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At holtonarms school. But the other breaking story is that the fuse has been lit i believe for a saturday night massacre. For over a year now President Trump has dying for a way to get rid of special counsel Robert Mueller, and now it looks like he may have found that fuse. Thats because the only man with the ultimate authority over the Mueller Probe is once again in trumps crosshairs. The New York Times reported today what the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump, secretly record him in the white house to expose the chaos consuming his administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment to remove mr. Trump from office for being unfit. Rosensteins remarks came in a meeting with Justice Department and fbi officials just one week after the president s firing of james comey. The account of what happened is attributed to people briefed on the meeting as well as people familiar with the content of memos documenting rosensteins comments. However, other sources familiar with that conversation tell a different story to msnbc news, saying that rosensteins remarks were not meant seriously. One senior justice official who was in the room for the meeting said this statement was sarcastic and was never discussed with any intention of recording a conversation with the president , yet the New York Times further notes that rosenstein also discussed recording the president , recording the president in the oval office on other occasion, at least one other occasion. In a statement earlier today, rosenstein called the report inaccurate and factually incorrect, adding that its based on Anonymous Sources who are obviously biased against the department. And he said, this is rosenstein, based on my personal dealings with the president , there is no basis to invoke the 25th amendment. Whatever rosensteins intent, the dispute over what was said or how it was said is not likely to deter this president if he is intent on cleaning house at the Justice Department. Joined right now is the author of that story, Michael Schmidt of the New York Times. Michael grissom and joy ainsley. I can only believe if trump knows that he already knows from this report that rosenstein was talking about going to invoke the 25th amendment, that he was talking about wiring himself on two occasions to go in and see the president , and basically taught the president that he is on his way out. Is the president going to look at this and say fake news because he is very concerned about the 25th amendment . This is a big issue for him. He does not like that. A lot of pushback from the white house on that, trying to get us to not write about that. Is he just simply going to lump all that in the same basket, this is just a fake story. Or is he going to have a larger issue with rosenstein. We know the president is already considering before the story came out finding new leadership at the top of the Justice Department. Hes going to wait until after the midterm elections to put someone else in. This is something he has wanted to do since the beginning of his presidency, since attorney general sessions recused himself from the russia investigation. So here we are now. The president maybe has some ammunition. Im going to figure out a plumbing system that gets me to Robert Mueller and quash this damn thing. I dont want my sons, i dont want my soninlaw, i dont want my daughter prosecuted, i dont want myself prosecuted, appeared the fastest way to deal with that is get rid of the team that seems intent on getting rid of me . Thats exactly right, chris. This article could be handing exactly the ammunition he would need to carry out that kind of saturday night massacre that youre describing, especially when you put in the context that the fact that his personal lawyer is now cooperating with muellers team and paul manafort, his former Campaign Manager has flipped and is now cooperating as well there a lot of pressure on him right now, which is putting pressure on the Justice Department. But, chris, if you look at the calendar, we are just a little more than a month out from 2018 midterms. And its sort of been an assumption for some time that the president would wait until after the 2018 midterms to fire Jeff Sessions and potentially rod rose en rosenstein as well, that he didnt want this at this time, it would be hard to get somebody confirmed in this kind of environment to take that place. As we know, the number three right now is in an acting position. So you would have to fall way down the totem pole to the solicitor general. You would really have a Justice Department weakened at the knees if he decided to fire these people overnight. Well, the president s son speaking of him, donald trump jr. , is already fanning the flames today after this report came out, tweeting, shocked, absolutely shocked who are we kidding at this point . No one is shocked that these guys would do anything in their power to undermine donald trump. He is talking about the Justice Department. He is talking about Rod Rosenstein. And late tonight, the daily beast reported that current and former Administration Officials said that they fully expected President Trump to dismiss staff inside the Justice Department. Less clear was how many people will get the ax and when exactly it will fall. Give us a sense of this, because trump talks about the power of the president under the second article, article 2 of the constitution as sweeping, that he is the chief enforcement official of the law, that he is in charge of all executive authority in this country, the president. Thats his interpretation of things. Why wouldnt he act in accord with that and just take over this prosecution . Well, sadly, this is one more example that the president doesnt understand the constitution