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It is not a simple answer to a complicated problem. It is not, unfortunately. Thanks, have a good afternoon. Im ali velshi. Eight days ago a gunman walked into a school and started a nationwide outcry and movement determined to bring change to this countrys gun laws. Today that issue is on the doorstep of the white house. We have to harden our schools, not soften them up. A gunfree zone to a killer or somebody that wants to be a killer, that is like a going in for the ice cream. Weve done a lot of research in the country over the last several years and we need to go back and act on it. All of the School Shootings, it doesnt make sense. Fix it. It should have been one School Shooting and we should have fixed. I dont understand i turned 18 the day after. Woke up to the news that my best friend was gone. And i dont understand why i could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war. As students continue to make their case for common sense gun reform, the nra is making the case for more guns in schools. In every community in america, school districts, ptas, teachers unions, local Law Enforcement, moms and dads, they all must come together to implement the very best strategy to harden their schools including affective trained arm security that will absolutely protect every innocent child in this country. That is the voice of americas gun lobby. The president is under pressure to act. He voiced his opinions on where else, twitter. The president tweeted seven times pushing the idea to give concealed guns to adept teachers with military or special training experience. Something one of the park lapd shooting survivors who attended yesterdays listening session felt less than assured by. It is absurd that teachers should have to be questioned whether they should take the responsibility of holding a firearm during class while having to mold young lives and mentor and love them. My teacher was in front of me the whole time. Protecting me. Because she loved me. Do you think that they deserve to feel that at any time theyll have to kill one of their students. Joining me now from the white house is nbcs kelly odonnell. Kelly, what have we got from the white house . It is interesting the president is continuing to tweet and reinforce his views that more guns, trained teachers trained in the use of guns is the answer. Reporter the president is talking about this idea. Even incentivizing with a bonus for those teachers who have the requisite experience with firearms. And would be willing to take on this responsibility with a concealed permit and to be one of the first lines of defense should there be an altercation or a violent attack at their school. The president is backing that idea. Right now the white house is saying a number of proposals are being discussed. It is a listening phase and that this is a time when they are considering a range of options, including raising the age for purchase from 18 to 21 on certain firearms, dealing with Mental Health issues, expanding background checks. The president is taking a broad swing at different ideas that have come out after the parkland shooting. Many of them have been ideas that have at times been tested before. Have been put through the emotional ringer of the aftermath of a shooting at a school and weve seen no action. So will it be different now . That is a big question. The president talking about this and saying that the nra officials he has spoken with and other lawmakers are willing to make changes. On the issue of arming educators or other personal at school, our colleague Hallie Jackson had a questioning with raj shaw in for Sarah Huckabee sanders about this issue and what it would cost and how it would be done. There are some districts that dont have enough money to give teachers the School Supplies they need so how are schools to pay for bonuses for armed teachers. I think we are looking at School Safety measures. There is a policy piece to this and a legislative piece. I think those are [ inaudible question ]. And there is a budgetary piece. If we find the policy solutions that make the most sense we could get by and for well figure out the rest. Reporter and raj saw saying would it be too great of a price to pay if in fact taking this measurer of measure of Arming Teachers could be successful. So leaving that door wide open. In addition to the other ideas that we talked about. The white house is saying the president is listening and wants to take a position. Doesnt believe hell have to take on the nra but also notably from the white house lecturn, he said that the white house under the Trump Administration does not need to agree with everything from the nra. That is notable given the background during the election and the support that the president has had from the nra and its membership. It is amazing set of developments. Thank you very much. And this is truly incredible that we are discussing Arming Teachers. I want to dig into what the president is proposing and the larger argument that more guns means more safety. Now among the president s series of tweets this morning, he said this. 20 of teachers a lot would not be able to immediately fire back if a savage sicko came into a school with bad intentions. And he went on to say if a potential sicko shooter knows a school has a large number of weapons and talented shooting sh the sicko will never attack that school. I dont know where he got the 20 number from. How big of a number is. According to the department of education there are 3. 