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Good morning, everyone. Im alex witt here at msnbc World Headquarters in new york. 9 00 a. M. In the east, 6 00 a. M. In the west. Unraveling and dismantling. President trump went on a tear making a move that could scrap the Iran Nuclear Deal. A day after he cut obamacare subsidies, does that mean he owns the future of the u. S. Health care system . Both questions may be answered here on capitol hill. Democrats want a deal to push back on the health care cuts. Can they get it passed . This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere, whether in entertainment, politics. New reaction there. Hillary clinton on the Harvey Weinstein issue. One of her most pointed comments directed at the oval office. But first, members of President Trumps own party are coming out against his executive order targeting a critical piece of obamacare. Subsidies paid to insurers, they pay out of pocket costs to lowincome americans which could income 6 Million People and increase premiums. It is true that it will have a destabilizing effect on our insurance markets. And i think thats the last thing that we should want. And may for some insurancers out altogether. My number one concern is the impact on low income individuals. Very proud of my executive order which will allow greatly expanded access and far lower costs for health care. Millions of people benefit. And the decision not to recertify the Iran Nuclear Deal. Calling it much stronger than President Trump thinks. Kelly odonnell is he at the white house this saturday morning with more on the growing tension thes between the u. S. And iran. With a good morning, you have key u. S. Allies saying they are standing by this deal. So what is going to happen . Well, there have been high stakes for this, alex. There are several countries signatories to the agreement. And iran is saying it wants the agreement to go forward. But we have heard President Trump as a candidate and in his early months in office describing this as a terrible deal. It is important to note he has stopped short of pulling the u. S. Out of this Nuclear Agreement but is taking some steps, putting congress on notice that he wants them to lean on the Iranian Regime while allies say to President Trump, dont rock this boat. Not a surprise. But still a striking development. Iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal. President trump chipped away at another obamaera policy. The 2015 deal intended to blunt Irans Nuclear program. Were very unhappy with iran. The president decertified the agreement, asking congress to consider new sanctions and enforcement on iran that would not scuttle the current agreement now but would send a message. We will deny the regime all paths to a nuclear weapon. Especially to irans military power, the revolutionary guard. The Trump Administration slapped new sanctions on the group but stopped short of labeling it a terror organization. Critics say the move could provoke retaliation. And reaction was swift in tehran. Friday, a different kind of defense. The president and first lady toured the secret Service Training center in phd and watch maryland and watched agents on the driving force. That excursion came after the president slammed the brakes on a central part of obamacare. Ending government payments to Insurance Companies that subsidize lower income Americans Buying Health Insurance policies. Angering democrats, while he is trying to court them. If the Democratic Leaders could come over to the white house, well negotiate some deal thats good for everybody. Reporter so two steps. The president ending the costsharing payments as they are known under obamacare. And also signing app executive order to allow people to buyin trade associations or other groups where people businesses can gettogether to buy insurance policies across state lines in terms that arent all the same things required under obamacare. Shorter policies, those not requiring all the services. That is part of where the controversy is. Some people say why now on iran . Tomorrow was a deadline set by congress for the president to decertify. So thats the action hes taking. And the sanctions and the other enforcement he wants are not about the Nuclear Program because that would scuttle the deal. It has to do with ballistic miss skpeuls terr iles. Steve bannon will address the value voters summit today in a couple of hours, one day after the president took the stage at this conservative convention. We know that its the family and the church, not government officials that know best how to create strong and loving communities. And above all else, we know this. In america we dont warship government. We worship god. Trump else former senior advisers struck a similar tone with his comments. Garrett has more for us. Im curious about the buzz of what you are hearing about bannons speech. I think he is allowed 10 minutes. Reporter for goods gigive m using my golf announcer speech because we have somebody on stage here speaking. The president echoed some of the messages that the former chief strategist has tried to hammer both inside and out of the office talking about the bunker mentality of Trump Supporters against the world, talking about some of the issues in the culture world that have been so divisive. National anthem, flag protests, things of that nature, attack the media. There was quite a lot of anti Mainstream Media sentiment here yesterday. All of that teague when bannon speaks today, the crowd will be primed to hear that message and agreeing with him. They heard judge roy moore, the Alabama Senate candidate here yesterday. Got a very big resepgdz. Very much sort of in line of the several days of this conference. The folks that bannon has tried to harness around President Trump, not just the Republican Party typically. Can i just ask you, is it being well attended . There are a lot of empty seats behind you. Is that because it is only 9 