fully. The Justice Department is not his law firm. The attorney general is not his personal lawyer. And it seems that for months, when he talks about not having his attorney general and how sad it is, its not his attorney general. Its the attorney general that represents the interests of the United States. You know, going back to rod for a second, and i think this is something people need to understand. I know in the New York Times article they made reference to it. Rod is a career guy. He has been there since 1990. He served as u. S. Attorney in maryland for 12 years. He was appointed by george bush. He was asked to stay over by president obama. And i can tell you during the time i served with rod as a u. S. Attorney, i can never recall him talking about politics at all. But what i can tell you about rod is he has a very dry sense of humor. Yeah. And when i read that, there was someone who said they saw him say this in a sarcastic way, i tend to believe that. As the only person with authority over this special counsels probe, rosenstein has long been a target for this president and his allies. Just last night, amid chants of lock her up President Trump rallied his supporters against his own Justice Department. So this is the thing im talking about. Lets watch trump. Lock her up lock her up how is our Justice Department doing . [ booing ] last april the president went after rosenstein by name, tweeting that mueller is most conflicted of all except rosenstein, who signed fisa and the comey letter. Trumps allies on the hill went as far as drafting articles of impeachment against rosenstein that month. Nbc reported that rosenstein even told confidantes during that time he was prepared to be fired. Michael, youre the reporter. You wrote the report that will be out in the paper tomorrow morning again that looks to me like the fuse has been lit. I looked were all students of trump. This news gives him an interpretive power. He can say you know what . This is another strzok case, another guy like that fbi agent. More evidence of the deep state animus toward me. These are all a bunch of lefties. I dont care what rosenstein, says. Hes a democrat. He is from baltimore there are no republicans from baltimore. Thats an argument in terms of statistics perhaps, but not reality here. You know, the president is very conspiratorial minded. He talks a lot about john dean and richard nixon, what that relationship was about. He told comey you better hope there is not tapes. He used to record his conversations before. He thought trump tower was wiretapped during the campaign by president obama. So this fits right into that narrative, the idea that there are folks out to get him. Sure. And there is something. From day one. This happened way back in the administration. Technically, who would rather rosenstein take his wire if he taped his meetings in the president s office in the white house, who would he give them to . Would he use them as part of a 25th effort to say this guys not fit . It happened in a very, very particular point in the chaotic first few months. This is the eight days between when comey was fired and mueller is appointed. Rosenstein is thrust on to the national stage. Hes never had such exposure like this. He is getting crushed for his role in helping get comey fired. He is trying to vindicate himself, telling people he will ultimately be vindicated when everything comes out. And he is throwing around lot of different ideas. This is what were trying to show. These are the extreme measures but two times you report he talked about wiretapping the president. Correct. Two times he did this. The pushback from the Justice Department and some other outlets have sort of latched on so is this was a sarcastic comment. Well, he brought it up twice, and he was asked are you serious about this . And he said he was. So i understand why rosenstein may feel the need to go out and say its sarcastic, but thats not what we found. Julia, put together in terms of where were headed. We all expect a report from mueller maybe on obstruction of justice, and now we dont know when thats coming or whats coming. This president , i dont think he is going to sit here and wait for the ticking time bomb and month after month after month watch his presidency be jeopardized by this report if he can do something about it with this clean house. Its interesting, chris, because he has taken a long time to do anything about it yet. I heard someone say earlier that this president , for all of his bluster, actually tolerates a lot of insubordination, particularly from this Justice Department. If these things were actually said how could he stand to have people like that working under him . But the question is does he want to risk Political Capital to fire them now . And when you bring up the timing of that report, it seems a lot of people think that anything that touches the president very closely or his family or his organization could actually be in violation of a norm at the Justice Department that you dont put out any kind of public indictment or other announcement in an investigation that could influence an election coming so close to the midterms. And i understand there could even be a conflict for rosenstein over that if you think about it. Thats exactly the basis he used for firing jim comey. It was that jim comey announced the reopening of the Hillary Clinton investigation too close to the 2016 election. So he of all people would be put between a rock and a hard place if mueller came to him with the need to go forward with an indictment very close to these midterms. Another thing i want to point out that michael rightfully notices and puts out in his reporting is this is at a very key time for Rod Rosenstein. And people who i have talked to today who talked to Rod Rosenstein around that