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How old is he . 21. He is the fourth youngest to win in one year. He birdies 18 goes up a stroke. Justin johnson hits for a chance of eagle. Right here he misses the birdie putt. He made that putt and forced the 18 hole playoff. He three putted. For those of us that three putt it makes you feel bad. They got the 18 hole playoff today. No, he lost. Spieth won. Had he two putted he would have forced a playoff. I wasnt crazy about the course. I didnt like this chambers bay course. I dont know if i was watching the british open. Exactly. What an ending. What an ending and what a start to morning joe. There you go. Our u. S. Open correspondent. Thank you very much. Weekend good for snerve. Best day of the year. Everybody remembered. Really . Did everyone remember for you . Yes, everybody remembered. I was covered up all day. It was great. I called my dad and around 4 00. And he goes now everybody has called me. Your dad zblichlt guess i was a little late. All right. We have a lot to get to this morning. We have ballistics. Were going to bernie sanlders. What is that . Massive, massive rally. Were going to talk about that. I cant wait. That aint nothing. That aint nothing. But weve got breaking news from overseas. Taliban is claiming responsibility for a series of explosions at the Afghan Parliament this morning. The attack was seen on Live Television as lawmakers were meeting. One afghan lawmaker speaking to nbc news from a bunker says there was a huge blast followed by several smaller explosions. Afghan Officials Say seven attackers were involved. One detonated an explosive at the parliament gate. The six others then tried to enter the compound but were all shot dead. Were told 25 people were injured including five women and children. Lets bring in nbc news foreign correspondent. Seems like there is a rising number if, possible of attacks on kabul in the past several months. This is a brazen attack. It was coordinated to take place as the new minister of defense was being put up for a vote in the parliament. It was live on television. Clearly sending a message. It also comes on the heels of several taliban advances throughout parts of the country including helman province in the southwest. The taliban managed to take over two provinces in the northern part of the country. In the context of where the taliban is growing since the removal of u. S. Forces several months ago, they have certainly been on the rise and certainly with the cooler temperatures, that works in their favor and their advantage and carrying out more brazen attacks. This is one of the most spectacular ones even by Afghan Security forces which has seen a lot. This reminds you of you go back to the 90s where the taliban was making moves towards kabul and the capital. This looks like the more things change, the more they stay the same. It is an organization that does not have the support of the people. But you look at terror attacks like this and were in for a long hard fight. Its always been the case they could wait us out. You know snt american presence there deters attacks. And presence declines just like in iraq the vacuum is filled. Show this is tack one more time. Look at the speaker. Did you notice him . He seemed unphased. He didnt flinch. Everybody is screaming and yelling. I was going to say, right after that he is actually speaking and translator says he tries to tell the mps it was an electrical fault and kept trying to calm him down. Clearly his security detail didnt feel it was an electrical fault. He tried to calm people down by saying that. Thank you very much. Boy it is a mess there. All right. Thank you so much. Get to other news. Lets turn to charleston. Much of the city of charleston spend sunday morning in church. In a show of solidarity. We have shown the world how we as a group of people can come together and pray and work out things that need to be worked out to make our community and our state a better place. [ applause ] a lot of folk expected us to do something strange and to break out in a riot. Well, they just dont know us. People packed in to emanuel ame for the first church since the brutal murders. It was an emotional day filled with tears but also songs of joy and faith. They werent just in the pews. Crowds spilled into the streets on the sweltering first day of summer. Across the city you could hear bells ringing cloud and clear for nine minutes. One minute for each of the members of the church that was killed. And then there is the bridge spectacular most days. It was filled on sunday with thousands of people joining hands across one of the longest spans in the western hemisphere in a show of unity. Harold ford as we show these pictures, it was remarkable the images coming in over the weekend. The protests of black and white all across charleston coming together and saying an unmistakable message that we are one. I was not alive during the 60s. Im 45 years old. I dont believe ive seen a more powerful expression after a set of events that should have triggered awful events a powerful expression of unity and peace and reconciliation when the Nobel Peace Prize community considers, this community as a whole should be considered for the way they not only led themselves but led a nation. And for that matter given the world an example how you respond. And the only thing i wish happened that sunday is that the president himself had been at that and said listening to this pastor on this station yesterday as preached as someone that goes to church on sundays, ive not heard a more eloquent and sober and calmer set of remarks by a pastor in a moment like this in my short lifetime. I applaud that community and applaud that church and the ame church in particular for how they handled and conducted themselves. That all starts with response on the part of Family Members of the victims who faced the shooter in court. They led us and everyone followed him. And forgave him. In open. In open. In open courtroom. So fbi director james couplings says accident believe that dylann roofs actions were terrorism because of how it is defined under the law. But over the weekend a white supremacist message was discovered on a website registered to the confessed gunman. And while nbc has not authenticated whether dylann roof wrote it it is covered in photos of him posing with guns and the Confederate Flag. Nbcs mark potter has more. Experts say the many pictures and inflamatory words on the website featuring 21yearold dylann roof reveal a lot about him. And his recent embrace of White Supremacy theories. The writings seem to add support to the notion that he was a lone wolf. Sources say the fbi believes it was indeed roof who maintained the website called last rodisian. He referred to him as being alone in a fight against blacks writing, the event that awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case saying thats when he began his research on black and white crime. The charleston shooter fits the profile of someone who is radicalized not by going to hate Group Meetings but by you know being on the echo chamber that is the internet. Reporter roof adopts poses and uses symbols favorite by supremacist groups. Its not until the Trayvon Martin controversy did he start to have you know seriously darker thoughts about race and came across white supremacist web sites that fed on those and built on those and helped him turn himself into a monsterous killer. Referee roof does not appear sophisticated and tried to cast himself as someone taking a stand writing, someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and i guess that has to be me. We saw a world, a world of white see premcy where he could do something heroic for the cause. Reporter meantime two of roofs friends who say they often let him stay with them in this mobile home in lechlington, South Carolina, say they last saw him on tuesday, the day before the Church Shootings when he dropped them off at this lake. He was in a rush. A really big rush. Reporter the friends say the next time they heard of him was when he showed up on a wanted poster after the nine murders at the church. The website was publishcly uncovered three days later, an importance glimpse at why he opened fire. So howard i wanted to talk you to really quickly again about mika talking about this family in court and all the aimthaim images of all the marches. I saw one where 90 of people cramming the streets probably go through white neighborsthe neighborhoods and they were white people chanting black lives matter f this deranged racist thug wanted to start a civil war, he went to the wrong city. He went to the wrong place. He has lost. You know this is an incredible ive been thinking about this a lot. First of all, one of the interesting things is what is the difference between a terrorist and this guy . I think its a continuum. If you are going to blow yourself up and kill a bunch of people, youre both crazy and a terrorist and this guy may be both crazy and a terrorist by the definition. Secondly, i did live through the 60s. These scenes that we see were not have happened in the 60s. They happened. Some they didnt happen by the broad to get the conservative governor of South Carolina to go to this church and denounce this, that would not have happened in the 60s. So we made a lot prove gres. We obviously have a lot more to make. I agree with mika. I thought the leadership shown about it families was extraordinary. Incredible. I was riveted. Yeah, just incredibled. I wanted to get on my knees listening to them. It was incredibly humbling. President obama is speaking out on racism and discrimination in the wake of the charleston shootings in an interview released this morning for the podcast wtf, the president spoke about the problems the country still faces on the issue of race. Ive been wanting to listen to this and get a sense of it. We have a warning for viewers. He uses Strong Language some of which may be considered offensive. Take a listen. The legacy of slavery, jim crow discrimination and almost every institution of our lives, you know that casts a long shadow and thats still part of our dna. Thats passed on. Were not cured of it. Racism . Racism. We are not cured of it. Clearly. And its not just a matter of it not being polite to say. [ beep ] in public. Thats not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. Its not just a matter of overt discrimination. We have societies dont overnight completely erase everything that happened to 300 years prior. What do you think . Fascinateingfascinating. I probably would not have used the word to make the point he was trying to make. I mean we elected an africanamerican president. The state of South Carolina has an africanamerican senator. We made into howards point we have a long way to go still. Tremendous progress has been made. I would have focused on what is focused on this morning, the family, the families there that lost loved ones and how they were able to forgive and how the Faith Community United People and to your point, joe this kids message and purpose according to this stuff on internet was to create and start a civil war. He didnt start one. As a matter of fact, he brought people together in ways i dont think people thought they would have been brought together. Im surprised to see as many people come together as they did in South Carolina for there to be no violence anywhere only peaceful outbursts. And to see the lord is in the blessing business is how i would say to my family. Certainly a lot of white people came out and mores in new york and other places too. Right. This happening in the heart of the south. It was pretty remarkable. That should have been the focus. How people came together. This is a trend n baltimore, you saw a fair number of white people going out and protesting against the deaths in the riots. And beforehand the death of freddie. I forget his last name. I think this country is a different country. We still do have a long way to go. I do think enormous gains have been made. Now we have to push hard for the gains and not think the fight has been won. Exactly. What is striking about the age of the guy who did this the horrible person who did this is hes young. Right. You look at the pictures of the marches over the weekend and the president talking about the dna. What is leading the social change in South Carolina where ive been and dealt with this and asked people about race is younger people who arent caught up in all of the things that the previous generations were caught up. Thats why its so horrible. This guy is crazy. There are crazy people running around. The interesting thing is of all places were talking about this in the makeup room. There is a similarity f you look at the pictures of the guy who killed all those people in Aurora Adam Lanza who killed all the kids in connecticut and this guy, they all have the big soared of gaze as one of my friends said the lights are on but there aint nobody home. Its really amazing. I have few people comment over the weekend just randomly say how much he looked like lanza and some of the other people. Curious about the president being beat out there. I know. Im still thinking about it. The president of the United States obviously said that word because he wanted to make a point. Yeah. I find it curious it was a decision by somebody. I think there is a lot of worry it was misused. Its the president of the United States making a point. I would love to have a bigger conversation about that. Yeah. Nobody is having conversations. They dont like having a real conversation about race. They just dont. Everybody says they do. Nobody ever does. I would love to have that conversation. , no you cant. Because you try have a conversation on race and you say one thing that may not fit into you know where everybody is bubble wrapped and saying the politically correct things and then suddenly it becomes a massive, massive problem. So much so that the president of the United States is being beat on a new show when he says the word to make a point. But anyway i definitely struck me as strange to believe him. Two other things we can get back to. That hundreds of descended