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Video just out this morning. Take a look. I want to lead a good life. If you want to be able to lead your life, then you want to have a country founded on Core Principles that allow you to lead your life. And that is what conservativism seeks to conserve. That is what we believe in. Its animating, its optimistic, its hopeful and its inclusive because it applies equally to everybody. Theres new fallout for the Trump Campaign. Nbc news has learned exclusively some big dollar donors are demanding refunds. Appalled by trumps lewd comments on that 2005 tape. President obama mentioning comments made by trump on that tape while campaigning for Hillary Clinton in North Carolina. You dont have to be a husband or a father to hear what we heard just a few days ago and say thats not right. You just have to be a decent human being to say thats not right. In the wake of all that, a new usa today analysis out this morning finds more than a quarter of all top elected republicans wont endorse donald trump. And to that poll i mentioned taken after sundays debate, it shows trump trailing Hillary Clinton by ten points nationally in a headtohead matchup. Donald trump spending his second straight day campaigning in florida. Hes in ocala, less than an hour. Jacob rascon covering that for us. Lea lets get to this new politics. Here a a little bit of it. From dead broke to worth hundreds of millions. How did Hillary Clinton end up filthy rich . Pay to play politics. Staggering amounts of cash poured into the Clinton Foundation from criminals. Thats some of the ad, jacob, b but the ad focuses on Hillary Clinton. Trumps focus has been on paul ryan and the gop establishment. Right, and last night we saw that again on the bill oreilly show. He noticeably did not go after paul ryan in the rally last night. I dont know we continue to expect him to do that today. I think that he wanted to get his voice out there. He wanted to punch back. He wanted to punch back hard. Now hes going to focus we think on Hillary Clinton and make his entire rally, going forward, as much as he can, on Hillary Clinton. As we know, he cant seem to resist whenever hes slighted in any way or appears or he believes he is, he has to punch back. We do believe he is going to focus on Hillary Clinton. Then he goes on with bill oreilly on fox news, again, the only network that hes given interviews to in several days, if not maybe two months now. Let me play what he said about the Republican Party and some of those who are turning against him. I wouldnt want to be in a fox hole with a lot of these people including ryan, especially ryan. I got that. So again, jacob, the strategy, one guy at the rally and then on oreilly, a whole different message. Hows that effective . So even bill oreilly there is disagreeing with him. I would say in talking to his supporters, its split. A lot of them believe this is the right thing to do. He has to punch back. This is the trump we voted for in the primary whos against the establishment. This is the exact person who we want in office. But a lot of them are already starting to talk about excuses for why he would lose the election and saying its all ryans fault. Its all the establishments fault. If they would only get behind him and the voting is rigged they add. All right, jacob, thank you very much. Jacob is in ocala, florida, where trump is speaking. Hillary clinton there yesterday. We have some breaking news involving voting there. Pete williams with a new Development Related to floridas early voting impacted by hurricane matthew. After holding a hearing this morning, a federal judge ordered the state to extent the deadline for Voter Registration by a week. It was to expire originally yesterday. The judge initially on monday extended it until today so he could hold this hearing. Now hes ordered the state to extend it until next tuesday. So that gives an extra week of early voting. Both the Florida Democrats and the league of women voters asked the judge to extend the voting deadline in light of the disruption caused by the hurricane. They said that the governor put the voters in a tough spot by, on one hand, ordering an evacuation, shutting down state offices. On the other hand, refusing to extend the registration deadline. And now the judge has ordered the state to extend that deadline until next tuesday. The state does have the option now of going to a federal Appeals Court if it wants to resist that. But we havent heard any indication yet tam ron whether the states going to do that. Well have more im sure on this hour on that breaking news. Donald trumps running mate, mike pence, speaking in lynchburg, virginia. The conservative Christian College whose president jerry fall well jr. Endorsed trump. It is also the university where trump made the line two corinthians. The blunder with the bible. Pence, in ohiowa, take a look a the interaction with a supporter yesterday. I will tell you, just for me, and i dont want this to happen, but i will tell you, me personally, if Hillary Clinton gets in, i myself, im ready for a revolution because we cant have her in. Yes, dont say that. You hear the governor saying to that woman, dont say that. It kind of reminded people of senator john mccain when he told the guy back in 2008 that senator obama at the time wallacewas a decent person and you dont have to be scared if he becomes president. The man was saying at the time president obama was a muslim. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is at liberty university. She join us now. An interesting time for mike pence to be at this the conservative college on the heels of that 2005 video and his struggle to explain while also disassociating himself from those trump comments. It is certainly an interesting time, for governor pence, that moment you just showed was one of those moments where he had to sort of make a decision in real time. I was there yesterday and i was back in 2008 when john mccain stopped a woman who said then senator obama was an arab. Those are gutcheck moments for politicians to try to potentially offend a supporter and have to say something, pull something out in real time. A challenging thing. A lot of those sort of land mine eggshell moments for mike pence in recent days. This is perhaps a more comfortable environment here at libberty university where the president , as you mentioned, Jerry Falwell jr. , had endorsed him, although the university itself indicates it is not partisan one way or another. This is certainly welcoming of conservatives and Christian Conservatives. Mike pence has been telling sort of two stories here. One is his personal faith journey. Explaining to the students here about 11,000 students here required to attend as part of their convocation how he became a christian and also making a political statement. This is part of the experience students here have, hearing from candidates as diverse as donald trump, bernie sanders, ted cruz and mike pence. This is a part of what they expect. And for mike pence, its a big audience at a critical time trying to explain some of the things that donald trump has said and done, also make the case against Hillary Clinton and her campaign. We expect that some themes of religious libberty, according to as, will be a part of pences speech here today, tamron. Lets go to mike pence. Hes talking about that 2005 tape. Lets listen. Called to aspire to live godly lives but also we recognize we all fall short. Its not about condoning what is said and done. Its about believing in grace and foregivess. As christians, we a called to forgive, even as weve been forgiven. I would submit to you my running mate showed humility. And then he fought back. And turned the focus to the choice that we face and its a mar dramatic choice than any time in any election in my lifetime. Truly is. And thats what i want to speak to you about today. So, kelly, there it is, mike pence saying that this is about forgiveness that trump shopped humility and fought back. It was last week when this tape came out, there were people who thought mike pence would try to make a move to be at the top of the ticket and would abandon donald trump. Hes there in that Christian Conservative crowd, defending him. We choose a stronger america. We choose its difficult for me to hear you because of the ambient noise. I think i got the sense of what you are looking for. Mike pence has made it very clear he is all in to fulfill this commitment to the Republican Party, to be the running mate and to find a way to sell a Donald Trump White House to voters. Thats what hes trying to do. It has been difficult at times. It has been awkward at times. One thing that continues to stand out to me is that he had previously, frequently, described donald trump as a, quote, good man. And when i interviewed him yesterday, i said to him, do you still feel that way about donald trump . And without breaking a beat, he continued to describe him in many other ways but did not affirm that same notion of being a good man. He called him a fighter. He called him tough. Said he would work on behalf of the american people. That is open to interpretation, what that means, but it struck me as a significant fact, when he could be loyal, but at the same time, protect some of his own views, his own principles. Thats the challenge for mike pence over these remaining four weeks. As the Trump Campaign continues to slam republican leaders, you have mike pence there in virginia, still trying to defend donald trump as a fighter and a man who showed humility. What are their supporters thinking . Heres what one female trump supporter, heres her prediction we got from her yesterday. I think people are going to rise up because were tired of taking it. Were tired of being deplorables. Take it as it is. But youre in the south. Were all Second Amendment pros. We want our country back, like he just said. And shes not going to give it to us. Florida based republican strategist and Senior Adviser to the mcmillan for president campaign. Karen, National Political reporter for the washington post. Rick, let me shoot to you right now the first question. That woman, florida vote, female voter. One of these people who clearly wants to commit and stick with donald trump. He said even if he has to limp over the finish line, hes doing it for them. How do you describe the state of the race now . I think theres been some news todaycontinuing to collapse in national polls. We saw with my guy in utah theyre now statistically tied in utah. Third Party Candidate for the first time is about to pass the nominee of the Republican Party in a major state. This is a sign that donald trump is collapsing. Its also a sign that people are looking for something a little different than just this constant river of pure anger coming out of trump. Its really something weve got to weve got a lot of indicators out there the folks are ready for a different direction in this election even with only four weeks left. So then is that different direction a Hillary Clinton presidency . Are republicans prepared to say that . Is that the different direction . Were very hopeful in our campaign to deny both trump and hillary 270 Electorate College votes