point say that this is a very kind of erratic time for him. He wanted to be vindicated, not just by people who are criticizing him outside, but people within the Justice Department who knew jim comey and thought that he made the wrong decision. So it would make sense that he would Say Something like what do you want the do, andy . Should i wear a wire . He wanted to be vindicated, and he would have been in a place of kind of using that sarcasm in a cutthroat way. I think the fuse has been lit, as i said. Well see if we have a saturday night massacre some time in november. I do believe it will be after the election. Thank you Michael Schmidt and Barry Grissom and julia ainsley. A deadline for Christine Blasey ford tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern if she is going to testify or theyll call a vote on the confirmation this monday without her testimony. This is hardball time for that committee. Plus, one of fords friends joins me to talk about how she is faring under national scrutiny, including the president s latest twitter attack on her. And speaking of, its not the first time the president attacked a woman accusing a man of be mad behavior. Weve got the tapes. Finally, let me finish tonight with some good news. This is hardball, where the action is. Computer, order pizza. Of course, daniel. Fridge, weather. Clear skies and 75. Trash can, turn on the tv. My pleasure. Ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. Okay. And make ice. Pizza delivered. Whats happened to my son . I think thats just what people are like now. I mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. Even on social media. Hell be fine. [ laughs ] will he . I dont know. Vice President Joe Biden was on the today show this morning and spoke about anita hill and kavanaughs accuser, dr. Ford. Lets watch. Anita hill was vilified when she came forward by a lot of my colleagues, character assassination. I wish i could have done more to prevent those questions, the way they asked them. I hope my colleagues learned from that, learned from that. She deserves to be treated with dignity. It takes enormous courage for a woman to come forward, and the bright lights of millions of people watching and relive something that happened to her. Well, the former Vice President was also asked about 2020, whether he is going to run or not, but deflected the question. Here it goes. Weve got to stop this degradation of the system thats going on. Thats why im campaigning all over the country. Im campaigning for candidates because we have to build a berm out there. Were going win back the United States house of representatives, promise you. And i predict well win back the senate too. Really . Well be right back. This is an insurance commercial. But lets be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance. 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After a week of holding back, donald trump has now publicly undermining dr. Christine blasey fords claims that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while they were both teenagers in the 80s, a claim kavanaugh has denied again and again. Well, the president tweeted today i have no doesnt that if the attack on dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement authorities by either her or her loving parents. Well, the president s claim runs contrary to the fact that most Sexual Assault victims do not report the incidents. The president also tweeted Brett Kavanaugh is a fine man with an impeccable reputation that is under assault by radical left wing politicians. It was a lynn of attack he previewed last night during an interview with sean hannity. Why didnt somebody call the fbi 36 years ago . I mean, you could also say when did this all happen, whats going on . To take a man like this and besmirch. Now, with that being said, let her have her say and lets see how it all works out. But i dont think you can delay it any longer. Theyve delayed it a week already. Well, a republican close to the confirmation process told politico that trumps tweet was a necessary shift of tone to put the white house back on offense. Susan collins, a key republican senator from maine told reporters that she was appalled by the comments by the president. Lets listen to her. I was appalled by the president s tweet. First of all, we know that allegations of Sexual Assault im not saying thats what happened in this case but we know that allegations of Sexual Assault are one of the most unreported crimes that exists. So i thought that the president s tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong. Against this backdrop, negotiations with dr. Ford continue. Republicans have accepted her request to limit media access to the hearing and have said that theyll make sure that kavanaugh is not in the same room as her. What remains unclear is if she will accept the republicans counteroffer. Her lawyers have until 10 00 tonight. If she fails to do so or fails to appear, the panel has scheduled a vote for monday. Im joined by geoff bennett, White House Correspondent for nbc news. The former congressman dave jolley also joining us from. Florida. Geoff, what do you make of this back and forth, this latest dealings . Theyre saying, the republicans, if they dont respond by 10 00 tonight. Yeah. Theyre going to vote on monday basically. Its a take it or leave it offer. Look, weve already blown past one deadline which is 5 00 p. M. Eastern. And the republican counteroffer at this point is to have this hearing on wednesday. To bring in outside counsel we understand that would question dr. Ford alongside some of the other republican senators. But you saw there they agreed to meet her demands for security and things like that. But people close to dr. Ford make the point that this is really a Job Interview for Brett Kavanaugh. Its not