For me to support a nominee that didnt overturn roe v wade. North Korea Nuclear talks, north korea says the u. S. Attitude is deeply regrettable and accuses the u. S. Of a gangsterlike demand for denuclearization. If those requests were gangsterlike, the world is a gangster because there was a decision at the u. N. Security counsel about what needs to be achieved. Is this President Trumps mission establiaccomplished mom Michael Cohen says his family and country have loyalty and the senate agrees russia tried to help mr. Trump win the election. My guest this morning, President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Joining me for insight and analysis is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and daniel and nbc news mark murray and susan page, washington burro chief of usa today. Welcome to sunday, its meet the press. Good sunday morning. Boy, do we have a lot ocho get to. The troubled Nuclear Talks and President Trumps summit meetings with nato and Vladimir Putin a one on one there. I have my interview with mr. Trumps lawyer and Russia Developments and the biggest of all in the next week is his pick for the court which well find out tomorrow evening but well begin with a story the entire world is watching now and that is the rescue attempts to get those 12 boys and a soccer coach out of caves in thailand. Let me go to bill neely where it appears we have a good news ending so far. Bill, what can you tell us now . Reporter good morning, chuck, from a very rain know northern thailand and a few minutes ago the third and fourth of those boys went past in ambulances. Four of the 12 boys in the hospital receiving medical treatment. They came down the jungle path in ambulances. The first two a few hours ago and let me bring you up to date because as we speak, there is a News Conference going on with the rescue commanders confirming four are free and in the hospital. They say 90 divers in all took part in this operation. 50 international divers, 40 from thailand, ten were at the very apex of this operation. Ten went into the really its a ledge rather than a cave where the boys have been trapped for the last two weeks and one day. And the way it worked, according to the rescue commander is one diver put one boy literally underneath him as they went through the submerged sections of that cave. Remember, even now its possible there are boys walking or wading or even diving through this absolutely treacherous cave complex. So the divers put each of the boys actually beneath them. This is all happened faster than anyone expected. Three hours faster. He now says they have used all the oxygen tanks and they have to resupply those tanks. So this remains an on going operation with nine people still to be got out and its still a very perilous journey because they are going along potentially what is a death trap. A few days ago a Thai Navy Diver died, collapsed and died. A very dangerous operation for these boys deep down and the commander launched this operation saying this is dday, its either now or never. There is no better time. Oxygen levels were falling inside that cave and rain is falling. There was a torrential downpour so there was a red line for the commander beyond which they couldnt pump the water out. The operation is on going. The boys were taken out two by two gu an extraordinary operation going on as we speak. Thanks very much. Four rescued. Now joining me is republican senator roy blunt of missouri, a member of the Republican Leadership team. Welcome back to meet the press. Hopefully today will be good news for all of them and their families. Sometimes its nice to cover a good news story after that. Mike pompeo. Seems like the meetings didnt go well. Im sure there is people thinking i told you so. You were skeptical. The president tweeted we have nothing to worry about within 24 hours of the summit 26 days later they are calling america kens gangsters. Yogi bear grew up there. This is Standard Operating Procedure for dictators and north korea and i hope we at the end come to success but i think nobody should be surprised by foot dragging and saying one thing and then thats not what they meant. I hope secretary pompeo is more successful. This is the president within hours after meeting with kim jong jongun. Well denuk them. He will start a process. Ill hell start now. They are getting rid of a missile testing site so its the process and good and moving rapidly. You know, this is the first term president . Hes optimistic genuinely about anything hes involved in at time and at the same time, the actions continue to keep the economic pressure, actions will speak louder than words and only those actions will bring north korea to the place they like him to be. Since the president gave, we gave a lot to the North Koreans, international prestige, that moment, is it time for the United States, they threw a hard one at the United States by calling us gangsters. Is it time for the president to announce it. I hate to give that up. Secretary pompeo and mattias have to consider that. Particularly if these negotiations appear to be going on for a long time and thats what you have to expect is foot dragging, Standard Operating Procedure, less lets see how much world attention we can get and at the end of the day how much economic assistance the North Koreans would be able to get. Should the president stop the happy talk publicly with his own worst enemy . Again, i think what you got to look at is actions as opposed