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Tomorrow. You can reach out to me any time on social media. Hardball with Chris Matthews starts right now. Up all night. Le lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. Dont do the crime if you cant do the time. Didnt people around donald trump Pay Attention to crime show warning. If you committed federal crimes you could be squeezed by federal prosecutors to rat. Didnt donald trump know if he did business with such people he would be the fall guy. Which gets us to the president s predicament this thursday evening. No man is an island. No man except increasingly now President Trump. The acceleration of his own legal exposure is leaving him isolated. Paul manafort is now convicted of financial crimes. Former fixer lawyer Michael Cohen has pled guilty to tax fraud and Campaign Violation which is he says were directed by the president himself and now would appear the water around trumps island are rising fast. That sentiment is evident in the new cover of Time Magazine just out showing the oval office submerged reading simply in deep. Trump struggles to stay afloat, New York Times reports today that people who have known mr. Trump for years pointed out that he has never been as cornered or as isolated as he is right now. And he is the most volatile when he feels backed against the wall. That volatility was clear in the message trump tweeted just after 1 00 this morning. Writing in Capital Letters, no collusionrigged witch hunt. Also evident in first investigation interview since two of his closest associates became convicted felons. Attacked the plea deal cohn reached with federal prosecutor this whole thing about flipping they call it. I know all about flipping for 3040 years. Ive been watching flippers. It almost out to be outlawed. Not fair. Say something bad about donald trump and you go down to two years or three years, which is the deal he made, in all fairness to him, most people are going to do that. And ive seen it many times. Ive had many friends involved in this stuff. Its called flipping. And it almost ought to be illegal. Did you know about the payments . Later on i knew. Later on. You have to understand what he did and they werent taking out of Campaign Finance. Thats a big thing. Much bigger thing. Did they come out of the campaign. They didnt come out of the campaign. They came from me. I tweeted about it. I dont know if you know, but i tweeted. About the payments. They didnt come out of campaign. Trump also returned to his long time punching bag, Attorney General Jeff Sessions. I put an Attorney General who never took control of the Justice Department. Jeff sessions. Never took control. Even my enemies say that Jeff Sessions should have told you that he was going to recuse himself and wow wouldnt have put him in. He took the job and then said im going to recuse myself. I said, what kind of a man is this . And by the way, he was on the campaign. The only reason i gave him the job was because i felt loyalty. Joined by democratic senator richard blumenthal. Selena m selena. Let me start with the president s mind set. What your reporting. Hes up at 1 00 in the Morning Tweeting in Capital Letters all this stuff. It seems to me odd that for any groanup. I mean hes in his 70s. Up at 1 00 in the morning 67. To who . President sort of caught alone in his house, late at night. Stewing over the troubles that are beset him. Wondering what way out, you know. Its very evactivevactive. Does suggest someone stewing and troubles that are conflicts around him and walls closing in on him. Some day there will be a tell all book of a better picture of last night. Is it sort of just a sense that everyone around him he had done business with, these interesting characters, all of them not unfamiliar with people who are flipping all the time. Thats an amazing announcement by the president. He knows all these people who flip to save themselves before federal or state charges. He does business with people like this. Why does he pick people like cohen to be business with . He promised he would have only the best people around him. So far weve seen seven convictions and guilty pleas so far. People who were important to him. Michael cohen was not a person off the street. Somebody who worked with him for years. Paul manafort was put in charge of his campaign. Michael flynn was National Security adviser. These are really important figures. Do they implicate him . The president directly in something. Michael cohen does. Most of the rest dont. We dont know what Robert Mueller knows. Thats the interesting thing. We heard david peng cker, is no cooperating on unity deal with the prosecutors. Thats part of the scheme that had been put in place to kill women claiming affairs before the election. The president s sitting there one clock in the morning seeing these pieces fall in the wall that he had surrounded himself with. Pushed back on the latest attacks on him. Among them he didnt take control of the department. I took control of the Justice Department the day i was sworn in. Why im Attorney General the actions will not be improperly influenced by political considerations, but South Carolina senator told reporters today he expects trump will fire sessions after this falls midterm elections. Lets watch this. The president s entitled to Attorney General he has faith in. Somebody thats qualified for the job. Clearly Attorney General sessions doesnt have the confidence of the president. And all i can say is that i have a lot of respect for the Attorney General, but thats an Important Office in the country. And after the elections i think it will be a serious discussion about the Attorney General. Thats an