and throw it to the house. I do think right now donald trump has so alienated a lot of republicans that theyre really up for grabs. Were trying to communicate with them as the only other conservative in the race. Hillarys trying to communicate with them to appeal to a sense of decency that trump doesnt show at any point in his life. So i mean, i think donald trump has really been the motive force here. But i do think voters are kind of exhausted by the trump show. But weve got less than four weeks left, karen thats true. We were all there at the rnc where to the very last minute there was this coup that was allegedly going to happen, that never did, and so this idea that a third person perhaps can come in and both trump and clinton would fall by the wayside. Theres nothing theres no evidence to provide any real belief that that can happen. But what happens when you look at the Paul Ryan Donald trump fallout the next three, almost four weeks here . What happens there . I think two things are going on right now. One is on the part of sort of Establishment Republicans battle. And that battle is to hold on to the house and the senate. The senate being in a particularly precarious situation right now. But beyond this battle there is also a war. And that war is over what the Republican Party is going to be after this election. Whether, you know, if, in fact, donald trump goes down to defeat as the polls suggest. The fight is going to be over who is to blame in the Republican Party. Is it the people who insisted upon nominating donald trump or will it be the people who did not get behind him in the end . And what does that say about what it is that republicanism really stands for. Karen it appears from the interview donald trump did on fox news knowing he was with steve bannon up in trump tower, tweeting yourself these threats at the gop leadership. Theyre banking on blaming paul ryan and the establishment if hes defeated. When you look at this nbc poll, right now, donaltrumps favorability among all republicans is at 74 . Paul ryan is at 54 . This is an economist poll. Shows paul ryan at 54 , karen. I think the answer, again, assuming the poll rlgs right, assuming donald trump is headed for defeat, the answer is likely to be what the size of that defeat is. If he goes down in a landslide, it is going to be harder for his supporters to argue first of all that Hillary Clintons victory was not legitimate. But second of all, it is a repudiation of the kind of republicanism that he stands for. And the kind of strain of the Party Represented by his supporters. Rick, wheb you hear the supporter tell mike pence, if you lose, you know, we want a rebellion, how do you process that . Where does that energy, where does that voice go if he does lose . Well, the real question here is for the Republican Leadership in the house and the senate and the states is very simple. Are you willing to be responsible for the sort of things that donald trump has incited and motivated in people that exists well outside of the norms of the behavior in american politics . We try not to shoot each other in american politics. Its one of our things were proud of. We try not to say things like im going to put my opponent in jail if i win in american politics. I think theres going to be a very painful shock for a lot of folks in the trump world. Excuse me, the republican world, that theyve become very deeply branded with the problems that donald trump has given them. And with the sort of attitudes and mindsets that donald trump has infused in his followers. Its interesting, the daily beast is reporting, rick, an email thats not been verified by nbc news. Between steve bannon and a former writing partner julie jones. And he says, this is in 2015, a year before he joined the campaign. He said, im Trumps Campaign manager, he wrote in this email, and he says, according to, again, this email, dont you ever read breitbart, its trump central. This may be what paul ryan and other gop establishment, whether theyre in congress or the senate, have to deal with, the permanent imprint of this influence of breitbart which is seen as an alt right website saying they are, quote, trump central, if that is verified, i should say. Look, it certainly by all accounts sounded very much like steve bannon, the sort of things he said. I think they basically decided breitbarts going to burn down the Republican Party. And steve bann enon wants to establish a White Nationalist party in its place. Donald trump has been the avatar of that. Breitbart has been basically one long in kind contribution to donald trump for this entire election cycle. I think youre going to have, you know, republicans like paul ryan and several republicans in the senate who stick with donald trump, who refuse to say we cant allow this, we cant adopt this, we cant be these people. You know, theyre going to lose they may lose the Republican Party as a viable National Political brand over time by sticking with a guy who essentially has become, as you said, the mouthpiece of an alt right website run by guys who are flat out enamored with authoritarians. Quickly to the numbers. This new online poll out of ohio. From Baldwin Wallace university. It shows Hillary Clinton up nine. Shes at 26 . Donald trump at 26 . She told New York Times magazine, quote, im the last thing standing between you and the apocalypse. How would you describe her campaign, her strategy at this point . I think her strategy is to mostly is to hope that donald trump continues on the road that he is on. Because as the playbook if your opponent has high negatives, you want this race to be as