on the capitol to protest the Confederate Flag still flying on the stace house grounds. The massacre put renewed pressure on to remove it. It remains to be seen if they will do so. The debate extended to National Politics with mitt romney earning 43,000 retweets with message take down the Confederate Flag at the South Carolina capitol to many its a symbol of racial hatred. Remove it now to hohnnor the charleston victims. President obama said good point, mitt. It is forcing candidates to wave into a debate in an early primary state. Jeb bush point the to his states move to put the Confederate Flag in a museum. Bush said he was confident the state would do the right thing. After a period of mourning. Marco rubio praised taking it down in florida adding this the state of South Carolina has dealt with this issue in the past. Theyve done so in a way that brought people together. The Current Location is the result of a bipartisan agreement that state came to and theyre going to take up that issue now. Im very confident that theyll make the right choice for the people of South Carolina. Ted cruz and scott walker said it was a state issue and john kasich echoed the remarks saying if he he were a citizen of South Carolina he would be for taking it down. Is saying its a state issue a cop out . Yeah. Lets leave it to the states. It is. Were americans. Take it down. I was really glad to see the tweet by mitt romney. Who is not running. Retreated it. Hes not running. Glad to see jeb bush talking about how the flag belongs in the museum and not on the state grounds. Listen they have to have a special session to decide this . I dont get zblichltit. As a southerner as a white southerner, i group at a time when the Confederate Flag was not seen at least about it media. Lets say by the media and most people as a symbol of hatred. There were a lot of people in college by white people it wasnt seen that way. By white people howard but also i dont want get too far into this debate. There are going to be cheap shots going left and right. Im going to say what i im going to say. So it was not uncommon to see people with the british flag Confederate Flag a this flag that flag. And i will tell you for me what it stood for was the fact that i loved the south. At the same time i had that flag up and my college room along with the british flag and the other flags, i was also running to abolish the Student Government saying that it was segregated and racist and that George Wallace was a prophet. You know voting out large districts that hadnt allowed a single minority person in the Student Government. And raised a lot of hell and upset a lot of people on my College Campus a lot of white people on my College Campus. But i never made the link. As i gots older and people talking about how offensive it was, we moved forward and moved forward, it got to a point where youre okay, what point are we trying to make . Yes, i lot of south. There are other ways to show i love the south that doesnt offend other people. There became more of a realization as we moved through the 1990s it just stopped being used in polite society. It stopped being like hey, i lot of south. I love the Atlanta Braves i love whatever. And so here we are in 2015 if this doesnt move people to say enough oh, my god. A massacre in South Carolina where the Confederate Flag is being battle flag is being used as a symbol of hatred certainly by this young murderer, then what whats how far do we have to go . If you look in american museums and museums in europe there are symbols of war and hatred in museums. Theyre not flying outside state house buildings. And as joe and i was saying joe, hes like me we absolutely love the south. At this point, whats the point youre trying to make . What point are you trying to make by saying it still needs to fly . Take it down. Why the hell is it up now . Why was it up this weekend in South Carolina . Yeah, its up to the state to make their own decision. But it seems to be a terrible decision to keep the confederate battle flag flying in the midst of this tragedy. There is no good excuse why and the only reason i brought up my past is because i am a son of the south. I love the south. You know what . What i hear the song dixie, i kind of get up i get a little emotional. I love everything about the south. We have a horrible past. You know weve worked through it. I dont understand, harold, at this point where theyre still flying the flag. It shouldnt be flown and for two men who claumdim to be serious after nine people were killed in church praying doesnt have the courage to say it should be taken but they have the courage to say that obamacare should not be offered around the country out side of theirs. Theyre not deserving to be president and should question whether she you this be able to run their states. Anybody that cant say one way or the other whether the flag should be flown is a state issue, shame on you. I thought kasich came out saying that take the flag down. He said he would vote to take it down. I didnt mention him. Huckabee talks about beyonce and finds time to talk about a whole bunch of things im too busy running about president to talk about this. This is not something i would worry about as president. As a southerner i mean, its force unbelievable to me. Southern candidates have a special responsibility to explain why in the past this flag stood for something that right now it no longer stands for. Right now it has been completely taken over as a symbol of and they all know why theyre doing it. Bernie sanders draws huge crowds on the campaign trail and howard, it wasnt in New Hampshire or vermont. So were talking now, other places. Also ahead the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Republican bob corker joins us on set. Plus, our conversation with the great james taylor. And the search for the two escaped convicts on the run for two weeks. What officials are saying about the latest possible sighting. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. You are looking at two airplane fuel gauges. Can you spot the difference . No . You cant see that . Alright, lets take a look. The one on the right just used 1 less fuel than the one on the left. Now, to an airline a 1 difference could save enough fuel to power hundreds of flights around the world. Hey, look at that. Pyramids. So you see, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. Ge software. Get connected. Get insights. Get optimized. Mamas, dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys dont letem pick guitars and drive them old trucks boys . Mamas, dont let your babies. Stop less. Go more. The passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. 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Bernie sanders drew a monster crowd. University of denver estimated 5500 people attended the democratic president ial conditioned dates speech on saturday. 1,000 of them in overflow seating. Sanders audience rivals the largest crowds drawn by Hillary Clinton who had the same number at her kickoff rally last weekend. A few weeks ago we decided we were going to do a rally. Lets see if we can bring a couple people together. See if we can find some people. And after about ten minutes after the email went out, we knew we had to change the venue. [ applause ] and her were. Wow. Incredible stuff. Howard, why are you chuckling . Because ive seen this for 40 years. What . People underestimate him. Thats right. He has an incredibly powerful message. I remember my last election after i done civil unions i got clobbered in a certain part of the state that always votes conservative, Bernie Sanders got every vote that my very conservative opponent got. He is a tremendous appeal to ordinary working people who feel like theyre getting screwed. This is the Biggest Issue of the campaign. There was a president ial candidate from vermont who drew crowds about that size. Zbh big bigger. 10,000 ones. But really big crowds because the message, the populous vermont message has millions of volumers around the country. He needs to sustain it. But its a sign the not just as governor dean says his personality and following but of people in the Democratic Party wanting that message. Its always anecdotal. There are a lot of people in the Republican Party that want that message. It is always anecdotal evidence. You have to be very careful about anecdotal evidence. But i usually find over 20 years, 25 years of doing this nonstop that whether somebody randomly in a coffee shop that i run into every week and never talk about politics and makes fun of me for having a show about politics and we constantly talk about baseball in the 50s and 60s and spend saturday and sunday mornings early before my kids get up sitting there just talking baseball, just talking 50s and 6 os0s and out the nowhere he says i love that Bernie Sanders guy. I like everything he says. I just like him. Because unlike everybody else hes like for the common man. Its like your dad when he picks the republican. You just know he picked him every time. No, i know. Its not a poll. Charles would understand. Stop. That so, charles, lets talk about polling from on the republican side of things. This is from the wall street journal. The polling says that jeb bush has a strong lead right now. Strong launch to his campaign. The poll conducted last week finds bush on top of the republican field. Scott walker and marco rubio join him in the top three. 75 of republican primary voters are open to supporting bush. Thats up from 49 in march. I always said jeb is the favorite. I think we put him at a 21. I think he is more even money. Interesting things are starting to happen. Jeremy peters was saying this on friday. A lot of candidates are starting to kblan thatcomplain it is hard to raise hard money because there are so many people in the field. Were starting to hear of fundraise birz majraisers. And here you have jeb vacuuming up all the money and doing pretty well on the campaign trail. He certainly is not getting all the money. Im not sure eventually its going to translate into support. I dont think that is the enthusiasm out there. At least i havent seen it. Having said that actually see he has an advantage. Everybody knows who he is. He comes across quite well. I must say, as somebody who does not want another bush president , not just because i disagree with him on some things but because i think its bad for the country to have three bushes in the row as republican nominee, his launch was quite good. I mean did he that fairly well. So maybe hes got a little bit of a bump from. That hes not running away with it though. Why do you think another you say another bush would be bad for america . How prevalent is that within the Republican Party . I think its fairly prevalent. And what i mean by that i should clarify, is to live in a country in which the log cabin to president idea is relevant and to have a party relinlt upon one family in the way the Republican Party has been the republican hasnt won the presidency without a bush or a nixon on the ticket since 1928. We talk about clinton, no more clintons. We say shes there because of her husband which i believe is largely true. What about jeb . I dont think hed be where he is if his brother and father werent president. Im confused. You want another nixon on the ticket instead of another bush . No. I want someone fresh. That poll shows the reinforces the notion you cannot look at a poll as a prediction. Its a snapshot. Jeb bushs standing improved dramatically in every aspect of this poll. You and i both said for a long time, he is the frontrunner. People can deny it. He is the frontrunner. All right. He is. Charles c. W. Cook, thank you very much. Charles, you took a lot of abuse. Im used to it. Really . I have a twitter account. All right. Coming up i stopped looking at mine. Bill kristol joins us for the must read morning pages. Morning joe is back if a moment. Before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. 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I never seen anything like what i saw on television on friday afternoon. Nine Beautiful People slaughtered wednesday night during bible study at the church and their relatives were invited to make a statement in court. Did you hear what they said . They spoke of mercy. They offered forgiveness. As i watched, i felt i was witnessing something miraculous. I think i did. It was people looking into the eyes of the evil and into the eyes of the sick and ignorant shooter who blasted a hole in their families and explaining to him with the upt most forebearance there is a better way. What a country that makes such people. Do you ever despair about america . If they are america, were going to be just fine. And you were talking about how you were so moved by it. It almost felt like you were in a Church Service. You needed to get on your knees. I didnt know i heard it once. And then i heard it again. And i heard it begin, Family Member after family after Family Member. And thats when it just stopped me in my tracks. Lets watch this for one second. I forgive you. You took something very precious away from me. I will never talk to her ever again. I will never be able to hold her again. But i forgive you. I have mercy on your soul. You hurt me. You hurt a lot of people. But i forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. My family forgives you. But we would like to take this opportunity to repent. Repent confess. Give your life to the one who matters the most christ. So that he can change you and change your ways no matter what happened to you. And youll be okay. Do that. Youll be better off. I there are few examples ive ever seen of an example of christ like living there that is taken straight from jesus own words. Even when jesus is on the cross and says father forgive them they know not what they do. These people obviously read it and believe it and in this case bill kristol, they have lived it in the most extraordinarily painful way that none of us can even begin to understand. Its a tribute to america, i guess, to produce those kinds of people. Its a tribute to american christianity and to africanamerican christianity, dont you