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Soninlaw. It says no federal official can do it. Donald trump is right now deciding whether to test it. To go ahead, to do it, see if the courts stop him, daring the media to take a stand. So let me get this straight, right upfront. I believe that letting a big man ignore the law, in fact, the spirit of the law, you send him the worst possible signal. You tell him hes above the law. If you say this isnt a big deal, hiring your soninlaw to sit with you in the oval the office, tell me when you plan to say no to donald trump. Tell me now, because believe me, this is just the first sip, the first taste of what is going to be life, what its going to be like. And remember the mentality that gave us the worst constitutional crisis of modern times . Its explained in the immortal words of richard nixon, when the president does it, that means its not illegal. We stand now at the bridge connecting what donald trump wants to do and what the constitution, the law, the media, and the American People will let him get away with. What we do on this bridge will matter heavily in the next four years, in fact, it will decide what this moment in our history will look like in american history. As evidence provided so far, this is just part of a larger issue. Not only did donald trump let his family sit in on his first meeting with a foreign leader yesterday, but hes in and out pushing the envelope with his star choice of top officials. Hes announced general Michael Flynn for National Security adviser, senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general, u. S. And congressman mike pompeii, well, for his director of cia. Flynns made no secret of his disdain for muslims. Sessions has reportedly used racist remarks towards africanamericans, and pompeo has revealed himself to be an ideologue. Im joined by chief legal analyst, ari melber. I sense that big shots, big men will push as far as they can. Theyll treat the United States government, in this case, as an acquisition. And therefore, begin to think that they can shape it to their will. Donald trump knows theres a law, an antinepotism law, that says you cant hire family members. It specifically says or says you cant hire a soninlaw or a daughterinlaw, or a mother, or a father. You cant bring the family into the government business, because, the first loyalty of every public official should be to the United States government and the people of this country, not to some relative who put them on the payroll. Anyway, lets talk about this. Trump, whats he up to . In regard to Jared Kushner, his highly trusted confidential adviser, Jared Kushner. Well, chris, as you say, the congress felt that this was dangerous, that the bias that most people might naturally hold for their family is a dangerous thing, if it can lead them to try to give out perks or power, to people who otherwise wouldnt get it, arent qualified for it, and on top of that, bad governance, because as you well know from covering washington for so long, hiring and firing go hand in hand. You have to be able to fire, you have to be able to remove people, if they are on the job and not doing it right. Thats very hard to do, if that person is your son or soninlaw. Talk about a difficult family conversation. Thats why it was banned, as you say, by congress and the antinepotism law from 1967. Second, chris, you mentioned the constitution in the spirit here. This is something our founders were well aware of, they were worried about it. They set age minimums for the senate and the presidency, under the constitution, never to be changed, precisely because they were so worried about the hereditary habit from kings trying to just roll their own family members in. Their view was you had to get old enough, build your own record, and win it fair and square with the voters, if you wanted to. So all of this, i think, flies in the face, as you say, of the spirit of the federal laws that are on the books, of the constitutional system. The Trump Administration and the transition format, as were seeing it, seems to think that the Family Business can just roll right over into government. Let me say what happens let me ask you how he does that. So trump just decides hes going to do this. Pete williams here said he thinks that this might be able to pass muster, but ive read a lot of Coverage Today that thinks its very controversial. The New York Times says everything youve just said. That you start going down this road of picking family members, bringing them into the office with you. By the way, heres a case. O soninlaw whos married to the person youre going to turn over your entire empire to. So ivanka runs the empire trump empire, her husband is sitting in the room with you, do you think he might talk to his wife once in a while and talk about whats up . Its an absurd relationship, but i want to get back to the law. If trump pushes ahead with this and says, im going to make my soninlaw my consigliere, what eventually stops him from doing it . The congress or the new attorney general he picks, in this case, Jeff Sessions . What stops him . Look, youre laying out the questions that should be presented to this transition team, and certainly to Jeff Sessions, who has to put aside any role he had as friend or endorser of donald trump, to be the leader of the Top