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Meddling in the 2016 election. Bloomberg reports President Trumps former strategist and Corey Lewandowski asked to testify about russian interference before the house intelligence committee. Also today, nbc news reports that house lawmakers are interviewing President Trumps longtime personal assistant rona graph at an undisclosed location in new york. And all of this comes a day after deputy fbi director Andrew Mccabe sat for a second marathon interrogation by lawmakers. Mccabe spent a total of 17 hours over the past couple days testifying. A source familiar with the testimony told nbc news that mccabe did confirm that then fbi director james comey told him that trump had, indeed asked him for a loyalty pledge. And on another note, moments ago, the New York Times reported federal prosecutors in brooklyn are seeking bank records about tints associated with the Family Company of President Trumps soninlaw jared kushner. Well bring you more on that report in a moment. First, we should note there is no indication that this subpoena is related to the investigation conducted by Robert Mueller. First, bringing in msnbcs Garrett Haake following all of this from capitol hill. A busy week for the house intelligence committee, but democrats are worried the louse is rushing its russia probe. Whats that about . Reporter sort of a good news bad news day and week for House Democrats or anyone seeing that house probe continue. Democrats felt like the republicans on that panel and in Congress Want to see it ended. For good reason. Weve heard from a lot of house republicanance saying this thing has gone on long enough. Plook look at the headlines today. Rona who has known the president for decades and could have a lot of information. Not doing it below my feet in the capitol, but in new york city without membership present. Democrats dont love that. You mentioned the bloomberg story. Good news for democrats who want to keep this investigation can going. Its worth pointing out despite mybest efforts ive not been able to confirm that story said to. Well find out, i guess, how much further democrats are able to push that probe in the house. I should point out that in his Yearend Press Conference just now Mitch Mcconnell was asked about the probe going on in the senate, the Senate Intelligence committee. He said he has no interest in seeing that investigation stopped on any kind of artificial timeline. He hopes for a bipartisan report to come out of it and essentially richard burr and mark warner will tell us when they are done with that effort. Garrett, thank you. Chat with you later. Msnbcs Garrett Haake on capitol hill. And today marked the first major legislative win for the president after a failed attempt to repeal and replace obamacare earlier in the year. If youre listening to the president carefully hes basically said hes repealed obamacare just through this tax bill. Earlier today before signing the tax bill, trump highlighted the impact he says it will have on the middle class and economy. All of this, everything in here, is really tremendous things for businesses, for people, for the middle class, for workers, and i can this very much a bill for the middle class and a bill for jobs. And jobs are produced through companies and corporations, and you see is that happening. Corporations are literally going wild over kniss. Im not sure going wild is exactly the expression ill use. And later in the show, tell you about some of these claims. Remember, your individual tax cuts expire in 2025. The corporate cuts remain permanent. The todo list remains extensive for congress in the new year. Bring in nbcs jeff bennett following it all day from the white house. Jeff, donald trump made a big point signing the tax bill before christmas. What else can you tell us about this . Reporter you know, the president often reacts to what he sees on cable tv news. Today, no different. The president by his own accounts. Heard him call it a rush job earlier. He hastily called together staffers saying he needed to sign this legislation now, because he was watching television news. The question he saw, whether or not the president would keep his promise and sign this legislation by christmas. So that set in, a reshuffle. Reshuffling the plans here at the white house. His trip to maralago pushed back a little. Reporters kaled into the oval office to capture the bill signing, the biggest achievement of his presidency as you pointed out. Ive asked a white house official. Will the president still hold this formal event in january. Theyre not entirely sure. It matters because the white house previously was trying to carefully choreograph the slowest of strictry lap tr vict. Beginningry republican members of congress, along the kordcor to continue. And jeff bennett at the white house. And bringing in washington editor at large, and political reporter for the Washington Post and a congressional reporter for politico. Thanks to all of you for being here. Steve, start with you. Something we havent played yet for our audience but