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Veggies. And herbs needed to create a popup pickyourown juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows. We have some of the freshest juice in town. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink we have losers. We have losers. One year, this is the one year anniversary. We wont be using a man like secretary kerry that has absolutely no concept of negotiation. At 73 years old he participated in a bicycle race. He goes into a bicycle race at 72 years old. He fell off the bicycle and broke his leg. He was like out of it. This is our negotiators. I wont be doing that. I will never be in a bicycle race. I promise you i will never participate in a bicycle race during a major race. But they all said a lot of the pundits on television. Pundits that truly hate me. Donald will never run. Donald trump will never run. We will make America Great again. Were going to make America Great again. Its just a summer fling. Its just a summer romance. It is, but the problem is that summer romance continued and the 17yearold became 70 and hes still acting the same exact way. Instead of you just wondering whats going on. Its friday, june 17th. Mika has the morning off. Congratulations, this is graduation weekend. The author of the book Political Writer for the New York Times. And chris jansing. In washington we have katty kay. Great to have you guys all with us. A lot to talk about today. Your book, i saw a tweet last night. You talked about how the middle school kid that didnt have any people over to his Birthday Party. A parent tweeted that she was trying to have a Birthday Party for her child and nobody would rsvp, which happens a lot. They reached out to the local Police Department and a whole bunch of cops showed up with presents. Why cant more parents get their kids to other parties. Thank god for the police. Im going to say two or three of the saddest days as a parent for me was when that happened with my son when he had asp bergers in middle school and it break yours heart. I saw that last night. I wanted to say for parents out there and for you, theres such great hope. Andrew is extraordinary now. Hes graduated from college. He just got married. Thats wonderful. And he is so happy. His mother and i could have never imagined. What extraordinary strides that he made. Because of friends and Community Members that came around him and really helped him grow. In the case of andrew, it took not only a village, but a loving village and everybody came together. Unfortunately its not just parents with special needs kids. We all go through it where kids feel bullied. Without exception, when you see a jerky kid and thats what i found over the years. But theres nothing like watching your kid suffer or not feel a part of something. You just stay in it. This is something that didnt have kids. You have 15 rounds. And its like ali and frazier. The 15th round youre slumped and youre dead. Guess what happens then. The bell rings again. Its the 16th round and you know what you do . You lift yourself off the chair bloodied and beaten and go back in there again for the 16th or 17th. However many rounds it takes, you keep fighting and stay in there and most of the time good things happen. I know they have with me. Im so blessed by god and so blessed by the family that surrounded my children. Its a battle. My grandma always gave me this Bumper Sticker that said the battle is the wars. The battle never ends. You just had your first child last month. Congratulations. Take a deep breath. Because it is forever. Katty kay, you know it is forever. Big kids, big problems, but i will tell you even bigger rewards. Its pretty extraordinary. I didnt mean for this to be a parenting thing. Why not . Its fathers day weekend. It is fathers day weekend. Before we break into news, lets talk just really quickly about well, we had some happy news out of england yesterday followed by tragic news about this young, talented, gifted young member of parliament that was just gunned down needlessly in her home district. We live in a country we got inoculated to the news that people got shot, but this doesnt happen in the uk and the news that joe cox, 41 years old. She has two very young kids. A woman who committed herself to serving other people. I spoke to somebody last night who knew her and worked with her on mortality issues around the world. She was a fabulous woman. Super nice and low key. Didnt take herself too seriously. But really determined to serve her population and her constituents. She was killed while she was out on the street about to go to the local library u to meet with her constituents. In england we call it surgery and she was about to hold surgery in york shire. This guy came up and shot her. Its really stunned the country. A deranged local, which well have more information on that throughout the show. Lets go right now to our lead story this morning. Were going to take you to iraq. Its just coming in. Iraqi forces claimed to have liberated sma ed parts of fallu. They didnt face tough resistance because many had already escaped. U. S. Officials are urging the white house to change its course in dealing with the civil war in syria. The New York Times is saying that objection to Administration Policy comes from 51 diplomats. A memo filed in a channel they called for u. S. Strikes against the regime of president bashar al assad. They say that would hel drive stronger u. S. Diplomatic efforts. Just on wednesday the secretary of state called a truce that is frayed and at risk. Violence shows no signs of baiting in the 5yearold conflict thats claimed the lyes of 400,000 people. The serious situation just seems to get worse by the moment. We have seen it unfolding before our eyes. Its been a nightmare and we have seen it around this set in realtime. We cant complain we didnt know. And you could go back and find clips where we would ask can policymakers. Im serious. 20,000 have died there. What are we going to do . 40,000 have died there. I remember the summer that 40,000 became 100,000. Wed say to policymakers, what do we do . Its difficult. Its very difficult. Its now a leader in this administration that has turned a blind eye and the entire west to the blind eye to violence and bloodshed. It actually would have made the bosnians pretty remarkable. It is staggering, but it does point the dichotomy. We have seen what happened when we toppled other regimes. Between we want to do the right thing. We dont want to have this kind of bloodshed, but we dont want to go beyond drone strikes and airstrikes. We dont want to talk about having ground troops. We dont want to talk about how do we get more than 1,000 of our population fighting in a war. Do we do mandatory National Service to get more people in the military. So we want to have our hands clean. In this day in age, i dont know if you can have both. You look over the past several years since this has been going. Its not just the 400 dead. That tragedy in syria is a refugee crisis that has rocked the world. That has rocked the middle east. Thats rocked europe. Thats helped create isis. And yet all we hear is its just too tough. Its too difficult. At some point we have to do something to stop this. At every stage in the debate has been will more action make things worse or better. Is there a way to improve this by acting. I u think the president decided at various stages to do too much more and embroil us in one more conflict like iraq. I dont think theres a huge amount of appetite for a huge intervention. What would you do . I would say we have no choice. But today . Youre in charge, you push the button. Sometimes theres a remove bix cube. We have a humanitarian crisis thats unprecedented across europe since world war ii. Everybody gets upset when they see pictures of little children downing. We get upset. What does the World Community do though . The first thing is they go in together and they create a safe zone in syria. A huge safe zone. And we provide free passage back to the syrians that had been spread across the globe. And yes, we contribute a lot of money along with the the rest of the world. Along with saudi arabia. Along with japan. Along with china. And we let isis or anybody else know if they get in the way of the Syrian Refugees returning to their homeland, well shoot them dead right where they are. We will use any force necessary to allow as many syrians to come as possible and well kill anybody that stands in their way. As for assad, assad must go. 400,000 dead. Theres no other choice. By the way, i have moved on that. If we have to replace him the same way we replaced hitler in 1945, thats how it is. The other side of the argument, every time we take one of these guys out, theres a vacuum thats worse than the monster. I understand, but what Saddam Hussein was doing was internal for the most part. What assad has done has brought a great unbalance to the middle east and to the world. Has helped create and theres a void u. You cant keep fighting the last war. We have been fighting the last war like generals always fight the war. 400,000 people are dead. The middle east is in chaos. Other governments may topple because of the chaos. Europe is in chaos. We are seeing europes government change radically under the pressure of the refugees. We are seeing the entire face of europe changing politically because of this. This is a crisis, unlike iraq, which was contained in iraq. We screwed up going in. This is a crisis that is infecting the entire globe. Yet we sit back and do nothing. Its a crisis of missed opportunities. If we had acted much sooner when the war broke out, if the west had backed a secular moderate opposition that was making gains against the regime, we could have had an impact. I think youre exactly right. The choice is primarily to address the humanitarian crisis and that starts with a safe haven and a nofly zone and that has to be implemented and enforced. We have to help the jordanians. We have to help the lebanese, who countries being destabilized. A third of the population are Syrian Refugees. Imagine what that does to a tiny country. We have to get them back to a safe haven and do everything to protect that safe haven from isis and the government of assad. Its rationalable that something i keep hearing from Administration Officials they think is a good idea has not happened yet. And we have been hearing from Administration Officials and Foreign Policy people for four years. Its just too hard. And it started when assad crossed the red line and the president backed off. The problem for the administration is that they are concerned that intervention, going against the assad regime is going to lead to a conflict with russia and iran. They are concerned theres to appetite for this. Is there appetite in congress . Given the weariness. When you have this critique of 51 different people, its an embarrassment for the administration but it also points to the idea that e we need to have serious discussions. Were in the middle of a political campaign. This is not going to go away in january when the new president takes office. There needs to be a serious conversation on the campaign trail about these issues. Is there an appetite for the United States of america to send 200,000 troops in . No, theres not. This is up to the west. This the up to the World Community. When have they step ped up fr us ever . 1991. This is the middle easts problem. This is europes problem. This is the worlds problem. This isnt about america going after Saddam Hussein. The question is the president s appetite. The president wanted to make this happen, he would make the case to rally the people of america behind it and rally the world behind it. The issue is the president. He doesnt think its the right thing to do. The president never has had the appetite. The president doesnt have the relationship with Foreign Policy leaders either because thats just not something he ever valued. How does any candidate run for office where we have seen trump rally. When what is going on here with infrastructure . Whats going on with jobs . Whats going on across the country . Whats going on with terrorism that we just came off the worst week as long as we can remember as far as we need to put more resources behind things. How do you sell that . Its connected. Terrorism is connected. Katty kay, ill let you help me here. It is so connected. The chaos across europe is coming to america. Theres no doubt there are hundreds of thousands of refugees. They are creating chaos across europe right now. They are spread iing across the globe. They are coming to america. Its not a matter of if, its a matter of when. Right, we know the thousands of people that have gone to train and fight with in syria have passports. They have access to travel around the globe. Thats a terrifying prospect. You have to deal with the syrian issue if your going to deal with a refugee crisis and terrorism crisis thats spreading through europe and to north america as well. It is connected. E we cant just ignore this one. Its happening and its having a direct impact on us here. I think shes having to be careful about what she really says. If you want to get Samantha Power to talk about what she thinks about us sitting on our hands while 400,000 syrians have been slaughtered and theres been an unprecedented refugee crisis while we sat back and did nothing, i dont think youre going to get her to say that while the camera is on. It would be an interesting time. We have a lot to talk about. Still ahead on morning joe, john mccain lays the massacre at the feet of president obama. Then he misspoke. But the Trump Campaign liked what he said the first time. And a 14hour fill bibuster the floor of the senate. Chris murphy is going to be our guest and the first signs of movement on gun law reforms. Also Bernie Sanders campaign member jeff weaver joins us. Also some very frightening warnings that we got from the director of the cia. Were going to be talking about that, much more from trump land. First, heres bill karins with a check on the forecast. Fathers day weekend is goings to be brutally hot. Other areas will be gorgeous. The story overnight was the sherpa fire. This one grew. Winds gust up to 40 miles per hour. 1,000 firefighters on this. Now its up to 2,000 acres. The diameter is 4 miles wide and the fire is 0 contained. 