5 Million School teachers in the United States. The bureau of labor statistics listed more than 200,000 coaching jobs. Now they dont break down whether it is high school or Junior School jobs but we assume the majority are School Coaches with more than 98,000 Public Schools alone, that would mean an average of eight armed teachers per school. I dont know if that is a little or lot. Im telling you what the numbers are. And nbc news investigation found that 18 states already allow teachers to carry guns in school. These are the red states and these two beige ones. Most require some kind of authorization from school officials. Others have different requirements like a concealed carry permit or other bar to meet. When the president made his discussion, listen to what one father whose child was killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School said. This is my son daniel. He was 7 years old. When he was shot to death in his first grade classroom in Sandy Hook Elementary School. School teachers have more than enough responsibilities right now than to have to have the awesome responsibility of lethal force to take a life. We should note that the president s solution to arm gun adept teachers does not reflect the demands coming from the survivors of last weeks shootings. And my Unscientific Research asking anybody who is a teacher to respond what they thought of that idea is that 100 of teachers who have responded have said various versions of that is a ridiculous idea. Im joined now by melanie webber, a yunor at Stoneman Douglas high school. Melanie, my expression of sorrow for what you and your colleagues have had to go for but my respect of remarkable admiration of how you have taken what happened eight days ago and converted into a movement spreading around. I do fear were talking about everything but what we need to be talking about here, because people keep deflecting to other things. Whether it is Mental Health or the fbi or now the idea of Arming Teachers. What do you think of this idea . I really dont think that Arming Teachers is our best solution to this problem. I think if you arm teachers your fighting fire with fire. The answer to guns is not more guns. And on top of that, you dont know this teacher could be crazy and mentally unstable and giving them a gun to protect a room full of students. You dont know if they will harm a student or another faculty members. And you were in tallahassee yesterday with classmates and did get a chance to talk to governor rick scott. A number of students were in his waiting room. He was at a funeral. He did agree to meet with students at 5 00. How did you feel about the response you got from the governor . At first he seemed very receptive and made it very clear he was listening to us. He shared he shared with us his plans on how to make schools safer but there were a couple of tom topics that he deflected what we were saying and started talking about Something Else like Mental Health. There were a couple of things that we wanted to ask him but never got a straight answer from. And what happens to this movement . We are just a week out of the tragedy, there is still a lot of emotion and funerals going on. History has shown us that these things tend to die down over time. But this feels a little bit different. The number of students ive spoken to since i was there last week and through that it feels different. It feels like there is more energy here. What are you and your classmates discussing about keeping this going . I think were just going to make sure that we keep this alive in the media. Were not going to stop talking about it until something is done. We cant let this die down, like all other shootings have had. With all other shootings it happened, people heard about it for a week, maybe two weeks and then it fade add way. We cant let this happen because if we let that happen, then unfortunately there may be another mass shooting. I just want to remind people, because were to this conversation about what to do about guns. I want to go back to a valentines day when this happened. Where were you and what did you do . What were you feeling . I was in the drama room when the second fire alarm of the day was pulled. I walked outside and as soon as i walked outside i heard the gunshot come from the freshman building next to where i was. My friends and i we all ran back inside and hid in this back room in the drama room and the door was locked but it was around 60 kids in that one storage room for two hours until s. W. A. T. Came and rescued us and it was intense. People were crying and texting their parents, possibly thinking that this was the last moment alive. It was a situation that i never would have thought i would ever have to be in. Unbelievable. Were you aware of or prepared for the resistance that your movement is getting . Largely from the nra but from politicians backed by the nra. They dont seem moved by this. I mean, i would have expected it coming from them. Our movement is all about making sure that people like the shooter arent able to purchase guns, people who are mentally handicap, making sure they are not able to purchase guns, possibly banning certain times of guns. Im not surprised they are very against the