to his optimism about coming up with a final solution. I hope the president sticks with the sanctions and continues to work with others in the neighborhood to maintain the sanctions, as well. That means japan and south korea and china. All right. The president has another tricky summit coming up with another authoritarian figure, this one by the name of Vladimir Putin. Are you nervous considering how the kim jongun meeting went where the president gave what more was expected including getting rid of the military exercises. Are you concerned he will hang crimea to the russians . I would hope not. I would hope not. I think the russian discussion about crimea and ukraine generally, the eastern part of ukraine where clearly the russians continue to have military forces there, whats happening in syria and iran, i think its fine to talk to the russians but the president should clearly understand that neither the russians nor dictators like kim jongun are going to be charmed by anybody. They are very coldblooded calculating. Putin would be in that category. I was going to say kim jongun and putin seem to have an idea of what they want in the summit. Does President Trump know what he wants . He surrounds himself with a good team. Does he listen to them . I hope say. Pompeo, bolten, mattias should and general kelly all are giving him the right kind of advice. I think hes comfortable with the team hes put around himself for the first time in his presidency and hopefully that will show up in these talks. I want to ask you about seven republican colleagues went to russia and most from the Appropriations Committee and no democrat with them. Why . Well, i think there is merit to talking. Senator this looks like russias attempt to get rid of sanctions. Hopefully it doesnt work in that way and i dont think it will work in that way. There is nothing wrong with talking to the russians. There is nothing wrong with the president talking to putin. There is nothing wrong with my colleagues talking to the russians. You have to understand who you are talking to. These are people that run a government. They are people who are exerting all the influence they can everywhere they can. And they dont have many resources but they are making were you invited to go on the trip and you declined . I did not go on the trip but i was going to be in missouri for fourth of july parades and had things scheduled. There is a report this morning your leader in the senate, Mitch Mcconnell is recommending to the president of his four finalists, he believes raymond or thomas hard mon would be easier fights. Im looking to see who the president nominates. I havent talked to the president about this nor have i talked to senator mcconnell about it but i think we can confirm any of the four names being mentioned, there are reasons to look in the pennsylvania and michigan nominee. Do you like both, kethledge and barrett . I expect well do that on a normal timetable. Your colleague Lindsey Graham said he believes roe is essentially settle ld and wantso see a nominee that believes in president. Where are you . These judges, whichever one is nominated should follow the strategy, which is no hints, no fortelling its the 21st century. I think the American People should know, no . You dont think the notorious rbg standard is good enough. This is the 21st century where we expect everything. We expect judges to judge the case that comes up before them. Im not a lawyer. This is maybe a pretty good month not to be a lawyer but president is important but precedents were reversed. Thats not a nonstarter for you. What is not a nonstarter . The idea, if somebody doesnt believe in that i think judges need to look at the case. The court needs to look at the case and determine that case on the facts of the case. Senator roy blunt, have to leave it there. Good to be with you. Joining me now from the other side of the isle and state next door in chicago is dirk durban from illinois. Got illinois in front of me here. Let me start with the supreme cour court. Toddlers and parents separated and they are trapped, too. Lets not forget them. To your question, all of these nominees have been precleared by something called the federalist society. This is a group that looks carefully at each nominee to make certain they can check all the boxes when it comes to the most conservative political agenda in america. Whoever is untnominated by the president , they will come off the list. Leonard leo made the key decision. You can do the math. You know you have 49 democratic senators. First, let me ask you this, is everybody going to be united . Understands this his tore rick decision. It will decide the future of the court for a generation or more. I know they will look carefully at each nominee. I cant predict how all 49 colleagues will vote. I will tell you, though, simple math tells you if john mccain is absent, its a 5049 senate. One republican senator can decide the fate of any Supreme Court nominee. In 2016, im going to play a quote of yours in september of 2016 about that the other Supreme Court vacancy. Here is what you said. In a few weeks, the Supreme Court will start the term with eight justices. We need nine. Major legal questions are hanging in limbo because the court is deadlocked on votes. There has been some talk among colleagues for democrats to push for a delay until after the election. Obviously, you didnt like that in 2016. Where are you on this . Well, i asked senator mcconnell when