agreed upon time for massacre. Get rid of the prosecution by getting rid of the Attorney General who then grabs charge of it all. That person whether its Rudy Giuliani or whoever i voice instead there is going to do what i want. Ill be free. That knocking sound you hear is the Special Counsel at the white house door. Looking increasingly like a fail. Which would be a path and prelude to firing the Special Counsel, but equally threatening to fire the Deputy Attorney general who ultimately right now is responsible for this investigation. And that John Dunn Poem that you began with, no man is an island ends with the call that the bell tolls ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for republican clee colleagues to stand up and shake themselves out of Moral Stooper and abandon this increasingly belligerent and bullying and unhinged path. We have two parties. Youre not associated with the democratic party. One of them is not talking. The republican party. Saying nothing. Lindsey graham is basically enabling to fire this ag and get control of the operation. The Parking Light said i could take control of the prosecution of me. He said that this week. What are the democrats going to do . Should they be talking in peace after all this action this week. If you asked me that a few months back, i would have said no. They should hold off on talking about impeachment because we need to see all the facts. I still 2think we need to the facts. Tuesday changed things in this country. In court under oath was involved in a conspiracy. Thats something that never happened in terms of a crime that goes to the eligibility the legitimacy of his election. Its at the core of his election. Thats something that made it more possible for him to be elected by hiding details about alleged affairs and so i think that democrats can Start Talking about impeachment not saying that we should just remove the president without going through the full two step process, right, but i think if now is when we cant talk about impeachment, when can we talk about impeachment. The president was implicated in a crime and i cant imagine a scenario that can be any more right for a serious discussion by responsibility adults. Its exactly what the framers would have wanted. Tough question, senator, is committing of a Felony Grounds for impeachment. In this case the felony what hes accused of doing by his lawyer, fixer, Michael Cohen. Hes what we know certainly, he has been implicated as an unindicted coconspirator in a crime that involves corrupting his own election. And all the remedies and i stress all the remedies ought to be on the table. And we need to know those additional tactfacts. I want to know facts so i can charge the strongest offenses with the best evidence. There may well be enough, but the facts may establish even more serious felonies like collusion with russia. Like obstruction of justice. And they ought to be part of whatever the remedies and the charges are and those remedies and charges ought to include indictment of the president. Ive said before to you that indictment is legally possible in my view. Theres a controversy or question about it. I believe that a trial could be postponed until after he leaves office. His fox news interview, trump warned there would be consequences if he were ever impeached. This is airing last night, of course. If i ever got impeached, i think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor. Because without this thinking, you would see you would see numbers that you wouldnt believe. In reverse. Trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani weighed in on that today. I think impeachment would be totally horrible. I mean, theres no reason. He didnt collude with the russians. He didnt obstruct justice. Everything cohen says has been disproved. Only impeach him for political reasons and the American People would revolt against that. Thats Rudy Giuliani with observation from overseas. Im being a little sarcastic. What do you make of the president saying that after him, sounds like louis the 16 talking here. Its all coming. The market will die. People will starve. The world will end. This is the president of the United States assumingly of sound mind talking like this. They being the deep state hes talked about. Theres consequences for you so you have a reason for this fall in med term elections to stop them from doing it. Its really a fascinating strategy on his part. Hes not really defending himself on the facts of the case here. Hes not really suggesting that what he did was okay. And silences women for the election was perfectly acceptable standard of campaigning much less a legal standard, but hes trying to say, you know, im the only Person Holding this together at this point. Which is a rather extraordinary statement. The message from the president , im too big to fail. Im too big to fail. Unbelievable in a democracy. Thank you. Mike pence going to destroy the tax program and bring Back Regulation of the environment. Its crazy. Senator, thank you for your patience here today. The passion on the issues. Coming up. Why did President Trumps fixer Michael Cohen turn on his own boss. What turned him . What does he have on the president to save himself and that late breaking story today on the safe they have over the National Inquirer that will holds damaging documents about trump, including Hush Money Payments. Just found out this safe over there at the National Inquirer. Thats front page stuff. Plus trump reportedly asked lawyers about pardoning former Campaign Chair Paul Manafort. Who was found guilty on eight counts of bank and tax fraud. Learning more and more about the drama that unfolded in the jury room. One hold out on other ten counts. One hold out or they would have got them all 18. Trump involving story by the way of Stormy Daniels fact checker says the president s initial statement was not misleading, but false. It was a lie in fact. Let me finish tonight with trump watch. This is hardball. When my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Congressman hunter had this to say about the charges. You have partisan bias department of justice employees that are doing it to trump. Theyre doing it to me. This is political. Period. This is a u. S. Government what i would call the deep state or function of the u. S. Government that dont care what the election does. They want to rig the election their own way. Nice try. I think youre on staff of the witnesses. Well be right back. This wifi is fast. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Continue to grapple with the news. One time fixer Michael Cohen has turned on him. He has been dealt another significant blow. The president s close personal friend Chief Executive of the company accomplishes the National Inquirer had Immunity Deal to provide evidence against Michael Cohen and President Trump. Thats done now. Brand new. Late today the Associated Press reports the National Inquirer kept a safe containing documents on Hush Money Payments and damaging stories as part of cozy relationship with donald trump leading up to 2016 president ial election. Throughout the campaign, ami would act as de facto wing of the Trump Campaign promoting the candidate and savaging opponents. Thats hillary clinton. Meanwhile advisers to the president admitted there was no strategizing to the bombshell. Represented rapid desen graduatiodisintegration. Give us a sense. I watched this guy. I watch ed it being portrayed o saturday night live. Ive watched this personality of the guy. He sounds like a terrible bully of a guy. I mean, listen to recordings and he looks more sympathetic walking in and out of the courtroom. Tell us about what made this guy turn. Michael cohen. I think that there were a couple of moments after prosecutors came in and seized documents from his hotel room and his apartment and office in april where he realized that what he had seen President Trump do to people in his orbit over the year, over the years, working for the trump Obama Administration Trump Organization is turn his back on people. The First International interview that trump did on Fox And Friends this spring in which he said Michael Cohen only did a fraction of my legal work. That moment was a moment where Michael Cohen realized oh, maybe hes throwing me under the bus. There were several interviews that Rudy Giuliani did on television where he realized thats not Rudy Giuliani just saying things. These are things coordinated with the president and other people who are close to the president. So the trump teen turning their back on Michael Cohen. It was a slow build where he realized as his case got more serious and prosecutors more diligently working away and lawyers were explaining to him that we husband going to be potentially in a lot of trouble where he thought im not going to standby and protect this man and be loyal to this man who is very clearly not going to protect and be loyal to me back. Thats what we saw build. Last week it kind of came to a head. First time for my reporting that Michael Cohen was actually approached by a prosecutor and on a very short timetable and over the weekend the deal for him to plead guilty came together. And at that point, he was ready to just do whatever it took to save him financially and save his family as much as he could possibly save them. Let me go to greg on this. I came out of politics for years. Loyalty was the essence. You never rat on your boss. In my case, they never committed crimes. You had a tremendous amount of loyalty for this person. Thats how it worked. You watch mob movies. Theres that in the mob. I think emily the right. He was facing prison time and along with the fact he started to think as all of this kind of watched that the president wasnt necessarily going to be loyal to him. Right. I think for cohen, that didnt sit well with them. We see the result of that. Hes now feeling as though he doesnt need to reciprocate in terms of loyalty. President trump and Michael Cohens relation goes back years. Back a decade in fact. The friendship seemed to have take an turn. I just heard they broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys. Good man. And its a disgraceful situation. I always like michael. I havent spoken to michael in a long time. Is he still your lawyer. They like to add the fixer. I dont know if he was a fixer. I dont know where that turn came from. They make it sound like i didnt live without him. Lets get back to emily. He wasnt my fixer. I think we all know where the word fixer came from. We know the episodes. Look at that for him. Keep things quiet. Would otherwise destroy marriages and destroy elections. This is a man who handled his problems. It is possibly true that President Trump never referred to him as his fixer. Doesnt matter who came up with the terrible. Its funny for the president to say he was one of many lawyers and i barely saw the guy. Its true the Trump Administration does have many lawyers. And President Trump does have other outside attorneys, but Michael Cohens office was right next to him in the there organization. We all heard the conversation from the tape that cohens attorney released earlier this month. Sounded like a very familiar conversation between the two men. Whether you believe the president in what hes saying or Michael Cohen in what hes saying. Weve all heard with on own years there was a very familiar back and