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Including wrecking that car. He said he was still moving ahead as planned with his nomination. Earlier in the day, White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders defended the vetting process. Dr. Jacksons record as a white house physician has been impeccable. Dr. Jackson has had at least four independent background investigations conducted during his time at the white house including an fbi investigation conducted as part of the standard nomination vetting process. Is the white house going to look into the allegations that have been made against him about drinking on the job. Certainly something we would look at, absolutely. The democratic report quotes colleagues can calling jackson flat out unethical. Toxic. Abusive. And volatile. Senator jon tester of montana, ranking democrat on the committee discussed his findings on msnbc earlier today. Starting about a week ago, chuck, weve got claims, accusations that were made. And were following up talking to some 23 different people. Theres more that come forth every day about some of the challenges that admiral jackson had as chief of the white house medical unit. It would be senatorial malpractice for us not to follow up on this issue and find out what kind of a person Ronny Jackson is. Im joined by hallie jackson, chief white house correspondent, leanne caldwell, capitol hill reporter, and yamiche alcindor, msnbc political analyst. Hallie, how could all this go unknown and all of a sudden hes up for va and were learning horrible stuff about him. Is the argument Sarah Sanders made from the podium today is this a guy who has passed four background checks for his position inside the administration. Theyre arguing, hey, hes at arms length literally with three president s, former president s bush, obama and donald trump now. Thats sort of what theyre laying out. I will tell you that the public line. Privately there is acknowledgement of concern in and around the white house how it the nomination was rolled out, about how this was handled from the very beginning given that there is some concern that jacksons story wasnt fully told, that he hadnt had a chance to talk about his resume, biography, experience and credentials. I ran into Ronny Jackson along with Kristen Welker in a surprise interview. I think he was a bit taken aback to see reporters upstairs in the west wing although did he answer a couple of questions regarding some of those explosive allegations coming out in the document obtained by nbc news which youve discussed put together by democrats on the veteran affairs complete. He says hes never wrecked a car. That is one of the allegations that he got o got drunk after a party and crashed a government vehicle. Jackson denied that that ever happened. He said he doesnt know where the allegations are coming from. He says he is still moving forward. Were told by a white house official that he told the president these accusations are false and misleading. If youre going to pick a word to describe the mood at the white house tonight, it seems to be defiant. What do you hear about him . Hes the white house hes the president s physician and hes supposedly now a boozer who drinks all the time on the job and nobody noticed it . Reporter lets clarify a couple of things. The allegation is he drinks on the job while traveling overseas with the president. Ronny jackson denied it to the president. No, that hes drunk on the plane and unable to be do his job. Thats the accusation. While in close contact with the president which gives senator tester such concern. From people under the obama administration, he was a decent guy, a good doctor. Did he his job. And you point to the white house points to performance reviews from president obama in which he lavishes praise upon jackson, recommending him for promotions to be sort of raised up inside the White House Medical Office and up till recently, there was not much of a sense i think inside the administration that these things were lurking or at least these questions or allegations were lurking in his background. Where are the allegations coming from . Nearly two dozen current and former cleefgz jacksons some of whom are still in the military. White house is casting this as basically him getting railroaded by what they call a bitter excolleague. One person is doing this theyre saying . No, no, listen, there is some discussion about. I thought there was 23. Right, thats what the number who have come forward with allegations. The white house is casting this as a dispute between Ronny Jackson and the guy who came before him, the doctor with whom there was some issues based on reporting and these internal documents. Theres more coming. The democratic report describes a Work Environment in which admiral jackson would treat subordinates poorly according to report. He was viewed as someone who would roll over anyone, worked his way on the backs of others and abusive to those below him. A kiss up, kick down boss, ive heard of those before. His needs about putting his needs above everyone else. Leanne from the little this sounds like the reports coming from vietnam. The guys great. You talk to the enlisted people and its horrendous, the people below are giving a different store r story than the big shots bob him. We hear that about senators all the time. Nors who everybody says how wonderful they are and their staffs hate them. Thats absolutely true. Theres Horror Stories working for some members. These allegations were compiled. These are explosive. Hosteling it the truth . Thats the thing. I think tester believes the little guys are telling the truth. I think he does. He hasnt said that. But the fact he released these allegations hes done media appearances