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Squirming around on the floor, and i said, you werent thinking about 911 when you were robbing me. This is the real deal. This is an automatic. Do not like automatics, and now i have to kill these guys. Caught on camera, armed and dangerous. Panic erupts when three masked gunman storm a restaurant, demanding cash and jewelry. Its all caught on surveillance cameras. Feel like, at one point, that i was going to die. All you got to do is pull the trigger and he was shot in the face. I felt more helpless than anything. April 23rd, 2011, houston, texas. Its just after 2 00 a. M. , and hungry partiers move to the 24hour waffle house to wind down the night. One of the partygoers Favorite Places to eat, so it gets full. Everybody at waffle house that night had come from a club. Thats what people usually do. Patrons just arrived for a latenight snack when three men burst in with guns. Surveillance cameras record the violent ordeal as it unfolds. We hadnt been there five minutes because we hadnt even placed our orders for drinks yet. Saw the guy run in. Thats when i noticed he was standing in front of the other guy with the gun in front of his head. Waffle house employee is also stunned by the robbery. When the robbers came in, my back was towards the entrance. I was making waffles at the time. I really didnt hear them. I turned to my right and saw a lady fall over a chair. I thought she had too much to drink. Thats when i realized what was going on. I saw three guys with guns and i didnt know what to do. Try to run . I just didnt have any earthly idea what to do. Everybody was like paranoid. You could see everybody trying to hide under the table. I was trying to slide in my seat to get underneath the table. I couldnt go nowhere. All i could think about was the guy holding a gun. I thought we all was going to die. While almost everyone tries to take cover, jared, a regular at the waffle house, made a move and attempted to escape. For a split second, i thought i had a chance to run to the door. When i looked, there were two guys with mask and one had a shotgun and one had a gun. I run toward the door, and there was another guy with a mask that threw me and said, if you move, ill blow your brains out. I thought i was going to die. Instead, the gunman strikes jared on the head, knocking him to the floor. Hits me on the right side of my face. At one point, i just thought that my life was just over. I personally thought that they were going to rough him up, just because he was trying to be slick and get out. Terrified, he stays face down on the ground while the gunman continues to rob the other customers. My friends that was sitting in front of me, she hit her purse behind her back. Hesnatched her purse and told her to empty out the purse. Im guessing she was still in shock because she was moving in slow motion, just taking it out one by one. Piece by piece. They wanted money. Wallets, jewelry. He patted me on the wallet that was in the pocket in my pants. Hes like, give me your wallet. I said, buddy, ill give you my cash but ill keep my id and security card. He said, yeah, sure, keep that stuff. Its hard to get back. They were screaming, telling the people behind the counter to open the register. They opened the register but they have their eyes on a bigger prize. I didnt think anyones life was in danger until they asked one of our pay trewaitresses to the drop box under the register. No one works the night shift has the key to the control bodrop b thats the only time i was scared for peoples lives. The gunmen leave without the money from the drop box but escape with about 2,000 in cash. I was still face down. Took mostly everything from everybody out of there. Felt like to me, like death. Thats what it felt like to me. After the robbers leave, one victim decides to take the law into his own hands. The Surveillance Footage shows the man running to his car to grab a gun and darts across the parking lot, followed by another customer, and shoots in the direction of the fleeing robbers. I wasnt out there to see who was shooting at who, but i know i heard commotion. I heard gunshots outside after the robbery. Despite the customers effort to stop them, the three armed men escape. Someone in the restaurant calls the police. They arrive at the waffle house shortly after the incident and take statements from the stunned customers. Its not an everyday occurrence, where 16 people were robbed at once. Jeff is with the Houston Police department and is the lead investigator on the case. He can see from the surveillance tape that the robbery is well planned. They were strategic. One suspect took by the door, and the other handled the kitchen area and went back to where the cooks were. The other suspect went to the other side of the waffle house to handle those people. Everybody had a plan. Other than the video, the masked robbers leave little evidence for detectives to follow. Two of the three had gloves on. They made it difficult for us to be able to retrieve any dna evidence, simply because of the fact they simply didnt leave any behind. Two weeks after the robbery, the detectivive receie receives from another Police Department. A suspect was arrested in an unrelated robbery in harris county, and our guys got the initial confession. He was the individual carrying the rifle during the robbery. He gave us two additional names as possible suspects. Neither suspect pans out. One of the men have an alibi and witnesses cant identify the other suspect out of a lineup. So far, no one is charged with the waffle house robbery, even the man who confessed. Being that he wasnt charged in this case, charged in other cases that were stronger when we had a better case on him. With the case at a stand still and the Surveillance Video available to watch on youtube, they say they are having a difficult time putting the terrifying experience behind them. It makes you have a different perspective on life. If somebody happened to me, who is going to take care of my son . Nobody is going to love your child or take care of them the way you do. One day, i go to pay for gas, buy a coke, buy groceries, do i think someone is going to rob me . What would i do . It makes you think. Coming up, a seemingly mild mannered Jewelry Store owner surprises two armed men when they try to hold up his shop. This is a real deal, an automatic and now i have to kill these guys. When caught on camera continues. dad theres nothing i cant reach in my subaru. vo introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru,a subaru. Vicks nyquil severe. Helps relieve your ugliest, nastiest, roughest, toughest cold symptoms. Vicks nyquil severe. With maximum symptom fighting ingredients. A store owner turn it is tables on two armed men when he pulls out a gun to defend himself. Probably figured that theyd come to my store, such a nerd that if i pulled the gun, hell probably just faint. February 14th, 2005. Its a few minutes before 9 00 a. M. In new york, a town 35 miles north of new york city. Barry fix l barry fixler is about to open his Jewelry Store for the valentines day rush. Gentlemen come in from 9 00 p. M. In the morning until 8 00 at night. They pick stuff up for their girlfriend, fiance or wife. When two men show up early, barry doesnt think twice about letting them in the shop. I hoped the door and they followed me into the store and went around the counter. He said, id like to see engagement rings. The man in the black coat singles one out, a routine fixler has seen thousands of times. I figured this is a normal sale. The other fella joked and said, im trying to talk my buddy out of it. Sort of a joke. Fixler hands the man a diamond ring. He expeamines the ring, as if hs expecting buying it. Fixler senses something is off. I see he was hesitating and the price tag of that ring was 14,000. I figured, maybe the price is a little too much. As fixler and the man talk, something unexpected happens. What comes into my face is an automatic wis topistol. He demands money, but fixler doesnt plan on giving into the threats. The robbers dont realize it, but the shopkeeper isnt as defenseless as he appears. My brain went into, this is a real deal. This is an automatic, and i do not like those. I pushed the weapon out of my face. I bolted to where i had my revolume erevo revolver hidden, and i fired away. He aims at pointblank range and shoots both men in the chest. The moment is played out in front of the stores surveillance camera. As you view the surveillance tape, you can see him cursing. Ill kill you, ill kill you. Hes mad at me and probably thought i ran to duck underneath the counter as a scaredy cat, not knowing im armed. As i went around the counter, i shot the other fella, who was armed, in the chest. Both go down. They fall. The first one i shot steps over his socalled