movement. Melanie thanks for joining us. My thoughts to you and your classmates for what you are going through and for the efforts that you are taking to make sure this kind of thing doesnt happen again. Melanie webber is a junior at margory Stoneman Douglas high school. Today one of the heros in that tragedy add marjorie Stoneman Douglas was laid to rest. Aaron feis was the assistant football coach. Youve probably seen his picture. He was a Security Guard and a teacher and a brother and a son and a father. The coach was one of the 17 People Killed last wednesday. He shielded and protected students from the gunman before taking several bullets himself. That killed him. The 37yearold was remembered today as not just a hero, but someone you could always turn to. Aaron as a teacher, not only gave tools and support, but made sure you understood you could do what you needed to do because that is aaron. Aaron one thing that aaron would say if he saw you stuck, stuck in fear, stuck in doubt or stuck in sadness, was, hey, why dont do you something today. Because that is aaron. Thank you. Aaron feis is survived by his wife and daughter. Up next, slamming democrats to taking swipes at gun control advocates to assailing the media. Cpac is very much echoing the president s influence on the republican party, were there live at cpac after the break from what you need to hear coming from the Political Action conference and oprah breaks her silence from trump calling her very insecure. Ic, widespread pa. Ic, widespread pa. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Im glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. For some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. And improves function. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. 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Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. The day after appearing at a town hall on gun violence, nra spokesperson dana lash took the stage at the annual Political Action conference and had controversial things to say, including accusing the media of loving mass shootings. Many in legacy media love mass shootings. You guys love it. Now im not saying that you love the tragedy. But i am saying that you love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold, to you and many in the legacy media in the back. And notice i said crying white mothers because there are thousands of grieving black mothers in chicago every weekend and you dont see town halls for them, do you . Im really looking at a lot of the legacy media back there on the platform and write what you want about me and find me in the hallway and scream at me and confront me, but im here and were here and were not good going anywhere. I call b. S. I call b. S. , coopting something the Young Students at Stoneman Douglas were saying when they talked about gun violence. For more on cpac. Kasie hunt is there. Have other things being going on or is it mostly about guns . Reporter well, i think what we have been paying the most attention to is the gun issue. This is a conference ive attended every year for the past im not sure how many at least four years and it has evolved and changed as frankly donald trump won the presidency. This used to be kind of the main forum for people to try out their potential president ial messaging and of course really this year it is the donald trump show. I was talking to one republican who remembers back to last year when there were some skeptics about just how conservative was donald trump going to be. I think the sense is they have quite frankly done a lot of things that have thrilled this crowd and of course have animated people on the other side who disagree with what this president has done. I think the focus here of course because of the parkland shooting has been on gun policy. We heard for the First Time Since the shooting from wayne la pierre who is the ceo of the National Rifle association. And he along with dana lash, whos remarks you played at the top, dug in and suggested they were not going to give any ground here and quite frankly this is the kind of crowd where you cant do that. And there is a question about where the president wants to go on this. He suggested potentially changing the age limits around getting a rifle. That is something the nra has come out in opposition to. Were also having this conversation about whether to arm teachers in schools. The president making remarks about that today. Senator ted cruz also weighing in on this question. Look, i think it makes perfect sense that if Teachers Want to exercise their right to keep and bear arms it will make schools safer. If a teacher is comfortable and wanted to defend him or herself, that is a good thing. And there is also [ applause ] there is a lot we can be doing. This pattern playing out in washington a lot of politicians want to do something. That is whenever something bad happens there is an urge to do something and there is very little focus on what the something is. Reporter of course cruz being careful to see if Teachers Want to, they should be able to participate but not saying that should necessarily be a requirement of the job which is of course an interesting nuance. A lot of conversations going on about just what may happen. That will be different in the wake of this parkland event, whether or not there is any changes. Clearly the dynamic with President Trump has been hes watched this emotional coverage of all of the kids who have spoken out so forcefully and clearly been moved. But of course again, the National Rifle association not really being moved by that point. I should point out that ted cruz at the top of his remash remarks was asked about the two parties and the differences and he said democrats are the party of lisa simpson and republicans are the party of homer and marg and other members of the family. I like the simpsons, im not a fountain of simpsons knowledge so ill leave that to you to decode. That is kasie. Coming up next. Were going back to park land florida. Ill walk you through the background process of buying a gun and two of the men who slipped through the cracks. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. No, please, please, oh shrieks in terror heavy breathing and snorting no, no. The running of the bulldogs . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money aleia saved by switching to geico. 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Minutes ago the president tweeted about his listening session earlier today calling it a great honor to host a round table on School Safety. The president has done a lot of listening the last few days about what to do about the issues or issue of gun violence. The students of Stoneman Douglas have a lot of ideas. Im joined by chris grady a senior at Stoneman Douglas. He hid in his theater production class as the shots rang out and after the shooting he traveled more than 400 miles with classmates to talk to lawmakers in florida capitol. Good to see you. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for having me. I dont want to get too far from the incident eight days ago because i think part of what will help americans come to terms with the necessity of greater gun control is understanding what somebody like you, a high school senior, had to go through. You were sitting on a couch in one of the drama rooms when this first happened . Tell me what happened. Yeah, so basically as everybody knows, the fire alarm goes off for the second time. I figured a cook overcooked something and were told to evacuate so were making our way towards the door when i see one of my friends sprint back in and i could tell by the look of terror on her face that something was wrong. And then not even three seconds later i heard gunfire. I knew immediately it was gunfire. So while the rest of the 60 of my classmates were trying to pile into the back room that we have, i grabbed my friend kirsten and i put her into this kind of dressing room that we have and there was luckily a piano there that i b barricadd us in and waited it out. And i told her everything is going to be fine. Dont worry. But if he comes in here and if he finds us, im at an awkward angle, i could just jump on him and then as soon as i do that, you sprint out as fast as you can and you dont look back until you get to safety. It is unbelievable that you have to think about that. I will say this, you had a number of heros in your school and a number of people who thought in the splitsecond to do something. Some of them lost their lives. Peter wang and coach feis lost his life. Trying to do that and im grateful you didnt lose your life. But your sense of Public Service goes beyond this. In fact i understand that you are going to join the military . Yeah, that is correct. I enlisted in the army in the beginning of the school year. All right. Chris, so youre you understand weaponry has a role and what it is all about. What do you make of the way this discussion is gone in the last week . We started talking about Mental Health and the fbi being at fault here. Now were talking about Arming Teachers. Yet you and your fellow students are trying to keep the discussion on guns. How much success do you think you are having with this . I mean, you know, it is not going to we know it is not going to be an overnight thing and something that could go on for years. But as ive said before, were ready to hunker down and keep fighting because we know that Arming Teachers is not a good solution to the problem. Implementing common sense gun safety laws and implementing extensive background checks is going to be the longterm solution. So you are not deterred by this, by the fact that some people didnt vote a certain way in tallahassee and that some didnt agree to meet with you. You think that youre at the front of something and you the energy is there to keep this conversation going . Yeah, it doesnt deterred us at all. Because those politicians who voted against the bill showed everybody their true colors and they wont be working at the Capitol Building for much longer. Chris, thank you for the work that you are doing. And thank you for the work that thank you for what did you last week and thank you for offering your service to the country. We look forward to following your career with great joy that you are the kind of people who are protecting this country. Chris grady is a senior at majory Stoneman Douglas high school that has enlisted in the military. Background checks, ive called many senators last night, many congressmen, and jeff and pam and everybody in this room, i can tell you, curtis, they are into doing back ground checks, they wouldnt be thinking about maybe two weeks ago. Well that is a good thing. If the president is right about that. Because there is still resistance