80s today with hoe winds. Then sunday up to 100 degrees with gusts to 20 to 30. Thats a scary fire. I mentioned great stuff. New england locks great. Chicago, thats more like it. But the whole southern half of the country, the heat domes over top of you. We have heat advisories, warn g warnings, watches. We have warningings for those. So be careful this upcoming weekend. If we get anything, watch tucson and phoenix. Youll be 117 in tucson. That would be incredible. Washington, d. C. , you dealt with the big thunderstorms yesterday. A lot of wind damage and trees. Cloudy today, much cool er. Youre watching morning joe, well be right back. Gary, gary, gary. I am proud of you, my man. Making simple, smart cash back choices. With quicksilver from capital one. 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I just want to wet my beak a little bit. Actually vanity fair yesterday reporting that donald trump and his people are trying to figure out howo use this to create their own cable news channel after its over. Hes building this base. It doesnt matter whether he wins or loses. He builds a base, a hard core, solid base. He keeps them, he starts trump tv and makes millions and millions of dollars off of it. The Republican Party dies. He kills the Republican Party. He wipes out the republican senate, but he is building, as vanity fair says, hes building a hardcore base. Its been an open question. Is he running to run for president and win or to build donald trump. First it was to build donald trump. Then it was hes running for president. Now were back again to the first idea. Which is perhaps really about building the brand. I ask that all the time. Does he really want to be president . No, and ive asked him that and hes never answered. In one regard, the brand is tarnished because e he cant do anything advertiser related anymore u. But what will happen, well have a third party Going Forward. It will be the trump party. It will be a tv network. It will be the glen beck formula of 2 a month subscription. Thats the irony. He will end up richer than ever. After every event, lets say we have a state of the union address, the cameras will go to trump. Youre saying after he loses. After he loses. Thats the plan. It sounds like the plan to me. Katty kay, im glad he has a blan to get rich off this campaign, because he doesnt seem to have a plan to win it. Remember that time he tried to sell steaks at a press conference. Well see if we have more of that. A year after declaring he doesnt need anybodys money, donald trump is reportedly angling away from the battleground states and focusing on fundraising. Sources tell the New York Times that the private events for donors were often scheduled first followed by his campaign rallies. And that trump has informed people raising money for his campaign that hes not interested in traveling to states for donor events unless theres a rally scheduled as well. Hold a second here. So donald trump is saying im not going to do a fundraiser unless i have a rally in a state thats not a battleground state. That hes going to lose. There are four major states for raising money. Florida, texas, california and new york. Only florida is a battleground state. The other states are a waste of time in a general election. If he feels like he has to have the rally to raise the money, its not a great plan for engaging with Hillary Clinton. He needs to rally to affirm his selfworth. This is the most secure man in politics. His selfworth is wrapped up into his polls, tv ratings and his bank account. This campaign right now is affecting and hurting all three. He sees his money drain away. He sees his polls collapse, future in tv collapse, he has the meltdown. 97 of what you do as president you dont want to do. The fun thing for him is giving speeches. But fundraising, i dont want to do it. I spoke with somebody that actually was very close to a former president. 97 of what they do, they dont want to do. Its your job to go in every day saying, i know this is not what you wanted to hear right now or i know this is not what you want to do right now, but sir or maam, this is what we have to do. And donald trump just does not have the temperament to be president of the United States for more than a day. Look at the way hes managing his campaign at the moment. What the Republican Party would like him to do is unify the party, moderate his tone, reach out to people who have opposed had him in the Republican Party and bring them on board together. Hes now either not capable or doesnt want to do that. Its your idea perhaps he doesnt want to do what he doesnt want to do. He was in texas last night beginning a series of fundraisers. One of them was in dallas. Two more in san antonio and houston scheduled for today. Some republicans are starting to fear a landslide as its been more than four weeks since trump led in a single public poll. His rally in dallas, trump down played his recent slide citing his performance in the primaries. When i poll, i do fine. But when i run, i do much better. People say im not going to say who im voting for. Dont be embarrassed. Im not going to say who im voting for and i do much better. Its amazing. Last night he said there was 20,000 and there were 20 people outside. He was also riding horse. The thing is you just look at the numbers right now. Im loved with hispanics. 89 of hispanics approve of him. The blacks love me, he says. 94 of black voters disapprove of him. Women love me. Ill be great for women. Thats in the 70s now. 53 of e low income whites days prove. We have never seen numbers like this. Barry gold water is going to look like an extremely successful candidate. Im going to eat these words, but i dont think a landslide is possible in politics today. Let me give you other numbers. You can still disapprove. 65 of women have said they will absolutely not vote for him. 55 , we will absolutely not vote. These are people not just disapprove. Nothing thats going to happen. How does a landslide not come out of that . People are polarized by party and party ideas. At the end, everybody comes home to some extent. The amount of voters that come back has become so small. I u think any candidate for a ticket is guaranteed 48 of the vote. The thing is while donald trump is doing nothing but doing rallies in states where he doesnt need to do rallies, Hillary Clinton is microtargeting for the fall. Shes actually running a professional operation. Shes putting the ads up. Shes got the personnel in place. Shes spending the money that she needs to spend and shes spending it in the states she needs to spend it in. I do agree with nick. Everyone is starting to talk about the prospect of the landslide. Its hard to imagine anybody getting a massive landslide and i have spent the last few weeks filming for a documentary on women voters. I have spoken to plenty of women voters who support donald trump and plenty more who say they dont love donald trump, but they really dont like Hillary Clinton. We shouldnt forget that as a driving force. The number of people perhaps who are waivering in the middle of the political spectrum who might have voted republican and democrat in the past, who look at Hillary Clinton and think shes not somebody i can vote for. Shes coming off the best week of her life. Were going to be getting a branding take on whether disney is sending the right message after that 2yearold boy was tragically killed by an alligator at one of their resorts. Also some advice for the Republican Party in. Deep trouble. Well be right back. Day to jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive what if 30,000 people download the new app . Were good. Okay. What if a Million People download the new app . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were not good. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the number one compa in cloud infrastructe. Wrely on tbecause when service . They ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United States Postal Service priorityyou think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Not with safelite. 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During his first coverage of an nba finals game, craig saiger, who is battling cancer, caught up with lebron on the court after it was all over. Congratulations, a great performance. First of all, let me ask you a question. How in the hell 30 plus years without doing a final games. Im happy to see you, man. Much love and respect. Im happy i was able to witness this with these fans. Thanks for entertaining me. Meanwhile, it was a bad night for back to back mvp steph curry whose team had to finish without the sensation. He lost his temper after being called for his sixth foul of the game. Maybe dont foul then. And earned an immediate ejection after hurling his mouthpiece into the crowd. He did apologize to the fan he struck which drives people crazy. It drives you crazy. It happened to be the son of one of the cavs owners who got hit with the mouthpiece. Check out currys wifes reaction. She claps defiantly and later u blows kisses to the cleveland crowd as fans were singing him out. And what she called a tweet in the heat of the moment that has since been deleted. She ripped the nba after the game writing, quote, this is absolutely rigged for money or ratings. Shes the Bernie Sanders of the nba finals. That was the most biassed sports report i have ever heard. And im proud of it. But you have to see this from philadelphia. Go ahead. A fine display of dad reflexes at yesterdays blue jays and phillies game. A fan makes a onehanded grab on a foul ball with a child in his lap. A woman standing a couple rows up had the reaction that says it all. Oh my god, check it out. Happy fathers day. That is crazy. Coming up next, happy fathers day. Chris murphy is just ahead. Were back in a moment. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an Animal Rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing hey, ready foyeah. 