kennedy made the announcement whether he would be consistent. He said during the kourcourse oe vacancy, lets wait and let the people decide. Many of his colleagues came to the floor on the republican side and said the people of this country will vote and decide the future of the Supreme Court. I asked senator mcconnell will you use the same standard this go around . Obviously hes not. That result of that is that we are going to move forward quickly to fill the vacancy and i think its pretty clear senator mcconnell was seizing the moment, stopping obama from filling the vacancy i understand that. Where are you on this now . Do you want it delayed . I understand you want to point out hypocrisy on mcconnell eastside but there is on this side, too. Was it wrong to delay in 2016, is it wrong to delay now . Well, come on, chuck. Get real. Senator mcconnell invented this new rule and wouldnt even consider a meeting with merit garland. I take your point. And now hes saying got to hurry and get this done before the election. Totally inconsistent. Hes wrong the first time or second time. Hes trying to play to his political advantage. What did you do wrong in the merit cgarland situation . If you could redo it, how would you redo it . When it reached the point where the Senate Republican leader refused to meet with the nominee of president obama, a man extremely wellqualified, it was clear the fiction was x was. They hoped they could put a republican in the white house and gorsuch chosen by the federal society has gone to the bench and voting lock step on the repub connecticut conservative side and want to fill this vacancy an advantage. Lets go to the harry reid decision in 2013 when you decided to scrap it for everything but the Supreme Court, there were predictions this would be a slippery slope and here we go. In hindsight, mistake . I think at that time harry reid faced an impossible decision. They announced republicans announced they would not fill the d. C. Circuit court of appeals, which is a Critical Court second to the Supreme Court and importance and facing all of these filibusters day after day, juriest after juriest and harry reid made this decision. He did make an exception which Mitch Mcconnell swept away. Chuck, let me tell you, we look at this decision in general terms and talk about the process but lets get to the heart of it. This Supreme Court will decide whether or not people with families with preexisting conditions will have access to Affordable Health insurance. Thats it. Its real. Its a Constitutional College this court will face. This court will decide the future of Womens Health care and the freedom of women to make choices about the future of their families. So beyond the procedure and games menshi gamesmenship, its a life and death decision. You have a political dilemma that stairs you and Chuck Schumer in the face, which is this. Staying united to stop the Supreme Court pick could cost you red state senators. Not fighting it as hard might allow the red state senator to get reelected and get democrats in the senate. Thats your dilemma. It is in one respect but not another. The men and women i work with take this seriously and understand its a historic decision. Its about more than the next election. Its about what in the United States of america is going to chart as its course in the future in the accept presume cou Supreme Court. It goes beyond the next election. Unpieing these kids at the whats the resource if the court says no, youre not living up to this commitment, its not like you can put h. H. S. In jail or something. Whats the recourse . I can tell you this, what we see, forcibly removing children from their parents at the border and then putting them drifting on a burro cat tick seaucratic take them to the hospital, they slap a bracelet to make sure they arent lost in the hospital and now its up to a judge, a federal judge in san diego to enforce his order this tuesday so the children how do you enforce it . How do you enforce it . Administration saying we only have so many resources. They have the resources to get it done, chuck. This is not an accident. This is a policy of detour raue to stop the future flow to say dont try it and that to me is cruel. Its not what america is about. I have to leave it there. Thanks for coming on and sharing your views. Appreciate it. Thanks. Nbc news will provide live coverage tomorrow evening at 9 00 eastern, 6 00 on the west coast. Later, well talk to President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani but up next, the fight over the Supreme Court and reality check. The panel is next. Stick around. Lets do this. Okay you gotta be kidding me. Hold on, dont worry, theres another way. Directions to the greek theater. beep can i get a connection . Can i get can i get a connection . Ohhh can i get a connection . Trying find the old me booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. Crisp leaves of lettuce. 