00 in the morning . The president spoke earlier in the day. The room was completely full by the time i got here at 9 00 in the morning. People very much were wanted to see the president. Most of the bigger named speakers were here yesterday. I suspect we will see the room fill up throughout the course of the day. A few hundred people. Not lines outside the door. But the president was the big key speaker. Okay. Garrett haake, thank you so much. Appreciate that. Joining me now is nishelle with the New York Times and reporter for the hill, kate. Just to follow up on what garrett was reporting. When steve bannon left the administration in august, he said he could shake up more from the outside. Yeah. Steve bannon now from the outside. We are seeing him support roy moore, who ended up winning in the alabama runoff for the senate election. He does have influence. The fact that we are talking steve bannon, that he stayed in the news cycle and he has had an effective role for the mod rats in the Republican Party, i dont know how that will necessarily translate. 2018 will be the big litmus test to see how much of an effect he has had. Looking at how roy moore mared, it is a strong point. It will be interesting to see how they will effectively fight back to keep the mod rats in congress in 2018. He has a lot he is targeting with his support next year. Lets move to health care. Does that put republicans in a tight spot . A number of them are concerned their constituents will be hurt seriously by this move. They should be concerned about it. A lot of republicans are concerned. People could pay more. They will be asking why havent you helped President Trump . What President Trump did . This executive order in this order in put the onus back on the party. They are the ones failing. While there are issues with President TrumpS Administration, where we have stories of chaos, stories of just hiS Administration being influx, i think for this story it makes trump look really good for his base. He is saying, look, im doing all i possibly can and my party isnt helping me. And what about the president having issued that to democrats following the executive order. In fact, lets take a listen to it. What would be nice if the Democratic Leaders could come over to the white house, well negotiate some deal that is good for everyone. Thats what i would like. Theyre a block vote against everything. Theyre like obstructionists. If they came over, maybe we could make a deal. Im curious how valid is this is, kate, because republicans hold both houses of congress. Thats exactly what youre saying, alex. Interesting to see, yes, donald trump is putting it kwron donal trump saying he wants him to negotiate. Whats interesting is donald trump has suggested that he might come back to the table and he might reinstate these obamacare subsidies if democrats concede some of the things he would like. We are looking at border funding. The border wall is what he is trying to get out of this. Donald trump, yes, did make progress trying to help obamacare implode. Yesterday was the most aggressive move we have seen of this. Democrats are going to be in a tough spot. And republicans will be in an even tougher spot. As far as the next steps for this, we have seen 18 states, washington, d. C. And some insurancers will be suing the Trump Administration for trying to unravel this. They will see some of the negative effects of this. If congress cant help to reel this back in, it will have negative effects for the party. A report from Reince Priebus was interviewed there. Any concerns for the president on that . Does he have something to worry about that or not . I think the president seat belt very worried about the mueller investigation. Is he specifically worried about Reince Priebus . Who knows what he actually told investigators. You think of sean spicer, who has detailed acts of whats going on in the white house, that has to bother the president. We see him being bothered by that when he talks about Jeff Sessions. Even though Jeff Sessions is getting aulg of this stuff done over at the department of justice. Hes still angry at the fact that he reaccused himself. Now it set this domino effect and got Robert Mueller involved essentially. I think what you are seeing is the white house essentially thinking about this, thinking about james comey that he wanted a special prosecutor to be looking at this case. Now that they have that, the white house is concerned how what is going to happen with this investigation. And i think its pretty normal. And i think for the next maybe even year were going to see each member of the president S Administration being interviewed by these investigators. Okay. Ladies, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Do most republicans agree with senator bob corker who says trump is putting the u. S. On a path to world war iii . Answers after the break. Now that we have your attention. Capri sun has four updated drinks. Now with only the good stuff. Do you know how to use those . Nope. Get those kids some new capri sun backed me up. Big time. Before movantik, i tried to treat it myself. No go. But i didnt back down. I talked to my doctor. She said one, movantik was specifically designed for opioidinduced constipation. Oic. Number two . My movantik savings card can save me big time over the other things i tried. Dont take movantik if you have or had a bowel blockage. 