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Those who defend the accessibility of assault weapons should meet these families and explain why that makes sense. They should meet with the newtown families, some of whom joe saw yesterday, whose children would now be finishing fifth grade. Why it is we think our liberty requires these repeated tragedies. That was president obama speaking in orlando. During his visit with the families of those killed in that sunday morning shooting massacre. The senate is going to vote on Gun Legislation monday following a 15hour filibuster mostly by democrats. With us now from washington is chris murphy. Senator, you were on the floor from 11 00 to 2 00 a. M. Yeah, about 15 hours. It was a long time to not pee. Senator chris murphy, thank you for being with us. More morning joe in just a moment. So i guess, heres the question. How do you turn something that is great political stage craft, but actually had a result into legislation that actually makes a difference where you can reach out to enough republicans, enough people in the middle to understand that if were talking about an enhanced background check, this should not be hard. I think that theres been some show filibusters in the senate, but this was kind of an Old Fashioned filibuster in which we stopped a bill from proceeding with demands to get votes on these terrorists from getting guns and expand background checks and by the end of 15 hours, we got it. Whats happening now is that because we actually got those votes scheduled, there are negotiations happening between republicans and democrats to try to come up with some language that we can all support all day on the floor. Is that possible . It does seem, and i say this very carefully, there are some winds of change starting to blow on this issue. Bill oriley came out a night or two ago aggressively on gun safety. And you have donald trump who said hes going to talk to the nra about supporting one of the provisions youre talking about. Keeping guns out of the hands of people on the terror watch list. More broadly, as you know, in the wake of orlando and San Bernardino, i think this issue is just elevating up on voters priority lists. They know that theres something wrong when if you are on the terrorist watch list you cant fly a plane, but you can go buy u a dangerous assault weapon. So i think that republicans get that. The issue here is that if republicans are going to give the nra a veto power over this measure, were never going to get it passed. I dont think the nra is going to support anything that will be meaningful. Thats why what donald trump said is so disingenuous. But there are negotiations in good faith and they would have never happened had we not forced a vote. So im proud of what we did. It wasnt just me. I think it was 37 other senators who kind of organically came down to the senate to demand that this happened. Well see. I have been disappointed before. We have three days to try to work this out. Katty kay, you look at some of the poll numbers that we were putting up while the senator was talking. Background checks, still 97 of americans support background checks. In that stricter gun law, 61 support. That assault weapon number is higher than usual. So now does seem like an opportunity, i think, in large part because of the acts of terror that have happened in San Bernardino and then orlando. I think there is an opportunity, but all of us who watched this over the years after newtown were so feel so cynical of getting anything done. From the senator, is there anything that can be done short of changing the statutes. Red flags that pop up to the fbi if somebody has been under investigation, but that investigation is now closed. Which is what the fbis argument is in this case. Is there something that can happen short of having to actually get congressional approval. There are restrictions on what the fbi can do and what they can be notified of. Director comey has been clear they are going to perhaps get a notification of an individual when they are trying to buy a weapon. They need to be kept on these lists in order to get that done. Thats one of the clear things they have to look at. They have this guy on a list and took him off. So it might be a reminder for the fbi to try u to be a little more careful so they get the notification, but all they get is the notification. Theyd have no ability to deny guns. Thats whats so dangerous. Speed round here. 8 million of these weapons are already in circulation. Anything you can do . Is the cat already out of the bag on this problem . I think thats difficult. I think if we were to get an assault weapons back on the books, its not likely were going to take weapons out in commercial circulation back. But what we know is that even as you make small dents in the number of high powered and illegal weapons on the streets, you get lower gun crimes. We have seen that in connecticut. I dont think thats an excuse not to act because we cant solve the entire problem. That doesnt mean we shouldnt try to stop new weapons from getting out on the street. Despite what you think about donald trump overall, could he be used as position as a construction force to try to peel away some republicans. So long is he is going to negotiate the National Security of the United States with the nra. Thats not constructive. Let me give you a news flash. The nra is not going to support any measures to stem gun violence in this country. They just arent. So long as thats Donald Trumps positioning, im not sure hes sending any u positive signals. Why not use him as a wedge against the nra . I havent seen that yet. Hes announced to erbe he wont support anything that the nra wont. Whats going to change this is republican senators, especially those going bab to the lek rat, are scared to death of voting against the measure that we got a vote scheduled on on monday. Thats whats going to change this. Senator chris murphy, thank you so much. We appreciate you being with us. Thanks. Bernie sanders sent a video addressing hes ready to start taking on donald trump in the general election, but he forgot to endorse hillary. Well talk to the man who still has his job running the Campaign Jeff weaver. What brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all . Ineutrogena® cosmetics. With vitamins and antiidants. Now with foundations in shades for more skin tones. I bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed to give my shop. A face. No one will forget. Sewhat the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink anyoure talking tyourratets doctor about your medication. This is humira. 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So on the heels of the dalai lamas visit to the white house, fox news sat down with his holiness in what can be described as a wide ranging interview. Among the topics is terrorism, immigration and of course the movie caddie shack. Have you ever seen the movie caddie shack . I dont know. The part about the have you ever played golf . No. Theres a classic movie where they talk about the da lay lama. I had to ask you about it. Hes more of a meatballs guy. Im taking notes for future interviews how to conduct an interview. So youve got to going for you. Which is nice. Coming up next, we asked the pope about spaceballs. And at the top of the hour, were we ever that young . A year later in Donald Trumps president ial campaign sounds similar to how it did when it began. And i have u a special message to my friends in the Republican Party. Thats coming up, next hour. We got another one. I have an orcogram for an owen. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. 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This is from a wrestling match in utah where a mystery fighter appeared from out of nowhere to surprise and delight the sold out crowd. Thats how hes planning to take town donald trump. Very good then. Welcome back to morning joe. Mitt in red boxers. I didnt want to talk about the effect it had on me. I need to go to therapy. Its friday, june 17th. Mika has the morning off. Graduation weekend for carly. We have Donny Deutsch with us. And also kasie hunt. Then we have katty kay. I think that is anchor. A lot to get to this morning. Lets start with that absolutely fascinating memo circulating around the state department. U. S. Diplomats are urging the white house to change its course in dealing with the civil war in syria. The New York Times is reporting that a seemingly unprecedented dejection from 51 state department diplomats. In an internal memo filed in a channel, they are calling for u. S. Strikes against the regime of president bashar al assad. They say that would help drive stronger u. S. Diplomatic efforts. Just on wednesday, the secretary of state called a truce. Violence there shows no signs of e baiting in this 5yearold conflict that has claimed the lives of 400,000 people. The head of the cia is offering a new stark warning to lawmakers about isis saying the terror group is as dangerous as ever. Thats the assessment director john brennan gave the Intelligence Committee yester y yesterday. He says isis is bigger and more widespread than al qaeda ever was and that efforts to beat the Group Overseas have not slowed its efforts to carry out terror attacks. He also warned isis will try to tap into lone wolf attackers like the orlando nightclub shooter. As we have seen in orlando, San Bernardino and elsewhere, Imogen Lloyd Webber is attempt i is attempting to inspire attacks. A senior figure publicly urged followers to conduct attacks in home countries if they were unable to travel to syria and iraq. He went on to say that the cia has found no connection between mateen and any terrorist groups overseas. Clearly cia not happybout the state of isis and how it can still conduct these attacks. And saying it just outright, a more Dangerous Organization than an organization that killed over 3,000 americans in september 11th. Right. Obviously under president obamas watch it will be part of his legacy. Whats interest iing about the memo isnt that the memo is unprecedented. Its the fact that it leaked. There are people inside Obamas White House and administration who want him to do something that they are willing to litigate this on the front page of the New York Times. Whats actually even scarier is the shooter had no connection. Whether you have any connection or knowledge or understanding, i get to brand myself now. I talked to people that former fbi officers who say isis . They are saying this off the air. He had a thousand things going on in his life and just at the end he decides to scoop up isis and attach it to himself. Its strike iing that isis provides a prepackaged sense of importance for people who might otherwise be deranged killers that they can affiliate with isis. Its actually a part of some bigger important struggle. And it puts pressure not only on brennan but lawmakers to do something. It puts pressure on people who are running for president as well. Its why you have republicans as well as democrats essentially saying that a lot of the rhetoric going on right now on the campaign trail is directly affecting the american ability to fight this war against isis. I think thats why you have seen a lot of people in the National Security committee raise concerns about the policies hes pushing forward. Thats caused a riff in the. Party. We saw more of that yesterday. Donald trump did during the primaries. But that partnership going into the general elections is is looking more and more fraught at the moment. Trump is brushing off the Republican National committees advice and what did you expect them to do. With politico reporting that the rnc is being tasked with infrastructure typically managed by the campaign itself and distrust from the nominee side as trump fired political director has joined as a consultant. They tweeted that everything is fine. Reports of discord are pure fiction. This as republicans are sounding less confident. Duncan hunter of california brushed aside questions about trump yesterday saying, quote, im not a surrogate. Hunter was one of the first members of congress to endorse trump and is the cochair of house leadership committee. But paul ryan is Standing Firm in his own endorsement of trump. Any scenario you would rescind your endorsement . I dont have a plan to do that. Were going to agree to disagree on some things. We dont want another democrat in the white house. I u can tell you that. We have a lot of common. Ground on a lot of things. Thats not a hard no. Its still cowardly. This is a man who says a hispanic cant judge me. Hes said some very sexist things. He has principle problems with donald trump. The fact he is still endorsing this man, hes endorsing those policies. Paul ryan needs to realize thats what hes doing. Im struck by the relationship with the rnc. What hes doing is saying all these things i hate to do, organizing, hiring field staff, raising money are your problem. So if i u dont win. And im not going to listen to you. I feel like its a set up for a loss. Its a set up to say, you know, the problems that i had are actually the rncs fault and not mine. Hes still not hiring anybody. Still not spending money organize iing. Hes certainly not selffunding his campaign. Hes not organizing at all. Hes not doing any of the things required to win the white house. Reince priebus has been the person in the Republican Party who has been most encouraging and welcoming to donald trump. He was out there the first time tweeting on when trump won indiana. I had somebody say to me at what point does Reince Priebus look bad. That tweet i was reminded of that comment. Its like u a little mom and pop thing there. Theres no Trump Organization even on the business side of things. And thats not going to change. Theres no organization to speak of. And the organization that they have is very small. And theres mass i have in fighting going on there every day. They cant get anything done. They cant hire u new people. The few people that are there are fighting each other every day instead of fighting hillary. It does still seem theres this core of people within the family that donald trump listens to. His daughter and soninlaw have particularly u close relationship with him. But it doesnt seem to have grown very much beyond that. You can grow an organization as much as you like, but youre still going to have to listen to the people that you have around you if youre going to take in outside advice. Lets get one more piece of news from capitol hill. This