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Nbc news, a source close to cohn said the decision to resign was abrupt. Entirely due to irreconcilable differences based on trumps tariff plan. The white house said today the president will sign the plan by the end of this week. Both democrats and republicans have warned of the risk of a trade war. Axios reports cohn considered the announcement a personal embarrassment. He had boasted to his wall street and hamptons buddies he had kept the president on the right track on trade. Theres growing alarm now of a potential brain drain at the white house coordinating to the associated press. Cohns departure sparked fears of a larger exodus. The president tried to preempt the concerns yesterday. Lets watch. The white house has tremendous energy, tremendous spirit. It is a great place to be working. Many, many people want every single job. I read where, gee, maybe people times. The times is reporting President Trump spoke to witnesses about matters they discussed with Special Counsel robert mueller. They reported the Special Counsel in the Russian Investigation has learned of two conversations in recent months in which President Trump asked key witnesses about matters they discussed with investigators, according to three people familiar with the encounters. The first Vold Don Mcgahn and the second reince priebus. As the times reports, legal experts says trumps contact with those men most likely did not rise to the level of Witness Tampering but potentially a problem and shared them with mr. Mueller. Were joined by New York Times Reporter Mike It Will Schmidt who broke the story. This is odd in the sense that i do you as a nonlawyer that this looks like the wrong thing to do. You shouldnt be talking to people who have just talked to the prosecutor because it suggests youre Riding Helicopter on these people. Number one rule is investigations dont talk to witnesses, dont talk to prosecutes. And leave that alone. The president has largely disregarded that advice from his lawyers. Its particularly interesting because the president got into so much trouble for trying to talk to comey and that was disclosed this is Head Scratching for a lot of people watching it. What does this tell us about the Intensity Factors in the white house in terms of the president trying to check on whats coming at him . I think the president cant help himself. Hes curious and he wants to know as much as he can and he wants to try and find out as much as he can about the mueller investigation. And you know, obviously anyone in his situation would be curious in that way, but the problem is that it creates this appearance that doesnt look good to mueller because it looks the two of them. Thank you, mike schmidt from the New York Times for breaking that story to us while we got it from you. Let me go to ashley parker. This seems to be i want to get to the crazy empty house at the white house where everybody seems to be leaving. But this question where the president is now denying he told mcgahn to fire comey. Well, it seems like in reading that article which again is not my story, but is that he pushed, the president denieded that to mcgahn and mcgahn gently reminded the president that actually, sir, you did ask me to do this. This gets to sort of a central problem the president has which is he often when hes saying something in the moment, he says what he wishes it to be. And then he seems toes genuinely believe it. Some people would say he was lying to mcgahn, other people would say he was simply misremembering. But it makes him a very unreliable narrator and hard to deal with. Its one of the reasons his lawyers are res stoent have him go before them and certainly something verbal rather than written questions and a reason youre seeing the exodus in the white house. Hes difficult to deal with and people are finally saying ive had enough. I guess, peter, the question is how do you restrain somebody who cant remember that you werent restraining him last time if he doesnt have a conscious memory what hes told people to do, how do they think they can influence what he doeses . Very challenging client for any lawyer, of course. Michael was right and ashley is right. This is one thing lawyers make clear to their clients, dont talk to witnesses even if you have nothing but benign intent, it can easily be misinterpreted. Going back to the bill clinton era when the Monica Lewinsky case and he calls in his secretary and leads her through im sorry, like don regan who goss an inflated idea who he was. He thought he was Prime Minister down there and the president reagan was some sort of old time sort of hanging around Hindenburg Type that didnt matter anymore. He learned he was not in fact in charge. Does this president need these people that think of themselves that is important . Does trump need gary cohn or people like him around him . He doesnt seem to want them. Look, if you hire the former president of Goldman Sachs pretty important job as your chief economic adviser, then