forth. Sounded like the kind of conversation that didnt happen in a once every so often. Sounded like the kind of conversation that happened every day, if not every couple of days. This is personal. I look at this guy walking around. He seems like a sympathetic Figureme Figu figure. Doesnt look like a bad guy. I dont think i got anything against him. When you listen to the tapes, he sounds li he sounds like a mobster. Using muscle with people. Really frightening them. Is he the guy on the tape or the guy we see looking sympathetic out of the courthouse. Hes a complicated guy. A lot of people have different facets to persistent. Theres a side to Michael Cohen that is hes a bully. Someone who has not treated reporters particularly well. He has been sort of playing this role as a fixer for many years. Ive interviewed him many times. Ive seen the way he interacts with his family. Ive seen the way he interacts with people on street and restaurants and so there is a side to him that is different than the one weve heard on recordings to him. Hes a complicated man who has different sides. Right now, i can tell you from my reporting ive spoken to him this week, hes someone who is grappling with what he just pleaded guilty to. Hes someone who is very concerned about his family. And understands is starting to understand the gravity of what he is facing going forward. Last question as a lawyer and prosecutor, ive been reading a lot about the case. Does it matter he knew or didnt know he was breaking the law. This complicated thing with Campaign Finance laws and whether hes covering it up. Campaign contribution or any kind of just a coverup in marital situation. Did he does a guy like that have to know its a law . I think what is going to turn out that he did know that this was a criminal scheme and he knew what he was trying to do. Sounds like hes going to come clean with all of that. Thank you. We really appreciate you all coming on. One of the jurors in Paul Manafort case come on. The wonderful woman has come out and told us what really happened. The surprising things that were said during deliberations. One hold out out of 12. One that refused to see the case at least as the way we all saw it. This is hardball. Just one free hearing test at used to control High Blood Sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. 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How close did this jury come to convicting on 18 counts. By one. One hold out. One person kept you from making the next step. Thats correct. Yes. What was their reasoning, if they shared with you. Reasonable doubt i guess reasonable doubt could be a mind set. Not comfortable making a big decision on someones life. What does this tell you about the prosecutor. Tells us theyre going to go ahead with the prosecution of all these other counts in a d. C. Probably be a duffer jury facing someone like a big shot like manafort. And probably have a better shot there. Get all 18 or 25 this time. I dont want to speculate what it was for the one juror that held them up. You listen to the whole interview, a couple things stood out. Her honest city about saying im a republican. I got a make America Great hat in my car. I wanted manafort shes aware of the context. She know kwhs who the people ar. She wanted him to be innocent, but the evidence was overwhelming. If evidence was enough for 11 of 12 to want to convict of all 18 counts, tells you something about the evidence. Also struck me what she said about rick gates testimony and most people on the jury, jury as a whole didnt find him to be very credible. That is instructive for the government in terms of what they get out of putting gates on the stand and the idea that as the president has told people over and over again and people who flip in his words making stuff up, whether or not theyre making things up about him or not. The idea theyre working with the government to at least some people on the jury made gates seem credible. Now hes facing another trial. Manafort in d. C. Probably more liberal. What does that say about a possible pardon. Looks like this guy is going to be facing a lot of time coming out of the next trial. Hes 69 right now. Forget the next trial. The trial that just concluded if he gets the minimum range hes looking at ten years. Chances are this guy is going to do a lot of time. Talking to reporters covering the trial and talking to manafort attorneys. The sense is his only real hope at this point is a pardon don. Its striking the president seeing the walls closing in still continues to express his personal feeling that manafort is a victim here. It would be foolish for the president. The fact the lawyer is suggesting and thinking about it. He goes out at the white house and Sarah Sanders was asked about this. Aware of no questions that have taken place. This a hope. This is a ray of hope. Correct. It looks like a smoke signal that theyre sending to him and that is something that investigators will also look at because in obstruction case, is the president and his attorney, are they intentionally sending a message to people to not cooperate as the investigation goes. If youre the prosecutor here and Robert Mueller and youre dealing youre going to the judge to say give this guy series ti serious time. Hard time. Medium security and this guy could be going to a hellish place. Manafort is getting strung up because me worked for me. That is the thing that generally the investigators and prosecutors. They have gone and kept their heads down. Tried to not be influenced bid the media and trump tweets, but they have to be cognisant of the implications of this and the sense that the public and the jury may have that they are out to get them. Lets see what the next factor is. Trump cares about another human being. Seems to be out of self interest. He talks like he cares about the guy. Thank you, eli. Half truths, Little White Lies and flatout lies. Youre watching hardball. Join the fight with the alzheimers association. The difference you feel is a night. And day. You fall asleep cooler. Stay asleep longer. And wake up feeling better than ever. Thats the tempurpedic difference. Experience the most highly recommended bed in america. During our labor day sales event, purchase a tempur luxe, elite, or breeze mattress and enjoy up to 550 off. Or get a Free Adjustable base upgrade. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. Welcome back to hardball. President trumps story about payments to Stormy Daniels has changed a lot of times. Lets watch the changes. Did you know about 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No, no. Then why did Michael Cohen make it if there was no truth or allegation. You have to ask michael. Michael my attorney. Youll have to ask michael. Do you know where he got the money . No, i dont know. Michael would represent me and represent me on some things. Rereprese represents me with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal. Did you know about the payments. Later on i knew. Later on. You have to understand, what he did and they werent taken out of Campaign Finance. Thats a big thing. Much bigger thing. Did that the come out of campaign. Didnt come out of campaign. They came from me. Well, the Washington Post fact checker has been hesitant to call trumps misleading statements lies. Now concludes the statement on Stormy Daniels was a lie. What do we make of the he handled the Stormy Daniels thing for me . I didnt hear that until later. Its messy. The reason the Washington Post changed the wording on this, theyre saying the president knowingly told these m m mistruths. Critics of the press have said the press has been far too will always say when it comes to negotiation, one of the traits of donald trump is that he lies. Critics have called out the press on this saying this is semantics and the press should have used that word much earlier. We have president s before that have not told all the truth. Fdr was not exactly forward. Everyone the going down the path, did the President Lie or not. He might have. Theres nothing they affects the mueller investigation. It wont go to court. Might be a guy who didnt want his wife to know what he was up to. Thats the argument. Okay. Great. What does that have to do with all the other stuff going on in the world like creating jobs and nuclear. His lawyer said he did it to avoid Campaign Problems right near the election because he had just had Access Hollywood and this would have tipped the election into do you believe that . There was so many stories like this that didnt tip the election. So why would this one have . I mean, i just think. Because i think they thought they had this much chance to win the election going into it right at the end. People like the smart people in the campaign. Including trump. They had a little bit of chance. And this would have blocked it. History showed us with bill clinton the thing with him didnt matter. Right. This Didnt Matter To Voters in november of 2016. The eruptions they used to talk about the women and bill clinton, you dont often survive. Spare the name. He called them. We didnt have to call them. They called them bim bbos ba in the 90s. This is a porn star. Nobody in the campaign would run the risk of that going public. No one wants to talk about with Stormy Daniels. How many know she ran for the United States senate in louisiana being invited by the democrats to do that. Shes not exactly number one. My point is the average person sees this is as politics. The average person does not see spending 130,000 on a porn star as regular politics. Its basically i can do anything i like because the stock market is good. Youre saying its okay if he lied. Youre one step away from saying its okay Campaign Finance violations. Let me go back to john. Just to remind you how unfair you guys are about this. If a certain recent president named obama had involved himself in anything like this near an election, he would have been toast. Because of you guys. And maybe he should have been. Late last night tweeted secretary of state mike pompeo to closely study the South African land. He wrote, South African Government is seizing land from white farmer. Responded and totally rejects narrow perception which seeks to divide the nation. South africa is in a political debate. Still own just 4 of the land. Theres no evidence that white farmers are being killed because of their race. This is a White Nationalist lie thats been around for decades. They denied black people the land for a century. This is a not an uncommon practice when you have Apartheid State for 100 years. It does strike me that this is the kind of thing that donald trump talks about. This is the kind of land and resources hes concerned about. Not Jeff Sessions using civil forfeit, asset forfeiture. Hes concerned about black folks and white folks in america. Tell what is the president cares about. I dont know why hes entering into this battle. We all know why. I know people who dont like him are going to come up with one reason and people who do like him are going to come up with something else. Its so far off. It makes no sense. The way he feels it is relevant to his base. Standing up for white farmers. Everybody says that. Define to me who his base is. For people who voted for donald trump who feel theres a threat of immigration excessively and feared for position. Republicans or democrats. I dont think their necessarily either. Both. Probably a lot of democrats in breast belt states that put him over the top. Some. Were talking about people who are driven emotionally and voting wise by white racial grievance. Those are the people. If people are voting that way, theyre wrong. Youre not going to convince me they are. I believe theyre voting on Economic Issues of their health. The economic Anxiety Argument has never lasted. Its not true. The president s focus on nfl players and police in Law And Order is based on the fact racial grievance works for him. Overwhelmingly most americans believe we should stand for the flag. The notion its racial grievance and thats what drives trump. The round table is going to stay with us. I like this. Its true and we know what were talking about. Tell me something i dont know. Youre watching hardball. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. Now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. Addon advantage. Discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. Only when you book with expedia. At office depot officemax. Hardball roundtable. Up next, these three Tell Me Something i dont know. Ant to hear about insurance. Cause lets be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance, right . Which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, im highly likable. I like dennis quaid. Awww. And they want me to let you know that, cue overdramatic music, theyre on a mission to make insurance painless. Excuse me, you dropped this. They know its confusing. I literally have no idea what im getting, dennis quaid. Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And they know its expensive. Yeah. So theyre making it affordable. Thank you. Youre welcome. Thats a prop apple. Now, you might not believe any of this since this is a television commercial, but thats why theyre being so transparent. Anyways. This is the end of the commercial where i walk off into a very dramatic sunset to reveal the new esurance tagline so that youll remember it. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. Introducing zero account fees for brokerage accounts. And zero minimums to open an account. We have Fidelity Mutual funds with zero minimum investment. And now, only fidelity offers two zero Expense Ratio index funds directly to investors. Because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. So maybe ill win, Saved By Zero were back with the hardball roundtable. Katty kay, Tell Me Something i dont know. Im going to give you a break from politics. Were all married so this doesnt necessarily apply to us economist has a new cover story out today how all of our phone habs are changing because of smartphones. One of the biggest is relationships in a marriage. Onethird of marriages in America Today start through Online Dating sites. They start that way . Yeah, they come from Online Dating sites. No more bar scenes. Just go online. Everybody wanted facebook to make big changes and they have. Theyve made it more restrictive for candidates and changed the calculus lou you get a message out. Theres gob less spending on facebook in 2018 and 2020 and the people hurt will be the candidates with the least amount of money. Which is the biggest republican upset this fall . Bob casey losing. Randolph county, georgia, a Big Decision By County officials whether they close from having nine Voting Centers to only two in a county 60 africanamerican. I wonder why. The plan is worse. The two Voting Centers would be separateded in the black and white parts of town. The black part of town has three times the population. Like mens rooms and womens rooms. Thank you, katty kay, john brabender, jason johnson. Let me finish tonight with trump watch. Youre watching hardball. Heres something you should know. Theres a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most dont even know it. A virus thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. Hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. Left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. The only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us, its time to get tested. Its the only way to know for sure. And if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. Man toms my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house. Tom its a 10 cover . Oh, okay. Didnt see that on the website. Hes been acting more and more like his dad. Come on, guys jump in the waters fine tom pritchard. How we doin . Hi, there. Tom pritchard. Can we get a round of jalapeno poppers for me and the boys, please . Ive been saving a lot of money with progressive lately, so. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. Of that long series of decisions he finds himself facing the menace of men now forced by their own selfinterest to turn against him or taint him by their association with him. This is why the man living in the home of our president finds himself up at 1 00 in the Morning Tweeting in Capital Letters denying charges and crying is unfair the force is coming to get him. This battle between he and mueller is a competition. Mueller wants evidence and squeezing men, vulnerable men to get that evidence. It wasnt muellers doing that men like cohen and manafort exist. The prosecution didnt surround trump with men vulnerable to criminal indictment who could be squeezed to betray whatever loyalty they felt duty bound to show this president. It was donald trump who recruited those men it, the kind of people trump finds himself comfortable. Not a boy scout among them. This is why hes up at 1 00 in the morning sending out Distress Signals not because Robert Mueller is on his tail but the

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