i listened to when i heard President Trump this morning. He ended comments talking about infrastructure. The suggestion being thats the next piece of legislation this administration wants to tackle. Lets listen to this together. Infrastructure is by far the easiest. People want it. Republicans and democrats. Were going to have tremendous democrat support on infrastructure as you know. I could have started with infrastructure. I actually wanted to save the easy one for the one down the road. So well be having that done pretty quickly. I dont know where to start with that. Break it up into bits. Infrastructure is by far the easiest. People want it. Republicans and democrats. Were going to have tremendous democratic support. Steve, everybody wants an infrastructure bill. President obama put one forward. Everybody gets it. The highways crumbling, bridges falling, air traffic control, not good enough, Water Systems not great. If it were that easy, it would be done. One of the things, ali immediately asked by mike allen in his interview of gary cohn earlier in the week, where will you get the money . Gary cohn said they have about 200 billion to play with to leverage into a 1 trillion. Debate whether thats true or not, but what youre first looking at is, is there any fiscal responsibility at this point or not . Infrastructure is clearly important, but as you said earlier in the week, they kept in things like carried interest. Created offsets. It begging the question even if you wanted to begin putting together a major infrastructure package, where are the resources to do that . Its not clear theyre there. Elana, people want it. We know. We see it in construction problems every day in our world. Republicans and democrats. Well have terrific democratic support. Infrastructure sometimes means Different Things to republicans and democrats. Yes. And the whole idea gary cohn putforth 200 billion leveraged into 1 trillion, democrats said during inauguration they dont like that idea. Unveiled a 1 trillion direct spending plan. No tax credits to Developers Just the money. Democrats unveiled that in january. It is pretty far from the truth, to say that republicans and democrats are on the same page about how to do infrastructure. Heres the one, eugene, i dont know whether its true or not. My sense is its not, but the president continues to say that through this tax bill, by kicking out one of the legs of the stool for obamacare, the individual mandate, that hes essentially done away with obamacare. Listen to him. The individual mandate was very unfair, because you basically are saying, pay for something in order not to have to get health care. So youre paying youre paying not to have to have health care. It was very unfair. Many people thought it should have been overturned in the supreme court. Didnt quite make it. Almost. Didnt quite make it and now were overturning the individual mandate. Most unpopular thing in obamacare. Very, very unfair. What do you make of that, eugene . The president has done as much as can be kdone to cripple the Affordable Care act and many supporters of obamacare say, look, the individual mandate is the thing that kept the risk pool large enough to make it affordable and this will make it yet nor expensive in individual markets . Certainly thats been a concern of people who have been critical of the president s response to obamacare. As well as the fact these changes have led to some estimates suggesting that there could be as many as 13 Million People who do not have coverage, because of this mandate repeal. But its important for voters and americans who arent even voting to realize that the Affordable Care act is still very much the law of the land. Essentially repealing and actually repealing are nort the same thing. This white house as well as republican lawmakers are going to have to figure out how to respond to these other issues that are bound to come forward now that there are changes to the Affordable Care act. Interesting messaging. The fact, record enrollment in obamacare despite the shortened enrollment period, despite the lack of marketing. The fact, its addressed some need for some people in this country. Absolutely. The need that republicans have yet to address, dont forget, the subsidies for low income folks on obamacare. Republicans initially promised they would call up a vote on this this year. Susan collins, got a promise from Mitch Mcconnell. Thats kicked until january. Many Obamacare Questions to answer. Steve, i dont know what you make of this. This New York Times report says federal prosecutors in brooklyn sought bank records about entities associated with the Family Company of jared kushner, President Trumps soninlaw. Times reports no indication the subpoena is related to the investigation conducted by Robert Mueller. What is this is about . Were speculating. I know as much as you do now, not much. What everyone is speculating if Robert Mueller is fired for some reason, and there is some hysteria about that now and concern, the question is, new york, the state of new york, has its own investigation