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Eugene robinson, each one of these has a conservative concern about as susan mentioned with brett kavanaugh, the low Energy Jeb Bush pick one said and Raymond Kethledge was called an open border and barrett, the culture war, is that good or bad . You can have that discuss and the fear on hardamon. What are they looking for . We will uphold the agenda as you see it, by the way, not as other conservatives will see it. I think that if conservatives take a breath, they are all conservative as far as we know and can tell, there is nothing that ive seen pointed out in any of their writings that indicates they are closet liberals. When judges get to the Supreme Court, they take their jobs seriously and dont decide the prior leanings would indicate. Mark murray, thomas has an advantage over others, his relationship with the president s sister. The argument for Thomas Hardimon is he doesnt have the paper trail. Who has the pressure, senator or joe mansion, joe donnelly of indiana and the kethledge, not a big paper trail and bland injury. The pressure beyond the mansions but if youre talking about amy barrett that said explicit things about abortion, the pressure certainly then goes to collins and murkowski. Does he want a win or a fight . Thats absolutely true. The president i suspect wants a win, not a fight. He wants somebody to sit down and have a beer with it. Not amy, apparently. Were told it didnt go well. I have no understanding of why it might not have gone well or what the president is asking each nominee. They are call qualified. The fact someone has a paper trail should not be disqualifying. You want people that are not afraid to make tough decisions and serious about their position and rule of law. Look, does, i guess the question is what kind of fight do they need to put out . It seems as if its not been a voting issue for the left like the right. I dont know if the Supreme Court is ever going to be a voting issue for the left as it is for the right unless and until roe v wade is overturned. Roe sparked, i think, the conservative, not obsession because its real but the conservative focus on the Supreme Court and the fact that that is a voting issue for so many conservatives and then sort of other issues hang off of that. I think roe v wade is the trunk of that tree so i dont think its going to get there unless something happens to roe. I think they do need to fight because the base expects the fight. I mean, even people who are now going to vote, they are excited but they want to see a fight. They want somebody to climb up the statute of liberty. Isnt the problem the democrats are stuck in the last decade . They want this a fight about roe v wade and about abortion. That is not what this is going to be about at the end of the day. The courts have become so important in the last few years because the congress stopped doing anything, because the executive branch has so over reached both under obama and now trump people are going to say it surprises me democrats dont want to get with the 21st century and recognize the power of the courts. This is a good thing for republicans in the short term that will help them. Either way, they will have a big fight, republicans and conservatives. You might want to watch out what you wish for over the long term if youre credited with overturning roe v wade or restrictions. With five men doing it if its not amy barrett, five men. You will pay a big cost with voters and over the long term, this could be the seeds of real problems going down the road. This comes down to winning elections and if republicans were much better in recent elections than democrats and you ask senator durban, the biggest mistake was getting the 2014 midterm elections which allowed Mitch Mcconnell to take over the senate and democrats held onto the majority, you would have Supreme Court justice march rid garland so being able to win in midterms and president ial elections gets you control of the court. Well said. [ laughter ] you guys. Okay. But what is joe donnelly do . Hes the only one of the three that has a Democratic Base to worry about. Im very much in the camp of winning elections being what democrats need to do. They are out of power. They are out of control. They need to win elections. You let joe donnelly vote. There you go. What youre saying if the choice is. Alexandria cortez, you know, if she were there she would vote her way and have her issues but joe donnelly have his issues. Ill pause it there. We have a lot of Foreign Policy to cover and i cant wait to hear what daniel thinks. Well be back with Rudy Giuliani. Russia investigation w President Trumps vo what if this didnt have to happen . I didnt see it. vo what if we could go back . What if our car. Could stop itself . In iihs frontend crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. Not toyota. Not honda. Not ford. The subaru impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. Ive been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. Theres a lot of innovation that goes into making americas 1 shave. Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. Welcome back. There were two pretty big welcome back. There were two pretty big developments this week. The first was the official report from the Senate Intelligence committee, supporting the conclusion of three u. S. Intelligence agencies that determined that donald trump was helped by the russians in the 2016 election. The other story was the apparent change of heart by President Trumps former personal lawyer Michael Cohen. Cohen said hed take a bullet for the president but this week he said to be crystal clear, my wife, my daughter and my son in this country have my first loyalty. Joining me is the president s current lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Welcome back to meet the press. Happy to be with you. You said the fourth of july was basically a deadline of sorts. For you to determine whether or not you would recommend President Trump