at the nra level to better background checks. I want to walk you through how the current background check system it is called nix, how it works. With a potential gun buyer filling out this form. A firearms transaction record. A ftr. It is six pages and a lot of yes and no and q a type of stuff. It doesnt take that long to fill out. It looks like a tax form. And once this is completed, you do that at the dealer. The dealer contacts nix, which is part of the fbi by phone or by internet. Now they then reference three data bases. The nics and the ncic, the National Criminal information center. If none of these data bases finds anything wrong, the gun sale can proceed. This takes a matter of minutes. It can take days. If they have something to follow up on, they could delay it. If any data base does find a problem, federal agents, this is interesting, have three Business Days to determine whether to deny the gun sale. If they dont make a determination in three days, by default the gun sale doesnt get c canceled, the sale could go through. If after three days, you could buy the gun. What could lead to a denial. If a potential buyer has a criminal history, a history of drug use, Mental Health problems, is not a u. S. Citizen, has a history of Domestic Violence or dishonorably discharged from the military all of these things dont necessarily disqualify you, but they may delay the process. Some of them will it will disqualify you from getting a gun. Now this stuff, the concept of a dishonorable discharge and Domestic Violence should have prevented devon kelly, the gunman who killed those in texas last year from buying a gun. He had been convicted of Domestic Violence while serving in the air force and kicked out of the military with a bad conduct discharge but that was never entered into the ncic data base so when he went to buy a gun, it didnt come up. Dylann roof also should have been rejected from his attempt to buy a gun because of his criminal history but his background check took longer than three days and you know what happens, you get to buy the gun. Another potential issue with the current background check system is the socalled gun show loophole. The nics only applies to gun dealers not private dealers who you find at gun shows nationwide. So if he know that you are getting rejected in this system, the nic system, buy your gun at a gun show. They are available. This is the ludicrousy of the system. And the president talked about background checks and Mental Health and Arming Teachers, but the one thing the president doesnt talk about is gun control. Guns. The nra chief wayne la pierre seemed to use the same strategy during his comments at cpac and blamed the immediate and democrats for politicizing the tragedy saying they hate individual freedom and they just want more control. In the rush of calls from more government, theyve revealed their true selves. The elites dont care one wit about America School system and school children. If they truly cared, what they would do is they would protect them. For them its not a safety issue. It is a political issue. They care more about control and more of it. They want to sweep right under the carpet the failure of school security, the failure of family, the failure of americas Mental Health system and even the unbelievable failure of the fbi. Wow. Got everybody into this one. And he threw in european socialism as being a problem. With us now is David Chipman from giffords. David, this is an interesting approach. We have managed in eight days or at least the nra has tried very hard for eight days to discuss everything except guns, the number of guns, the type of guns, the age at which you could get guns. You will not hear that from dana lash or wayne la pierre. You heard a little from the president but all you are hearing from the students and the survivors at parkland. Tell me about this. Tell me about the methodology at play. Well what i found very interesting is after 30 years focusing on this issue, where the Kids High School the High School Kids arrived after the shooting, what they thought needed to be done is exactly whey believe needs to be done. And it needs to be done starting with background checks. If we had laws in place that required anyone who wanted to buy a gun to go into a gun store, a place where they would have to fill out the documents you showed before, pass a background check and even more importantly now that were considering that there might be age limits, there will be a trusted regulated third party to make sure you have the proper i. D. And the proper age limit, if that had been in place, it is very likely this shooting would have never happened in the first place. What we do, though, is have many loopholes. One that we havent talked about today, that is just equally as frustrating, is you cant buy a handgun until you are 21 from a gun store. But it is lawful to possess one at the age of 18. That doesnt make sense. Right. And so i think that if we focus on background checks, and we do them comprehensively, the president has used that word, and to me part of being comprehensive is simple, if you want to buy a gun, you go to a gun store. Period. The end. And in that way i think and fundamentally, david, this doesnt affect for most gun owners who do not have a problem in their background, cho have not got a Mental Health issue, who do not have a Domestic Violence conviction, who