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Out to tillerson himself, trump spoke to reporters and made clear he wanted someone in the state department who the wouldnt disagree with him. He found his man in cia direct ker mike pompeo. Lets watch. Rex and i have been talking about this for a long time. We got along actually quite well. But we disagreed on things. When you look at the iran deal, i think its terrible. I guess he thought it was okay. I wanted to either break it or do something. And he felt a little bit differently. So we were not really thinking the same. With mike pompeo, we have a very similar thought process. I think its going to go very well. I got along well with rex. But it was a different mindset. It was a different thinking. I wish wretch a lot of good things. I think hes going to be very happy. I think rex will be much happier now but i really appreciate his service. But with mike, weve had a very Good Chemistry right from the beginning. Actually, rex is not the name of a dog. Its the name of the secretary of state. Rex tillerson seemed to be out of the loop on Foreign Policy. He pushed talks with north korea when trump was arguing for fire and fury. Last week, tillerson told reporters america was a long way from negotiations hours before President Trump deputized the south koreans to inform them he agreed to meet with north korea by may. Tillerson never denied a report he had called the president a moron last summer. I think trump remembered that. Today nbc reported the president could never get past that naming of him as a moron. He talked about comparing iq scores. The white house and state department seem to offer count ker narratives when tillerson found out he was finished. According to nbc chief of staff john kelly spoke with tillerson by phone on friday and told him trump intended to ask him to step aside. Kelly did not specify when the change might come. Kelly called tillerson again on saturday expressing once again the president s imminent intention to replace him as secretary of state. A Senior State Department official told nbc tillerson officially learned of his firing when the president tweeted the news this morning. Steve goldstein, undersecretary of state for Public Affairs said today the secretary had every intention of remaining and the stkt didnt speak to the president this morning and is unaware of the reason. Hours later, goldstein was fired. Josh letterman, the a. P. Reporter who was on the plane with tillerson last night described the secretarys demeanor, lets listen to him. I have to tell you there were no indications from his behavior from that of his aides or other people on the plane this was imminent. If tillerson knew at that point that this was his swan song and that he would not appear publicly much longer as secretary of state, he sure didnt show it. Rex tillerson delivered a statement of his own today thanking diplomats, soldiers and the American People, but leaving out the man he served for the past 14 months, donald trump. The only mention of the president was a reference to the fact that he didnt hear from him till hours after the news had broken. Lets watch that. I received a call today from the president of the United States at a little after noontime from air force one and ive also spoken to chief of staff kelly. I will be meeting members of my Front Office Team and policy planning later today to thank them for their service. They have been extraordinarily dedicated to our mission which includes promoting values that view as being very important. Correspondent Jonathan Swan National Political reporter for axios and Michael Steele the former chair of the Republican National committee. Andrea, this is amazing. Youve studied this had Foreign Policy sphere for so long. Has any president in history treated his or her secretary of state like a dog like this . Ing. Not that i can recall. Alexander haig was fired arguably for cause. Their chemistry was terrible between the two. Theres no question that Rex Tillerson was on the outs with the president. But he had an ally in jim mattis, defense secretary. And many people in the government felt that he was at least retraining some of the president s worst impulses. He had always said that he would have to fire him to his face, that he was not going to quit. And in fact, what happened was he was fired on twitter and then that followup phone call as you point out from air force one. So there was no question that this was really a terrible way of executing the secretary of state and he was emotional in that appearance today. Ive never seen him quite like that. Josh letterman is absolutely correct. Our producer Abigail Williams was also on the trip and said he was ebuttant in his briefing to the press corps overnight and in that final night, on the plane, he told them how much he was looking forward to leading being the point person for the talks with north korea. He went through a lot of the policy issues and then also went through a very tough criticism of russia for its role according to the u. K. In the attempted assassination by nerve gas of former russian spy and his daughter in the u. K. He took a very hard line against russia which the white house deliberately did not do hours earlier from the podium. There were so many disagreements. I think iran was the most profound one plus the lack of chemistry between the two. It tells us more about the president than the now exsecretary of state. Do you think he told him on friday . Is there any way to get through this . Or he never knew till he heard the tweet this morning . Which is the truth. John kelly is telling white house officials at the certainly gave them the headsup. But this was only the last of so many so many times