Alex Witt hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. His son to cancel the meeting. He did not tell the fbi about the meeting. And if anything, he further encouraged and emboldened the russians to hack. Because he went out just about a month and a half after the meeting and said, russia if youre listening which is two years ago from today as you pointed out you would be rewarded for hacking Hillary Clintons emails. Lets go to Kelly Oconnell in new jersey also joining us u. S. Congressman Danny Heck Of Washington and glenn kushner. First to you, kelly in berkeley heights, new jersey not too far where the president is spending the weekend at the bedminster resort. I want to talk about the ten different ways weve counted that the president has refused to answer questions on camera regarding cohen in that 2016 Trump Tower Meeting in the month of june. Are we hearing any feedback from the white house on this . And all of this Radio Silence on this matter, how unusual is it . Well, alex, white house officials are directing us to the president s outside counsel, saying any questions relating to that look to someone like Rudy Giuliani. And we have, weve seen how Rudy Giuliani has gone from praising Michael Cohen as a trusted ally of the president and confidant and employee over a number of years now saying hes been untrustworthy, in fact, lying all of his life is one of the quotes attributed to Rudy Giuliani which certainly begs the question why would the president rely so heavily on someone they now claim to be a liar. When it comes to the white house, they are not speaking about this. The president is on the record in a few instances over the last year saying he knew nothing about it. Now that the information has come forward that cohen would be willing to say to authorities that he has belief that President Trump, then candidate trump, was informed in advance of the meeting with russian individuals that came to trump tower. So at this point, it makes it, the prime question you want to ask the president , theres this despairty. Where is the truth. So, weve counted a number of instances where the president has been in the company of rosters. Youve seen some of them play out on tv. I asked questions at the airport yesterday, for example when i was playing the Pool Reporter acting on behalf of all of the networks. Earlier in the week some of our other cliegs did as well and the president has declined to answer those. He did respond using twitter where he said he did not know about the meeting with his son in advance. And claims this is cohen trying to offer something up to reduce the burden he may face on the case that involves hip. Hes under investigation in the Southern District of new york, on issues that, at least from what weve been told by prosecutors paperwork, deal with his personal business dealings. And not necessarily directly tied to the president with the exception of the area of potential Campaign Finance violations. So, to get back to the heart of your question, the president didnt want to speak about it on camera. Didnt so on twitter and his associates are saying please call the outside lawyers. Alex. Hey, kelly, can i ask you about the photo from politico playbook yesterday. Can you describe what were seeing here . By the way congressman heck is sitting on the set and laughing as well. Bob mueller, Donald Junior, i put it out on social media with the caption, awkward. You can tell us what is happening here . Well, its really an extraordinary moment that in one frame it tells you a lot of what is happening in washington politics and culture. That gate one ive traveled many times, 35x at Reagan National airport. And it is a gate that has people waiting for a number of flights. So its important to say they probably werent heading to the exact destination. We just dont know. You there have Robert Mueller seated reviewing something in the frame. Upper righthand corner you see donald trump, jr. And what appear to be two Secret Service agents. He does get Secret Service protection. And Robert Mueller does get protected in his role. Everyone can add a caption to it, what must they be thinking . Clearly, people were aware they were in the same frame. Were told there was no visible interaction but what a memorable photo that captures what is in both of these mens lives right now. A Focus On Mueller from the trump side and a Focus On Trump from the mueller side. Alex. Thank you for the report. Denny heck of washington, a he be of the house intelligence committee. You laughed at that picture. Right, right. Didnt we all. I have a Dialogue Bubble that i have in my head when i look at that photo, Robert Mueller is saying i will adhere to the highest levels of professionalism and not acknowledge him. And donald trump, jr. Is saying, oh, my god, im afraid i got to get away from this. As kelly o. , a lot of different captions to that mine was just awkward. Lets talk about the 2016 Trump Tower Meeting in the month of june and the allegations that Michael Cohen is putting out there saying, look, donald trump, our president , then candidate, knew in advance about this meeting. Right. Both cohen and donald trump, jr. Have testified before your committee. I know you cant confirm or deny. You know i cant. And wont as well. But what are your thoughts on this . So, i think the walls are closing in. I said that to you, i think, a week or so ago. This is yet another Proof Positive that the investigation is getting closer and closer in many