your fondest memories about him as a young man. Well, the last day i got to see him was really beautiful because his sister was doing we had came up from church. Stephon was home from uncle. We had came up from church and i started dinner but his sister did something really special. She made up a praise dance because she does praise dancing at church and she made one on take me to the king and that was up on youtube. So she showed me the dance first so i watched her while she did the dance. I started crying. It was so beautiful. So i said, go get your brother and your uncle, but her brother came down and we call him little papa. Ryan is papa. I said, little papa, look at the look at your sister. So she started dancing and doing it. He started crying. And i said, oh, papa. And then after that he just hugged her real, real tight. I mean, the family little papa was like a little joker. He always joke a lot. Make you laugh and he always said, grandma, i love you. Boy. He said, i love you. Whether its boys oh, he was really good with his boys. Especially aiden. Now he growed up. He was really good with his kids. He was really good with his kids. Into sports. So he was a good kid. Sequita, let me ask you if i can. I know weve heard from you and your attorney, benjamin crump. Youve talked about your desire for justice. What would justice look like for you and for your family . The justice would be for us and our family is that these men that shot him 20 times, its like execution. I mean, no one do that much wrong. He didnt do i mean, breaking in windows or whatever, you know, but, i mean, he didnt deserve to die like that. Especially in our backyard, in his own backyard. I mean, the guns were just i mean, it was terrible because my husband even heard the shots. And matter of fact, little papa Stephon Clark, he called out and my husband heard him and then all he heard was gunshots. And i was crawling on the floor there wasfloor, so many gunshots. Right. His sister and i was. She was 7 years old. And i had to wake her up and told her get on the floor. Because i thought we was going to get shot. Mr. Crump, i want to ask you, we know the news today within the last hour, last couple of hours the announcement of an independent investigation by the states attorney general. Are you satisfied by that, do you have confidence this can be an independent investigation . It remains to be seen if its going to be an independent investigation. Lessons from ferguson with Michael Brown and Staten Island where grand jury where eric gardner, all across america, we know that due process for many of these young unarmed black men who were killed by Police Officers dont go the way many people believe it should go. Right. So we are demanding they conduct a fair and impartial investigation. You discussed this before, but i want to followup on it, do you plan to reach out or have you to the department of justice and attorney general Jeff Sessions to pursue its own investigation here . We certainly plan to correspond with the department of justice and attorney general to open a federal investigation into this matter. However, we continue to be dogmatic in assisting that the California Attorney general and the local d. A. Do their jobs and treat Stephon Clark like a citizen just like any other citizen in sacramento. The officers involved in this shooting at one point mute their body cameras. Even the police chief in sacramento said that builds suspicion. Whats your reaction to learning that they muted their body cameras in the middle of that moment . Well, one of the things as i discussed with stephons grandmother, she said that means they were up to no good, they were trying to cover something up when they muted the body cameras. And, in fact, when the shooting occurred, they called 911. When they went to go look out the window in the backyard, the police told them not to look out the window and, you know, miss thompson saw the body on the ground. She had no idea that it was her grandson. I want to ask you if i can, miss thompson, just broadly, what do you say to those protesters, the young men and women in the streets of sacramento, frankly, in other parts of this country right now, protesting after the loss of your grandson . What do you say to those young people out there . I want to thank you, were going to get justice. Every mother thats going through what were going thro h through, im a grandmother, every grandmother thats going through this, and my daughter, she is so this is this is unreal. Its just unbelievable. I mean, he was shot down like a dog. I mean, they didnt even have no they didnt have no i mean, just stop. I mean, one time or two times, but 20 times . I mean, i mean, it was terrible. It was terrible. Right now, im having dreams about my grandson. Im sure. All kind of things. My granddaughter, shes scared. Shes shaken. His sister is only 7 years old. That baby is we got to go get help after all of this. We got to get some kind of counseling especially my grandbabe be e. Thats true. Yes. So many people are embracing you and thinking about you. Deeply sorry for you loss. Sequita thompson, benjamin crump, thanks for your time today. Thank you. Louisiana attorney general says two batten rouge Police Officers will not face charges in the death of alton sterling, he says theres not enough evidence. July of 2016, two white officers shot sterling, a 37yearold black man, six times outside a Convenience Store where he was selling homemade cds. The death of the father of five sparked weeks of protests. Cell phone video showed the whole thing. We should warn you it is graphic. Today, the Louisiana Attorney general also said toxicology reports showed Illegal Drugs in sterlings system at the time of his death. Last may the Justice Department declined to bring civil rights charges saying there was not enough evidence. To the mysterious situation playing out in beijing. Reuters reports north Korean Leader kim jongun was part of a secretive delegation arriving in china yesterday and leaving today. Reuters citing a source familiar with the matter as well as foreign media