was pretty surprising. Hes usually known as a voice of calm amida combustible campaign season. Senator john mccain turned heads yesterday when he said this about president obama. Barack obama is directly responsible for it, because when he pulled everybody out of iraq, al qaeda went to syria and became isis and isis is what it is today thanks to Barack Obamas failures, utter failures by pulling everybody out of iraq thinking that conflicts and just because so the responsibility for it lies with president obama and his failed policies. Directly responsible because he pulled everybody out of iraq and i u predicted at the time that isis would go unchecked and there would be attacks on the United States of america. Its a matter of record. So he is droektly responsible. No surprise the reaction from the left was swift. A spokesman for harry reid said, quote, mccains unhinged comments suggest the latest proof that Senate Republicans are puppets of donald trump. Before long, mccain took to twitter saying he misspoke, didnt mean the president was personally responsible and, quote, to clarify, i was referring to president obamas National Security decisions that have led to the rise of Imogen Lloyd Webber not to the president himself. We caught up with him on capitol hill as well. I believe that the fact of what i said u and meant was that the president s actions by pulling everybody out of iraq, which led them to al qaeda moving to syria, which meant the bit of isis and failure to address the threat of isis, which i predicted. The director of National Intelligence has predicted. We predict more attacks. If the president had not pulled everybody out, you never would have seen the rise of isis. He bears responsibility. I want to be clear. Im not backtracking on anything. Im saying that the president of the United States actions were responsible because of the full withdrawal of troops from iraq, which led them to al qaeda going to syria, which led to isis and our failure to have a strategy to destroy isis has led the atoon attacks on the United States. That was predicted by many and others. Despite mccain saying he misspoke, the Trump Campaign seemed to not find anything wrong with the first it ration. His Campaign Manager tweeted link to an article with the headline John Mccain Obama is directly responsible for orlando attack. Just an interesting note, the link was to a Washington Post piece. Thats the News Organization that the Trump Campaign has banned. Are you banned . Are we banned here . Its sort of a dilly thing. First, to say as he did clearly that the president was directly responsible for the massacre in orlando is reprehensible. That as donald trump suggesting that barack obama, the commanderinchief, is sympathetic with trusts. You can certainly hold the president accountable and responsible for his policies on isis. Thats what we should do in this country. But when john mccain says that obama is responsible for causing this general problem because he pulled everybody out of iraq, he seems to forget a tweet he put out in 2010. When john mccain wrote, last american combat troops leave iraq. I think george bush deserve ises some credit. I u wonder if he thinks george bush deserves some blame for what happened in orlando. I dont think george bush deserves blame. Kpi dont think barack obama does either. Watching john mccain there it seemed like he knew he overstepped when he linked it direct ly to what happened in orlando. He didnt admit it though. He should have walked it back. To say that the president caused that to happen is ridiculous. The john mccain there really reminds me of the john mccain who came back to the senate after the end of the 2008 campaign. I remember being in elevators and having him looking at the floor, grouching at his aids n a mood that was really negative. Since then and in the following eight years, i have covered him extensively and hes usually this cheerful, full of life, having a good time, working on serious things, but a completely different demeanor. What youre seeing there is a reflection of the difficult position that hes in every day trying to grapple with how to handle donald trump and that the precarious position that hes in this this election fight in arizona. John mccain has been very consistent. I know this because hes channelled this. Very consistent about the void in iraq and what was going to be caused by it. I want to give viewers at home this understanding that mccain talking about what he said yesterday being inappropriate that if you look at what he said over the past six years, hes been more right about iraq and more right about syria. 2010 he praised the pull out. But at the same time, he was jabbing at somebody. A lot of other people were saying the same thing. So mccain from 2009 forward, i can go back to 2006 where he was lecturing me on giving petraeus a chance on the search. I didnt think 30,000 was going to be enough troops. Mccain has warned everybody. Hes warned everybody thats going to happen in iraq. You go back and look all the those warnings. Hes been right. I totally understand. Im just adding context to that. We have already explained how bad he said yesterday. When you talk about the frustration, now lets get to what he said u yesterday and Donny Deutsch that reenforces for swing voters the belief that the party is crazy and unhinged and their u top lead rers now saying that barack obama is a secret member of isis. Because thats what i would be saying if democrats were running around lobbing these bombs about a republican president. Saying hes in on the attack or directly responsible. This is a very negative onetwo punch for the Republican Party and its going to be dufifficul for them to get around it. I always thought a terrorist attack helps trump. Lets get kraez si u. Its been the opposite. As a country, we have come together and you saw the response of those two candidates in the wake, more than anything. And overwhelmingly the clinton response is the response that we need in a leader that makes people feel a certain way, that the women suburban voters will go for. I think that the reactions of those two candidates was the nail in the coffin, as far as im concerned, for donald trump. Its not what this country is about. And i actually think you get the fear of the way trump would actually react in a real life u situation is stunning. That is what they u push back. And katty kay, he wanted to turn syria over to putin. You had Hillary Clinton right after the attacks saying yes. Its islamic extremism and were going to crush it. And were also going to work to make sure we integrate as many Muslim Americans into the fabric of American Society as possible. Donald trumps lack of specificity when it comes to policy to back up his statement that he will defeat socalled Islamic State and defeat them fast is one of the most staggering parts of his campaign so far. Hes gone from everything saying we should let isis take damascus and get rid of assad and well sweep up the remnants. Thats a terrifying prospect. We just dont know. I think maybe u i agree with Donny Deutsch. I thought an attack of this kind would help donald trump in the way u that San Bernardino did, the way that paris did, boosted his Approval Ratings because he was seen as being tough and he said it on this program before. They thought i was tough on immigration and came terrorist attacks and assumed i would be tough on terrorism as well. Certainly there are people who will look at how donald trump has responded and say we like that. But i think overall, its going to raise questions about what is is his actual policy for doing what he says hes going to do. Stay with us. Still ahead on rning joe, chuck todd joins us. He sat down with paul ryan and were going to hear some of what he told chuck. And Halle Jackson will be with us as well. And Bernie Sanders Campaign Manager is our guest. Youre watching morning joe, well be right back. What brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all . Ineutrogena® cosmetics. With vitamins and antioxidants. Now with foundations in shades for more skin tones. Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated . Use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an Animal Rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing you think it is that members follow your conscience. The last thing i would do is tell anybody to do something thats contrary to their conscience. Of course, i wouldnt do that. I get this. This is a strange situation. I feel as the speaker of the house i should not be leading a cass m. That will knock us out of the white house. That was paul ryan talking to chuck todd about donald trump. Its a strange time for the party of lincoln and republicans whose new speaker has devote d o much time to continuing the partys inclusive heritage. To living up to the words of lincolns second inaugural. To see the right, let us strive on to finish the work to bind up the nations wounds. I have gone back to those words as the man who seeks to claim the standard of lincoln leads down a path. To relation that are so small and constrained and twisted that they twist only in his own mind. I think of how lincoln set out to be republican president. He bought a little newspaper in illinois to communicate with the target audience. Exclusively in their native tongue, which was german. But that was a long time ago and if you have to go back to the guy thats on the penny, its probably time to update your resume. Kept was advanced when todays republican nominee was supporting jimmy carter. Kemps economic ideas fuelled the reagan revolution and linked those policies to fighting poverty in urban areas where there were not a lot of republican votes. Kemp was after solutions. But he was also setting an example for the next generation of Republican Leaders. Like his protege paul ryan. Who was fighting for those ideas when todays nominee was praising Hillary Clinton as a strong leader and contributing to her campaigns. And for a more reason example, lets look to governor hailey, who allowed the country to close a painful chapter in its history. Shes just one of many in a generation of republicans who would open the partys doors rather than wall them off. To those wishing to transcend the bounds of race as well as political, religious, geographic and cultural divisions to bind our nations wounds when we so desperately need healing, its the oldest american idea out of many, one. As the speaker says, this is a strange situation. And trump is a unique nominee. He and other leaders now must have themselves if they are willing to trade in their republican ideals and warp their u legacy and what they have worked for their entire life simply to match the moment. What side of history will todays Republican Leaders stand on during these defining days . Will they stand on the shoulders of lincoln or in the dark shadows of fear and division . The time to make that choice is running out. Lets bring in moderator of meet the press chuck todd. Also online editor pr the Weekly Standard and nbc news correspondent hally jackson. We were try iing to figure out what paul ryan was saying in that press conference. It seemed like he didnt have any plans at the moment to change his support for donald trump. It feels as if, and i can tell you this. Every single republican thats on the ballot and in november is in the field. They have all called up their pollste pollsters. They are all in the field and all looking right now. They are all going to get their results next week. They are all going to look and if their numbers are looking like trumps numbers, then you can see this is where the could get organic. It does seem as if it theres a whole bunch of people on capitol hill. Theres a bunch of republicans that are running for office that are hoping, wishing something is going to change. But nobody is ready to step up and call the play. That seems to be whats missing. Ive been watching you chase republicans with cameras and they are running away from you. As you are looking them in the eyes, whats your sense . Do you sense that they are about to make the turn and really kind of draw that line in the sand . Heres a couple things. Listening to chuck and listening to joe, republicans here on the hill do not want to talk about donald trump. They did a little bit towards the beginning over the last couple weeks after the comments, nobody wants to talk about him. People get annoyed. They understand this is what they have to deal with given hes the presumptive nominee, but its rare to find a republican who is eager to talk about the person at the top of the ticket, which is something i dont see on the democratic side. Senators and congressmen and women because they know they can pivot to donald trump. So i get the sense, frankly, that there are going to be some republican who is will come out as never trump. There are going to be lawmakers who will never come out one way or the other who until