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Join us tomorrow for the hoosiers state election day coverage. Until then, im not going to cry anymore but i will say sigh narcotbye. Hardball with Chris Matthews is next. The hoosiers bring closure. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. The stop Trump Movement is on the verge of collapse. Ted cruz and john kasich formed an alliance and hoped to set up a roadblock in indiana tomorrow. Polls show the new york businessmen to sweep the state. The latest nbc news wall street journal poll of likely Republican Voters shows trump with a 15point lead over cruz in indiana. Thats tomorrow. Cruz is increasingly desperate, of course. Last week we rushed out the running mate selection and yesterday warned indiana voters to quote not give into evil. Well, there was a Campaign Stop today when cruz walked over to a group of Trump Supporters well defined and identified as Trump Supporters and tried winning them over. Lets watch this event. Im running to be everyones president. Those who vote for me we dont want you. Well, youre entitled to your view do the math. Do the math asked kasich to drop out. Its your turn. You are the problem. You are the problem politician. Politician after owl of the candidates, name one that had a Million Dollar judgment against him for hiring illegal immigrants. Name one. Selffunded. Thats right. Okay. So you like not you. Where is your Goldman Sachs jacket at . We know your wife works there. Youll find out tomorrow. Indiana dont want you. Sir, youre entitled yes, we do sir, america is a better country. Without you. Thank you for those kind sentiments. Let me point out ive treated you respectfully the entire time, and a question that everyone here should ask are you canadian . There was like this afternoon trump praised proptester, lets watch trump now. He actually said how is your loan doing at Goldman Sachs. Thats cool. Whoever he is, he was cool. Him and his friends because they are not going to be buffaloed by lies. Well, trump also mocked ted cruz for dpfailing to come to t aid of Carly Fiorian slipped off the stage introducing her. Trump called it weird cruz didnt do anything to help. He picks carly. Carly is perfectly nice. By the way, she fell off the stage the other day. Did anybody see that . Cruz didnt do anything. Even i would have helped her, okay . I said wow, thats really cruel. She went down. She went down a long way, right . She went down right in front of him and he was talking, kept talking. He didnt even look like that was a weird deal. Andrew sullivan is a contributing editor just out cover story for the magazine warns trump is an extinction level event in american democracy and susan paige and Jeremy Peters reporter for the New York Times. Jeremy, i loved your piece today, top right hand, the top piece of the day, right . I thought it was good because it said something is basically happened, which is all the talk of a stop Trump Movement based upon the id cruz would be the last man standing there is dynamic. When you get to be the last man, the other people and the front runner is just in galloping speed by then and losing support every hour. It also should mean people want to vote for you and thats been ted cruz problem all along and thats the problem with the never Trump Movement. Its never trump and then okay, so who do we vote for . Fall income wind behind ted cruz is very difficult for a lot of these republicans because hes not a palatable alternatives. Do any candidates, did any of the candidates exhibit any kind of charisma opposing trump for the nomination . Susan . No, no. Never just an accident. He was up against some of the dullest, dullest politicians ever. He is, of course, he is pretty exciting. I mean, hes pretty dynamic and proved himself trump, trump. Nobody else. I actually think is republicans are saying hes going to get nominated. Lets make the best of it. Some republicans are trying to think beyond after trump what happens to the party. Thats what cruz is about to think. You dont want to play this game. Im getting a strong look. Im not. Just looking at you. Theres this thing called politics and you have to have charisma. Is any guy capable of thinking up a joke on the occasion, say something whitty and interesting even ever. Trump at least is a stand up guy. I dont have to like him or support him but hes a show and the other guys arent a show. Youre right. Were not covering a general election. Were covering reality can i actually finish my sentence. Only after you get me right. Were covering elections and voters are voting for this guy. Sit a tv reality show. Thats how youre presenting it and thats what were looking at who will win wind wiindiana, show . Trump changed the rules. Okay. All these president ial debates turned out to be Television Reality show episodes. Have they ever not been . Yeah, they have. Okay. When they actually had deliberation, arguments back and forth hasnt put forward a single sane argument because hes been able to completely change the rules of the game. This is entertainment now. Every fun he can have, every joke he has okay. Meanwhile, hes platformed. I guess i missed most of American History because i remember Ronald Reagan debating there you go again and flattening with that line. That was one line in the