think . I mean that church really shows how strong that tradition is how deep the faith is. And it was very moving. And, you know howard you said something earlier. This would not have happened in the 60s. This would not have happened where so many whites and blacks came together chanting things like black lives matter. I was thinking about this. I think all of us in dispair about what we saw in charleston and wondering what has happened to our country. I was reading a book randomly about actually the book on Richard Nixon being nixon and just talked about when her daughter when his daughters walk through laguardia. They would be screamed at and bood and jeered and pointed at. I thought, god this country has changed so much. And in some very good ways that that would never happen today. It happened to our troops in the 6 os. It doesnt happen now. I was thinking about again, what these remarkable Family Members did. I just thought we have changed in some very complex ways. I think part of it is that politicians are not leading anymore much thats always been true. Now its really true. And what youre seeing i think in some ways in addition to the extraordinary personal contribution that these folks have made to the country is youre seeing a rebellion against the kind of politics weve had for the last 20 or 30 years. Where the politics of destruction and attacking people and this kind of wells up wells from the peoples hearts that thats not the way we ought to conduct ourselves. They write about trade. Even after all the seasoning as a senator and secretary of state and after our enthusiasms on the president s trade bill Hillary Clinton cant face up to the hard hard truth onz trade and we have to play it this silly game with her. Aside from the fact that hillary should be able to take a deep breath and stick with something shes already argued for, it plays into voters doubts and for trustworthiness. If you want her to be president and shape your principles to shifting winds as hillary did when she voted to authorize ws iraq invasion then how can people on either side of the aisle trust you . Shes not the only politician that is dodging. We talked about republicans on the issue of the flag and trying to behind the fact that it is a state issue. This thing shes doing on trade is still part of why bernie sand serz doing well. Everybody that knows her believes she supports this. She had a record of supporting it as secretary of state. Can you go to the Obama White House to grassroots supporters in New Hampshire. It doesnt sit well with people. And concerning a lot of people, you actually talk about somebody who is out on this years Straight Talk express. If you had to list the person that the Weekly Standard would probably put at the bottom of your list of favorites, it would be donald trump tied with rand paul and, yet, you had a very intriguing oped talking about all the good things that donald trump is going to bring to this race. I think candidates have to listen to trump who is going to do better than people expect. Hell be in the first debate almost certainly. The other politicians will be very cautious as you were just saying. And donald trump is a pretty experienced performer. I wouldnt be surprised if he wins that debate the way perot did so well. He reminds me a lot of perot. I imagine he has a third party run like perot. Can you imagine as a bush and clinton win the primaries and its the establishment, its the dynasties and legacy candidates doesnt trump get to run that fun populous perot Like Campaign . I think republican candidates need to im not for trump, im against him on a bunch of issues, but republicans need to learn from his message. The candor willingness to embrace Middle America or at least appear. To. He has ability to take down a person and in a single comment that no one else has the gouts say. Bill kristol, thank you very much. An attack on parliament this morning underscores the talibans ability to wage war inside the afghan capital. Look at this. What it means for that countrys future as the u. S. Mission there comes to a close. Keep it right here on morning joe. What do you think of when you think of the United States Postal Service . Exactly. Thats what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. Whats next . 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Ill take those odds. Be unstoppable. The allnew 2015 ford edge. Joining us now, director and senior fellow for the center for strategic and international studies, Thomas Sanderson who had a very scary meeting last thursday. With somebody you know. He went in there very scared. He wanted to hear the things were going to be okay. But hes lived. He lived to tell the tale. He lived to tell. But did he not hear the things were going to be okay. Thomas, tell us. Well, your father was gracious to give me an hour of his time last week. We talked a lot about you and the success of the show. Thats the scary part. It was funny. I wanted to ask him about his comment about last summer about the world experiencing unprecedented things during his lifetime. He said what weve seen today and things the past decades is there is no structure to the violence. Right. We have a fluid globe where we are experiencing is disorder. You know you really look back at the cold war. When youre in the middle of the cold war, all you swant for the cold war to end. You suddenly say, wait a second us versus them. Everything is an off shoot. Can you look at individual countries like yugoslavia when tito ran it. Guess what . There was not violence in the balkans. You can look at saddam husseins iraq. And see no instability there. The totalitarian types that were horrible beasts you take them away. And it seems 1,000 other horrible beasts i would argue this and transition from this is the end stagest transition from colonialism to selfdetermination. In the middle east its a complete mess for a variety of reasons. But in other places like nigeria, the first peaceful transfer of power in their history and theyre under pressure from this new president , i continue to be an optimist optimist. I agree its a scary time. What is happening in afghanistan this morning . We have the taliban put that into context. Theyve been on the march. Of course, weve seen a lot of attacks in place thats the taliban typically have not been strong in the north and they recently taken over a couple districts there. So were seeing a lot of worrying signs. The taliban are different from isis in one key way. They actually would consider some negotiation with the government and theyre not on the march to take over the whole country as of right now. No. The taliban to solidify control in the areas that they traditionally have had in the south and in the east. But i think they want to create a sense of insecurity which gives them more leverage over any negotiations they may have. The talliban didnt want to blow up buildings in washington d. C. Isis does. And if you look at bin ladens compound it does show that the taliban was very much at odds with what some of the things that bin laden was doing. So this is a group that does see itself as a sovereign. They ran a country. They want to conduct business. Thank you very much. Glad you made it through that meeting. Everything is not going to be okay as we look at your message. Thank you. Were going to go down and interview him this week. Coming up why president obamas best allies may be found far outside washington d. C. Well break down the appeal to the u. S. Conference of mayors with the groups bipartisan leadership. Keep it right here on morning joe. Time upon a once people approached problems the way same. Always start at the starting. And questions the same asking. But that only resulted in improvements small. So we step a took back and problems turned these insideupdown to approach them newly. And thats when we it saw. Garbage can create energy. Light can talk. Countries can run on jet engine technology. When you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. When you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. Connections you almost miss. And ones you never thought youd make. We help connect where you are. To places you never thought youd go. This, is why we travel. And why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. Still ahead, he calls president obamas talks with iran breath taking. And not in the way of the white house would like. Senator bob corker chairs the Foreign Relations committee and he joins us here on the set. Up next the new yorkers David Remnick joins us at the table. Morning joe will be right back. Your moms got your back. Your friends have your back. Your dogs definitely got your back. But whos got your back when you need legal help . We do. Were legalzoom, and over the last 10 years, weve helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. We have the right people onhand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. So visit us today for legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. When account lead craig wilson books at laquinta. Com. 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The worst fathers day present ive ever gotten was from my sons who gave me a book about weight loss. That was really offensive and i was embarrassed. That would be a bad fathers day present. A book about weight loss. He was embarrassed. He looks good. It worked. It worked. Okay. I guess. That is definitely not what i would give my dad. But thats okay. We have David Remnick here. A good gift. Thats not a passiveaggressive gift. Not at all. David remnick here. Were going to be talking about charleston in a few minutes with david. A beautiful cover. What a great piece you wrote. And a beautiful piece that you wrote. You talked about your fathers day. Were asking everybody what they did on their fathers day. But you talked about an extraordinary few hours in front of the television set. I was watching the Church Service from South Carolina from emanuel ame and i have never seen the like. And ive read about it. I watched films from the Civil Rights Movement of these churches which are the many ways historical heart and soul of the Africanamerican Community, the alternative political space that began in the 18 nl century, 19th century to because there was no politics, no free conversation in the Africanamerican Community because of the obvious institutions of the depression. And to see these people to hear words of forgiveness two, three days after this slaughter in a church makes you i felt that i could more easily understand in a pro verse way the motives of this horrendous act and i could not get my arms around the capacity to love and forgive the words that i was hearing from these people was just i was blown away by it. I was a puddle. I was, too, and the bond hearing and it was you have to ask yourself are you capable of this . Am i capable of this . My only child or my own mother being killed two days later expressing words of forgiveness. I just dont know. What everybody in that church would say would be yes with god. And its obviously so many people have used faith for terrible reasons. This is faith really without question. Faith without question. Moving these people to forgive and show grace in a situation that seems almost incomprehensible to us. Well before we get to politics let me read david, from your magazine on this. Weve sort of gotten into it here. And you wrote in the new yorker mercy and the manifesto in charleston. It is an enduring mystery of life how the moral range of humanity can stretch from a twisted young racist such as dylann roof to a woman such as Nadine Collier who is the daughter of one of the victims. And who was able to find in her heart to turn to roof at his bond hearing and say i forgive you. How many of us are capable of that . Imagine the capacity for grace in Felicia Sanders who lost her son and said to the alleged killer at the hearing, every fiber in my body hurts and i will never be the same. But as we say in bible study, we enjoyed you. But may god have mercy on you. We enjoyed you. This is a super human form of endurance and pitty. The world is such an hear we go. Such a fallen place that somehow easier to comprehend the deranged cruelty of dylann roof than the unfathomable and uncompromising mercy of Nadine Collier and Felicia Sanders. You know i think of this this goes back to slavery. When youre a slave, you have no hope except the hope of faith. I really think that has a lot to do with the extraordinary capacity of the africanamerican church to teach forgiveness. What alternative do you have . Incredible. And yet, were living in a world in which the slogan of the moment is black lives matter. To be living in 2015 where it is Still Necessary to assert that black lives matter as a matter of humanity as a matter of politics, as a matter of the human condition is not a tribute to us. Its not a tribute to the people who are such examples in charleston South Carolina. And i know that there is an urge among all of us to concentrate on this spiritual matter and our prayers are with him and so on. But there are also very real issues that if theyre not if they keep getting pushed off and pushed off, were still going to be having these scenes. There was a very moving moment in which the president went into the Briefing Room and had to say ive had to make these statements all too often. With stunning regularity. And to have black lives matter still in 2015 be something thats necessary to assert as a matter of politics and ethics and morals is very sad. Its very sad. Its also being said now though because we are starting to see things that we havent seen before. Because of camera phones because of cameras in more places and because of the 24 7 news culture that will take those images and put them up. We have made extraordinary progress over the past 50 years. But again, as al said when he was on the show last week the same week that we have a ceremony to welcome the first africanamerican attorney general, female attorney general, you also have these scenes. And there is no doubt that the institutional racism that was with this country for well over 200 years is being stamped out