regards. The fact of the matter is this is Donald Trumps worst nightmare, its not just this revelation or allegation because its yet to be corroborated but its the fact there are 99 additional tapes into the one that was revealed this week. So, i think what is of Material Significa significance, here, alex, weve moved from the area to conspiracy. With the meeting hiding in plain sight when he admonished the russians to go ahead and get Hillary Clintons emails. Now with prior knowledge and intent, were now beginning to inch into the territory of conspiracy. And whats the difference . Well, collusion isnt a federal crime. Conspiracy is. Who do you think has more credibility right now, is it Michael Cohen or is it donald trump . Well, i wouldnt want to have to rely on the credibility of either of them. But im hardpressed to understand why at this point mr. Cohen would be lying. For me, the question is always, where are the incentives for behavior. And i dont see any incentive from mr. Cohen at this stage of this whole sordid affair to be lying. In that regard i guess i would mutt more credence in what it is he is saying. Rudy giuliani had some thoughts. Not surprising in what this all means. Lets take a listen to what he said. I expected Something Like this from cohen. Hes been lying all week. Hes been lying for years. I dont see he has a credibility. If you had a trial, youd say which one do you want to pick, the first lie, a second lie or some new lie . Theres nobody that knows him who hasnt warned him if hes backed against the wall hell lie like crazy because he lied all his life. So interesting to what was being said a couple weeks ago. You impaired them when giuliani and the president saying that cohen is such a great guy. What changed . It seems to me the pattern that is discernible, the president has a habit of hiring lawyers that lie on his behalf. But the implication being what lets say Michael Cohen has done that in the past. And Rudy Giuliani is doing it now. Or he was doing it earlier. And lets consider the possibility that Michael Cohen decides not to continue lying, if that is what he has done in the past. So, what are you taking away from that, the tenor of this relationship between these two, mostly trump and cohen . Well, its estranged, right . Theyre completely split apart. And Michael Cohen has decided to come clean. I think it was on your program that i once posited what would come into play would be the cohen index which is how many years would Michael Cohen be facing before he decided to come and tell the truth. I believe did you say that. I have the number at somewhere between 10 and 15. My guess is Splomehow Interacti with the u. S. Attorneys office that hes come front and center and facetoface with the fact thats what he has to endure and as a consequence, hes coming clean. What about the prospect of Robert Mueller now reportedly wanting to look at the president s tweets as part of the investigation. To what end how can tweets be used against the president or at least to gather information from mueller . Words matter. I think what hes plumbing here is the prospect of Obstruction Of Justice but i want to put it in perspective to help viewers understand, i think what it is were really facing here in the near future. I deduce from raeding Between The Lines of what whether mueller is focusing on right now is Obstruction Of Justice. I suggest if he doesnt come out with anything during the month of august that hes going to wait until after the general election because he will respect the fbis traditional practice of not trying to do something in the middle of a campaign. The truth is Obstruction Of Justice is, of course, only one of the risks that President Trump faces. He has the conspiracy with the russians to interfere with the election which is a violation of federal crime. And underneath it all, what weve all wondered about and try to get at the truth at, and that is, the issue of the flow of the money between him and the russians dating back some time. And whether or not racketeering or bank fraud or any number of crimes was committed. That brings mean to mike pompeo who testified before the Senate Judiciary committee. And his query which will come into play, with what went on between the president and Vladimir Putin. Lets take a listen. Just to ask a simple question i just cant i want my seven minutes, mr. Secretary. Did he tell you what happened in that two hours . Yes, the predicate implied there was something about having a oneonone meeting. I completely disagree. I didnt ask you a predicate, did he tell you i had a number of conversations about what transpired in the meeting. I was also in the meeting when he and president pruiutin and lavrov, i think i have a complete understanding. Did you speak to the translators at that meeting . No, i havent. First of all, your thoughts on this . And do you have any certainty that our Secretary Of State has more information that went on in that meeting which we have all gotten from published reports or those who have spoken about it . None whatsoever. I dont have much confidence that he does have 100 readout of what went on in that meeting. The truth of the matter while hes not is improper per se and also completely unconventional and normshattering especially in the context of where we are in relationship with russia. If the president had want ed Secretary Of State pompeo to have a 100 readout of that meeting he would have had him in that meeting. What is your reaction