talking about them. Hes more inclined i think to believe these i asked him today, have you been talking to jackson . He said he hasnt talked to jackson in quite awhile. Okay. Yamiche, this is really pretty clearcut. Its not do you like the guy or not, his temperament. Did you crash the car . Does he drink a lot when they get on the plane together with the president as his number one patient . And hes drunk. Its not like he has a few drinks. Hes drunk a lot. This thing about concierge medicine giving out pills all the time, having a nickname candy man. This is flagrant. Its one or the other. The thing is the key question here is, if all of these allegations are true, how did he survive three president s . How did he go from george bush. Who has been covering for him. Whats the vetting process been when hes been passed over to the next president because it is undeniable there are harnd written notes from obama. Were not talking about somebody who typed this up on a computer. I saw with my own two eyes the signature of obama saying hes a great doctor. Hes doing great. Those are the things that the white house is saying. The problem is that i think that Ronny Jackson has the been backing the white house publicly. The president did not roll out the obama taking points. Yesterday he made it clear, if i was jackson, i would probably be backing out of this issue. To me hes given him an offramp. I would not surprised if Ronny Jackson said i dont want to go to this hearing and get all this on the recorded. You jonathan, it seems to me that if this guy continued as the president s doctor, none of this would have come out. The only reason any of it cape out is hes about to run the Veterans Administration and finally we realized he drinks a lot, gives away med medicine he shouldnt give away, acts as a sort of concierge doctor, candyman to the white house staff and abusive to people below him. Were learning this after having served three president s and treated as some sort of impeccable being. It doesnt hold up. It sounds like the vietnam war. We hear one story from the generals and another from the troops. Well, thats one way of looking at it. The other way is there are a whole bunch of allegations aired. And are now out there in the media that we actually dont know if theyre true. I reported all of this on sunday that he had huge problems that the white house was concerned about him, that capitol hill was concerned and allegations taken to tester. The reason i didnt write them i still dont know if theyre true. Ive been making calls. Are they coming from inside the white house staff or where are they coming from . Chris, i dont know because i havent spoken to one of the people who made the allegations. Im talking to people on the white house staff who have worked with him. Theyre not echoing these allegations. And you know, so its very. Was there an organization we all know there are certain organizations left and right who promote bad steers about people and gin up commentaries by people. Is there any evidence of an organized campaign against the doctor . Again, i havent seen the evidence of an organized campaign behind this. Theres clearly a campaign against him. I dont know one way or the other whether theyre true or false. As a reporter, it makes me very uncomfortable when i see allegations i cannot verify. As far as i can see from what these people are saying on tv, they havent fully verified either. Tester admitted hes not sure about the veracity of them. This is not that clearcut to me at all. What is clearcut is that this was a guy who was completely unvetted who had no relevant experience to run the second Largest Agency in the federal government, that the president tweeted out on an impulse over the objections of his chief of staff. Thats the clearcut part of this story. The rest we need more reporting to find out. And the white house line is ive been hearing an the same thing hallie has been hearing. This goes back to kind of a rival professional rival, another doctor who wanted to be promoted and instead Ronny Jackson got promoted. So ive heard that. One hell of a propagandist. This guy gets 23 people to speak his case to the hill. Thats the problem. Like john said, were not sure if we can corroborate that. The white house is saying these are people who dont like you. Theyre beak saying if anybody is going up for a high profile job, there are people who wont like. You the senators and Congress People are going to be vetting him finally. Can they just say i hear that and throw out something that got through the pipeline without saying there is a staff member in the white house who says this . Yeah, they can. But i think that they dont want to do that. I think they honestly want to look into this to find out if this is true. This guys nay has been dragged through the mud at this point. I dont see how he can overcome some of that. Tester is hallie, your last question hallie jackson, hes been out there talking about admiral jackson pretty tough. Its pretty tough. Yeah. He either believes this or hes been irresponsible. He talks like he believes it. I dont know if i can assess that part of but ill tell you senator tester has not been shy starting roughly 24 hours ago whether he went on npr and unleashed a blistering set of accusations against Ronny Jackson. To that point, we hadnt had the specificity or on the record discussion from a member of congress, from a lawmaker, particularly one on this committee what these accusations were. I spoke with senator tester for a story on the today show this morning. He did the interview with chuck last hour. To jonathan swans point earlier, what tester is being very careful what hes saying. When asked about the charges, hes saying this is what ive heard. This is what ive