you know, i think he expects you to follow his advice on fundamental things. Things fundamental to him. But trump trumpet to the world he was a protectionist. When cohn arrived he knew he was going to work voluntarily for a protectionism and then he says i cant believe protectionism is going on here and it was and is. Cohn is making perhaps i think made the mistake, people treat this man as if hes a 2yearold. He can be humored and you make excuses for this. But he can be led in that of this direction. Hes not a 2yearold. Hes a grown man who has been like this all his life. And knows exactly what hes doing. Going back to the first story, he knows hes not supposed to talk to witnesses but okaying. Figures people will say trump will be trump. Trump will indeed be trump. Hes our president right now david jolly, somebody may go to the white house thinking they can put the president of the United States in a play pen and pacify him and keep him there while they run the place themselves. The president puts his staff people in play pens. Gary cohn didnt think the job was big enough for him, trump thought it was and was unsatisfied. Is this a 10 of whatever, are we making a bigger story, everybodys making this into a huge story. All the major papers say theres a problem with trump in the traffic, people coming in and out of the white house is too swift, its not healthy. Is it nor not important . No, this is a big story. The country needs experts around had president whether you agree with their ideology or not, when it comes to the economy and National Security, we need people smarter than the current president advising him. Look, theyre leaving for one reason. And its donald trump. Theres an old ax yox in industry thats true in politics, you never leave a good job but you do leave a bad boss. Donald trump is incapable of knowing the seriousness of this office. Weve become conditioned to accept the condition of mediocrity. Cohn left if youve got a shot at protecting a shred of your reputation, you leave the white house now. With cohn out, an commercial nationalist like Peter Navarro seemed to be on the rice in the white house. In june of 2016 is, he appeared on hardball along with alf cole president Richard Trumka where he offered this bizarre defense of his candidate donald trump. Lets watch. Donald trump is has a platform that you guys are dreaming about. He is taking every step. Hes a fraud. The aflcio has recommended for a president to take. Hes a fraud. That may be but were going to find out. That may be. Your workers dont believe hes a fraud. They believe that he is the guy. You just said it may be that trumps a fraud. What did you mean by that . Heres what i mean. Trump says hes a fraud. I say well find out. My view is your workers dont think hes a fraud. I dont think hes a fraud which is why im supporting him. That was a strange ashley, that was a strange defense of your candidate saying he may be a fraud. I dont know. Whats his name, nunberg said that roger stone may lie. I dont know he may lie once in awhile. These Peoples Defense of each other is narrow simply in terms of loyalty but not qualifications or basically professional morality. Sure. In this white house, the tone starts at the top. And the president demands absolute loyalty. You do see that. And there are sort of weak defenses of one another. Thats not taking into account all the ways people are publicly knifing each other. There is a sense among a lot of people in the white house that theyre not actually that loyal to trump personally. He is sort of this vehicle or vessel for them to try to move their opinions. As is in the case with kae gae, when theyre unsuccessful theyll leave. That is the damning praise from people who dont always respect the boss. Peter baker, that would suggest why were getting great reporting out of the white house. They dont rest the guy. Usually you had your manifest responsibility to have a moral commitment to the boss, you believed in the person. You worked for them for that reason. And that was the only reason you worked for them. They werent replaceable parts, these bosses. I dont understand how people think about this president as somebody who happens to work with them but doesnt deserve their respect or loyalty but ratted out pre day to the press. Im not knocking your sources but they seem to be prolific. Theyre everywhere. Yeah, you make a good point. There are definitely people in the white house who believe strongly in President Trump and his agenda, believe strongly in his presidency. It is true a number of people in the west wing are more jaundiced about him. They roll their eyes at night with friends and colleagues like hit critics do. They tend to talk outside of school a little bit about what theyre Encount Kerring because theyre frustrated. They may be there because they believe in his agenda but not in him, they may believe theyre helping the country get through a difficult time. Youre right, not everybody there is a complete loyalist. David, youve been a politics. Have you ever