sit down with Robert Mueller. It is now past the fourth of july. Where do we stand . I think were pretty much decided where we are and we await the decision of the independent counsel. We would not recommend an interview for the president unless they can satisfy us that there is some basis for this investigation. Its our firm belief and we think nothing contradicts this if the president did nothing wrong and all the leaking thats gone on, there is no leak of any fact that says the president conspired with anybody in russia and i know from having been on the campaign there was no contact with russians, no discussion with russians so weve got to see something. Something started this investigation. Were asking for is this the witch hint that a lot of people think it is or is there a fact well basis for this . You did that big, long Counter Intelligence investigation which seems very, very questionable with very bias people who hated trump and wanted to stop him. What did they find . Show us something. Mueller has been at it for 13, 14 months. 1. 4 million documents, 29 witnesses, what did he find . Is there somebody who says there was a meeting where trump discussed conspiracy to do this . There is nothing. Well, mr. Mayor, in the Public Record and you and i had a discussion about one of these, in the Public Record we have the president admitting that he misled the New York Times on the donald trump junior statement when it came to his role in the Infamous Trump tower meeting of june of 2016. We have so that is you said there is nothing. This is a Public Record of the president contradicting and i know its not a crime for the president to lie to us in the media however, how is that not itself probable cause for mr. Mueller to want to question the president . Well, because the fact is that also in the Public Record is the conclusion of the meeting and that is that nothing was done about it, that the person came in under the guys of having information about clinton but also to talk about adoptions. All she did was talk about adoptions. Wait a minute, we dont know that. We dont we do know that. The story changed three times, mr. So if the story no, no, no. Look, your own legal partner here in the president s team, jay misled me. Somebody misled him. They already have all these facts. They can do with then what they want. They dont know i can tell them that the president s testimony will be exactly the same as he said which part . He said in the Public Record or when we dont know what he said privately. He had an opportunity to think about it, to refresh his recollection and clear there was no discussion about this and there were no Nothing Happened from it. Whats the president afraid of . Not afraid of anything. Not afraid of sitting down with Vladimir Putin, why is he afraid to sit down with mueller . One of the problems, i think jay and john dowd would attest to, the president is anxious to testify because he knows hes done nothing wrong. It us, his lawyers who have real, real hesitation about it. I mean, look at how bias the people who started this investigation were. Ive never seen you think Robert Mueller is a bias man . No, no, but i think hes sure rounded by bias people almost exclusively. Hes got a guy that donated over 30,000 to hillary. Hes got someone crying at her loss party, victory party, whatever you want to call it and as a lead investigator, probably going to go to jail. The fbi agent said you have to stop trump. Has there ever been an investigation of this magnitude with such obvious indications of extreme disgusting bias which totally corrupts the process . Can i expect these people to be objective about donald trump . Then it sound ts like you thk Robert Mueller is corrupt. Everything youre alleging, he was willing to have youre making allegations he was willing to have corrupt fbi agents on his team. Well, no, no, thats a fact. He had a corrupt fbi agent. And he fired him. He put him on his team. And got rid of him. Other people found out. He never bothered to vet him properly and remains with the chief and several others close to him who have extraordinarily closed ties to Hillary Clinton and weve not looked at their text. If we had not looked at the others guy text, we wouldnt know how much he hated trump but nobody examined the text. In any event, were still willing to do it if in fact they can satisfy us that there is a basis for this and we think and john dowd started this back in january and since we started, we dont get an answer, which im sorry, chuck, as a lawyer makes me suspicious. Be clear, President Trump wants to testify. We have to hold him back and the only thing they have been able to do is it becomes easier as evidence of the corrupt nature of this investigation becomes clearer. Let me ask you two other questions, are you concerned cohen will start cooperating with the feds . No, in fact, if he wants to cooperate, its great. Weve been through his records. I know michael. He has no evidence of nor was he involved in anything untoward with the president. The fact is that michael has been a victim here like a lot of other people. You want Michael Cohen to cooperate with the feds . Thats a good develop the for the president if he does . Yes, because it will lead to nothing. Look, mueller gave it away. If this had any chance of leading to President Trump, dont you think mueller would have kept this . I have every indication there is nothing in this investigation that has any ability to touch the