heard from the people that have come forward. Again, i do think what youre seeing on the hill, senator rand paul saying is so far it sounds like gossip. Lawmaker whos say they do have cause for concern do say they want to make sure the allegations are investigated before some of them jump to any kind of conclusion related to Ronny Jackson. These are amazing it accusations. Can i bring this back to veterans . We interviewed a bunk here in washington. Weve spoken with Veterans Groups and others. Let me point out the broader picture here. Which is as one Veterans Group put it to me earlier, a group full disclosure allies more with progressive leading causes and opposes jacksons nomination before the accusations made the point its not the accusations, its concerns that is relate to his experience overall run agagency that this is this huge, running the second biggest federal agency basically. I think that is a broader context piece here of the the resume that jackson has to step into this role. The trouble with that is, it frees people from having to back up what theyve claimed. And these charges are serious. The guy is a drunk on the job or hes not. You cant throw charges around unless you know its true. This guy career will be ruined now. To go around and say its only about policy and the executive responsibilities to run this agency eludes the fact that can somebody ought to be held responsible, somebody has fed all this stuff to people like senator tester. And the question is, is it true. I think thats the job of congress to figure out because the president s havent done a good job of checking this guy out. I Hope Congress does a better job. Thank you so much, hallie, leigh anne, and jonathan. A top member of trumps inner circle is caught admitting when he was in congress, he only met with lobbyist whos gave him money, admitting pay to play as a practice. This guy sounds like a swamp fox. Well talk to senator Elizabeth Warren about this charge next. Breaking news out of the russia investigation. The west reporting Rudy Guiliani met with bob mueller yesterday to negotiate a possible interview with the president. I would call it interrogation. Hes also pressing for answers when the investigation is going to end. Well get to that tonight. Republicans won that special house election last night in deep red arizona in a deep red district. But the race was closer than anyone expected. Thats giving democrats much more hope they can win big in november and win the house. Finally let me finish tonight with trump watch. This is hardball where the action is. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . Uhhh. And i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 4. 95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. Booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. And i heard that my cousins so, wifes sisters husband was a lawyer, so i called him. 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Francisco also said the policy is not a muslim ban arguing it only impacts a small number of the worlds muslim majority countries. The court will decide the case by late june. Well be right back. Whether its a big thing, small thing, or something unexpected, pnc will be right there when you need us. Because when it comes to your finances, if you focus on today, tomorrow has a way of working itself out. Theseare heading back home. Y oil if you focus on today, thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because its tough on grease yet gentle. I am home, i am home, i am home you know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Welcome back to hardball. Donald trump won the 2016 election on a promise to drain the swamp to reform a corrupt washington he said was rigged against the little guy. Youre tired of a government that works only for wall street and the special interests. When the powerful can get away with anything because they have the money and the connections to rig the system, then people lose confidence in our laws and confidence in their futures. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, no lie that they wont tell to hold their prestige and power at your expense. And thats whats been happening. Promises, promises. Trumps administration has been littered with examples can of just the opposite, recently epa administrator scott pruitt has come under intense criticism for ethical lapses including reports he rented an apartment from the wife ive lobbyist. Today we learned what Mick Mulvaney tells bankers behind closed doors. According to a transcript, he told the annual conference of the American Bankers Association we had a hierarchy in my office in congress. If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, i didnt talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, i might talk to you. If you came from back home and sat in my lobby i would talk to you without exception regardless of the contributions. His remarks first reported by the New York Times. Joining us is senator Elizabeth Warren that helped create agency mulvaney usually runs. People arent usually so blunt about pay to play. Lets be clear. People are usually in a world where they try to hide corruption. This is now a guy who is so corrupt, its so thoroughly pervadeses everything he does and thinks about, hes willing to say in front of 1300 people that those who dont pay me get one kind of treatment and those who pay me i actually listen to and maybe will do work on their behalf. I have a sense if he was working for obama right now, on these issues he was pretty close to god, he would have bumped him out of the cabinet for the statement. Gone. What does it tell you hes able to talk like this knowing his boss, the president of the United States will not mind him saying im running a pay