the election in november just say, hey, im still deciding. Im still deciding. And cruz is somebody who is styling himself as the leader of the conservative grass roots movement. Theres a chance that come november we still wont know which way u ted cruz voted. Theres a real deep sense of concern. Do they sit it out . Because they dont want to vote for Hillary Clinton either. So michael warren, as were talking here about the potential repercussions for donald trump here. Hillary clinton has attacked him on his fitness to be commanderinchief. Now you have written a little bit about trumps comments on veterans. How do you think what he has said and give us a little bit of background will potentially affect National Security, the party s this an acceptable line of conversation for him Going Forward . Just for a little context, this was the other night in north carolina. Donald trump an aside. He makes a statement about the fact that some soldiers in the iraq war were handing out baskets of money. And he wondered out loud whether they were living fine and doing well right now. Sort of implying that these american soldiers had stolen money and the Campaign Says he was talking about iraqi soldiers and not american soldiers. That doesnt make any sense because it would be american soldiers passing out american dollars. He made that claim before last fall. Thats right, in new hampshire. You have to wonder not just to be a republican. If youre anybody who cares about the troops and understands the sacrifices that they made and understand even the specific troops whose task was to pass out money to help rebuild iraq after going through and deposing Saddam Hussein. These people were under a lot of pressure. There was a lot of dangerous. They we known to be carrying around a lot of money. It was a dangerous task. For donald trump, the presumptive nominee for president who wants to be commanderinchief to say this sort of flippantly wondering whether they skimmed money off the top for their own benefit, you have to wonder is this guy u really prepared to be commanderinchief. One of our writers asked paul ryan, tried to ask paul ryan that question yesterday. Said im not taking your question right now. Never really has gotten an answer to it. You have to wonder if if Republican Leaders are going to feel pressure about the broader question of whether or not donald trump really understands the gravity of what it means to be commanderinchief and that the things he says have a real effect. Back to this idea of how republicans are trying to find a way u to distance themselves from donald trump. Given the changes in communications and political landscape, is it easier or harder to distance yourself from the top of the ticket nowadays . I think its easier if you dont hide. Ill say this. Look at the difference between paul ryan and some of the Senate Candidates that are running. Outside of ron johnson, all of the other Senate Candidates, they have all really hidden. Paul ryan knows clearly hes not comfortable supporting donald trump. But hes out there talking about it. And hes out there explaining it. And if you talk to e people that have watched ryan on this, they say, you know, better to be out there explaining it so you can create your own identity here. I think those that are hiding are making a mistake. If they think hiding is going to distance themselves, that makes them look like a typical politician. Are we headed towards a cascade moment where the dam breaks and every republican in congress is out there saying i stand against trump, i divorce myself from him, hes not my nominee . I think we could, but it takes leadership to do that. And i think a lot of it is going to depend if 50 republicans come back next week and go, you have no idea the polling memo i just got from my pollster. This is crazy. We have to stop it. If suddenly richard burr goes up to Mitch Mcconnell and goes, my god, you have no idea. Roy blunt, who is up in missouri, you have no idea. Thats what i think it would take. Then mcconnell and ryan come out and say, enough is enough. Unbind the delegates. Lets make one more attempt to press the eject button. You look at the numbers over the past week. The bloomberg poll, the republican brand is at its lowest number that its been at. Donald trumps numbers are collapsing. You look at the disApproval Ratings hes had. They are staggering. 52 with White Working Class americans. 89 with hispanics. 94 with black americans. 65 prs with women. Are you hearing theres already senators seeing these poll numbers and talking to leaders . You can see it in the way Mitch Mcconnell is approach iin this. The fact saying donald trump, please stop. By the end of the week hes saying im not talking about this anymore. We have never seen trump run defensively and from behind. You can see there will be that next thing thats even more horrific that he says that will be the trigger at that moment. There will be that next thing thats even more outrageous because hes running as the beaten up guy. The ogeous comments at not only a quick clip, but they are actually surpass whag he said in the past. If your parents were born in mexico, youre not qualified to be a judge. And the same thing with the muslim ban. That continues but now hes saying soldiers are stealing money. Its the comments section in an article in the internet. He accepted congratulations after the shootings in orlando. Those are the words he used. Chuck todd, thank you so much. Well be watching your interview with paul ryan on meet the press this sunday. Were going to be watching road warriors this afternoon. Thank you so much. Well be right back with much more morning joe. Where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked we enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Here, there, everywher uned states postalervice priority you the Major Political task that together we face in the next five months is to make certain that donald trump is defeated and defeated badly. And i personally intend to begin my role in that process in a very short period of time. It is no secret that secretary clinton and i have strong disagreements on some very, very important issues. It is also true that our views are quite close on others. I look forward in the coming weeks to continue discussion between the two campaigns. That was Bernie Sanders imitating the eighth grade student. Coming up next, his Campaign Manager joins us to explain his end game. E were back in a moment. Trolling for a gig with braindrone . Cant blame you. Its a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the Operating System for industry. Its called predix. Its gonna change the way the world works. 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I started working for him 30 years ago this month. And for him, this has always been about that. I think hes articulated that on the stump now the entire year. And what hes trying to do is continue to make the changes we need so that the American Government works for all people in this country and not just a few. Jeff, Donny Deutsch, congratulations, you have run a brilliant campaign. This is a simple yes or no answer. Is Bernie Sanders still running for president , yes or no . Yes, he is. Hes an active candidate for president. Do you think it is time for that to change . Whats the reason . I know he wants t push his Progressive Agenda forward. Wouldnt it be more productive at this point to be working with hillary on what the issues that are important to him and he does have the club right now as opposed to saying im still running for president . I think we are in discussions with the Clinton Campaign. Thats been widely reported. The secretary and senator met in person a couple nights ago. Im in communication with the Clinton Campaign on a daily basis. So we are working towards coming to a resolution on a number of issues. Over 12 Million People voted for Bernie Sanders over this past year. Those people need to have their voices heard. Thats going ensure is going to happen. Hes shown how easy it is to peel away millennials. They desperately want change. How easy it is to poll them away from a status quo candidate. Where do they go it shes the nominee . Is it possible they sit out . We are trying to make sure they understand that Bernie Sanders is going to make sure their voice is heard. The change that they came out and voted for during the course of this campaign does not go away. Let me interrupt you. This generation isnt interested in endorsements. They are not going to vote for somebody because somebody says to vote for them. How does the top of the ticket attract millennials in a way that senator sanders could. How does she do it . Thats what hes been saying during the end of this process. I received criticism, but theres a burden to demonstrate they have heard young people. They understand their concerns. They are going to fight for a really Progressive Agenda. They are going to deal with some of the issues that young people are concerned about like the high cost of college education in a meaningful way. Thats the burden. Thats what these discussions are about. Can we get to a place where we know their voices will be heard. Its nice to see you. Youve been with Bernie Sanders for decades. Hes called you a friend. You were in the room when he and Hillary Clinton met. Im wondering, do you think u that Bernie Sanders trusts Hillary Clinton as a person . Do you think that he believes that shes going to do the things that she tells him shes going to do . They have known each other for years. They served together in the senate. Im confident he bieves the secretarys word is good if she makes a commitment to a particular issue or to a process change shes going to follow through on it, yes, i u think he does. Jeff weaver, thank you so much. We appreciate you being with us. Happy to be here, thank you. Still ahead on morning joe today, once again, as has been true too many times before i held and hugged grieving family members and parents and they asked why does this keep happening. And they pleaded thatcarnage. The president and Vice President pay respects to the orlando shooting victims while urging lawmakers who oppose more gun control to explain to the families why more cant be done. Were going to be talking to a father who lost his little boy in the newtown massacre and has now made it his mission to keep other parents from feeling the same pain. Well be back. To restart it. jon bon jovi with directvth. 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Up next, bill clinton says not intervening to stop the genocide in rwanda is one of the biggest regrets of his presidency. Will president obama look back on this time and regret doing nothing in syria. Well have more on the state Department Internal memo urging the president to change his strategy. Plus, well play a little game. Did donald trump say it yesterday or last year . Well show you just how little his stump speech has change ed since he announced his candidacy. Morning joe back in a moment. What brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all . Neutrogena® cosmetics. With vitamins and antioxidants. Now with foundations in shades for morekin tones. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an Animal Rescue amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seld. Real. 