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Now the iran deal, the paris accord. Look, you probably agree with some of these moves. On the on face, he is just dismantling. He is not constructing any of his own policies. Isnt that a p. R. Program . He is the dismantlerinchief. We dont want an em peeral presidency. A lot of things that took place in the previouS Administration was too much power in the secretary branch. The thing that trump is doing that many of us are applauding, this should not be in the executive branch, the decisions on daca, obamacare. They belong in the legislative branch. Im happy about that. In regards to policy, we dont make policy in the executive branch. That was the issue that he is dismantling. Too much of that was happening in the previouS Administration. So hes doing the best that he can with the power that he has constitutionally inside the executive branch. But lets face it, to get policy passed, the republicans will have to step up and work with him. Alex, this is not a trump agenda hes trying to get past, it is a common sense agenda that benefits the american people. It really does. Its one of those things where people looking at him, yeah, haoe doi hes doing the right thing but congress has to step up and do something. Ultimately a lot of these issues here, how effective is the legislative branch . You can look back to 2010 on and see the lack of efficacy in getting things dup. Really what does he expect will get done through congress . First of all, it is the constitutional thing to do. Second of all, it puts the onus on the senate. You actually have to make hard decisions. A lot centers around the legislative filibuster. Will Mitch Mcconnell do away with it or not . I think a lot of us feel if Chuck Schumer was in that place he would do away with the legislative filibuster. At this point, you have the republican in charge of both houses of the congress. Exactly. And we see how in effective it is. I want to get to this well. Senator bob corker, the republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee saying he treated it like a reality show with reckless threats that could seat set the nation on the path to world war iii. Not one republican senator stepped forward to dispute that. Does that alarm you . No. Corker will not be in the senate in january 2019. This really is one of those theupbgs where you are seeing the situation between the establishment, d. C. Based republicans and the rest of the country. Based off his u. N. Speech and the other things hes been doing the last few weeks, donald trump has a very clear eye view of the world that we have to deal with iran. We have to deal with north korea now before they have these capabilities to continue to be an existential threat to the rest of the world. Corker will disagree. Thats fine. He wont be in the senate in january 2019 all right. But, ned, it is not just politicians that are disagreeing. I want to play what military analysts barry is saying about the threat of war specific live with north korea. Listen to this. The current language of the administration, the lack of a diplomatic and serious engagement strategy in my view has us sliding toward war by next summer. That is a rather ominous statement there by a military general. Shouldnt the president be doing a better job of avoiding the escalation starting with dial back the rhetoric. Isnt he largely responsible for what happens next . Alex, this is a failure of the three previouS Administrations, including the bush administration. That may be, but we are now front and center. Heres where we are today. You know why . But you know why we are front and center . They have failed to deal with what north koreaan regime has wanted to be an existential threat specifically to the United States. They are less than two ways if they dont. We have to deal with the situation now. If we dont within two years we could see American Cities under threat from nuclear weapons. It is one of those things that has been a failure the last 23 years of failed diplomacy. Now donald trump has been the can has been kicked into his corner. He has to deal with it. In regards to the rhetoric, listen, clinton used very strong rhetoric against the north korean regime. At the same time, this is a diplomatic approach. You have to basically threaten forth if youre going to bring people to the table. Diplomacy without threat of force does not work. I get that. Using the rhetoric like little rock et man. Really, ned . We know that irks kim jongun. Lets get to the bigger picture. He is dealing with a threat. I cant say this enough. We are on a very short run as north korea having the technology and the capabilities to be a very real threat to u. S. Cities. And donald trump is saying enough is enough. I have to deal with this. Some people might not like this rhetoric. This is a problem he inherited from three administrations. He has to deal with it. I think he will deal with it successfully. At the same time, i dont think there is an easy solution because of the failure of the previouS Administrations. I think everyone can agree on that, thats for sure. In vanity fair is steve bannon said trump has 30 chance of survivi surviving. It suggests the president is seething. On the heels of bob corkers statements, not just for the sake of the party but for the sake of the country republicans would prefer to see a president pence . I would love to see a president pence inaugurated in january 2025. Im a huge mike pence fan. That being said, i talked with bannon about this article two days ago and said, all right, steve, whats the real story . He said fake news. You can tell people President Trump will be reelected. I think he will win 400 electoral votes in 2020. Bannon said vanity fair was a fake story. I would love to see president pence in 2025. I do think you will see two terms of trump. You will see a reaganbush approach, two terms trump and a term of mike pence. Maybe two of mike pence. A lot of republicans would prefer to see a president pence. Its not going to happen. A lot of the base, well over 90 of the people that voted for trump are adamantly supporting trump as president of the United States. When youre having conversations in d. C. And new york, get out and have conversations with the real voters in the rest of the world. They are still adamantly behind President Trump. Thank you so much. Well see you again. Thank you. Hillary clinton makes one of her sharpest attacks since the 2016 election. What she said coming up. Liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. I just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. My Insurance Company definitely doesnt have that. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Before we go, political humor this week. The late night takes on President Trump forget to go sign the order. Vice president pence had to delicately redirect the president to sign that order. Thanks a lot, mike pence. First thing the guy does all year, and its that. Forgot to sign. Hes like a roomba that gets stuck in a corner. He has to pick it up, aim at the window. This is supposed to do the job. That is troubling. At the signing he forgot to do the signing. But on the plus side, lets hope he forgets the launch codes. Eva. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. And at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. Putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. By listening to an thiaudiobook on audible. Ame and this guy is just trying to get through the day. This guy feels like he can take on anything. This guy isnt sure he can take it anymore. Unwavering selfconfidence. Stuck in a 4door sedan of sadness. Upgrade your commute. Ride with audible. Dial star star audible on your smartphone to start listening today. At Stanford Health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. If we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. And if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. If we can use patients genes to predict Heart Disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. Imagine what we can do for you. Imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. Welcome back, everyone. Im alex witt. 32 past the hour. Heres what were monitoring for you. Nbc news confirming Harvey Weinstein is planning to contest his firing from the weinstein company. He was fired days after the New York Times and the new yorker magazine published bombshell allegations of harassment and Sexual Assault. It has not stopped more women from coming forward. Brother bob is now running the company. He has denied reports of the allegations which plunged the company into kay ox. He said the board is not exploring the sale nor the shutdown of the company. Lisa green, on your case a comprehensive compassionate and bossy legal guide for every stage of a womans life. So good to have you back on the broadcast. Great to be here. Women have accused him of not just unwelcomed were advances but rape. He has denied this through a spokesperson. Are any of these allegations provable . Look at the timeline here. How does this move to court or does it . Police across the world, in london, new york, and possibly l. A. Are reexamining these situations. There is no statute of limitations for rape in new york or in london. California has a slightly more complicated calendar. But as you point out, time is the enemy of prosecutions. Evidence degrades. Women may or may not want to go through the rigors of a court case. For sure he faces a set of potential criminal liabilities unthinkable weeks ago. It is the kind of thing it will be a he said she said. Unfortunately. He may not deny the act of sex but consensual. It rests on consensual. You see sometimes in the cosby case, once there is a disbeauty about a womans voluntary behavior, it gets complicated to prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. Okay. Rose mcgowan has claimed on twitter she was raped. Again, allegations that mr. Weinstein has denied. But she is calling out famous people in hollywood who she says they were aware of the harassment. If not complacent in some ways by helping to procure women to harveys presence but at least staying quiet. One of the fascinating things i think were about to see is a closer look at the company, the weinstein company. I am curious about the employees there, what they knew, what they felt forced into doing. And significantly for the companys liability. Did they have any h. R. Structure that allowed people to come forward f. They did, that is a helpful defense. Not the actresses, if they didnt, totally different opportunity for civil cases down the road. There is app investigation under way. And the result, if we get to see them, would be fascinating. But prior assistance specifically. These are people who knew what harvey did. Most of the time they were arranging things for him. Can they be individually responsible as well . It is is going to sound like semantics but its not. There is a difference between what you actually knew, what you thought you might know. We have no idea really yesterday what employees who were involved in weinsteins schedule were made aware of. The board said they had no idea. You can imagine junior employees, knowing more, knowing less. That is why an investigation is critical to parsing that out. It could be a question of liability on the line. Even for employees but more significantly for the company that paid them to do the things they did. Okay. Attorney lisa green, im sure we will have you back. There will be a lot more to discuss in this regard. Thank you so much. Happening right now, mandatory evacuations in sonoma county, California Wildfires have been out of control since last sunday. Highway 12 in kenwood and santa rosa areas. Everyone is being asked to head towards santa rosa. Sarah dallof is there. With a good morning to you. How are residents coping . Reporter well, alex, its just deja vu as residents had just seconds to pack their belongings before they flee. They dont know if they will come back to their neighborhoods. Or this charred debris, hints of homes that once stood here. Body camera by the Sheriffs Office shows the frenzied conditions that emergency workers are dealing with. Where are you at . Come on shes disabled. Let me get her feet. Reporter our crew this morning saw firsthand how quickly situations cancan change as we head into our live shot location. One of our vehicles passed through