during the last 14 months when the president was threatening to fire Rex Tillerson. So tillerson did not take that to heart, did not think he would going to be fired. Kelly, weve known in the past, has not always been straightforward in describing conversations. So all we know is from white house officials and white house correspondents that kelly says that he certainly gave him the headsup on friday night and again at 2 30 a. M. On saturday morning. Tillerson had been up for some 72 hours and then that was certainly a warning sign, but he thought he could repair it when he got back here. Told on. Let me go to jonathan. You get to the question of the president s behavior here. Its either personal, vindictive, city cruel . Is he sadistic . Does he like to fire people at Long Distance or afraid do it mantoman . Because he seems to have this habit now of firing comey when hes on the west coast 3,000 miles away or reince bre bus when hes somewhere else. President s i think ill say this. They owe the people they bring to washington the courtesy of a mantoman or facetoface offer to request to resign. Let the man resign with some class. Whats the reason he has to humiliate them by Remote Control i should say. I cant psychoanalyze trump. The only context in which hes fired people is on television directly is the only time hes directly facetoface told people theyre fired. When he was on the apprentice. This is the weirdness of working for donald trump. When you talk to people at the senior level of the white house, they will tell you in graphic detail about all the things trump has said in the past 24 hours about john kelly, his chief of staff. He opens the kimono, tells them anything. Then he must be ready to fire them. Hell bounce names off but it doesnt happen. This is the same inner shah. Nbc reported tillerson called the president a moron after a meeting at the pentagon where trump proposed increasing the countrys nuclear arsenal. The president told forbes magz magazine if he did that, i guess well have to compare iq tests and i can tell you who is going to win. This is trump talking last year. In an interview with cnn tillerson refused to deny using the word moron. Lets watch. As a indicated earlier when i was asked about that, im not going to deal with that kind of petty stuff. This is a town that seems to relish gossip, rumor, innuendo. And they feed on it. They feed on one another in a very destructive way. I dont work that way. Im not going to dignify the question. Im not playing. These are the games of washington. Im not dignifying the questions with an answer. Tries try but the president heard him say he was a moron. Yeah. Were his days numbered . Waiting for from that moment on. I think there were problems with the relationship coming in the door. Tillerson was not necessarily trumps guy, but it was reince and jared and others who really liked the idea of bringing tillerson in. And from that moment, that was it. I think the president was pretty much biding his time and to your first questions about his ability to fire people, hes never had to do that because its all been scripted before. And now this is real life where to your point, the dignity of the office requires you approach those individuals with a certain amount of dignity and give them that. He still doesnt see that. He sees this as the end game. This is how i win. Ultimately i trump your cards with this approach. Let me go back to andrea. Andrea, im wondering about Foreign Policy now. Donald Trump Campaigned on kind of a mish mash of policies. But one of them was, im going to rebuild america and done infrastructure, something that appealed to me as a citizen. He also talked about stopping stupid wars which clearly was running against w and how he got involved with iraq especially. That was very attractive to working people, a lot of their kids have to fight these warses. Now hes into the hawkish mode again on iran. If we dont have the this deal to stop them from developing Nuclear Weapons, weve got to have a some other method of stopping them. That means some sort of active war. Why are we going back it seems trump is getting dangerous again. Trump is hes very heavily influenced by netanyahu and by all of those Trump Supporters like Sheldon Adelson and other supporters who are really, really against iran. And certainly by saudi arabia. He went to riyadh first. This is the sunni arabs aligned against iran. Thats the side hes taken. The counter argument which you make and with a lot of diplomats and others make is that if you blow up the iran deal and theres another deadline approaching in may, what signal are you sending to kim jongun and others with Nuclear Weapons but principally north korea that any deal negotiated with the Trump Administration will not be observed. Not only is it a real breach as far as all of our european allies plus russia and china, the other signatories to the iran deal. Its not just a twoway deal. This was a sixparty agreement bleszed by the u. N. And the eu. You blow that up just before you sit down with kim, not smart and very risky Foreign Policy. Thats one thing. The other thing about dignity and what you were describing with jonathan and michael is, are there things that really upset tillerson . Remember the boy Scout Jamboree . Tillerson had only two or three days earlier been awarded a medal there at the boy Scout Jamboree. Hes a former eagle scout and characterize about the boy scouts. Hes on boy scout board. To watch the president then go and give a really flagrantly political speech to the boy scouts with lots of curse words and other suggestions was really deeply offensive. I was upset by charlottesville. Theres a side to Rex Tillerson which is a dignified person. He didnt understand