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Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive we have losers. One year, the escalator. One year. This is the oneyear anniversary. We wont be using a man like secretary kerry that has absolutely no concept of negotiation. At 73 years old, he participated in a bicycle race. Goes into a bicycle race at 72 years old. He fell off the bicycle and broke his leg and falls and breaks his leg. And he was like out of it. This is our negotiators. I wont be doing that. And i promise, i will never be in a bicycle race. I promise you that i will never participate in a bicycle race during a major negotiation. But they all said a lot of the pundits on television. But pundits that truly hate me. People that despice donald trump. Well, donald will never run. Donald trump will never run. We will make America Great again, and it will be. You know, a lot of people talked and we waved them off. Oh, its just a summer fling. Its just summer romance. It is, but the problem is that summer romance like continued, and the 17yearold became 70 and hes still acting the same exact way. Youre just wondering whats going on. Good morning. Its friday, june 17th. Mika has the morning off. Congratulations. This is graduation weekend for carly. Big, big hand. I know theyre enjoying that with us. On set advertising legend to bring you down, Donny Deutsch. Senior Political Columnist for National Journal and author of the book love that boy ron fournier, nicholas confisori and chris jansing. In washington weve got anchor for bbc news america, katty kay. A lot to talk about today. A couple of random things. Your book, i love that boy, i saw a tweet last night. You talked about how the middle school kid that didnt have anybody over to their Birthday Party. A parent tweeted she was trying to have a Birthday Party for her child and nobody would rsvp which happens a lot, especially with kids with special needs. They reached out to the local Police Department and a whole bunch of cops showed up with presents. First, why cant more parents get their kids to other kids parties. Thank god for the police mily im going to say two or three of the saddest days as a parent for me was when that happened with my son when he had asper r aspergers in middle school. You sit there and it just breaks your heart. I saw that last night and i wanted to say for parents out there, and for you theres such great hope. Andrew is extraordinary now. Hes graduated from college. Thats great. He just got married. Thats wonderful. And he is so happy, and his mother and i could never have imagined just what extraordinary strides that he made because of friends and Community Members that came around him and really helped him grow. It does take a village, doesnt it . In the case of andrew scarborough, it took not only a village but a loving village, and everybody came together and did remarkable things. Unfortunately its not just parents of special needs kids. We all go through it at some point where our kids feel ostracized her bullied. Whenever you see a jerky kid, you meet the parents, jerky parents. Thats what i found over the years. Theres nothing like watching your kid suffer or not feel part of something, and you know, you just stay in it. I have another child that, you know, going through some things, and i had people say, well, you know, how long are you going to stay in there . I said let me tell you, this is, of course, somebody that didnt have kids. Let me tell you what parenting is like. You have 15 rounds. And its like ali and frazier. In the 15th round youre slumped and youre dead. And guess what happens then . The bell rings again. Its the 16th round and you know what you do . You lift yourself off the chair, bloodied and beaten and you go back in there again for the 16th, 17th, however many rounds it takes. Its how many rounds you go in there and keep fighting, and you stay in there. And you know what . Most of the time, good things happen. I know they have with me. Im so blessed by god and so blessed by the family that surrounded my children. But it is a battle. My grandmom always gave me this Bumper Sticker that said the battle is the lords. I know what she was talking about. The battle never ends. Even when they grow up. Big kids, big problems. Nick, you just had your first child last month. Congratulations. Thank you. Take a deep breath. Round one. Because it is forever. Katty kay, you know it is forever well. Big kids. Big problems. But i will tell you, even bigger rewards. Its pretty xrooextraordinary. I didnt mean for this to be a kids, parents thing. Why not . Its fathers day weekend. Before we break into news, i want to lets talk really quickly about some, well, we had some happy news out of england yesterday, followed immediately by tragic news about this young, talented, gifted young member of parliament that was just gunned down needlessly in her home district. We all live in a country where we kind vf got inoculated to the news that people have been shot. Really, this just doesnt happen in the uk. And the news that jo cox, 41 years old, a mother herself. She has two very young kids. A woman who has worked for aid agencies who really has committed herself to serving other people. I spoke to somebody last night who knew her and worked with her on Maternal Mortality issues around though world. A fabulous woman. Not selfaggrandizing. Didnt take herself seriously. Really determined to serve her population and constituents. And she was killed while on the street about to go to the local library to meet with her constituents. In england we call it surgery for mps. She was about to hold surgery in yorkshire and this guy came up and stabbed her and shot her and its really stunned the country, joe. Really, really has. Gabby giveoffords, a congress wn who has been shot, survived and she sent a message of condolence to jos family. Apparently a deranged local which well have more information on that throughout the show. But lets go right now to our lead story this morning thats actually just in this morning. Were going to take you to iraq. Iraqi forces claim to have liberated parts of the center of fallujah, raising the nations flag over a local government building there. According to a police source, they didnt face tough resistance from isis militants because many of them had already escaped. U. S. Officials are urging the white house to change its course in dealing with the civil war in syria. The New York Times is reporting that a seemingly unprecedented objection to Administration Policy comes from 51 state department diplomats. In an internal memo filed in a dissent channel, they call for u. S. Strikes against the regime of president bashar al assad. They say that would help drive stronger u. S. Diplomatic efforts. Just on wednesday, the secretary of state called a truce that is frayed and at risk. And violence shows no signs of abating there in the fiveyearold conflict that has so far claimed the lives of an estimated 400,000 people. Joe, the syrian situation just seems to get worse by the moment. It really does. Weve seen it unfolding before our eyes nonstop. Its been a nightmare. Weve seen it around this set in realtime. Cant claim we didnt know. Cant claim we didnt know and you can go back and find clips where we would ask policymakers. I say 20,000 have died there. What are we going to do . Well, its tough. 40,000 have died there. I remember the summer thats 40,000 became 100,000. And wed say to policymakers, what do we do . Well, its difficult. Its very difficult. I say thats what you said when 20,000 died. Then its 200,000. Were up to 400,000. The bitter irony that Samantha Power, the woman that won a pulitzer for writing a problem from hell is now a leader in this administration that has turned a blind eye, and the entire west, has turned a blind eye to violence and bloodshed that actually would have made the bosnians blush is pretty remarkable. Pretty staggering. It is staggering, but it does point out the dichotomy. Were not sure air strikes would work. Weve seen whats hand when weve toppled other regimes. We want to do the right thing. We want to save people. We dont want to have this kind of bloodshed but we as a country dont really want to go beyond drone strikes and air strikes. We dont want to talk about having ground troops. If we did, we dont want to talk about how do we get more than 1 of our population fighting in a war. Do we do mandatory National Service that would get more people in the military. We want to have our hands clean but have our conscience clean. In this day and age, i dont know if you can have both. I dont think you can have both. You look over the past several years since this has been going. Its not just the 400 dead, that strategy in syria. Its a refugee crisis that has rocked the world, that has rocked the middle east, thats rocked europe, thats helped to create isis. And yet all we hear is, well, its just too tough. Its too difficult. At some point weve got to do something to stop this. I think at every stage, the debate within the administration has been, will more action make things worse or better are . Is there a way to improve this by acting . I think the president has decided at various stages to do too much more will just embroil us in one more conflict like iraq. And the country, as you were saying, ron, i dont think theres a huge amount of appetite in the country for a huge intervention. What would you do . You know, i would have years ago started to work with the World Community and say we have no choice. But today. Youre in charge. You push the button. Sometimes theres a rubiks cube and you work with the World Community. Today, 400,000 people have died. We have a humanitarian crisis thats unpress didncedented acr europe since world war ii. People get upset when they see little pictures of children drowning. We get upset and do nothing. What does the World Community do . The first thing the World Community does is they go in together and create a safe zone in syria. A huge safe zone. And we provide free passage back to the syrians that have been spread all across the globe. And, yes, we contribute a lot of money. Along with the rest of the world. Along with saudi arabia. Along with japan. Along with china. Along with everybody in the World Community. And we let isis or anybody else know, if they get in the way of the Syrian Refugees returning to their homeland, we will shoot them dead right where they are. We will use any force necessary to allow as many syrians to come home as possible, and we will kill anybody that stands in their way. As for assad, assad must go. 400,000 dead. There is no other choice. And by the way, i have moved on that. If we have to replace him the same way we replaced hitler in 1945, then thats how we do it. On the other side of the argument, and, obviously, heinous leader, Saddam Hussein. Every time we take one of these guys out, gadhafi, every time we take a monster out, theres a vacuum thats worse than the monster. Im not saying i understand, but what Saddam Hussein was doing was internal for the most part. What assad has done has brought a great unbalance to the middle east and to the world. Has helped create and foment isis. There is a void every time we take a monster out i understand but you cant keep fighting the last war. We have been fighting the last war like geners always fight the last war. And 400,000 people are dead. The middle east is in chaos. Other governments may topple because of that chaos. Europe is in chaos. We are seeing europes got it. Katty, we are seeing europes governments actually change radically under the pressure of these refugees. We are seeing the entire face of europe changing politically because of this. This is a crisis unlike iraq, which was contained in iraq. And we screwed up going in. This is a crisis, katty that is impacting the entire globe and yet we sit back and do nothing. Its a crisis of missed opportunities. If we acted much sooner five years ago when this war broke out, if the west had backed what was then a secular moderate opposition to president assad that was making gains against the regime of assad, we could have had an impact. I think you are right, joe. The choice now is primarily to address the humanitarian crisis, and that starts with a safe haven and a nofly zone. And that has to be implemented and enforced. We have to help the jordanians whose population is overwhelmed with refugees. The lebanese who are countries being destabilized. A third of the population of lebanon are Syrian Refugees. Imagine what that does to a tiny country. The political pressure that puts on it. We have to get them back into a safe haven and do everything to protect that safe haven both from isis and primarily from the government of asaud. Its remarkable to me that something that i keep hearing from Administration Officials, they think is a good idea, has not happened yet. And weve been hearing from Administration Officials and Foreign Policy people for four years. Its just too hard. And it started when assad crossed the red line, and the president backed off. The problem for the Administration Point of view is that they are concerned that intervention, going against the assad regime is going to lead to a conflict with russia and iran. As nick says, they are concerned there is no appetite for this. Do you think theres appetite in congress for doing what youre talking about . Do you think in this Political Climate and given the weariness of the American People that theres an appetite for this . Those are two separate questions, whether or not you are drawing russia and iran into this and appetite. It does, though, when you have this syrian critique of 51 different people, its an embarrassment, first of all, for the administration, but it also, i think, points to the idea that we need to have serious discussions. We are in the middle of a political campaign. This is not going to go away in january when the new president takes office. There needs to be a serious convsation on the campaign trail about these kinds of issues. Is there an appetite for the United States of america to send 200,000 troops in and spend a trillion . No, there is not. This is up to the west primarily. This is up to the World Community. This is up when have they stepped up with us ever . 