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0 you are doing with a divided government and you cannot only lift to survive, you can get praised by people for doing the right thing. they did it in a serious way. so i think this is a beggar deal in terms of the symbolism and potential precedent it is being given credit for so far. >> i agree, of course, nicole, you will have all the cheesy head leans about the political odd couple. look at them. they are the political odd couple. it does say something about how much the last government shutdown, for not only the republican, but also how much democrats were wondering about it when they went back home that you guys just aren't getting things done. apparently there is pressure coming from the middle to broker a deal leak this. >> right and to introduce the crafts plex of this. republicans are interested in keeping the focus on they still feel are the decision of obama's health care law. you look at all the new polling that's out. it is having a devastating impact on this white house and this president. so i think that the policy was sound enough for paul ryan who has made his entire brand about sensible conservative budget. but to put the policy aside, this happens in washington as we all know pretty quickly and the politics of this i think most republicans feel work and allow them to keep the focus on the deefficiencies and the health care laws. >> but, in washington, d.c., isn't, fine, we have a proposal down the "wall street journal" op-ed page. this is a real categories of how far the bar has been lowered in terms of public acceptance. this is tremendous. they spoke to each other. what a revolutionary thing. >> how can you say? this is a triumph. we will keep the american government opened. imagine that. that is the epitome of success at the moment that we can actually keep the government functioning, but you are all right that not everybody is very happy. even steve ratner one of our "morning joe" team, he's writing in the new york time today congress avoids reality again. how wonderful would it have been to have a major fess cal success to show for more than two years of shutdowns and all around silliness the show down? november 2011 produced absolutely nothing. even though they occurred at the point of a gun, the impending spending cuts. this time around they didn't face similar consequences for an action, while we need to reverse the fiscal policy and address long-term deficit the agreement accomplished neither, perhaps offering a reminder for the need for these steps is naive in this politically fractious environment. unless we can come to grips with the fiscal issue, we will be enfriendgeing a huge burden on our children. is this deal worse in the sense they had an opportunity to do something and they skwaupderred that opportunity? >> i can only echo what mark said this morning. i think as nicole said, something can get done, clearly, i think it serves as the real model, the goal we should be looking to achieve. be you the fact that ryan and murray, two people, particularly conservative, didn't believe that patty murray, who leans a little left than i, some in the political world was able to achieve something with the former vice presidential candidate of the republican party. i think it bodes well. i hope the president as he returns home from the great funeral of nelson mandela will look to this and follow the word of his statement and took to achieve what i hope will be a real long-term grand bargain in the coming months. i think it will be the best thing that could happen thus far in the second term of his presidency. >> you know they keep focusing on dischretienary spending, that's where the overwhelming majority of the focus has been, obviously, steve ratner and many other are concerned about the long-term debt and entitle him spending. for the most part, they only had modest reforms. so still a lot to do and i guess a lot of polls came out last night on the president and congress, not good news for either side. >> no, definitely not good news for either side, more than a year after winning re-election, obama finds himself less popular than ever before. according to a "wall street journal" poll, 54% now disapprove of president obama. that's a record high and quinnipiac university find the president's favorability dropping to a new low, 38% approve, 57% disapprove. overall, those numbers are due in large part to obama care. the nbc poll finds 58% say the health care law is the mane issue shaping their views with the president. just 34% say the health care law is a good idea. 50% say it's a bad idea. we all could also have political ramifications at the ballot box in 2014. now more americans say republicans, not democrats, should take control of congress, but, of course, jerry, the poll says that congress's ae profl rating in the tank as well. i think 1% of poll respondents, joe, said that congress is doing an excellent job. i think we should all go out and find that 1%. >> it is the friends of the family plan on the polling. maybe they're the ones that say they're doing excellent. you go through the list of the polls that came out. you get a variety of responses, i think quinnipiac has the president 38%. a queen pack poll has them around 45%. the "wall street journal"s a them at 33%. i will tell you the most discerning number is the same football that just you know george w. bush and you guys couldn't stand and that's the question of trustworthiness when only, you know, 37, 38% of americans believe that you are actually trustworthy and that your word is good. that's just devastating. not just for a president but for any politician from top to bottom. it's got to really stink. >> that's the one that hobbles the rest of your legislative agenda. it makes it very difficult to rally democrats and republicans around your foreign policy. that's the number that makes it very difficult for you to go out and campaign for members of your political party in the mid-terms. that's the number that changes daily life in the west when because every planning meeting be every that number reaches those lows is how the president can help pass a law, how the president can help pass his agenda, how the democrat can support the democrats. once that number flips upsidedown, it's about keeping the president away from the priorities that matter the most. >> you take all of these polls in some, it's how front and center the health care law is for everybody. 