under way. That is completely independent and separate from what Robert Mueller is doing at the federal level. One looks at this and sort of wondering whether or not this is a, either a shot across the bow of the white house, and were sitting here watching the daily drama and the daily drip of news come out, but this is an indication that if the white house were trying to cut off an investigation on one side of this, new york will continue with what many suspect could be about Money Laundering questions or other financial improprieties. Thank you, all three. Congressional reporter for politico, i dont see you until the other sifrtd holiday, have is a good and safe one. Thank you. Coming up, new sanctions imposed against north korea following last months missile test. Will this reported from china and russia finally force pyongyang to the negotiating table . We discuss on the other side. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. 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The eight countries that voted no and 21 abstained received an invitation to Ambassador Haley to a january 3 reception expressing gratitude for their friendship. A little friendship party. And stephen advised general Stanley Mcchrystal and general petraeus on afghanistan strategy and msnbc military analyst and retired u. S. Army general Barry Mccaffrey. General mccaffrey start with you on north korea. You and i discussed many times we are not on the brink of war but inching in that direction. Where do you think we are and where do these incremental sanctions take us . I think the incremental economic sanctions are appropriate and helpful. The diplomatic intervention with china is the right thing to do, and helpful. Bringing the end to the south koreans, the japanese strains is a right thing to do. End of the day i cannot believe its plausible that north korea will give up a nuclear program. Its possible to arrest it and maybe that ought to be our ultimate goal while we fortify our defensive capability. When you say that, when you say fortify our defensive capability, are you talking about on the Nuclear Front or talking on the traditional front . Because war with north korea is bad on every level. Well, it is. I think primarily to enhance our Ballistic Missile defense capability. Not just us but also the japanese and south koreans. On a conventional war capability, it would be a humanitarian disaster in the Korean Peninsula but no question a conventional war, we would destroy the north Korean Armed Forces in under six months. I think they probably no it at the highest levels. The problem would be, miscalculation that gets in the war followed by something that inevitably might escalate to a nuclear exchange. Right, right. War is bad but accidental war is yet worse. s stephen, talk about yesterday. What happened at the United Nations. Ambassadornikki haley had this to say. America will put our embassy in jerusalem, its what the American People want to us do and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how americans look at the u. N. , and on how he look at countries who disrespect us in the u. N. And this vote will be remembered. So, stephen, that was a threat, and kind of freinterest. The president the day before talked about suspending u. S. Aid perhaps to countries that dont vote in our interest and this idea, contributions to the United Nations. The fact is, United States doesnt spend money on aid or International Affairs with no benefit to the u. S. We dont say it out loud and in polite economy, its fought what you talk about, but its the truth. The u. S. Gives money to countries because theyre take their side in a war, in a battle, economically. Through trade, buy u. S. Military stuff. Kind of a weird thing for nikki haley to have said at the u. N. Well, i mean, we need cooperation from other countries for all sorts of things and we go about getting it in all sorts of ways. Including, not limited, to aid. When we go out of our way to turn these relationships into something purely transactional, no other dimension to it, a question of, do we want money, to give you money . Dont do what we want, we wont give you money, were reducing our ability to persuade others to cooperate with us. Its not clear how its in our advantage to take what are normally complicated interactions that have an element of transactional quality and common interest were supposed to pursue things we and the other want together and you are mutual selfinterests, turning that complexity into a simple monetary transaction helps us. And general, i mean, look, thats a fact. These things are all really complicated. Some countries we give money to. Some countries we give military aid to. Some countries we imply support of in our relationship with nato its a its a mutually beneficial arrangement. It is dangerous if we, as as stephen says, if we get purely transactional about these things. Well, steve is one of the smartest voices in Foreign Policy i listen to. This is one of the low points of u. S. Diplomacy. There is literally nothing we do we dont thing benefits the