a road that is now in the evacuation with no problems. No hints of any danger. A few minutes later, the fire came over the mountain. The road was no longer safe. Yesterday Officials Say they had begun to get some containment around the two biggest fires. Alex, it just goes to show right now the fire still is in charge. Oh, my goodness. And the story youre seeing about the news crew as well. It just demonstrates how perilous this all is and how fast things will change. That video of the firefighters, sarah, is that what youre seeing all over . Its because of the smoke. They dont even know which direction to go to find people. Reporter exactly. They just hear something. Reporter exactly. Theyre calling out, using loud speakers. You cant get your bearings in this situation. The smoke is so thick. Not only do you not know where exactly youre going. But understandably, you are concerned. You are panicked. That adrenalin is flowing. That is whats happening here this morning. Not only the smoke but also the darkness. It is frightening. Sarah dallof, thank you verify for the report, though. New information about the flow of money from russia to paul monfort. What that could all mean. And joy reid talks about life at the garden. There are 130 Million Girls around the world who are not in school today. Girls are not in school because of Economic Issues and they have to work. Theres early child marriage, theres war and conflict. At the malala fund we help girls stay in school. There are some really amazing people around the world doing incredible work. The malala fund invests in Education Champions who work in the community and do advocacy and pave the way so that girls can actually go to school. To have the expertise of our financial partner, citi, guiding us is very important. The fact that citi is in countries where girls are vulnerable ensures that we are able to get funds to the people that were working with and expand with great confidence. When girls go to school were going to maximize their talents. We could have a solution for Climate Change in that girl. That girl could be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner. New evidence about the flow of money from russia to the runtime chairman of the Trump Campaign Paul Manafort. Millions going from a russian billionaire with ties to president putin. Reporter with Paul Manafort a key focus of investigators looking into connections between russia and the trump team, our nbc news investigation reveals new evidence of the money trail connecting the former Campaign Chairman to moscow. 26 million more than reported before. Money loaned before 2012 by this man, Oleg Deripaska, with close ties to Vladimir Putin. Which is why he offered the russian a private briefing about the Trump Campaign. They were unsecured loans. Right. So we dont know if they were paid . You can call it a loan. You can call it mary jane. If there is no intent to repay it, it is just a payment. And money launderers will disguise payments at loans. Using official Company Records from self countries, we were able to trace two loans, one for 26 million, one for 7 million, made by a company from deripaska linked to manafort in cyprus. They linked 27 million to a Delaware Company named after manaforts two daughters. In total, at least 60 million in loans from deripaska landed in accounts connected to manafort. Now, those transactions are part of the investigation that led special counsel robert mule tore send agents to manaforts home, a raid the president said surprising. I always found manafort to be a decent man. He probably makes consultant fees from all over the place. Most dont receive tens of millions in dollars of loans from their clients. We asked mr. Manaforts spokesman to explain the loans. He didnt answer your questions but said, quote, mr. Con man fort did not collude with the russian government. Richard engel, nbc news. Joining me now msnbc legal analyst. Danny, is this lukely to get the attention of special counsel Robert Mueller . Not if he is already aware of the money transfers. Special counsel has been conducting an investigation that we largely dont know a whole lot about. We are mostly speculating. But it might be of particular interest. These loans, lowinterest or payableondemand could be for a legitimate business purpose. But they also raise flags because any time you have a loan of that amount thats payable on demand or its payable in a century or payable in 50 years, those things indicate that its really not a loan. Its more of a payment. And you see all the transfers from one place to another. The key with Money Laundering is the fact that youre transferring money or concealing its source. If it is for some corrupt purpose like either a crime that manafort may have been committing personally or something related to the election, which is a more national issue, then it might fit the definition of a crime for which the United States would have extra territorial jurisdiction. So during the campaign, Paul Manafort offered Oleg Deripaska a private meeting. Can we read anything into these . Reporter there are several crimes that address dealing with foreign entities either in relation to a federal election or if its for some improper purpose, maybe monforts personal gain. But the bottom line is that the significance will not just be the transfer or the fact that there was awe meeting but the substance of the meeting. This may be something that special counsel already knows due to wiretaps or fisa warrants or any other aspect of his investigation. But the mere fact of a meeting without more does not tell us that a crime was committed. It will come down to the substance and the intent behind that meeting. Was it to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, for example . Was it to interfere with a National Election . If those can be proven through wiretap or other evidence, then we may be looking at potential crimes. All right, danny. See you again. Thank you, danny. Hillary clinton in a new interview talks about Harvey Weinstein. Reaction ahead. 