to play operation it . It means most corrupt administration ever. The fact that Mick Mulvaney could stand up. Worse than grant . Exactly the fact that Mick Mulvaney would stand up and say that and what is in fact a public place. They knew the press was there and he would say it and figure why not because thats the kind of administration hes in. I got to tell you, weve got to keep calling these guys out. You cant sit back and say what are you going to do. You got to call them out on testimony every single time and remind everybody this is what elections are about come november. What can you do about pruitt, the socalled epa director . Hes not a director in any sense. He works for the industry. He drives around like near row in his chariot, first class everything. Hes got Staff Members making more than senators. What is going on with this guy . He just gets away with it. Look, the two of them are there, mull vapeny, this is like a pair of them weve got started here. Because they see themselves as not working for the public. They see themselves as working for those who contribute either to their own campaigns, their own pockets or to their party. And that cant be how we run government. Talk about cronyism. Weve talked about nepotism. They run the operation like the roman negatives. Jared doing Prison Reform today. Are you kidding . Hes also a middle east expert. That is the definition of cronyism. Talk about this new doc holiday. He has a reputation for being drunk. How did he get away with this . How has this been going on . Apparently dealing out percocet to people, security people he wants to help out. He wrecked a government vehicle while drunk. Look, i dont know why it didnt come out before. This is the par i do know. This is what vetting is about before you make a Public Statement about somebody who is going to get a nomination. Talk about vetting, hes the president s doctor. And hes got a reputation for being drunk on the job and the president doesnt smell, it doesnt know it . Its either true or it isnt. Well, but more to the point, this is how the president thinks he runs government. He takes a liking to somebody. He names him. Right . He decides he doesnt like somebody, fires them. He denied wrecking the car. Oh. Hes denying ever drinking on the job. I want to say on this. Pause for a minute on this one. I get it, im glad john test ser looking into it. Tester is tough. He has been. I feel better knows hes in there. If were going to talk about the Veterans Administration, to me this is a big policy issue. The real question is the republicans keep trying to get all the little slippery pieces in to privatize the va. All three of my older brothers are veterans. They all served. And i have firsthand experience on how important the Veterans Administration is to our veterans and how important it is to keep it part of government, not to privatize it. And so for me, whats going to keep driving around there is i want to hear a commitment from whoevers running the Veterans Administration that they plan to make that place whole and strong and not to privatize the services. Lets talk about Something Else thats part of your broadening portfolio. Armed services now . Yeah. Thats a big assignment. What do you make of i keep asking all our guests give me your optimistic rosy scenario for any kind of deal with north korea and your worst Case Scenario of what might come out of this meeting with the president and kim jongun. Can i make this a little bit more complicated . Get to the rosy one. The rosest. Ill start with the rosest. The rosest is we stand by our deal in iran having talked iran off the nuclear ledge and we have very aggressive investigation inspection on a regular basis with iran so that iran, bad actor iran, but better to be a bad actor without Nuclear Weapons than a bad actor with Nuclear Weapons thats our model. Get north korea to the same kind of place where you do the same kind of aggressive inspections that they are off the nuclear cliff. They still may be a bad actor. Will containment . Where we ought to be aiming is denuclearization. Destroy the weapons they have. Youve got to get the weapons out of there. They pose a threat not just to the region, they pose a threat to the United States. Is that realistic. And to the world. Can any president do that . President obama couldnt do it. George w couldnt do it. Clinton couldnt do it. Weve been trying since the 90s, remember the clintons tried to give them coal so they wouldnt go nuclear. The part that keeps changing. You asked me for my optimistic scenario is the allies. We were never going to be able to do this on our own. We didnt do iran on our own. We didnt saddle up and ride in on a horse. Will she help us . Thats the question. Has she looked over the border and said wait a minute, weve got a guy liking that with Nuclear Weapons right on our border . We need to rethink this. When that happens, then we may be able to get something more aggressive done. Its good to have you on. Thanks for coming over. Thank you. Up next, the mueller investigation. The west is reporting that Rudy Giuliani met with bob mueller yesterday to negotiate a possible interview with President Trump. And to press for answers on when the investigation would be over. It comes as President Trump keeps saying hes innocent but then again, why is he acting the way he is acting . Good question. This is hardball where the action is. Plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. 