partner to race out of the store. The man is black escapes unharmed because he is wearing a bullet proof vest. The man on the ground is badly wounded. The partner who i shot in the side, his spinal cord is severed by makes it to the door and collapses. The man in the coat jumps into a brown mini van and screeches out of the parking lot, leaving the second man behind. The clarks town Police Department responds within minutes. The detective arrives and finds fixler, pistol in hand, standing in a defensive position and screaming at the man on the ground. I think he was in fear of his life. I think he believed at the time, he thought they were going to shoot him. He just kept repeating that he couldnt believe it had happened to him. The man in the black coat who jumped into the jet away car is matthew ross. He is eventually captured, convicted of attempted robbery and sentenced to ten years in prison. The man in the white hood is convicted of attempted robbery but dies two years after the shooting from complications from his wounds. What they did not know that day was fixler is a combat veteran who fought in vvietnam. Not the nerdy victim they expected. They probably figured i was the last guy to know how to use a weapon. Fixler legally possessed the handgun he used and is not charged. Police determined he had the right to defend himself because he was in fear for his life. After the robbery, fixler receives an outpouring of support from the community and wants to find a way to give back. Im in this community for 20 years, in business for over 20 years. They know i just came from a life and death situation. The retired marine starts by helping local war veterans, including Sergeant Eddie ryan, wounded in the iraq war. He sustained a head injury in battle. In learning of this, barry fixler donated the profits from his store the following valentines day to the family of eddie ryan so they could make e repairs to the house and accommodate their son. Theyre grateful for the help fixler has given them. We can never repay this guy for what hes done for us. He doesnt want payment. He just wants to do it for eddie. He says ed d s eddie did it ford im doing it for eddie. Fixler writes a book about the robbery and his vietneeietnam experiment and donates the royalties to the wounded vete n vetera veterans. I want to honor the men and women serving today, those serving when i was in service, and also to leave a legacy to my family that, you know what, im a good guy. I love my family and love my country. The retired marine continues to run his Jewelry Store. Always mindful of the day two gunmen tried to rob him. I looked like an easy going fella, not a threat, nerdy. They came thinking this was going to be a cakewalk. This is the easiest thing ever. It turned out not to be the easiest thing ever. Coming up, a store manager who never fired a gun in her life ends a robbery with one shot. I felt like i was coming around. I grabbed the gun. When caught on camera continues. Vegetables. Shh taste better in our savory broth. Vegetables . No. Soup oh soup loaded with vegetables. Packed with taste. Introducing Synchrony Financial bringing new meaning to the word partnership. Banking. Loyalty. Analytics. Synchrony financial. Engage with us. A man claiming to have a gun holds up this gas station Convenience Store and demands cash. Fearing for her life, the store manager pulls out a gun and shoots him. Lord, just let me take him with me if hes going to kill me. December 8th, 2004, columbus, ohio. Karen smith arrives at work early in the morning at the gas station and Convenient Store. As manager, its her job to get the store ready for the days business. He came in. I looked at him. Smith sits behind the counter, waiting for the man to speak up. He stuck his hands in his pocket, leaned on the counter. He had his fist on the counter and said, you know what im here for. Unfortunately, smith knows exactly what he means. The store has been held up many times. This frightening experience is caught on the stores surveillance camera. The last 10 years, i was getting robbed like every month. People would come in, stick me up. Id give them the money and theyd run out. Smith is surprisingly calm, although shes not 100 sure the man has a gun. She doesnt take any chances. I gave him everything out of the drawer. But this robbery isnt like the other hit and run stick ups shes experienced. This guy wants more. He wouldnt leave. He asked me to come from behind the counter. I said, what for . You already got all the money. What else do you want . Smith braces herself for his answer, but he never gives one. Frightened for her life, smith panics and makes the split second decision to defend herself. I got scared then, because i figured he was going to hurt me. I got the gun under the counter. I got up like i was coming around, and then i grabbed the gun. I shot at him. Smith has endured being r robbed time and time again, but this time, the nononsense store manager, who has never fired a gun in her life, shoots the man one time at pointblank range. I didnt realize i hit him at first. It took a minute. Now armed with a little more courage, smith makes sure the robber doesnt try to hurt her. I was scared. I said, hey, show me your hands. He said, i dont have anything. It turns out the robber doesnt have a gun. Smith is both relieved and annoyed. The robber pleads with her. Please dont shoot me. Call 911. In a dramatic turn of events, its the robber who is afraid for his life. He was on the floor, and i said, hey, you werent thinking about 911 when you were robbing me. Shut up. Ill call them. Smith keeps the gun aimed at him until police arrived. I was relieved when police arrived. I said, thank you, god, for not allowing me to kill this man. I was terrified of him hurting me. The robber is a 26yearold. The bullet goes through his arm and hes able to make a full recovery. He is convicted of seconddegree robbery and sentenced to five years probation. As for smith, the Franklin County Sheriffs Office concludes she acted in selfdefense, no charges are filed in the shooting. While it took nerve to defend herself in the heat of the moment, its months before she gets up the courage to watch the robbery on video tape. When i first saw it, it was weird. It just brought back bad feelings for me. For added security, the owner of the gas station installs a new bulletproof partition in front of the counter to protect employees. Smith doesnt want to be known for shooting anyone, but she is proud that she defended herself. I was not going to let him hurt me. I would have did whatever i had to do. I was so terrified that he was going to hurt me, and thats why i shot him. April 4th, 1997, seattle, washington. Armed with a sword, a mentally ill man starts an 11hour standoff with police. Dressed in a jacket, camouflage pants and dark shades, tony has a sword at a busy intersection. Cornered, he refuses to surrender his weapon. He says hes possessed by the devil and ready to kill the demons who haunt him. Talked about his name being apollo. He talked about satan and his brothers in russia and china. He never really engaged in the negotiating. The spectacle draws a crowd and caption captures the local station. They show him not letting up. During the course of the stand out of, police attempt nonlethal strategies, from rubber bullets to pepper spray and mace. Nothing deters him. After 11 hours, the police use the fire hose to spray him, hoping hell lose his grip on the sword. When that doesnt work, they turn the water pressure up, full blast. He loses his balance and falls to the ground. Police officers use a ladder to subdue him, and then pry the sword from his hand. After the intense standoff, the man is taken to a Mental Hospital with minor bruises. He is not charged with a crime. Coming up, surveillance cameras capture a violent attempt to hold up a Convenient Store. The video was crazy. I was shocked to see it, the way it went down. When caught on camera continues. Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains. You cant help but see the good. Whole grains. [ male announcer ]gs the Little Things we do. Can make a big difference. Every time you use dawn, youre using a brand that supports Wildlife Rescue efforts. Experts trust dawn. Because its tough on grease yet gentle. You by my side makes the Little Things so good be a part of the bigger picture. And your kindness makes the Little Things that you do for me go to facebook. Com dawnsaveswildlife. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Im richard lui. Police in santa ana are looking for the hit and run driver who struck and killed three 13yearold girls while trick or treating. Police think they have the car and are searching for two male suspects. Ntsb investigators will try to retrieve the plane from a flight that crashed into a school. The bodies have not been recovered. Back to caught on camera. A brazen attack. Two masked men run into a Convenient Store, and one starts shooting. I was scared. I didnt know what to think. Struggling to survive, a clerk pulls out a gun and fights back. They took action. They had to take it, or it would have turned out worse. October 8th, 2011, houston, texas. The day begins quietly at the Valero Convenient store. A longtime customer who goes by the name cowboy, makes his routine stop. I came into the store to get cigarettes like i tend to go. I was at the Cash Register with my money in hand. The peaceful morning turns to chaos. I hear somebody come in and say, get on the floor they had masks, and i seen the gun and that was it. Went behind and laid down. The gunman reaches over the counter and shoots at both men, hitting one clerk in his leg. When i heard the shots, thats when i really got scared. I figured, this is it. As the other clerk shields himself, a second man jumps through the glass partition and starts digging for cash. A surveillance camera shows the gunman forcing cowboy to stay on the floor. Hes scared for his life. I hope they dont come and kill me. There wasnt nothing i could do. I was on the floor. While one of the men is searching for cash, one of the clerks grabs a handgun hidden under the counter. The Surveillance Footage shows him exchanging shots with the gunman. Unaware that the clerk is armed, the second man keeps digging behind the counter. The clerk seizes the opportunity and fires two shots at the thief, striking once in each arm. Studd stunned, the masked man goes out the door. The video was crazy. I was shocked to see it, the way it went down. Houston Police Officer is the lead investigator on the case. Hes hoping the Surveillance Video will be helpful identifying the suspects. They had several video cameras throughout the store. Right off the bat, without hesitation, one starts shooting. They had one goal and that was to get what they needed at any cost. This is a good example of somebody who has no value at all to human life. The store owner is also stunned to see his employees in a fight for their lives. We were lucky not to have two dead employees. Honestly, i dont know how they survived. Here is a guy shooting at them four feet apart, five or six times, and missing them five or six times. Their plan is shoot first, kill them, and for the second robber to jump in, thinking there was a lot of money stashed somewhere. Police dont get a solid identification from the tapes, but they have another lead. A trail of blood. Once that suspect got shot by the clerk, that messed up their plans. They did leave on foot. The individual that was shot couldnt go anymore. They didnt go too far. Police quickly find the injured fan in agony from the wounds. Hes alone. His accomplice fled. The second suspect, a few days after the incident, is arrested. They were going to do whatever it took to get what they needed. A robber is basically a breath away from committing a homicide. Both suspects are charged with aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. The first man is convicted. The other case is dismissed. When you get a case like this, you want to do not just the victims justice, but the community justice. This is a community store. The community does go there. They fill up their cars, buy their gauche rgroceries. It affects the victims and the community. I felt content that i provided my victims justice and the community justice. For the Valero Convenient store, its back to business as usual. Both clerks are doing fine. They know us, me, kids and the employees very, very well. My sons still go there every night. I feel very safe over there. As safe as it can get anywhere else, you know. As for cowboy, he is still visiting his favorite Convenient Store, though now he is a little more cautious. I come here every day. Im a little more spectacle about what goes on around me now. I dont get out as early in the morning as i used to. As weve shown you, gas station Convenient Stores can be frequent targets for armed robbers, but theyre not the only places criminals are getting caught in the act. A gunman holds up a betting parlor, but hes stopped by a customer who uses some muscle to bring him down. A man enters the william hill betting parlor in leads, england, with a large handgun and orders the clerk to hand over cash. His get away comes to an abrupt halt when he encounters martin richardson, a 38yearold amateur rugby player. He was pointing it at me and saying, im going to show you. The gunman points the pistol directly into richardsons face. Undaunted, richardson reacts by picking up a chair and repeatedly whacking the guy. The gunman is no match for this burly man who refuses to back down. Richardson wrestles him to the ground and subdues him until police arrive. I didnt want him to get away. I got him on the floor, pinned him in a judo move and held him there. The assailant is a 20yearold. This is not the first time he has robbed this shop. He held it up twice before, as well as one other betting parlor in the area. Ry robberies and sentenced to six years in prison. As for richardson, he doesnt consider himself a hero, just a concerned citizen who chose to fight back. Its not the first time its happened in here. It may not be the last. We should be able to do what we want to without people putting guns in our faces. Coming up, in another tense police standoff, a veteran Swat Team Sniper takes a crucial shot. I put the cross hairs at the gun and fired at the weapon. Now theres even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares even more. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . Hey insurance companies, news flash. Nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. A Police Swat Team confronts a man armed with a loaded handgun. When i first arrived on the scene, he was demanding that the police shoot him. The intense standoff ends with an incredible shot by one of their snipers. [ gunshot ]. April 15th, 2004, atlanta, georgia. A man calls 911 and in a calm voice reports a dire situation. Yes, theres a man with a gun in the save rite parking lot. Okay. Who as has the gun. Me. The man on the line is a 51yearold, recently divorced and homeless. Now, hes armed and dangerous. What are you planning on doing with the gun . Hopefully, im gonna shoot me. He tells the 911 operator that hes going to kill himself. And in his unstable condition, police are concerned he may shoot others as well. The standoff takes place in the parking lot of a big supermarket, which draws a crowd of bystanders, as well as a local news crew. The situation is tense. A detective and Swat Team Member responds to the 911 call, along with several other dozen cops. I could see his face, and my impression was he was very calm. Thats not unusual for someone who has decided to commit suicide. A state of calmness comes into play because theyve made their decision. If he wants to commit suicide, why does he stage such a spectacle in a public place . Already now from what he told the 911 dispatcher that he wanted the police to shoot him. Most all Police Officers receive training in the phenomenon of suicide by cop. The officers negotiate, but he wants police to shoot him. Fortunately, in my career, 34 years in law enforcement, i never had to shoot someone. That was the first day in my entire career that i was faced with that possibility. My adrenaline was up from that perspective. He didnt giving up, and police need to end the standoff before anyone gets hurt. The snipers come up with a bold plan. Apparently, the man laid down the gun once and picked it up again. The plan as the chief formulated it was to talk the man into putting the gun down again. At that point, wed try to take a shot on the weapon. If the plan fails, it could provoke him to shoot himself or fire at police. The detective, armed with his rifle, braces himself on the back of a pickup truck, about 65 yards away. His finger is on the trigger, and his eye is on the scope. You look through the scope, and your field vision is narrowed. I sited on the gentleman, initially. Though we were there to take the shot on the weapon, the possibility existed wed have to take a shot on the individual, depending on what he did. He hopes he doesnt have to shoo shoot the man, but hes ready for whatever action hes ready to take. An hour and 45 minutes into the negotiations, the chief asked if he could take a shot and how confident we felt about it. The sergeant turned to me and said, the chief wants to know if youre 100 . I joked and said, now tell the chief im 110 . The gun is on the hood of the truck, but he hovers within an arms reach. At that point, i received the communication from the Swat Team Commander to take a shot. A perfect shot. He shoots the gun right off the hood of the truck. It flies 20 