debate. Hes only got one line. How about wheres the beef to gary that knocked him out . There is a lot of though yaceat this business . There is. You think people vote for him because they are entertained by him . No, because of the message. Because think are frustrated. Whats his message . His message is there are people to blame for your plyte. Who are they . China is raping us. Mexican immigrants, undocumented immigrants are the reason for your problems. We got to actually round up and deport 11 million of them. Okay. And muslims are your problem. Thats what well lets who has beenfe effective in protecting American Manufacturing base . There is more been disappearing. Carriers leaving now. Manufacturing output in this country is the highest it has ever been. The question is not about manufacturing. Productivity not jobs. Not jobs. Thats what people care about. I know they care about. And they are disappearing. They have been to some extend, yes. Who is responsible . The trade is responsible. Thats what trump says. Trumps solution is what . Politician is serious about stopping illegal immigration, name one. I think name one. I think besides trump. I dont know anybody. I know a few. Lindsey graham, Chuck Schumer and late ted kennedy were serious about a comprehensive immigration bill. So is barack obama. They cant stop or build a wall. Look, the frustration explained by andrew is real. It isnttheater. A lot of people are frustrated by reality. Comprehensive liberal, anything. Nothing gets done and by the way, boehner is a reason for it bringing up to a vote. They see nothing happening which is getting obamacare. I dont want to get rid of obamacare. They dont see their goals being erased. There is frustration and person in him. I would agree that trump not show biz. Show men in someways but the reason he succeeded is because he has a message that resonates with voters so frustrated. Hes had, you know, his reeling against trade deals for instance talking about building a wall which goes to immigration. I mean hold on a second. Building a wall its a fantasy, right . Its complete fantasy. Talking about trying to trying to do something. So youre saying his platform and propels are a mere negotiating position. What does hillary say . I dont know. Shes a useless candidate. Its demagogue, of course. Your piece accused bernie of demagogue. He is against billionaires if thats the real problem. We have a difficult shifting global economy, in which, by the way, the United States is doing better than any other country on the planet and yes, there are winners and losers. The growth rates. No one else is doing as well as the United States and manufacturing were more ambitious on the rest of the world. And doing better than anybody else. Trump can write the history books this year and wont write down hes a great entertainer from the apprentice. You can call it anything you want to call it. Names dont mean much now. It appeals to something about national spirit, the country feels frustrated and the jobs are going away because the government isnt fighting for them. This is in the public rhetoric today. Im not making it up. Its working. A lot is disingenuous. Donald trump takes a lot of money what about the democrats . Politicians say stuff all the time with high b. S. Quality. Raising minimum wage is a lot to do. They dont demonize sections and decembiscriminate religion. Thats different no, he does them both like any reality television, which is what he is live tv. We dont use that word here. He has a message but his style here is the point. So what is he . A comedian, a side show, or hes a dangerous fastous. Hes leaving the rest of us in the dust. And its terrifying to watch. Okay. Susan . You heard that voice, what youve hearing . There are people who agree with you who see him as a dangerous character but he tapped into something that resonated what the 16ther candidates didnt understand and im not sure other democrats understand it, either. It goes to real frustrations with a White American especially white men that feel like they have been dumped. Has a lot to do with the sense of country. He talks about the country, government society. Bernie has a piece about society but i think well try to figure it out. By the way, we all get to vote in november. You do, too. Welcome. Nice to have you aboard. Immigrant from a great country, as well. Not as great. Susan paige, thank you. This is a live show, you know, but you have to be nice about the words we use. I apologize for that. Weve seen how donald trump is attacking Hillary Clinton. Its clintons turn and shes going right for trump. His juggler reminding voters that trump led that old Birther Movement against president obama. Remember that one . Thats ahead. Plus the obama legacy. The president doesnt get credit for rebuilding the american economy because they spent eight years denying progress has been made. We touched on that tonight and the highest ranking conservative admits voter i. D. , the voter i. D. Laws are ones republicans are pushing across the country. The partners of the laws is to elect more republicans. Jim admitted it finally and finally, the hardball round table will tell me something i dont know. Recently republicans admit they do this to keep people from voting. This is hardball the place for politics. Intuitive. With the pressure of my hand i can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. Ive been a forensic artist for over 30 years. I do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. You need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. I do this because i want my artwork to help people. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing its appearing Hillary Clinton will faceoff against donald trump. According to a new poll, the two likely nominees are clocked in a close race in the all important state of ohio. Lets check out the scoreboard. Clinton holding a slight advantage over trump 45 to 42 . Thats within the polls margin of error. 1960 was the last year the candidate of ohio lost the presidency. Well befo right back. Breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Welcome back to hardball. The general election fight is being sharpened. Things got heated between the two after trump tweeted crooked Hillary Clinton perhaps the most dishonest person to run for presidency and great enablers. Clinton reacted in an interview with cnns jake tapper. You know, remember, i have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they believe and how they speak. Im not going to deal with their temper tantrums or bullying or their efforts to provoke me. He can say whatever he wants. Here is what trump had to say about that. She said im used the word. Certain word. Off the reservation. I said to myself, thats a horrible expression. If i would have used that expression maybe in the opposite form, it would have been a front page story. Thats a very demeaning remark. Demeaning remark to me. Thats interesting. Last night clinton previewed general election attacks on trump proving shes ready to take him on by reminding voters of Donald Trumps public record. The leading republican contender is the man who led the insidious Birther Movement to discredit the president s citizenship and when she was asked in a National Television interview to dissupport supreme cyst supporting his campaign, he fell adecoy. We cannot let the presidency lay in Donald Trumps hands. Clinton is referring to trumps 2011 crusade to release president obamas official birth s certificate out of hawaii. I was just informed while on the helicopter that our president has finally released a birth certificate. Id want to look at it but i hope its true. Im honored to played such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue. Now, we have to look at it. We have to see is it real . Is it proper . Whats on it . But i hope it checks out beautifully. Im joined right now by minnesota democratic senator and clinton supporter. You know, i dont know what to say but he hasnt talked about that birther thing. If anybody of sound mind and body thought about what hes saying is a white woman from kansas married a guy from kenya and then went over to kenya and had the baby and then pretended she was having the baby in hawaii and had the birth certificates faked and hospital and the newspaper accounts fake so she could make him president some day, this woman wanted her son to be president so marries a guy with Barack Hussain obama. Whatever your philosophy is, its the craziest, craziest Conspiracy Theory ever. And he sold it for, what, years . Yeah. He did. Thats the journey through his mind and i have to say, look at how he did this effectively throughout the republican pro primary. Low energy, little marco rubio. The names, blaming, finger pointing. Big ears. You know what shes doing . Hillary clinton is doing and started it no better place than indiana on sunday. Shes going to hit back and shes going to define him because he has been literally branding people. He hasnt been talking about issues but running a Marketing Campaign and the American People deserve better. Lets talk about the argument we just had you over heard with Andrew Sullivan that says trump is a showman. A guy who used television values, of usually crazy lines like youre talking about, stick if you say it in a show biz sense and shes a good showman. Is that the reason hes winning the republican nomination . Shes a good show . We know a number of policies they have been pushing, not just him but candidates arent in sync where the people of america are where you look at Hillary Clinton who won, what, 3 million more votes, the million more votes on the democratic or republican side. Shes been talking about the issues and differences between her and Bernie Sanders are so small compared to what were talking about with these guys. They are debating what the Percentage Rate should be on Student Loans and how we can save money for students. Some candidates are talking about getting rid of the department of education. Shes talking about her approach internationally, her qualifications. Donald trump is talking about nuclear arms in Asian Countries and building a wall and not letting muslims in this country. There is a major difference between the two parties and i think she just started laying that out last night and thats what youre going to see going forward. Obviously democrats are edagr to capitalize on the history. U. S. Senate candidate Conner Eldridge released this video tieing the opponent to trumps behavior. Watch this. She ate like a pig. Id like her right in that fat ugly face of hers. He once sent her