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Hes been a funder for all of us, for obama, for me, for people who run for, you know, for office in the United States. So it was just disgusting, and the stories that have come out are heartbreaking. Hillary clintons bbc interview about the Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault allegations. Good morning to you both. Jonathan, do you think its possible that all these democrats who took money from weinstein didnt know something was going on . It depends. I think they knew and people in hollywood and in journalism knew that Harvey Weinstein was kind of an ugly character. And that he had a reputation for being really difficult to deal with. But nobody knew the extent of this. Nobody knew that there were rape allegations. This is new stuff. Its easy in these situations, everybody knew everything. No, they just knew he was kind of a bad guy who wasnt pleasant to work for or work with. But nobody knew this. Okay. Rather unsavory is a way to describe his reputation. Clinton went on to talk about these kind of actions. Lets take a listen. This kind of behavior cant be tolerated anywhere, whether its in entertainment, politics. After all we have someone admitting to be a Sexual Assaulter in the oval office. Want to comment on that sofia . Does she have a point . I think Hillary Clinton looked a little bit uncomfortable talking about this in this interview and the one in the zakaria interview. The issue is she talks about yes the behavior is disgusting. Yes its shocking and appalling. But for those of us, any woman who is over 40 in this country, you know what its like to be sexually harassed by a man of power. I dont know if younger women are dealing with this as much. I pray they are not. I suspect youve dealt with it. Other women have been harassed. In some way im not surprised that someone like mr. Weinstein had this type of power and ability to makeorbreak peoples careers, thats usually what happened and women are afraid to talk because we know we will not be believed and even if were believed well be black balled for saying something and be labeled as a troublemaker. Thats the problem. Lets hope thats the changing. Maybe thats the Silver Lining with this incident going forward. No woman will have to deal with it. Jonathan, what about president obamas executive order. Does he own it absolutely. He put a stick of dynamite in the middle of our Health Care Delivery system, and if he had done this six months ago he could have, i guess, gotten away with blaming it on obama. For him to do that now, its not just going to play. By the way, most of the people hurt by this, were going to see their premiums surge and their coverage deteriorate are living in red trump states. So what hes trying do is show hey im doing something. Same way obama started with the executive orders. But in exchange for what little credit hell get for taking some action, hes going to suffer the consequences when this goes badly as it will. Sofia, Trump Supporters say these subsidies, they were never lawful because Congress Never appropriated the money for them. Of course the Obama Campaign pushed back on that, the administration pushed back on this. Wont this backfire, to jonathans point if the premiums for his supporters skyrocket . I think its a catch 22. I was talking to someone literally before i walked on air this morning who was talking about her premiums going up to 1,000 from lets say she was at 700 and shes in a red state. The point is that trump is trying to do something because hes under enormous pressure from his base, right, to deal with iran, to deal with health care, to deal with north korea, et cetera, et cetera. He puts himself in a difficult place because if i live in virginia these premiums continue to go up, virginia is a state that leans now blue and used to be reliably red, its a state republicans want to get back in this governor race coming up in november. Guys, to iran. What about the president s threat to quick the Iran Nuclear Deal and punting the future of it into the hands of congress now. What can congress do and what do you think is behind the strategy . There are a couple of problems. This goes back even to the climate treaty. President trump is undoing president obamas legacy. I dont want to get into why i think that is this particular day but at the end of the day he continues to dismantle things on an International Level and if you look at the kick back from germany, from the brits and france who believe we should have stayed in the treaty and held irans feet to the fire. Were in a difficult situation where no one will believe us when we say well honor something or do it. I get President Trump is trying to, once again stoke his base and cater to his base because he talked about this during the campaign. If not, onthan become the dismadi dismantler in chief. Its pathetic. This is a guy who supposedly is a builder in the privatesector. Now all he is a destroyer. He wants to take down anything that barack obama did. Thats no way to govern. We need some continuity in this country and our allies expect it. Even Vladimir Putin thinks hes wrong on iran. You know, the only support he has from netanyahu and there are all these reports that everybody in the Intelligence Community in israel thinks its a terrible idea for israels security not to mention the rest of the world for them to blow up this iran deal. All right jonathan and sofia. Coming up on am joy, marshal curry will discuss his new movie. At 1 00 eastern ill speak with one of the women who accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. She will be joined by gloria allred. We are approaching the top of the hour. Ill see you at noon eastern. Time to make way for a. M. Joy. No, i never discussed increasing it

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