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latest tweet is still from april 8th about the death of walter scott in south carolina. probably any second today may be the day for the big news. come on. this is something we've all been expecting for months, even years. former first lady, former secretary of state hillary clinton is expected to make a big announcement on twitter any minute now. unless you're about to drop her secret new album with a secret track by jay z, nobody will be caught off guard by what she has to say. secretary clinton has clearly been mounting a campaign for the presidency of the united states for some time now. the 2016 campaign feels like it's been in the works since the day after president obama's re-election in november 2012. sharp political observers could not miss the beginning stages of the campaign structure this past february as counselor to the president john pa des that and communications director jen pab airy left their jobs in the white house to work presumably for the technically not official clinton campaign. after that the not yet official campaign made headlined when it leased a campaign office in downtown brooklyn. that's when the fec became a factor. the federal election commissioner says once you've done something as official as leasing a campaign office space, you have two weeks to announce you are running for president. so the final countdown began. within a few days speculation about when and where it would happen narrowed until we eventually found ourselves here participating in this very strange post modern election ritual of refreshing a twitter page, you know live on television over and over. nope still hasn't happened yet. but let's keep going. following the twitter announcement we expected video, perhaps not unlike the one we saw in 2008. >> form a presidential exploratory committee. i'm not just starting a campaign i'm beginning a conversation with you, with america, because we all need to be part of the discussion if we're all going to be part of the solution. >> then as now, she will enter the democratic field as the far and away presumed front-runner. when she announced in 2007 she led the man in second place, then senator barack obama by 24 points among democrats. this time around she will enter the field 54 points above her two closest competitors. apz far as we know neither of them are even running. so what of the rest of the feel that is run? small as it is there are, in fact some folks who will be coming at mrs. clinton from one consistent place her left. to her left on foreign policy is former republican turned independent turned democrat lincoln chafe fee. he told lawrence o'donnell hillary clinton is disqualified from the nomination for one reason. >> to make this decision to go into iraq was so bad that i would stick with what i said whether it's john kerry or joe biden or hillary clinton. >> and to her domestic policy left is martin o'malley the former governor of maryland. this week he said down in des moines iowa with msnbc's ari melber and said this about his own party's relationship with wall street. >> i think our democratic party has come up short. people expected us to put some common sense regulations in place. there are more repercussions for a person being a chronic speeding violater in our country than there is for a big bank being a chronic violater of sec rules. >> perhaps the largest challenger to hillary clinton is the one who is not running against her. i'm, of course talking about senator elizabeth warren who, despite unequivocal pronouncements she won't run for president, has inspired a movement about economic populous in the democratic base. with her bold support for student debt reform and expanding social security senator warren has been the star of the liberal base whether she wants to be or not. everyone on the left from to new york's working family's party to actor mark ruffalo have called on warren to get into the race perhaps warren has made it clear she will not heed those calls, that she will not run, there is a rallying on the left for hillary clinton to introduce herself in a new way, a movement for hillary clinton to embrace the populist issues that will excite the democratic base. and so we wait. control room can you hit refresh just one more time? nope, not yet. but later today when hillary clinton tries one more time after 23 years in the national spotlight to reintroduce herself, it will be interesting to see just who she turns out to be and whether hillary 4.0 can sustain momentum all the way to the white house. joining me soledad o'brien award winning journalist mira tanden, president of the center for american progress and robert trait tum, msnbc contributor and former bush cheney senior adviser. nice to have you all here. >> morning. >> why is hillary likely running for president? >> i would imagine she thinks the country still has challenges and she's the best person to solve them. she will today i think talk a little bit about her vision for the country and continuing challenges we have in rising income inequality, stagnant wages, squeezes on the middle class and people trying to get into the middle class. mostly we'll hear from her in the coming weeks about those issues. really, she'll hear from the american people about the challenges they're facing. so she's not new to politics but these are different times. >> perhaps the understatement of the entire week. >> definitely not new to politics. there are values she's held for a vur long time. these are new times. it's important for her to discuss where she would take the country in the future. >> this idea of hillary clinton being not new to politics secretary of state, first lady senator, she has a very very long track record. soledad, part of what he eve seen for people that successfully become the president on the democratic side is people who are not very well known at this point in an election cycle because part of what a campaign is meant to be is a learning curve. you want to be somewhat known but not calcified, people either love or dislike her. very few people maybe for millennials just don't know her. part of what i'm wondering, if she has the capacity to reintroduce herself. >> she would do wonders if she did announce she was dropping a track with jay z. that would be so ridiculously game changing and make all the washington, d.c. reporters have to start talking about rap. >> maybe next year. >> and that would be news. we would stop whatever was happening on mhp show. >> you're pointing out the biggest challenges which there is an upside and a downside to being well known in washington. people's opponents obviously use that against -- you're an insider, it's problematic. she said as you rolled the tape i want to have a conversation with america. this person has been in politics for a long time late in the game to have a conversation in 2008. it's a reframing. this stage is always about here is who i am. what you think you know is not necessarily what i'm pitching. look at her web page wife mom, lawyer, women and kid's advocate. that's how she's reframing herself, wife, mom, children's advocate. >> the average guy is not husband/dad. usually husband/dad show up later in the twitter bio. there is one interesting reframing i've noticed. in 2008 the discourse was hillary for president. makes sense. this time apparently it will be hillary for america. and i wonder about that slightest reframing, still kind of the commonality. you know me i'm hillary, i'm your girl. i'm your friend. instead of being about for me for president, this time it is about for you, for america. >> what's interesting about all this and neera and soledad alluded to it, this has been a 25-year conversation we've had with hillary clinton as relates to her being on the public stage. the question becomes, what hillary clinton do we know? what hillary clinton do we have a relationship with? is it hillary clinton the former first lady of the united states secretary of state senator, even former first lady of arkansas. the question becomes, i think this will be central to her argument whether or not she gets the nomination which i think she is. look, at the end of the day women will probably vote for her in large numbers. the we is whether or not they come out to vote. >> i want to pause on that. i think this is among the democrat's biggest confusion problems. there is not a gender gap toward the democratic party. there is a racialized gender gap. white women chose mccain and chose romney in clear majorities. it was only because african-american women and latinas were overwhelmingly in support of president obama that that gender gap appears at all. >> but there's a gender gap between white women and white men, but not as large. there is a question of whether a woman running for president would ensure that more white women, more women -- >> people vote for individuals. out can't just do the math on it and say democratic versus republican. >> here is the political dilemma that mrs. clinton finds herself in. the last time a third presidency was announced and won was back in 1988 george h.w. bush the reagan third term. >> and coming directly out of -- >> two other quick things. that was the first time since world war ii. so the question becomes is whether or not hillary clinton is going to have a separate conversation about economic rights, about economic equality and so forth. >> have you been reading the rundown? that's where we're going next. i want to talk a little about hillary clinton -- we're not done with her just yet. as we go i do want to take a look i think perhaps the single best thing about hillary clinton likely announcing her run for the u.s. presidency today is that now "snl" is just going to have such great material. we saw it last night. let's take a look at that as we go out. >> since we're announcing your candidacy vee gentleman social media, we thought it would be fun if you actually filmed the video yourself on your own phone. >> maybe soften a little. a little more. maybe a lot more. >> great. and action. >> citizens you will elect me, i will be your leader. yep. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try new head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try new head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. scott: appears buster's been busy. man: yeah, scott. i was just about to use the uh... scott: that's a bunch of ground-up paper, lad! scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer, and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere! seed your lawn. seed it! the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6 so why settle for anything less than verizon. i have a whole script i'm going to read in just a second about social security but before i do that there has been a whole neera tanden robert train nam show going on in the commercial. we need a moment with you two. we left on a word that i introduced to the conversation which is this language of polarizing. i introduced in the conversation is often used. i promise i'll introduce my new guest in a moment. i would like to hear from the two of you. this insight for you, neera, you say it's wrong to think about hillary clinton as polarizing. >> i think what's fascinating about this is her numbers today, her negative-positive numbers, she has higher favorabilities and lower negatives than every republican candidate running today. we don't just roll out that jeb bush is polarizing even thoer she has higher positives. a great "new york times" piece this week people just say pollations are polarizing. the fact is she's less polarizing than anyone running. >> new york has a good point. there's a caveat to that. the reason she's less polarize polarizing, she hasn't taken positions on things like jeb bush, like immigration. >> that's not true. >> to give context to the whole conversation, i brought it up, i said what's interesting about this is from a branding standpoint in my opinion, the last time a presidential candidate has been introduced so many times is richard nixon from a historical standpoint. that's an interesting conversation before. the question becomes, as i said before, what hillary clinton is going to show up in a couple of weeks when she announces for president? i mentioned a few moments ago, wife, mom, lawyer. clearly she's rebranding herself as a softer individual being reintroduced to the american people. >> when i say polarizing i want to be clear what i mean by that. i think there are three categories. one category is positives, favorables, one is unfavorable and one is simply don't know. one of the reasons she has higher net favorabilities, there's still a large proportion of americans who haven't had any feelings about many of the republican candidates. my issue is that people either feel very strongly or very negatively about her. for me it literally is about an issue, a descriptive term of being at the polls. we'll stay on this. i want to introduce, if you have watched this season's "house of cards" you know the fictional democratic president, frank underwood, kicked off his unlikely presidency and bid for re-election by doing something long considered unthinkable, sets out to slash social security. >> the programs that you want to scale back or dismantle are the bedrock of the american dreechlt you work hard pay your taxes -- >> no, i'm sorry. they were the bedrock of the american dream, not anymore, certainly not for the 10 million people out of work. >> practically speaking a thousand specialized interests, organized labor, opposition in both parties, we can do a version of what you're proposed. >> i don't want a version. i want a vision. >> "house of cards," thank goodness, not an accurate representation of policy making. but there is a movement afoot to rethink the entire social security question, not in an entitlement reform way, but in a let's change the whole discourse kind of way. a new crop of activists are making the case that social security should be expanded. they're pressing "hillary clinton to embrace a position that senator elizabeth warren took back in november of 2013. >> seniors have worked their entire lives and have paid into this system but right now more people than ever are on the edge of financial disaster once they retire and the numbers continue to get worse. that is why we should be talking about expanding social security benefits, not cutting them. >> i want to bring two more people to the discussion here in new york nancy altman co-author of the book "soernl security works," and from washington, vary neek da rusi whose article for the national review is entitled "are democrats going to try to buy votes with ridiculous promises to expand social security?" let me go to you. are democrats going to try to buy votes with ridiculous promises to expand social security? >> i think the jury is still out. there's a group within the democratic party clearly talking about this. i think the center of the democratic party is there. after all, president obama has been putting on the table some proposals to scale back the growth of benefits. i think there are a lot of left-center organizations who are very much aware and solving the alarm about the insolvency of the program. it's going to be kind of interesting to watch the battle between those two sides. >> whenever i hear someone say the insolvency of the program, i figure this is the easiest problem we have to solve. you increase the cap on which social security can be taken out, instead of stopping at 118, ever bod pays it to 200 or 250. the other thing is if we look at the groups on poverty, the only group that has had a solution to poverty are the elderly, we've seen their poverty rates drop. all of it is social security. why wouldn't we make it universal, basically? >> it is universal, it should be expanded. >> expanded yes. >> i'm glad was here for the conversation about polarization. the one issue they're not polarized about is social security. they understand it's more important than ever and should be expanded. 79% of likely voters have said in polls they favor expanding social security. it's also profounding wise policy. it's common to call it a problem. social security is a solution. it's a solution to a moving retirement income crisis. it's a solution to income inequality. back in the 1920s when we had this income inequality, we enacted the minimum wage and social security. now it's time to raise the minimum wage and social security. >> why would hillary clinton make this a central campaign issue if no one runs against her? part of what's happening is people are saying elizabeth warren said this. but if no one is running, if there's no democratic primary, why would she move to the left? >> i think it's partly those statistics talking about an issue that in some ways the american voters feel very strongly about. i think the title of the long article about whether they basically try to get votes from people by going to something that voters really like. that's my version of the title of that. i think that's one reason she's going to have to. elizabeth warren could make things very tricky for hillary clinton. if you listen to what she has said, well she hasn't said she's running yet and i'll have to see what she has to say on some very important issues which means, as always i want to hear what she specifically delineates about the issues i feel very very strongly about, hill before you go on the record you might want to call me. >> hold on for me. we'll stay on this topic. vary neek stick with us. we'll talk more hillary clinton who hasnd announced just yet, but any moment now and more on social security. about the issues i feel very, ideas come into this world ugly and messy. they are the natural born enemy of the way things are. yes, ideas are scary and messy and fragile. but under the proper care, they become something beautiful. ♪ ah, push it. ♪ ♪ ♪ push it. ♪ ♪ p...push it real good! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ ♪ oooh baby baby. ♪ if you're salt-n-pepa, you tell people to push it. ♪ push it real good. ♪ it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. ♪ if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. ♪ i'm pushing. i'm pushing it real good! ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that's... seize the journey friendly. i do not want to fix the problems of social security on the backs of middle class families and seniors. if you lift the cap completely that is a $1 trillion tax increase. i don't think we need to do that. >> that was hillary clinton in 2007 during a debate in the presidential primary back when democrats had presidential primaries. so let me come back to you veronique on this. we heard candidate ka clinton at that time saying she didn't want to raise that cap. many on the left suggest that as a kind of solution. she says look it constitutes a tax increase. >> it's a major tax increase it is. it wouldn't actually fix the overall problem of insolvency. just to give you an idea of the scale, the program is running a cash flow deficit since 2010 which means the payroll tax doesn't cover all the benefits and will never again unless we raise the payroll tax a significant amount. but worse, the benefits can only be paid using the trust fund as long as there's a balance. that trust fund is going to be empty in 2034. what it means is then the program will revert to a pay-as-you-go and only be able to pay benefits to the level of taxes that it collects. that means a 25%, roughly, cut to benefits. and who is going to be hurting the most is poor people. the cumulative gap between promises and tax rates over 75 years is over $10 trillion which, even for washington, is big. if you extend it to infinity is over $25 trillion. there is a problem -- the imbalance means the program is going to have to be reformed. >> okay. so i get that that is one side of it. i do want to point out that others really do see these numbers differently. neera, you wanted to jump? >> first i'd like to clarify that hillary did talk about a shared set of responsibilities just at $250,000 and above. she was concerned about lifting the payroll cap between $100,000 to $250,000. we'll see what she does going forward. she was talking about people paying their fair share into the system and protecting middle class folks. social security is a fascinating issue we've gone back and forth on over the last couple years. republicans as part of an austerity agenda have wanted to cut social security. they use these scare tactics of $25 trillion over infinity. honestly, just listening to this, what does that mean? $25 trillion over infinity. this is a problem we should address. there are reasonable steps we can take. the scare tactics of $25 trillion over infinity or $10 trillion, et cetera, there are reasonable steps you can take tood dress the payroll cap, have people pay their fare share and solve this problem. we have problems of rising inequality and challenges to poverty. we should address those as well. >> we are the wealthiest nation in the world at the wealthiest moments in our history. there's no question we can afford social security. it's approximately 6% of our gdp going out through the 21st century. many other industrialized countries spend much more on their counterpart programs than we do today. in fact they spend more on their children as well. the question is one of values and priorities and choices. this election the american people will finally, i hope have a choice. governor martin o'malley has come out strongly for expanding social security, senator bernie sanders who reportedly will run has come out for expanding social security. all the republican candidates from the senate are on record against expanding social security. virtually all the democrats in the senate and the house of representatives are there. the question is where will hillary clinton be if she comes out for expand the american people will finally have a choice. >> very quickly, the frustration i have with this there's no shared set of facts. i think we all know -- >> no no there is. >> there isn't. >> there really is a shared set of facts. if you raise the payroll cap, instead of saying after $118,000 of income you no longer have to pay into social security then these issues about the deficit go away for the very long for seeable term that is shorter than infinity. that does constitute a tax increase, a tax increase on a particular set of people. as soon as you start talking about taxes, it is an issue about values, about whether we should increase taxes for that purpose. it's not a fact problem. we know if you raise it you have solvency. >> what we can't agree on is whether or not it's really going to be insolvent in 2033 or whatever the figure. >> there is no disagreement on the facts, the trustee has put out a report every single year -- >> it's like saying there's a disagreement about climate change. there just isn't. the question is whether or not you think we should address it by raising taxes. veronique, we will have you back to talk about this. i'm simply out of town. i would love next time you come to new york i'm hot and passionate. >> i'd like your panel to talk about how unfair it is. >> nobody in the panel can say anything either. here in new york i want to say thank you to nancy altman. up next we'll talk to the ladies about the fact that it may be time to ask for a raise. i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? 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[ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. the gender wage gap is a complicated phenomenon. at least part of the reason on average women on average make less than men is because of what happens at the negotiating table. we know women are far less likely to negotiate for better compensation than men are. we know when women do negotiate, they suffer a social cost that men do not, they're seen as not nice enough or too demanding. there's been a lot of suggestions for women to close the gap. the interim of readit has another tactic she's banned any pay negotiation for prospective employees. she told the "wall street journal," quote, men negotiate harder than women do. sometimes women get people liesed when they do negotiate. so we don't negotiate with candidates. we're not going to reward people who are better negotiators with more compensation. joining us is dolly chu from nyu eastern school of business. what do you make of this by saying no negotiation 1234. >> it's bold and gutsy. i love that. what we're dealing with is unintentional bias. those things aren't going to go away by us just hoping they do. we need bold and gutsy experiments. i think this is an experiment. what i want to see her do is track the data. i want to see something crazier, i want to see them mandate that everybody negotiate. that would be an interesting direction. instead of mandating nobody negotiate, what would happen if we said everybody needs to make the case. >> it's an interesting way to go. when i was teaching at princeton university, i had this incredible woman president, shirley tillman. part of what she said was mandate parental leave for both the men and women on faculty so you couldn't be punished for taking parental leave. everybody had to take it. i wonder about this kind of approach versus a lean-in approach that tells women to do better. >> i love the mandating. i think you should judge people on their ability to go in and advocate for themselves in an interview. i like that. now i'm in a position i run a company. i hire people all the time. number two, i think we see in the data that women have to learn to become better negotiators. i don't think you can put it all on the lap of do better somehow over come systemic bias the system. first of all, the statistics show men go in and start negotiating, 7% of women, something like 50% of men. number one women have to think about that. number two, from personal experience and some of the data you see, you have to learn how to negotiate. i've had people come in and say listen, i want a raise because i've been here for x number of years. it doesn't work like that. you have to say here is my value. how do you hit my bottom line. >> the worry i have about mandating or negotiating or saying to women you need to do more i worry that women do get punished -- if you mandate negotiating, then the women are negotiating, the men are negotiating. but if you still have a system in which women who negotiate are looked at as hyper aggressive or rude or mean then they're still going to be punished in that system. i think the challenge we have is there's really a cultural problem in the workplace. i have women who work for me and men who work for me and they're all great. but the men do negotiate a lot tougher, and we all have -- in different workplaces women can be punished even when they do the exact same thing a man does. >> we keep talking about likability, the thing back in fourth grade. in the workplace, we're still assessing, do they like me? >> when i get to this moment in the conversation i always think, okay what about all the women we are leaving out of this story through this kind of class bias? i think about undocumented immigrant women doing the domestic labor at home for the women leaning in at the workplace, and if they try to negotiate, we know they are vulnerable to all kind of negative ex-ternlts. >> absolutely. i think we as researchers need to build it in. the backlash effect is not true for all women. likability -- there's great research that's been done that shows that agency penalty, the assertiveness penalty is true for white women. it's true for black men. it's not as true for black women. in fact this is one of those cases where the stereotype rarely enough works for you. >> don't make me go get angry black woman out of my back pocket. you don't want me to go get her. >> it's also important to address the issues that lower income women face. one of the challenges we have in our society today is that the people who have the most resources, higher income women and men get paid leave, get sick days. so the people who are at the bottom end or even middle income have no paid leave, very little access to sick days. that's why we also have to ensure that we have those benefits for everyone. >> we have one more woman we're going to talk about when we come back. when we come back #setthedate, 155 days and counting. thank you dolly chugh. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6 so why settle for anything less than verizon. ♪ hi, tom. how's the college visit? 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it has been 155 days since president obama nominated loretta lynch to replace eric holder as the next u.s. attorney general. after all that time the senate republicans, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell have refused to hold a vote to confirm her. it started in november, november 8 to be exact. president obama's historic nomination would make loretta lynch the first african-american woman to hold the post. now the story is shadowed by a different historical relevance, at 155 days lynch has waited longer than any cabinet nominee in the last three administrations. lynch's wait time will be more than the eight previous ag nominees behind. for this reason we have our eye on senatorthe senator asking if they have plans to set the date. on thursday we were told that senator mcconnell made no announce. we called again on friday mcconnell spokesman sent us statement via e-mail. the only thing holding up the lynch vote is the democrats' filibuster of a human trafficking bill that would help prevent kids from being sold into sex slavery. the sooner they allow the senate to pass that bipartisan bill the sooner the senate can move to the lynch nomination. there you go. no loretta lynch conversation until there's a vote on this bill. now, i've said it before but maybe it bears repeating, the confirmation of loretta lynch has nothing to do with the substance of the human trafficking bill. senate republicans insist they can't move forward until they pass the bill known as the justice for victims of trafficking act of 2015. democrats are blocking the bill over an abortion funding provision they say republicans tucked in to restrict the use of fines paid as restitution for funding abortions for survivors. meanwhile, republicans have shot back that the amendment language has been in the bill all along. again, none of this has actually anything to do with loretta lynch. but until it's resolved she remains in the crossfire that have left the two-time harvard-degree-earner in purgatory. up next, we'll take a look at the human trafficking bill that's clogging up the senate and delaying this historic vote. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? 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[ dance music plays ] [laughs] no way! i have no financial experience at all. that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro you just don't know. find a certified financial planner professional who's thoroughly vetted at cfp -- work with the highest standard. senator mitch mcconnell's office says there will be no vote to confirm loretta lynch as our next attorney general until the senate breaks an impasse over a human trafficking bill known as the justice for victims trafficking act. what's in it? it would fund law enforcement initiatives and specialized training to identify victims and acts of human trafficking, expand immigrations and customs enforcement mandate to fight cybercrime and establish anti-child human trafficking law enforcement units to investigate offenses and recuse the victims. joining the table now is malika czar who helped to craft it and tea ortiz, a trafficking survivor and victim act cat. still with us neera tanden and robert traynham. >> we've heard so much about this bill but nothing about it right? >> right. >> tell me why it's important. >> first and foremost this is a child trafficking bill. we have at least 100,000 american children who are bought and sold for sex every day in this country. the majority of them are girls between the ages of 12 to 14 and they are girls of color disproportionate disproportionately. what plays out is that when our girls are bought and sold for sex, there is a culture of impunity for purchasing girls. those individuals, those so-called johns who buy children for sex are rarely arrested and when they are arrested it's for misdemeanor solicitation. it is not for something more serious, even though what these individuals do to these children in any other context would be considered statutory rope sexual assault of a minor. >> part of what i want you to help me with aren't these actions already illegal actions? what is it this bill does that's unique? >> it ends impunity for buyers, right? because the focus on culpability in the law has been the traffickers. >> the sellers. >> the sellers. the focus has not been on those who buy our children. and so it is important to say that buying our children is not simply a misdemeanor. buying our children for sex should be a felony. >> okay. you have been doing this activism work for a long time. knowing that this bill is now standing in the way of loretta lynch's confirmation, even though it's not -- it isn't actually. both things could happen at the same time. does this strike you as sen inly about really wanting to pass this? i'm wondering how you feel given all the work you have done to get this bill to where it is now. and right now it's being held up. >> i think that for me as a former survivor and as well as an advocate, i think the arguments surrounding this bill is just kind of diverting from the main focus. the issue is that my story is unlike many other young people as we sit on this show and talk there are other young peoples being victimized. there are young people that come from minority communities, some of them from cross systems. what's relevant about my story that is so important to highlight is i was born here in the united states and i was trafficked as a child. that's the focus. that's what we need to realize, the focus is on the fact that there is no persecution or any type of i would say -- there's nothing done to the buyers. >> you say focused on the global as opposed to thinking about american children in these circumstances. one more piece about this as i was reading the bill there is a lot of language about strengthening local police departments. honestly i am of at least two minds on that. we'll spend the next hour talking about what looked like human rights violations to me by local police departments. tell me what it is about this bill that can make me feel confident that it will lead to protections as opposed to more investigations into these very vulnerable communities. >> a couple things. one thing is it's $150 million in funding for services for our kids. right now there are more shelters for animals than children who are trafficked. we desperately need services to protect and help our kids who are being trafficked. here is the other piece. the funding around law enforcement is to train law enforcement to be able to see the girls as victims of child rope, to be able to train them to understand that what you do for any other child of child rope you must do for these girls as well. and then the other piece of it is this is not a build to criminalize our kids for being bought and sold. this is a bill to go after those who buy our children. in all of the laws 245 we have so far, there is a criminalization of the trafficker of the seller who often are men of color who we put behind bars anyway. the focus has not been on the buyers who are disproportionately white married men who are professionals. so we need to be able to say that they too, who buy our kids are criminal z, and we have to be able to train law enforcement to recognize how to appropriately go after the buyers. >> we only have about 20 seconds. i want to give you the last word here. what would you say to democrats and republicans right now in the senate about this bill? >> that this has to be passed it has to be passed for the betterment of our children. it's an understanding that this is how we make changes and difference in giving opportunities to really get to the root of things the supply and demand. let's end it. >> set the date. confirm loretta lynch and cope with this bill. it is necessary. thank you to malika saar and t ortiz walker ped grew. coming up next when we report on a crime scene, we like to think that citing a police report gives us a sense of the facts. when it doesn't, everything is in question. more at the top of the hour. taxi. vo: after years of being treated like she was invisible it occurred to mindy she might actually be invisible. ♪♪ but mindy was actually not invisible. ooh, what are you doing? can you see me? she had just always been treated that way. yeah. you don't have to look at me like that. there are worst things than an attractive woman touching your body. i'll go. join the nation that sees you as a priority. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ push your enterprise and you can move the world. but to get from the old way to the new, you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps businesses move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. ♪ ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. (announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. welcome back. i'm melissa harris-perry. you've heard it on the news hundreds of times. you've read it in news stories so often that you may have stopped noticing it's even there. when recounting the story of a criminal investigation, it is the attribution reporters tag on to details of the case to indicate that the information comes from an official source. >> according to police reports, the officer. >> police claimed in their report -- >> legal document required to search his houston home has a lot of revelations. >> in this police report just released -- >> according to police police authorities said police report indicated. in what can be confusing and chaotic, early moments an days after a crime is committed, this are the words that have a feeling of control that we can be certain in our understanding of howie vents unfolded because the source is trustworthy and reliable. in fact, the word of a sworn officer of the law in the criminal justice system carries so much weight that it's often all it takes to tip the scales. it's the police are write the official report of what happened in a crime or accident. it's the police who can determine whether or not evidence should be introduced at trial. it is police who could influence whether or not a case should be sent to grand jury and whether or not a grand jury chooses to indict. during a criminal trial police testimony can sway a jury's sdigs of guilt or innocence and whether the crime in question is whether or not the police themselves are justified in the use of deadly force, quite often the word of the officer involved is sufficient to satisfy the law that, yes, it was. so earlier this week when media reports surfaced about south carolina's 11th police shooting of 2015 the story of what we believe to have happened was the story of what the police said. according to police last saturday north charleston police officer michael slager fatally shot 50-year-old walter scott after a struggle in which scott took officer slager's taser and attempted to use it against him. police allege it was at that point that the officer resorted to his service weapon and fired the fatal shots. on monday police publicly identified as slager as the officer involved in the shooting released documents reveelgs the details of the encounter. a spokesman says he was stopped after noticing a brake light and scott ran from the car and officer slager began the chase that ended when he fired his gun multiple times. officer slager said he opened fire after fearing for his life when scott took his taser. police documents said that backup officers attempted to administer first aid and performed cpr on scott until the paramedics arrived but scott was pronounced dead at the scene. that was, as of monday what we believe to have happened according to the police. but the next day we saw this and i want to warn you, many of you have already seen this video, but it remains disturbing for many of us. video shot on a cell phone camera by a witness to the encounter between scott and slager. the footage begins with as police said, a confront takes between the two men before scott runs away. but the point at which officer slager opens fire the point before which slager feared for his life because scott had taken his taser, scott is not in close proximity to him. in fact he has his back turned and is running away. after he is face down on the ground and handcuffed by the officer, the officer walks away and retrieves the object from the ground and comes back and drops what appears to be that object next to where scott is lying. the video then shows a second officer wearing disposable gloves who calls in the shooting as he kneels over scott's body pulling on his clothes as he lies face down and handcuffed on the ground. there does not appear to be any attempt at cpr made by the officers on the video. on wednesday, a man named feidin santana said he didn't witness the officers attempt any lifesaving measures while he was on the scene. >> the only thing i witnessed is taking -- they take his pulse. one of the officers took the shirt up to check the wound on the bullet and the body. >> but never tried to resuscitate him? >> i never saw that. i don't know if they did it after i left. i never saw that. >> on the same day the video released by a lawyer representing walter scott's family, officer slager was fired and charged with murder. the justice department and state authorities on working on the case. yesterday an overflow crowd of mourners gathered at a south carolina church to pay their final respects at walter scott's funeral. now, as we await the outcome of the investigation and the movement to end police violence adds another name to the list of the fallen. the discrepancies between the police narrative and the video of scott's death open up this question, not only about the value of black lives but also about how we are to value the police account of how those lives ended. joining me is khalil mohammed director of the shom brook center for research. neera tanden and msnbc contributor robert traynham. khalil, this officer lied, not got it wronged, not got confused, lied. what does it do to our whole system? >> it puts it on trial. my colleague, heather thompson wrote in "time" recently in a quote. she said coverup is the first line of defense, and the interesting thing about this is we know after report after report decade after derk cade going back nearly a century, we have a chicago report from 1922, the kerner commission report from 1968 the mullen commission report from 1994 now the ferguson report philadelphia report, so on and so forth. in every instance when we shine a laser on the problem, we see time and time again that police officers will cover up. there is a blue wall of silence and dishonesty. it is not universal, but it is baked into the system to the point where we have to find new ways of getting the official record. >> and this dishonesty neera, this is such an important crumbling point. in the doj ferguson report untruthfulness, they say many departments are finding untruthfulness pursuant to internal investigation that results in the officer's termination. the officer's credibility on reports and in providing testimony is subject to challenge. in other words lying is the thing. lying is the thing that undermines the whole system. >> what's amazing about this case is you have a victim shot in the back eight times. just on its face that seems surprising. if you're in a tus why is a victim shot eight times in the back. what's amazing about the level of confidence that the local folks had about the wall of laws is that other police officers crop rated the lies. it's not just the police report that says the police officer and witnesses, and there are other police officers there who all knew it was lies because he was shot in the back. that's what's amazing about this case is they put forward the lies and they felt that the whole system would back them up even though you'd have an autopsy and obviously shot in the back. >> it's a culture. >> it's a culture where everyone was in on it. that's what makes people -- people don't understand when you don't live in these communities or not subject to that people don't recognize that basic faith that you have in the police system working for you is the opposite. that's why someone is going to get up and run. god knows what's going to happen when the fact is that you can be killed for nothing. >> the point you're making amir it feels so critical. the problem is the problem of implicit racial bias which is an important question, about how in a moment of anxiety and fear and concern, an officer makes a decision based on something that is not explicit. and there are ways to combat that. but this ain't that. this is just lying. >> there are two groups that i think really have to do a lot of self-exam nation. as you point out, the police officers not the one who shot mr. scott, but everybody else who absolutely felt perfectly comfortable reading the reports, reading the police report and felt yeah that's what went down when it clearly did not. i would be very entered in seeing what happens to them. tell me the culture, why did you feel like you had to go along with the story? two, the reporters. when you read the original -- go back and read the original newspaper account of what happened, and i really hope the reporters say, wow, we framed -- we were tricked into framing a narrative about here is -- it went like this. >> this is what we do. the first thing we do when we're reporting on something, we check out the official reporting. >> ha is supposed to be the authority of record. we assume they're all telling the truth. the reason why we assume that is because these men and women, and the vast majority of them we all know this. but the vast majority of them are honest decent people. but they have a badge, and they are in the public domain, if you will. they take an oath to keep all of us safe. if you take a