a picture with the words the face of a do dog. The boob job is terrible. Looks like two in the body. Treat women with respect. You know, weve heard that. Dismay like everybody else because i never thought about that behavior. It is public. Look at the latest numbers from ohio. Hes in a race with hillary neck and neck. Thats a wonderfully state. We know ohio is for real. Hes doing well there. Well, again, were not in the general election yet, chris. Right . That ad is running right now down in arkansas. Were not close to being able to put this stuff out here. When women hear the words about him talking about the women card. It demeans Hillary Clinton and all women that tried to get ahead, not just in politics and business and this campaign and when people have gone too far with this, see what happened in missouri and todd aiken talking about legitimate rape responded two days when think started hearing about that. That will be important not just on the economy bringing them out but also to bring these words out because i have seen this before and when people go too far and people feeling demeaning not just the candidate but demeaning all women, the women will respond that. They will not take this. What about having two women on the democratic ticket . Do you make of that . I think you know chris somebody like you on the ticket with Hillary Clinton. There is some history in the United States history here of one gender ticket like every single one of them. That the one. However, i think hillary is going to pick whoever she thinks is best. There is a lot of good names out there that she can look at and good people with good experience and im sure shell pick the most qualified person. The reason i say you is because youre enormously popular. Thank you. Thank you, chris, great to be on. Thank you. Nina turn serer is a famous sen. Here is what she said about the democratic contest. What is unfair is when i win a state by 70 of the vote, and superdelegates in that state vote for Hillary Clinton because they are part of the democratic establishment, thats unfair. Whats unfair is before i even get into the campaign, Hillary Clinton has some 4, 500, excuse me, superdelegates on her side. That is unfair. It is virtually impossible for secretary clinton to reach the majority of Convention Delegates by june 14th with pledged delegates alone. She will need superdelegates to take her over the top at the convention in philadelphia. In other words, the convention will be a contested contest. Senator, usually in a debate you agree on definitions before the debate starts but Bernie Sanders saying there is a me definition. Its a majority of pledged delegates. Can you change the definition of the campaign . In fact of may of an Election Year . Chris, i think what hes primary talking about is the fact that we still have ten contests within the United States and we have a few, you know, four others, d. C. , guam, et cetera and every voice needs to be heard and throughout this process that no one should be trying to push senator sanders out of the contest and there are more pledged delegates to earn and its not over until its over and secretary clinton has a little over 1600. And senator sanders has a little over 1300. Its not over yet. Do you think his campaigning of late is helping Hillary Clinton or anybody win the democratic having a democrat ti victory this november . I think so, chris. This is a disruption election and you have critiqued and been involved in many elections. This is like none other i agree with you on that, senator. Totally new one. In the 21st century and people are crying out on the left and right and do not want status quo politics and senator sanders is speaking to that and the debate is hopeful for the Democratic Party but helpful for america so we awaken the sleeping giants to get people to Pay Attention to the process and get involved and engaged process. Last question, yes or no was your candidate senator sanders right or wrong to give Hillary Clinton a buy on the email issue. Its was it the right decision . It was his decision so i dont want to prejudge. Ill post judge it. It was deceiving he was running as a protest candidate i know youve been saying that, chris you want to win, you take every advantage you can get. Senator sanders hes going after her on speeches and hitting her every day on the speeches. That was he is one to play tough. Im not, chris. That was his decision whether it was right or wrong. It was his. Hes the candidate but i understand where youre coming from. I agree. It was his decision and probably the wrong one. Thank you. Please keep coming on and arguing. Still ahead, legacy building. The jobless rate has fallen and stock rate up double and the deficit is down so why isnt barack obama getting more credit . Why isnt he getting more respect . Ill speak with a reporter that sat down with this top pick coming up next. This is hardball the place for politics. So we know how to cover almost anything. Even a ufh2o. [man] thats not good. [pilot] thats not good. [man] thats really not good. [burke] it happened august fourteenth,2008, and covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum psst. Hey. Where you going . Weve got that thing you know. Diarrhea . Abdominal pain . But we said wed be there. Woap, who makes the decisions around here . Its me. Dont think ill make it. Stomach again. 