the state department or the culture here. At the fired people or forced them to resign in dismay. Two of the most prominent very recently in the last ten days, their vacancies. He hollowed out the department. Young people are no longer take the Foreign Service exam in large numbers. Theres a real problem which might it be generational. That said, this was a decent man and he was treated shamefully. Thank you so much. Youre the expert. Its great to hear your expertise on this topic. You know every one of the people youre talking about. Jonathan swan, i want to talk about the basic nuttiness of this behavior by the president. Coming up, the russian investigation, roger stone, remember him, reportedly talked to the founder of wikileaks and knew in advance about that hacked democratic emails. It comes amid new reporting about a proposed meeting between candidate trump and vladimir putin. Its more damning evidence just one day after republicans on the House Intelligence Committee denied there was any collusion between at Trump Campaign and russia. Nice try, gops. Plus in less than an hour, polls close in the race for pennsylvanias 18th congressional district. Democrats are hoping a win in Trump Country will late groundwork for a big blue wave come november. And trumps clearing his head, certainly clearing his head with todays firing of Rex Tillerson, the president sent a message if youre not on his decide be prepared to get out of the way. Imagine if mitt romney had taken the job. He would be humiliated today just like rex. Let me finish tonight with trump watch. This is hardball where the action is. Weeds. Natures boomerang. At roundupĀ®, we know they keep coming back. Draw the line. One spray of roundupĀ® max control 365 kills to the root and keeps weeds away for up to one year. RoundupĀ®, trusted for over forty years. If youre setting off a political firestorm in washington, d. C. Today, President Trump headed to california which includes a republican fundraiser later this evening marks his first visit to california since becoming president. First visit. Shortly after touching down, he headed to the california desert where he inspected prototypes for his wall while reviewing the structures, trump stresses the need for a wall that would prevent reclimbers from getting into this country. The round piece that you see up here or you see more clearly back there, the larger it is, the better it is because its very hard to get over the top. 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Try parodontax toothpaste. You know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Welcome back to hardball. In a stunning display of partisanship, republicans controlling the House Intelligence Committee have the shut down their investigation of russian interference prematurely clearing President Trump and his campaign for what happened in 16. Yet, were already seeing at least one Top Republican on the complete, congressman mike conaway is having a difficult time explaining the reports conclusions. He said last night the full report would the suggest that the extent that any russians acted on behalf of either candidate it was for hillary clinton. Today, conaway is taking that back saying he misspoke. Lets watch. You said twice yesterday that you actually believe that the russians wanted to help hillary clinton. Can you be clear whats in the report . Twice yesterday. Hurt hillary. Yesterday, we when asked you twice, you said you believed i misspoke. Nothing that they did remotely helped hillary clinton. There was no evidence to my view that they were trying to help her. Im sorry if i misspoking. After being left in the dark by the republican colleagues, democrats on that committee, the Intel Committee described the republican report as a sham and a capitulation to the white house. Tonight, they released a report of their own summarizing their findings in the investigation to date. Joining me is the ranking democrat of the House Intelligence Committee, adam schiff. Thank you for joining us. What is the burning problem with the republican report as you read it . Well, it reads like a elongated version of the nunes memo. It cherry picks information had, omits key facts and designed to convey a political narrative rather than a fact finding mission. Its dramatically incomplete because they curtail the investigation when we still have dozens of key witnesses to interview. And lots of documents that we didnt even request. There are issues for example, involving Trump Campaign personnel reaching out to wikileaks and being inning direct communication with guccifer 2. We asked to subpoena twitter and get those messages. They were unilg to do it. Allegations within the last two weeks that people who testified under oath in our committee may have testified falsely. But theyre unwilling to pursue it. Even steve bannon who they with great ceremony beat their chest and said we cannot allow him to stonewall and refuse to answer questions and he needs to be hauled before the court to answer if necessary, theyve decided well, never mind. Wed rather not know. And thats the fundamental problem here. Its been a unserious effort, really an effort to give the appearance of an investigation without doing a credible and thorough investigation. In the report you reed tonight, you suggested there might be more documentation of the president s interactions with former fbi director james comey that could represent obstruction of justice. The minority has a good faith reason to believe that the white house does in fact possess such documentation memorializing President Trumps conversations with director comey. Tell us where that goes. Do you think youve got strong or good evidence that suggests obstruction of justice by