had people working for you that you thought were really just there out of Career Ambition no, love or affection for you or even honor for you . Did you have anybody like that around you . Well, no. If you saw it, you smoked it out. And respectfully to peters point, hes being very generous to a lot of white house staff. Theyre there largely a number of underqualified people there out of selfinterest. Only people who believe in his agenda are the steven millers of the world. Those are the wrong people we want in the white house. That makes it a happy Hunting Ground for journalists. It does. Youve never had a leakyer administration. What does it tell you about the quality of the administration . There are a lot of mediocrities in the white house. This is a rough jury. I have to respect. I do respect this jury. It is tough and coming in in i would say in a geet attitude. Theyre guilty. Thank you ashley parker, Michael Schmidt was on the phone. I thought he was on a ship to shore phone. Peter baker, Eugene Robinson and david jolly. The legal battle between adult film star Stormy Daniels and donald trump. She says the Nondisclosure Agreement she signed isnt valid because the president didnt sign it. Do trump and his attorney have a Fighting Chance to keep her quiet . Thats ahead. Plus, more new details about the Russian Investigation as Robert Muellers investigators digging into secret meetings between trump allies in the say shell islands. The uae and the trumps threat of a trade war opened up a gaming rift between the president and many republicans. And it could smother over the economic message they hoped would cut their losses in this years midterm elections. The happy talk about the tax cut aint so happy right now. Finally, something that happened 507 years ago next week. This is hardball where the action is. Ng for a house. But one day were sitting there and we decided that, something needed to be done about what was going on in our innercity. Instead of buying a house, we decided to form this youth league. These kids mean everything to me and i just want to make sure i give something positive to do. Wow, thats amazing. Thats a blessing right there. To know that someone out there cares and is passionate about what were trying to do in our communities. You excited . Yes. Yeah, were gonna to look good right . Yup. Awesome. Alright come on, bring it in man. Love these guys right here. Alright come on, bring it in man. Burned me up and down, shno way to cool it. Every time you kiss me its like sunshine and whiskey applebees handcrafted burgers. Any burger just 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Do you want clean, stain free dentures . Try polident. The four in one Cleaning System kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria, cleans where brushing may miss. Helps Remove Stains and prevent stain build up. Use polident daily. Attorney general Jeff Sessions traveled to california today to formally announce that the Trump Administration is suing the california over its immigration policies. In a speech top California Law enforcement officials, sessions blasted the states socalled Sanctuary Laws saying it made it impossible for federal agents to do their jobs. And crack down on illegal immigration. He said the laws are being pushed by Radical Extremist whos want open borders. Governor jerry brown accused the attorney general, catch this, of trying to apiece his boss, President Trump. This is completely unprecedented. For the chief Law Enforcement of the United States to come out here and engage in a political stunt, make wild accusations, many of which are based on outright lies, thats unusual. I do think this is pure red meat for the base, and i would assume but this is pure speculation, that jeff thinks that donald will be happier with him. Im sure donald will be tweeting his joy at this particular performance. Jerry brown, still amazingly stateofthea stateoftheart. Well be right back. Get an extra day by the pool get to spend more time together get more moments to remember there are some things you can only get when you book with us. Get more from your spring break getaway with exclusive hilton offers. Book yours, only at hilton. Com when you have something you love, you want to protect it. At legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. Hes taking this action on today. A lot of the amount of misinformation thats out there, some of which has been disseminated by mr. Cohn and others she believes its important the public learn the truth what happened. Trumps long time personal lawyer Michael Cohen has previously said trump denies the allegations and Sarah Huckabee sanders reiterated that point earlier today. Lets hear her. The president has addressed these directly and made very well clear none of these allegations are true. This case has already been won in arbitration and anything beyond that, i would refer you to the president s outside counsel. Well, the civil suit a copy of which first obtained by nbc news says daniels had a relationship