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A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Here we are. My eighth and final appearance at this unique event. And i am excited. If this material works well, im going to use it at Goldman Sachs next year. [ laughter ] does anybody look as good in a tux . He obviously has a valet. Pocket is square, everything is right. That is president obama joking about leaving the office at the white house dinner on saturday night. A big night for him. It was a chance to poke fun at the legacy and candidates that hope to succeed him. Here is how the president accounted for rising approval rating over the last couple months. In my final year, my Approval Ratings keep going up. Here is the thing. I havent really done anything differently. So its odd. Even my age cant explain the rising poll numbers. What has changed . Nobody can figure it out. [ laughter ] those are the pictures they showed in the room at the hotel. No time to tell how the obama legacy ranks but as hillary g clinton pointed out, his legacy will be shaped by whoever follows him into the white house next year. Once again, here is clinton yesterday. We cannot let Barack Obamas legacy fall into Donald Trumps hands. We cant let all the hard work and progress weve achieved over the last 7. 5 years be torn away. Well, president obama recently smoke with andrew of the New York Times about why he doesnt get credit. How people feel about the economy obama told me, giving one part of his own theory is influenced by what they hear and he went on and if you have a Political Party in this case the republicans that denies any progress and is constantly channelling to the base that things are terrible all the time, that people start absorbing that. Im joined by the author andrew ross of the New York Times and on cnbc and cocreator of billions of fascinating show on show time. Andrew, thanks for joining us. Thanks, chris. Lets get to the political part. Ive heard him say this before about the power of television and negative advertising. He once said to me or some of us that the reason obama care had a hard Time Starting is you had 200 million in negative advertising thrown at it. Does he believe repetition oh, yeah. Big lie if you want to get really brutal about it has power . Absolutely. He believes we have heard over and over again that the country is going to hell. Weve been told this from frankly both Political Parties and has he said you absorb it. If you look at polls, system of the best off folks in america, people making 250,000 and more, if you ask them how the country is doing, they purely on the poll will tell you its worse frankly than people at lower tiers. So there is no question that the message is a big piece of this. Well, lets start at the top. Donald trump. He is a rich guy. People think he knows the economy because he made a lot of money and they think he knows what hes talking about. He does find those iconic things like the loss of carrier to mexico dropping perfectly for him to say weve got to keep these highly skilled jobs in this country not third world jobs, if you will, the jobs you can figure anybody can do with training or require skill and training and pay pretty well. They are the jobs we have to keep, i think and thats the kind of thing i think hurts peoples feelings about the future. First of all, donald trump will tell you repeatedly were a third world nation which of course, we are not. Of course. And he says that on the stump regul regularly. More importantly, there is very much truth to the fact that our people in this country that are hurting, thats absolutely true but when youre going to measure this mans legacy, when i say this man, president obamas legacy to whatever degree you think can a president can control or phone line wednesdin to do it on a relative basis. You have to say where we were when this started . Did it look like when we were about to go off the cliff and where are we now. Not only are we at 5 unemployment and at one point were at 10 unemployment. We created all sorts of jobs and even though it may not feel like that all the time and i know theres a lot of people out there that will watch this and say are you crazy . This country is going to hell and wages are absolute issue but on a relative basis to where we could have been and i know its a counter factual but the hypothetical counter factual which the president fe will effectively always be playing against to get the country off the gurney and now in rehab but people dont like that and its hard to measure that on a relative basis. Okay. As i said, youre one of the cr creators of the hit show billions. And his relationship with the crusaders played brilliantly. Here is a clip. Out there you guys always talk so tough but you always end up in here. Why is that . Because he knows hes a crook. Innocent people will never take a hit like that. Beyond the pail, my client you got me, roj. 1. 