1991. Okay. They stepped up. You know why . Because we had a man named george h. W. Bush who knew how to bring together an International Coalition and tell those that werent fighting, like japan, youre not going to fight . Okay. Youre going to pay. Didnt have as much baggage as the u. S. And the west has now. To argue your point now the problem though is this is the middle easts problem. Its our problem, too. This is europes problem. This is the worlds problem. This isnt about america going after Saddam Hussein. This is an international cant wave a magic wand and make the International Community come around. No. To your point, it isnt the publics appetite. The president s appetite. If the president wants to make this happen hed make the case and rally the people of america behind it and rally the world behind it. The reason is the president doesnt have the appetite to do this. He doesnt think its the right thing to do. The president never has had the appetite for this. And by the way, the president doesnt have the relationship with Foreign Policy leaders either because thats just not something he ever valued. How does any candidate run for office where basically weve seen trump rally this 20 million, 30 million disenfranchised americans who cant find jobs. How do you sell, im going to use the word sell, the human atrocities and toll speaks for themselves. How do you sell us putting resources to the American Public when whats going on here with infrastructure and jobs and going on across the country, what is going on with terrorism that we just came off the worst week as long as we can remember as far as we need to put more resources behind things. How do you sell that . Its connected. Terrorism is connected. C katty kay, its so connected. The chaos across europe is coming to america. And there is no doubt there are hundreds of thousands of refugees. They are creating chaos across europe right now. They are spreading across the globe. They are coming to america. And its not a matter of if. Its a matter of when, right . We know that thousands of people who have gone to train and fight with isis in Northern Syria have foreign passports. Now we dont know the exact number that have access to american passports but they have access to travel around the globe. Thats a terrifying prospect. And you have to deal with the syrian issue if youre going to deal with the refugee crisis in europe and deal with the terrorism crisis that is spreading through europe and here to north america as well. It is connected. We cant just ignore this one. Its happening. And its having a direct impact on us here. Still ahead, its been a week since donald trump has led in a public poll. But hes not worried. Plus i love the cowboys hats, but i like the make America Great hats, too. You know the protester just gave me an idea. Well say make America Great again on a cowboy hat, right . I love that idea. Thank you, mr. Protester. All right. New ideas just streaming in day in and day out in the Trump Campaign. Is donald trump interested in becoming president or developing the trump brand . The question actually answers itself. Were going to talk about whether he can eat his vegetables and do what it takes to win the white house. First, bill karins with a check on the forecast. Working on my brand. This weekend the brand is going to be stamped with a big h for hot and hazy and humid. Record highs. The problem were dealing with in the far west, the sherpa fire, Santa Barbara county. This is in steep terrain. You can see the angle of those flames. Firefighters are struggling immensely to approach this fire on foot. 100 firefighters are on this. Still 0 contained and now three days in. Heres the forecast for the fire. Temperatures go up on sunday to 96 with gusts to 20. Dont expect that blaze to go away any time soon. The rest of today, clearing it out from philadelphia northwards. Showers around d. C. Very hot in the middle of the country. And the heat is beginning to spread. The heat dome is heading to the west. And thats where we have a chance to not just daily record highs or monthly record highs but alltime record highs. 19 million under heat warnings. And our friends in tucson. This is where the dangerous heat will be. Where we could see alltime records. 117 in tucson. 116 is your forecast. Youll be close to your alltime record. Phoenix close to it, too. 122 is the warmest you ever were. Saturday and sunday, blistering hot in the middle of the country. No changes into fathers day. Little relief for the southeast. Fathers day will be dry for a lot of people but way too hot for many also. New wbr id wbr83911 york city, one of the lucky few enjoying a nice cool weather pattern. More morning joe when we come back. b discover card. Customer wbrid wbr84511 service maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. I was watching your local news. Im getting a little tired of cable. Its coming out of my ears. I cant watch. Variety, the big magazine that covers entertainment, they said trump gives cable the biggest year ever in profits and viewers. What do i get out of it . I get nothing out of it, right . I just want to wear my beak a little bit. Actually vanity fair yesterday reporting that donald trump and his people are trying to figure out how to use this to create their own cable news channel after that happened. So hes building this base. Doesnt matter whether he wins or loses. He builds a base, a hard core solid base. He keeps them. He starts trump tv and he makes millions and millions of dollars off of it. Of course, the Republican Party dies. He kills the Republican Party. He wipes out the republican senator but he is building, as vanity fair says, he is building a hard core base to start a cable news channel. And an online community. Not always an open question, is he running to run for president and win or to build donald trump . And at first it was, build donald trump. And later on it was, no, hes running for president now. Now were back again to the first idea which is perhaps this is really about building the brand. I get asked that all the time. Does donald trump really want to be president . No. Ive asked him that. From the beginning ive said that. From an Enterprise Point of view, the brand is tarnished because he cant do anything advertiser related anymore. The value of his buildings even goes down. Well have a third party in this country Going Forward. It will be the trump party. It will be a tv network. It will be the glenn beck formula of 2 a month subscription, 20 Million People, and that is the irony. Hell end up richer than ever and after every event, lets say we have a state of union, the cameras will go to trump and his third party. Oh, youre saying whenever he loses. After he loses, he still would be a party. Thats the irony. Thats the plan. Sounds like the plan to me. Katty kay, im glad he has a plan to get rich off of this campaign. He doesnt have a plan to win it. Remember the time he tried to sell steaks at a press conference . A year after announcing his candidacy and declaring he doesnt nid anybodys money, hes angling away from the battleground states and focusing on fundraising. The private events for donors were often scheduled first followed by his campaign rallies. And that trump has informed people raising money for his campaign that hes not interested in traveling to states for donor events unless theres a rally scheduled as well. Wait, wait. So, okay, hold on a second. Before we go to hillary. So, nick, donald trump is saying im not going to do a fundraiser unless i have a rally in a state thats not a battleground state. That hes going to lose. There are four major states for raising money. Florida, texas, california and new york. Only florida is a battleground state. The other states are a waste of time in a general election. And if he feels he has to have the rally to raise the money, its just not a great plan. He doesnt need the rally to raise the money. He needs the rally to affirm his selfworth. This is the most insecure man and whose whole self worth is wrapped up in his polls, his tv ratings and his bank account. This campaign right now is affecting and hurting all three. He sees his money drain away. He was supposed to be selffunded. He sees his polls collapse and future in tv collapsing and less adulation, you are watching it melt down. When you have the job of president , 97 of what you do, you dont want to do. The fun thing for him is giving speeches, but fundraise, which is the most mundane, tedious thing, its not fun. Coming up, its been nearly one week since the orlando massacre. One year while nine people were killed while praying at their church in charleston, south carolina, and family members of teachers and children killed at sandy hook elementary have waited even longer to see gun law reform. Well be talking to the father of a sandy hook victim and the editor in chief of the New York Daily News who has turned that into a personal crusade. We have got to get the senate to a position where it will vote and dont be a chicken. Put your name on the line and your vote. They have made a promise to the sandy hook families that they were going to get action. And they have waited for four years and still dont have action. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an Animal Rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed to give my shop. A face. Neededno one will forget. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink see what the power of points can do for your business. Wre on the us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes thaanyone else in the country. Here, ther everywhere. United States Postal Service priority you we will continue to be relentless against terrorist groups like isil and al qaeda. We are going to destroy them. Its going to take more than just our military. Its going to require more than just our intelligence teams. If you have lone wolf attacks like this hatched in the minds of a disturbed person, then were going to have to take different kinds of steps in order to prevent Something Like this from happening. The motives of this killer may have been different than the mass shooters in aurora or newtown. But the instruments of death were so similar. And now another 49 innocent people are dead. That was president obama speaking in orlando yesterday after meeting with the families of those killed in the largest mass shooting in u. S. History. And tomorrow marks the anniversary when a gunman opened fire at a church in south carolina. Now lets bring in mark barden, the father of Daniel Barden killed in sandy hook. They support sensible solutions to help prevent gun violence. Also editor in chief of the New York Daily News jim rich. His publication has made it a mission to hold people responsible. The people they say are standing in the way of efforts to reduce gun violence in deaths. We also have Donny Deutsch and ron fournier and kasie hunt and with us. Those who have had an unspeakable loss are trying to turn that promise into an action. What progress are you making . Well, first of all, thank you for being part of our event and thanks to mika as well. Such an honor to have you guys there. You know, we have kind of identified a long time ago that our greatest adversary is not another organization so much but its complacency. We know we have the numbers. We know that people support working together to find a better solution to bring the numbers of these gun related tragedies down. And not just Mass Shootings but daily toll that occurs across our country on a regular basis. And we are gathering folks together to have this conversation from a rational, logical place. And lets start this conversation with the Common Ground that we all agree on. Lets protect our children and make our community safer. And lets get folks engaged in this conversation. When did the New York Daily News decide to start taking this on as a mission because you all have really been aggressive over the past several years. It goes back to sandy hook. That was the moment in time for a lot of people on both sides of this issue where the conversation really kicked into high gear. And unfortunately, weve had too many opportunities to continue to scrutinize this issue over and over and over again. And so maddening. You look at the numbers. What was so maddening after sandy hook was that 90 of americans, 90 of americans supported increased background checks. Yep. Didnt get off the ground. Nothing ever happened. Look at the polls now. Now 60 supporting a socalled assault weapon ban. Thats up from 44 18 months ago. Its amazing. And what were seeing is it not what we actually saw back in the 1960s after the watts riots in l. A. Suddenly it was Ronald Reagan Walking Around saying, nobody should be able to carry around a loaded gun on the street. Look, to me, there are many, many issues that can be debated here. Just coming off the orlando situation, i think, you know, im going to respectfully disagree a little bit with mark. I think there are organizations and institutions that are the obstacles here. Namely the nra, but more importantly, congress. If you want to assume that the radical jihadists are here and they are going to be sympathetic to isis plight, whether they