Law Enforcement Agency and dodge in our country. And this should come up in the confirmation hearings. The legality, the law is very clear that you cannot put him in the cabinet. You cannot put him in an agency. That law explicitly applies to the president as well as agency heads. Co congress is worried a about the secretary of defense saying, ill make my son my deputy like they do in kleptocracies. Whether you can get around that by setting up some sort of adviser whos not an agency, how would it be tested . Well, you could sue over it. There was a suit that went into federal court over whether Hillary Clinton, as a spouse, could run a transition excuse me, a Health Care Task force, which folks remember, and she was ultimately allowed to do that. The difference there being, it was an outside task force on one thing, temporary, not being a permanent adviser. Ari, youre great. Thanks so much for the information about the legal aspects and some of the politics. Now to trumps pick for attorney general. Alabama senator, Jeff Sessions, he made that pick this morning. After the New York Times reported on the allegations of racism that derailed his krp confirmation as a federal judge, Elizabeth Warren said, 30 years ago, a different Republican Senate rejected senator sessions nomination to be a federal judge. In doing so, the senate affirmed there could be no compromise with racism, no negotiation with hate. Today, a new Republican Senate must decide whether selfinterest and political cowardice will prevent them once again from doing what is right, or to do what is right. Congressman Lewis Gutierrez went further and said, if you have nostalgia for the days when blacks kept quiet, gays were in the closet, immigration was visible, and women stayed in the kitchen, senator Jefferson Sessions is your man. Before i get to you, mr. Brooks, i want to get to howard on this question. This soninlaw thing to me is a clearcut law, and for trump to say, im going to skirt it, im going to ignore it, its what dictators and powerhungry people do. Assist good test whether he will obey the law in the spirit of the law or plow right through it. His question is, whos going to stop me . Yes. And hes going to dare them to do something about it. Because it is difficult, procedurally, probably, to charge him or sue him. Hes going to say, go ahead. You know, we dont need no badges. But it is also well said. But the fact is, he is also saying, ive read the law, and simply put, im going to ignore it. Because the spirit of the law is clear. Donald trump has built his entire career, ignoring barriers, ignoring the spirit of the law, ignoring everything that is not nailed to the floor on. Like paying debts. He will sue, like Trump University, they backed him into a corner, sued, they paid. Whos that pollster that he owes that guy will never see. Lets go to cornell brooks. Whats the position of the naacp . What is your view of Jeff Sessions as an attorney general . Were very, very troubled. When we think about the fact that 30 years ago, as a prosecutor, he described the aclu and the naacp as unamerican organizations. He described a group of civil rights organizations, including the naacp as, quote, forcing civil rights down the throats of americans. He described an africanamerican subordinate, as, boy, and told him to watch what he said around white folks, as it were. And if we move from his prosecutorial conduct to his legislative record as a senator, hes received a consistent and bad failing gray from t ining g naacp. So the question is, if he was not good enough to be a federal judge, interpreting the law, how then is he good enough to be attorney general, actually enforcing the law . So if he has an indifferent or hostile attitudes towards civil rights, how can he lead the Civil Rights Division of the justice department, the nations leading Law Enforcement agency, particularly at this moment, we are in the midst of a millennial Civil Rights Movement . Quite literally. Do you think hes an angry, constructed, oldtime southerner . Is that the way you see him . Do you see more of the old days than the new days with this guy . Listen, i am from south carolina. Its not about being a southerner. Its about being an american in 2016. These attitudes, that perspective, that legislative record does not comport with the duties and responsibilities of the attorney general. And this is a moment where we literally see, in the streets, a generation of students and young people putting their bodies and conscience on the line, in terms of standing against police misconduct. You had eric holder going to ferguson, you have Loretta Lynch vigorously pursuing prosecutions in terms of racial terrorism in charleston. We need an attorney general, who is going to enforce the law on behalf of all people. No matter where they come from, their religion, their race, their heritage. So to nominate someone with this kind of a record, at this moment in history, following the appointment of a chief strategist, who represents the chief architect of a digital platform of the altright, is m islamophob islamophobiasts is disturbing. Glad to hear that. Multiple Senior Intelligence officials tell nbc news today that they have deep reservation about trump tapping general mike flynn as National Security adviser, another pick he made today. One describing him as