9 billion is going to hurt but not like a shark bite. Its more like a, what, bee sting. Bee sting. No. That hurts. More like a horsefly. One of those little green horseflies. A nasty nip. No, more like an ant, red ant. Stings for a minute but doesnt ruin the picnic. Are they as smart as businessmen they have to watch . I would argue they are. They have to play with a sense of gray at a time when so many have this very Black And White view of this but when you get inside the room, of course, you feel the vision gets more blurry. Wow. Anyway, sophisticated gentleman that covers wall street. Thank you. Up next, here they go again. Voter id laws help. Big surprise. We always thought that. The top guy is admitting it. We had a couple pennsylvania guys do it already. The round table will look at the block the vote efforts. Could they have an effect in 2016 . They got to. That makes older people andment ises minorities unable to vote. Youre watching hardball the place for politics. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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Candidates tell us every vote counts you heard that a lot. Tough new voter id laws make it harder for some voters to cast a ballot. During an interview on friday, however, former South Carolina senator jim headed the Heritage Foundation very conservative group says the republicans are reaping the benefits of photo voter id laws. Here they are. Its something were working on all over the country because in the states where they do have voter id laws, youve seen actually elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates. Well, according to the New York Times and ballot media since 2006, 33 states have enacted voter id laws. Just since 2006. Thats the new thing. We never had it before. Texas is one of the stoates. Ted cruz joined four restrictions that allow voters to use gun licenses as identification at polling locations but wont accept student ids or id issued by reservation arauthorities. Tougher for minorities to get votes to count. Joining me the hardball round table and washington burro chief and francisco chambers and former federal prosecutor. Paul, thank you for joining us. Head this i mean, its so flagrant. We had a couple guys up there that just said it. We did this to beat obama to beat the democrats. These guys are accidently telling the truth because the purpose is to prevent voter fraud. Guess what . We have a lot of problems in the country. Voter fraud is not one of them. The effect the voter id laws have voters especially strict laws like texas where you need s certain kinds of photo ids suppress the voting. People of color, elderly. Explain that. Why people of color . About 14 of all americans dont have the appropriate ids but when it comes to people of color who are disproportion anytimely poor and have things like drivers license. Like a car. So they know that and thats why, you know, the thing chris is is not only the people who have the ids, people concerned they might get turned away so they dont even show up. So there is no way of knowing it scares me. David, initially we lived in the old part of philadelphia. My grandparents until my grandfather got one at 65 didnt have a car. You didnt use a car. You took the subway. Walked to church. Walked to the store. Nowhere to park. They had to put the trash cans when we visited to keep a spot. People that live in philly or chicago, people dont drive everywhere in new york. Urban environments and poor environments and parking is 30 a night sometimes. Urban environments, you have fewer drivers licenses is a fact. This is part of a bigger trend. The republicans on the wrong side of the demographic shifts they know what they are doing. The only way to maintain is playing with voting rules. They do the same thing with early voting and same thing about not funding places. Alternative, reaching a program and nminorities or scre them out of voting. You raised the flag. We raised the flag. I never heard a republican raise the flag and say stop cheating. Our party should be the party of lyndon. In 33 states were talking about with voter id laws, it seems to be realistically the only way we can get those turned around would be through the state legislature pasting laws that overturn them or have to go through the courts so for the time being, the situation would be that if youre an out reach group, you are a group that reaches out to minorities and you want those people to vote for can tadidates and issues mag them aware of the fact they need a photo id. Good grass roots work. If you look at a map here, its the same as the party map of the United States. The states that havent done this screwed people out of voting are the democratic states. It just is. So thats what is going on. The round table is staying with us and up next, local political people should be teaching people how to get licenses and thats one thing weve lost with the political machines that have become faded out. Well be back. This is hardball the place for politics. Its how well you mow fast. Its not how fast you mow, its how well you mow fast. Its not how fast you mow, its how well you mow fast. Its how well you mow fast . Its how well you mow fast. Even if it doesnt catch on, doesnt mean its t true. The John Deere Ztrak z535m with our reengineered deck to mow faster better. To find out more about the accel deep mower deck, go to johndeere. Com mowwellfast Customer Service d. Maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based Customer Service. Here to help, not to sell. Unless you have allergies. 