for President Putin inviting President Trump to continue the discussions . Is that a oneway ticket . Does that shift the balance, is it a concern to you . If it were to take place, do you think it should happen in washington . Or do you think it should happen at all . I became very concerned if not disturbed over the state of our relations with russia quite some time ago. And the prospect of the president going to moscow to frankly elevate the profile of President Putin and promises who knows what yet again and continue in what seems to be his unrelenting campaign in support of his automatcrat. And he arrests people in his own country, alex, because he doesnt want anybody to know the truth. He murders people who are political centers. Theres no way we should lend legitimacy to this mans reign. In fact are there areas that would be Productsi Iproductive collaborate on like a Cyber Security agreement . Sure. But this is not the way to undertake it. He has to be held on account the the president should live up to the Sanction Bill which passed overwhelmingly in the United States congress and hold him accountable and then have the conversations. Representative denny heck, its very happy. Happy birthday to maureen. I wasnt supposed to stay anything, but im not on the intelligence committee. Gauging on how other peoples business and President Trumps private business could be at odds wait for it the constitution, a legal battle against the president gets a green light, next. I would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my Home Insurance. Saved me a ton of money. Love you, gary you dont have to buzz in. Its not a question, gary. On march 1, 1810 [ ding ] frederic chopin. Collapsing in 226 [ ding ] the colossus of rhodes. [ sighs ] Louise Dustmann [ ding ] brahms lullaby, or wiegenlied. When will it end . [ ding ] not today, ron. When will it end . [ ding ] heres a trip tip when you Search Hotels on tripadvisor. Enter your destination and the dates of your stay. Tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To find the best deal on the right hotel for you. Tripadvisor. When it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path . We have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors we chose prolia® to help make our bones stronger. Only prolia® helps strengthen bones by stopping cells d. C. Hotel to go forward. Joining me now, glenn kirschner, former prosecutor. The lawsuit accuses the president of benefitting improperly when officials stay at his hotel just walks away from the white house. Its the first time that a judge has applied the structure of the emoluments clause. Tell me why its significant . Alex, its significant for a couple of reasons. The one, the most obvious one, we need to know when the president in conducting his business both in the United States and Around The World is actually acting financially and benefitting from the fact that he owns these properties, again, in america and Around The World. The second thing that is significant, a civil proceeding is pretty dramatic from a criminal prosecution. Answer it and its going to give the unprecedented scrutiny to the president s business dealings Around The World. It probably would have taken almost heroic efforts to put all of these properties or assets in blind trusts so that the president was not actually personally been and his family was not personally benefitting. And i havent seen any indication that that was done. And as Pete Williams reporting has shown us, i think this is exactly why the judge has allowed these suits to go forward and has denied the motion to dismiss that was filed by the department of justice, on the president s behalf. Okay. Switching gears here. Of course, sources telling nbc news that Michael Cohen is willing to tell that the president knew in advance of the june 2016 Trump Tower Meeting . Did you see this coming. I would say i probably did see it coming. And heres why, we have now heard reporting that Michael Cohen can provide information to the government that President Trump knew about the trump tower meeting in advance. The reason i think we did see this coming is because, when you look at the timetable of, first of all, the email string that basically don junior offered. He had to get in front of it, because he knew that news was about to break. Lets look at that email string for a minute. The email string itself says things like, hey, you know what, russia wants donald trump to be elected. And the russian government is in Donald Trumps corner. And the russian government can provide incriminating information about hillary clinton. Now what does Donald Junior do with that information . If he didnt know before that time, that russia wanted his father to be elected president , human nature tells us, he would have sprinted to his fathers office. And said, dad, dad, great news. Russias backing you. Russia wants you to win and russia has incriminating information about your opponent. So, i think human nature tells us you cant help but do that, if this is brandnew information and its a revelation to you. So, again, it seems like the president would have known. But lets flip that on its head, alex. If Donald Junior didnt run to his father with that information, what can we infer from that . Well, we can infer that Donald Junior must have already known that russia was his fathers corner. You know, ive said recently that maybe for Donald Junior, this was just another day at Camp Collusion because he had already been made aware that russia was trying to help his father get elected. Thank you very much for the conversation. Good to see you. Is the government doing enough to protect our election . Were going to ask a u. S. Intelligence expert who wrote the book about russian interference in 2016. I love my grandma. Anncr as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. Learning from him is great. When i can keep up anncr thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. Dads got all the answers. Anncr prevagen is now the numberoneselling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. She outsmarts me every single time. Checkmate you wanna play again . Anncr prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. 