a hot head, and another saying, he doesnt understand the magnitude of the job. Some of the incendiary comments that flynn has made in the past are also resurfacing, like his tweet last february saying that, quote, fear of muslims is rational. Please forward this to others. Several personal emails from former secretary of state, colin powell, which the Intelligence Community says were hacked by russia, are also revealing about flynn. While they have not been independently verified by nbc news, powell wrote of flynns retirement, flynn got fired as the head of d. A. I asked why he got fired, abusive of staff, didnt listen, abusive of policy, he was and has been rightwing nutty ever since. This was from colin powell, a political moderate and at least a nominal republican. Look at this whole thing. I want your take on the whole thing. Kushner, as his consigliere, breaking the whole spirit of the antinepotism law, which Congress Even applies to itself. Which is like unbelievable. As you know, its unbelievable when congress says, we cant even do it anymore. We cant hire our relatives. Go ahead. Look, the whole thing is terrifying. Going back to Jared Kushner, chris, i mean, donald trump promised to drain the swamp. He promised to fight crony capitalism. He promised to fight corruption. And there are his kids, you know, meeting with the Prime Minister of japan. He is the very definition of crony capitalism at this point. We dont know whats in his taxes. We dont know anything about or much about his domestic or International Business holdings. So you start there. But to talk about flynn and sessions and pompeo, lets bring pompeo in, what youre seeing right now is going to be the expansion of a National Security state. Mike pompeo wants to he wants to expand the domestic spying that barack obama, unfortunately, did. Everything that Edward Snowden revealed. He wants to roll back the very limited, limited reforms that took place after snowden. Jeff sessions is an implacable foe of the wonderful movement, bipartisan movement for sentencing reform, criminal justice reform, for trying to do something about mass incarceration. He opposes that. He wants to strengthen the war on drugs. I believe he believes in putting more people in jail and not fewer. As cornell brooks said, hes not going to be in ferguson, trying to feel peoples pain and figure out what the right thing to do is. And it worries me, as well, at a time where were going to see rising dissent, and its our right. This man lost the popular vote, im not saying hes not our president , but he lost the popular vote, were going to see more dissent, and im afraid well see the criminalization of dissent under Jeff Sessions. Its a bad day. Its the worst day weve had since i agree. Pompeo is a critic of Hillary Clinton, while serving in the select committee on benghazi. When the committee failed to find new evidence of wrongdoing, pompeo released a more harsh statement, a report of their own saying, among other things, that Hillary Clinton failed to leave. I want to go back to howard and then to mr. Brooks again. It seems to me that after naming steven bannon, who was maybe the most notorious or the most reprehensible, and the most controversial, however you put it, appointment as inside, inside the white house. One thing to call him up and ask him for advice. Putting him inside on the federal payroll, with a key to the white house, hes in there. Hes in the oval office with him and he makes decision. Steve bannon of breitbart. Then he goes with Jeff Sessions with his sort of old background. And then he goes with this guy, flynn, with flynns kid sounds a little out there, to put it lightly. And then they put this guy, are they going to go after Hillary Clinton now . Are they going to prosecute her thanks to pompeo . Is that what theyre up a to here . I wouldnt totally rule it out. Hes been nominated for cia cia, but the spirit of this thing says, i dont care about the law, this is going to be a vengeful, pushing administration. I will just say that none of this is really a surprise. At this point, especially after Paul Manafort was kicked out, who turns out to have been a moderate influence he was just a russian he was the russian guy. But hes out. And bannon came in. And bannon and trump together, along with the rest of the inside crew, really said, were going to win this, if were going to win this, were going to win it the way we want to win it and were going to get a mandate, such as it is, for whatever hardright policies we want to pursue. Whether its on immigration, on torture, on spying, on civil rights, you name it, theyre going right down the line, and this should not really be a surprise. This is what donald trump campaigned on. He campaigned on extreme vetting. He campaigned on more than waterboarding. He campaigned by appealing to all of the people who these policies appeal to. Well, weve got another National Choice coming up, and its happening right now. Im going to say this, this is the bridge on which we all stand, between what donald trump wants and what the American People and our congress are going to accept. We have to be alert on this bridge right now. Anyway, cornell brooks, sir, well have you back as many times as you can come, joan walsh and howard fineman. Coming up, as Hillary Clintons popular vote lead grows, and it is growing, so