much about your opponent as possible. And right now, theyre in a good spot on that. Karen, thank you, rick, thank you. Great pleasure having you both on as my panel. Well have much more on the down ballot panels and how the gop divide weve seen really explode in the last 24 hours, how might that affect the elections. Ill speak live with democratic congressman of kentucky. A mysterious plane crash in connecticut. Officials do not know what happened. Well have the very latest on this investigation. And just a few months before hell leave office, president obamas taking on a new gig already. This one with wired magazine becoming the first sitting president to guest edit, be the guest editor of a national magazine. Well talk to wires editor in chief and have more on president obamas opening essay. This is todd hardy. A fitness buff, youthd lung cancer patient. The day i got the diagnosi i was just shocked. The surgeon in dallas said i needed to have the top left lobe of my lu. I wanted to know what my other options were. And i found that at Cancer Treatment centers of america. Therapies, treatments and technologies tidenti a plan specically for each patient. Doctor understood that who i am was just as important as what cancer i had. We talked about options. That was less insive. We have Excellent Technology tt allow us to perform very specialized procedures for patients who have lung disease. At ctca, its all about what you can do. I feel fantastic now. Exploring treatmentoptions ist of how we fight cancnc the evution of cancer care is he. Learmore abo our treatmenoptions cancnter. Com lun appoinents avaable now. As donald trump ramps up his attack on the gop establishment, the strategy could potentially cost him the house. Right now, republicans have 246 seats. The democrats, 186. Democrats need to gain 30 seats to take back control. That seems a pretty optimistic. The ap reports democratic leader pelosi told upbeat House Democrats on a Conference Call tuesday if the election were held today, democrats would take back the house. Hillary Clintons Campaign seizing on the opportunity. Her Campaign Chair says shell continue to couple out down ballot republicans as she did yesterday in florida. Joining me now, democratic congressman John Yarmouth of kentucky. Thank you for your time, congressman. Good to be with you. I know you were quoted as saying most people think the house now could be in play. Theres a little bit of scrambling going on to identify races that could flip if president ial race somehow gets a tenpoint margin. Right now, nationally, youre looking at about a ninepoint on average. So whats your take . Well, i think a month or so ago, saying she thought it would end up being a margin for either democrats or republicans. I think a lot of people now think shes very close to p to right. The ninth district which is todd youngs old seat where the candidate is virtually tied with the republican candidate there. Theres a governors race in which the governors going to do well. Evan booayh looks like hes the favorite. I would make her a favorite for that seat. Thats one that wasnt on anybodys radar two months ago. So there are seats like that all over the country moving. Roll call has the top ten incumbent seats. All them are republican. This is the third time the list consists of all republicans. Three on the list are from florida. At least three members on the list have called on trump to step aside. How do you take advantage of this . What is the strategy . Do you go after, as Hillary Clinton has tried to do, make each of these vulnerable members of Congress Accountable for trumps words . Well, i think thats what you keep saying. Those trying to distance themselves now from donald trump, you say all of a sudden now youre distancing yourself from him but you didnt when he insulted muslims and immigrants and mexicans and women before . And those who are staying with him, the arguments pretty clear, theres no way in the world that you can morally defend the top of your ticket. So republicans are clearly in a dilemma. I think the biggest factor here, in terms of down ballot outcome, is nobody knows what the whos going to come out and what theyre going to do when they come out. In the sense that you dont know whether trump voters are going to come out and say, well, im going to pay back the Republican Party by voting for trump and then voting for democrats or not voting for down ballot races. Some who, you know, theyre just so many permutations of what can happen. Turnout and the dynamics of the split in the Republican Party are pretty hard to predict right now. Let me play what donald trump said about this Conference Call, this emergency Conference Call with republicans, with speaker ryan earlier this week. Heres his assessment of it. I think we should get support and we dont get the support from guys like paul ryan. Help h he had a Conference Call yesterday with congressman with hundreds of them, and theyioted on the phone. Im tired of nonsupport. I dont really want his support. How would you describe speaker ryans Vantage Point . How do you describe his predicament . Well, i wouldnt want to be in his shoes, thats all i can say. Hes doing what i would think any rational speaker would do in that position. Thats try to preserve majority. Its clear the odds are Hillary Clintons going to be president. So what do you do if you dont agree with Hillary Clintons jenld . You try to put up an obstacle. So you basically cut the top of your ticket loose and say everybody, youre on your own, dont feel obligated to defend donald trump. Get reelected the best way you