have proper legal status in this country, they would be able to get a gun. So i dont understand what the nra gets from saying reasonable restrictions on the acquisition and use of a gun that is not going to prevent most people from getting a gun. It might prevent the bad people from getting guns. It is shocking to me. My view of this country and what aur constitution means is that we have certain rights and certain responsibilities and why i became an atf agent for 25 years is i thought the government had a responsibility to try to keep us safe. So what i think im hearing a very small fringe of progun groups like the nra saying is it is too inconvenient to go into a store and fill out paperwork. I would suggest that minor inconvenience, one hi i had to suffer myself, is nothing compared to the real life tragedy of losing a child or having your school shot up. To me the nra rhetoric is a rhetoric surrounded about self sufficiency and you have to be responsible for your own security. I want to live in a country where we all together, high school students, everyone trying to make us all safe and so as part of that, we need reasonable actions. Having to pass a background check to buy a gun that could do the damage in florida is entirely reasonable and soup supported by supported by 97 of americans. Let me bring there sean hennry. Now an msnbc security analyst and the president and chief Security Officer of crowd strike. Sean, to the point that in last eight days we have talked about Mental Health, the fbi missing something on nikolas cruz that may have prevented at ta the attack and now the business about Arming School teachers. So the fbi issue, how do we compartmentalize and deal with the issue that maybe something went wrong at the fbi but this is now changed into and morphed into an accusation by the president that the fbi is somehow chiefly responsible for this attack and from the nra where they are labelling the fbi as public enemy number one. Well, i think it is clear that something did go wrong. What happened is inexcusable when a lead like that comes in. I think it has to be addressed and there were many signs along the way in the system that failed here. That being said, while we certainly cant excuse what happened, it should not be an indictment against the entire fbi. The fbi day in and day out, there are 34,000 americans that are working to keep american citizens here safe around the world. And they do that every single day. And this type of an attack on the fbi really undermines their credibility with the american public, it impacts the moral, it causes distrust which is a key component in trying to find the appropriate leads to actually help them sof solve terrorist cases and major kidnapping cases. So there needs to be a review and lot more done in this space regarding vetting and regarding analyzing these type of threats so that we can stop these types of attacks but it shouldnt be a wholesale whole cloth trashing of the entire fbi. David, what do you how do you deal with the idea that all of these component parts, the fbi missing a lead, the issue of Mental Health that goes unchecked and untreated, they are contributing factors to this. But it does play into the hands of a very sharp narrative on the part of the nra that dont talk about guns. It is not time to talk about guns or gun ownership or rules around the guns. Because there are other things that it could have been. Yeah, well clearly that is a smart strategy. But i think that just as the High School Seniors have pointed out in their talking points, it doesnt make sense. Were focused on a world where we could have progress and not perfection and there are many, many things they with do. We can choose to fund our Law Enforcement agencies differently so they have more people available to follow leads. We could close loopholes like you said, what other system in america when you are doing a background check is there this limit that we only get 72 hours to work on it and if we havent figured it out, well let you have the gun. That doesnt make sense. And so like what i think we should focus on is learn from each incident, hold people accountable, im sure that the fbi that came out and admitted this flaw is looking at their systems, but there are other things that we need to do at the same time. So it is multiple levels. But it isnt complicated. No, it is not. And even Jeff Sessions said today, weve studied this and now we have to implement these things. To your point david bo dich said this about the fbi. In this case, i need to we need to make sure that whatever we have can eliminate that from happening. I want to be clear, those processes were in place, it is just they were not followed. Sean, let me ask you this, what does the fbi and im going to ask you to speak more broadly for Law Enforcement in this country. What is the general view of Law Enforcement about what should happen to gun laws in this country . Well many of the Law Enforcement officers ive worked with and ive dealt with throughout my career, people that i talk to now socially, i think they want to see a higher degree of vetting. They recognize that there is a gun problem in this country. Take a part aside what happened in florida, 30 people died today and 30 people will die tomorrow and 30 people will die the day after that. There is a gun problem in the country. And we have to find a way to keep guns out