does the movement to uproot the Electoral College and have the states vote for the popular vote winner of the country. That idea is gaining steam and one of the movements leaders is coming here next. Theyve got a way to get this done without changing the constitution. Plus, the hardball roundtable tonight will be here to talk about the message trump is sending ten days into his transition. Hes already acting like the laws dont apply to him. And by claiming he helped save a ford plant, by the way, from moving to mexico, he may well thinks the truth is now something he can come up with. And the reallife story of the virginia couple tonight who were arrested in 1958 because of the interracial marriage, interracial marriage back then was illegal in virginia. They fought all the way to the Supreme Court and won. Loving versus virginia, their story in a new movie thats coming out and the director and the star are coming here tonight. Finally, let me finish with trump watch. There are new reasons tonight to be very concerned. This is hardball, the place for politics. P is for privileges. O is for ordinarily i wouldnt. L is for layers of luxury. A is for alll the way back. R is for read my mind. And i. Cant see a thing. S. See you in the morning. Polaris, from united. Youre hetruck, suv. Used car, thats smart. Truecar can help. Its great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. Its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. So, no matter what youre looking for. There it is. This is how buying a used car should be. This is truecar. Dlonlg. Well, texas senator z spoke today at the conservative federalist society. Listen to how cruz described Donald Trumps election last week. The election was an incredible vindication for the American People across this country and especially those, as you know, in Rural America and what elites on both coasts consider to be flyover country. This election could be well understood as the revenge of flyover country. So ted cruz was ahead on everything. He knew it all. Well be right back. Welcome back to hardball. For years, the Electoral College has been a curiosity of our electoral system, but theres growing concern that it may not be the most democratic of systems. In the year 2000, the Electoral College bake an issue. Still, most thought winning the Electoral College but losing the popular vote was a fluke. But as Hillary Clintons popular vote lead over donald trump now continues to expand, it is clear that there is no longer a fluke. Millions of progressive voters on both coasts are left out of the Electoral College. Hillary clinton, for example, rolled up a total plurality of 4. 5 million votes in california and new york together. A surplus of votes that gave those 4. 5 million voters not a single vote in the Electoral College. Legislation called the National Popular vote bill would guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and washington, d. C. Together. It would kick in when enough states out of the 270 electoral votes sign in and join the compact. It was passed, so far, in ten states and the district of columbia. That totals 165 electoral votesvotes of the 270 needed to win. States with a total of 205 electoral votes are still needed before it could go into effect. Advocates are trying to use it to train it to target a majority popular vote in this country. John coza is president of the Popular National vote. All i want to do is have people understand that there is a route to correcting this failure of the popular vote to pick a president if thats what you want. John, lay it out as clearly as you can, so people can walk away this weekend, talk about it among themselves, and perhaps build a foundation or more of a foundation for your effort. John . Well, thank you, chris. The constitution gives the state legislature the exclusive power to decide how the state awards its electoral votes. Currently, most states award their electoral votes using a state winnertakeall law, which allows all of the electoral votes to the candidate who wins the state. Thus, if you carry michigan by 12,000 votes and wisconsin by 22,000 and pennsylvania by 67,000, you get all of the electoral votes of those states, and thereby, in the cases of last weeks election, have enough electoral votes to become president. Despite the fact that another candidate is leading by 1. 4 million votes nationwide. So thats the case for whats wrong with this system, your system. Tell me how that works. Each of the states, adding up to 270 electoral votes at some point, would commit themselves. Rick, you do it. Would commit themselves to voting for the National Popular winner. So no matter what else happened in their states, they would vote for the guy or person or woman who wins the whole thing nationally. Rick . Yeah, thats right. All the constitution says about electing a president is that the states will appoint electorates in such manner as the legislature of those states determine. So the states are free, essentially, to govern with any method. It took a long time to come up with the winnertakeall method per state, and that what this does is it doesnt run an end run around the constitution. It honors the constitution by using that provision of the constitution, that the state legislatures have this power and then the provision allowing for interstate compacts. So