feet beyond the vehicle and lands on the ground. I wanted to take the shot as quickly as i could. I put the cross hairs on the gun and, understanding my weapon, i lowered the cross hairs slightly and fired at the weapon. Whats ironic about the situation is i never heard the shot. To this day, its amazing because i wasnt wearing ear protection. Even though i was looking through the scope, i never saw the gun go off the truck. I guess you focus so much on what youre doing that you block other things out. I immediately came off the gun and the Swat Team Members were moving toward him. I realized that the shot had been successful. Just moments after police take him into custody, a local news crew captures the reaction to his onceinalifetime shot. I fired right under the gun. The round went into the car. There was no chance of him being hit. I was proud of the hit. I had good equipment and was trained well. We have a good swat team. We had the people here today to make the right decisions. The man is arrested and given a psychological evaluation. When Police Search his truck, they find a letter that states, i think about killing myself, but i dont seem to have the guts to do it. Maybe i can get the police to shoot me, and then this will all be over. He doesnt get his wish that day. He is convicted of reckless conduct and sentenced to three years probation. He dies almost six years later. He was 56 years old. The captain kept the handgun he shot off the truck as a reminder of the day. This is the handgun he had. Its a caliber. 380. The gun was lying on the car in this position, at the time i shot it, and the round struck it in a downward angle. The bullet, after striking the handgun, went into the engine compartment of the vehicle and disintegrated. He contributes the successful outcome to his years of police training. I derive great personal satisfaction from the fact that you work hard and keep fr practicing and develop skills that you finally have a chance to use. It came out good. Coming up, a Convenient Store clerk fights for his life after getting stabbed in the neck when caught on camera continues. Well vegetables. Shh taste better in our savory broth. Vegetables . No. Soup oh soup loaded with vegetables. Packed with taste. From fashion retailers to healthcare providers, jewelers to Sporting Good stores, we provide Financing Solutions for all sorts of businesses. Banking. Loyalty. Analytics. Synchrony financial. Engage with us. Twith available forwardd collision warningigned. And new blind spot monitor and a 2014 top safety pick plus rating. Cost of entry . A fortune. Until now. Hey sarah, new jetta . Yup. Can i check it out . Maybe at halftime . Introducing lots of new. The new volkswagen jetta. Isnt it time for german engineering . A store clerk fights for his life after being stabbed in the neck during a bold day time robbery. Even after the thief gets the money, he continues his violent assault. He took the money, and he told me that, follow me, otherwise, im going to cut your throat again. August 7th, 2011, Daytona Beach, florida. A place known for its sun, sand and international speedway, but like a lot of tourist hot spots, there exists a seedy and dark underside. Daytona attracts a lot of transit people, and so along with the people that want to come here and enjoy daytona, we also have the criminal element that wants to come also and prey on the visitors that come here. Its not just the visitors here who fall victim to crime. Im working alone here in the store, and it was 3 00. Everything is fine. An immigrant from bangladesh moves his family from new york to Daytona Beach to get away from the cold. The sun and surf are no protection against what happens on a beautiful summer day at the valero gas station and Convenient Store. I was fixing the sunday newspaper. The gun guy opened the door and came behind me and put a knife here. He cant believe what is happening to him. He fights back, but the knifewielding robber threatening him. Told me, dont talk, dont move. If you move, i will cut your throat. Holding him at knife point, the thief orders him to go behind the counter and open the Cash Register. The clerk tries to comply, but is so terrified that he cant do it. I dont know. I was scared. I was shaking, and i cannot open the register. He tried to stab me in the neck. I was totally out of mind. Fearing for his life, he fights to pry the weapon from the thiefs hand but is unable. Kicking me, punching me. As the two men continue to brawl, he is stabbed in the neck. He stabbed me here. With the knife still pointed at him, the two men make their way back to the register. Finally, i opened the register. As the drawer opens, the thief takes about 500. Knows he has to act fast, he quietly reaches for a baseball bat in the corner. The thief catches him and lunges at him. He drops the bat. In desperation, he grabs the back of the thiefs neck with one hand and tries to push away the knife with the other. In a momentary stalemate, he is able to pick the bat up off the throw but the thief wrestles it away. He took the baseball and hit me in the head, neck, shoulder, everywhere. He broke the counter, everything. Even though the thief has gotten the money, he doesnt leave. He continues to fight to get the upper hand. The clerk resists and the two men come from behind the counter. Theyve been fighting off and on for two and a half minutes and continue to exchange blows. The battle ends when the thief bolts into the street. Daytona Police Receive a call of an Armed Robbery, aggravated battery. The clerk was injured. He had been stabbed. He had been beaten. Police secured the Surveillance Video from the seven cameras installed in the store. After we obtained the video, we let the news organizations know we had the video on the website. The news organizations throughout carried this on their evening news. We started receiving phone calls. The release of the video quickly pays off. A suspect, charles shelling, is apprehended within three days. We received several tips as to who he was. Then after we got him identified, then we received another phone call telling that we could go to the 200 block in daytona. We went there, and he was there and placed under arrest. Shelling is shown the video and makes this surprising statement to police. Yeah, thats me on the video, but i dont remember doing any of it. Shelling claims he doesnt remember robbing the store or stabbing the clerk. He claims he didnt take his medication that day. The video tape is vivid proof. The video is one of the best evidence, like in dna or fingerprints. This is not the only time shelling is caught on a surveillance camera committing a crime. Earlier that same day, the Surveillance Video captures shelling robbing a kangaroo express store. The clerk greets him with a smile. Good morning. All of a sudden, the guy pulls out a knife and jumps the counter. You can see the reaction from the clerk, that shes scared. She complied with whatever he told her. He got the money and within a couple minutes, he was out the door with the money. Both the clerk at the kangaroo express store and at the valero are lucky to survive the robberies. If the knife had gone deeper, it could have killed him. If he would have hit one of the major arteries, it would have been all over. Then we would have been working a homicide. Charles shelling is convicted of robbery and aggravated assault in both cases. Hes sentenced to 20 years. The video played a real important part in solving this crime, but theres a possibility that just with the description alone, we may have caught this guy anyway. The video helped us tremendously. As for the clerk, he counts his blessings every day. Despite the violent attack, he goes back to work at the Convenient Store, though his Children Wish hed quit. Father, please dont go there. Every day, can you quit the job . Can you find another job . He says he wont leave any time soon. He is grateful to have this job. At least for now. I came back. Owner, he trusts me. He helped me. Helped with financial, mental support, everything, he gave me. Being the victim of an Armed Robbery didnt deter him from returning to his job, and didnt deter the Jewelry Store owner or karen smith either. They all went back to their daily lives, knowing when they were faced with fear, they fought back. Viral videos. Oh, my god what happened . What happened to that guy . Uploaded daily. Everybody wants to see stuff that goes slightly awry. Ma . Viewed by millions. How could this not go viral . But looks can be deceiving. A lot of people were debating, is this real or fake . Youre my wife . Yeah. Holy [ bleep ] how could you not remember who your wife is . Oh, my god hes just, like, yeah. I caught a bird. Well let you in on the truth. Fake, thats my impression of everyone on youtube. Fake 21 seconds. Caught on camera, viral