with President Trump from 2006 to 2007. It then alleges years later during the 2016 president ial campaign, mr. Trump and his personal lawyer Michael Cohen pressured her that would be Stormy Daniels, into signing a Nondisclosure Agreement or Hush Agreement for 130,000 and a guarantee that she would not share any texts, photos or information about the alleged relationship. Mr. Cohen previously said he used his own personal funds to an fail tate the payment to daniels and neither the Trump Organization or campaign of trumps was party to the transaction. A copy of the agreement appears as evidence in the lawsuit. While President Trump is not named in the document, the suit alleges stormy and trump entered into the agreement under Pseudonyms Daniels as peggy peterson, trump as catch this name, david dennison. The Signature Line for denison you can see there is blank. He didnt sign it. Michael cohen has not responded to a request for comment on the lawsuit. Yawn dowd we know him has declined to comment. For more, katie from miami. Youve got a big question. Whats this all about . Who is going to win. So as a legal perspective, Stormy Daniels has a little bit of an uphill battle. California law stands for the proposition just because you didnt sign an agreement doesnt mean its still not enforceable. What do i mean by that . Why did she get 130,000 and why did she take that pone if it wasnt to keep her silent. The reality is, is she going to prevail in court . You know what, Michael Cohen seems to think not. He has run to a private arbitrator and gotten a preliminary temporary injunction keeping her from speaking out. Stormy daniels has taken the high road by going to the court and seeking a declaration whether or not that agreement is enforceable and asking the judge to basically set the Playing Field for any potential litigation between her, donald trump and Michael Cohen. I didnt realize the power of this nondisclosure till i heard today one of the provisions was if she did talk about the alleged affair with the president , backing in what, 2006 or whatever, 2007 that, she would have to make a payment of 1 million. I sound like austin powers, a Million Dollars every type she says anything. Thats right. Is that a familiar feature of these nondisclosures that kind of panel . It is called a liquidated damages provision. It does say each breach, not just in total, chris, but for each breach of this Disclosure Agreement or Nondisclosure Agreement, donald trump could get 1 million from Stormy Daniels and get his 130,000 back. As you noted at the beginning of the segment, its Michael Cohens money which begs the next question why is he spending 130,000 of his own money if it wasnt to affect the outcome of the election we just had. Have you seen any contract like this where they charged somebody who violated it because they said something to a Talk Show Host enforced for like a Million Dollars . Has that happened . I guess i would have heard about it. Its the collectibility factor. Is stormy collectible a Million Dollars for each, the answer is no. The other thing is Michael Cohen himself is talking about this violating the confidentiality of this agreement. So it seems like everybody involved here as unclean hands in one way or another. Last question, why is she doing this and filing to get out of the contract . I keep thinking she goes on 60 minutes or another talk show. How much money can you get . Nobody around here seems to know what kind of money is involved. Is she doing a mini series on it . How much can you exploit ow of this thinging . Ing. It depends how salacious is your interest in this. They could do a tell all that gets her maybe a million bucks. Donald trump is somebody that everybodys interested in. Maybe people want to know about his pro clive vits. Maybe shes interested in sharing. It doesnt seem to interest. People especially the cultural right. I still say he never would but if barack obama had been involved in something this seedy, they would be jumping up and down in joy on the right attacking him as a shes ball instead of giving this guy a bye. A mulligan thats his mully cuban. And katie phang, thank you. Robert mueller has a new cooperating witness in the russian probe. He could have lots of info on secret meetings between the trump team and the russians offshore. Interesting where they agreed to meet, russians and trump people way far from here where nobody would be have caught them doing it but they did catch them. Hardball is coming back with more action. Pass please. Im here to fix the elevator. Nothings wrong with the elevator. Right. But you want to fix it. Right. So who sent you . New guy. What new guy . 