what you would have is a mechanism by which we would elect the president , the same way we elect governors, senators, city council people, the same way we do it in every other election, namely, you take the people who are affected by that office, the constituency for that office, in which case, in the case of the president , thats the United States of america, you count the votes, and the one with the most votes wins. Its really common sense. And this approach is thoroughly bipartisan. I mean, theres no secret what my political views are. But one to have the great pleasures ive had working on this project is working with republicans, getting to know them as human beings, because this is something thats good for the entire country. Well, john, youre a republican, i understand. But let me ask you, what is the hard part about getting the rest of the 270 total electoral votes you need among the states you get to sign the compact . Whats been the holding up and where are you making your fight now . What states . Well, most recently, this bill has passed the republicancontrolled Oklahoma Senate and the republicancontrolled arizona house, where twothirds of republicans and twothirds of democrats sponsored and voted for the bill. In 2016, we had 162 Democratic State legislators sponsoring the bill. And 156 republicans. So were trying to proceed in a bipartisan way, as we have for the last few years, since this was this idea first got started. And were hoping to get more and more state legislatures to look at the system in terms of what makes sense for the country and what makes sense for their state. Because most states, of course, are ignored by the current system, notwithstanding what ted cruz said in your quote a minute ago, because the entire president ial campaign was conducted in 12 states. And in fact, six states received twothirds of the Campaign Events and money. I think where youre going to see the most action, just looking at it, california and new york. If you add up the pluralties together, the two biggest states 4. 5 million votes dont add at all to the electoral votes. Thank you, john kozak. Thank you for alerting me to this, as you tdo often. Up next, the hardball roundtable and however trump this is he can push this envelope. By the way, with his soninlaw already acting like he can ignore the federal antinepotism law, which is, in fact, a law. This is hardball, the place for politics. Urke] at farmers, n almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a rodent ridealong. [dad] alright, buddy, dont forget anything [kid] i wont, dad. [captain rod] happy Tuesday Morning captain rod here. Its pretty hairy out on the interstate. Traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. Getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. December 14th, 2015. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum im milissa rehberger. Heres whats happening. Donald trump is settling fraud lawsuits over his now Defunct Trump University for 25 million. The settlement covers two class action suits in california and a civil suit in new york. The deal does not require trump to admit any wrongdoing. President obama is headed to lima, peru, for his final international summit. He left europe earlier after a final round of meetings with leaders from germany, france, italy, spain, and great britain. And the nypd is tightening security for next weeks thanksgiving day parade, but authorities insist there is no credible threat. Isis recently published a photo of the parade in its online magazine and called it an excellent target. Back to hardball. Welcome back to hardball. Donald trump has become the ultimate political disrupter, who is now riding a wave of populism into the white house. His unconventional campaign, of course, broke many rules, in the art of the deal, trump previewed his political philosophy, writing, im the first to admit that im very competitive and ill do nearly anything within legal bounds to win. And as president elect, he continues to ignore the rules by wanting his soninlaw to join him in the white house. Mr. Trumps desire to add mr. Kushner to his white house continues speculation that he will rely heavily on his chirp and delegating duties to them. His selection of lieutenant general, Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, mike pompeo, and steve bannon continues to prove trumps commitment to loyalty more than anything else. Im joined by our roundtable tonight. The great, sabrina siddiqui, political reporter for the guardian, reporter with the boston globe, and with the national review. What a potpourri of power and genius we have here tonight. Im just kidding. Let me go to sabrina. What do you think of the whole potpourri. This is what i would like the roundtable to talk about it. He did a lot, early this morning. Take it or leave it. Youre going to get pompeo, youll get flynn who went after the islamic people, youll get this guy, Jeff Sessions, who seems very much like an old southern political leader. Your thoughts . Well, look, i think that this just reinforces some of the core themes of Donald Trumps campaign. People kept looking for the pivot, that maybe when hes a general election candidate, well see him run a different kind of campaign, with respect to immigrants and muslims. He didnt. Maybe when hes president elect, hes going to