videos, true or false . Extreme sports videos, they leave our hearts pounding and adrenaline pumping. I think we love these extreme videos because youre living through them without actually having to risk your own life. When it doesnt go well, theres the element of, you know, jackass, i cant believe it happened. You see this high bar sitting on the edge of the cliff. This guy is hanging from it. As we know, base jumping has gotten boring. You need to do things to make it more exciting. He is flipping around. One might think that the setup crew would make sure the high bar was extra sturdy. As hes flipping, suddenly, the high bar up and collapses. Youre just kind of wondering, is he falling to his death . You dont really see it. Oh, my god. What happened . What happened to that guy . The base jump gone bad leaves millions on the edge of their seats, hoping the video is fake. This could be faked. The cliff could have a level below it we havent seen it. Even if it broke, maybe he fell two feet. Theres something about the guys reaction that makes me think this is fake. I wouldnt understand why a guy who saw his buddy fly off a clip doesnt get up. I thought it was real. This is the kind of thing that people are crazy enough to do, set up a high bar to make it even scarier. Its a very exciting demonstration of newtons laws. Sir isaac would be proud. We have another camera angle showing it is legit. The stunt gone wrong is performed by a norwegian. A lot of viral videos speak to our instincts of wanting to see something but peaking between our fingers. I think any video like that can be powerful viewing. Have no fear. The other angle reveals him surviving the fall. Luckily, he keeps his composure, opens his parachute and lands with nearly a scratch. It could have been no, sir. His head comes within inches of slamming into the rock face. Seconds later, the apparatus comes crashing down, narrowly missing the base jumper. After this, they probably had a talk of what we could have done differently. People make mistakes, but this is a big mistake. You dont have to be on a mountainside to risk life and limb. You can be in your own bedroom. Hi, guys. Its drew, and im back with a video. Im doing a black video hall. Whats going on . I have this bag. Parents threw me a surprise party. Hall videos, a shopper trend for millions of hills. A haul video, haul, is when someone goes out and acquires a bunch of stuff and makes a video showing people on youtube what they got. I went there and got sweatpants. Theyre the haul videos because i think theyve hauled bags of stuff home. Its a form of validation. In september 2013, a bizarre haul video surfaces and leaves viewers shopping for answers. Whats up, guys . Like i said before, ill get it fixed. I know. We have this guy with a sort of biker stash thing going on. I buy a lot of knives. This is the wizard knife. A wizard knife, of course. Wizards have a different kind of knife. Look at that handle. Im wondering where in the depths of ebay he found that knife. And i bought a 500 you know something is going to happen. You just dont know what it is yet. I bought a 500 rail [ gunshot ]. Hopefully, he lives on the top floor of his building. Ma . Im kind of getting the impression, oh, god, hes just shot his mother in the room upstairs. Did he . Ma . My first reaction was real. Its within the realm of possibility that Something Like this could happen. It seems like hes awfully relaxed about the whole thing, which led me to believe hes fake. Not enough stuff falls from the ceiling, and i know when you shoot a ceiling, a lot of stuff comes down. Im shot quite a few ceilings. College, man, you know. Its college, what are you going to do . Ma . Dont worry. Mom is okay. The video is 100 fake. The triggerhappy trickster is a comedian. I love doing stand up and improv and writing sketches. He creates a Youtube Channel called webers way. We would make up funny stories, skit stuff like that. We try to make fun of every situation we see on tv and the internet. He decides to take on the haul video genre with a bang. He grows a mustache and compiles p weapons. The gun in the beginning was a pellet gun. The knife is really a wizard knife. I bought it 150 year 15 years. The gun has a plastic pelt. He used an intricate method to create the ceiling. Its with a tv antenna and paper towels. I had bits and pieces of paper towel on top. When i shot the shotgun, the pellet would hit the paper towel. It has a few kinks. I would shoot it and nothing would come down. Nothing he perfects the system, and its time to roll on the action. Thats how you do it. Everything was improvised. It took four or five takes to get it right. After about an hour of shooting, jess nails the performance. He adds some finishing touches in edit. I did the muzzle flash. I put that in. The smoke, thats all fake. The sound effects for the gun and the sound effects for hitting the ceiling and making the sound of it crumbling down. Jess uploads the video to his youtube page and, soon, its the shotgun blast heard around the internet. This is kind of one of those, you have to watch it videos. Youre like, this is going to be funny or horrible. Either way, im watching it. Everybody wants to see stuff that goes slightly awry. Ma . Bam, it just happens and surprises you. Viewers fire off comments, debating the validity of this haul video gone bad. Some people say, oh, its fake. Yeah, all the people that said it was fake, youre right. There you go. I got most of you. Ma . Coming up, the catch of a lifeti lifetime. Coming at you oh, my god or is it . Its so baller. He holds it up like. Im expecting a building to blow up behind him. Later, can this possibly be legal . I had a couple relatives who were upset and thought shes gone too far. When caught on camera continues. Is growing. Is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. For over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. Transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. Transamerica. Ring ring progresso i cant believe im eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sisters wedding well its only 100 calories, so youll be ready for that dress uhhuh. You dont love the dress . I love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. This is charlie. His long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Honey, you did it baby laughs yourbam ean. Charmin ultra strong cleans so much better it meets even the highest standards of clean. With a soft duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong is 4 times stronger. And you can use up to 4x less. Charmin ultra strong. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms . I sure hope so. With healthcare costs, who knows. Umm. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor. Can get the real answers you need. Start building your confident retirement today. Hunting requires patience, accuracy and a keen eye. Many cant believe their own eyes when they see this field video. Coming at you. Oh, my god what happened . I just got that on camera. We open with a guy in hunting gear, just walking in the field. You see this bird going right for the hunter. Coming at you. Oh, my god all of a sudden, hes caught it in his hand. Its so baller. You just caught a bird in the air. He just holds it up like. Im expecting a building to blow up behind him. It is probably one of the manliest things that was caught on camera. Coming at you. Is it too manly to be true . I feel like birds have better instincts than to be caught by a human hand. Hes too cool and collected about it. If i caught a bird, id be, like, what . I caught a bird hes, like, yeah, i caught a bird. Unbelievable as it seems, the man with the catlike reflects is totally real. Why does this guy have a gun . He clearly doesnt need a gun. He just needs his hands. The hunter is pastor mat carter of the Austin Stone Church in austin, texas. He has more than 7,000 members, including nfl quarterback, colt mccoy. We developed a friendship. In may 2013, colt and matt public a book. We talk about what its like to be a good husband and a good father. The coauthors head to the Great Outdoors to film a hunting and fishing companion video series for the book. Matt 12yearold son tags along for the adventure. It was great bonding time for my dad. We had been quail hunting the whole day and were pretty much done. We were trying to get a reflective scene of him going through the field. An unexpected guest star makes an appearance. I looked up and saw this quail flying at me. My dad shifts the gun to his left hand. I instinctively caught it. I got that on camera. Sweet catch believe it or not, what went through my head is, i just did something my grand kids are going to talk about. If i hadnt have seen it with my own eyes, i wobt have beliul believed it. No one is going to believe this. Im watching it