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It was there that erik prince, the founder of the private Security Company blackwater and informal adviser to the Trump Transition Met with nidder and the crown prince of the uae and joined bid a Russian Oligarch who they saw as a conduit to the russian government. Prince said the meeting was not related to business. But the New York Times reports emirati officials had a very different impression. At the meeting the officials believed mr. Prince was speaking for the trump transition team and a russian fund manager kirill represented mr. Putin. Im joined by jeremy bash, former cia chief of staff and National Security analyst and a former u. S. Acting solicitor general. First jeremy on this meeting. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck. Whats this meeting with a russian right before the inauguration out in the say shells . It appears to be another secret trump putin back channel, appears to be an effort by Russian Oligarchs to find individuals close to the trump team. Erik prince in addition to being the founder of blackwater is also the brother of one of trumps cabinet members, betsy devos. Who did the president get connected with first, erik prince or betsy devos . Im curious about the relationship. Betsy devos has been a republican fundraiser for many years. Erik prince was holding himself out as someone having access to the trump inner circle. That probably peaked the confidante of putin. What would be the topic . It could have been about big policy issues like sanctions. Prince was involved in a lot of counterterrorism partners of the United States. It could have been about business. Its interesting bob mueller got a grand jury subpoena, a cooperating witness, he held someone at dulles airport. Nader. This individual who was at the meet who brokered the meeting and bob mueller is very interested in what was discussed. One last question. Do we know whether the lebanese American Business guy who was in the seychelles if there was there present at the russians were dealing with the trump guy . Was he overhearing the conversation . There are reports in the times, he attended the meeting. According to the times, he once worked as a consultant to blackwater. The transcript of princes testimony to the House Intelligence Committee shows he did not disclose ha george nader was present at the meeting. In fact, adam schiff asked specifically did you meet anyone else in the seychelles from your company or any other shays there . And erik prince said no. That is suspicious. Neil, what do you make of this case and who you thinking what muellers up to and fishing way offshore to a meeting in the seychelles right before the inauguration . Jeremy is right saying theres evidence here theres some sort of russian thing going on. It further illustrates the narrative rule number with trump is theres always a russian. This is another russian we havent heard of before. It furthers the Collusion Conspiracy piece that one has been, that, mueller has been looking into. Theres a separate piece of the story which is the uae and whether or not they might have influenced the election. Its a federal crime section 3121 says for a Foreign National interfere with to give money to a u. S. Campaign and theres angations in that New York Times article that says that oh, the uae might have been doing that. Thats something mueller will be looking at. Its important to read that story in light of what you just reported a few minutes ago the New York Times story about Michael Schmidt about trump actually coaching witnesses or saying hey, what did mueller ask you about. Talk about the law. Whats the law say about debriefing people after theyve been interviewed by the people with mueller . Whats the legal status . It is one of the most Dangerous Things do you. As a lawyer, as a defense lawyer, you would always tell your client, do not talk to witnesses because youll get accused of Witness Tampering. Whether or not you did or not, theres an intent standard. It looks so bad. Basically youve got donald trump acting like a twobit criminal and saying to witnesses like priebus, what did you say . Were you nice to me and so on. That is horrible. Im a defense lawyer. I love a challenge. I represented bin ladens driver. Bin ladens driver acted with far more integrity in every stage of the investigation than donald trump has so far. This is just the published report what we know. If youre mueller youre looking at this and saying heavens me, what is this guy up to and what is he hiding . One last thing, mueller already knew this. I guarantee you 100 , he didnt have to wait for the New York Times half an hour ago, that is priebuss lawyer bill burck is an excellent lawyer. Im sure priebus told his lawyer exactly what happened in the oval office and the very first thing burke did was pick up the phone and call mueller and say here is what happened. Heres two questions from me. What was trump if trump was talking to these people like mcgahn who had talked to the investigators, would he try to find out which direction they were going in and why does it seem like hes tampering if he talks to them after their testimony . Because its not theres no like a onetime thing where you go in and thats it, no. Theres often repeated interactions between a witness and Law Enforcement. So he could be seen as coping them for future testimony. Exactly. It