an interrogation or trial for dr. Ford. Theyre really trying to limit that aspect of it. How about the gaming from the other side, from dr. Ford . There is a lot of gamesmanship. She said she wants to have him speaking first and her speaking second, which doesnt make any sense in a criminal situation because you have to make the accusations and defend them. Right. That she wants to have the Committee Members who look oafish appeared ogreish do the questioning. Questioning. She doesnt want some hotshot woman lawyer coming in there looking and cool and brilliant and tear her apart there is a lot of gamesmanship here. You pointed out Ricki Seidman has been brought in. She is a longtime democratic operative. She worked for ted kennedy. She was the first one anita hill came to with her allegations against clarence thomas. She worked for obama. She worked for the Clinton White house. She is now advising dr. Ford. The thing they understand, though, they havent been doing mock hearings. What is their prep . Nothing right now. She is not there, as far as i understand. She has this one adviser, her lawyer. She has a very small team around her. Part of the reason of that is democrats have been very careful not to further politicize this. They dont want to bog her down to the activists from the me too movement or democratic progressives. She didnt come to this through politics they say. They want the make sure it how do you prepare for the shots that will be made against her . Exactly. What time of night, can you tell me what day of the week, on what block this occurred. I can see adversarial questioning will be brutal. You already got system of that telegraphed by the president himself with that tweet saying well, why didnt she make this known at the time. Her parents arent going to call the cops. Come on. The president is out to lunch on this. We know that. They may bring a hotshot lawyer in here, theyll know exactly how to carve her. She is not used to the public spotlight. She is not used to washington politics. From what i understand she is not yet at all ready for this kind of grilling that she is going to be walking into, which is part of the delay, which is part of the back and forth about whether or not she wants to do it or not. How hard it has been keeping the president attacking dr. Ford. This morning kellyanne conway, the president s Senior Adviser scoffed at reporters who asked her if she had advised the president not to attack dr. Ford. Here is that exchange. We hopefully will hear from them last week. The president doesnt need anything to tell him, but its clear the white house is following your lead. You said it first that she deserves to be heard and setting a tone for her not to be attacked. Well, she should not be attacked and she should be accommodated. She should not be attacked. She should be accommodated. A few minutes later after kellyanne, who speaks for the president , here is what trump tweeted. Dave jolly, theyre not really coordinated at the white house. Theyve got the president s id to deal with, and his id is out there saying i got to attack. Yeah, look we saw the true donald trump today. But very importantly, chris, there were a series of tweets. And the first was a defense of kavanaugh. Whether you agree with him or not, thats kind of fair space. But the second was to attack and undermine and question the credibility of dr. Ford. That is not safe space nor fair space. One of the things that surprises me that is not being talked about enough right now, chris, is kavanaugh should withdraw. Judge kavanaugh is the one person that can save the nation and save the court from this controversy. Right. And what republicans dont realize is regardless of who you believe, the nation will never decide together who we believe. I choose to believe dr. Ford. Others choose dr. Kavanaugh. But republicans have already lost this politically. When donald trump says things like that, when grassley says things hed do he does, frankly, when Susan Collins continues to show up and defend the integrity and the fidelity of things that dr. Ford are saying, the republicans have already lost this. They can replace kavanaugh with another nominee that will be just as conservative but will not bring the controversy to the high court that kavanaugh suggests he believes greatly in and holds great fidelity for. But david, if you believe that she made these this claim, this accusation because it happened in her memory is clear on it and strong, her memory, and sharp, and she knows what shes talking about, if she believes that, do the republicans believe that she believes it . Do they believe its on the level, or are they i think they do. But some of them probably think its another one of these leftwing strategies, she was but i think its very hard to not believe this person, dr. Ford, doesnt believe chris, can i Say Something very raw . Regardless of your gender, regardless of your situation, if somebody puts their hand over your mouth and holds you against your will, you remember that moment and you remember their identity. And frankly, one of the things the republicans are doing right now are ignoring the trauma of millions of people who have yet to come forward. Where the answer lies today is for kavanaugh to withdraw, for republicans to suggest they at least understand the issue. Whether or not they are willing to fully believe dr. Ford or. Dr. Judge kavanaugh, recognize this as a moment of national conversation. Now were we move past this conversation. Judge kavanaugh should withdraw. With a new interview with former white house staffer boris epstein, President Trump urged senators to move forward. It just happened. Lets watch. I can only say this. Let her speak, but Brett Kavanaugh is one of the finest people youll ever meet. I think its been extremely hard on him