all over the country. Police forces that are stuck in the 1960s are being found out. Progress is being made. And great progress is being made. But we are seeing these pockets that its in a war against racism. There are still pockets that have to be swept up and our government has to be fierce. The only way to really kill racism, a, is to acknowledge it in all of us. And that includes all of us including people of color. And, b, the way to kill racism is to have the body politic, not politicians but the body politic people led by people like the people were talking about in this chuf sayrch say this is not acceptable. There is not okay. If you look at things like the White Conservative citizens or whatever the heck it is morphed into, to condemn that publicly by politicians is how you stop it. To say were not catering to this. And thats happening. But then you get a terrible setback like we had or we had all summer with ferguson and so forth. Were in the midst of a year with a lot of tragic events involving race and violence. I think this one is different in term of getting people to focus. Because its South Carolina where you have a governor who is an Indian American you have Lindsey Graham as the other senator. You have a populous uprising biracial, multiracial uprising and grace and dignity shown about it families. I think this is going to galvanize the country because its South Carolina and because of president ial politics more than any of the other events happening. And, mika if its true as he said that he wanted to start a civil war, well, that twisted dream backfired in the worst possible way for him. Because what he has seen in this year of racial tension and racial scars, what hes seen over the past weekend has been i think the most unifying response that weve seen over the past several years. Were going to turn to politics now which also has something to do with religion as the republican candidates gathered in the capital over the weekend to stake their claim with social conservatives in the 2016 president ial election. Jeb Bush Ted Cruz and more pledged to stand up to what they see as hostility to christianity in society and the world. I believe 2016 will be the religious liberty election. Religious liberty has never been more threatened in america. Morning is coming. More thanning is coming. Whether i was asked to intervene on behalf of a woman that could not speak up for herself, i stood on her side. I stood on the side of Terry Schiavo and her parents. My belief is that religious freedom now is under attack. N. In way thats weve never seen before, whether its the Obama Administration or the general culture. In a big diverse country, we need to make sure that we protect the right not just of having religious views but the right of acting on those views, religious conscience is one the first freedoms in our country. Unlike Hillary Clinton and president obama, my views on marriage are not evolving with the polls. I believe in traditional marriage between a man and a woman. In Foreign Relations committee about this has been six months ago, i said, you know what . Maybe at the very least we shouldnt give our money to countries that persecute christians. Any country that puts christians to death for speaking their mind on religion for changing their religion to christianity, or for interfaith marriage we shouldnt give them a penny. Not one penny. So give us a setting here. What is going on . Well this is an important constituency in the party and no one even rand paul who is thought more of as libertarian or john kasich who have problems in some ways with that wing of the party, no one wants to give up on that constituency. And the performances most of them gave different speeches thanally give. They were using that event to send a message around the country. We focus so much on National Security and politics but this is part of it. One of jeb bushs weaknesses is the Terry Schiavo case. Most people do not think these guys are trying to make this into a religion is persecuted. In fact what they do on their wing of the party is tell other people how to live their lives. They want to imprint their religion on everybody else. And thats exactly what jeb bush did when he interfered in a personal matter. Bill frist is a good friend of mine and embarrassed himself, the biggest embarrassment of his life by saying i diagnosed this woman on videotape and i think shes, you know whatever. You think Terry Schiavo is going to be one of jeb bushs biggest problems . I do. I really do. It speaks to his willingness to impose his religion on the electorate and theyre not going to like that. If its Hillary Clinton versus jeb bush governor dean is right. The clinton people will talk about that. Terry schiavo . Yes. Really . People will not forget that. Every family sees Something Like that potentially happening in their own family. They do not want the government to be in charge. I dont know what i dont know what ted cruz is talking about. I want to say really quickly. I need to wrap up this. I will tell you, i was not so sure why the left was so extraordinarily offended by those of us and, yes, i was one of those people that said if im a dad and my daughter is in that state and there have been i dont want to say Terry Schiavo, but youre going to say your saddens, there were five state doctors that looked at her, three of them said she was not going to ever show any sign of a brain activity and two said she would. And you had parents who desperately wanted their daughter say to the husband, you dont want to take care of her, well take care of her. And he said i dont want this to happen to me if anything ever bad hapdz. That is the nightmare. See what i dont understand is your voice raises. We had al franken before he was a senator demand in a letter to the president of msnbc where i be fired where i was criticizing george bush. What is it about this case that makes liberals voices heighten up and we see oppression like the kind you saw on television telling us what to do with their religious state. Your voice is tightening up. It s gli believe that i ought to look at how angry you are. All these years later. Im not angry. No your voice is rising. It is rising. Im trying to say, i looked at Terry Schiavos case as a father. I did not look at it as an evangelical. And im just fascinated at the rage and the anger that liberals have shown through the years because a dad would say, well if that happened to my daughter i would love to take care of her. But anyway lets move on. But for the governor to get involved, but then for washington, d. C. , to get involved, a lot of people find that part of it right. And i had problems with that. I this is the governor. Okay. This is a family matter. Just like abortion. And exactly and mom and dad are part of a family. And they want to protect their daughter. And so is terry. Terry left word with her husband your anger is so amazing. Look at you. Look at his face. Look at how red you are. All these years later. I am angry because i am a physician. I have been in these kinds of positions. Im a dad. Im a physician. Ive been confirmed four time in hospital as cross america. I have been in situations where the patient would like to do one thing and i never believe the government should override the patient. That is what jeb bush did for political reasons. And that was wrong. That is the answer whether this could come up. I dont think its fair to say its for political reasons. He did it out of conscience. Yeah well let liberals sit in the corner and scream about Terry Schiavo. And theyll be proud liberals and agree us with. Oh, my god. Holy cow. Yes they do. This is well find out. Okay. David remnick. David, would you like to talk about something other than Terry Schiavo . I dont know why youre condescending to im not being condescending. He has real convictions. He is yelling ten years later. I think he believes in something. Right. And david, so do i. I understand. Do you . Then why are you being so condescending to me . To say that you think that he believes in something. I think hes allowed to believe in something. He s and a mere suggestion he believes in something that i dont is condescending and makes me sad. Bhaut you would but what you would like to say . I dont understand what mr. Cruz is talking about when he says that religion has never been under more ferocious attack in america than now. What does he mean . Is he trying to arouse the fear of a base voter . Which i understand. And, therefore, support or does he mean something . What conviction he is trying to put forward . What ideas he is trying to put forward . I just listened here bill kristol is telling us that donald trump, donald trump could be a serious player in the Republican Party debates. I mean if, thats true thats very sad. I dont know what ideas hes trying to put forward other than his own status or his own foolish public image, whatever it is. I dont know what ted cruz is talking about when he about history, about anything. Hes a very intelligent man. I do not know what he is doing other than trying to arouse the a fierce debate. So lets sort through a few things. First of all, bill kristol in his oped said that donald trump and rand paul were at the bottom of their list of the republicans that would be least helpful for the Republican Party where they would win the nomination. What he did say throughout that piece though was that i read it. Okay. Then you know the answer to the questions that you asked. Im just saying but what is ted cruz talking about . So now we move on to ted cruz. I was just buttoning that up on what you said. You know what bill kristols point was. Im not sure why you said what you said if you read the column. Because you understand it. But lets talk about ted cruz. There is a feeling of evangelicals on lets say traditional marriage that the world that they knew in 2004 2005, the world that they actually knew in 2010 and 2011 when barack obama was afraid to say that he supported gay marriage changed all at once. And we went from barack obama in 2011 saying that he was against samesex marriage to what it was a baker or a florist or somebody two years later being told that they would be forcibly compelled to deliver pizza or give flowers or cater a gay wedding. I think that probably is i didnt hear ted cruzs speech. But i think a general feeling of unrest is that this is happening so quickly and its caught up on it so quickly that three years ago barack obama was on our side because thats where he thought the middle of america was. And now, were being told we have were going to be compelled by the force of the federal government. You talk about the federal government getting involved in things. To deliver flowers to a gay marriage that our faith and the jewish faith is found to be immoral for 4,000 years, i think that probably that probably lies at the heart of it. Do you believe what ted cruz is saying about the degree of whats going on now . The level of the rhetoric that he is putting out . Im just explaining what he said. Would i say that in a speech no, i wouldnt say that in a speech. I would say but i wouldnt even say this in a speech. Ill say it on this air. Cultural elites have a condescending aggressive view of conserveative evangelicals and i would also say of Orthodox Jews that they do not have of other faiths. So yes. There is a hostility whether its a blatant hostility toward Orthodox Jews that there isnt of other faiths. But should that rise to the level of giving a speech here saying christianity is under attack . This is what concerns me. And its whipped up in the obvious corners. I believe i made plenty of contact with evangelicals and Orthodox Jews are in my own family and we have the debates and arguements all the time. What concerns me is the level of rhetoric and the whipping up of fury and anger. And does not elevate the debate and certainly doesnt elevate a president ial debate and so that weve gotten to the point where a comical figure a comical blow hard like donald trump is conceivably a player. Let me wrap up this. I think youre konld condescending everybody that you dont agree with you have been condescending to. Hardly. And youre misunderstanding the analysis of trump. The notion that we have changed very rapidly on gay marriage is true in historical terms. For a the love people it is incredibly difficult to take onboard. I understand that with my heart and soul. As much as i believe that this is something thats necessary. Okay. So ted cruz is brilliant on being able to sort of get right in there in terms of tag religion. I wouldnt count him out n terms of trump, Everyone Needs to stop overreacting to the line that he could have a serious impact on this race, because awes you pointed out, he has ability to liquefy people in one sound bite. Do you want an example of him talking to george stephanopoulos. He just said why, who are you . How could you even talk to me about the clintons . That nobody has the guts by the way, nobody and there are people at this table who dont have the guts to really talk about that. He does. He could and does he. He does on other issues as well and he could liquefy a candidate in one sound bite during a debate. As far as Terry Schiavo is concerned, youre both guilty. Very guilty of having strong feelings about it. Not just howard you, too. And your debate proves you wrong that she will not have a small role or a minor, minor you know, role in the president ial election. This will come up and it will be a big conversation. Youre saying because howard was wound up a decade later about it that proves i think you say he is wound up is you deflecting from the arguement. Im not deflecting. That is deflecting. Who talking about Terry Schiavo in the past decade . Jeb bush. Other than jeb yesterday and howard today . I was on a plane and read an article about it. I was pulled in. As if it was yesterday. Okay. So everybody has strong feelings about it including you. I have very strong feelings that it happened. Let me finish. That happened a decade ago. Thats my line. You cant say. That. That it happened a decade ago. And the idea that this is going to be a central issue in 2016 is