the president . Well, its hard to say because these documents that we requested, they havent been willing to insist upon. Conaway and i wrote to the without on a bipartisan basis when the president suggested that he might have tapes of conversations with james comey asking for any recordings but not just recordings, any memoranda or other documents that reflect his conversations with comey that would shed light on the issue of obstruction of justice. The white house basically told us that they answered our letter by tweet and when we took issue and wrote them a second bipartisan letter suggesting if they didnt comply we would subpoena them, they told us to pound sand. From that point till today, we havent been able to get them to follow up with a subpoena. That would be a at tern representply indicated time and time again over the last year. When we got no for an answer, they said were fine with that. The west is reporting trumps former Campaign Adviser roger stone told an aassociate in the spring of 2016, had he advance knowledge of the russian hacked emails that would up yend the election. He said he had learned from Julian Assange that his organization had obtained emails that would torment senior democrats such as john poe tes da, Campaign Chairman of candidate hillary clinton. The reported conversation occurred before it was publicly known that hackers had obtained the emails of podesta and the Democratic National committee. It the reporting appears to contradict what stone said last week on msnbc. I never had any advance knowledge of the content, the source, or the exact timing of the wikileaks disclosures. I never predicted that John Podestas emails would be hacked. I predicted that his Business Activities would come under scrutiny. Congressman, what do you make of that defense by roger stone . Weve heard about the time in the barrel, how bhoe podesta is getting his turn based upon what looked to be earlier knowledge by stone of what the russians hacked and who theyre going to hurt with it. Now hes saying i was talking about something es. Now were getting reporting he did in fact get advance word about wikileaks and what theyre getting from the russians. What do you make of all this in terms of collusion . What roger stone has said before is his whole strategy is deny, deny, deny. And indeed, thats a strategy that President Trump also adopts. He repeated no collusion, no collusion, no collusion as a mantra. He credits roy moore when Roy Moore Says i didnt do it. He credits rob porter when porter says i didnt do it. If you deny, youll be fine in the president s world and in roger stones. Youre a loser if you admit to anything. We as a committee cant take roger stones word for things. We need to get from twitter because we cant be confident weigh get them from roger stone any private communications he had, direct messages had he with guccifer 2 or wikileaks and other witnesses that contradict roger stone should be brought before our committee. We should find out who is telling the truth. The republicans would like to put out a report that essentially says we asked roger stone and he denied it and therefore, theres no evidence to the contrary. Thats not at investigation. Thats the facade of an investigation. Okay. They dont look good. Why does the Senate Committee work in such a bipartisan way and richard burr works so well with mark warner . Whereas the republicans on your committee dont look on the level . To use an old political term they look like toldies for trump. The leadership comes from the top. The leadership on our Committee Even during periods when he said he was recused comes from chairman nunes. He has seen his mission as carrying the water for the white house rather than doing a credible investigation. That, of course, put us in the position of either going along withing that charade or speaking out. That was no choice at all. Thank you very much. U. S. Congressman adam schiff of california. A new book out today an provides a captivating account of russias unprecedented influence campaign during the 2016 president ial campaign. Russian roulette by david corn and Michael Isikoff puts together many of the pieces central to the special counsels ongoing investigation. One of the new details in the book, the report focuses on a meeting between trump, Jeff Sessions and the campaigns Foreign Policy team. They reveal when Foreign Policy adviser George Papadopoulos said had he foreign contacts who could arrange a meeting with putin, he received at least tacit approval to proceed. Papadopoulos later told investigators he believed trump gave him encouragement according to sources familiar with papadopouloss account. Trump said the idea was interesting and looked at sessions as if he expected him to followup and sessions nodded in response. Im joined by david corn and Michael Isikoff, achieve investigative correspondent forria ha of yahoo news. Let me start with david and go to michael. What was the juiciest stuff in your book that people should enjoy because it makes a point historically . What is that to look for . How much time do you have . Start with the biggies. You just mentioned one of the biggies. That was an indication from an eyewitness from a person in contact with the russians for five months first trying to set up au meeting between trump and putin and when that didnt seem possible, setting up a back channel off the record connection with putins own office. He was doing this throughout the summer after it was publicly reported that russia had hacked the democratic emails and had dumped them. So we knew there was an Information Warfare campaign against the United States from moscow. I think thats pretty significant. We also talk about a secret source in the