president and if michael testifies or cooperates, i dont know whats involved but im hoping hell be able to convince them that this was a this was not a wise investigation to start with. The president is going to be sitting down with Vladimir Putin in a week. Hes at the center of all of this, the Senate Report just out there. This is hes been an influence campaign that was approved personally by Vladimir Putin. As the president s lawyer, would you recommend your client sitting down with a person at the center of this Russian Investigation by bob mueller . Well, one thing as a lawyer and another thing as an american citizen and very interested in Foreign Policy and the safety of america and the world, he has to sit down with Vladimir Putin. Vladimir putin happens to one of the most powerful countries on earth and very aggressive and shown himself willing to negotiate. So i dont think he has a choice. Its a sign of how confident the president is he did nothing wrong. Hes not going to be stopped by this. This is did is you dont think if he raises more suspicion, doesnt it put him in a box that either way he there isnt going to seem genuine . As his lawyer id like to say yes because its a good argument of executive privilege they are interfering however, if you know donald trump its not going to stop him one bit any more than doing anything else and hes ready to try to regularize things with putin but putin has to meet him more than half way. Rudy giuliani, have to leave it there. Thank you. Much appreciate it, sir. Thank you. When we come back, a growing trade war with china. Who wins and who gets hurt . Let someone else do the heavy lifting. Tripadvisor compares prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. So you barely have to lift a finger. Or a wing. Tripadvisor. By staying in rhythm. And to keep up this pace, i drink boost optimum. Boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. Boost optimum. Be up for life. Welcome welcome back. President trump clicked the global trade war up a notch targeting 1,000 plus products this week. The economy is strong under mr. Trump a booming stock market and low unemployment but the impact of the trade war will hit American Consumers in the coming months and you may know these folks but a different name, voters. Look around your home. A good 20 , 1 in 5 of the furniture and household hiitems you see has a made in china label according to a 2011 report from the San Francisco fed. Go inside your closet, 36 when you add clothes. Tariffs slapped on chinese goods will get passed onto the consumer, the company doesnt pay it, we do. It will likely take a few months for consumers to feel the pain but here is specific chinese products where you can see a price spike. Items like remote controls, batteries, tool sets and usb drives have been targeted but unclear what that dollar increase will be and remember there are parts of other bigger products and imported solar panels could go between 500 and 1,000 and the price tags for Home Appliances like mini fridges and coolers and thermostats are predicted to go up by 25 . Notably by the way, some Consumer Favorite items like flat screen tvs were taken off the tariff list and at this trade war, tvs and another round and on top of all of this, President Trump is considering a 25 tariff on all foreign cars and that would average 5800 per vehicle. The impact of these cost bumps would be broader by the targeted tariff on soybeans and remember, President Trumps greatest strength has been the economy according to a cnbc poll last month, President Trumps approval on the economy is 51 . Thats more than his job at 41 . Some Industries Like aliuminum and steel are expected to benefit but consumers are paying the price. President trump continues to pursue this strategy risks damaging a Strong Economy that kept his poll numbers strong. When we come back, end game and President Trumps meeting next week with Vladimir Putin. Why that one on one has u. S. Allies very concerned. Allies very concerned. And the safey for most parallel parallel parking job goes to. [ drum roll ]. Emily lapier from ames, iowa. This is emilys third nomination and first win. Um. So, just. Wow um, first of all, to my fellow nominees, it is an honor sharing the road with you. And of course, to the progressive snapshot app for giving good drivers the discounts no, i have to say it for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. Safe driving you might or joints. Hingers the disfor your heart. Ve. But do you take something for your brain. 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Back now with end game. Okay. As i promised you, danielle, north korea, 26 days later, president told us we had nothing to worry about from Nuclear Weapons from north korea. There are a lot of people this morning thinking, i told you so. Yes, well, i think those people are right. The president came into office campaigning on the fact that the Obama Administration signed an iran deal that was the worst deal ever done. It was flawed. The iranians were cheating. The president pulled out of that deal this year and now he is talking the way that barack obama did, even more liberally, i would say, about north korea, without any facts to back him up. The problem here is very straightforward. The president says denuclearize and he means one thing and kim jongun says denuclearize and he means another. He thinks we should denuclearize. Thats the point totally lost here. Global zero. He does