proposterous proposterous. Thats what i have strong feelings about. Okay. Its going to happen. Okay. I think you have strong feelings as a father too. You and i have such strong feelings to day you think it will be an issue . If jeb gets the nomination. David remnick thank you, i think. Senator bob corker joins us at the table. Plus singer james taylor is jumping into the middle of the sportss greatest rivalry. Well explain just ahead. Youre watching morning joe. Can you see the sunshine can you just feel the moon shine one day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. Two streetlights. The only difference that little blue thingy. You see it . Thats a sensor. Using ge software, the light can react to its environment getting brighter only when its needed. In a night it saves a little energy. But, in a year it saves a lot. And the other street . Its been Burning Energy all night. For frank. Franks a cat. Now, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. Ge software. Get connected. Get insights. Get optimized. Lets take a look at the morning papers. The wall street journal, the man who says he was triblgd about the high cost of obama care is a lot closer to controversial laws creation than previously known. New emails show that mit economist Jonathan Gruber remember him, was in regular contact with high level Obama Administration staffers about the health care laws. But wait, thats not what the white house said. They said he was small player. All my republican sources owe an apology because they say he was hugely involved and the white house played it down. They were right. The republicans were right. Did the white house lie about that . I think they were not fully forthcoming. Or they may have had their recollections impaired. Howard dshgs the white house lie about mr. Gruber . I think they were not fully forthcoming. Harold . Harold it appears that some would say not i but some would say the white house lied about bl grubers involvement, professor grubers involvement. You would say the white house lied about his involvement . I would say they were not fully forthcoming. Maybe architect of obama care. Let me see if one person will sat. The white house assured us that mr. Grub wears a big player. It appears now that was not true. Did the white house lie about mr. Grubers involvement . It certainly appears they d the white house sought distance from grub are after the comments that the they used a lack of transparency and stupidity of the American Voter to Pass Health Care reform. You like that harold . The House Oversight committee obtained 20,000 pages of email through mit chirm Jason Chavetz and is asking for more information on grubers contract with the government. Nbc news. Com the body of a former white house chef who disappeared while hiking in new mexico has been recovered. Walter set off on a canyon trail by himself days ago and never returned. He was hired as executive white house chef by then first lady Hillary Clinton in 1994. Upon leaving the white house in 2005, he wrote, for the last 11 years ive had the honor of doing daily what most chefs would be lucky to do once in their lifetime. Walter chide was 61 years old. My goodness. Well go to variety now. Inside out was second at the box office. Still had the second best opening in pixar history. But Jurassic World continues to dominate adding an estimated 102 million to the two week domestic total. It could become one of the highest grossing films of all time. It has already raked in an estimated 981 million in the first ten days. So this inside out must be a remarkable movie. I had three of my four children tell me i had to see it. And including joey who is 27 years old. And everyone said they cried. What . Everyone cries. That it was extraordinarily moving. And joey said he was in a theater in manhattan packed with people in their 20s and 30s and there wasnt a dry eye in the house. Everyone cried. Pixar movie. You have seen it . No but i might go tonight. Everybody is talking about it. Its remarkable. Okay. Everything ive heard about it remarkable. Okay. Coming up senator debbie is standing by on capitol hill. Why she says we need better treatment of illnessesst mind as well as the body. And michigan democrat joins us next on morning joe. charge music you wouldnt hire an organist without hearing them first. Charge so why would you invest without checking brokercheck . Check your broker with brokercheck. Why pause a spontaneous moment to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Whether it helps him on the campaign trail i dont know. I was pleased. That is Chris Christie speaking in orange new jersey on sunday. A member of the budget and finance committees democratic senator debbie staffvenaugh. Youve been working on a bill. What were your thoughts last week when word came of what happened in South Carolina . You know, as this has unfolded, i think its important to first of all call what hand in charleston what it is which is a hate crime. Its an evil extremist, racist person who did something that in my book should be separated from our regular discussion about what we need to do about Mental Illness. And so let me share with you for the majority of people as you and i talked about, one out of four people every year that have some experience with Mental Illness. There are things we are doing this last year senator and i were able to pass an eight state demonstration project where were going to increase quality, increase funding for the first time so that if youre walking into a Health Clinic and get physical Health Services you will be reimbursed and youll also be able to get reimbursed for your cost for Mental Health and Substance Abuse services. There is 24 hour psychiatric emergency rooms. The good news is thats going to be an eight states. The bad news is it should be in 50 states. So were making head way here. My hope is when more parents know they have a place to go when we understand about Mental Illness, people reach out and ask for help just like if you have diabetes and get your sugar monitored, you can get your chemical imbalance in the brain monitored. If you have depression or bipolar. The more were doing that, the more we can get people help and separate them from the crazy hate extremists that we saw last week. Mark . Senator, what do your republican colleagues think of this idea . The good news is that we were able to pass a bipartisan effort to Fund Increased quality and funding for this eight state demonstration project. We were not able to get the funding for all 50 states. So in my judgment this is about making sure that health care is treated above the neck as well as below the neck. Were moving in that direction. We are not there yet. And while we grapple with all the complexity and this violence and hate and everything that is going on its also really important to remember that the majority of people who have Mental Illnesses are likely to be victims of crime than they are to be perpetrators. In the situation where they were the perpetrators we need to obviously be addressing that. But if we look at this differently, what were trying to do, my friend our friend glen close who has a Wonderful Foundation dealing with Mental Health stigma is trying to get folks to look at it differently. Ask for help. Give parents options. Do things so that the majority of people who have some kind of Mental Illness can get the support they need and we can isolate the folks that are doing violence and this horrific hate crime that happened last week. Senator Debbie Stabenow thank you so much. It is so complicated and a myriad of reasons why its difficult to get meaningful legislation passed. It really is difficult. Howard this is something that we talked about for some time. This country hasnt faced now. Over the past five years perhaps we started talking about it a lot more. But talk about stigmas that stay with you. Mental health continues unnecessarily to be a stigma especially treatment for Mental Health. Heres the problem. The problem is we dont know much about the brain and we dont know much about the biochemistry of Mental Illness. If you have a heart attack or some other thing, we know how that works and we know what you have to do about it. We dont really know. Even a lot of the drugs that were using which are pretty much breakthrough drugs, we dont we dont know how they work. We dont exactly know. There is just not a science it to. Thats exactly the problem. Exactly the problem. It is an art and a art when practiced badly ruins peoples lives. And really hard to practice it. I was i would have been interested to know in that bill shes talking about if there is any money for research. Because we need to do so much more Biochemical Research to try to figure out what are these diseases . You know schizophrenia is not a disease, its a syndrome. Its a lots of different kinds of diseases. Were just barely through all the progress we made in 50 years, barely understanding that. And it is undiagnosed and can have unbelievable i know people that have bipolar disorder. Theyve been treated for depression for a decade. Or for a. D. D. We have no idea what were really doing. And the impact of misdiagnosing, here is another problem, too. Psychiatrists now, these days are not paid for counseling. Theyre not reimbursed by Insurance Companies for sitting and talking. Theyre only reimbursed for writing in prescriptions. And the real scam right with a system like this is so many people come in for treatment. They look at them for five minutes and they out a diagnosis. I have psychiatrist thats write necessity and are angry, guess what . Thats the reality that i hear time and time and time again from people that i know and love that go to Mental Health counsellors. We dont know enough about Mental Illness. We have to learn more. Yeah. The research is incredibly important. Affordable care act has a lot about Mental Health. Thank god in this case too that the kid who saw the kid on tv called and said look this kid was at my house. We should make it more accessible for people to call when they think someone is acting crazy or talking about violence. If someone called about this kid, it may have prevented this. The police might have prevented this tragedy. Coming up hundreds of travelers sleep on an airplane floor after a disruptive passenger forces an unscheduled landing. But first, is the hunt for two escaped convicts heating up again in upstate new york snt . The latest clue led investigators to a town near governor deans home. Not far away. Oh, my gosh. The place where i will be staying you wouldnt do half of your daily routine. So why treat your mouth any differently . Complete the job with listerine®. Kill up to 99 percent of germs. And prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. Sfx ahhh listerine®. Power to your mouth™ hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people . Well this summer, stay with Choice Hotels twice and get a 50 gift card you can use for just about anything. Go you always have a choice. Book now at choicehotels. Com shopping online. Is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners. Were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online. From a list of top rated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Dude totinos blasted rolls. Sweet. Totinos blasted crust rolls. Yeah. Flavor at full blast now to upstate new york and new developments for the escaped prisoners. Its been two weeks since they were missing. Now a fresh lead has investigators focusing their attention on a town near the vermont border. Not far from the maximum security prison that the two men escaped from. Nbc news correspondent john yang has the latest. Reporter overnight authorities confirmed to nbc news that new search was sparked just 30 miles from the prison after a break in was reported in a remote cabin. The owner saying an individual was inside the cabin and fled the scene once he arrived. The search for escaped prisoners david sweat and rich afrdard matt focus on the adirondak mountains, close to where it began. It come less than 24 hours after a sighting two of men fitting the convicted killers descriptions had Police Searching in friendship new york. Female reporting she saw two males possibly matching the description of the fugitives. There was two people. That report came from brandy thompson. They were just coming out. My dog barked. They turn around and ran back down. By night fwal the efforts came up empty. I just hope it ends. I hope they get them. Meanwhile, nbc news lrnd that investigation of prison workers is expanding. Already Joyce Mitchell is charged with giving them some of the tools they used to cut through steel wall and pipes. Now several guards are under investigation and one gene palmer has been put on administrative leave. His Attorney Says palmer had extensive contact with the escapees and mitchell but didnt have advanced knowledge of the prison break. He plans on being completely forthcoming and any information that can help in the capture of mr. Sweat and mr. Matt. And still ahead, as if she isnt busy enough, Michelle Obama is tackling a new challenge, guest he had editing a magazine. Were going to break that down next on morning joe. W xerox as the company thats all about printing. But did you know we also support hospitals using Electronic Health records for more than 30 million patients . Or that our Software Helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure email every month . Or how about processing nearly 5 billion in electronic toll payments a year . In fact, todays xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. With xerox, youre ready for real business. Mamas, dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys dont letem pick guitars and drive them old trucks boys . Mamas, dont let your babies. Stop less. Go more. The passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. 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Ge software. Get connected. Get insights. Get optimized. 