35% said it was the economy forming their opinions about the president of the united states. there are some areas where the economy is getting better. yet the president's numbers continues to tick down. it shows people are focused in, whether the white house wants them to be or not on obama care. >> it will be necessary that the overall poll numbers get better. i'm not sure it will be eefficient. he still has a floor of support. as bad as the truthworthy numbers are, i think msnbc journal poll is probably the closest. he's still in the low 40s. that's a strong thing to build off of. >> if this is the floor. >> that would suggest it was the floor. >> he rarely is below 40 in ferms terms of overall approval rating. >> that means he doesn't have far to go to have some successes to get back to the mid-40s. >> their pollster is right, this is the inflexion point. it will go with one or the another. >> it might be. i think he has to do big and dramatic things. the personnel changes they will make i think are good. >> is it a good move? >> i think it is. he has to do something big and dramatic having a 440 with a ceiling of free of at a time when all these other footballs are deteriorating and the health care thing is a good problem, i don't know what he can accomplish. >> on the table, we are looking again, if you are just getting ready for work or getting your kid ready for school. you are not looking at the screen, queen pack has it 38%. cbs 42%. bloomberg 42%. nbc news wheat journal poll 43%. pugh poll 45%. let me throw this up into the table. what can the president do that is big that doesn't require him striking a deal with must be u republicans, a significant deal with republicans. it just doesn't seem to be in his temper him. what can he do? what's the big idea? >> other than a martian envacatie invasion, i think if he wants to get his big items passed. >> he wants to beat the republicans. they're looking at 2014. they're not looking at history. are they? >> he could lose the senate. i don't think that's a good strategy. >> i would structure a men mum wage increase bill that looked at how you keep it for a rate for first time employees, meaning young people and heads of households from an income generating stand point. no. 2, i'd approve the keystone pipe lean right awhat e. >> i knew it. welly geist. i knew, where was drilling going to come in here? >> it's a job creation. >> he's a boilman. we need to get him a jru, because every time he comes on, hey, i'm with you, buddy. >> i'm all about oil. we will have more oil than anybody else in the world, natural gas. i'm saying, willie geist. >> paul ryan writes in the white house right when i land and say, loose, let's find a way to gen now, get all that we want. let take the next step here and get two things done. >> i was so bullish on the taxes entitlement deal but republicans will not raise taxes and harry reid will not cut entightlements. it's not going to happen. >> the big driver of his negative is the failure of the health care to work. the introduction to the health care. that's a beg dreefr of these negatives. what has to happen for his stuff to go up is it has to work and it's going to work. it works better each and every week. anecdotally you can peck up from people trying to go online. they are having success, they are enrolled in state of state. those numbers will go up because of health care or they're going to crash. >> there still will be a lot of lossers in health care. and until he can rehabilitate the image of the overall program. people whose premiums will go up. they will have limited choice. >> that's a losing chose. that's on us. we will peck the thing apart and have the loser of the week the winners of the week. >> people who were told and believe if they leak their healthcare they can keep it. if they trusted their doctor, they could keep it. every single person and everyone in their world that knows about that story. that's not a website glitch. that's not a rollout problem. knows are people who feel fundamentally lied to. >> that's a credibility problem. i think that's a source. >> there are lots of winners. there are lots of lossers, too. >> they western honest about that. >> joe, i wonder if this is all about jobs. if you look at these polls closely. one of the things that streaks me, afternoon though we have seen certain uptechs in the economy, president obama isn't getting credit for them. people are saying we think this would happen anyway, wall street recovery, the de13 in the unemployment numbers,er that not gefg the white house any credit for having turned those things around. is that because people aren't feeling those met treks yet, they're not seeing what is happening around the country? they're not feeling it in their own pockets. i think until you can get people to start thinking, we see the numbers showing the economy is proving, we are feeling that the economy is improving in our households around our friend and our families. i think this is a hard one for the president to turn around. >> that is what is critically driving his poll numbers. >> you know, isn't it the case that there seems to be right now such a massive disconnect between wall street and their success, the best numbers ever and at mane street whereas i've said all the past six months when i have been going around, i buy something in a local store. i ask, how are you guys doing? business up, business down. there is such concern right now because they're not feeling the recovery yet. you feel it in spots around the country, but don't you think there is such a disconnect and when everybody starts feeling the recovery, if in fact, there is a recovery, they feel the economy is growing leak some of the numbers suggest they are. then a rising tide lifts all boats as we conservatives and jfk like to say and the president's numbers will go up when people start feeling their economic fortunes going up across america. >> i think that's exactly right. you speak to economists. a couple things they say would add gdp growth, immigration reform and tax reform. the chances of getting those passed are slim. they seem to be concrete things to boost job growth at the same time. i do think that's what the president needs to do. he's got to close that gap between numbers which mean nothing to people that suggest check growth and what people are feeling at home. >> a lot more to talk about this morning, coming up on "morning joe" david axelrod joins us and senator colburn talks political strategist. meek murphy, vanity fair's gradegrade greydon carter. >> what a start to winter. we've had one outbreak membersed in with a mini snowstorm. the ohio valley and the northeast. first things first, yesterday, we dealt with our mini snow. a lot of areas got two, three inches. this morning, look at these wind chills. we're in the teens in many areas. whatever was out there yesterday, a slush is now frozen solid. if the northern planes is the ice box, this is brutal stuff. wind chill warnings, minus 38 the lowest i can find in cookston, mens mince. not much better in mens mince or fargo, it is sfloe snowing. be careful on the roads in and around chicago about one to three inches of snow is expected as we go throughout your morning rush hour. it is starting to dreft, fort wane to toledo. about the weekend storm the timing not so good, especially with people trying to get their stuff done, this is the total snowfall for the event. this is our european model. this area in general expecting accumulating snow. the possibility of three to six inches could be widespread. good for the ski resort. baaed if you are going to your holiday party. a cold day throughout the country. i'll have more on that next snow event coming this weekend. d.c., reagan national airport, i can't believe it, you didn't get your two inches of snow. we'll make that 1,049 days without two inches of snow. you are watching "morning joe." 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