reports. Nbc news we should note has not independently confirmed the north Korean Leader made this trip. Joining me to talk about what it all might mean, msnbc chief International Security and diplomacy analyst. Hes also former supreme allied commander in nato and dean of the Fletcher School at tufts university. Its a mouthful for a long for a long resume for you. I appreciate your being with us, admiral. Give me a sense, the state Department Said the following moments ago. Hear this. North korean delegation was in china until earlier today, do you know whether that was kim jongun . So weve certainly seen that before. Weve seen the report. Weve watched the video. I know a lot of you have seen it, too. There certainly was a lot of fanfare. There certainly was a lot of protocol that was involved in that meeting. China hasnt confirmed who was visiting from the dprk. We are, you know, were not familiar with who was actually there, but we look forward to hearing about it and well leave it for the chinese to announce who was visiting. So you havent heard yet from the chinese about this visit . We have not had any discussions with the chinese about this visit. So the state department could not confirm the suspected visit. If it did happen, talk about the significance about this. Why this would matter. The North Koreans and the chinese getting together. Obviously, the chinese have real concerns about the Korean Peninsula. They do, indeed, peter. This is really about china protecting their interests. What they want is a divided peninsula. They want kim jonguns regime to survive and want to avoid a war on the peninsula. Because that would lead to massive waves of refugees pour into china. They have every reason to want to have a reasonable dialogue with north korea. North korea, on the other hand, would like to involve china because they see south korea having the United States in kind of overwatch, security guarantee. I think north korea would like to come to the table with an understanding similar to this from china, and ultimately, peter, this is going to end up, i think, in fourparty talks. North korea, south korea, u. S. , china. Thats not a bad thing. We are not going to be able to resolve this diplomatically until we can get all four actors at the table together. As far as of the secrecy goes, i think its just habit more than anything else. It makes no sense to try and hide it from the world. So how do you sort of view this in the context of the president sort of unilaterally saying, yeah, im going to meet with the north Korean Leader, i want to do it by may. Can you give us a sense of how this will sort of play into that effort . Do you think that that is something you believe would be the right move for this president . I think it is always the right move to try diplomacy. Before we lurch into a massive war on the Korean Peninsula in which a couple Million People will die. I think the difficulty has exponentially increased because of the addition of john bolton to the security team, peter. Bolton will be very aggressive with the North Koreans, and i think the North Koreans see that coming and it is driving them to try and incorporate china earlier in the process than they might have otherwise. It is very hard to predict how this meeting, if it even occurs, is going to play out. Lets hope we can keep on the track of the diplomacy. We need china in that in the end. All roads lead through beijing. Admiral stavridis, dean of the school at tufts and former commander. Admiral, thank you for your time. Always, peter, thank you. Again as the markets get set to close, breaking news from wall street, the dow down more than 300 points in the final minutes of traintrading. Joining me with more, cnbcs sue herrera. This has become common place. This conversation. Youre right. Peter, we should get used to this kind of volatility and you and i discussed just the other day. Right now were down 346 on the dow. We were down better than 400 points. The nasdaq is getting hit very hard. Why . Facebook is now down about 5 . The worry is on wall street that some of the scrutiny of the social media stocks like facebook is going to spread to the googles of the world and the other social media stocks. Thats taking most of them to the downside and its really pressuring the market. The selloff came late in the trading session because we were up triple digits for most of the day but theres some worries creeping into the market and i think the volatility is going to be here to stay at least through the end of the week. Keep in mind we have a holiday on friday. Nobody likes to hold stocks for a long period of time over a threeday weekend. Back to you. President trump celebrating the big gains yesterday. So far nothing from him on twitter today. We wait and see. Cnbcs sue herrera, sue, thank you very much. Thats going to bring us to a close for this hour. I will see you from the white house tomorrow morning. Thank you for watching. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace begins right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in the new york. Donald trump loves to attack people. Hes attacked the pope on twitter, he attacked his sitting attorney general from a podium in the rose garden. He even tweeted a critique during a live interview with the wife of a Service Member killed in action in niger who hed spent a week quarreling with. The only people who have been spared, the two women who in recent weeks alleged sexual relationships with him, and Vladimir Putin. But the president s silence is accompanied by a growing frustration. The Washington Post reporting, privately, the president has lobbed sharp attacks at daniels and her media tour. Calling her allegations a hoax and asking confidants if the episode is hurting his poll numbers. The president has even griped to several people that daniels is not the type of woman he finds attractive. Trump asked staff in the white house if they, too, had watched and wondered what they thought of it. The president said he personally did not think daniels

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