50 past the hour. Joining us now, more magazines editor in chief leslie jane see more, the first ever guest editor for the july august issue is first lady Michelle Obama who took part in a photo shoot at the white house. Take a look at this. Youve been busy. All right. That looked like fun. But i just i have to go with what howard asked you, seven years . Seven years. Seven years is a charm. What can i tell you . You worked on getting this. No not seven years for getting this but seven years being at the magazine revamping and chafrging. This is our third time we had mrs. Obama on the cover. So the idea was lets do something crazy different. We cant do the same thing weve always done. This is the magazine from her point of view. There are things about it about her in the issue but she really wanted it to be more from her point of view. Interesting. So what makes it different . As her point of view takes over the entire magazine . Well you know she was was the one who came up with the guest writer for the mens column which is called second sex. She had a very special guy write about how presidency made him a better father. Thats access. Thats access. We had another idea in mind but she went somewhere else. And everything in the issue is from her point of view. She took me through a wonderful look at all her personal photos that shes kept over time in the white house. We talked about all the stories behind the photos that you might have seen or not seen. And you have this in great sort of two on one, one on two interview with her and meryl streep. What was the thought behind meryl streep being a part of this . There are a lot of great revelation. We said if youre going to have the first lady who do you want to put her in the room with and talk with. Lets take somebody with a similar legacy raising strong children. They both have girls. Girls are such an important issue to all of us. And then how do you deal with the balance of being such an accomplished woman. We literally said okay were going to throw them in the room and let them talk and they did. They didnt know each other but i wouldnt say theyre like buds hanging out. They definitely did an incredible job of talking with each other. The most hilarious part for us was bringing meryl to the white house. She came alone with just a handler which is amazing how some celebrities come with an ent entrage with a plane full of people. She had her hair in a ponytail clip and went on stage like that. I said can you please take off the glasses . But shes so down to earth and natural and the two of them got on like a house on fire. Talk about she had somebody write this story. Yes. And how the presidency made barack obama a better father. Which is so sweet. Its so him. As i said being the subeditor here i said make sure he tells some personal stories. I want to hear the personal stories, and he did a great job on that. We released that for fathers day because it was very sweet. Adorable. And you worked a lot behind the scenes with our chief of staff tina chen one of my favorite people. I love tina. Shes amazing. The thing is you have to understand how big a project this is. For people who dont do magazines, they dont know what theyre getting into and that was the lucky thing for me is when i asked them to do it they didnt know so they said yes. Its like a yearlong project. Were you sending her pages to review . Oh, yeah. Everything was going back and forth. How did you send them down there, email pds . You do. I said dont you have a secret drop box. I said arent you afraid of being hacked. The thing is tina has said to me if we had any this was going to take so long we would have never done it. I said i know you wouldnt have and thats why its great. This is the first one. The first ladys issue is on stands tomorrow. Leslie jane see are moore, how great. Up next, we learn about the gunman in the massacre. Why the fbi director said his actions dont amount to terrorism. Plus barack obama speaks out on race and discrimination and doesnt shy away from using a word thats offensive to many. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . When were you first considered a family . When you fell in love . When you got married . When you had kids . When did you first fight to be considered a family . When you fell in love . When you got married . When you had kids . Family isnt defined by who you love, but how. Tylenol®. 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A lot of folks expected us to do something strange and to break out in a riot. Well, they just dont know us. People packed into emanuel ame for the Service Since the brutal murders. It was an emotional day but signs of joy and faith and they werent just in the pughs. Crowds spilled out into the streets. Across the city you can hear bells ringing loud and clear for nine minutes, one minute for each of the members of the church that was killed. Then the reverend l. Bridge filled with thousands of people joining hands across one of the longest spans in the western hemisphere in a show of unity. The images were remarkable over the weekend, the protests of black and white all across charleston coming together and sending an unmistakable message that we are one. I was not alive in the 60s. Im 65 years old. I dont believe ive seen a more powerful expression after a set of events that should have triggered awful events. A powerful expression of unity, peace and reconciliation. When the Nobel Peace Prize committee considers, this community as a whole should be considered for the way theyve led themselves and led a nation and for that matter giving the world an example of how to respond. The only thing i wish is that the president himself had been there listening to that pastor yesterday as he preached. Ive not heard a more eloquent and sober and calmer set of remarks by a pastor at a moment like this in my short lifetime and i applaud that community and that church ame church in particular for how they handled and conducted themselves. That starts on the part of the Family Members of the victims who faced the shooter in course and forgave him. In an open courtroom. Fbi director james comey said he did not believe that dylann roofs actions were terrorism because of how it is defined under the law. Over the weekend a white supremacist message was discovered on a website registered to the confessed gunman. While nbc has not automatic authenticated whether dylann roof wrote it it is covered with photos of him and the Confederate Flag. Experts say the pictures and inflammatory words on the website featuring 21yearold dylann roof reveal a lot about him and his recent embrace of White Supremacy theories. The whiting seemed to add support to the notion that he was a lone wolf. Reporter sources say the fbi believes it was indeed roof who maintained the website called last row deesh shan and wrote, the event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case saying thats when he started his research on black and white crime. The charleston shooter fits the classic profile of someone who was radicalized not by going to hate Group Meetings but being on the echo chamber thats the internet. Roof adopts poses and uses symbols favored by supremacist groups. It seems like not until the Trayvon Martin controversy did he start to have seriously darker thought about race and came across white supremacist websites that said on those and built on those and helped him turn himself into a monstrous killer. Experts say roof does not appear sophisticated and tried to cast himself as someone taking a stand, writing, someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world and i guess that has to be me. He saw a world of White Supremacy where he could do something heroic for the cause. Meantime two of roofs friends who said they often let him stay with them in this mobile home in lexington, successSouth Carolina said they last saw him on tuesday, the day before the Church Shootings when he dropped them off at this lake. He was in a really big rush. The friends say the next time they heard of him was when he showed up on a wanted poster after the murders. The website was publicly uncovered three days later. Perhaps an important glimpse at why he opened fire. Howard i wanted to talk to you quickly again about, mika was talking about this family in court and all the images this weekend of all of these marches. I saw one where probably 90 of people cramming the streets probably going through white neighborhoods, i dont know were white people chanting black lives matter. If this deranged racist thug wanted to start a civil war, he went to the wrong place. He has lost. This is incredible. Ive been thinking about this a lot. First of all, one of the interesting things is whats the difference between a terrorist and this guy . I think its a continuum. If youre going to blow yourself up and kill a bunch of people youre both crazy and a terrorist and this guy may be both crazy and a terrorist by definition. Secondly, i did live through the 60s. These scenes would not have happened in the 60s. They happened some but to get the conservative governor of South Carolina to go to this church and denounce this that would not have happened in the 60s. So weve made a lot of progress. We just obviously have a lot more to make. I agree with mika. I thought the leadership shown by the families was extraordinary. Incredible. I was riveted. It was just incredible. I wanted to like get on nye knees listening to them. It was incredibly humbling incredibly humbling. President obama is speaking out on racism and discrimination in the wake of the charleston shootings. In an interview released this morning for the podcast wtf, the president spoke about the problems the country still faces on the issue of race. Ive been wanting to listen to this and sort of get a sense of it because we have a warning for our viewers. He uses Strong Language some of which may be considered offensive. Take a listen. The legacy of slavery, jim crowe discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, that casts a long shadow and thats still part of our dna thats passed on. Were not cured of it. Racism . Racism we are not cured of clearly. And its not just a matter of it not being polite to say [mute] in public. Thats not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. Its not just a matter of overt discrimination. We have societies dont overnight completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior. What do you think . I think i understand what the president is trying to say. I probably would not have used the word to make the point that he was trying to make. Weve elected an africanamerican president. The state of South Carolina has an africanamerican senator. Weve made to howards point we have a long way to go but tremendous progress has been made. I probably would have focused on whats been focused on this morning, the families who lost loved ones and how they were able to forgive and how the faith United People. To your point, joe, this kids message and purpose according to the stuff on the internet was to create and start a civil war. He didnt start one. As a matter of fact, hes brought people together in ways i dont think people thought they would have been brought together. Im surprised to see as many people come together as they did in South Carolina. For there to be no violence anywhere only peaceful outbursts, the lord is in the blessing business is what i would say to my family. Certainly a lot of white people came ut inout in marches in new york and other places, too. This happening in the heart of the south, it was pretty remarkable. That should have been the focus. Joe, this is a trend in baltimore. You saw a fair number of white people protesting against the deaths in the riots and beforehand the death of freddie ive forgotten his last name. Gray. Gray. So i think this country is a different country. We still do have a long way to go, but i do think enormous gains have been made and we have to push hard for those gains and not think the fights been won. Exactly. Whats striking about the age of the guy who did this the horrible person who did this hes young. You look at the pictures of the marches over the weekend. You listen to the president talking about our dna. What is leading the social change in South Carolina where ive been and dealt with this and asked people about race is younger people who arent caught up in all of the things that the previous generations were caught up in. This guy is crazy. There are crazy people running around. We were talking about this in the makeup room. If you look at the pictures of the guy who killed all those people in Aurora Adam Lanza in connecticut, and this guy, they have this big gaze as one of my friends once said the lights are on but there aint nobody home. I had a few people comment over the weekend just randomly saying how much he looked like lanza and some of these other people. Curious about the president being beeped out there. Im still thinking about it. The president of the United States obviously said that word because he wanted to make a point. I just find it curious that it was a decision by somebody i think theres a lot of worry maybe it will be misused. Its the president of the United States making a point. I would love to have a bigger conversation about that word. Nobody likes having conversations. They dont like having real conversations about race. They just dont. Everybody says they do but nobody ever does. I would love to have that conversation. You cant. You try to have a conversation on race and you say one thing that may not fit into where everybodys bubble wrapped and saying the politically correct things and then suddenly it becomes a massive, massive problem. So much so that the president of the United States is being beeped on a news show when he says the word to make a point. It definitely struck me as strange to bleep him. Two other things and we can get back to that. Hundreds of people descended on the State Capitol in nearby columbia South Carolina to protest the Confederate Flag on the state house grounds. Theres renewed pressure on legislators to remove it. The debate has extended to National Politics with mitt romney earning 43,000 retweets with the message take down the Confederate Flag at the South Carolina capitol. To many its a symbol of racial hatred. Remove