of the hands of people who are going to cause harm who will wreak carnage and hurt people in the country and most Law Enforcement officers i know believe that. And i think that they they go to work every day and they face down the barrel of illegal guns that are on the street. Guns that are going to harm not only citizens but themselves. So that is a a difficult situation to be in on a day to day basis. They want to see guns out of the hands of bad people and ensure that this type of thing doesnt happen again. Thank you for your time. Sean hennry, from the fbi and president chief security of crowd strike and an msnbc cybersecurity analyst and David Chipman from giffords. A retired special agent for the atf. Thank you. Coming up, facebook is under criticism for making it too easy for trolls to influence Public Opinion by flooding feeds with fake news. A facebook investor joins me after the break with his suggestion on how to fix the social network he says is broken. Dont we need that cable box to watch tv . Nope. Dont we need to run . Nope. It just explodes in a high pitched yeahhh. yeahhh try directv now for 10 a month for 3 months. No satellite needed. Im trying to manage my a1c, then i learn type 2 diabetes puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. Can one medicine help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk . I asked my doctor. She told me about noninsulin victoza®. Victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. While not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. announcer victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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Ask your doctor about victoza®. Theres a Common Thread i see every time im in the field. While this was burning, you were saving other homes. Neighbors helping neighbors and strangers alike. This is what americas about. Sometimes its nice to see all the good thats out there. Bringing folks out, we have seen it in community after community. Social Media Companies are taking action after conspiracy theories about the parkland shooting went viral. Accusing some survivors of being socalled crisis actors, paid actors who fake stories and that spread like wildfire across the web. One had more than 100,000 likes and trending on youtube and racking up tens of thousands of shares on facebook. And the facebook head of content policy said images that attack the victims of last weeks tragedy in florida are abhorrent and trit is limited twitter is trying to stop bots from fake content and cracking down on a number of accounts expected to be fraudulent but it remains to be seen what this will have on the spread of fake news online. Critics of social media giant facebook argue that way we receive news through facebook is broken. The platform was a primary tool in russias attempt to interfere in the 2016 election, and critics say it pushed americans deeper into their ideological bubbles. So what responsibility does facebook have for the content on its platform and more importantly, what can be done about this. Ive had this conversation many times with my next guest a early and current investor in facebook and he said he has a solution and written about it, including in the washington post, yesterday or the day before, how to fix facebook, make users pay for it. Im joined by roger mcnamee. Cofounder of elevation parters. Good to see you. Thank you for being with us. What does making people pay for the content on facebook do to improve this particular situation . Is there some sense that if im a paying going to have more control over it . Whats the issue . So, ali, the way to think about this is in an advertising Business Model, the user isnt the customer. The user is the product. And so facebook is currently generating nearly 7 a month in the United States from each user, and the incentives created by that advertising model are what create weve talked in the past about filter bubbles. This notion that each person has a highly personalized news feed, and facebook spends all this time learning your emotional hot buttons and it exploits those hot buttons because thats what makes you be highly engaged, makes the advertising more valuable. It is also the way that bad actors like the russians can get into peoples heads and manipulate their behavior. So, what i would like to propose is that facebook abandon the advertising Business Model and adopt a subscription model. And that that would allow them to essentially align their interests not just with users, but also with content companies. So, imagine this. Imagine that they could be the comcast for cord cutters so you could get all of your online media delivered through facebook. So, you would have a news feed that was your family, but with no filter. Everything would be there exactly where youd like it. You could do something similar for friends and for groups youre in. And then you could have all the forms of content youd like. If you want msnbc or you want npr or hbo, and alma of those would have their individual channel, it would be curated by the people who created the content. That would get facebook aligned with everybody. 1. 4 billion people use facebook every day. Research by a new york firm called emarketer said that in 2018, less than half of americans aged 12 to 17 will use facebook at least once a month. It expects facebook to lose 2 million users under the age of 25 this year, snapchat is going to pickup a lot of that 1. 