look at a police badge, it says civility and respect. the question becomes, do we have that? >> i don't assume -- >> i just don't want to miss this. often in this this conversation the next thing that happens is a discourse about so-called black-on-black violence. i want to point out no matter the race of the officers or the sick tims in any of these cases, the issue is that when the state takes your life it is something different. the state is set up to protect us. so when the state does it there is a different layer of accountability no matter the race. >> we don't assume they're telling the truth. you say when we read the account, we assume the police are telling the truth. i don't think that's true. i think there is no other account that we officially give the weight to as reporters. i don't think reporters say i believe the report. i think they say this is what we give more weight to this is how they operate under official documentation. >> i say all of us collectively. i think i'm under the assumption that the vast majority of people say the police report says this so therefore, it's true. reporters are inbread to be little skeptical. i think the average american -- black people are different -- >> we're going to be a little more skeptical of that police report. everybody stay with me. i do want to bring in a voice from the ground in south carolina when we come back. the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... 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>> for us in south carolina this is not an isolated incident. this is not surprising at all. many of us understand our journey for justice for walter scott, changing these police tactics, looking for body cameras, having independent reviews of police actions, these things require follow-through. that's what we're looking forward to from this point forward. we're not surprised by what happened last week. we all shed a tear. my aert aches for walter scott's family. we understand this journey for justice is going to take many steps forward. >> bakari is it your belief that if officer slager had been wearing a body camera that was activate activated, that he would have not shot mr. scott? >> for me the trouble is that -- and you can't get around this officer slager did not see a human being. and i think people fail to realize that. officer slager looked at walter scott as something less than a human being. i'm not sure he wouldn't have shot. but only hope is when police wear body cameras, maybe they'll hesitate to act. what we saw was beyond cold what we saw was beyond callous, what we saw was someone basically out on a deer hunt. i don't believe that to be a police tactic. what we found in south carolina and throughout the country is that is something happening on a regular basis. >> khalil i want to pull you in here. the to say that the officer was hunting is a pretty intense characterization. >> a very strong way of thinking about it. but it misses a really big point, that we don't have to reduce this problem to an individual racist or a culture of racism that animalizes black suspects in order for us to understand it. one of the great things about the ferguson report is to help us understand that we have taken for-profit business models and applied them in our criminal justice arena, which means it's not so much they're people or not people they are products they are our means to promotion, they are our means to productivity our means to legit! . when we talk about policing in ferguson, we talked about a federal program that says you have to prove you deserve to have this equipment? >> every disturbance becomes an opportunity for occupying local community residents. we have created systems that it doesn't matter whether slager thought he was on a deer hunt or not. the system essentially protects him and makes it inevitable that this will happen next week the week after next and next month. >> yet in one context, i want to put a pin in. it doesn't protect him in one sense. part of the reason was because he was arrested and charged with murder. >> he's not convicted. >> not yet convicted. >> dr. harris-perry, if i may, in south carolina we're very used to police officers getting arrested. >> oh. >> police officers getting indicted. we have a very low bar for justice in south carolina. in south carolina we haven't had any officers convicted. when i'm talking about the follow-through for justice, that's what we're looking for. >> we've been comparing this i think to moments like the ferguson one where there was not even an indictment, also in new york where there was not an indictment. you're saying that's the wrong standard. hold on one second bakari. let me get soledad in here. >> there was a sense that they saw the crime go down, that encouraged everybody yes, this tank and more force. in new york city we saw a very similar thing. i actually thought you were going to draw parallels to eric garner's case where we saw a similar thing, look it's gone down. the city is safer than ever they're still continuing to think these policing tactics were really effective. >> we stopped stop and frisk in new york and it hasn't gone up. >> it's a complicated analysis. the economy matters, unemployment plays a role. we'd like to think it's a very simplistic formula. they saul into the same trap. more guns more police more aggressive behavior. look this happens. >> i promise i'm going to get you in. i need to take a break. bakari sellers in north charleston south carolina thank you for helping us to put it in context a bit. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me dr. harris-perry. another police shooting caught on camera. new video just released. it's all over your social media feed i bet. you're welcome.'re the valet? 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[ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. make a fist for me. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. the fatal shooting of an unarmed man killed when she was shot by a reserve deputy who says he thought he was pulling his taser and instead grabbed his gun. the video recorded by a camera worn by an officer on his glasses was released nine days after the fatal shooting on april 2nd. the video may be disturbing to some viewers. it shows police in pursuit of eric harris who the "new york daily news" reports was fleeing from police when they tried tour rest him for allegedly selling a semi-automatic pistol and ammunition to undercover officers. when the officers apprehended him, reserve dechity robert bates, a civilian volunteer pulled his gun and fired a round into harris. shortly after the sound of a gunshot on the video, bates can be heard on the tape saying i shot him i'm sorry. the tulsa world reports and the tulsa county sheriff's office said harris was absolutely a threat because the deputies believed him to be armed. the sheriff's office characterized the shooting as an inadvertent mistake and called bates, the shooter, the victim of a phenomenon called slips and capture in which officers confuse their takers for guns. tulsa police said bates did not commit any crime or violent policy in the shooting. bates who the tulsa world reports is an insurance executive who has donated thousands of vehicles guns and stun guns from the sheriff's office, was not an active member of the violent crimes task force, but according to the paper, bates volunteered time as an advanced reserve, requiring 800 hours of training to perform the duties of a full-time deputy. >> this is george zimmerman's story playing out in tulsa, oklahoma. if george zimmerman had the resources to buy his way into a special program which helps to subsidize public expense of crime control, george zimmerman would have very well been that gentleman in this case. >> i will just say that's not a legal truism you're offering that in part because mr. zimmerman wanted to be a legal officer. i get your pointed, yes. >> it's a critically important point, because at the end of the day, the universe that makes possible this expansive shooting of unarmed people or suspected people is held up by supreme court decisions, tennessee versus garner in 1985 and graham versus connor in 1989 both born in the midst of the war on drugs. if we want to see what makes it possible for police to shoot fleeing suspects or if we want to use the standard of objective reasonableness, that in those split second decisions, had to shoot this person that's the supreme court juris prudence that underlies all of this ps. >> i want to come to you on all of this because you've been testing us during commercials about discourse around this this idea of hunting, for example that came from bakari sellers. let me say this story, the idea of an insurance executive who literally provides resources to a local police department. >> caught with the camera that caught him, i'm not exaggerating. >> can do this ride-along get some training. whoa. >> what? >> what are we talking about here? >> what's your question? >> because honestly, that does feel like a safari. >> it's a hobby. >> my point being, to go back to khalil's point, we can't just make this as an individual -- like this is some individual bad guy. this is a system that allows all of this to be possible. >> i agree. it feels like a cowboy