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As you know, the house voted down provisions which would have increased the electoral security. The Trump Administration has no interest in securing this election. It worked out for them the last time. So the president held this meeting that because john kelly thought they should at least address it. Then he jumped on an airplane and went golfing. But in terms of that meeting playing out and leading to something, do you have any hope on that regard. Lets be honest. This president is pretty tough, notoriously so in terms of getting briefed on things. Maybe 30 minutes is all hes going to apply to it and leave it to others to handle it for him. Can that be effective . Well shg, thats a possibili. Weve known for the last years when you have a president of the United States that says everything that occurred in the 2016 election was an inside hoax or a job by a 400 pound guy, thats your determination of trying to come to terms with happened. Our defense right now is coming from the Intelligence Agencies and departments of Homeland Security who have just been maintains the basics which were established during the obama administration. As of right now, there are no Marching Orders whatsoever, for the protection of this election. And the hacking attempt, or the Phishing Attempt on senator Claire Mccaskill is an example that russia doesnt concern themselves with what were going to do. What about the president threatening to veto the Security Clearances and former intel officers who criticized his response to russian interference. Whats your reaction to that . Its just another example of the politics of personal destruction that President Trump plays by. This is extraordinary. No one has ever done this. The last person who actually wrote down an enemys list and decided to go after them was richard nixon. And you saw how that ended. Thats precisely what that is. Saying that youre going after Security Clearances of two of those people on the list because everybody else had surrendered their clearances or no longer have a billet for that, the president was just being petty. And people in that community understands what that means. Mike pompeo, i want to get your take on his appearance before the Senate Foreign relations committee. First take a listen to how he found out what was discussed with the president s oneonone meeting with Vladimir Putin in helsinki. I had a number of conversations about what transpired in the meeting. And i was present with the president in the meeting. And i also had a chance to discuss with Servegy Lavrov what took place. Did you speak to the translator at that meeting . No, i havent. Did the president tell you that he discussed relaxing russias sanctions, yes or no . The president is entitled to have private meetings. Im telling you what u. S. Policy is. Did the Secretary Of State need to speak with the translators, malcolm . Yes, i think he does need to speak to the translator. I think everyone in this country needs to know what the president said and agreed to in that meeting. If you listen to what Secretary Pompeo said, every bit of information he got either became from Vladimir Putin and the former minister Sergey Lavrov and then he had outlines coming from the president. You know, donald trump is famous for not telling the truth in these meetings, to the point when he would have lawsuits they would have two lawyers in the room at any given time. This is the National Security of the United States. The president should not be conducting oneonone meetings with foreign powers where it appears he was cutting deals or setting up the outlines of the deals and we the American Public dont know anything about it. Im curious what you think of inviting Vladimir Putin to moscow and sending the president to moscow to further their conversations . Well, the president is just an easily manipulatable person. Im saying that as an intelligence professional. Many people who have been in this Community Know what im talking about. He is just so happy to be around Vladimir Putin that Vladimir Putin on day one, after the United States gave an invitation through secretary bolton, or, im sorry, National Security adviser bolton for the president to invite Vladimir Putin to the United States. The russians demurred. Then within four 48 hours, the russians pulled a chain and said, no, wed like him to come to washington. He jumped on it. Hes a former kgb officer, he knows how to get everything out of trump and whichever meeting happens it is going to be framed in russias narrative for russias benefit. Not ours. Malcolm nance, good to see you. Coming up, democratic voters are angry and energyized but will it be enough to take back the house and the senate . But before the