not mean, im going to take apart the plants that im working on, the missile centers, the nuclear plants. They have been expanding and working on those in the last week as secretary pompeo was winging his way over to pyongyang. Just to note in the iran deal, obama did get virtually all the material removed from iran, take it out of the country, the bomb material. But its gone. Whereas in north korea as you said, they continue with the development of their Nuclear Program and their missiles, you know, this was never going to work, but they talked at least. Thats something they hadnt done in many years. I think thats probably a good thing. Least surprising headline in the world, north korea talks, not come to immediate fruition. I think you see after a year and a half in office President Trumps Foreign Policy coming to fruition. You see America First on trade, you see less concern about our traditional alliances with the nato summit coming up. You see a much friendlier attitude toward russia. This is a president who definitely left his mark on the u. S. Role in the world. As george will said, he called the north korea summit a disaster, i think. What do we think is going to happen with Vladimir Putin . Let me play President Trumps greatest hits when it comes to putin. Hes been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader. Its better to get along with russia than not. President putin really feels, and he feels strongly that he did not meddle in our elections. You know what, putins fine. Hes fine. Were all fine. Were people. Nato allies are already nervous about this meeting and theyre already offended that the meeting got planned after the nato summit, which is exactly the way Vladimir Putin would have wanted it. Contrast that rhetoric about russia and Vladimir Putin about the trump rhetoric when it comes to nato allies. You guys need to pay up. You guys are killing us on trade, et cetera, et cetera. And there is that kind of split and contrast there that does have a lot of people very least at pause. To am i the biggest story with trump going and meeting with putin in helsinki is trumps continued denial about interference in the 2016 elections despite the fact that other members of trumps own team, like mike pompeo and other people from the nationality security people are saying, yes, russia did middle, they did meddle to benefit your campaign at the expense of hillarys campaign and the president isnt going to admit that. Is he going to give them crimea . I hope they dont. I dont know theyre setting that up. I dont think there is anybody on the president S National Security team who is going to recommend this. I think theyre explicitly going to stay to him, mr. President , you cannot be okay with this. Agree to disagree. Theyre going to write, do not congratulate. Exactly, do not congratulate. But first of all, lets be fair. One thing, we do expect more of our nato allies than we expect of the russians. It is important to acknowledge that, in fact, our nato allies dont spend enough on defense and they deserve a lot of criticism for this. So im not going to disagree with the president on that, although i dont like his tone and i dont like the contrast. But the crimea thing highlights something much more important, which is this awful meeting of sort of the bernie bros and the trump people on this question of eat ag way at other countrys sovereignty. All in all, thats fine. What do we care . Crimea, they have a lot of russians anyway. Bernie sanders took that position. President trump takes that position. I dont understand why it is that the center right and the center left are not more forceful on this issue. But putin comes into this meeting having already succeeded, right . He has a situation where theres less pressure on cry me i cant and syria, their behavior in both places. He comes out of a nato meeting that is divided and a president who is friendlier to him than any u. S. President has been to a russian since world war ii. Going to make for quite a week. Starts with the Supreme Court, ends with putin. Unbelievable. Thank you all. Thank you guys for watching. And well be back next week. Because as we said, its a busy week coming up and if its sunday, its meet the press. Announcer you can see more end game and post game sponsored by boeing on the meet the press facebook page. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a cactus calamity. man 1 i read that the saguaro can live to be two hundred years old. woman how old do you think that one is . man 1 my guess would be, about. man 2 id say about two hundred. man 1 yeah. burke gives houseplant a whole new meaning. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum alright guys lets go lets do this. Okay you gotta be kidding me. Hold on, dont worry, theres another way. Directions to the greek theater. beep can i get a connection . Can i get can i get a connection . Ohhh can i get a connection . Trying find the old me welcome to kasie d. C. Im kasie hunt. We are live every sunday from washington from 7 00 to 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Tonight, insider rumors fly as the president prepares to make a primetime announcement about the Supreme Court. Plus, Alan Dershowitz joins me live. Well get his top tips for summering on marthas vineyard, oh, and also talk about the president s evolving legal strategy in the mueller probe. Plus, some actual good news as divers emerge with

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