and his family when i look at whats happening. Here is a man with an unblemished record, and to be going through this all of the sudden. So i wont say anything now. All im saying is let it play out. Let her have open voice, and lets see what happens. Do you think he will get confirmed . I do, i do. One of the finest judges we have, one of the greatest intellects we have, top of the line in every way. This is a shame. This is actually a shame. It seems to me that the only way the republicans can get past this is to establish reasonable doubt. Yes. You cant say the woman is crazy. You cant say the woman is lying that wont wash. You can say it was a bad judgment as to who it was. You can argue at least there is a reasonable doubt it was somebody else. I wouldnt do that, but that would be their argument. Ed vreeland tried to do that on twitter last night. President trump said a little delay is okay, but now he is trying to get this thing done as quickly as possible. Its because the white house knows all too well that more americans now oppose kavanaugh as a nominee than support him. And theyre thinking if they have to withdraw his nomination for any reason, there is not enough time in the calendar to get someone new confirmed before the nominations. If she doesnt want to testify for some reason or other, there can be a reasonable doubt that we dont have the whole story and were not going to get the whole story. That sounds right for them. And then he could get through also. Thats up with flake and murkowski and mcconnell. I think from what we saw today this is going to get pushed through is kind of set the deck for her to feel that way. In other words, shell be afraid of that. Do you like this phrase today, were going plow through this. Like theres not a human being there . Shell be afraid to come. I think their best case is she doesnt testify. Plow through this. Thats what he said. Thank you both. Up next, Christine Blasey fords friends and family are coming out to support her before her possible testifying before the judiciary committee. Were going to talk to one of those friends, straight ahead, one of the doctors friends. This is hardball, where the action is. To most people, i look like. Most people. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. 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Fords family and friends are speaking out as she and her lawyers are locked in negotiations with the republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee about the terms of when and how she is going to testify. It also comes as President Trump is attacking fords claim on twitter and why she didnt make her allegation at the time. Thats 36 years ago. Joining me samantha guerry, a former friend and classmate of dr. Christine blasey ford. Thank you so much. Ive been impressed by your comments on the air. What do you think of President Trump going after dr. Ford personally like this . Well, you know, when you think about it, he is going after a 15yearold girl for not coming forward about a really traumatic event in her life. And whats so telling about that is a real ignorance of trauma of this kind. This is not reported by most women who experience it. I think as much as 65 of women never tell anyone. And, you know, ive had that really underlined this week because just this week i have had a significant number of women everywhere that i go tell me that they had similar experiences, and many of them said that theyve never spoken about it before this week. So i think there is a this is really hitting a nerve with a lot of women right now. When you heard this story develop, when dr. Ford made her claim, her allegation that kavanaugh corralled her into a room, jumped on top of her, rubbed against her. When she started to yell or whatever, he covered her mouth with his hand. Rough stuff by anybodys standard. This is beyond whatever, beyond the normal have a couple of beers and making a pass at somebody. This is rough stuff. How did that fit with your memory of parties that you went to back in those days at halten holtonarms or Georgetown Prep . Well, i mean certainly did they get out of hand . They typically got out of hand in the same way they got out of hand when you were in high school or kids today were in high school. So this is aberrant by any measure. I think that there is some credence to the idea that these all male schools are a little rougher, a little more aggressive, and perhaps a little more rowdy as were calling it. But this instance, as described by dr. Ford, does that step out of the norm you experienced . This seems criminal. Right. At least people say a misdemeanor at least. Right. You know, id like to answer that as a categorical yes, it is unusual. But as i said, there are enough women that i know who experienced this in high school and since that i dont think it was as unusual as we would hope. What about what do you hear from dr. Ford now, what she is going through, how she is preparing for what might be, might be testimony next week . I dont know exactly how she is preparing. I think as her sisterinlaw pointed out, she has really kept her circle of communications pretty small. But have i been communicating with the people who are communicating with her. And i think that shes starting to this came about her letting her name out, came about pretty quickly. So she didnt have time to prepare. I think shes had some time now to take a deep breath and get her head on and im hoping that by the time we see her, she will be the in fullstrength. How important it is that she speak and testify . It is important . If you were her, would you testify . I think at this point, i would. I think i would. Samantha guerry, thank you for coming on. Ill shake hands. Cold. Be careful. Up next, President Trump going on the offensive in the fight to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Kellyanne, by the way, conway and him seem to be on different channels. She was saying he wants to hear her voice, give her a chance to talk and hear her case, and then he slams her. They got to get together. 