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The Washington Post is now reporting trumps new attorney, former new york mayor Rudy Guiliani met with Robert Mueller on tuesday to reopen negotiations for a president ial interview. The post reports giuliani conveyed the ongoing substance of trump and his advisers to an interview with federal investigators but did not rule out the possibility. Resistance rather. In that meeting, giuliani pressed mueller for clarity when the probe is expected to end. Of this comes after giuliani said last week that he would try to bring the probe to a speedy conclusion. As he told the new york post, i dont think its going to take more than a week or two to get resolution. Theres almost there. Im going to ask mueller what do you need to wrap it up . Joining me is robert costa who cowrote that report in the post. Where is the question . Why do they have to beg giuliani or have giuliani beg mueller to set the standards for this interview . Bill clinton was keel hauled by ken starr, told to appear before a grand jury and had to. Why is there negotiation here at all . Why doesnt mueller tell him it, i want you in, youre under oath and better not lie. Its a legal dance at there point. This has been going on for weeks if not months. Mueller has been talking to trumps legal team about how he needs to find out about the president s intent on key decisions. Hes also told trumps legal team he is not a criminal target at this point. Hes only a subject. And so he wants to have an interview, not have to subpoena him to come before the grand jury. Of course, mueller still has that card in his back pocket if he wants to use it. At this point, theyre having this legal dance trying to see if they can come to an agreement. Why would mueller agree to shorten his investigation which giuliani is suggesting here because trump agrees to testify . Its not about the shortening the whole investigation. You have to think about the Mueller Probe as a twotrack investigation. Theres the russia collusion aspect of the investigation, then theres President Trumps conduct. Two separate areas of the probe. Mueller wants to wrap up the president ial conduct report. That part of the investigation sooner rather than later. Hopefully by the summer because he doesnt want it to come out before the midterm elections. Thats why he wants the interview as soon as possible. What about the candidate trumps behavior and possible collusion with the russians . Whether he is that going to be the subject of an investigation, rather an interview with the president . Its more narrow with the president s conduct as you can imagine. The sprawling russia collusion, potential collusion part of this investigation keeps moving in different directions. You have the manafort, rick gates aspects, those indictments. You have President Trumps Campaign Operatives just interviewed who may not have any kind of legal action being taken against them yet. Theyre continuing to process across a wade array of fronts, financial, political, Different Things that happened. Wikileaks, roger stone, all these different aspects of the investigation that have come up could take months if not more than a year. Mueller is trying to finish one part before he finishes another. Barry grissom, former federal prosecutor, its hard for me to follow this. It seems to me that the president s under investigation for all of his behavior going way back into his business career, can anything to do with russia, anything he did in the transition and as president. Why would they be suggesting that this interview is only going to be about the transition and the presidency when theyre leaving open the whole question of collusion. When will they get around to asking him about that under oath . I would imagine at some point in time that will be asked. But for the purposes of right now, we have a unique situation. We have a president who is being interviewed unlike just your normal every day citizen. I think the court is going to give deference just like if you remember when clinton testified there was a defined period of time within which they could ask questions concerning his legal issues. Thats whats going to be happening here i think, as well. It seems to me the real issue the president has is one of credibility. You want to be honest and forthright particularly talking to a federal prosecutor. And if you lose credibility which is so important in any legal proceeding but particularly one of a criminal nature, that can backfire on you. If you go in to offer a proffer as an example and the investigator just does not believe you because you have been less than candid before on any number of things, that can cause you a lot of difficulty. Well, if i were working for mueller, id go in there and ask him to back up under the oath all the stuff he said in public. Youre mittaling as we say in politics, forcing him to choose between what he said before and the truth. If he said what he said before which is not the truth, hes perjuring himself. Why would he ever go into that room . Absolutely. I think you know, if when you represent someone in a criminal matter, you want them to keep their mouth shut and dont want them going out making a record that will come back to haunt them. Something as simple as if mr. Mueller were to ask, did you spend the night in russia. Yeah. We know he offer that up to jim comey unsolicited that he wasnt there. Weve now discovered that in fact he was there. Those things add up to credibility. Overnight. Tom roberts said he was with him. He was basically covering that event out there, the miss universe. Back to robert. Lou is trump going to handle this . Why would he knowing hes trump, want to go into a room where he says what he says publicly, hes perjuring himself. We report tonight the president publicly was saying he wanted to sit for an interview for months, almost having a bragging tone. Now hes backed away privately our reporting tells us. Hes wary of doing an interview. So are his lawyers. Giuliani is now functioning in the lead