kremlin in 2014 giving a u. S. Official sort of headsup that putin was planning a massive Information Campaign and theres a great opening scene in the book, of course, in the opening chapter in which donald trump is briefed by jim comey on the steele dossier which hasnt become public yet, given a twopage summary of that and trump thinks, looks at comey and says, after he gets the memo, walks out and tells his aides, comey is trying to set me up. This is a shake down. Trump thought it the whole Intelligence Community was trying to tell trump we have something on you. Youd better do what we want. So the whole paranoia that prevents trump from dealing the issue of russian med ding in the election and maybe in the future elections sort of came from that very dramatic moment. Those are just a few. Mike has his own. Let me ask you about another career i have. Ive watched politics since i was a kid. Ive never heard a president ial campaign so tied up with russians. Russians here and there. Everything, all these weird characters from carter page to roger stone. All russian connected. All the russian names you cant pronounce all these meetings. Why . Did you ever what is this weird russophile loved by the trump people . Your thoughts. It goes back to where we start the book actually opening chapter which is the Miss Universe pageant in moscow where trumps primary goal was a business deal with an oligarch close to putin, air ras agalarov to build a trump tower in moscow. Trump is obsessed. Why . Who wants to go to russia . Lets like last on the list of anyplace anybody wants to visit. To solidify himself as a global oligarch. This was something had he thought about, talked about for years, made numerous efforts. He was coming close. But in order to get close, for that deal to go through, he needed putins approval. Thats where you see the birth of the pro bromance between trump and putin. We have fresh reporting on this, trump is obsessed with the idea of meeting it putin during that trip. He keeps asking everybody around him. Is putin coming . Have we heard from putin yet . Hes expecting a phone call. Has putin called . Ultimately he does get a phone call not from putin. Its from pes could be, the press spokesman who tells him sorry, the russian president is tied up, isnt going to be able to make it. Putin follows up, sends trump after that trip this gift in a black lack cored Box Including and a personal note. Talk about the things that the House Intelligence Committee didnt get in its investigation what was i cant hear, michael. Whats going on here. Lets take a break. Well be right back with david corn and michael sissy cough. Nng thats going on in the company. Get it for jean whos always cold. For the sales team, it and the warehouse crew. Give us the data we need. In one place, anywhere we need it. Help us do our jobs better. With domo we can run this place together. Well thats thats your job i guess. You know how painful heartburn can be. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. It quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. To make it. Lets take a break. Acting, longlasting gaviscon. A wealth of information. A wealth of perspective. A wealth of opportunities. Thats the clarity you get from fidelity wealth management. Straightforward advice, tailored recommendations, taxefficient investing strategies, and a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. Fidelity wealth management. We had a technical difficulty at the end of that block. Would like to thank david and mike. Great reporting for coming on the show. Well be back to you in a few days. Thats a hell of a book. You want to know more where russian roulette. Its Election Night in southwestern pennsylvania. 30 minutes away from the polls closing. Republican rick saccone faces off against Democrat Conor Lamb to fill it the vacated seat in the 18th district in the southwest. Republicans are desperate for a win hoping to avoid an embarrassing loss in what some see as a key litmus test of President Trumps popularity ahead of the 2018 midterms. That said, a republican with knowledge of the race tells nbc news tonight were not feeling good. According to the pittsburgh post ga set voter turnout was high. He im joined by charlie dent from pennsylvanias 15th district. Congressman, thats jack murtha country. Conservative Democrat Country or republican country. Its and parrish lannian, poor, white in many ways. A little bit sophisticated suburban but generally rural and seen as very much Trump Country. Well, correct. 20 points he won by. The south hills of pittsburgh are more suburban and more moderate. The rest of the district is deer hunting country, coal, fracking, all that. Look, trump won this district by 20 points. I dont believe its a 20point trump district. A lot of people were antihillary. Its actually tighter. Clearly, recent polls show a tight race, monmouth had lamb up by six today. In a surge model. Intensity and energy seems to be on the democratic side. At the moment. If its up around six, were all predicting now, polls close at 8 00 eastern, what happens if lamb wins big . Does that tell you that the delegation in pennsylvania could end up beinging about 99 instead of 135 as it is now in terms of the proportion of democrat and republican members of congress. Under the new map it could go on a great night for democrats it could go 108 democrat, 99. They could pick it up five seats just in pennsylvania. In the southeast. Under the new map, there are seven guaranteed republican seats, five guaranteed democrat seats and Six Competitive seats. The democrats if they run the tables in eastern pennsylvania and they could do that, that could take. Do you think your districts going for the demes . Right