can. Congressman yarmouth, thank you for your time. Thanks, tamron. Another hurricane is right off the east coast. Hurricane nicole is now category 2 heading for bermuda. The latest on the path of that storm. And this is happening even as North Carolina still under water. New images coming in of the flooding there after hurricane matthew. Well get u updated on whats happening there. And well take you to battleground ohio. 2012. A handful of cities. Largely thanks to africanamerican voters. Well be in cleveland where early voting begins in the buckeye state. People always say lets just get a sandwh or something. You dont just learn how to drive. Or solve the worlds problems. Be a dad. Or something and we dont just make sandwiches or something we handsle avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and crt every sandwich clean om top to bottom. A theres ingoosomethi. Panera. Food as it should be. Grade your phone system andleae at vone. Cosiness hey lmaybe lets play upl our the digital part. Job, but its a manufacturing job. Yeah, well ge doing a lot of cool things digitally to helmachines cmunicate, might want to at least mention that. Im buding worldchanging machines. With my two hands. Does that threaten you . No dont t silly. Im just, going go chopome w. Withhat . Ye we dont have an ax. Or a firepce. Good to be prepared. Could you cut the bread . Bermuda is bracing for a direct hit from hurricane nicole. The National Weather service says the cat 2 storm is packing 100 mile per hour winds and is likely to slam into bermuda tomorrow. Major hurricane strikes are rare in bermuda. Nicole may intensify according to forecasts to category 3. New video of the aftermath in North Carolina after hurricane matthew. Whats being called a slow motion disaster. The governor warning earlier today that more major flooding is coming as officials monitor several rivers that are expected to crest above record levels. He confirmed two more deaths due to flooding bringing the number of People Killed as a result of the storm to 189 in that state alone. Just moments ago in come kshgs police held a News Conference in the Small Plane Crash that was reportedly intentional. But theyre not ruling anything out. Authorities have not confirmed that. The plane went down and burst into flames yesterday afternoon in East Hartford near a company that makes aircraft engines. The pilot who survived reportedly told investigators it was not an accident. The pass enger was killed in tht crash. New detailed about an unarmed africanamerican man fatally shot. A medical examiners report says the man had. Pcp in his system. The officer has been charged with manslaughter. Her Attorney Says the man ignored her commands and apeered to be under the influence of drugs. And president obamas term is not over yet. But he has a temporary gig right now. He is the guest editor of the november issue of wired magazine. Coming up, well talk to the editor in chief of the magazine after a quick break. Is tt et . Nope, its lonade. Is that icet . Monade. Icet . Whats with these people, man . Lemonade, read the sign. Lemonade. Read it. Ok. Deliciou icet at aemonade stand . Rprising. What not surprising . Icet at aemonade stand . Rprising. How muchey marin savedy switchg to geico. Yoicet its lemonade, man fifteen minutes could save you fteen percent or more. Announcer theyll test yo try to break your will. But however loud the loudness gets. However my cheese puffffmay fly. Youre the driver. The one in control. Stand firm. Just wa. [click] and move on whenyou hear thk that says thre buckled in forri. Never give up tillhey buckle up. Incr. Think iwouldprotection in a p, but it does. I didnt. Its called alwa discreet fo bladder leaks, the super. Absorbent core turns liquid to gel. Know im wearing it but no one else will. Always discreet for bladder leaks. The first day of early voting under way in the battleground state of ohio. In 2012, a third of ohio residents voted early and delivered obama his second victory in the state. This year, Hillary Clinton has been trying to win over obamas voters in ohio. Especially africanamericans. Nbcs Chris Jansing has the latest in our battleground america series. She is live in cleveland. And i saw you earlier getting some interesting insight from voters youve been talking to, chris. Yes, it is really interesting. Because there seems to be an effective push thats been put in place by the clinton campaign. Youll remember it wasnt so long ago, tam ron, just a few weeks ago, that it looked like Hillary Clinton was going to lose ohio. Now when you see these voters and more than 400 have come out to cleveland, to Cuyahoga County for early voting today. So much of that driven by the big push put in place by Hillary Clinton to get people to vote early. And the reason is that in 2012, early voting was the difference. On election day, mitt romney won but president obama won this state by getting out largely the africanamerican vote here in cleveland and other urban areas. Al foster is from suburban shaker heights. What brought you out early . The fact we want a great president and that president is Hillary Clinton. She has been behind in the state and shes also been behind in the africanamerican vote where barack obama was in 2012. What are you sensing now . Well, im sensing looking at the crowd thats out here today that hillary is going to win ohio. By a decent margin. Al, thank you very much. Good to see you. You know, its been, to say the least, an unconventional election. Heres something thats very conventional. The democrat wins by bringing up the urban vote. The republicans win by