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A big fight coming up in california between trump and cruz. It may not matter but whats going on happen is its going to continue to destroy the Republican Party of california. 87 of latinos in california have a negative impression of donald trump. So in if he gets all this attention its going to make it even harder for the Republican Party which is in tatters in california. Especially if he wins the primary. Francesca. We know donald trump has been saying Hillary Clinton only has one thing going for her and thats the woman card. She has seized on that ask started giving woman cards to her donors. She raised 2. 4 million off of that woman card effort at the end of last thing. Shes on to something. Barack obama is cool with hiphop, edgy racial humor. At the white house correspondents dinner, Larry Wilmore called him the n word affectionately. The president was fine with that. He even made a joke about cp time, colors persons time. Theres a concept africanamericans can say things white people arent allowed to say. The president s cool with that. Hes the Richard Pryor or Dave Chappelle of president s. Wow. A politically anthropological development in our society. Anyway, i was surprised he liked it. Ive heard different thoughts. Thank you for joining us. Hardball back after this. Ahh. Cigna customers have plan choices and tools to take control. So theyre more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs. Take control of your health at cigna dot com slash take control. Its like a multipurpose piece of equipment for me. The fact that you can travel with it as a laptop and use it as a drawing tool, its the only one i need. People are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. 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These days Politicians Face nasty critics but in a movie titled the congressman, a lawmaker from maine is caught on video by one failing to stand, simply failing to stand and recite the daily pledge of allegiance on the floor of the house. Heres what happens next. Congressman, is it true you dissed the plooenedge of allegi . Did you say dissed . Did you diss the pledge . Do you know who wrote the pledge of allegiance . Founding fathers . No. And it wasnt etched on the tablets moses brought down from mt. Sinai either. The pledge of allegiance was written by a National Socialist by the name of the francis bellnew who believed the government should take over the schools. He ordained the pledge should be recited while all american schoolchildren stood and gave the socalled bellamy salute. Have you ever seen the bellamy salute . No . Here it is. Cooler heads prevailed and that part of the pledge was dropped after hitler declared war on us. Of course the incident snowballs in the movie, the congressman retreats to maine where he starts to answer the question of what it means to be a real american. The films writer, codirector, and former congressman for new york, robert mrazek. I thought it was the greatest portrayal of a reallife congressman. Tell me what inspired you to do the whole thing about americanism and what it really is. It isnt nationalism, about my country right or wrong, its about . We live in very cynical times, chris. And people have begun to question the bedrock values of this nation. Honor, sacrifice, courage vr we have people questioning whether john mccain was a war hero, after he was shot down over hanoi and imprisoned and tortured for five years in hanoi hilton. Our movie is a movie about hope, its about redemption, its about second chances. Its a throwback, i guess, like me in some respects. In that, you know, its not bleak. Its not cynical. There are a lot of bleak and cynical movies out there. Our movie is about the transition of a man who happens to be a congressman at a certain point in his life. And facing the real question of what it means to be an american. Its freedom and you have i know you wrote it. Ill praise you for it. That speech at the end is amazing. It talks about, dont get me for not absoluting, giving the pledge of allegiance, that esa ritual. I know what this countrys really about and one of the things its about is not having to do that, ironically. And the audience gets it. I hope so. I think so. Weve gotten enough feedback from audiences that they have appreciated the fact that even though the pledge of allegiance has good words in it, and were not quarreling with those words, about dont need to recite them every morning to prove we love our country. Let me sell the movie. The truth of it all. First of all the sleazy staff history has no loyalty to the boss, basically screws him. Because hes so ambitious to get the guys job. The former type member, the lobbyist on capitol hill, always the perfect tan, trying to get young people to be sa deuced to his corruption. Youve got all of that. And you have the media exploiting this guy and making him into a nazi because he was honest enough to explain the derivation of the pledge and all that went with it. Yeah, i mean the young reporter looked like she could not wait to get on the air with that. Right, exactly. She thought shed gone to heaven. Robert mrazek, great guy. Youve got to see this movie. Mr. Smith goes to washington, this is the sequel. Thats hardball for now. Tomorrow ill join brian

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