American People. We give sizable support to egypt and be saudi arabia in various forms. The gulf coast states. Eastern europe. And in every case we hope it enhances u. S. National interests as part of alliance activities. So this sort of, you know, adolescent threats both from the white house and from the ambassador are disruptive to our future wellbeing. Ultimately, American Allies voted against it, thats the form of what the United Nations is for. A place to cast yo vote, negotiate. They have big hallways to have these discussions. Were flot going to turn our backs on countries like saudi arabia, only strengthening ins recent months. Whats the effect of making a speech like that which ultimately you cant carry out the threat on . Well, it looks offhand by the effect is primarily to satisfy people in the president s base here in the United States. Its not clear that it helps us overseas. Its not clear that it helps us maintain a series of delicate diplomatic balances in which we have interests we share with allies and in conflict and trying to nudge them into behavior more helpful rather than less. I mean, diplomacy is normally considered to be a subtle exercise in which professional diplomats, like, for example, the u. S. Ambassador of the United Nations, are supposed to try and delicately move other countries in the direction we want them to go. Using a baseball bat in an environment where normally speaking a scalpel is the tool of choice is a bit odd to me. In watching nikki haley she has been very effective doing it the way traditional diplomats work. This was almost an unusual departure for her, but not for donald trump. So its an interesting discuss well follow the outcome. Thanks to you both for being with me. Msnbc military analyst retired general Barry Mccaffrey and senior fellow for defense policy at the council on Foreign Relations and best of the season to you both. All right. Next, a dream deferred again. The backlash against both democrats and republicans after congress tabled the decision on daca until after the new year. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. But after an electrical fire from faulty wiring, marys vintage clothing and designer shoe collection were ruined. Luckily, the Geico Insurance agency had recently helped mary with renters insurance, and she got a totally fab replacement wardrobe at bloomingdales. Mary was inspired to start her own fashion line, exclusively for little lambs. Visit geico. 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Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Both made eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. We have some great companies. I want to thank at t, actually the first out of the box and wells fargo and comcast and jobs introduced through companies and corporations, and you see that happening. Corporations are literally going wild over this. I this even beyond my expectations. So far beyond my expectations. All right. Take that it easy on the going wild. That was the president this morning signing into law the tax bill he says is making corporations literally go wild. There is an underlying reason for this sudden spending. First of all, at t promised 1,000 bonuses to 100,000 employees along with a 1 billion investment in california projects but at t is faisce fac Justice Department investigation and not that at ts move isnt meant to grease the wheels but it wouldnt hurt. And all union employees. This was negotiated by the commune be cases workers. So, again, didnt come out of thin air. Comcast, msnbcs parent company, give more than 100,000 employees 1,000 bonuses. Comcast ceo roberts says bonuses in parts response to the fccs action on broadband alluding to the trump appointed successful repeal of Net Neutrality rules. Wells fargo. Raise minimum wage tos 15 15 a hour. Repeatedly been investigated or sanctioned by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for opening fraudulent accounts in customers names and other accusations. And fines on the bank topping 100 million could be substantially increases. The head of of consumer Protection Bureau, maybe decreases. Clearly fines against wells fargo are in the hands of the federal government and in play. And operate a significant number of branches in states and city poised to create a minimum wage of 15 an hour in comes years. Boeing announced a multimill it dollar investment in workforce retraining, the import export banks biggest customer. Ex im bank helps finance foreign purchases from the aerospace giant. Boeing waiting for more than 10 million loan guarantees from the bank unable to provide since 2015 awaitsing a new chief to be confirmed by the senate. The president doesnt like the Export Import Bank and the president made a reference to another company that also needs something from the government, needs approval for the passage of a merger. Again, nobody just came out of thin air and decided that they were going to do all of these nice things. Nobodys out of control on this. As washington breaks for the holidays anxieties about the fate of the socalled d. R. E. A. M. Ers