looks like theyre getting their story straight. Not only that, but he was Coaching Mcgahn. Like the menendez procedures with the phones hooked up together. They taped together the phones. It looks like he was Coaching Mcgahn to say remember, i never told you fire bob mueller. He had to say did you tell me to fire mueller. It shows the president was not even telling it the truth to his own guy and the president did want to fire bob mueller. Why did he tell him that, to get a different testimony out of had im. To say publicly youve got to cover me. Hes scripting the guy. Maybe it doesnt rise to the level of formal crime of witness tampering. Were talking about the president of the United States in the oval office doing these kinds of shenanigans. Whether its a crime or not, it is the most poor judgment imaginable. Nobodys shocked. Thank you sir. Up next the white house threat of trade war sparked a real war between trump and the Republican Leadership in congress. Theyre worried his latest move could cripple them. They want to talk tax cut from now till november. Now hes talking trade. Youre watching hardball. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. My job is to help educate our First Responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. Everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. I live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. Once i moved here i didnt want to live anywhere else. I love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other peoples lives. Together, were building a better california. President trump has tried to dismiss the chaos engulfing his white house by saying he likes conflict. Hes got plenty of that. His decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports led to the resignation of gary cohn. Its put trump at war with his own party. Watch this. Theres a high level of concern been interfering with what appears to be an economy taking off in every respect. The best way 0 characterize where i am and where our members are is we are urging caution that this develop into something much more dramatic that could send the economy in the wrong zpleekz every now and then well have a different approach how we should tackle problems. But it should acknowledged there is a problem here. We want to make sure its done in a prudent way more surgical so we can limit unintended consequences. The Working Class Voters elected republicans in 2016, thats who we need to be responsive to. My hope is either this doesnt get implemented or gets implemented in a fairly small way. Unbelievable. The New York Times reports the plan is revving up republican doubts about trump. And than it could have big implications for the midterm elections writing republicans are banking that a robust economy they can attribute to their tax cuts and roll backs to overcome the Deep Disapproval of mr. Trump personally. They dont want to do anything that could threaten economic gains. Meanwhile politico reports the proposal is allowing democrats to hug trump when republicans have been trying to position the opposing party as detrimental to trumps economy. People from the rust belt have rushed to praise trump. So will trumps conflict provide an unsuspected unintended boost to a blue wave . Well tackle that next with the roundtable. Are defined by the things we share. And the ones we love. Who never stop wondering what well do or where well go next. We the people who are Better Together than we are alone. Are unstoppable. Welcome to the entirely new expedition. Cohigher ad higher parents arent perfect, but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. Thisreally passionate about i really want to help. I was on my way out of this life. There are patients out there that dont have a lot of time. Finally, it was like the sun rose again and i was going to start fighting back now. When those patients come to me and say, you saved my life. My life was saved by a two week old targeted therapy drug. Thats what really drives me to to save lives. Welcome back to hardball. Battle between President Trump and Congressional Republicans couldnt come at a worse time as two polls out today paint a grim picture for the partys prospects this november. A new Monmouth University polls shows democrats hold a ninepoint. 