shift his tone, but other than looking into the camera and for a moment saying, i want to be a president of all americans, these kinds of picks, in Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn, they dont really do anything to assuage concerns of the minority communities who felt targeted by his campaign. If anything, hes proving that a lot of what he campaigned on could very much become a reality if hes president. He has an inyourface manner. Yes, trump is trump is trump. The fact that there was ever this moment where people are like, well, now hes going to strike a conciliatory tone, and maybe hell appoint mitt romney to his cabinet. Im sorry, thats my patented laugh and i assign it very pointedly to that idea. Moiitt romney is going to take orders from donald trump . Exactly. So, again, the pivot, a democratic senator said this to me on the hill today, in some ways, if trump keeps going, as it looks like he is, in the same mode that he was in the campaign, hes going to make it easier for democrats to stiffen their spines and be a true opposition party. Do you think they will . I will see. But there are certainly voices emerging already, Elizabeth Warren, bernie sanders, some of the liberal members, who really are itching to be that, to take a book to take a page from Mitch Mcconnells playbook and just be the opposition party. Tim, im always amazed at the old, republicans fall in line. It is amazing, the Republican Party is basically behind trump now. It is amazing. But i want to ask you, will they ever raise i dont think hes likely to ever be impeached by a republican congress, no matter what goes on, but will they stand up to him do you think, for example, he might have some problems with naming a real hawk to secretary of state . I mean, youve already heard from rand paul on that. I think its interesting that were talking about the Democratic Party stiffening its spoo spine. I think the 64 million question for the next four years is going to be whether the Republican Party, especially the conservative movement within the republican, elements of which were so outwardly opposed to Donald Trumps candidacy, whether they will stiffen their spine. And theyre very constitutionalists. Theyll be very concerned about historically conservative men, constitutionalists. Yes, whats interesting is, you looked back to the latter half of the george w. Administration, and the folks who were planting the seeds for what would become the Tea Party Movement in 2010. Mike pence is the intellectual god father in many ways to this. Ive been talking with conservatives on capitol hill all week, guys, who have been saying, well, were okay, because mike pence is in the white house and hes one of us, but is he . Okay, lets talk power. We all know this. Whos in the room . Thats what power is. Its like lifeline on these tv shows, survivor, or whatever or, apprentice, i guess. Youre in the room, youve got to make a big decision. 3 00 a. M. In the morning, and weve all been through this in life, who do you want in the room . He wants Jared Kushner in the room. He doesnt want mike pence in the room. He wants steve bannon in that room. He wants to run it like a principality. He wants ivanka in the room. Hes said he wants ivanka in the room. Hes reported the only person hell listen to, no matter what meets the japanese Prime Minister, he wants the kid in there. Shes smart, but whats the kid in the room . The kid whos running his businesses, supposedly, once he has a very close he has a very close inner circle, and as you mentioned, he very much prizes loyalty above all else. He only trusts so many people. And thats why theres no way that he would appoint mitt romney, who throughout the campaign, remained a nevertrump guy, called him a fraud, made an entire speech against him. He knows donald trump also holds a grudge, and hes also saying to the establishment, try me. You guys said i couldnt win this campaign, this election, here i am, here are my choices, try me. Try to oppose the people im putting into so last night donald trump tweeted, just got a call from hi friend, bill ford, chairman of ford, who advised me he will be keeping the lincoln plant in kentucky, not mexico. He followed that up with, i worked hard with bill ford to keep the lincoln plant in kentucky. I owed it to the great state of kentucky for their confidence in me. By the way, heres the only problem. Trump falsely claimed credit, because ford never planned on moving the plant to mexico. Its problematic. You know, the interesting thing, weve spent so much time over the last week, i think, talking about fake news, and how, you know, its impossible to differentiate, for some readers, what is real, what is pretend. But its interesting, i grew up in michigan. Just this morning, i saw a couple of friends on facebook who were trump supporters, posting this, saying, he just hes already saving american jobs, he prevented this factory so they believe him . Sure. And i think its interesting, i feel like trump probably had a pretty good idea that he wasnt telling an outright lie, but he wasnt telling the truth either. And he can sort of work in that gray area in a way that isnt going to necessarily put him in boiling water with a lot of people who voted for him. Its like taking credit for the sun coming up. Anyway, well be right back with everybody. The roundtable is sticking with us. And up next, these three will tell me more that i dont know. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. 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They were terrified, because theyd all but resigned themselves to believe that Hillary Clinton would win this election. And as much as the narrative here was that the Obama Clinton administration had its failed reset, wasnt tough enough, they were hoping against hope that Hillary Clinton would not win. What do they have against hillary . Thaebl that the relationship between the u. S. And russia is at its lowest point since the cold war. They were expecting more sanctions, expecting them to be tough, and theyre quite frankly celebrating donald trump. Victoria . To underscore what we were just talking about. A source of mine, who has been talking about, who are, you know, all this parlor game in washington, and the message my source got was is that trump only wants people he trusts, people he is close to, people he believes are loyal. And so the first thing you have to look at, does he know, does he have a longstanding relationship with certain people . So this is in the context of talking about treasury secretary, its sort of really weights things to steve mnuchin, his former Goldman Sachs buddy, who was trumps finance guy for the campaign, as opposed to some of the other candidates not jamie dimon, go ahead. Federalist society, the home to the most powerful republican jurists in the country, their convention was in washington this week, hung around these guys for a couple of days, and i was very, very interested in how quickly the conventional wisdom has gelled in that community that this is basically a twohorse race. It will either be, they say, diane sykes, whos on the seventh Circuit Court of appeals of wisconsin, or it will be bill pryor from alabama. Very interesting that 51 votes or 60 votes to make it . Probably 60 at this point. Okay, great. Thank you, i think youre right. I think theres going to be a nuclear option. Thank you, sabrina siddiqui, thank you, victoria grand of the globe, and tim alberto of the national review. When we come back, the story of the lovings who fought to the Supreme Court. We have the films director and the star, joel edgerton. Hes an australian and plays this virginian guy. Well, heading into the weekend and the thanksgiving holiday, be sure to keep up with hardball online. Follow the show on twitter and instagram and like us on facebook. Youll get access to interviews, videos of behindthescenes photos as we cover the trump transition. Well be right back. Like any standardized Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with the doctor or specialist you trust. Or look for someone new as long as they accept medicare patients. And youre not stuck in a network. Because there arent any. So why wait . Call now to request your free decision guide and learn more. But. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. 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The case eventually made its way to the Supreme Court, which struck down all remaining laws banning interracial marriage in 1967. In the movie, richard loving is played by the australian actor, joel edgerton, and heres another scene from the film. You know, richard, its, of course, up to you not to attend, but you should know the Supreme Court only hears one out of every 400 cases. Its historic. Thank you, mr. Cole. There anything youd like me to say to them . And by them i mean the Supreme Court justices of the United States. Yeah. Tell the judge, the tell the judge i love my wife. Thank you gentlemen for coming. You play a really great nasty tom buchanan in the great gatsby. You were a s. O. B. Which i thought was great for the character. My son tells me all time. Hes a film buff, too. This shows about politics. The fact that politics in this country aloud in the mid60s after the civil rights passing and after voting rights, how many states outlawed mixed race marriages . In 1967 there were 16, when they were arrested in 1968 there were 24. Why were these states outside the south doing this . I can see the south doing it. Who were these states . You know, thats a good question. I actually dont know the northern states that were part of that. These were all vestiges of slavery. These laws were all part of institutionalized racism that extended well into the jim crow south. You know what grabbed me was the judge that ruled in one of the early cases how you cant marry between the races or the ethnic backgrounds that somehow god rule in this and thats why difficult racial groups are on different continents. The argument was made because blacks were born mostly in africa and asian people in asia and white people in europe that therefore god did this to keep us apart so we wouldnt have sex and we wouldnt get married. It was the most ridiculous also didnt take into account that then one group of people went to another continent and basically kidnapped them and brought them to another place and once they got their freedom didnt really give them freedom. What do you think about today . I always think ill start with jeff and then go to joel, but both answer the same question. Im a movie nut. Ive always been convinced, no matter what the move is about, if its mash about the korean war, its