9 million users. Bottom line is facebook users are aging and theyre older, but the under 25 crowd or the under 30 crowd has grown up with social media and are probably wiser to figuring out these lies than people my age. Do we the young kids are not going to pay for facebook because theyre used to a free internet. Do we take them out of the mix and take out perhaps a group that is keeping some of these things honest . Well, to be clear, ali, i think when were trying to solve the issue of manipulation around our elections, getting older people is going to get the vast majority of voters. And so i think we can look at facebook as a separate issue because theyre the clear and present danger to our elections. Now, the issues related to snapchat and instagram and the other products used by kids are really, really significant, and they are a different kind of issue. They have much more to do with childhood development. Its this issue that you also see, fear of missing out and body shaming, all these other things that make them feel less than perfect and its led to a rise in suicides and other social problems with kids. Does facebook make more money or less money under your proposal . So, in my model, the starting assumption i have them breaking even. So, i have them charging 7 a month. The notion here is, again, youre going to control your news feed and youre going to get rid of not only all the ads, but what people perceive is the crap of facebook. All those things that are designed to inflame your emotions. And, you know, in a Perfect World they would move everybody to it and accept some shrinkage. The more likely proposal is simply offer a model that way. But what would be great, ali, is if you bought Premium Services you would be using this instead of comcast and that might get you to 50 to 100 a month. Always good to see you. An early investor in facebook, cofounder of the Venture Capital firm elevation partners. President trump loves to start feuds, one of his more misty identifying attempts was the queen of talk, Oprah Winfrey. Shes responding. It started when he tweeted an insecure Oprah Winfrey i knew well interviewed a panel of people on 60 minutes. The questions were biased, facts incorrect. I hope oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated like all the others. Oprah responded on the Ellen Degeneres show. The first time i saw it i said there is something missing from the conversation. Do you care about what other people think about america. They only used the democratic side. And i said, i remember the guy matt had said, no, were the only people that are worried about other countries thinking of us. I think you should go back and put that in because it makes it more balanced. So, i was working very hard to do the opposite of what i was tweeted about. Its okay. Winfrey has repeatedly denied being interested in running for president. Up front, marco rubio is confronted by parkland shooting victims and grieving parents. Thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . Ship the goods. Youre a go you got the green light. That means go oh, yeah. Start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Were gonna hit our launch date scream thank you goodbye we help all types of businesses with money, tools and knowhow to get business done. American express open. To get business done. Was a success for lastchoicehotels. Comign badda book. Badda boom. This year, were taking it up a notch. So in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Nobody glows. He gets it. Always the lowest price, guaranteed. Book now at choicehotels. Com can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the nra in the future . [ cheers and applause ] people buy into my agenda come on, were going to be here all night. The influence of each group comes not from money. The influence comes from the millions of people that agree with the agenda. Thats a good story to pedestripedal. Thats marco rubio last night with survivors of last weeks shooting. He argued it cant be solved with gun laws alone. He repeated, banning all semiauto weapons may have been popular with the audience at cnn town hall, but outside the mainstream. His position on gun rights has been consistent since he took office. Hes received, by the way, more than 3. 3 million in nra donations or support during his political career, according to the center for responsive politics. He has an aplus rating from the nra. You can find out how much your lawmakers got from the nra from the center of responsive politics. Go to open secrets. Org search the nra. Thank you for watching. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. The kids are more than all right today. The survivors and parents from marjory Stoneman Douglas high school have seen the range of a debate that has frustrated activist ands parents of schools for a generation. For the first time in a long time, the nra looks and sounds like its starting to sweat. Even the mentally ill teenager can get his hands on a weapon of war. The highest ranking officials of the nra the source of crazy paranoid things people say when theyre running out of places to hide. Things like blaming the fbi and the media. Well get to all of that, but first the people who are changing the conversation in america about gun violence

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