now its been redistricted, a slight lean democratic seat. Plus one democrat. It could its the same district i won four times. I can see four going democrat that the havent been before. Thats possible. Let me ask you about trump. Is he going to carry pennsylvania next time . Is that he ran on the first time worn out already. It depends on who the democratic candidate is. Theyre not going to run pelosi. A lot of people supported donald trump were antihillary. That was a big part of it. Who wins, trump or elizabeth warren. I believe trump would win that. How about him against bernie . Well how about him against biden . I think it would be tough to beat biden. I think he can appeal to a lot of folks that maybe bernie or. Who would you vote for . Thats a tough one. Who would you vote for trump or biden, come on, make news. You would vote for bide. And i dont know yet. Well see. Thats a long way off. These two guys that are running in pittsburgh, both could be congressmen in november. I know. Thats going to happen. Im predicting, youre predicting lamb tonight . Right now slight edge democrat. Looks about four. Congressman charlie dent, todays firing of Rex Tillerson shows the president is willing to get rid of anybody who doesnt agree with him 100 of the time. Hes the boss. I aint no lincoln. Trump is no lincoln. Big surprise. Youre watching hardball. Ow ohh crawl inside wait by the light of the moon come to my window ill be home soon ill be home, ill be home im coming home come to my window ohh applebees to go. Order online and get 10 off 30. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. You or joints. Something for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. 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President trump today told reporters that Rex Tillerson will be much happier now hes out as secretary of state. But it might also improve the president s spirits now that hes showing who is boss. According to reuters, todays announcement shows the president s growing impatience with his initial set of hand picked advisers who he vieweded as slow walking his favored policies. David ignatius writes tillerson was ousted in a way that reinforced the humiliating treatment he received from trump since the beginning given only a warning by white house john kelly. The sacking of tillerson is from a man famous for firing people facetoface on television. He fired james comey while he was traveling in california. 3,000 miles away. And he announced the departure of Reince Priebus from air force one while reince sat on the tarmac outside the plane. Who is the next high profile departure from the white house . Well get to other staff shakeups raising eyebrows today next with the hardball roundtable. This. Is. Lobsterfest. At red lobster with exciting new dishes like dueling lobster tails and lobster truffle mac cheese. Classics like lobster lovers dream are here too. So enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes while you can because lobsterfest wont last. For all the noses that stuff up around daisies. For all the eyes that get itchy and watery near pugs. For all the people who sneeze around dust. Theres Flonase Sensimist allergy relief. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Flonase sensimist. Welcome back to hardball. Rex tillerson was the biggest name to be ousted from the Trump Administration this week but not the only one. His spokesman Steve Goldstein was left go after contradicting the white house account. The white house account of tillersons firing. On monday, trumps personal assistant john mcatee was sacked and escorted from the white house premises and not allowed to get his coat. Nbc news reports he is under investigation by the secret service for serious financial crimes. And his security clearance had been revoked. How does that make him different . Elgin trumps 2020 Reelection Campaign as a Senior Adviser even though they walked him out of the room. Lets bring in adolpho franco, rnc surrogate, Donna Edwards former congresswoman from maryland and anne garrett, white house correspondent. Also a candidate for county executive in prince georges county, not to be called pb county in nearby washington. Okay. Anybody wants to start this. What does this say about trump the way he sacked his secretary of state . Go ahead. He has no class. You know, and you obviously you have to be either a sick cofant or soninlaw to keep your job in the white house and you bet your look for your resume. The president has used tweets before and gotten used to tweeting. I think people are read too much into this. They keep saying youre fired. At the end of the day, all these individuals you mentioned including the secretary of state knew that his the chief of staff has said of the white house to john kelly, its imminent. Wait till i get back. He waited till he returned. How come the reports say him coming back on the plane last night he had no idea it of coming . He gave an interview he came back and talked to the reporters traveling with him on the plane and not only did he give absolutely no sign that he was about to lose his job, but he talked about longterm plans. He was in a good mood. He did. He gave not only a retrospective of the trip but said heres what were doing going forward. He said he would be part of the north korean discussions. He e good job faking it. Lets be honest about this. The big story would be if he would remain on the job. We were talking four, five, six months whether he would the moron comment was made months ago. Do you think the president should have forgiven the moron comment. I think he did. It was made eight months ago. There was talk about his departure in december. Why does the big story secretary of state and he was sack bid