and i dont. When we realized someone got it on film, we said, we have to get it on youtube. He froze the bird and had an ad at the end. He finds out a bird in the hand is worth millions of hits. Its not every day you reach out and catch a bird. Of course its going to go viral. You will never see someone catch a bird with their hand like that, and a reaction so understated and badass. It will not happen again. The clip flies up the charts, and copies fly off the bookshelves. People walk up and go, youre the quail guy or the bird man. Book sales and internet fame aside, the video has done something more special. I already thought highly of my dad. Hes a pastor, an author, my football coach. Now that hes his video has gone viral, i think more highly of him. Its awesome. Oh, my gosh now, lets go deeper into the wild. Online viewers bear witness to a video that leaves them pawing for answers. Starts out with a guy who left his go pro out on a river. Go pro camera shoots really High Definition videos. It is really compact in size and makes it portable and concealable. This bear approaches the camera and, all of a sudden, the go pro is in his mouth. You get a closeup view of what youd experience if you were being eaten alive by a bear. A grizzlys mouth is disgusting. Its gross. Eventually, the grizzly loses interest in the go pro and looks for another snack. Are we witnesses a real wildlife moment, or is this not your average bear . This one, definitely fake. These are people in bear suits. As someone who has raised grizzlies from cub to full grown for years, this is fake, 100 . Actually, the bear is real. Is the situation a set up . How does the go pro get the inside story on the huge ch chompers. I feel like he had to put something on it for the bear to want to eat it. No bait is used. The video simply captures a bear who is ready for his close up. We know what a grizzly bears favorite food is, expensive electronics. The grizzly man who scores the shot a brad josephs. I had photographers and videos of bears. He has conducted the tours on the alaskan peninsula. They come together in great numbers because of the food source. Its definitely the best place you can go to see bears up close. Thats a rare sight these days. Poaching and habitat laws among other issues have put the grizzly bear on the endangered species list. Its remote so the general public doesnt go there. We can get in and see bears up close. You cant do that anywhere else. In the spring of 2013, brad is leading a tour of photographers when he decides to set up his go pro camera. I knew a stretch of bear trail that intersecretats the r. Its a great place for the bears to get fish. I placed it on a rocky area. I didnt want the bear to see the camera. I wanted to get its natural behavior. Brad moves 50 yards away. He gets more than he bargains for. The mom comes, and the cub follows her. Hes curious, checking everything out. The cub looks at the camera, and the bear decided to taste it and chew on it. My heart sank because i thought, we just lost another go pro. After giving the go pro a tongue bath, the cub moves on. Brad grabs the camera and is relieved to find it in one piece. I picked it up and, oh, my gosh, it was still recording. I thought, wow, i got Something Special here. Brad hopes others find it specific, too, and uploads the video to his youtube page, with the intriguing title, a grizzly ate my go pro. A catchy title helps, and it caught peoples attention. Including the attention of speck ti skeptics. One of the reactions i often get when people view this is, wow, did you put honey on the camera . Of course i didnt. That is, first of all, illegal. If you give a bear any kind of a food reward or something, they can become very dangerous. A grizzly ate my go pro becomes wildly successful, gaining millions of hits. I think it went viral because it was kind of fun to see the inside of a bears mouth. I dont know who can say theyve gotten that close and lived to tell the tale. I just hope that it grabbed peoples attention enough for them to say, you know, bears are a really need animal and we need to protect them and keep them around. Coming up. 30 seconds or less. Is this guy really a cut above the rest when it comes to watermelon slicing . People want their watermelon and want it now. When caught on camera continues. boys screaming totinos pizza rolls. Ready so fast,. Its scary yyou would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. Then ill use a bunch of them. What are you doing . Dish issues . Get cascade complete. One pac cleans better than six pacs of the bargain brand combined. Cascade. Now thats clean. Watermelon in 30 seconds or less. A man purporting to be the fruit ninja slices and dices his way to viral stardom. How fast can you possibly cut up a watermelon . Starts with a guy who is going to chop a watermelon in record speed. His friend is recording him. 20 second challenge. Its hot and summer. People want their watermelon, and they want it now. Watermelon in 30 seconds. Hes in a zen state of concentration where its, like, hes got it. He has the power of the watermelon. Youre at 10 seconds. I was just imagining his fingers getting chopped off. You cut it in 20 seconds, but you also lost a few fingers. 21 seconds. Oh. That seems like a machine can do that job better than a human until we met this guy. Its clear that no machine has these skills. Its that machinelike precision that leaves many to wonder if the human is not what he seems. I see why people might think, it really took his 40 seconds and they sped it up. I think were used to a suspicion of disbelief around food preparation more than other videos. When someone puts in a cake pan, and pulls it out, its a premade cake. I had no doubt whatsoever about this man. I saw a hero from the get go. Honestly, if it were fake, i would be devastated. I would be heartbroken. Dont you dare tell me its fake. Im matt jones, and my vid y video of me cutting a watermelon in 20 seconds is real. They work in the produce department of a Grocery Store in orlando, florida. To make the time pass, they create a friendly competition called a case race. A case race is where you take an entire case of fruit, be it cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries, and you try to cut the case as fast as you can. He has his cutting board and knife, and i have mine. We start and the last to finish loses. The winner gets absolutely nothing. Its just fun. I have gotten so close to beaten matt, but he always finds a way to beat me, even if im ahead. Once youve done it thousands of times, it becomes like clock work. Its secondhand nature. Thousands of times . Matt still has all ten fingers . Ive not had any accidents at work cutting fruit, but i have had an accident outside of work cutting fruit at a party. Made a mess all over the table. If word gets out on his quickcut heroics. I told my friends, you should see i can cut a watermelon in less than 30 seconds. They didnt believe me. One day at work, i told kurt, take my phone and film me doing one of the watermelons real fast. Youre at 10 seconds. I said, yeah, id love to see you fail on camera. 21 seconds. Oh. It was originally intended to show friends and family when i got home. His friends thought it was awesome and we put it on youtube. Overnight, it blew up. It had 5 million hits in a few days. Over 5 million views on this thing . 30 second video. Thatd be 2. 5 million minutes of human time watching this guy cut a watermelon. Many accept the challenge as fact but think they can beat the time. This is the first attempt at a speedy watermelon cutting. Soon, no watermelon is safe. The general principle of oneupmanship is kind of the engine of the internet culture. Ready . Its, oh, thats impressive, but i can do it better. One, two, three, four, five i kept going, watch out for your fingers. This is already going pretty bad. It made matts video look better. This is how to cut a watermelon in three hours. So far, nobody has bait be beaten it. 21 seconds is the best youtube has to offer right now. What we heard at caught on camera, we arent satisfied. We want to see it with our own eyes and want matt to shatter his own youtube record. Safety and sanitary first. Ready . Go 19. 9, a new record thats a caught on camera exclusive. 19. 