going out into the suburbs. Heres whats interesting now. You see what was a traditionally democratic area down south like in the ma honing valley around youngstown where a lot of people have lost jobs going to donald trump. But those suburban voters, particularly educated white voters, theres going to be a push on them as well. Barack obamas going to be here in cleveland on friday. Continuing to push to get that early vote out, tamron. All right, chris, very interesting, you have actual voters. Weve had so many pundits and all this and now to talk to voters who are there. It is fascinating. Thank you. So president obama has vowed to work as hard as he can to get Hillary Clinton elected. We know hes also been busy with a new job. Guest editor of wired magazines november issue. The first time a sitting u. S. President has guest edited a major Media Publication and in it the president looks to the future of science and new technology, striking a hopeful tone. Obama declares, quote, now is the greatest time to be alive. The editor of wired magazine joins me. I have it in my hand. Thanks for joining us. The papers amazing. Isnt that nice . Good oldfashioned magazine. Good oldfashioned magazine. President obama, im just going to read one of the excerpts. Help say says, the next time youre bombarded about how our countrys doomed, brush off the cynics and fearmongers. The truth is, if you have to choose any time in the course of Human History to be alive, you choose this one, right here in america right now. That is the exact opposite of what the gop nominee is saying. So was this political or was this just a view, reflection . Refreshing to hear that. There is no political agendagen. Were not trying to get anyone elected. This is really a reflection of the president s ideals and values. Guest editing is creating an intellectual or conceptual framework for journalism. The president was a fan of wired. One of his advisers reached out. It was really about him identifying the people and ideas that are most important to him. And then directing us and allowing us to go out and tell stories about them. I think its so interesting they reached out to wired. Its pretty gratifying when the president tells you he reads your magazine and has been a fan. Its that idea of optimism. Optimism that the president holds in his heart. Sort of values he wanted to imbue and the collection of stories. I think youll see it front and center in the essay he penned and youll see it in watching the interview we conducted. I love this quote about the space travel. He says, im still a big space guy and figuring out how to move to the next generation of space travel is something were significantly underfunding. I was at the last shuttle launch in florida. We all watched it play out and wondered aloud what happened and here you have the president talking about space travel but in reality not having the time or the funding to focus in on the way i think people want. He talks a lot about that. Specific thinking about the way this country used to talk about moon shots. About centrally organized massive initiatives like the Apollo Missions and the sort of wistfulness he has, we saw it again in his essay yesterday, talking about our adventures going to mars. This is very important to him. It comes to him from an Early Childhood of identifying with star trek and being a fan of that sense of human exploration. A belief that he holds deeply. We actually have a clip of him talking about being a trekkie. Lets play that. What made the show i think lasting was it was not actually about technology. It was about values and human relationships. I dont think ive ever heard star trek described in that way. He really identifies with it and he uses it as a lens to look at the values of americans. Ingenuity, can do spirit. Really resonates in how he formed policy decisions. Did he express any regret as far as the technology, the future advancement, things he wished hed done related to that . He didnt express any regrets but he does talk about the difference between our perception of how technology informs government. He has this great story about his first day in office we he goes to see the situation room and he expects this sort of tom cruiselike minority report with big he laughs and says it was not even close. He talked so much about the expertise and intelligence of the white house staff, the administration. Has so much respect for the work they do and the progress they made in the arena of technology. It is fascinating. Congratulations to wired and your staff. Thank you. Up next, our daily briefing. Trump says hes unshackled by clintons camp but clintons camp wants him tied to as many republicans as possible. Buyers remorse . Two bigtime donors want their money back. Well get you caught up on whats happening on the campaign trail. Is ess . Is it a professoo ver stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work thatlazes the path to your passions . Your personasuccess takes a fincial partner who values it as much asou do. Learn more at tiaa. Org erything your family tohes sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Because no one kls germs dbetter than clorox. We are back with our daily briefing. The political headlines making news this afternoon. Trumps unshackling from House Speaker paul ryan and the republican establishment calling unprecedented fallout in the party. Nbc news learns two major republican donors are asking the Trump Campaign for their money back. Joining me, kerry dann. The Trump Campaign says its news to them donors want their money back. The Trump Campaign is saying they do