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Roger ailes, is he helping you . Is he advising you . Well, i dont want to comment, but he has been a friend of mine for a long time, and i can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, i know how much hes helped them. Do you have a comment on he said very strongly yesterday that he is innocent. So youll to talk to him than. But we absolutely wish him well. Did a very good job while he was at the white house. Personally, i think he shouldnt have settled. How come . Because you should have taken it all the way. I know bill. Bill is a good person. I dont think bill would do anything wrong. Right now i am being viciously attacked with lies and smears. Its a phony deal. I have no idea who these women are. I have no idea. These people are horrible people. Theyre horrible, horrible liars. Lets bring in the hardball round table tonight. Ayesha rascoe for npr and sam stein, politics editor for the daily beast, and Jeremy Peters is a reporter for the New York Times. A great panel to talk about this. Why did trump switcheroo from a guy who seems like he is in the straitjacket saying nothing against this accuser and now he is trying to destroy her. You know, i think this is just kind of his natural instinct. Looking back at those video clips, part of the reason why he is always kind of taking up for at least his allies who are accused of something is because he has been accused of Sexual Assault, hes been accused of these things, and he goes after the women and basically just says they are liar. But in this case, he knew he was guilty. Well why does he not assume that these other guys are guilty . Im just talk rationally. I cant get into this. Sam . I think a lot of it is that, he would be implicating himself. But also, its strictly partisan. He assumed bill clinton was guilty, obviously. He brought bill Clinton Accusers to the debate to confront Hillary Clinton. When its in his selfinterest, he is fine assigning guilt to the men. Its when its not in his selfinterest, he becomes an apologist for the worst of the offender. Meanly, speaking at the values voters summit today, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell tried to relieve concerns about an eventual confirmation of kavanaugh. Here he goes. You watch the fight. You watch the tactics, but here is what i want to tell you. In the very near future, judge kavanaugh will be on the United States Supreme Court. So, my friends, keep the faith. Dont get rattled by all of this. Were going to plow right through it and do our job. I love the word, the keep the faith line about what is the faith . Yeah that. They can steamroll their thing . Exactly. And thats exactly what theyre planning on doing. I think looking at this from the way Mitch Mcconnell tends to evaluate these situations, he probably sees its bad for republicans either way. They pull become on kavanaugh, the base is outraged. This is why donald trump was elected president , so people like Brett Kavanaugh and gorsuch would be on the court to cement a conservative majority for a generation. Even if its dirty . Even if its dirty. All the better. Why . I mean, it was terrible what they did to merrick garland. They didnt care. They just trashed him, steamrolled his nomination. They ignored it and moved on to theirs. No, there is no context here, no sense of appropriate. I think its just do what you have to do to get it done. I mean donald trump kind of changed the political culture there where there are no rules anymore. And theyve been breaking down in the senate on judicial confirmation for a long time. But i think you look at the other side of the equation for senate republicans, why its so bad, if they ram it through, they lose too because the left will be so outraged. This could finally be the lefts moment to galvanize around the court as an issue. But i think what they have determined is they have to have their base. If they dont have the base, theyre not probably going win over a lot of these people who are kind of standing on the sidelines anyway. But they have to have their base. So i think thats why they are trying to move forward with this no matter what. If you move in if you take kavanaugh into the Supreme Court and you win two out of nine, admittedly two, you know judge as another problem. But two wins, you go into the red states where the real win opportunities are for them. The way i look at the senate race, i think the house is going to go democrat. They can hold the senate if they hold the base. Oh, absolutely. And that is the calculus. Youre absolutely right. At a time when theyre bleeding support from suburban women, at a time when democrats are incredibly riled up, the one possible way to pull this thing out is to really get that trump base reengaged. And there is two reasons theyre reengaged in the first place. The first is they love trump the fighter. He doesnt care about political correctness. He doesnt care about the allegations of he is a winner. He is a Barry Switzer just win, baby type guy. The second thing is he will pack the courts. This is a microcosm of those two promises. And theyre waiting for ginsburg too. Theyre waiting for more. They also realize if kavanaugh doesnt go through, its very likely that democrats take control of the senate, and not a single justice to the Supreme Court while trump is president ever confirmed again. A lot of progressives watching right now. Here is the hard story. They get more seats because they win in north dakota, they win in missouri, they win in florida, in indiana, who