hanging over festivitie festivities. A shortterm it spending bill passed kicking several issues over to next year including resolution to protect permanent protection for roughly 800,000 young people broughtinto the country at undocumented children. Members of the congressional caucus stormed into Chuck Schumers office to ask for legislation for legal status before agreeing to any other legislation this year. Talk more about this, bringing in democratic congressman from florida. Congressman good to see you. Thanks for having me. This is problematic. While we leave a lot of things to the last minute, certainly this congress does if youre a d. R. E. A. M. Er this lastminute stuff doesnt work. Keep pushing, pushing this off, a lot of d. R. E. A. M. Ers understand their option, leave the country, make plans to do so. Of the 800,000 people a smaller number to deal with because people will, as some people like to say, selfdeport. No doubt its upsetting. We had d. R. E. A. M. Ers arrested in protests last night. 122 d. R. E. A. M. Ers a day lose daca support. Why we stormed the senate yesterday and it got very heated. We ended up getting threatt schumer asking for the many senators to vote no as possible. Went from 14 to 32 senators voting, its coming down to budget cap talks in january 19 as laying it all on the line. Leader schumer assured house members, cant get done now well lay it on the line when Congress Returns in january. Any idea what that means . Negotiate to not have the caps in the budget go forward without having d. R. E. A. M. Ers included, c. H. I. P. Another big one and v. A. And we know republicans desperately are looking for an increase in military spending and hes given reassurances that senators well beyond the 32 who are courageous to stand with d. R. E. A. M. Ers and vote no will also engage in that battle. There are some d. R. E. A. M. Ers frurs tra frustrated with democrats. In the workings wr congress and ability to get things done, this hasnt been at front and center as they would like it to be. We know the story. Scott brown got elected in the special election, turned away that 60vote democratic majority in the senate, and that ended up costing an Immigration Reform and d. R. E. A. M. Ers and that was a, a shame. I am disappointed as well, but were in the here and the now. Daca came about and we need to lay this all on the line and either get this done or go down fighting, because theres an energy about our base. Millennials, hispanics, this is one of the biggest issues going into 2018. We need to do for these kids. Theyre inspiring, inspiring america and we need to stand with them. Good to see you, congressman. Darin soto of florida. I want to continue this discussion and turn to an attorney at msnbc, nbcnews. Com, contributor. Good to see you. Thank for being with us. My pleasure. Where does this go . What happens now . Thats the 1 million question now. One thing i think a lot of people dont understand when we talk about the fate of the d. R. E. A. M. Ers and what will happen with daca. Daca is over the talk of saving daca is over. Congress seems to think do it by march. When donald trump ended daca he only gave people one month to renew. Also the government did not notify people it was ending. A lot of people didnt get their applications in time or didnt have the 500. That means every day between now and march 5th, 122 d. R. E. A. M. Ers are falling out of status. Meaning even before this deadline or before a deal is reached, people are at risk for deportation. A serious thing. I think something that d. R. E. A. M. Ers are really concerned with is, putting it simply, stuff happens. Right after trump ended daca, there was this surge of activism. There was trump meeting with kmuk a chuck and nancy. Promises made and we had three hurricanes, Sexual Harassment scandals, a mass shooting in vegas, more information about the mueller investigation. Thats the frustration. It keeps getting pushed aside, kicked down. When is it going to be the priority . We want to know. And an nbc news w wall stre journal poll. 65 , yes, 30 , no. Most americans want to fix this. Most smart people know we have a labor force problem in america and if you have these people who have to stay under certain conditions, got to stay, make them ideal. Have gone to school, keeping jobs. Things you want economic participants to do. Most americans get this. Why doesnt that cause more activity in their favor . Thats the frustration. When people ask me, why should we do something about daca when they ask people who are activists, the number one answer is, because as you said, its what the American People want. I look at the poll from fox news. Their base leans very republican with a lot of trump voters. 79 of people in the u. S. According to fox news. They say let the d. R. E. A. M. Ers say versus 19 believe deported or removed from the country. Thats where we are. When it comes to immigration, illegal immigration, its always very contentious. This is the least contentious part. The only place that immigration, daca is contentious seems to be in washington, d. C. And for these d. R. E. A. M. Ers, before a deal happens, or before, say, the march 5th deadline, the reality theyre facing. At risk for deportation. People also may not understand under trump the arrests, immigration arrests of no noncriminals, isis classification, up 250 . 