culture where if in fact you have the resources to do this and i would never use the word hunting, but it does feel like -- >> or adventure. >> a game. >> i think the true issue here though, is -- the supreme court cases demonstrate this but what they're speaking to is we give police incredible responsibilities. >> and the vast majority of time they get it right. >> exactly. and they do get it right. they can make those decisions. what is scary here is that you have someone who does not have any of the training we can argue about whether the training today is sufficient. the person doesn't have the training. does this as an avocation. >> he has 800 hours. >> hasn't gone through what everyone else has gone through. it's an avocation for him. his life is something else generally. you can't have it both ways. you can't have it this is the most important thing and people deserve this responsibility and you shew somebody in to do this on the weekend. >> it is possible that the vast majority of police the vast majority of time seems to get it right. that seems to be an empirical question for which we do not have the data. we actually do not -- >> in fact khalil has some data. hang out a little bit. thank you robert traynham. but don't go too far. >> i'll bring in one of the young activists a leading voice in the black lives matter movement to ask this question about 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only at your local john deere dealer. this past week we saw the effects of the protest movement that began after a police officer shot and killed michael brown in ferguson, missouri. tuesday voters elected two african-american candidates to that city council. that means half of the six seats on the council will be filled by african-americans. voter turnout was more than double than the last election in 2014. the protest movement has raised the question of questionable police tactics to the point that when a bystander saw a south carolina officer chasing a suspect and shooting him in the pact, he used his most powerful tool he had at the time the camera on his phone. joining me is sharell brown, a community organizer to talk about the impact. >> thanks. >> i want to do a kind of khalil thing here for a moment. so more african-americans on the ferguson city council. that's fantastic. you see this big turnout, but do elections matter when the system is, as we see from the doj report structured in a way that, black members of the council or not, may be making the same kind of decisions? >> i think that whether or not you measure success as something inside the system outside the system or both i think this is a testament to the hard working organizing of several organizations in ferguson organization for black struggle heads up united and their tireless work. we have two new black city council members, the first black woman to serve on city council. i think voter turnout went from 12% to 30%. >> which is extraordinary given that it is not -- they purposely have elections in a way that depresses turnout, it is a supp suppressive tool. >> it's a step. we have to look at systemic and institutional white supremacy. when we have the videos that come out, if we don't accompany them with conversations about institutional change we're only heightening the anxiety about black people in america. we say these are a few bad cops caught on camera. it's not just bad cops. what happened with walter scott is a systemic issue. when you have officers citing from a script, i feared for my life that institutionally backs guys on how to get away with murder. >> that moment though is only available to us -- we started this whole thing by talking about the police report being one thing. the only reason that we take very seriously that that police report is dishonest is because of that video, and it does feel to me like that video is directly a result of the black lives matter movement which, in addition to all the other things it did, basically said when you see it going down take out your camera. >> exactly. >> look i think we shouldn't underestimate the importance of having more places that are actually represented. i think the fact that you have people of color now being more represented -- it's majority of people of color area in ferguson, and it's been out of whack that it hasn't had equal representation. if you look at the ferguson report, the ferguson report really demonstrated whether there was institutionalized racism in a system that profited on basically criminalizing poor people. and the hope is not just that we elect african-americans, but that the newly' healthed officials take down that system the institutionalized systems which basically created pressure to criminalize people who really shouldn't criminalized. >> it's a tall order for city council. >> a lot of this is established at city council, like the quotas. >> let me be clear, i think voting matters, i think elections matter all of that. i also now have 40 years of black mayors of major cities, 40 years of african-american representation in spaces where poverty has increased, where homelessness and these things continue to exist. i want to be careful that we don't presume on the one hand, we make the point about the critical importance of people engaging into the system. >> i think technology has changed, and i think the black lives matter i'm always hash tagging black lives matter all the time. people have been shooting these things on cameras, so i think when you see this great confluence of these events a narrative that tells people this matters, this is important, you have a voice, you can leverage it on social media that can carry this message from a small town to everyone very quickly, and the technology now enables you to do that yourself you don't have to run necessarily to a newsroom you can do it yourself and put it on youtube. >> go ahead. >> here is a cautionary note the technology of photography accompanied the lynching era. in hindsight we have all these post cards grow tegsing images of black people strung up on trees in front of thousands of people. the technology at the time was not sufficient to the political work and the moral claims necessary to save black people's lives. >> they were in the hands of the people who supported people being lynched. >> it doesn't matter. they documented and were well celebrated. my point is that voting has to be tied to a set of politics that will protect and change black people's outcomes. >> which i would argue that in the ferguson case that voting was about -- >> and people have to vote. >> you have to be mindful -- >> you saw 30% increase in the number of people who turned out. >> it will be next election when these city council members should be held accountable as to whether there was change or not. >> so again, when you have a department of justice providing militarized basically weaponry to local communities, when you have congress cutting the budgets of cities and states such that poor people have to become the economic sort of groundwork in order to keep the schools open to then hold accountable freshmen city councilmen -- this is my point about it being a tall order. precisely what happens is that our capacity to hold those people accountable is closer to us because they're more proximate, but the problems the institutional structure has to be higher. >> my concern about the conversation is saying there's nothing we can do because there's always some terrible force. >> no. >> we can work to change the congress, but if you look at the ferguson report the way that they've criminalized poor people to the extent where they get trapped in thesis stems of being late for a fine and then it increases -- these are decisions local folks can make. >> i have never sat here and said -- the amount of time i spend away from my family and children trying to make a difference i'm offended by saying we can never make a difference. what i will say is to say it's exclusively a ferguson problem, an individual racist cop problem is going to move us down the road of an individual ated decision making. >> thank you to khalil muhammad and soledad. i'm all fired up. my letter of the week is next. so you know you better come back. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6 so why settle for anything less than verizon. for a crowd this big your everyday dishes will only go so far. literally. you had to go deep into the cupboard. embarrassingly deep. can this mismatched mess be conquered... by a little bit of dish liquid? it can if it's dawn ultra. now even more concentrated... just one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this other liquid. here's to the over extended family gathering. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. wow. sweet new subaru, huh mitch? yep. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ ♪ the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. it's a big world out there. so why do some cash back cards limit where you can earn bonus cash back? one month, it's only at a few places over here... the next, it's only a few places over there ... what you need is the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver gives you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere... can your card say that? what's in your wallet? we're just three days shy of the big day. all of you get it done early types have already met the deadline. we procrastinators will be up late the next few evenings as we face april 15 tax day. filing and paying taxes is not fun, but is part of being american. but some are so offended by the idea of taking a portion of our individual resources and pooling them together to do things like build roads and funding public education, they make fighting taxes -- the standard bearer for the slash the taxes approach is kansas governor sam brownbeck. he promised that zeroing out corporate taxes and trimming the rate for the rich will produce a kansas economic miracle. that promised boom has been a bust. creating deficits so insure insurmountable that the state's credit has been downgraded and the school budgets have been deemed unconstitutionally insufficient. his response restrict poor people from going swimming. that's why let tir goes to the governor of kansas. dear governor brownbeck, you seem to be issuing dozens of restrictions on how poor people using government assistance can spend monies they receive. if you sign it families who receive temporary aid to needy families will be legally barred from spending money at jewelry stores tattoo parlor massage parlor body piercing parlor psyching or fortune telling business, bail bond company, video arcade or any retail establishment which provides adult oriented entertainment in which performers disrobe or perform in an unclothed state. well okay. governor there's virtually no evidence that poor people in kansas or anybody where else spend their money this way. if anything poor people to be to be pretty good at managing money. in kansas the maximum cash assistance received by a family of four is only $497 a month. when a family of four is trying to make it on less than $500 a month, they're not planning a lot of cruises which your new law also bans along with spending money at movies and swimming pools. it also limits individuals from withdrawing more than $25 at a time. many poor people do not have bank accounts. this law will limit them to $25 per transaction. to get their full benefits they're going to need to go to the atm more than a dozen times. each time they go to the atm they pay a dollar transaction fee. so even people in kansas who are counting every dime and doing everything they can to make it on a meager monthly income will by law be forced to pay at least $12 to access the money they and their families need to survive. a pretty good deal for the banks, but for families an children, this is food off the table. while this law may be moral lizing about boozing and strip clubs, it's actually stripping poor people of what they need to survive. i get it. at this time of year all of us understand just how precious those tax dollars are. it's important to ensure that those who are subsidized and supported by tax dollars are making good decisions, decisions we think they should be making. i have a few suggestions for greater accountability to taxpayers. how about a morality clause when they take the home mortgage deduction this year a huge taxpayer giveaway to the wealthy. if you take that deduction, no netflix rentals, no wine with dinner this year while we're at it let's make sure all the corporations are also on the straight and narrow. no massages or tattoos for any ceo of any company getting tax relief this year. to truly ensure the ethical use of tax dollars, i propose you, your staff and all elected officials who draw salaries from hard working taxpayers refrain from purchasing any video games or taking any family vacations while you're on the public dole. after all, those are our tax dollars, governor. sincerely, melissa. 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[ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ ♪ okay. so now this is just me having fun because this is the part of the show where i get to sit and talk one on one with soledad o'brien o'brien, recently one of the voices in women on top, a short documentary produced by hello beautiful's hb studios, interviewing women of color about their experience of femininity, sisterhood sexuality, and power. >> the definition of power changes over time as you sort of grow and mature. i think when i was younger, i thought of power as sort of the ability to make people do what you wanted them to do. and now i define power as the opportunity to open up other opportunities for people. >> okay. so i love that. we were laughing because, of course, once you have children you realize you have no power to make other people -- >> this toddler has power, and i have nothing. >> they're like three days old and they're in total control. >> yep, yep. >> but tell me about that definition of power of creating access for others. >> what i have found kind of exciting as we look back at women's mystery month and analyze and get to that age where people are like i'm interested in your analysis on this is you start off thinking power is this. i want people to do it. i'm going to yell at them. they're going to do what i want. i'm going to get paid a lot of money. as you grow and hopefully mature you start realizing real power is about the ability to drag people with you and open doors. it's about not being able to make people do something for you. it's actually about being able to allow the circumstances to do something for other people. so i think it's just part of a growth and maturing process. if you had asked me that definition like 15 years ago, i would have given you something totally different. >> right. and that notion of growth and of power existing in that way, it's sort of part of what starfish is. tell me about it. >> we started a production company after i left doing a morning show for cnn. we felt there were a lot of voices i had an opportunity to report on in my many years there that were undercovered. there would be a walter scott moment where you'd jump in and do a story, but i felt like there's communities that have all these interesting and amazing stories and we're never sharing them. they very rarely get covered like mainstream communities. whether it's women who are firefighters who help rescue folks during 9/11 our black in america seize,ries latino in america. we're looking at kids who are incarcerated in new mexico juvenile detention facilities. the aclu sued them back in 2009 saying these kids are in unsafe dangerous, physically sexually alleged assaults. so what do we do to try to deal with this recidivism problem? you get this opportunity to kind of approach stories in a different way. >> you know that is for us i think always the mission we're trying to do. i always say nerdland you see me sitting at the table. but it's this whole collective of young men and women, mostly women, who are trying to figure out those stories. the kind of power of media to be a story teller. >> well, you know all hail to you for a moment if i may, because i think what you do by bringing people of different voices around a table, you elevate their voice. you say, this person has an interesting perspective, and we're going to let it be heard. and it's going to become part of the narrative, not this let's find out what latinos think. let's go to our latino reporter for the one moment they'll have about the e election. >> what do you think about immigration as a latino? >> yes, thank you, jose. now let's move on and talk about everything else. that's really the way it's been. but we all know that the dynamics and the demographics of the country have changed. that's not -- the mainstream is not the mainstream. there are lots of voices making up a demographically shifting country. >> if that's what power is you're terribly powerful. there's no question i get to sit here and do some of that voice elevation because of all of the work you've laid. of course, both of us having teenagers are also completely -- >> the eye rolling. i could do without the eye rolling. >> we're not powerful at all. thank you, soledad o'brien. that's our show for today. see you next saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. now time for a preview of "weekends with alex witt." have you checked hillary's twitter page? she up yet? >> you think? like every two seconds. can i just say two words to soledad? morning blend. do you remember the show? >> we worked together for a lot of years. >> she decided to take off. how come i'm not ageing? go to the makeup room. they have all the secrets right there. anyway, good to see you beth. thank you so much. ready to run, as mhp was saying we're waiting for hillary clinton to make it official and monitoring that twitter page. what she needs to do differently this time around. plus, the president and what he said about her impending run, how their delicate relationship is about to get more complicated. welfare recipients eating steak and taking cruises with government aid. two new bills are trying to prevent it but is this really happening? a woman who was once on food stamps gives us her take. don't go anywhere. i'll be right back. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable professional. would you trust me as your financial advisor? i would. i would indeed. well, let's be clear here. i'm actually a dj. 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