tweet. Its because of the wayet did it. Shameful. Our program here is about form over substance . Just the way things were communicated . Is this the planet of the apes . No, but i think were talking about rather than policy. Okay, ill talk policy. Talk about iran. It is the secretary of state. The president has a right to have the people around him that he wants. But the question is how you do some things. President has ended up creating a news story that he didnt need but maybe at trump the news story of Stormy Daniels knocked off the pages, he does that, too. The president , go ahead. The president has a right to have the people he wants. Were overthinking this. To a point, this was an anvil waiting to fall. At the same time, do you do it this way . He was actually fired while he was overseas. Im not sure hes afraid. Its about not having the upper hand. Why doesnt he call the guy in the office and say its not working around. I think he likes to muay humiliate people to elevate himself. Its been clear hes done it over and over again. I have to disagree. Im not sure getting a text or a tweet that was broadcast to the entire American People saying you did a terrific job, thank you very much for what youve done is a humiliation. I really dont. The difference is we. Are you watching his face in the room today . Dont start firing your employees by tweet. We have a north korea summit potentially looming of which there were sharp differences of opinion between the president and the secretary of state. What was the difference . I think you said three or four times at many important junctures when the president was applying pressure to north korea, it appeared as those mr. Tillerson was putting that pressure off. That was the perception that was created. But in the end the president didnt like it. He has said the secretary of state on news programs that he has differences of opinion. On north korea and iran. No. On north korea, the secretary of state actually. What do we do in iran right now if we kill the treaty, anne . The president shows every sign of planning to walk away in may. That was the clearest policy disagreement he had with tillerson and its not one he has with pompeo. Presumably pomp pamio will be on the side now apparently the winning side of arguing to the president that he can whack away from the deal without blowing up alliances and without risking. How do we pull out . Consistent with what he ran on as president. He said no more stupid wars. He also said this was the worst deal. No stupid barpz whats coming now, a war netanyahu would love us to do some bombing over there. I dont know if the war is coming. So would saudi arabia. I dont know if a war is come. We can put the pressure on iran. Should we bomb iran . Do you think its a good idea. You know what, i think that option on the table and i have to be honest with you, i think that option on the table is an important option. Its an act of war. You want to go to war with iran. Israel bombed iraq. Do you want to go to war with iran. Im not sure. Im not sure thats the only option. If you bomb them theyll think theyre at war with us. Up next, these three will tell me something i dont know. 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They should be part of comprehensive form. I think the kids should remain here but not without a wall. Look. We need a wall. We need a wall. Youve written a lot about 1968. This is womens history month. Shirley chisholm was elected the first black congresswoman in 196 and she said woman should be revolutionary and if you dont have a seat at the table, bring a folding chair. Thats why i keep one in my trunk. Go ahead. The attention on Foreign Policy was obviously elsewhere today but the white house held an unusual sixhour session with gulf arab states, israel and others related to the shelved mideast peace deal what to do in gaza and one hopeful sign about the Peace Process is they had this meeting at all. And put saudi arabia and israel and others in the same room. A sign of whats wrong with the process is that the palestinians didnt show up. When are we going to have 50 50 in the house and senate, men and women . 2050. I think its coming. Its working that way. Adolph foe franco, Donna Edwards and anne guerin. Let me finish tonight with trump watch. He wont like it. Youre watching hardball. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further irreversible damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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The other was bombing the them the way being pushed by the hawks here and in the middle east. What the does donald trump think is going to come come of tearing up the treaty with iran now . Whats his from stopping them. If its bomb bomb iran, that is precisely what people voted against who voted for trump. War has been the political establishments answer in the mideast. What the americans voted against every since w. Its what an awful lot of trump voters voted against when they listened to him attack stupid wars and voted their agreement with him. Whatever happened to that, donald trump . Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in. I wish Rex Tillerson. The secretary of state fired with a tweet. Hes fired tonight, Donald Trumps sudden firing of Rex Tillerson. Glad you bless america. And why the president s overhaul may not be done yet. Were getting very close to having the cabinet and other things that i want. Then another massive breach of security. They all want a piece of that oval office. Why the president s personal aide has been fired and escorted off white house grounds. Plus, new reporting on roger stones contact with wikileaks. I actually have

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