50 for democrats, 41 for republicans. The Quinnipiac Poll has democrats leading 4838. Thats of likely voters. These are important votes. The jeff mason from routers, Karine Jeanpierre from move on org and Adolpho Franco from rnc surrogate. Talk about the two things that republicans from my limited inside view of the republican party, which is okay, you can start with this, running on tax cuts because its a good positive for everybody. Everybody gets a different piece of the pie, some big, some small. Everybody gets something. They didnt want to talk about anything else. Trump wants to burp out something that causes confusion to get off whatever he has to get off. He starts talking about trade. Is that the plan . I dont think hes burping something off. Why did he do it . Wasnt this a centerpiece of his campaign. Not now. What do you mean not now . Go ahead, youre right. Now is a perfect time to do what i think he has done very successfully in other settings. He caught his leadership off board. He caught them off guard on other issues in the past. Today, already the white house is talking about carve outs. Today theres mr. Kushner in mexico this is part of the president s first of all plan. Do you know who likes it . Sherrod brown, bobby casey, joe manchin. Democrats are jumping on this because they said this. Theyre allowed to do whatever it is they want thats going to help them. More power to them. You dont agree with them . No, heres what ill say. In 2016, Bernie Sanders won West Virginia on a progressive economic message by 51 in the primary. It resonated. What did he talk about . About health care for everyone, about raising the minimum wage. There is a way to talk about the economy that dras are not doing a good enough job about it in a holistic economic plan way which were not doing that, just about a small sector of the population. Why should republicans talk like democrats . Im talking about democrats. I agree with that. Talk about it in a way that resonates. Thats what im talking about. We deeb this had a lot during the campaign. Bernie sanders constantly talked about trade. Constantly. That was a centerpiece. And wait, and Hillary Clinton backed away from tpp. Bernie sanders, donald trump and pat buchanan on trade. There is very little difference but in this respect, President Trump has run a populist nonconventional agenda. On this. I think this has been consistent. I think the bottom line is, this suggestion quickly that somehow hes isolated, the secretary of treasury is still there. Gary cohn will have a job in the administration. The perception and the talk, the chat here and everywhere else, ive been pushing back on this is this guys home alone. All the big brains left him. He doesnt have smart people around him. Is that a true story . I dont think hes home alone. Certainly hes lost a lot of important people. Hes still going to o got mad dog mattis. Hope hicks was a huge, huge funs in his administration. Id like to go back to. Getting rid of a guy that doesnt agree with him, gary cohn doesnt agree with him. He said he likes having conflict and people give different views. The proof of that will be when we see who does he appoint to take over for gary cohn . Does he like to continue having that chaos or not. What happens when your party loses 30 seats in the house. Not going to lose 30 seats. What happened to the blue wave. Well talk in november. Its texas. Up next these these will tell me what i dont know. Youre watching hardball. 3, 2, 1. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. And no surgery. Results and Patient Experience may vary. Some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. Ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit coolsculpting. Com today. For your chance to win a free treatment. Talks between the u. S. And north koreaing. So the olympic helped. The president thinks so. Wow. Without dennis rodman. Go ahead. Puerto rico estimates that there will be an additional 200,000 more Puerto Ricans from puerto rico residing in the mainland by the end of this year. Because of the hell out there. Yes, because of the hurricane and whats going on. I think the thing that i wanted to add to that was what happens after november is were going to Start Talking about 2020. If you look where theyre going. They all go and. North or south . New york or florida. Moving to florida. Lets not forget donald trump. Of to everyones surprise, the president tomorrow will announce the tariffs and carveouts and more surprisingly, he will announce miss gae cohns replacement will be larry kudlow or i like larry. Thank you, Karine Jeanpierre. Well be right back. Today, innovation in the finger lakes is helping build the new new york. Once home to the worlds image center, New York State is now a leader in optics, photonics and imaging. Fueled by strong university partnerships, providing the worlds best talent. 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God knows where this is going to lead. Nich on who maintained an outsiders connection with the countrys Nervous System knew the way the kennedys stirred the country for them and against them. There were those in the country rear guard segregationists can organized crime figures, communists hard right as well as hard left who hated jack but hated bobby more. Bobby refused to show fear. He challenged students using defermts to avoid vietnam while the poor kids got drafted. When dr. King was shot kennedy went into an africanamerican neighborhood and told the people the dred news. Right to the end he depended gun own eners join him in keeping weapons from the hands of the criminals and mentally disturbed. He waded into the crowds of his supporters exposing himself risking his life in his

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