break, its all about Michael Cohens take in latenight. Apparently cohen will record these calls and meetings on his iphone instead of taking notes because its easier than taking notes to refer to is that. Im starting to think maybe trump doesnt hire all the best people. No i got no reaction. Its hard to hear. Because the only thing that Michael Cohen is worse at than lawyering is sound recording. You know who is really annoyed about this . Russia, theyre like, why are we putting so much work on spying on these americans when they seem to be doing it to themselves. And theyve learned because it involved playboy, but im only in it for the articles. Ive been Making Blades here at gillette for 20 years. Theres a lot of innovation that goes into making americas 1 shave. Precision machinery and highquality materials from Around The World. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. Im looking at your most recent article entitled look out, democratic voters are angry and energized. Where does the anger stem from . I think it comes from the 2016 election where they feel like donald trump used an advantage from a foreign power. I think it comes from the serial outrages that they see. Donald trumps attack on our Democratic Institutions and norms. They see it from the attack on the health care system. And even from things like the tariffs which have disrupted the farm economy in the great midwest. So, i think there are substantive Policy Reasons and i think theres a great outrage at him specifically. At the lies. At the bullying at the misogyny. I think the Democratic Base is as energized e ed as ive seen. Look, republicans hold a narrow majority in the senate. And a pretty nice cushion in the house. What do you think the chance are that the democrats take back the house and the senate . The Problem Chance of Takinge House is very strong at this point. One for donald trump they have a number of retirees, that is, open seats that do not have the power of the incumbency. And the second problem is there really has been a shift in the support. College educated people. Suburbs, women, have dramatically shifted in favor of the democrats. Republicans have relied on maybe not the majority of all of those groups but a large base of support within them. If those people turn out like they did, for example in 2017 where some of the special elections or State Elections in virginia, for example, the democrats are going to get quite a boost. I think those factors are heavily working in their favor. The senate is a higher proposition for the democrats because their defending so many of those seats and so many of them from red states. Claire mccaskill and heidi heitkamp, and that said, they have very good pickup possibilities both nevada and arizona looking strong for them. And now, even tennessee does. They lucked out and had a former very popular governor running for the democrats so that may be another Pickup Opportunity as well. If not winning back the senate, i can certainly see them gaining a net one that would be a 50 50 tie meaning mike pence would have to spend an awful lot of time in the senate. Lets look at the poll numbers that i referenced at the top of the interview here. Generic house ballot. All democrats, 51 . And republicans, 39 . We have another one to show you that were going to put up as well as we take a look at that with midterm elections, what, 15 weeks from now . Do you think its likely the tide could change from then and now. At this point, i think you talk about charlie cook in his vast experience with the Cook Political Report in the article, where things stand now would hold . Thats something that charlie cook put a lot of confidence in. Once the bake is sort of baked if you will, during the summer, its very hard to shift the electorates mindset. Is it possible that something extraordinary Out Of The Blue could happen . I assume so. But particularly, the economy, although its in the background is not necessarily the decisive factor here. Its certainly keeping the bottom from falling out on the republican. Either a minor uptick or downtick, if you will, in the economy, i dont think well be able to shift people. Well have a very polarized electorate right now. What about the shift in the polls does that find as an indicator of what happens in 2020 or is that a horse of a different your . Its an indication that democrats are starting to get their act together. But youre right, 2020 is a different act altogether. You have to come up with a nominee thats going to beat donald trump or some other republican. And right now theres a vast, vast number of democrats with no clear frontrunner. Theyre going to have to pick someone wisely. And theyre going to have to make the case that they have a better alternative to donald trump. A lot of people Couldnt Stand hillary clinton. Democrats have to understand that point. They have to get a likable candidate that can take it to donald trump. That process is going to begin the moment the polls close on election day this year. As you know, the president ial election cycle has gotten very long these days. And as soon as those results are in, youre going to see the 2020 contenders rev up and start running their campaigns. Yeah, without even taking a breath it seems. Youre 100 right on that. Very interesting piece from you, not surprised, jennifer rubin. Thank you. Next, who do you believe . President trump battling his attorney Michael Cohen with both sides arguing over what the president knew and when he knew it. But first, why ivanka trump decided to shut down her Clothing Line more than a year after stepping away from the company. What do you have there . P3 its meat, cheese and nuts. I keep my protein interesting. Oh yea, me too. I have cheese and uh these herbs. P3 snacks. The more interesting way to get your protein. Well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of 412. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Paying too much for insurance that isnt the right fit . Well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of 412. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Chief and blake, first, you have giuliani there on the attack and reports that president cohen are dead to each other now. And taking the Mueller Probe as the president s biggest problem, hes got to focus on Michael Cohen, what he might do if he turns . Yeah, i mean, trump said the other day it was like a betrayal from his son. And, you know, weve heard that trump hasnt treated cohen very well for years. And maybe the bill is coming due for that. It certainly seems like its very bitter feud right now. And i think there are reasons to be worried from what i hear from the white house. They are much more worried about the seventh district of new york probe than the Mueller Probe. They have more sense of whats coming from bob muellers team than from new york. It looks like cohen keep lobing hes grenades into the news cycle and i think its scaring the white house. Do you think its the smartest thing for the trump team to do, steph, to go after the man who is the president s righthand man for a decade. Hes called his fixer. Are both sides fuelling out of emotion now . Is there a Clear Strategy that you can see . It is ironic, if you think about giuliani just a few months ago saying that cohen is an honorable honest layer and nwyew saying hes a liar repeatedly. In one sense, saying the other person is the liar is one of the only real strategies they have. Someone has to be lying. And both have incentive to lie. Okay. Were going to switch now to yesterdays both noncohen big news. The new gdp numbers. Just after these numbers were released. Donald trump, jr. Tweeted, incredible numbers. I remember when the experts laughed about breaking 3 just because obama never broke 2 doesnt mean someone with great policies cant lets keep it going. It seems John Harwood Plies with the gdp reaching it at least five times. Blake, do the departures from the truth really on the part of donald trump, jr. Does that at all register with the public . This is to blake. Sorry about that. I dont know how much people know about donald trump in the public eye. But certainly, among, you know, people that follow him like me, he doesnt a lot of credibility. And i dont think hes corrected that tweet. You know, hes not very interested in accuracy. And thats just another example of it. But, you know, its been a long road from 2008 recession. And maybe mentally, a lot of people think the economy was worse under obama than it actually was. But, steph, im curious if this isnt a tricky game to play. Because if the economic pendulum swings the other way, theyve just taken credit for all of it. Exactly. That is the danger in claiming the successes. Obviously, the economy is in a good place, especially looking at midterms. Thats a top issue for voters. In one place its smart for the president to be claiming these as wins but its also dangerous because if this is a bubble and if the economy does crash, then again, we have tapes and tweets of the Trump Administration taking ownership of that. I want to move to first daughter and white house special assistant ivanka trump who earlier this month announced shes going to shut down her Namesake Fashion Brand which he continued to own despite being separated from daytoday operationses. Ivanka says she doesnt know if shell ever return. Earlier a Canadian Company announced its going to pull all of her products from over 90 of heir stores and thats in addition to when nordstroms did as well. Whats behind the company break . Do you think its not faring so well financially . I dont think you shut down a company precipitously like this if its not doing well. Im not a big ivanka trump shoe buyer, but from what i gather, there were lots of complaints about the quality and fabric. I dont think ivanka trumps brand is so hot right now. So i think that played a role. Do you think that President Trumps children had any idea their father would send a ripple through their lives in this way . I dont think they had any idea just how vast that would be. Of course, its made their brand a political statement even with the Trump Properties and who stays there. And of course, ivankas brand. Purchasing something from a trump brand might mean something more than it had before donald trump blame president. I think thats a difficult thing to deal with. So, i dont think its surprising especially given how Many Department stores and Large Companies have stopped holding the line that i vvanka decided end it. And all of the products not made here in the United States. Very good to see you both. Coming up, President Trump former fixer Michael Cohen gets aggressive. What does he know . And what is he willing to tell Robert Mueller . I tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. They didnt work for me. I didnt think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. I needed that to quit. 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