really about vietnam. Every movie is always about right now. What does this movie say, first of all, jeff, about today and sexual tolerance, sexual recognition of people if their identity is gay or transgender. Is it about that . Is that what its about, the current fights . Every audience member brings their own belief system into a Movie Theater whenever they walk in. It will mean a lot of things for a lot of people. But what this is really about are the human beings at the center of a very big political or sometimes religious debate. Thats the debates were having about equality right now for this generation right now. And everyone has their positions. Everyone has their political platforms or their religious ideology. And that really doesnt have anything to do with whats at the heart of the matter. And the heart of the matter are the people at the center of all these debates. And thats what the movie talks about. I love the feel of the moviep about i went to school in the south, in chapel hill, i loved the feel of the south in the 60s when i was there. That texture was really good. Ill leave the last question to joel. Did you think it was so strange to be a white guy you play in the movie being so comfortable in the social environment of africanamericans, of blacks. Those scenes in the beginning, hes just one of those people who happens to be white, nobody seems to notice it in that community. Theyre having dinner together, hanging around, yucking it up together. How did that strike you as believable . Amazing to me, it struck me how unusual that was at the time or even today. On one hand it could be unusual, but to many people around the world thats not an unusual thing. You know, i was saying at some point that i think that children, young people really dont see color. And i actually think that they do but they dont add a value judgment on it, a negative value judgment on it. Its other people that come in and teach you that you shouldnt live in that environment, you shouldnt intermingle with other people. But the first thought when youre brought into the world, you dont see those things as points of difference. And its such a shame. That was the community that richard and mildred grew up in. Thank you. It was the sheriff and other people coming in and telling them that what they were doing was wrong. Joel edgerton, jeff nichols, a really important film. And i think its about today. Yes. Big surprise. When i return, tonights edition of trump watch. Youre here to buy a used car, truck, suv. Thats smart. Truecar can help. Its great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. Its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. So, no matter what youre looking for. There it is. This is how buying a used car should be. This is truecar. They are the natural borns enemy of the way things are. Yes, ideas are scary, and messy and fragile. But under the proper care, they become something beautiful. Weand sustainability goals asool one of our top priorities. Mental i definitely rely on pg e to be an energy advisor. Anything from rebates, to how can we be more efficient . Pg e has a number of programs, to help schools save on energy. When i see a program that fits them, then i bring it to them. With the help of pg e weve been able to save a tremendous amount of energy and a tremendous amount of money. Were able to take those savings and invest it right back into the classroom. Together, were building a better california. Trump watch november 18th, 2016. This is a key time for donald trump and those keeping guard on him as well. Hes poking around in the dark trying to figure out where he is and where he can go. This makes it a history can time to tell him what he can and cannot do. The United States government even for a president elect is an opportunity for leadership and national service. What it is not is an acquisition. It is not something donald trump is taking ownership of. However much he depends on his soninlaw to make decisions, the law is clear. A federal official cannot hire his soninlaw. Trump can either respect this law or not respect it. Theres no middle ground. What gives reason to hope what could be negotiated, what we should stop him in his tracks from doing. If he hires his soninlaw these thumbing his nose at a law. Because it prevents the hiring of someone whose loyalty is not to the government or the people of the United States but to his fatherinlaw. In this case the only one that would likely award him such a high entrusted post. I can see why dt did wants his soninlaw working with him because he trusts both his judgment and loyalty. But the law is the law. We need our president to obey it. We need to let him know he has to. Thats hardball. Up next, all in with Steve Kornacki hosting for chris hayes. Tonight on all in. Id get the best people and well do the right thing. Trump starts naming his best people. Like alabama senator Jeff Sessions, a lightning rod choice for attorney general. Nobody is perfect. We cant have everything, can we, mr. Trump . Plus steve bannon breaks his silence. Why trumps new white house Senior Adviser says darkness is good. Breaking news from the Trump University fraud lawsuit. And what a difference an election makes. Mitt let us down. He let us down. Mr. Trump is a con man, a fake

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