knows, other places. Blackburn could win. If they win in all those places, theyll have 53 seats. They wont need the two women. When you have a roe v. Wade issue coming up, theyll pick somebody that is on the wrong side if youre a progressive. They can do this. Its within reach. Finally the daily beast reported tonight, thanks to our guy here, covering former Administration Officials expect President Trump to fire Justice Department staffers as reports that Rod Rosenstein floated the idea of removing the president from office. According to one former official, trump is going to go on a jihad. Thats exactly i thought this. You reported it. Theyre going. This was like the fire was all there ready. Oh, yeah. Just needed the match. And that is the match. Trump has a pretext. This is strzok. Another one of this strzoks. Yes. Trump has a pretext to say you know what . I gave you the benefit of the doubt. It turns out you were back there backstabbing me, talking about my mental instability and fitness for office. I have a pretext to let you go. Now, we talked to a bunch of people about this. Were not sure if it comes now or after the election, but its going to happen. Why not after the election, fires rosenstein, goes down until he finds some way the set up a plumbing system that allows him to get rid of mueller . You know, that is something he could try. I do wonder if getting rid of all these people, that is what trump seems to definitely want, but there is going to be such blowback, and does it really help this administration to look like its really being managed well when youre just getting rid of people left and right and its chaotic. Do you want the kids indicted . Thats question. Is he thinking about just himself . Is he thinking about himself and what is going to be best for him and his family or the calculation he has to make, honestly, it comes down to this is how much will a Republicanled Senate and the house allow me to do . And hes got to figure that the house is going to change hands. I dont know that he figures that. I dont know that he has accepted that at all. Maybe he hasnt accepted, but he certainly knows its a possibility. So if you want to move, you move now. The house can impeach, but only the senate can convict. Right. Thats right. Impeach, but only the senate can convict. Thats right. By the way, hes 2 3 in both houses. They do this 23rd amendment thing by the way. If donald trump is impeached, hes still president. People forget that. Up next, these three will tell me something i dont know. Youre watching 45rd ball. At ally, were doing Digital Financial services right. But if thats not enough, we have more than 8000 allys looking out for one thing you. Call in the next ten minutes. And if thats not enough, well look after your every dollar. Put down the phone. And if thats not enough, well look after your every cent. Grab your wallet. beeping sound computer voice access denied. And if thats still not enough to help you save. Oh the new one well bring out the dogs. Mush dogs barking the old ones just fine well do anything, seriously anything, to help our customers. Thanks. Ally. Do it right. President trumps in springfield, missouri tonight. Stumping for howie. Its a tight race 37 the most recent polling mis mccaskill and hawley tied. Trump won by 19 points. His popularity has dimmed a bit with his attempts to dismantle obamacare and his tariffs which have hit missouri farms and industry pretty hard. Trade has always been a big issue. If theyre voting for eisenhower in 52, against it in 56. Well be right back. Computer, order pizza. Of course, daniel. Fridge, weather. Clear skies and 75. Trash can, turn on the tv. My pleasure. Ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. Okay. And make ice. Pizza delivered. Whats happened to my son . I think thats just what people are like now. I mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. Even on social media. Hell be fine. [ laughs ] will he . I dont know. Kayak compares hundreds of travel and Airline Sites so you can be confident youre getting the right flight at the best price. Cheers kayak. Search one and done. Back with the round table. Tell me something i dont know. So my colleague came out with a story today looking at these tweets from these russian troll farms. What they found is that of the tweets talking about guns 77 of them were positive. They were progun, pronra. For some reason these russian troll farms are trying to promote the progun agenda. I never heard of russians being gun toters. Siberian tigers. Sam . It is 7 54, and Rod Rosenstein is still employed. So think about in 1992, the conservative media apparatus and the legal machine that they had defending clarence thomas. And then the anita hill charges. And think of it now. And how much greater it is. And behind the scenes what they are doing to prop up the kavanaugh nomination to intimidate senators to kind of make it look like theres more of a Grassroots Energy behind this nomination than there really is. Its quite impressive. Theres a lot of money behind it too. 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Im ari melber in for chris hayes tonight. It is another busy night of news. We are now two hours away from senator Chuck Grassleys new deadline for dr. Christine ford, the woman who says Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school to respond to the republicans terms for her testimony next week. Grassley is threatening to move forward with a vote on monday if she doesnt comply. Were going to get to all of that in our show tonight. First, we are beginning with these breaking news items that touch on everything that matters in the Mueller Probe. Now, consider that in the last week mueller has gained what may be two of the most crucial

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