13,000 people already donald trump said many times im not going after going amp the bad ombres. Right . Good ombres are getting arrested, not something americans seem to care i think people care they just dont see it or recognize it, and its portrayed by the white house, bad ombres, gang members, ms13, but we have 143,000 already arrested. This Deportation Machine is revving up and d. R. E. A. M. Ers are waiting. Speaks volumes. Probably saw it a week or so ago tim cook, ceo of apple and charles of coke industries, they came out in support of d. R. E. A. M. Ers in an oped together in the Washington Post. Nots often they agree on things good for business or ideology. Its ideologically have a good christmas. You, too. An attorney and nbcnews. Com contributor. Coming up, hundreds of journalist us inclyuding americans targeted by hackers. Who are they and what were they after . This is what its all about, jamie helping small businesses. Damage your vehicle . We got you covered. [ glass shatters ] Property Damage . Thats what general liabilitys for. What . injured employee . Ow. 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If youve had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or musclerelated signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. And before starting xarelto®about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Its important to learn all you can. To help protect yourself from a stroke. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Theres more to know™. Democrats arent the only americans targeted by russian hackers. The Associated Press reports americans are among at least 200 journalists, publishers and bloggers targeted by the Hacking Group fancy bear since 2014. This appears to support the intelligence communitys conclusion fancy bear acted on the russian governments behalf intervening in last years president ial election. Joining us to take a closer look, a fellow at the Wilson Center until this week and expert in russian disinformation campaigns. Nina has been targeted in the past by russian statesponsored hackers. Thanks for being with us. Thank for having me. When my producers talk to somebody about their notes, give me but i dont typically read them, but something you said as a journalist targeted. You said many of us joke its a badge of honor meaning the work we do is having an impact, but the attempt to access our accounts have an undeniable psychological effect. Someone is watching you or trying to. Even if it doesnt change your work it raises the emotional, mental and sometimes monetary costs of doing so. I think this is really important, because a lot of working journalists are not rich. They dont do it for the money. They dont even do it for the fame. Do it in pursuit of truth and this kind of thing does actually have an affect on people. Once someone found out that someone has tried to hack them or is trying to get their information, it makes you think twice about everybody you do. Absolutely. Its important contextually to understand that russia is a country in which since 1992, 38 journalists have been murdered. 33 of those with impunity according to the committee to protect journalists. 24i this is a context, journalists, activists, anyone who dares to criticize the russian government are in. You got an alert you might have been hacked, and seemed to deal with work you were doing, a fellowship in kiev . True. Working under the auspices of the fulbrighfulbright,en froms on communications and do research on russian misinformation and as my work was gaining traction i received these alerts and received several since. What do you think theyre looking for . What do they benefit from hacking someone like you . I think there is three things. First, compromise sources and work. Perhaps they think i have access to some sort of classified information. The main thing and this goes back to soviet tactics of are psychological pressure. They just want to let you know that they are watching you, and watching what youre doing, and try to have some effect on the work youre doing. The people who work on this stuff generally in ukraine especially journalists in ukraine and those working here in the United States are a brave bunch a bunch. And worth noting, not all that familiar from recent times. Journalists subject in the part and globally subject to it all the time with increasing frequency, whether hacking attacks, intimidation. Something we know has been increasing over the last couple of decades, really. Yes. Absolutely. Certainly these tactics were used before this most recent development in which russia is using these tactics against westerners. They use them against their own people for many, many years. Russian opposition, activists, and journalists within the borders of russia. But this is the