9 seconds, beating my old record. Coming up. Thanks everybody for coming out to the no underwear subway ride. Do these commuters bear it all . People barely like to put a hand on a pole, let alone a naked butt cheek on a seat. Then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. I was trying to like, pull it a little further got me to 70 years old im going to have to rethink this thing its hard to imagine how much well need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. Crest gaand the other, a crestwhitening toothpaste. Heres what they thought. I cant tell if the paste whitened. Well the whitestrips worked. Yeah. The paste didnt do that. Crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface, to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Crest whitestrips. The way to whiten. The yoplait greek tasteoff hits st. Louis, lets find out which blueberry greek yogurt tastes best. Bam that one. in unison its yoplait i like yoplait. Ive always liked yoplait. The one that you didnt pick was chobani. Ooh. Im a convert. Yoplaits the winner take the tasteoff for yourself. Why do i cook for the to share with family to carry on traditions to come together, even when were apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious my motheits delicious. Toffee in the world. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. I never really thought i would make money doing what i love. We created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Im richard lui. Virgin galactic founder Richard Branson is determine d to figur out what went wrong in the accident. The ntsb is investigating the cause. Hospital officials have upgraded the status of a doctor with elboebola. Dr. Craig spencer is now in stable condition. Now back to caught on camera. On the new york city subway, you never know whats going to happen next. Its a nice tube where crazy people get from one place to another. Is this video too crazy, even for the big apple . Thanks, everybody, for coming out to the no underwear subway ride. [ cheers ]. It begins with a man telling everyone, were about to do the annual no underpants day subway ride. Be on your best behavior. Make sure you dont rub your genitals up against somebody else. Its not illegal to be completely illegal in the subway system, as far as we know. Im thinking, yeah, it is. Yes, you cannot have your stuff out in the open on the subway. Everybody ready to take your underwear off . [ cheers and applause ]. All of a sudden, they start stripping down. Everyone is Walking Around with their underpants off. My favorite moment is where two guys take their pants off and one guy leaves. Like theres no way hes going to be in front of that business. This is the guy reading the paper back book. Theyre going about their daily subway routine, commuting. I was a little unsure whether it was real or not. Its the new york city subway. This just happens here. Some people call that out. You see genuine reactions of d d disgust from other riders. I thought it would be fake. If it was real, people would be running away. I cant imagine all the people actually agreeing to take off their underwear. People barely like to put their hands on a subway pole, let alone their naked butt cheek on a cheek. Thanksfulfullythankfully, it. Its the brain child of the jokesters at improv everywhere. Improv everywhere is a new york citybased prank collective. We cause scenes of chaos and joy in public spaces. The scenes include 200 par sis pants freezing in place at Grand Central station, and where there is a lunchtime musical. Improv everywhere members are no strangers to viral videos. Their youtube page has more than 1. 6 million subscribers and hundreds of millions of views. Its really a great platform for us to share what we do and have other people enjoy it, too. One of the comedy crews popular stunts is the annual nopants subway ride. It started back in 2002. Its the middle of the winter. Youve got guys in winter coats, winter hats, scarves, gloves but, of course, no pants. Its grown exponentially every year. Its even gone international. There are participants posting videos for the whole world to see. Almost everywhere on a subway system on a sunday in january, youll find people riding the train in their underwear. In 2010, the pranksters want to take their tradition one step further. Every year, we do an april fools day prank to sort of celebrate our fans. I got the idea to do a go underwear subway ride and make it seem like wed taken the no pants subway ride to the next level. We had a good group of value tiers that were willing and accepting of the idea, of appearing to not have underwear on on the subway. Everybody was required to bring their own flesh colored underwear. That enabled us to blur the footage after the fact, making it seem like people were riding the train completely naked. Charlie and company know it takes a lot to shock new yorkers. They take steps to make sure they get the reactions they want. I had some actors in on it so theyd give more over the top reactions to fit with how you might actually react. If you look closely, you can actually see this disgusted commuter without undies moments later. Not all of these people are plants. Maybe 40 of the reactions in the video are actually regular riders who, you know, we filmed with a hidden camera. One of my favorite reactions is where our performers is leaning over a woman. Shes just laughing. I love it. On april fools day with all of the blurs in place, the video goes live. The train riders in the raw collects six million views. How could this not go viral . There is fascination with the stuff down there, and people want to see it. Not mine specifically, but other peoples. There was a debate over whether it was real or not. A lot of people were fooled and thought it was crossing the line, even for us. I had a couple relatives who were upset, who believed it and thought, i like charlie lease videos but hes gone too far. 24 hours after the video, the improv group fess up. Of course, the uncensored video is people wearing skincolored boxers. Anyone who believed there was a nounderwear subway ride and went to watch the censored one and didnt see the genitals would be upset. I know i would be. I go on the internet for one thing, genitals. When theyre not there, im furious. Curious people pressed the uncensored version past the original. It gets more views, sadly. People that search for no underwear and get our video end up disappointed. After no pants and no underwear, what else can we expect from improv everywhere . I dont know if there is something you can do to sort of top that. I feel like once you reach taking your pants off, theres really nowhere to go from there. Coming up, theres an app for just about everywhere these days. What about this . This one stumped me because it looks so real. Your mind starts going, how do they do that . When caught on camera continues. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. 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Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. Smartphones seem to be able to do almost anything these days, but can they do this . There is a display of 10,000 iphone 5s, lined up in a domino setup. Its working. They make an elaborate pattern, changing colors while tipping over. Its very beautiful. One of the coolest parts is when it goes into an elevator. The elevator goes up, and then it keeps going on to the next floor. Which brought the trick up a notch. It wasnt just one floor. It was two floors now. Then it finally resolves with this big kind of mural of iphones. Is this the real domino effect, or is domino special effect . It was just like too perfectly timed. Suspiciously perfect. This one stumped me because it looks so real. Its so precise. Then your mind starts going, how does they do that . Its so many iphones. Thats more iphones than there are in the world, im sure. Fake, thats my impression of everyone on youtube. Fake we hear you loud and clear. The video of the tumbling iphones is completely false. The domino display comes from the Creative Minds at a studio in san francisco. Im visual effects and animation, viral videos and other digital content. That content includes concept videos for the latest apple products. We like to visualize what we want to see in the next iphone, as opposed to whats rumored. A lot of times, our concepts are a little too farfetched. This futuristic iphone video grabs more than 68 million hits and leaves tech geeks wanting more. They think we made this iphone, and they wanted to buy it from us. We got a ton of emails all over the world, people from dubai saying, money is not an issue. In march 2013, the Team Brainstorms a new video. Their goal is to publicize. This is passing information, and dominos was a great way to show it. The designers dont have 10,000 iphones to spare. In fact, theres only one real phone in the entire video. Can you spot it . It was just one iphone right at the beginning of the video, so something was tactile for the person to touch. The other 9,999 iphones are made using computergenerated animation. We usually start with a clean plate. We shoot the actors on the set and go through and add in our cg elements. The markers are intentional. We can create a path of where we want the dominos to travel. Weve populated the entire shot with what the iphone would look like and, later, we can replace them with higher resolution iphones. The scene started like the other shots. We shoot a clean plate, so we get the elevator and actor in context. We add in the cgi, make sure the lighting is correct. We blur the background a little to sell the fact that the iphones are here, and deemphasize the background. For the finale of the video, we set a camera up really high and really wide. We see the wave of crashing iphones. Once theyve settled and we have basically a 10, 20foot screen were now able to display whatever content we wanted to. The 80second video takes more than 1300 hours to produce. All of that hard work pays off. On april 17th, 2013, they release the video online, and it reaches more than 7. 