not have any knowledge of this but my colleague obtained two emails from high dollar republican donors who said after the release of those 2005 comments from donald trump talking about women, they are out, they want their money back and theyre very unhappy with the candidate. Of course, like theres a little bit of irony to this in that it was long known that trump had been on the record saying things that were offensive about women. For example, his comments to howard stern. But there was a very visceral reaction i think youre seeing this both in the grassroots and donor class, very visceral rereaction to both the audio and visual and the language he used towards women that have them up in arms saying theyre ready to walk away. There was some pushback, great article in the times about, you know, to your point, these donors and some of these elected officials are pushing back, but they werent with the muslim ban, the attack on the caw khans, the list goes on and on, and the value of women, especially as voters, is being felt more, particularly white female voters. The 87 gop electorate is not endorsing trump. We still dont know what that means. Using the word unshackled, i think a lot of people following donald trump for the entirety of his run beyond earns what that meant. As if he was more reserved before. But what hes addressing here is likely the fact that he was trying to balance earlier in the campaign the interests of the gop establishment in washington, the rnc, people like paul ryan. He clearly feels free of those individuals right now and is running the campaign, you know, what he says the way he would like to. The question now is how thats going to reach out beyond his base and towards those voters who have been skeptical of him for a long time during his run. All right, kerry dann, thank you very much. Greatly appreciate it. Reminder, you can watch msnbc for all day coverage of the third and final president ial debate next wednesday, live, appropriately, in las vegas, 9 11. Well be right back back. If youre gog to make astatemt. Make sure its an intelligent one. The highly advanced audi a4, with available viral cockpit. This clean was like pow everything well . It added this other level clean to it. 6x cleaning my teeth a glowing. They are so white. 6x whitening a i actually really like the 2 steps. Step 1, cleans. Step 2, whitens. Every ti i used th together, it felt like lving e dentist office. Crest hd cleaning , 6x whiteninga i would swch to crest hd over what i was using before. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smilesor life. It is time now for our Popular Series born in the usa where we highlight small big success stories. Well, thats exactly how one brooklynbased mom has decided not one, but three businesses. Check out at that timely, back in 2011, tina knew she could make a temporary tattoo better than the ones her data was bringing home, so she hired professional artists already in her Business Network to create unique designs. Last year alone sold almost 3 million tattoos. So popular they were featured with one special tattoos. Well tell you more about that. Tina is here with us live in the studio along, thank you so much for joining us. Tina, where were you when i got the real tattoos in my life . My parents would have been much happier if i had a temporary. Im sorry. Three businesses, all born from ideas that people would think, i could do that. How did you find the path for this . I have this personal rule that if i notice myself complaining about something repeatedly i either have to do something about it or let it go. Thats sort of my mission in life, i guess, and the reason that tatally came from. Being a graphic designer, i figured i could do this better. One of the things you paid higher wages, source as much product as you can in the united states, and you pay artists a royalty for their work. Yes, were very proud of that. As a graphic designer, i realized that passive income is the secret to a creative life. Were in fact going to reach a million in artist royalties at the end of this year. Im very proud of that. How do you expand on this . Obviously the south by south lawn event, the easter hunt . Weve been to the white house three times now for tatally, and we have some amazing fans. That is something i did not expect when i started working at tatally three years ago. Theres just a love for the beautiful designs, the fact theyre from independent artists for the most part. When we reached out to the white house, they thought it would be a great fit. Tell us about doing good. What does that mean . As a business owner, i feel like i can have an impact on society, not just a company thats kind and makes people too feel appreciated, but also wet to do good in terms of social impact. We have a line where we listen artists who give up their royalty for a good cause. So where 80 of our revenue goes directly to the cause. So, for example theres one for october for Breast Cancer awareness month. That one benefits an Organization Called the pink agenda, so we give 80 of the proceeds. Congratulations. I cant wait to see your fourth business adventure. Again, where were you when i got a permanent one. Thank you so much. Thank you for having us. Developing now, donald trump is expected to take the will monitor his comments and bring you updates. 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Today Vladimir Putin says russia has no interest in tacking the democrats, but Hillary Clintons Campaign Manager says the timing of the wick i leaks just after the damagin

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