it now to honor the charleston victims. President obama weighed in saying simply good point, m. I. T. Mitt. Its forcing candidates to weigh into a thorny debate. Jeb bush pointed to his states move to put the flag in a museum in 2001. Bush said he was confident the state would do what he called the right thing. Marco rubio praised taking it down in florida adding this the state of South Carolina has dealt with this issue in the past. The Current Location was the result of a bipartisan agreement that they came to 15 20 years ago. If theyre going to take up that issue now im confident that theyre going to make the right choice for the people of South Carolina. Ted cruz and scott walker also said it was a state issue and john kay sick echoed those remarks but added if he was a citizen of South Carolina he would be taking it down. Is saying its a state issue a copout . Yeah. I think at this point lets leave it to the states . Were americans. Take it down. I was really glad to see the tweet by mitt romney. Whos not running. Whos not running. I was glad to see jeb bush talking about how the flag belongs in the museum and not on state grounds. They have to have a special session to decide this . As a southerner as a white southerner, i grew up in a time where the Confederate Flag was not seen at least by the media, lets just say pieby the media as a symbol of hatred. By white people it wasnt seen that way. By white people howard but also i dont want to get too far into this debate because there are going to be cheap shots going left and right. Ill say what i was going to say. It was not uncommon to see people with a british flag Confederate Flag this flag and that flag. For me what it stood for was the fact that i loved the south. At the same time i had that flag up and my College Roommate along with a british flag and these other flags, i was running to abolish the Student Government saying it was racist and voting at large districts that hadnt allowed a single minority person in Student Government and raised a lot of hell and upset a lot of people on my College Campus a lot of white people. But i never really made the link. As i got older and i noticed more and more people talking about how offensive it was, we moved forward, it got to a point where youre like what point are we trying to make here. Yes, i love the south. There are other ways for me to show that i love the south that doesnt offend other people. It became more of a realization as we moved to the 1990s, it stopped being used in polite society. It stopped being like hey, i love the south, the Atlanta Braves and whatever. So here we are in 2015. If this doesnt move people to say enough oh, my god. A massacre in South Carolina where the Confederate Flag battle flag is being used as a symbol of hatred certainly by this young murderer then how far do we have to go . If you look at american museums and museums in europe there are symbols of war and hatred in museums. Theyre not flying outside state house buildings. Is joey was saying and we absolutely love the south, at this point whats the point youre trying to make . What point are you trying to make by saying it still needs to fly. Lets take it down right now. And why the hell is it up now . Why was it up this weekend in South Carolina . Yeah, its up to the state to make their own decision but it seems to be a terrible decision to keep the confederate battle flag flying in the midst of this tragedy. There is no good excuse why, and the only reason i brought up my past is because i am a son of the south. I love the south. You know what, when i hear the song dixie, i kind of get a little emotional. I love everything about the south. We have a horrible past. Weve worked through it but i dont understand, harold at this point why theyre still flying the flag. It shouldnt be flown. For ted cruz and scott walker two men who claim to be serious, two or three days after nine people were killed in a church praying to not have the courage to say the flag should be taken down but yet both have the courage to say obamacare should not be offered in states thats out of theirs theyre not only deserving to be president but i have to wonder if they deserve to run their states. Include Mike Huckabee in that. Anybody that cant say definitively whether the flag should be flown, shame on you. I thought kay sick sort of said take the flag down. He would vote to take it down. Huckabee who talks about beyonce and finds time to talk about a whole bunch of things says im too busy running for president to talk about this this isnt something id worry about as president. As a southerner, its unbelievable to me. Southern candidates have a special responsibility to explain why in the past this flag stood for something that right now it no longer stands for. Right now it has been completely taken over as a symbol of and they all know why theyre doing it. Still ahead, james taylor may not be winning over many yankees fans for this new video. The rock and roll hall of famer joins us with his musical tribute to the Boston Red Sox. First, senator bob corker is standing by with the congressional debate over nuclear iran. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. Turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good for me around turn around every now and then i get a little bit tired of craving something that i cant have turn around, barbara forever ive been praying for a snack in my life and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife i finally found the right snack before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. 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Theyve given us the tools that we need to become more efficient and bottom line save more money. Together, were building a better california. 21 past the hour. Joining us now, chairman of the senate Foreign Relations committee, Senate Bob Corker of tennessee. Good to have you with us. Good to be with you. Senator, whats the status as best that you understand of the talks with iran . I think you know that congress had no role in this until we passed a bill recently because the president had the ability to go directly to the u. N. Security council with National Security waivers he was given. So they are finishing so now congress at least has a role to review at home. Theyre trying to achieve a deal by june 30th. I doubt that will occur but maybe shortly thereafter and theyre hitting some points right now, joe, that are very concerning. I think all of us and you put out a Statement Last week. Whats the one that concerns you the most right now . There are several. One is any time anyplace inspections. Their Supreme Leader has been saying, no youre not going to inspect military sites. Obviously we want to make sure that we dont understand up in a situation like we had in iraq where the iaea could never get in and then they always moved the ball. You never knew where they were. Obviously we want to know the possible military dimensions. I think everyone in the western world believes they were developing a Nuclear Weapon up until 2003. We want access to their scientists to know what capabilities they have. Thirdly, it appears the Administration May be considering negotiating a way more than just the Nuclear Related sanctions but trying to tie others to it so those would be three that would be very concerning. On the first two items, these were issues that you didnt even think were issues two, three months ago. Nonnegotiable. And the president has always said they were going to be nonnegotiable . Nonnegotiable. So do you get any sense that he is actually drawing a red line that hes going to be willing to cross on both of these issues . Weve already crossed multiple red lines. We began with dismantling their program. Now it was going to be a 20year teal. Deal. Now its a tenyear deal. It is ten years now . Its a tenyear deal. You remember on npr the president mentioned, well in year 13 theyre basically going to be at zero breakout. Theres a document that none of us have seen. Its called the Iranian Nuclear Development Program document. Its already been written. It lays out what theyre going to be able to do after year ten, so its a shortly thereafter time period where theyre really going to be enhancing hugely the numbers of kentsent fujs they have. Theyre going to continue to be doing development and research and theyre still going to do all the work they need to be doing on their sophisticated Ballistic Missile program. Many lines have been crossed but these have been nonnegotiable from day one. John kerry is making comments that we dont want to insult their National Pride by causing them to come clean with their previous militarization of their nuclear program. Why are we caving . I dont know. I hope thats not the case but it seems to me that now is the time to raise those issues not after. Two questions, if those issued cant be shored up should we walk away from the deal . Absolutely. We have a situation right now, mika, where we have an interim agreement and were much better off just keeping that interim agreement in place for a while and continuing to negotiate. Theres been this artificial the administration has felt like they just had to do this deal. I think if we would step away if they are trying to cross these two remaining red lines, if they try to cross those, i do think we should step away and step away from the table and make sure that we end up with a deal that will stand the test of time. We already have so many weaknesses in it today. Are there any hopeful signs, any compromises that the iranians have made or what parts of the deal make you think the negotiations should continue and give you any look you think about it. Fordo was going to be closed. Now its going to operate. Go down that list. Araq was not going to produce plutonium. How it is but in a more limited way. It was going to be a 20year deal. Now its ten. We were going to dismantle their program. Now were going to manage their proliferation. Mika, i think a lot of people are looking on both sides of the aisle that these last remaining qualitative issues to make a decision. What we really are doing here when you think about it, weve spent 20 years putting sanctions in place on iran. 20 years. So i think each senator is going to have to make a decision is it worth a tenyear pause, is it worth a tenyear pause, while they can continue to do the research and development on advance centrifuges, continue to develop their Ballistic Missile program. And i think these last remaining qualitative issues are going to weigh heavily on people. Look, i know im being criticized somewhat for raising these issues but i would say its better to raise them on the front end before they reach a deal and hopefully stiffen them. The parliament they call it Something Else in iran but the parliament, they are voicing concerns about the deal and i think its much better for us to weigh in now and express our concerns and hopefully stiffen the spines of the negotiators at the table. Senator, i want to ask you about another matter would you like your neighbors in South Carolina to stop flying the flag on the grounds of the capitol in columbia . I see no reason for it to continue. I would certainly vote against flying the flag and my sense thats what theyre going to do over the course. A lot of your president ial candidates have not been as plain spoken as you about that. Would you encourage them to speak out the way you have and say plainly, the flag should come down . I think theres a balance that many of the candidates are its a state issue and i acknowledge that its a state issue. Im saying that if i were there i would certainly vote to have it come down. It serves no purpose anymore, especially after what has occurred. I was born in South Carolina. I lived in South Carolina the first 11 years of my life. I love South Carolina but i think in light of whats happened, theres no question from my perspective over what ought to happen. Lets move on from iran to an issue that obviously occupies a lot of time here on the show and that is what to do with isis. There seems to be more and more Foreign Policy experts coming on and saying that building up the iraqi army is not an option that at some point were going to have to engage in real politics and understand that theres not one country anymore called iraq. Youve got the sunni west and youve got kurdistan for our turkish friends to the north of kurdistan. And then you have an iranianinfluenced baghdad. Is that where we most likely are going from all the evidence that youre gathering right now . I was in iraq three months ago. While i support what were doing there, theres no question it feels as if were creating a country that is going to be a better country for iran to dominate. Theyre dominant in the parliament. On the senate floor last week most of my republican colleagues voted to arm the kurds directly. I did not. I just dont think were quite to the point of implementing what in essence theyre saying is the biden plan. Its basically set a decade ago. I dont think were quite to that point. I made it clear to my colleagues. I may get there at some point and i saw Charles Krauthammers oped that clearly stated the countries of syria and iraq are no more. Obviously the lines were artificially drawn, but im not quite to that point. Weve lost a lot of blood and lives and treasure. That doesnt mean we ought to continue to implement a bad policy but im just not yet at the place where were going to look at arming the three groups individually, causing the country to break apart. Im being a little pejorative here but i think its fair really the mistake we made so largely was back in august or september of 2013 when a tenhour operation in essence was going to be put in place to push assad back when he put the chemical weapons to use against his people. From that point on the countries have just dissipated. There is no border there. Weve all, both sides of the aisle, have made many many mistakes relative to this part of the world. Am i at the point of saying lets just let it break apart . Im not quite there. I could get there over the next several months but not there today. Senator bob corker, thank you so much for joining us. Good to have you here. We love having you. Thank you for having me on. Well watch the steel and chime in if you have more to say. Congress cant seem to get anything done so is it up to the countrys mayors . Were going to talk to the democrat and republican heads of the u. S. Conference of mayors next to see what they have to say about that. Well be right back. Theres nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. 