role. Think about that, giuliani in the room on tuesday with mueller in southwest washington. Hes making it clear to the special counsel facetoface with bob mueller and saying were not going to probably go through with this interview. Were open to the possibility. There are a lot of the concerns we have. If youre searching for the intent were told from some of our sources they think if mueller is searching for intent, theres a big risk to put the president in a chair. Theyre now negotiating will it be a written interview . Is he going to sit in the chair across from mueller. Well, i think hes got to answer a simple question as barry asked. How many nights did you spend in moscow, yes or no. In a court filing in california in a lawsuit brought by Stormy Daniels mike willing cohen said based upon the advice of counsel i will assert my fifth amendment rights in connection with all proceedings in this case due to the ongoing criminal investigation by the fbi and u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Barry, whats he goss got to worry about in terms of perjury there, mike cohen. Well, if were talking about mr. Cohen, he did the appropriate thing following the advice of his lawyer not to say anything to incriminate himself. The we talked about earlier the, mr. Mueller now has all the information which going through a process and being reviewed. At some point hell have all the information that mr. Cohen put together over all these many years with the president. And i think that changes the entire dynamic from the president s perspective of as the other gentleman said a few moments ago almost in a braggadocios way coming in to testify or speak with mr. Mueller. I think by going into mr. Cohens office and getting his information, that has completely changed the dynamic of this game. It looks to me again tonight the president is up to his elbows in alligators. Thank you so much robert and barry. Republicans won a special election last night in arizona but shouldnt be popping the champagne bottles about the race was much closer than expected. Thats a bad sign for november. Youre watching hardball. Dav. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Thats it . Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. 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Republican debdy lesko edged out a victory in the 8th district defeating her democratic opponent by just over five points. Thats good for republicans. The problem, President Trump won that same zraikt district by 21 fuentes four times as much in 2016. Its so reliably red there wasnt a democrat on the ballot in the last two the Congressional Elections out there. The Cook Political Report Dave Wasserman summed it up, there are 147 gop held house seats right now, less republican than the arizona 8. Its time to start rethinking how many of those are truly safe in november. In fact the New York Times reports republicans have lost support in every special election since Trump Took Office including the ones they won. President trump put a good face on results congratulating lesko on twitter saying debbie will do a great job. Press is so silent. But President Trump may have something bigger to worry about this fall. Thats next with the hardball roundtable. Isnt top of mind. 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It seems to me that we keep looking for new tea leaves to tell us which way its going. I stick to my prospect that if the democrats win 30 or 40 seat and win the house, the senate looks tricky but i still think enough to impeach if the house wants to do it next year. Enough votes to do it. And then what is the answer to the impeachment question. I cant see that far. I think the senate is everything has to go right for the democrats in an arena where everything is stacked against them because they have so many people up in trump, in states that trump won, ten incumbents up. The house i think democrats have very good prospect of winning that dave cook number. This remarkable number of house seats that are actually less republican than this one that was so close last night. That should put fear in the heart of every republican lawmaker. Dave wasserman of the cook report. Sorry. His title is there it is. Charlie cook, Dave Wasserman, got them both. What do you think . Do you think you guys hold the senate based upon the latest results. There are no point spreads. You dont get a point spread victory income political races. You just have to win the election. Theres no moral victories. No, the republicans won. Elections are based on the map, which ruth was talking about with the senate, money, which is basically tied, democrats have raised a lot of money but its spread over a lot more candidates and the message. Harry reid put it up plainly. Impeachment is not a good message for the democrats. I think its a huge mistake for them. Pelosi is trying to put that down. I think youre right. Trying to make this in liberal districts, progressive districts, africanamerican districts where the people are progressive, they love this and will come out and vote. The senate will be very difficult for the democrats but when you look at what may be going against the republicans, part of whats not helping is all these scandals coming out of the Trump Administration when you have all these issues when youre talking about scott pruitt at the epa and this new nomination for Ronny Jackson, all these things coming out, thats taking up all the air time right now, that and issues about russia, investigation. So when you talk about messaging, what messages are the republicans getting across right now. Thats a good point because if you talk about the tax cuts, its being drowned out. The who is talking about that. Thats right. The polling on that, theyve gone