5 million views. Hopes topple when people who believe the video is real find out the truth. The most common emails or comment we get is can i have one iphone out of the 10,000 . Others, people are bashing us because they think we spent a lot of money in trashing the iphones. We send them an email saying, you know, this was not real. No iphones were harmed again in the making of this video. I think its a onewin for the company. If they managed to make it real iphones falling, thatd be incredible. The fact they made it with cgi is more incredible. They win either way. Forgetting your anniversary is one thing, but did this guy really forget his wife . Youre my wife . Yeah. Holy [ bleep ]. A lot of people were debating whether this could actually happen. When caught on camera continues. Introducing Synchrony Financial. Bringing new meaning to the word, partnership. Banking. Loyalty. Analytics. Synchrony financial. Engage with us. Youre not doing anything hand, as fast as you used to. Do you need help . What is that . Swiffer dusters. I can extend it so i dont have to get on the step stool. Its like a dirt magnet just like my kids. I think swiffer definitely gave me some of that time back. Are we still on for tomorrow . Tomorrow. Tomorrow is full of promise. We can come back tomorrrow. And we promise to keep it that way. Csx. How tomorrow moves. What a day. Cant wait til tomorrow. Ring ring . Progresso you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. Well vegetables. Shh taste better in our savory broth. Vegetables . No. Soup oh soup loaded with vegetables. Packed with taste. For over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. So i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Faster than dcon. What will we do with all of these dead mice . Tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. Hey, ulfrik hey, agnar whats up with you . Funny you ask. Im actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. Summer camp is over. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. Okay, kids, do not try this at home. Or anyone for that matter. Two adorable little boyds come out with a trampoline, put it in the middle of the street, which seems like a not very good decision. Just caused this Chain Reaction of like chaos basically. You know sometimes when you go to a fancy restaurant when they bring you the bill they bring you a piece of candy. Its what the car crash is, the little treat at the end. Can kids this cute really be this naughty . I can picture two kids being bored. Their mom says, go play outside. They take a trampoline and try to jump over cars. Weve got the little scamps here to give us the truth. Hi. Its a viral ad created for the vaudeville theater in germany. You could compare it to Cirque Du Soleil in america. The video is an internet juggernaut gaining millions of hits. The videos directors norman and dominick brainstorm another misadventure for the daring due can yoe. It had to be more extreme, bigger. So i thought about this car crash. But before they create the big smash, the guys add legitimacy by creating a series of other trampoline stunts. Jumping over a dog, jumping into a swimming pool, jumping over a cow. Everything up to the car is real. Like the long time, the first three or four videos seem very real and are real, you have to believe that the last one is real, too. For the grand finale, the directors lock down the camera and shoot three different accesses. You have the camera and then dont move it the whole day because you make different shots and you can combine them in the production. First up is mckell, jumping on and off the car. Instead of a vehicle, he leaves onto garbage cans which are approximately the same height. Pallets are added on top for more traction. Next up, the guys shoot the first car screeching to a halt. Took five takes time before we have the car in the right position. The driver exits the vehicle. The crew leave its in place and then sets up for the clie mack tick crash. You only have one chance. Norman, you have to drive much faster than you think you should because we only have one shot. It was everything i wanted. With filming complete, norman and dominick start editing. They layer the three shots on top of each other, isolating mckell and removing the garbage can moving a complex process called compositing. Compositing has to be done frame by frame so it took a lot of time. They launch the clip and viewers jump at the chance to watch the latest exploits. People just want to share this mess unfolding. You know no good can come from jumping from trampoline to a car. Internet detectives scoured the videos for clues for fakery. And catch a mistake. Can you spot it . In the moment of the crash, it doesnt move. I thought, no, no. How could we be so blind. Mistake aside, the trampoline trick just adds to the internet legend of mckell and sven. And it looks like the legend will live on. From crafty kids to a spacey spouse. Lets face it, when youve just had surgery, you probably dont want to be trending on the internet. Ow there is this whole genre now online of people coming out of anesthesia and the strange things that can happen. Its one thing to act loopy, but is it possible to have absolutely no memory of your spouse. My name is candice. Im your wife. Youre my wife . Yeah. Holy [ bleep ]. This guy has just woken up from surgery. Hes really hazy and groggy. Hes apparently talking to his wife. All of a sudden hes gushing over this lady. Man, you are eye candy. Whoa you might be the prettiest woman ive ever seen. Are you a model . How long have we been married . A long time. Oh, my god, i hit the jackpot. This is the most frustrating video in the world because she never flips the camera around. Whoa, your teeth are perfect. I want to see the jackpot turn around. No. Its a good thing he was saying how beautiful she was instead of like, oh, man, youre my wife . This is what i settled for . Did i get you that ring . Uhhuh. Man, i must had been really loving you. The hazy husband goes viral and makes wife swoon around the world. I think it went viral because its the opposite of most things you see online, which are cynical and awful and being mean. Man, have we kissed yet . It was just an adorable video that people wanted to share because it made them feel good. But is it too good to be true . A lot of people were debating, is this real . Is this fake . And trying to gauge whether this could actually happen. How could he not remember who his wife is . He didnt fall off a horse and forget everything. My First Impression was that this was real. He really does look like a guy coming out of anesthesia. It just seems like a very genuine moment. Well, it seems genuine because it is. You just cant fake being that high. The best act under the world, daniel daylewis, could not fake being that high. We get to meet the prettiest girl in the world when jason morg morgan and his wife candice stop by the today show. Candice, how is it that you were videotaping that moment . He had been acting like that for about 20 minutes before i pulled out my phone. I finally realized, i need to get this on video so he can see how he acts. Jason, do you remember any of this as you watch it . No. And ive had surgeries previously. I guess ive been weird during all of them. Good thing she had the sense to pull out her camera this time. There are people who have questioned the authenticity of this. We talked to your surgeon yesterday, because he said while its unusual some people could have this reaction. What do you make of the reaction to the skeptics . He genuinely didnt remember a thing about that when i showed him the video. He score fd major brownie points with his wife and women all over the world. Oh, my god, i hit the jackpot. This is a great guy. She actually hit the jackpot, too. In the halls of justice, theyve seen it all. I thought this is the one thats going to run. From the unbelievable. Just down on all fours to scramble away. To the shocking. Oh, my god. Courtroom deputies caught by surprise. He swung his body away, making contact to my face. Victims families las

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