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Joining us now, Baltimore Mayor stephanie rawlingsblake, and mayor mick cornett of oklahoma city. Good to have you both on the show this morning from san francisco, up early. I guess first of all, what do you think the Biggest Issue at this conference is where mayors can actually move the needle in ways that washington cant . Stephanie, ill start with you. I think the best part about this organization for me it is a Nonpartisan Organization that has the ability and the track record of working to build consensus in a bipartisan way. I think we just heard in our runup to us being on the show the issues surrounding democrats and republicans and i think its the time where the country wants to see us come together and get things done and thats what this organization gives us the opportunity to do. We have a fourday strategy session really on how were going to strengthen our cities and it winds up today in san francisco. Talk about some of the ways mayor cornett, that you all are working together to try to do that. We share best practices first of all, but first and foremost were looking to washington to take the lead on the transportation bill. We need a longterm solution to our infrastructure needs. Its a ticking time bomb and were hoping congress will act and finally pass a longterm bill. Among the issues that are important to me the main street fairness act. Were unable to collect taxes on remote sales and it needs to be fixed. You talked about infrastructure. Youre a republican from a conservative place. Im a republican from a conservative place. For me i have understand the just say no to infrastructure funding, like you said our bridges, our roads, our train systems are all falling apart. What would you say to republicans in washington d. C. And in think tanks who think its a wise idea to slash infrastructure funding . It makes absolutely no sense. All were doing is handing off a big bill of deferred maintenance onto the next generation. The senator from oklahoma jim enhoff, leads a Key Committee on infrastructure. Hes a former mayor, being the mayor of tulsa. He sees the wisdom of investing in infrastructure. He and senator boxer hopefully are going to lead the way in senate and we can get this thing done. The current twomonth extension that will wind up in july and you can bet mayors are going to urge communities to contact their elected leaders and see if we can get this thing past. Bridges arent pork and we shouldnt wait until the next train tragedy to make sure that we invest in our infrastructure. When you look at some of our roads, our bridges, our rail systems, were so outdone by other countries around the world. Its time for us to really get moving on these things and look at it as a way to put people back to work and make the investments in our country that will make us competitive. Mark . You heard from Hillary Clinton. You heard from barack obama. Im assuming you invited republican president ial candidates to come speak. Assuming thats true why didnt they . Why isnt this since its a nonppz group . Ive been told its a scheduling issue but they missed a real important. We would have learned to heard from president ial candidates on what their urban agenda might exist of as they head to the 2016 elections. We had limited seating. I dont know if we can get all of them in there. Very good. Stephanie, as baltimore has really become a big issue and is still struggling so much and the murder rate there, looking back and looking forward, is policing going to change and has it changed and is it changing . Looking back and looking forward, the conversation is the same, it has to change. Ive had this conversation with the fraternal order of police. When i was in annapolis fighting for the officers bill of rights i had a frank conversation with them. I said you are at a critical time. Were at a cross roads in our country. You can choose to be a part of the solution and lead nationwide or we can continue to draw this line in the sand and think that things are going to stay the same. When i testified, i told the members of the legislature that ferguson could happen anywhere. While i was talking about other places in the country, it ended up being baltimore. Why . Because theres no place in our country that has solved the issue of poverty, solved the issue of inequity. We are all challenged with these issues and my goal as the president of the u. S. Conference of mayors is to bring those issues to the forefront, shine a spotlight and give the mayors a space and place to Work Together on some of these systemic issues. Thank you very much. Thanks for being on the though. Thank you. Theres nothing like visiting ireland unless your flight was supposed to go to chicago. What . An unruly man on a flight forces more than 200 passengers to sleep in the bell fast airport. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back with that. Its so shiny. I know, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. If you want beautiful results, you know where to go angies list. Now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. You can shop special offers or just tell us what you need and well help you find a local company to take care of it. Angies list is there for all your projects, big and small. Pretty. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. My cut hurt. Mine hurt more. Mine stopped hurting faster neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. Neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. Fights the pain. Available at walmart. Two streetlights. The only difference that little blue thingy. You see it . Thats a sensor. 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Because 300 United Airlines passengers were forced to spend almost 23 hours in an airport over the weekend. I dont think i would be well behaved about that. After their flight from rome to chicago was diverted to belfast, ireland to offload a disruptive passenger, they landed in ireland just before 7 00 p. M. On saturday and were stranded in the airport until 6 00 p. M. On sunday. Heres nbc kevin tibles. I think united handled it very poorly. Reporter it was a weary and angry group of travelers finally arriving at ohare after their flight from rome to chicago was diverted to belfast in Northern Ireland and stuck there for nearly 23 hours. The flight was forced to make an unscheduled landing following reports of an unruly passenger on board. He was cussing, swearing. He was doing this. He was getting in the persons face behind them. He kept doing this. Just getting into her personal space. Reporter once in belfast, a 42yearold man was taken into custody, his arrest captured on cell phone video. But by this time the flight crew had gone over its hours, stranding 282 passengers first on the tarmac, then in the airport terminal overnight. United airlines should have a reserve crew available and they should know that this crew is getting ready to time out. Reporter while blankets, food and water were provided many found themselves spending the entire night on the floor of the terminal building and without their luggage. In a statement, United Airlines said we understand the inconvenience this causes our customers and will refund their rome to chicago flight. Its the second time in as many weeks united passengers spent an uncomfortable night. Mechanical problems forced a chicago to london plan to land in remote goose bay. They were housed in local military barracks while the flight crew stayed at a local hotel. At that time united said we apologize to our customers for the disruptive travel plans and will be refunding their ticket to london. One passenger was missing, the one charged and still being held in belfast for disruptive behavior on an airplane and common assault. Up next he is one of the most memorable song writers of his generation. Well talk to james taylor about his first new album of original songs in more than a decade. Keep it right here on morning joe. In the nation, we know how you feel about your car. So when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. Love because whats precious to you is precious to us. Love is strange just another way we put members first. Join the nation. Baby. Nationwide is on your side mamas, dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys dont letem pick guitars and drive them old trucks boys . Mamas, dont let your babies. Stop less. Go more. The passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. 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Joining us now, fivetime grammy award winner and member of the rock and roll hall of fame james taylor. Hes out with a new album. Look at the vinyl. I got a vinyl, thank god. Joe is very happy about this. Takes me back baby. I think this version is actually clear vinyl. Really . Ive never seen that before. Oh look at us. Were not even talking about the music on it. Dont play it. Your first album of original songs in a dozen years . It has been a while. When did you make the decision that you were ready to do it again . Ive been trying to focus on it for about five years but i finally got serious in 2013. I took a good part of the year off and got down to writing. How was it different working with the note pad james taylor than it was 30 years ago when you were starting out . Thats a good question. Its like 30 years ago these things were i couldnt keep them in. They were being squeezed out, forced out. I was writing all the time no matter what. But now i have to really court the muse. Mike is here with us. Usually were talking about the barnacle boys like the holiday begans that they are but theyve done something amazing. At james request i believe they did a video for the song about fenway park. This is a song angels of fenway about the 2004 miracle series in the playoffs the wild card position that the Boston Red Sox had and the series against the yankees when they were down 3 and needed to win 4 in a row, an impossible task. Pretty much everybody had given up on it. Just what that was like to be in new england to witness the end of the curse of the bambino, it was so such a moment an incredible thing that people had been waiting for for generations, that i knew i wanted to write about it. The red sox sort of embraced the song and wanted to there was a weekend series with the yankees. They wanted to sort of present the song and do me a favor, too, and help me sort of release it. A great night there, it really was. I remember looking down and looking up at the moon rising. I said it just doesnt get any better than this. Heres a clip of the video. Oh, them yankees, outspending everybody 21 picking up on the cream of the crop stealing everyones favorite son angels of fenway mama was a fenway fan, even after grand dad died those boys done good mike. That looks great. Remarkable. Do you listen to music when youre in the car . I do. Unless im writing. I often write lyrics sweet baby james was written on the turnpike to boston. Its a good place before the cell phone, you were uninterrupted. Yes, you could mull and really think. Now theres not an instant. I know it follows you everywhere. Its fascinating. Were lucky that we have this. Its fascinating that i hear your songs either on xm the 70s channel or the bridge i hear your songs more now than i did in 1974 or 75. Its remarkable the way that works. Theyre staying alive and getting as much air play as they did in the 70s. I keep waiting for it to end but as longas long as the audience shows up were going to go on the road again. James taylor a great honor to have you here. We thank you for coming. The album is before this world and im going to get it in vinyl. Its absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for being with us. Well be right back with much more morning joe. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me. And youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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If youre going to travel to europe, the way you avoid what those other people avoided is you go to europe like you do in your gold string so the south and back oh, come on. If somebody is unruly you send them to the back. I think what i learned today is mr. First class made a very good point. Bob corker senator from tennessee was born in success kouth carolina thinks the Confederate Flag should and will come down. Jeb has come out and hes been very straight forward about it. Mitt romney has. But a lot of hesitation. Do you think that hesitation melts away in the coming days . I think it will. I think youll see the governor and the two republican senators come out to take it down. Maybe they will, but its coming down. That would be fascinating. Thank you guys so much as always for watching us. We appreciate it. Had some fascinating discussions today, as always. Way too early. What time is it . Its time for morning chat. Its time for the rundown. Starts now. Good morning. Im jose diazbalart. What might be a Major Development in the search for two convicted killers who escaped from an upstate prison more than two weeks ago. Nbc news confirming this morning that there was a cabin breakin in the Mountain View owls head area of new york. A single individual fled the scene as they opened the camp on saturday. A manhunt in that area intensifying as we speak. We will have more on that later in the rundown. Now to developments surrounding words of hate and words of healing coming out of South Carolina. The words getting the most attention this morning are from president obama in a new radio interview. Using a highly charged word to drive home his point about racism in america. The legacy of

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