are directlyelated or not, or whether they are acting as lone wolves, why would we possibly have legislation in place that would allow them easy access to these guns. Not only have that and you guys reportod this at the time like we did. You also had terror leaders on the top ten most wanted list saying go to america. Its easy. Just go to a gun show. Buy them online and go out and shoot lots of americans. Thats what they are telling their terrorists. Weve now seen it happen twice here. And so the nra and the republicans in congress who are opposed to the Assault Rifle ban say, well, they are hellbent to do this. Theyll get the weapons no matter what. That may or may not be the case. You can make a strong case thats not going to happen because basically before the assault weapons ban was lifted, where would you get an Assault Rifle. Essentially from an arms dealer. Maybe theyll do that. Why let them walk into walmart and say id like to buy that. I want to ask mark. As a dad, i cant even fathom. Thank you. Have you ever walked up to a gun dealer or somebody at a gun show that sells an ak15 and introduced yourself . It all comes down to humans. This is we can have these theoretical discussions. Nobody has suffered loss. As a father, as a man, have you confronted anybody who in any way sells, distributes and introduce yourself to somebody who lost a child as a result . I have not had the occasion to do that. Ive not had the stomach to do that since my little 7yearold was murdered with one. And by the way, i mean, let me be clear that assault weapons loaded with high capacity magazines in have no practical application. Of course not. In the hands of untrained civilians. Lets just get that out there. Ive not had the occasion to actually insert myself into that situation where somebody is dealing in these instruments of death. For all of these americans out there who dont have access to the halls of congress, who, you know, watch these tragedies unfold on tv, what are the Little Things that they can do either to contribute to, if they want to contribute to your cause but also to reach out to families like yours. Im sure there are some things intrusive, but there have to be some things that are helpful. Yes, yes and yes. Make the phone calls. Write the letters. We know from our research that members of congress dont hear from the folks. And thats my point, jim, and i agree with you. Its going to take us a mass upswell of voices to cover that ground. Its going to take all these voices have to come together and make themselves heard because right now, the voice of reason is being outshouted by the fringe. We need to correct that. Writing letters, making phone calls, find one of Many Organizations who are working in the gun violence prevention space and see if their philosophies align with your own and get involved in any way that you can, every way that you can. You have to be heard. You have to be active. You have to be acting. Ron fournier . I admire what youre doing with your publication. I have a political question, though. Democrats tell you the nra cannot be beaten, and the implication, unstated or stated is the only way to get this administration is to give us democrats the house and the senate. Its probably not going to happen very soon. Certainly not the house. Certainly not soon enough for the next attack. Do you think the nra cant be beat or are democrats, the party itself and the leaders not doing enough to overcome the nras obstinence . I think its been proven that they are they cannot up to this point. We had 20 schoolchildren slaughtered in sandy hook, and there was we could not overcome the nra lobby. A couple of days ago, donald trump says im going to talk to the nra about closing loophole on the terror watch list gun ban. Why is he going to the nra . Why does the nra have anything to do with this as far as passing legislation. Shouldnt he be talking to paul ryan and the leaders in congress . This is the situation where we are. Telling me they cant be beat or is there a smarter way to do it . I think the way to do it is the continued and relentless pressure that is being put on them. And, look, they have spread a lot of propaganda. They have created a lot of paranoia among many of their followers and many of the republicans in this country. You talk to people about, oh, well, theyre going to come and take my guns. Obama is going to take my guns. Im going to be left defenseless when the government overtakes the population. That is absolutely insane. Is this where we are at this moment in this country . Katty kay . Mark, i wanted to ask you, also the mother of young children, what is it that keeps you going in this struggle . What are the Little Things that you find that give you some hope for optimism that youll manage to do something to implement sensible gun controls here. First of all, i owe it to my little daniel who was an extremely compassionate and caring little boy. And i know that he would want me to be doing this in his honor and in his name. And for his brother and sister james and natalie. And for, you know, for the future of our civilization here honestly. That sounds lofty, but i have to do this. And now as im a musician by trade. As ive been learning more and more about this issue and what can be done and all these horrible gunrelated tragedies are all preventable. Knowing thats, i cannot not do this. I have to do something and be part of this. Thats why im crusading to get folks to join with us and let their voices be heard. If you treat this as a social movement, which it is, if you go back in time to any other social movement, to civil rights, drunk driving, marriage equality, you need that huge swell of people. You need the vast majority of people in the center to rise up and make their voices heard and the policy will follow. All right. Thank you so much, mark. We greatly appreciate your being here. Thank you, jim. Hope youll come back soon. Hopefully under happier circumstances. If you want to get involved in sandy hook promise, please do. Go to sandyhookpromise. Org. Mika and i were at the event the other night. Extraordinarily moving. Youll be glad you got involved. Well be right back with more morning joe. T card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or. You can get the quicksilver card from capital one. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. I ouldnt have to ask. 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Lane graves had been playing on the edge of one of the resorts lakes when an alligator grabbed him and pulled him under water. There was a no swimming sign near the water but there were no alligator warning signs where the attack occurred. The Graves Family spoke out for the first time yesterday releasing a statement that reads in part, words cannot describe the shock and grief our family is experiencing over the loss of our son. We are devastated and ask for privacy during this extremely difficult time. Wall disney world released a statement yesterday saying, we have closed all of our beaches and have made a decision to add signage. We are also conducting a swift and thorough review of all of our processes and protocols. All of this while on the other side of the world, disney was trying to celebrate the grand opening of a new property. The 5. 5 billion Shanghai Disney resort opened yesterday. The first disney park on the chinese mainland. Donny, i imagine the crisis teams are working around the clock on this one. What is the reputational damage to disney . Long term, shortterm, not so serious . The American Consumer will forgive random situations that happen. They can happen to any company. Whats starting to come out that is going to hurt them in the short term is this is not isolated that a father complained his son was attacked by an alligator. Even these 2,000 bungalows very close to the shore that people like to go feed the alligators and they encourage them to do that. When you cant trust a company is the issue. And disney is obviously all about family. The playbook is they have to come out aggressive and say, there will be no more alligators and weve made a mistake here and never knew they could be dangerous and hit it head on. Same thing tylenol has done in the past. You have to come forward, hit it head on, take aggressive moves, take it on the chin and move on. These things are just starting to trickle out. Theyll have to be held accountable and say we missed it. And not only not just that the signs werent there but that this problem is not the first time its reared its head and we did not take enough aggressive action for it. People will forgive them but take it chin on. Lets bring in cnbcs sara eisen. Any Market Reaction to disney after all of this . Very little Market Reaction for disney. Of course, the question is always, what is the reputational damage going to do to business . Too soon to tell. Clearly its an important issue for disney. They sent the head of the Walt Disney World theme park from shanghai, where he was there for that opening of the new theme park, back to florida in the wake of this crisis. And theme parks make up about onethird of disneys overall sales. Its an important and growing part of the business. And with that in mind, investors this week were really focused on what was happening in shanghai. A big flashy opening of the theme park. Were talking about a theme park that spans 963 acres. Has 10,000 employees. And is going to hopefully for disney attract a major part of the chinese population, guys. One statistic for you about just how much Growth Potential there is here. 300 Million People live within a threehour drive or train ride to the new shanghai park. Its a somewhat affluent part of the chinese economy as well which has been flowing lately. The chinese are spending more on recreation and entertainment. And thats the long game. That china growth story somewhat overshad owed by this terrible tragedy. Little reaction but in the long term, analysts are excited about that china story. One of the smartest ceos a decent human being. Hell do what needs to be done. Sara eisen, thank you. Coming next, 12 months of trumps candidacy boiled down to 49 words. No, only lawyers do that. So when you got rearended and needed a tow, your Insurance Company told you to look at page five on your policy. Did it say great news. 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Mexico, the raping, polls captured 202, polls, rosie, blood making, anchor baby, winning, beautiful, defund, isis, deportation, [ bleep ], molester, remember, muslims, racist, poll, slums, corinthians, china, stretcher, chris, rubio, little, brain, a wall, punishment, choked, liein, crooked, crazy, poke hon pocahontas, radical, big league. Okay, that was from our friends from all do with all do respect. They put that together. 12 months of trumps candidacy down to 49 words. Time to talk about what we learned today. Shameless plug. This is a good weekend to do a fathers day book about what our parents what our kids can teach us about being better parents. Love that boy. What a great book to get. We blew through it but mitt romney is so anxious to get back in the ring hes willing to wear very embarrassing clothes on tv. Yeah, didnt quite get that. I learned that as painful as it is to follow these shootings, then you stare in the eyes of a man, mark, w lost a child. Just no words. No words at all. Katty, what have you learned . We still go to sandyhookpromise. Org and do what we can. Thank you guys so much for being with us. Hope you all have a great, great weekend. Who does chuck todd have next . Happy fathers day and also congratulations, carly and mika. A graduation. Another graduation. All right. Straight ahead, the rage, Steve Kornacki picks up the coverage right now. And good morning. Im Steve Kornacki. Topping the agenda, texting during the massacre. Chilling new details emerging from the orlando shooting. The gunman oma mateen actually posting to facebook and exchanging Text Messages with his wife while he was killing people inside the pulse nightclub asking her if she had seen what was happening yet. What this could mean for the legal questions surrounding his wife and also we are waiting to hear any minute now from the mayor of orlando. Also on the agend ajohn mccain criticizing president obama saying he was directly responsible for the orlando shootings. The problem with our country is we have leaders that give up. Its almost like they gave up on isis. Democrats coming out and attacking john mccain for his comment, but a Surprising New ally jumping in on john mccains behalf as he faces a very difficult reelection bid. Well tell you who is siding up with him. Its a surprising name if you know your political history. Well get to that ahead. And rounding out the agenda, democrats are claiming a breakthrough on gun control. But now the republican speaker of the house is saying not so fast. The fbi is

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