reason that President Trumps attacks on the free press are all the more concerning, because this is the environment that people are operating now and the its very scary to be working on these issues in this time. Nina, stay safe. Sorried it happened to you. Continue your great work. Former Wilson Center fellow and expert on russian disinformation campaigns. Coming up, the Holiday Shopping rush. Millions expected to hit stores this weekend for the lastminute gifts. Maybe even me. After the break, can shoppers be counted on to deliver christmas cheer to the economy . Ill tell you on the other side. Youre watching misnbc news. Our mission is to make offshore wind one of the principle new sources of energy. Not every bank is willing to get involved in a first of its kind project. Citi saw the promise of clean energy. Were polluting the air less. Businesses and homes can rely on a steady source of power. This will be the first of many offshore wind farms in the u. S. 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Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. So, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. Tell your doctor your medical history. Gallbladder problems have happened in some people. Tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Hitting the road for the holidays . Youre not alone. It aaa expects 107. 3 million traveling. Getting to final destinations, 91 drive, 6 fly and 3 taking trains, buses or another form of transportation. Crowds not only on the roads, theyre in stores. Courtney reagan is at the mall in new york city with more on the lastminute rush to get the gifts under the tree. Courtney, super saturday. Tomorrow, a big one. Calm it the second busiest shopping day of the year. I suspect ill be involve ared in this, because weve missed the deadline generally speaking for shipping. Right . Thats the issue. Yes. Exactly right. The last saturday before christmas is always a really big one. This year, it might be even more important because of christmas deadlines with christmas falling on a monday. U. P. S. And fedex ending arrival before christmas, stopped about ten days ago. You want to hit the stores. 126 million americans, in fact, are expected to shop on super saturday. Thats tomorrow. Believe it or not, thats about half of the country. And its not really even a record. Last year more than that hit the stores on super saturday. And thats and thats because a lot of shopping got done earlier this season. You probably remember all those early black friday sales in november. It worked. It pulled a lot of sales forward. But actually its been a pretty strong season. First data, just released data from 1. 3 million merchants, both online and in store. Altogether, sales are up 6. 6 from november 1st to december 18s. So that doesnt even include what weve seen in the last five days and this very big day still to come. And a bit of the drop compared to previous years is again also because of the ongoing shift to online sales. So exactly. So the first data number is quite strong. Up 6. 6 for that time period. Those seven weeks, which compares to an increase of just 2 last year. Thats online and in store, all together. The biggest growth rate is that online piece. If you are a store like macys, youve got a website and stores. If you have a shopper that shops both, they spend more. Its a fact almost across retail. Macys here if you want to buy online and pick up in store you can do that the same time and about onethird of the time folks end up grabbing extra on their way out the door. Courtney reagan, thank you. Still to come, an investigation uncovers what happens when Homeless People are given a oneway bus ticket out of town. What is it like to settle into a new hometown. Well give you those details after the break. I had a front row seat to the excitement but also the demands that come with running a company. As a Business Owner myself, i know that the challenges are ever changing. On your business well learn from decisionmakers whose experience can help your company grow and prosper. So thats the idea. What do you think . Hate to play devils advocate but. I kind of feel like its a game changer. I wouldnt go that far. Are you there . Hes probably on mute. Yeah. Gary wont like it. Why . Because hes gary. phone ringing what . Keep going yeah. laughs voice on phone its not millennial enough. There are a lot of ways to say no. Thank you so much. Thank you so were doing it. Yes we got a yes start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Let us help with money and knowhow, so you can get business done. American express open. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Every year thousands of Homeless People in the United States are relocated by bus through expensive Homeless Relocation Programs that have been used for at least 30 years. But to what end exactly . A nationwide assessment of the consequences and efficacy of these programs is lacking. The question remains, what happens to these people after theyre relocated, and is this really the solution to solving the homeless crisis in america . Enter the guardian. The british newspaper launched an 18month investigation into the u. S. Homeless Relocation Program to try to answer that very question. A team of editors and reporters analyzed data in several states where these programs are the most concentrated. They tend to be in the west. And tracked the journeys of over 20,000 Homeless People in the United States. Ive stayed behind buildings, behind bushes. Ive slept next to dumpsters. Threebedroom trailer and her little boy slept on the couch where i was sleeping so they wanted me to go to a homeless shelter. The roughest part about being home silence the wear and tear from the concrete and constant walking. Joining me is alistair from the guardian. Fantastic they have a homelessness editor. He looks into the Socio Economic issues that continue to plague the country. Question number one why do people do this . Why is it a priority for anyone to relocate the homeless to another city . Thanks for having me. Cities would say this is one way to resolve homelessness. They say that although the majority of Homeless People are homeless in the cities in which they are currently present, there is a minority of people who are from other places. So cities would say were doing a common sense thing here by helping people return to those other cities and maybe reestablish roots there. The idea is they may have some connection to another place. May know somebody there. Send them there and maybe theyll get a fresh start. Right. Exactly. What cities do, if they all have a similar procedure whereby they will have a person come into their office, ask for a bus ticket and the cities will then ask for a contact at the other end and say wed like to ensure you really will have somewhere to stay at the other end. Lets make a phone call. And thats the procedure anyway. And everyone is meant to have somewhere stable but the reality is different. Ultimately the problem with homelessness in general san infrastructure problem. People need various support services in order to get off the street. These are people, in many cases, who have been longterm homeless. And cant either get the Substance Abuse treatment they need more Mental Health treatment to establish a normal routine. Right. So one of the people we profiled and traveled on a bus with him is quinn. And i met him just before he was taking his bus from San Francisco back to his hometown of indianapolis. And i went with him to the bus station. And he was excited about his fresh start. But when i spoke to him by telephone once he had arrived he told me things werent going so well. The person he was staying with and the contact hed given to the city of San Francisco was about to enter an Addiction Recovery program and ultimately quinn became homeless again in indianapolis. And then i met him on the bus as he was coming back from indianapolis to San Francisco. Hes currently homeless again in San Francisco. So that bus program really didnt change anything in his life. Because homelessness is a more serious issue that has to be dealt with on many levels. The idea you relocate someone and give them a fresh start, its a nice idea and some percentage of the time it works. Generally speaking its not an answer to a really complicated problem. Alistair, its a great read. Im thankful that you did it and your team covers this on a regular basis. This is a major problem in america, and we appreciate the work that you put into it. Thank you, ali. The homelessness editor at the guardian. Im going to spend a lot of time thinking about the fact they have a homelessness editor. Im out of time but im not done. Youre not done with me for the whole day. Im going to be back here at 10 00 p. M. Eastern for the last word. And then youre not even done with me for the week. Im back here at 12 30 p. M. Eastern tomorrow for velshi and ruhle and it is going to be your last chance in 2017 to see velshi ruhle side by each on tv. Otherwise youll have to wait until 2018 and who knows the way the world changes these days. You know, well see you january 8th or 9th, Something Like that. Im around all next week. You can follow me on all the social media platforms im on. But thats going to bring it to an end for me. Have a great rest of your afternoon. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. Course correction. Donald trump revealed today that he had planned to sign his signature tax bill into law after the holidays but when he realized that would mean missing his selfimposed christmas deadline, he changed his plans. And then when i watched the news, as you know, we had the largest tax cuts in our history just approved. And i was going to wait for a formal signing some time in early january but then i watched the news this morning and they were all saying, will he keep his promise and sign it by christmas. Will he sign it by christmas . And i called downstairs and said get it ready. We have to sign it now. We were going to wait until january 7th or 8th and do a formal signing but all the networks were saying, will h

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