down in popularity. People are talking about all the other nonsense. They were very popular about two months ago. If you look at the polls theyve sunk down. Corporations have to get on their butts and Start Talking what theyll do with benefits and wages. Go ahead. If this is a referendum on who is governing well, when you have all these scandals and all these things going on with the Trump Administration, can the republicans make that argument or can they get back on track to make the argument we deserve to be in here, we deserve to be in power because were getting things done. Ayesha makes a good point. But the thing thats a little bit puzzling for people who try to prognosticate this many months out which we cant stop ourselves from doing is that even as these special elections have been really, if the democrats havent won them and i take your point it doesnt matter how much you win by, but were looking at them as tea leaves even as democrats have overperformed in a lot of races the generic ballot is tightening. Explain that generic balloting for people that arent buffs. So sort of overall, would you like to see democrats in congress or republicans in congress. If voters out there are getting fed up with the governing they see from the Trump Administration, its not showing up there. You know what i think, theres a complete disconnect weave what the house and the politicians on the hill want and 1946, it was all about lets have another probe and hearing and harry true man got elected in 48. Sometimes the republicans blew it. If the democrats get in next year and all they do is hold impeachment hearings, trump could get reelected. Up next, these three will tell me something i dont know. Youre watching hardball. We cant stay here why . Flat toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you. Charmin ultra strong. It cleans better. Its four times stronger and you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. Ancestrydna has 5x more detail. And its now on sale for just 59. It can lead you on an unexpec ted journey. To discover your heritage. Get ancestrydna for just 59. The lowest price of the year. Were back with the hardball roundtable. Ruth, the pro, tell me something i dont know. So theres a little bit of an epidemic among President Trumps judicial nominees in being unwilling to Say Something that is a little surprising which is they dont want to say whether they think brown versus board of education is correctly decided. The, im not making this up. The first. They think separate can be equal. No, theyre just saying they dont want to say because it would be improper for them to say. The first one was wendy vitter, the wife of senator david vitter up for a district judgeship in louisiana. The other up for federal appeals judgeship, general counsel to the governor of texas. They should look back at the transcript of chief justice john roberts. He was willing to say that brown was correctly decided. Forward thinker. Jonathan. I worked for the Republican Leadership in 1998 when we decided we would go all in on our em pixment message with bill clinton. It doesnt work. Dont try it. Talk about the economy if you want to have any impact. Why dont they pass a simple resolution because of monica of censure . They should have. Gephardt and tom delay decided they didnt want that to happen because they wanted il peachment to be the real measure against the guy. Npr is reporting today even as the Supreme Court is debating President Trumps travel ban, immigration from muslims is down in the u. S. Theres cato analysts who found that 9, or that immigration from muslim refugees is down 91 monthly from last year and down 26 from muslim majority countries. Thank you ruth, john, ayesha. Let me finish tonight with trump watch. Youre watching hardball. Gs. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Trump watch, wednesday april 25th, 2018. General Frances Marion was one of the heros of the american revolution. Known as the swamp fox, a master of guerrilla warfare. Today we have another swamp fox in the form of south carolinas Mick Mulvaney, director of the omb, he moon litz running is the Consumer Financial protection agency. He has earned the name sbamp fox from admission that has a member of congress from south carolina, he follow aid rule, he would let people in to see him who had given him Campaign Money and refused to those who didnt. Heres the direct quote. If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, i didnt talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, he might talk to you. Ive never heard it said so clearly is the definition of the swamp that donald trump ran against. A government with your must pay to play. What kind of message is Mick Mulvaney sending to other people in the administration . Is he saying this is how you drain the swamp or sesaying this is how you get money and how to get around in a swamp. I would say the second. His admission you have to pay someone like him to be heard is the very definition of the swamp. Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Breaking news on multiple fronts tonight including damaging new allegations really damaging new allegations against white house doctor the president picked to run the va, what happened with the president s muslim ban before the Supreme Court today and Michael Cohen says officially for the record, he will plead the fifth in the Stormy Daniels case. We begin with the big news from the Washington Post. With the report just about lawyer old that Rudy Giuliani, the president s new personal lawyer met yesterday with special counsel Robert Mueller in order to reopen negotiations for a president ial interview. According to three people familiar with

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